Our thirteenth annual 'stepping back' poll: can this group of shameless enablers help each other not buy perfume? Let's find out.
Name a perfume you've been itching to buy but suspect you might not need, and tell us why you think it might not really be a good use of your money. Maybe everyone will talk you out of it. Or, maybe not so much.
If you participated in this poll last year, tell us if you ended up buying the fragrance anyway!
Or, as always, just talk about something else.
Note: image is Crater Lake [cropped] by aspearing at flickr; some rights reserved.
Luckyscent is having a free shipping promo this weekend. Naturally, I had to bite. Ordered 3 samples and one of Andy Tauer’s soaps, even though I am trying to use up samples. The code is Weekend.
I have been itching to buy the Gris Charnel extrait but just can’t do it right now.
Even though I am working today, I am wearing Gris Charnel edp today.
I saw that! I could just drive on over since their stores reopened.
But no, I have to agonize.
You enjoy your your fragrance today at work.
Thank you for this Dawn! I ordered 4 samples from 4160Tuesdays, Tom Ford and Simone Andreoli.
Good morning! I’m wafting Dipped in Chocolate from my pre-work spritz yesterday. Excellent longevity with this one. I don’t need anyone to talk me off the ledge since it’s a sold out limited edition, so I’m SOL. Plus, I’ve convinced myself (good job, self!😌) that Ummagumma and Amour de Cacao fill this particular niche. I will very much enjoy my decant while it lasts. There’s something that skirts along the edge of this perfume that occasionally makes me pause and try to pinpoint what exactly is happening as the it wears throughout the day. It’s almost like a little sparkle or twinkle you catch in your peripheral field of vision, but when you turn your eye to focus on it directly, it disappears. ✨I find it very internally engaging to wear.
Just finished three in a row and I’m ☠️. I thought today was going to be quitting day when I walked out to my truck this morning and saw a big red sticker that said I was parked illegally, get lost, or get booted and/or towed. After the past thee nights, I’m like “Go ahead, tow me, I’m just going to be napping while you’re busy with that. Let me know when we get there.” 😴
We-e-e-ell, I got an email from IA yesterday saying Dipped had been restocked. 👀
Ha ha ha ha
You’re truly E-VIL!
I saw that too. It smells sooo good.
SheriG, you hate me, don’t you..? You are not following the spirit of the weekend “Stepping Back” plan, my friend! Robin, are you seeing this?! 😂
LOL — you know I adore you. 🙂
Ha, have had a busy weekend and so it’s now Sunday night and I assume you’ve already bought a bottle?!??
Resistance is NOT futile! At least so far…🙃
Oh good for you!
Oh, no, I thought that parking was one of the perks offered at your current location. Did you have to move then?
Exactly!! Anyway, dragged my resisting body back into the hospital, knocked on security’s door, and talked to Frank, who said he’s the head of security. He apologized and said don’t worry about it, it was an overzealous night security guard. I could have kissed him, I was so relieved and tired. 🙃
Oh, good. I’m relieved to hear this. Can only imagine how pleased you were.
Hey just go ahead with the kiss. 😉
Like adanst said, I thought you have the parking situation resolved!
Yep, see 👆🏼…
Very happy to hear that your parking situation was OK after all!
Thanks! I hope you’re able to thaw out a bit today. We’re not as cold as you, but tonight it’s supposed to be 9F. 🥶
Predicted low temp here is minus 9. 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶
Good morning! I just got back from the farmers market and decided to try out a Hermès lipstick I bought a while ago. Honestly, I think Revlon does a better job—I’m already regretting the splurge!
SOTD a few drops of Shalimar
Not sure if some of you can believe this, but today my youngest is 9.
I think I will have to be talked out of blind buying the Tresor Nuit vanille flanker (the one Robin posted about a few days ago) I just really like the bottle (how beautiful it would like on my vanity) and the notes don’t sound all that bad either. I don’t see it on any US websites, so…so far my credit card is staying put.
I’m hoping for a little good luck this year as I work toward one of my big goals: getting back in the saddle—literally! Riding used to be such a meaningful part of my life, but with the years flying by and my youngest now at an age where I can carve out some time, I’ve realized just how much I’ve been missing it. I’ve applied to a riding academy and had a conversation with the trainer. He only takes a small number of students, so there’s a chance I might not get in, but I’m holding onto hope. Fingers crossed that this is the start of rediscovering something I love so much!
I think that’s wonderful that you’re aiming to do that! Hope it works out! Now you’ll be getting more serious about scents with horse notes, right? I have one for you! Yesterday, nancyleandros and I went sniffing at the Galleria and we were both quite impressed by Crivelli’s rather humorously named Stallion Oud! You must check it out sometime!
I looked up the notes and they are interesting. Did you try it on skin? Was it masculine leaning?
Yes, both nancyleandros and I tried it on skin, and we both really liked it. It was maybe a bit masculine but not really, and had some floral elements that were quite light and pretty, not just some stinky oud-leather mix. Try it if you find it somewhere.
Good luck, hope you get in the group! 🧲
Thank you 🙂
That Tresor Nu it bottle is gorgeous. Not enabling, just stating a fact.
Yes, it is beautiful.
Yes..I haven’t even smell the original or any of the flankers but…
I remember when this baby came home!
Yes! I was thinking some of you may remember that
Me too!
I remember the arrival of both your kiddos.
Shalimar twins, you smell wonderful. I do hope you get in the riding school! Regarding the Nuit Vanille, I also love the bottle and I am sure I’d enjoy wearing it. But I had a feeling that it *could* show up on FragranceNet. Maybe you will agree, and then you can wait for the big 40% off.
Me too Moss Berry, I think the odds I get in are low, but I am still optimistic. I recognize that my body is not in the same shape the last time I rode, and so far this year I am working on strengthening my quads etc etc.
Ah, so these bottles end up there. I will go check there and have a peak at the other bottles 😊
I so hope you get into the class. The riding lessons of my childhood were such a rewarding and formative experience that I wish everyone could have it. I still love just being around horses; my sister has a couple and one of them is young enough to want to learn about the world by putting everything in his mouth. So my hair, my jacket and my mug of tea have been sampled. He was rescued off a kill truck and it is especially gratifying to see him happy, curious and friendly, if a little bratty at times.
I have enough. I really do. I hardly ever even think about buying scents any more, although occasionally I daydream about vintage scents I’d like to own (and look at them online, but never pull the trigger).
Today I’m in Caron Coup de Fouet and reveling in all that spicy carnation.
Vintage perfume can be stupid expensive depending on what you are looking for. Even I don’t go buying perfume like I used to.
OOOOH – you smell terrific! I have a bottle of this and hardly wear it cause I know I can’t replace it. I have the wrong attitude: these things are meant to be enjoyed and worn. I even have an ounce of Poivre.
Planned on wearing something else today, but accidentally picked up Shalimar MI. Oh, well that works too. My husband and I have to go to a funeral this afternoon and I didn’t want to wear anything too strong. I think this scent will be appropriate.
I am not itching for anything unless someone can recommend a good citrus perfume I must have for this summer. I am already looking ahead🤣 The bitter cold is getting to me this weekend so I have to think about warmth.
I love, as do many on this blog, Azemour Les Orangers, by Perfume d’Empire.
I know a lot of people like Azemour Les Orangers. I have tried it and may need to try again. I wasn’t wowed by it, but that was years ago.
I discovered a little decant of Chanel Gabrielle recently in my stash and it’s a bright, pretty citrus. I could see looking for a bigger decant or partial bottle for summer.
Yes, that is nice. I have had that before.
Some of the AA by Guerlain have nice citrus notes for summer
I noticed they did have a few in the AA collection. Thanks.
Yes, nancyleandros tried the Mandarin Basilic AA yesterday and it was VERY juicy mandarin, with actually not much basil, at least to start with. She got them to make her a little sample and so maybe she’ll weigh in on it, but I would definitely recommend trying it. I have the AA Pampelmousse but never wear it because it gives me that dreaded B.O. note.
That sounds pretty nice, but sometimes green tea goes south on me.
Chanel Paris-Deauville would be my recommendation for a summer citrus perfume.
That is a good one.
I was going to recommend that one too.
I may have to get another bottle of it. I actually gave it away to another NSTer, but did really like it.
One of my summer stand-by fragrances is O de Lancôme. I find it great in the heat.
Hmmm. I don’t believe I have ever tried that one. Thanks.
I have it too, and I second this recommendation.
I see three or four of these you like and or have. Which is your favorite?
Thirding the O de Lancome! I liked the original much better than the 2 flankers.
One of my favorites for summer is Hermes Un Jardin sur Le Nil; it feels very refreshing.
Thanks for the recommendation. I don’t have it written down on my spreadsheet however, I believe it did not play well on my skin.
Jour d’Hermes Absolu had a lovely grapefruit topnote that played very nicely with the floral heart notes. I preferred it to the parent.
Would that work?
Thanks Jalapeno. I think I am probably going to go back to Deauville plus I have Eau des Merveilles and that is kind of citrusy as well.
Don’t blame you for wanting Deauville-Paris back in your stash!
The perfume item I’m currently coveting is Guerlain’s Flacon Sac…but at $180, plus the additional $180 one would have to spend for the refills, am not inclined to throw caution to the wind.
Pretty though, isn’t it~
My area will descend into the polar vortex tonight, so I’ve gassed up the car and stocked up on hearty lentil soup.
In Shalimar…Mexique for coziness.
It really is pretty, but yes, pricey.
Stay warm and safe.
You smell fantastic! Lentil soup is in heavy rotation here; it’s one of my favorites.
Flacon Sac was my big perfume purchase this year, and I am pretty happy about it, but I’d yearned for one ever since I saw the original 60’s iteration.
Which fragrance did you purchase?
I want to know too
I haven’t smelled the Shalimar Mexique flanker.
Wearing Lancome Mille et Une Roses. Heading out for a walk as soon as it warms up a bit.
I looked back at last year’s poll and yes, I did get the Chergui (with thanks to a lovely NST perfumista). I’m so happy to have it. And last year I mentioned that I had bought a bottle of one I was on the edge about the year before that (Mx.). Apparently, these polls help me to jump more often than step back from the edge (haha – blame the poll).
I understand you! Writing about something I want just deepens the urge 🙂 .
Twice in a row! I would blame the poll too.
I’ve been itching to buy perfumes, period. I am constantly reading perfume reviews, going to my favorite stores and testing new (to me) fragrances. Today I’ve sampled VC&A Gardenia Petale and Bois d’Iris. Both beautifully done, but I like the second one better. Still I just bought L’Attesa and I should enjoy that instead of immediately buying another iris-centered perfume. I also recently tried and liked Byredo Rose of No Man’s Land (I have so many roses already), Diptyque Olene and SMN Gelsomino.
The biggest threat for my wallet, however, is going to be Hermès boutique in Barcelona this next week. I have one set of 4 Hermessences that I love so much, and now I am thinking of getting another one (Brin de Reglisse, Cuir d’Ange, Poivre Samarcande and maybe Ambre Narguile) What are your favorite Hermessence perfumes?
I have both VC&A Bois d’Iris and Byredo Rose of No Man’s Land and love them. In my case, I have several rose and iris scents. I am not sure that you can ever have enough of either although once in a while some do seem similar to others. I have six different iris scents, but none smell quite like Bois d’Iris. That one has been a crowd pleaser and has drawn compliments.
VC&A Bois d’Iris is so beautiful 🤍One day I’m sure I’ll get it.
My favorites of the Hermessence collection are: Cuir d’Ange, Rose Ikebana, Osmanthe Yunnan. I also like Cedre Sambac and Violette Volynka. Yesterday I tried Cardamusc and oh, boy, it’s very nice, but so overpriced, in my opinion. Still, worth trying if you find yourself in a store.
Violette Volynka is one of my favorites too.
I am sure they are worth trying, thanks!
oh definitely Ambre Narguile for me. My skin eats fragrance, especially those effervescent Hermessences. In fact, Ambre Narguile seems the outlier in all that line as it’s spicy and ambery and has great longevity on me whereas so many of the others are pale watercolors. I love how the ambre interacts with the clean musk that kicks in after an hour or two. It’s unusual to see that combo, but it works great on my skin. And that was my SOTD too. The house was 55 degrees when we woke up, so that warmed me. That and the heater and the dog, who always wants pets and is 70 lbs of warm fur.
Oh it seems that you have perfect solution for cold days 🥰
Love VC&A Bois d’Iris – I think I’ll wear that tomorrow. (L’Attesa is beautiful also.)
For Hermessence, I love: Rose Ikebana, Osmanthe Yunnan, Brin de Reglisse and very small amounts of Ambre Narguile. Poivre Samarcande is really interesting. I don’t always want to wear it, but I’m glad I have part of a travel spray.
I also love Rose Ikebana and Osmanthe Yunnan, must try the other two!
I think you need to purchase Bois d’Iris for sure.
Wearing White Cube lotion and perfume today after seeing it mentioned recently by lillyjo and others, plus I have been craving it. It smells so good!
I’m not seriously wanting anything at the moment, perfume wise. Just as well. My husband has had afib since we had covid in August and he had a cardiac procedure last month, plus he’s now on very pricey meds. The medical system is like a greedy octopus with every arm diving into patient’s wallets. Hope I don’t trigger you, Deva! It’s just frustrating.
Does he have traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage?
👏! Hopefully he will hit his limit soon with no further co-pays. Too bad about the afib but I hope he feels better soon unless this is lifelong.
No, the procedure to shock his heart back in to normal rhythm worked, thankfully.
Oh, PS – my Phlur vanilla hair mist arrived and it smells wonderful! My favorite kind of vanilla, not too sweet. I wore one spritz in my hair to a party last night and got two compliments, which is rarely happens.
Triggered? Who, me?! 😅
Good morning! I’ve just been looking at the forecast of freezing temperatures over huge parts of the US, so I hope all the NSTers in those places can stay safely indoors.
I haven’t bought as many FBs over the last year as I have most years, but I have bought a lot of samples from Surrender to Chance and Luckyscent. I’ve got enough perfume for at least two lifetimes, but I’m ever-curious about what else is out there.
I have ordered SL’s Baptême du Feu from a local discounter, but it’s on back order. They were very apologetic that their website was wrong and it wasn’t in stock. That’s not a bother, I don’t need another perfume with any urgency 🙂 .
Top of my list is still Manos Gerakinis Immortelle, I’ve been thinking about it for over a year. I might not need to be talked off the ledge, because I’m not sure that I can get it shipped here. That might be for the best!
Cold here but not crazy cold, although we did get snow, maybe 4 inches? Not too bad.
I join you in having enough already for 2 lifetimes!
I am not participating in the poll because my usual method of avoiding perfume purchases is to suppress thoughts about buying them — not the healthiest approach, I know.
Today, I thunked the sample of Cuir Ottoman and only later realized it contains benzoin, so I’m technically participating in next week’s CP. Can’t say I can smell the benzoin, though.
By the way, I’m planning a benzoin week, Monday through Friday. The plan is to layer two scents each day, which means I’ll get to wear 10 perfumes in one week.
Good idea about the layering. I don’t have quite as many benzoin choices as you do, but more than I thought, so I’ll join you in benzoin week 👍
Oh, I think you have more benzoin scents than you think. I found 18 scents half way looking through my wardrobe and stopped, because it was already more than I needed.
Victoria from boisdejasmin wrote an excellent article on benzoin, for anyone who needs some ideas:
Thanks for that link!
Bring on the benzoin, Glannys!
I cannot get enough!
Release the kraken!
Me either.
Wow- how did you know many of your perfumes had this note?
I keep an alphabetical list of (almost) all my perfumes. As I went through the list from the top, I checked the notes of any scent that I thought might contain benzoin. Generally speaking, benzoin has a vanilla-like, powdery sweetness. I definitely missed some perfumes – for example, I would not even suspect Cuir Ottoman.
By the way, if you still have Nin-Shar, it contains benzoin. 😊
Ok! Good to know
You’ve inspired me to plan ahead for the CP! According to Fragrantica, I’ve got at least nine perfumes with a benzoin note.
Great! Benzoin is ubiquitous. And with nine you have a lot of choice.
You inspired me to do a deep-dive as well! Thank you for the terrific idea. It’s quite a prevalent note in many scents that you wouldn’t even think of.
I found that too. I thought I may have one and found out I had at least five.
I can’t take credit for the idea – it was Robin who chose benzoin for the next week. 😊
Going to my Red Cross disaster training this afternoon!
So I will wear something quiet. Maybe just a bit of Sycamore.
Hopefully they will want me and I will leave with a clipboard and RC red vest and an assigment.
The edge stays fluid for me. I see – I want – I step back – I get a sample.
I did try JM Rose Taif on Thursday. I actually went into Sephora and there it was. I concur with Happycat888 that its a jammy rose and not much else. No coffee anywhere. A person in Whole Foods said I smelled great right after I sprayed it. It was gone after maybe two hours? Money saved.
I hope you get an assignment!
I did!
Haha I like that attitude, apsara. Fluid edge for me too. I’m not contemplating any FB purchases but I might get some Profumum Roma samples. I’m intrigued by those that contain myrrh, and there are plenty of them. I walked right past one of their stores in Rome last fall but was with my friend headed elsewhere so I couldn’t pop in, alas.
Glad to hear that you have an assignment!
Happy weekend everybody!
I started the day in Santal Majuscule and switched to Guerlain MVP after a walk and a shower.
As I wrote above, I came across Hermessence Cardamusc essence de parfum at my local Hermes shop yesterday. Although it was launched in 2018, this oil based perfume has escaped me somehow. I swatched it quite heavily on one wrist and, my goodness, what a beauty it is! I thought it elegant, refined, understated and easy to wear. Of course, this “precious” elixir comes in a 20 mL bottle with the hefty price of $440 plus tax. That brought me back to earth quickly.
Shalimar twins
That is a hefty price tag
🤑 Wow! That’s crazy..!
$440? Yikes. I can’t even.
Today I’m wearing Voyages Imaginaires La Couleur de la Nuit. I got a sample a while ago and wore it in November. I thought at the time it might be bottle-worthy, but today there is something about it that I dislike. I have talked myself out of it, and that’s fine.
That was easy foxbins!
The Polar blast is headed our way. I finished clearing snow from the front sidewalk and widened the cleared area on the driveway. It’s been above freezing for about 24 hours and the cold wind will dry off the cleared areas. Joining those on Cloud Shalimar with Millesime Jasmin.
Cloud Shalimar makes me happy.
Hope you are hunkered down in a cozy spot MossyBerry!
Thought I’d do a “twofer” today and wear something with Benzoin that also tics the haven’t-worn-this-lately box, Jaipur Pour Homme.
I don’t really need to be talked off a perfume ledge as much as I need encouragement to keep wearing fragrances I’ve neglected😊
You smell great!
Tell us more about Jaipur pour Homme.
I have the EdP version and Persolaise says:
“Jaïpur Homme (1997) had remained in pretty decent shape throughout the L’Oréal years, and it’s still wonderful: a sweet, powdery, resinous attempt to add genuine sensuality to masculine orientals. The EDP concentration is worth travelling some distance to sample.”
He also said that Jaipur is a “more hairy chested version of Chanel Boy”. I can definitely see/smell the comparison.
Interesting – thank you!
Ooh sounds enticing.
Apple and yogurt smoothie
Thank you Lillyjo for your message last night, I didn’t sleep much, so I have that slightly feverish feeling I get from lack of a good night’s sleep, hopeful for an early night.
From last year I wanted Chloe Rose Naturelle Intense and I just got it this last quarter, so I feel relatively virtuous for having waited a full year, although in the end I did get a 100ml which I didn’t want.
A one year wait?!? That is laudable self-control bravo!
Merci mon amie.
Hope you had a good night’s sleep last night Aurora. 😴🥱
Thank you Jalapeno, yes, I fell asleep pretty quickly the evening of Saturday to Sunday and woke up refreshed.
SOTD = 4160 Tuesdays London Linden EDP
Paste and florals. I need to try it again when the weather is warmer and not humid!
Taking me off the ledge? Somehow, I don’t have any on my must haves (one perfumista point off but don’t let the door hit your 🐝-hind on your way out 🤣), of course not including St. Clair Lisbon (just got the package!) and the Guerlain red bottle with snek which was a 2024 must have.
Paste?? As in, the stuff we used in kindergarten? That’s a rather odd note to include in a perfume.
Better paste than glue! Of course my nose can be broken as well 🤣.
Hey, you smell what you smell in perfumes. It’s all good!
I had a terrific time going to lunch and then sniffing at the Galleria with nancyleandros yesterday. We spent hours at Saks and then Neiman-Marcus and tried many many things and I brought home a couple dozen scent strips with various annotations. I was seeking out myrrh scents because it’s a note that is relatively new to my perfume interests, but really was not very successful at that. I hope she weighs in on what she found and tried and liked. We were very impressed with about four separate SA’s in Saks who spent considerable time with us and simply wanted to talk about perfume and notes and bottles and vintages and so on, not pushy at all. It was fun. They were more pushy and less knowledgeable at some counters in Neiman’s but a lovely young lady named Josie there helped us with Amouage and even made samples and spent a lot of time answering our questions. I now have a new lemming for a ridiculously expensive scent from their new “essences” collection, which is ones with 30% pure oils. They are $450 for 100 ml. You don’t have to talk me off this ledge because I’m not aiming to spend that kind of money at least not anytime soon! The one I loved is “Reasons,” which as a philosopher I do owe it to myself to own, right? Anyway it’s by Bernard Douchafour and is quite an odd but striking combination of notes including pepper, hazelnut, cardamom, palo Santo, and more. OMG it’s so gorgeous, very understated. I also really liked the masculine version of Portrayal, amber with violet leaves and vetiver. It kept growing on me. There is a new (to me) Jubilation, Jubilation 40, but I wasn’t wowed by it. Many of us thought they were slipping for awhile but several of their newer ones really impressed me. (And hmm, there’s someone who seems reputable selling smaller decants of Reasons, and I’ve got them on my watchlist now on Evil-bay.)
Evil bay
I hit the button before I got to type the rest..evil bay is friend and foe
You’re so right! I also found on the Amouage website that you can buy a sample set of the three scents in their new Essences collection for $50, so I’m considering that instead. But, hey, first I must check out samples on Luckyscent to take advantage of their free shipping this weekend!
I’m not really lemming anything at the moment, but i have a few on my long-term buy list.
Today I wore Yardley Iris; I might leave this one out on my tray as part of the “use it up this year” project. It can keep my bottle of Heure Exquise company. This could be a job for tomorrow since it will be cold outside; I’m sure there’s a few more I can round up.
Did you ever get the Zara Romance d’ Iris?
No.. we had a postal strike for a month. Then when it was over, I checked the website. It was somehow all sold out again.
Oh, darn!
Yes! I was pretty disappointed. I saw it compared to Chanel No. 19 edt but not sure if that is accurate. I was mostly interested if it had a strong rice note.
Phooey! I was hoping that you’d be able to get Romance d’Iris.
Me too! I’ll keep checking back periodically though. It’s not like I need anymore bottles. I have lots if iris scents but was more interested in the rice note.
Sunday’s SOTD is Chanel No. 5 parfum – and my decant is finished. Luxurious! The extrait may be gone now, but I still have the EDP and EDT.
My benzoin week begins tomorrow!
You smell beautifully modern and classic all at once!
No 5 parfum is wonderful but has gotten stupid expensive.
Sunday’s SOTD Iris Ganache
Why did Guerlain do away with this beauty?
I am hoping Guerlain does some cute Shalimar bottle (that won’t break the bank) this year.
Haven’t gotten much reading done this weekend. I think part of me is anticipating the release of the romantasy onyx storm this week and I am ready to dive into the 3rd novel in the series.
Hard to guess what Shalimar flanker they’ll do next…seems like they’ve covered most of the obvious bases?
Well, I had heard jasmine and that’s what it was, but many thought rose so maybe that will be next.
Oh, good call!
Must have wrenched my back something fierce when I worked and now after basically sleeping for 24 hours with occasional vertical episodes, it has stiffened to the point of being very painful. I need to get moving today.
There is an area with some noted petroglyphs not too far away, so my big plans are to amble around there if it’s open on a Sunday. Saw some hot air balloons again this morning as I took doggo out for a little scamper. There must some reason they are up so early in the morning all the time, but the only reason I can think of is that it generally seems to be calmer at that time of day. If anyone has any insight about that, please chime in, I’d love to know.
12F last night! Burrr! 🥶
Wearing Tauer’s lovely Au Coeur de Desert this morning. Sometimes a deep inhalation of a favorite perfume works magic on my mood. ☺️
Stunned to learn that my audiobook app has clocked me at over 2366 hours of listening and over 101 titles in the past year…😳
Sore backs are the WORST! I hope yours loosens up soon. Petroglyphs sound fascinating, I greatly envy your planned outing. Seeing the works of those who inhabited the land so long before us can be awe-inspiring.
The power of scent to affect our moods is a fascinating thing, isn’t it? Lately I’m mostly craving the soothing ones for some reason…
I’m inspired by your audiobook consumption to once more commit to spending less time looking at screens, and more time with my nose in a book—so thank you.
Never made it to the petroglyphs because I just didn’t feel well and it was too cold! Maybe today.
You have the right info about why hot air balloons launch when they do. Has to do with still air and the lack of wind. Sometimes hot air balloons can launch in the evening for the same reason.
Good to know, Thank you!
Ouch. I hope you are feeling better today.
It’s much better today, thanks!
VC&A Bois d’Iris today. It’s so beautiful – I can’t believe I don’t wear it more often. Cold here in Seattle but gorgeous blue sky. (I know it’s lots colder where many of you are.) Stay safe and warm!
You smell wonderful. I was going to wear it too, but ended up grabbing something else.
VC&A Bois d’Iris is gorgeous. And this from someone who used to strongly dislike iris.
I’m joining the Shalimar crowd today in Shalimar eau de cologne from sometime prior to 2007. I approach Shalimar with caution; I was traumatized as a young teen by a woman who had season tickets to the college theater program right in front of ours and who pickled herself in it to a suffocating degree. A lovely scent misused! So the eau de cologne, applied judiciously, is as close as I can get. And it is a beautiful thing, with benzoin!
As for being talked off the ledge—too late! As I was typing this my brand-new bottle of Ormonde Jayne Woman was delivered from fragrancenet. Not a blind buy, I ordered a sample first and gave it a couple of wearings to make sure the feeling that we were meant to be together wasn’t just due to novelty. I have read a few reviews of this scent that wax quite mystical and though I can see why, my own response to it has more to do with what I perceive as its juxtaposition of austerity against a luxuriant verdancy. It represents in scent what I love about the place our cabin is: spectacular scenic beauty comprised of lush forest growth (at least in the summer!) within a harsh and unforgiving landscape of rock and cold deep water. So there, I’ve waxed mystical or as close to lyrical as I can get about it! I hope I continue to find it as interesting as I do now, because it is a ginormous bottle; they only had one size.
Oh yes – Shalimar – a true classic with benzoin.
“Mystical forest” is what comes to mind when I think of or smell Ormonde Jayne Woman. There’s something about this perfume that seems to turn everyone into a poet. Congrats on your purchase!
I love Ormond Jayne Woman. It’s truly unique, and gets me compliments.
Tip toeing on the ledge today.
Have gone through many samples of Jardins de Misfah and have four other Une Nuit fragrances and love them all.
I might need to purchase this one.
Maybe a sale will pop up for Valentines Day.
They have a nice discovery set, but I’m talking myself off that ledge…😬
Sotd Oribe Valley of the Flowers.
I only have 2 full bottles. I was going to buy 2 more bottles of undetermined fragrance this year, but when I thought about all the people who have lost literally everything including where their jobs were here in LA, I decided that for 2025, whatever I spend on fragrance I will match 100% to LA Fire Recovery efforts. I bought 4 samples from Luckyscent on the free shipping weekend, and I’m donating that amount to WCK who have been doing amazing work feeding both evacuees and first responders.
Also signed up for IA texts. For next quarter plus my birthday, I think I’m going to buy the sample set of all their fragrances. Will donate to CalFire Fund. I’ve got to try this Memoirs of a Trespasser!
Another great one is Fox in the Flowerbed.
Thanks for the tip! Will look out for it!
Never heard of your SOTD. Please, tell more!
Great job, matching perfume spending with charitable donations! 👍
Thank you Jalapeño! It felt good and fitting for me to do $1:$1. The Oribe was a free surprise sample from Beautyhabit. Its notes: Top notes are Violet, Pomelo and Bergamot; middle notes are Peony, Bulgarian Rose and Jasmine; base notes are Musk, Sandalwood and Amber. On my skin, the peony was quite pronounced. Normally my skin absorbs scent quickly and I need to reapply. But this one has lasted over 4 hrs before reapplying.
Appreciate the perfume review!
Tu es formidable, what a generous thing to do.
Tu es trop gentille! Ça me rend paisible.
What a lovely thing to do.
Memoirs is in my top ten perfumes, and I second Fox in the Flowerbed.
Thank you! And now I’m going to have a tough time waiting for my April birthday to buy that IA Discovery set!
Let’s see if the Internet will let me post today, LOL.
It was minus 11 degrees F when I woke up this morning here. I have another day or two of letting the faucets drip, and then some much appreciated “warmer” weather is on the way.
I looked up my answers to last year’s poll, and yes, I got both perfumes that I was Jonesing for, CK Obsession (both current AND vintage) as well as a small bottle of Coco EdP.
This year, the only thing I might be keeping an eagle eye on is vintage Samsara parfum. WOW! It is stunning. The itty bitty 2mL micro mini I currently have might not be enough…
SOTD = still hanging out with Woman in Gold.
I’d enjoy hearing your opinion on the current v vintage Obsession! And stay roasty toasty as we say in my family -that’s cold weather you’ve got.
Vintage Obsession is deeper, richer, and surprisingly more unisex than the current version, which has a slight masculine edge to me. The current is still a respectable formulation, IMO.
Oh, and don’t wear any light-colored clothes with either version of Obsession.
Our high tomorrow is supposed to be minus 1 so they closed some of the schools or are starting late. With the wind chill it will be bitter. Looks like we will warm up by Wednesday.
Expected high temp here tomorrow is a measly 7 degrees F. Some cities here in CO are either cancelling or paring down MLK Day parades to keep folks safe.
I’ve been breaking out the BumBum Cream and the Delicia Drench Body Butter from Sol de Janeiro for my shins.
I’ve been using the BumBum Cream too. What is the Delicia Drench Body Butter like? I haven’t tried that one yet.
It’s supposedly vanilla and sandalwood. I definitely get the vanilla, something woody, and a note that reminds me of maple syrup. YMMV
The Delicia Drench is more moisturizing than the BumBum Cream.
I adore Bum Bum cream. I use it with my (totally unnecessary but I had to have it) Megababe Le Tush (have to ask Aurora if the French use that phrase at all) Clarifying Butt Mask. Using it always makes me laugh 😆 but it works!
That is chilly! Of course you smell wonderful again with Woman in Gold.
Thankfully, there really hasn’t been any wind to speak of. But I still have been bundling up when I go outside.
And Teflon kitty has been Velcro Cat in regards to my lap.
Ha for Velcro Cat! Larry the cat plasters his considerable bulk against the heat vent in the living room when he’s not wandering from lap to lap.
Teflon kitty used to hang out on the heat vents in NJ.
I really should get her another hot pad, or a heated cat bed.
Stay warm my friend. Obsession is so wonderful, I only have vintage, a partial bottle, is the modern different and good in its own right? Samsara is the only classic Guerlain I don’t have in extrait but dare I say it, it’s my least favorite of those classics.
Yes, the modern Obsession is still quite good. It’s recognizable as Obsession but definitely not the same. I wonder how well it will age?
It took me a while to warm up to Samsara. Both the EdP and EdT were blind buys. But I am so glad I got them when I did, in those lovely red bottles.
Great purchases! You’ll have to keep us posted on if you find/get some vintage Samsara parfum.
Thanks madtowngirl!
I love both versions of Obsession and this is the perfect cold weather for it. I forgot you are a fan, too 😉
Even the current Obsession lasts forever if I get it on clothes!
Busy today compressing perfume boxes so they take up less space in our guest room. In ELdO Rien which must have Benzoin. It certainly has everything else!
Excited to have a new kitchen counter and sink installed this week. This has been a slow (several year) kitchen remodel but it’s finally coming to a close😊
Rien is great stuff! And a big w00t w00t w00t to seeing the light at the end of your kitchen remodel tunnel!
My Rien buddy! W00t w00t indeed!
Congratulations on your kitchen remodel. We are just getting ready to start looking for new flooring in our kitchen and bathrooms.
Thank you! I wish you all the best in your search and hope that the process flows smoothly throughout😊
Thanks Allo!
Wow for the kitchen remodel! Some of my kitchen cabinets are currently propped up and held in place with sticks. I need start thinking about this!
I totally get it. Any work on a house, especially work that impacts daily living is daunting. Best wishes to you on the planning and implementing😊
Thanks for the encouragement!
You are SO smart to have done the remodel gradually!
Thank you, scaresbears. That’s such a nice way to see it😊 I don’t do well with big disruptions (who does?) and the incremental remodel really helped us to make better choices based on living with previous choices.
So nice that your remodel is coming together! And as always you smell great.
It’s Monday, and I’m starting the week with a pairing that probably contains the least benzoin.
Name of the layering: The Roses Cast Long Shadows
Perfumes: Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme + Jul et Mad Nin-Shar
Both fragrances center on rose, patchouli, and oud. Still, benzoin is also listed, and the sweetness in both might stem from it.
The oud is fairly light in both scents, while the jammy rose takes center stage. Rose Anonyme is lighter and brighter, but overall, this is a harmonious blend.
I love the name you gave to your pairing!
A good and thoughtful MLK day to everyone. Clara Parkes (those of you who knit may know her, especially if you spend any time over on Modern Daily Knitting) included the following quote from him in her Daily Respite email today, one with which I was not familiar:
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”
—Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’m wearing Cuir Améthyste today because it floated to the top of the benzoin list and deserves a bit more wear from me, and celebrating what would have been my mother’s 96th birthday by leaving the television off (the stupid-box, she called it), reading some of James Thurber’s short stories if I can find my copy of the book (we read them aloud to one another and laughed till we cried), and maybe baking some bread. But not salt-rising bread; the house smelled awful when she tried that one. We did a lot of laughing!
This entire post is uplifting and quite moving! Thank you scarebears!
Thank you for the MLK, Jr. quotation. I needed that today.
And what lovely ways to remember and honor your mother💕
Your happy memories of your mother are lovely.
Nice, uplifting comment! Today would have been my dad’s 90th birthday and perhaps they know each other in heaven. I have 3 siblings and we text each other to commemorate the date.
EL: Beautiful Belle perfume today, TF lippy and RL pants.
Looking at last years poll, I ended up getting a bottle of Beauty Pie Element 79 that I talked about. I think it was one of only 4 bottles that I bought last year. I sold or re-homed 5 bottles/travel sprays, so technically, I’m ahead?
I spent the weekend in White Cube after seeing it mentioned in fridays cp post. Friday was a busy day for me, had to read and run. We took down our tree, got gradtowngirl packed up and on the road, laundry and errands.
Today I’m in Vanille Insensee for back to work Monday.
Ha, I spent the weekend in White Cube too. We smelled great!
We did!😀
I’m wearing Tauer’s PHI today. Benzoin isn’t listed but I think it’s in there.
No make-up, wind blown, witchy hair, chapped lips, and Costco joggers complete the look…T-Rex is very chic in her bright orange puffer, so I will have live my fashionista life vicariously through her. 🐕
Deva, how is your back today? Better, I hope.
Much better, thank you for asking. Ibuprofen and rest to the rescue! 💊
Wondering the same thing.
Thanks, I just saw and responded to your comment above. Hope your day is quiet and peaceful. ☮️
Yes to joggers!
Just ordered dog food today. I still have a decent of dog food but with 2 Labs that eat twice a day, it goes quick and I am trying to set myself ahead. I wore vintage L’heure Bleue edc yesterday and will switch over to Diaghilev to finish that decant. I fo love Diaghilev but not enough to sink over $1,000 for it.
Easy to stay off the edge with that price!
I’m in a hefty dose of Coromandel EDT and looking forward to the rest of Benzoin week😊
Also, I just read Bruno Fazzolari’s post and learned that Papiers d’Arménie have Benzoin. Might have to burn some Benzoin this week🔥
Well, you’re smelling fabulous! I have a couple of drops of the edt left, I might save it for Friday.
Thank you, ringthing!
I’m totally not on point today as I’m finishing a sample of Heeley Poudre Blanc. It’s beautiful. I am a sucker for vanillic almondy white musk powdery heliotrope rice scents. That’s why I like Kenzo Flower and many of the flankers. No benzoin anywhere in Poudre Blanc, but I’ll start up tomorrow as I have loads of frags that feature it. Thx to Glannys was it? who posted the link to Bois de Jasmin’s blog entry on benzoin. Now I want to visit Laos and also retry Prada Candy, a scent I’d written off as too sweet, though I once had a soap of Prada Candy Floral and I really enjoyed that one.
What a lucky species we are to have been graced with Martin Luther King. I’ll be thinking of his wise words a lot these coming years.
Laos is great to visit. Have been a few times into and out of Thailand and Cambodia. And it’s a easy flight to/from Hanoi.
We especially love Luang Prabrang although it has become very popular on the SE travel route.
When I wear Volutes or Indochine, I can picture my sister and I walking down the quiet dusty streets next to the Mekong.
I need a trip.
I need the fires to stop.
I need the winds to slow on down.
Hear hear from WLA !!!
Joining you in the regular meditation on his wisdom!
Much to my surprise I liked the OG Prada Candy a LOT when it first came out. Should have probably picked it up then, since it has no doubt been reformulated. But I have a FB now.
I haven’t weighed in on the poll yet, except to tease Deva of course. I have mulled and mulled, and come up dry — not hankering for anything new just now. At the same time, I’m a teensy bit bored with my collection. Probably not a good sign, huh. Maybe it’s just the depths of winter dragging my mood down … plus, RIP Cecile Richards. 😢😭😞
She was a warrior for women, gone too soon and will be sorely missed.
Yes. way too young.
Taking Springpansy’s idea yesterday and wearing VC&A Bois d’Iris.
SheriG I feel the same about your entire post.
So many good people gone too soon.
Re bored with my collection, that’s why I luuuv The Swapmeet. You get to change it up and try new things! Thank you to Robin for hosting this twice a year exchange.
My thoughts also go out to all those freezing and battling the cold in half the country this week. Wish we could get some of that deep freeze dumped onto the fires that are still raging in the wildlands surrounding Los Angeles. We *are* getting more strong Santa Ana winds this week, alas. Stay safe everyone.
Stay safe wishes to you too, DeniseH.
Wish the Santa Ana winds would leave you all alone for a week or two.
Starting benzoin week with Arabie. I’m glad my decant is large and has held up very well over the years, love this one especially in cold weather.
Ooooooh, I have a sample of Arabie! I have more options than I thought…
Me too! When I started looking at Fragrantica, I was surprised at how many choices I would have this week. Nice that benzoin features in a lot of my winter favorites. Sadly it’s not in Obsession, your mentioning it has kicked up a craving.
SOTD is Benjoin Boheme. From the classic bottle that I am so glad I bought.
Strong winds and red flag warnings today. Fingers crossed for no fires as if I needed to say that.
That bottle was gorgeous!
And fingers crossed with you.
I’m in Prada Infusion d’Iris. It was another thunk, albeit only an 8 ml from their discovery set.
Congrats on the thunk. You are doing the CP because I was looking up perfumes with benzoin and this was one of them!
I did a bit of research, inspired by Glannys’ earlier comment of looking up benzoin on her own fragrances. I read a few articles and wrote down my scents that contains the note. It’s quite amazing how many contain it. I also watched a video that Persolaise made featuring benzoin.
If I looked up all my individual scents on Fragrantica, it would take a long time. Although this could be a good project!
Hey, any thunk is a good thunk! 😃
Thanks Jalapeno! It takes forever, just like getting through makeup. The only thing I really go through fast is lip balm.
SOTD = American Perfumer St. Clair Scents Lisbon
Very nice and a love. It smells like Chanel No.5 EDP with less heft and bits of other florals!
The cat distribution system was at it again this morning. I have sliding glass doors that lead out to a deck. Well, an orange cat 🐈 was sauntering by and sniffing around the snow-covered deck! By the time I thought to take a picture, it was gone baby gone 😞.
Adorable wee Squishmallow kitteh!
Today *should* be the last of the bitterly cold days here. It was 6 degrees F when I went outside this afternoon to clear a bit of snow off the car and see if it would start. Spoiler alert: it did. The sun was bright enough to melt some snow and/or cause it to sublimate, which is going directly from the solid form to a gas.
It did not feel like 6 degrees, for which I am thankful.
Avoided the news today. I’m thinking that will be the case for the next 4 years. Time for another news diet.
SOTD = still enjoying bK Woman in Gold.
We were saying the exact same thing!
Great minds, and all that! 😉
That waft a marvelous scent as well! 😉
Our temps are predicted to drop to zero F by morning, with a high tomorrow of 5F, then drop to -1F tomorrow night. But then things will start to moderate after that.
I can’t decide whether to entirely avoid the news or if I have some kind of obligation to be somewhat informed. If I could just get updates on things like the fires and some international news while not getting my withers wrung by well, other stuff, you know what I mean, that would be great.
Personally I’ve been stress eating like mad and not green salad either. I’m going to limit myself to 30 min national news recap each night if only for my cholesterol level and blood pressure!
Sounds like a good plan!
My primary news source is not based in the US. That helps a little. I’ve also noticed that the local TV stations in my area don’t really emphasize national news. Still going to limit my exposure, though.