It's Tuesday, Europe Day and John Brown’s birthday. (PSA: the splitmeet and the Haiku challenge are both coming up on May 20.) What fragrance are you wearing?
I am still basically commando (I just don't feel like wearing perfume yet) but I do smell good since I rubbed some Savon Stories Ottoman Rose Solid Lotion on my skin this morning. Tea at the moment is Numi Chinese Breakfast with a dash of Kusmi Violette.
Reminder: 5/12 will be Italian Designer Friday...wear a fragrance by one of the mainstream Italian fashion brands we have not covered so far...maybe Versace, Dolce & Gabbana or Armani? Zegna, Ferragamo, Fendi? (Adding later: Roberto Cavalli or Valentino or Gianfranco Ferré?) (We've already done Italian Niche, and we've done Prada and Gucci).
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2023, where I'll try (but usually fail) to have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: the teapot is from the Roberto Cavalli Azulejos collection, which I suspect is no longer in production.
I chose to wear Chamade today.
Perfect spring choice.
I am wearing vintage L’heure bleue edc layered with Baiser Volé, oddly the mix works great.
I am going to take your word for it! I would not have thought, in fact would have thought the LHB would eat the BV right up.
Good morning! I am in Chanel No. 22 EDT. I scored a vintage (non-Les Exclusifs bottle).
It’s lovely and very close to the Les Exclusifs EDP but there are some differences. I still don’t smell very well so I don’t want to definitively talk about how they vary right now, but I’ll report back sometime later.
I think I only have samples of Italian perfumes, namely Armani’s Iris Celadon and Eau de Jade (a favorite of my aunt, so it reminds me of her every time). Will have to root through the sample bin!
I am so behind on comments (I will catch up this week!) AND so distracted that I don’t know why you can’t smell, if you’re sick, hope you’re on the mend. Congrats on the score though!
No worries Robin! You have been busy and I totally understand. I am indeed recovering from a cold, it’s almost over though. I do enjoy breathing from two nostrils!
Glad that is all it is.
I bet you smell great. I love the Les Exclusifs version.
thank you! the Les Exclusifs was the one I fell in love with too ^^
Those are two of the line that I haven’t tried!
Iris Celadon is interesting! The cocoa (and patchouli?) gives it a fleshy quality. Eau de Jade is discontinued so I wouldn’t recommend getting into it just in case it’s a love.
I was so bummed that No. 22 didn’t work for me when I sampled it. Oh well, you can’t like them all!
I’ve been trying 22 since I was, well, in my early 20’s. It was always a little too sweet on my skin.
Better for your wallet too!!
No. 22 was quite challenging at the start but I kept going back to it and it just clicked one day.
Happy Teapot Tuesday!
I’m in Dirty,another contender for the thunk-bin.I think this is my own personal cp this week:get ahead of the thunking game
That teapot is just lovely.
Scarf update:they just phoned to confirm the price for the cleaning,nothing to worry about.Lol.
Phew indeed.
Yay for a boring phone call from the cleaners!
Glad there wasn’t any drama!
I am in Francesca Bianchi Sticky Lips thanks to a generous NSTer who sent me a sample during the swapmeet. I love it and I would consider a full bottle to join my collection. Unfortunately, it was a limited edition and it cannot be found anywhere. Money saved!
Busy day working outside. Back to read comments later
Happy Tuesday! ☕️
Yay for working outside (if the weather is nice). Im going to sneak outside on my lunch break for a sunshine boost.
It was enjoyable out today! Sunny, cool temps in the 60’s. It will be much warmer for the rest of the week, so no complaints! 🌞.
I hope you have a good lunchtime!
LOL at “money saved”! One less bottle to chase.
I know! Less stress and less guilty feeling! I hope it never makes a return! 😄
Another swapmeet fragrance here-the beautiful Ostara. We’re having a cold dark spring, and the strait is green and churning with white caps, but I smell like spring. Why was this discontinued?
Back to the piles of paperwork that is my Tuesday’s work 🙂
Good luck with the paperwork. At least Ostara smells like spring, even if the weather doesn’t behave like spring
I guess I an a day late with my Iris. Decided on Splendiris as I am going out for lunch with some old coworkers and didn’t want anything too overpowering.This should work😊
Hope it was a fun lunch Kris!
Wearing Love & Crime today.
Have to hunker down to get work done but first I need some damn good coffee…if only it could be with Agent Cooper. 😊 ♥️
Ha!!!! Love that video.
Agent Cooper! 😍
Agreed! 💕
I had to hold myself back from spritzing this morning due to a derm appointment. It’s my first since 2020 (and I missed that one … long story), so I’m a bit apprehensive and scent would be very helpful. Ah well. When I get home I’ll be in Santa Maria Novella Eva, which will be perfect for the very clean air we have today after a monster of a rain storm yesterday.
Good luck for the appointment.
Thanks! It went well.
I need to get back to my dermatologist. Sigh. So many things to do! My sister calls it chassis maintenance. She and I with the Irish skin and the childhood summers spent at 8000 feet have little things taken off regularly! Another appreciation for 21st century medicine.
LOLing at chassis maintenance 😂 I also have that fair Irish skin and spent many summers at lakeside, no sunscreen in sight (those were the days when baby oil was popular for sunbathing — auugghhh).
“Chassis maintenance” made me smile. Thanks for the mood lift!
Hope it goes well
It did! They were great, even though their computer network AND phone systems were both on the fritz. They remained calm and carried on perfectly.
SheriG, I don’t think I’ve ever laid my siffer on Eva. Will have to remedy that.
p.s. What’s the best way to find a good dermatologist? My experience has not been so great.
I could send you some Eva! On finding a dermatologist, what has worked for me has been a combination of word of mouth and thoroughly researching credentials. I found my first derm doc via a recommendation from my obgyn, and she was wonderful but retired several years ago and referred me to another doc with whom I never really bonded (sadly). Today was my first visit to a new-to-me practice (after an unpleasant experience with the front office of the non-bonded doc), and I tried these new folks because it’s where my mom goes and she has been complimentary about them, plus the educational backgrounds and certifications of their personnel are all very impressive. Now that I’ve got one visit over with, I find that they are welcoming, kind and friendly in addition to being very skilled and knowledgeable, so all in all I think I made a good choice.
Thanks so much, SheriG! A sample would be lovely, and I hope it didn’t come off as a fishing expedition. 😳 You can reach me at standing dawt armsakimbo in the G land of mail.
Congratulations on finding yourself a new dermatologist, and thanks for the advice! ❤️
I asked my OB-GYN for a dermatologist referral, and have been happy with who I have been seeing.
Wow, I guess this is where I should start! Thanks, Jalapeno!
Go to the derm, everybody!
I had a malignant melanoma taken off in late April and follow up surgery last week (more skin removed + lymph node biospsy). Did not even mention here because I’ve done enough moaning already, but will say go to the derm! The mole she took did not even look that weird to me at all.
Oh no! Good luck with the results, Robin. 🍀🫰🏻❤️
I am not worried, they did dna testing and my chance of recurrence is very low. Anyway, have enough else going on that it’s not foremost in my mind.
But everyone should have regular testing!
But also should have said thank you!!
Yes, of course, you have too much else going on. 😓 Still, I’m glad that your chance of recurrence is low.
Yikes, Robin, glad it was found and treated. I have a not-good family history of melanoma, so have a full skin check every year. Detection, treatment, and general awareness of skin cancers has improved by leaps and bounds in the decades since my loved ones were diagnosed.
Re: finding a good derm — I’ve lived most of my adult life in towns with either one or zero dermatologists in anything like reasonable distance. The one who was in my current town when I moved here was horrible — actually told me he saw no point in annual skin checks for me. (Did he look at me or my family history???) fortunately, he retired soon after and by some miracle was replaced by a brilliant, effective female doc who has grown the practice (now two MDs and two FNPs, all derm specialists) and who is revered by her patients, including me.
I’ll wrap by echoing Robin: go to the derm. And do what my Aussie daughter tells me: slip, slop, slap:
Glad to hear that your dermatologist appointment went well!
Wearing Italian for the CP – Acqua di Parma Bergamotto di Calabria from an adorable little sample bottle included in a generous NSTer swap.
I’ve been having fun brushing up on my horseback riding knowledge and French horse and riding related vocabulary for a day long ride in the Loire Valley this summer. Allez au galop!
Horse riding in France is the best 😍
That is so awesome!!! So happy for you.
A few years ago (covid regulations were still in place), I did a 3 hour ride in Loire valley near Saumur, with a very nice man who told me everything about the history of the area.
The water level of the Loire was low, so we did some trotting across the dry river bed. And also galop through the woods and next to the croplands
It was amazing!
That’s so cool! We are staying near Saumur and the organization is called Saumur Equipassion. Galloping through the woods sounds amazing! It’s such a unique way to see and learn about the area.
Oh I remember checking with them, ☺️ it looked like a fun and nice place. And they were close to my hotel
but they did not have room for me anymore in their schedule
So I ended up at a small but also lovely stable a 15 min car ride outside of Saumur. Cant remember the name right now though…
Good luck with the French horse vocabulary its easy.
Just make sure you can say “stop” or “wait for me” (for when something goes wrong 😉
* correction: NOT easy
French horse words are quite different imo
Especially for saddle and stuff like that
Maybe this list helps: its from a dutch site but as it also has english and german and french and spanish…
So you may be able to figure it out
Thank you, Jiji! What a helpful resource😊
What fun!
Heehaw! Have fun riding in the French manner.
Argh! That should be “Yeehaw!” IDK if that was me or Spellcheck.
Maybe it’s “Heehaw” in French? Back to studying😊
LOL, you guys!!
Prada Infusion d’Oeillet
You smell pretty.
I really should get some of that…
Wearing Gris Charnel today. I was thinking about Jubilation 25 extrait but decided against it.
Hope the Gris Charnel hit the spot Dawn 🙂
Lush Rose Jam, a thwack in the kisser with an armload of roses.
Yes it is!
SOTD = Chanel Eau Premiere
I got this in a swap a while back…it’s in a cute 40 mL but I wouldn’t swear to it.
I will wear BabyCat tomorrow when I am WFH!
I now have proof (as in published proof) that my boss is spouting a bunch of hooey regarding having to “make up” for holidays and time off (vacation, personal, sick). And of course because he thought he was clever yesterday, I can play hooky for a day next week …
In other news, I mentioned here that price increases have hit the NYC lunch counters. In an effort to cut down on the cost (hey, $5-$8 PER lunch adds up), I’ve gone back to another lunch cafe at least 2 out of 3 days. Today, I ordered a stir fry with no sauce. No sauce means no sauce, right? What did they do? A huge glob of red hot sauce was added to mine! I’m glad I saw it because it would have been inedible! They had to redo it and I don’t really care that they were unhappy about it – no sauce is no sauce!
Hajusuuri! *hugs*
1) This seems to be a season of complete beestuff regarding PTO this year, across a number of industries.
2) As of yesterday, I reduced buying lunch downtown to 1x a week. My salary is good, but not great, and lunches here have shot up to $10-$15, without a drink, and with the expectation of a tip. That’s a minimum of $1440/year for the days I am here in office!
I hear you, sister. I always buy my breakfast and lunch. I semi cut down on breakfast too with savings due to a different and now preferred way of walking to the office from NYPenn. On a given day, I could have spent $30 easy.
I think you’re smelling great today!
Thanks, KellyC!
Many hospital systems are now ending time and a half holiday pay. Just another way of chopping their employees off at the knee…Also read that a hospital somewhere in the US which has not given any employee a raise in 4 years, is celebrating “nurses week” by trolling nursing staff to donate money so they can get a $40,000 statue of Mary, Mother of God, for their lobby area. 😂
Good lord (pun kinda intended). 😖
Ack! That statue story leaves a bad taste.
For love of Mother Mary and no, I am not Roman Catholic but went to a Roman Catholic school.
Ugh- I have seen this- when here have been no cost of living raises and YET there are requests for charity or internal vanity projects.
I ended up finding a couple Valentino samples in my untested samples baggie so I’m wearing their Donna Acqua, which is a nice gourmand fruity floral. It pairs almond with pear, frangipani, jasmine, sandalwood, and hawthorn. It looks like it isn’t available any longer because bottles are fetching high prices on eBay.
I did a quick sniff of Voce Viva from my hand, and that’s a no from me. It’s now in my giveaway baggie. Fairly generic sour citrus designer stuff.
Good to hear about Donna Acqua even if it’s already gone. I thought they did a decent job with Donna.
Unfortunately, Donna Acqua gave me a small headache so I loved it to the give away pile. I haven’t smelled Donna though to compare.
SotD is L’âme Perdue
By Le Galion
But I guess thats a blessing now
At least everything here is green and in bloom.
I read this week that Spain had the driest april ever….
We’ve had a lot of rain too in the UK, but yes, everything is green and flowering.
Yeah I think UK has even worse reptutation when it comes to rain than country I live in (The Netherlands)
I’m wearing a sample of MFK Aqua Celestia Forte, so far my favorite from his Aqua Forte collection. Later this evening I’ll put on a spritz of En Passant.
Eau de Soleil Blanc for me for a sunny day…love my Colorado mountains but miss the beach today.
Smelling great KellyC!
How have you been?
Hey, lillyjo! Been well, just lazy about posting lol. But all is pretty good. You?
Missing those Colorado mountains!
I never tire of them!
Hi Kelly!
Hey, Gail! 👋👋
Essential Perfumes Rose Magnetic from a 12oz spray I got earlier this year. Have been getting more into rose scents lately, and I prefer fresh, dewy, slightly lemony, vaguely fruity roses. This ticks all the boxes with an amber base.
Tried Aerin Wild Geranium when i was at the outlet mall over the weekend and really liked it. So bought a purse spray.
I am going a little nutty lately with the purchase button, so going to have a disclosure to Donatella in July. No regrets, but I didn’t buy perfume often for a few years and all of a sudden I’m all “buy! buy! buy!” It must be the sunshine.
It’s so nice when you like something and there’s a purse spray available!
Robin, I am glad your memorial went well and it brought some laughter.
I was sorry to have missed the book lists until today but will read through them now. I have read a lot of books recently but two stood above the others.
The first is Cuddy by Benjamin Myers, a novel that spans 1000 years and is centred around St Cuthbert ( Lindisfarne, north England) , the construction of Durham cathedral where his remains were taken, and the lives of those connected through later scholarship of the cathedral. An incredible span of history …will appeal to Hilary Mantel, A. S Byatt readers..very readable.
My second book is Irish, a kind of fragmentary, ghostly police thriller with depth. Sebastian Barry, Old Gods Time
Wearing Abel Black Anise from a sample, sweet tobacco scent. Simple but nice and lasts more than an hour.
Mired in a run of badly written memoirs of people fleeing sects, your book recommendations are reminding me to get out more often. They both sound wonderful.
Both books sound like they are right up my alley. ☺️ Noted down on my read list. Thanks!
Thanks for the book recommendations, Cuddy sounds great and I’ve added it to my list!
I need to finish reading the weekend poll myself, thanks for adding 2 more!
Another Dr. appt today- for which I am grateful! SOTD = Some American Perfumer special edition draw. It’s called Oasis, and smells pretty and odd to me. After a tuberose forward blast to start with, it goes thru some herby floral changes and now is settling down to a nicely powdery dry-down. I like this a lot, but I am not sure who actually made this.
Also, another lovely teapot! I am a fan of blue and white!
Hope that your doctor appt went well today.
Hello all!
1) SOTD: A combo of BBW Poppy body cream and mist and BeautyPie’s discontinued Red Apple & Peony fragrance. I smell great.
2) I am two weeks away from my Sec+ and Cybersecurity Analyst certifications. I have already started sending out cover letters and CVs.
3) Related- Despite being the junior member of the team, I have been given responsibility over the in person, including A/V and inventory work, with no counterpart- things NOT included in the original contract. The reason given : things have *changed*- which is not a reason at all, and is not reflected in my salary.
This nonsense, BTW, is not new and is going on quite a bit in the tech space.
4) My veggie garden is planted- I am trying potatoes and squash this year!
5) How are ALL of you?
Hi there!
Getting those certifications, that is a smart decision. I hope you quickly find a nice job where they treat you well (i read what you mentioned @ 3 that does not sound like a good place)
Having a veggie garden sounds smart as well.
Here everything is fine!
Quite busy at work, as usual, but I have very sweet co workers, decent pay and its never boring.
Looking forward to vacation though… (its in june…)
Hey you!
I really do believe in continuous self improvement when one has the time and access to resources, and fortunately I have been able to do so.
I eat a LOT of greens, so have a productive garden close to the kitchen is awesome and a privilege!
Everyone looks forward to vacation!
Yay for getting certifications to help find new and better opportunities! I’ll bet your potatoes will do great, but you may have to find ways to control the voracious Colorado potato beetle, whose lava gobble up the leaves and blossoms. I am trying two kinds of squash this year, Red Kuri and yellow crookneck summer squash.
OOf to the potato beetle! I have Neem oil spray and Spinosad- plus I make soap sprays and use them in the garden for the tomatoes, so I will use the same for the potato leaves!
Oh, I love Red Kuri squash! I am trying Honeynut and yellow crookneck as well!
Congrats, and hope you find a job where you are treated better! You deserve it.
I am going to grow 1 basil plant, nearly useless since I will use it up before it even gets going, and go to our lovely farmer market. I will enjoy your veg garden vicariously 🙂
Hey you! *hugs*
Basil is so, so easy to use up! And there can a sense of wonderment with going to a good farmer’s market!
I miss having a veggie garden- too many critters where I am now…elk, deer, rabbits, bears. Too much to get my veggies lol. BUT I’m going to try my hand at some big raises planters on my deck. Wish me luck!
I was thinking that I probably didn’t have any perfumes from Italian fashion houses, and then I looked through my drawer and remembered my Bulgari bottles. Eau Parfumée au Thé Noir for me today. Waiting for it to warm up later this week!
This CP reminded me of my Bulgari scent too!
Ooh thanks for the reminder about Bvlgari! I have Valentino as well!
That’s such a pretty teapot! And, Robin, your morning blend sounds delicious. My tea this morning was coffee. It I might treat myself to a cup of JP Vanilla Rose later this afternoon.
The Zegna Indonesian Oud I put on this morning is only faintly detectable now. It was nice enough while it lasted, very well-mannered and polite. But not a keeper. Now it’s time for LV Yerbamaté, which I’ve had a hankering for since last week’s rummaging around for CP scents.
I did have a latte yesterday — for me, coffee is a treat!
In Imaginary Authors The Soft Lawn. A lot of AI perfumes go on fun, but then fizzle for me. I also have trouble remembering them. I must have sampled over half a dozen by now. . . Also, the exaggerated suspended disbelief hurts my brain. I am fine falling for marketing and going with the flow (looking at you distressed white-washed shelves in a sweet-smelling apothecary in Provence–L’Occitane), but imaginary authors with imaginary lives writing imaginary books upon which a perfume is inspired. . . .
The only one of the IAs that has stood out to me is O, Unknown! – a deep, rooty iris that sticks around awhile on my skin.
Yeah, I also like O, Unknown, and am just about out of it. Fox in the Flowerbed has respectable longevity on my skin, too. But The Soft Lawn is pretty understated.
I mostly ignore the back stories. I really just care about the notes, and the rest is fluff.
I forgot about Fox in the Flowerbed. I like that one too and agree about the longevity.
I have a travel spray of FitF! I ordered that and some IA soaps at some point. The IA soap I used scented my bathroom beautifully, I have to say!
In Bvlgari Omnia today.
I always associate Omnia with you.
You smell wonderful. I have a backup bottle of Omnia, and there are very few backups of anything!
If you had signature scents, they might be Omnia and Fils de Dieu.
Smelling so good!
Was CP compliant this morning in Etro Messe de Minuit, it is still going strong but I’ve added l’Occitane Ambre et Santal from my recently acquired partial bottle, I like it very much.
MdM will come out for me this week, too.
I’m delighted you like it too.
That one does really smell like an old stone church where plenty of incense has been used over the years.
Yes, I love your description, it has an almost damp quality.
We haven’t had the heavy rain that has soaked some parts of the country, but it’s been dull and damp for days. It’s just started raining again as I write this. I’m continuing my Armani week with Ambre Eccentrico, that is a good warming scent.
Sorry for the dull and damp, Gaynor!
It’s my 70th birthday today! I am amazed by this event.
SOTD is Tabac 28 on a foggy day.
A very Happy Birthday to you, Apsara! 🎂
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, Apsara! 🎂🐣🎁🎉🍷
A very happy birthday to you – hope you have something amazing planned to celebrate! Or maybe just enjoy your foggy day on your own porch!
Have a very happy birthday and a great year ahead!
Happy Scented Milestone Birthday, apsara! 🎂🥂🎁🎉
Wow, happy happy birthday to you! Hope you have an amazing year ahead.
Happy Birthday!🥳
Happy Birthday, apsara!
Happy Birthday! Hope you are having a lovely day!
Happy 70th to you, apsara! I hope your upcoming Africa trip is the perfect way to keep the celebration going🥂🎁💃
A very happy 70th, hope it is a wonderful year!
Happy Birthday, aspara! 🎉❤️🎂
The happiest of birthdays to you, apsara! 🥳 🎉 🎂
Yay! Happy Birthday!
SotD from the Swapmeet! JusBox Feel ‘N’ Chill. TBH, I did not know anything about this brand; but this inveterate blind-buyer happily also blind-swaps! Then I found out it is an Italian brand, so to the top of the test list it went. When I first sprayed, I got the deer in the headlights feeling that comes when I smell ozonic and fresh and marine smells. But I pressed on because **NST CP Points** were at stake!!! I ran to Fragrantica for notes, and when I saw watermelon, I “clicked” with Feel ‘N’ Chill because of my recent happy discovery of Mugler’s Eau de Star. Also, I love the use of ‘N’ whenever I see it because it is so corny.
Oohh.. I don’t think I knew that Eau de Star was different.
Uh oh. Dangerous knowledge!
Yes – I tested Eau de Star because of a random sample sent by an Ebayer! Soon a full bottle was mine.
Hmm. Perhaps for Italian Designer Friday one could wear a Bulgari fragrance, founded in Rome in the 1880s by a talented and intrepid Greek silversmith. I still have a bottle of Il Bacio by Borghese that I have not worn in quite awhile. Commando today but still catching little whiffs of Bath and Body White Tea and Sage from the shirt I wore yesterday. Very similar to Elizabeth Arden Green Tea but I find I wear this kind of fragrance frequently in hot and humid summers.
I wore IL Bacio many years(decades) ago. I loved it!
It is a really good fragrance!
We did do Bvlgari already, but never hurts to do it again.
I know that Gucci had it’s own CP but it’s Italian, so today I’m wearing L’Arte di Gucci. I think I can do an Italian week.
The weather is so beautiful here at last. The neighborhood smells like lilacs.
Nice about the Lilacs. I wish I saw them around here more.
I tried to put an E-collar (aka the Cone of Shame) on Teflon kitty this afternoon. She freaked out. Not really surprised. So I will take the chance on her over-grooming those sore spots.
SOTD = still in Patchouli Nobile.
Aww, poor Teflon kitty. Mine would never tolerate it, either.
I don’t blame her for freaking out. Poor thing.
Sending a calming hug for Teflon kitty!
Hugs to Teflon kitteh!
Awww! Poor Teflon kitty! I hope she’s feeling better very soon.
When we had to prevent our cat from licking himself after surgery, we ended up getting a baby onesie. He looked so cute in it, and it did help. Not sure how we got him in it though!
Late again..
My sotd was Trueste.
A coworker of mine had a birthday. We are not at all close, and I heard from one of my supervisors that she has complained about me. Today I was asked to sign a birthday card which I did. Then other coworkers started putting money in the card. At first I wasn’t going to give any money but then I felt like if I wasn’t contributing than I shouldn’t have even signed the card. I ended up putting in 5 dollars.
What do you all think?
I hate peer pressure, especially like that.
Yeah peer pressure stinks.
Aww. Nothing like forcing you otherwise you feel guilty! I really dislike that whole thing. And what’s this about complaining about you?
On another unrelated topic, I believe you mentioned Gallagher Wicked Good a few days ago. Is it chocolate-y or more vanilla on you?
It’s definitely more chocolate. It’s almost like cocoa powder chocolate. It smells delicious but I find it fleeting. I might need hajusuuri style sprays though.
Thank you lillyjo! It sounds great, too bad it’s so short-lived. I may have to get myself a sample.
I’m in Hiram Green Shangri La today. Not sure if it’s the original or the 2022 version, but it’s truly a gorgeous chypre, whichever it is. Full bottle worthy. Many thanks to the generous swapper who added this sample to my box! ❤️