Hey, it's Almost-Friday! Also, Human Rights Day and Emily Dickinson’s birthday. What fragrance are you wearing?
Me: taking more community project points in Exultat by Maria Candida Gentile. It is not my favorite but I do like it better in colder weather.
Reminder: on 12/11, wear a perfume with violet, if you have one.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2020, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Bateau [cropped] by maxime raynal at flickr; some rights reserved.
Good morning all, my SOTD is Violet Ambrosia by Aftelier perfumes. My first wearing of this, and it’s a very pretty violet scent. I’m getting a lovely ylang ylang note too.
I’m up super early, Smokey woke me up at 5am (the nerve!) for food. So I might as well get started with my day.
I’m trying intermittent fasting, drank coffee without cream 😯 and I won’t eat until 11am, let’s see if I can do this…. Fortunately, I’ll have another very boring Zoom meeting to distract me.
Black coffee consumed. Sneakers and sunscreen on, and I’m out the door! 🙂
Hi ST. You are up early! I’ve been trying not to eat before 9 or 10, but can’t do the coffee without milk. Wish I could walk at this time, but it’s completely dark here still. I’ve been getting lots of walking miles in – but now that I walk 4 miles as much as possible, 2 feels like not enough at all.
I cannot do tea or coffee without milk and I cannot fast regularly. you are my hero
Good luck with the IF! Speaking for myself, in all the fasting protocols I’ve followed, most of my struggles have been mental and emotional, rather than physical.
It was a little difficult, I take a lot of medications in the morning, keeping them down on an empty stomach was interesting, to say the least! Drinking plenty of water helped.
I tried the 8/16 IF for a few months and I do think it helped with my pot belly. However, I did get shaky in the morning and often felt either hungry (last hours of fast) or like I simply could’t get enough food into myself (first hours of eating). Nevertheless, I feel it did a lot more than any other kind of restricted diet ever did. And I’m glad to have a better tolerance of hunger than I used to.
I tried to make it to 11am today and got the shakes and a little dizzy. I think the next time, I’m stopping eating at 6pm and begin at 10am the following day.
Good luck! I do the IF but I cheat with milk in tea. However, I can only do it if I eat a pretty sizable dinner :). Funnily enough, for me not eating in the morning while remote working is pretty easy – but if I go to bed hungry, I cannot sleep. Once I’m back to in person working, I’ll probably stop doing it.
Let me know how the black coffee journey goes. I do 1 teaspoon sugar and half n half and would find it difficult to give this up. I just had Philz Julie’s Ultimate. 🙂 Black seems so bleak to me. eaheheh
I am the same with my coffee/tea.
These are the little pleasures of life and morning rituals
Yes, I love the ritual too.
I remember black coffee appearing really powerful when the alternative was nothing – and somehow enjoying the austerity of it ? But then I did start adding a little milk as I became super clumsy when having only black coffee. I dropped all sorts of things and cut my thumb quite deeply preparing my break-the-fast meal…
Agree there’s a certain austere beauty to it.
She-ra, I LOVE Philz coffee! It’s addicting.
It really is wonderful!
Coffee without cream??? It’s a crime against humanity! More power to you for trying to exert more control over your health, though. That’s some willpower!
Having three digestive diseases, I have to swallow all sorts of gross things for medical tests and procedures. I’ve also gotten accustomed to not eating and being hungry. It’s just part of the job.
Good luck with the fast. My sister did it but stopped when she developed gallstones which her PCP and gastro said was possibly due to the fasting. Her gall bladder ended up having to be removed. For some reason, I think she resumed but I will have to ask her (she could be flakey sometimes).
Thanks for the tip! Fortunately, I had my gall bladder taken out in 2017, one less problem to deal with, it lowered my risk for gall bladder cancer and cholangitis (blockage and infection of the bile duct).
SmokeyToes, you can do it! I don’t eat now until around 2 pm, and then I try not to eat after 9 pm. When I started, I was going to do it for a couple months maybe, but I’m still doing it a year later, because eventually it got so easy to do and it is so much easier to keep my weight and blood sugar down while still eating pretty much whatever I like.
But I probably only drank my tea black for a week…that is not worth it to me. I put a splash of milk in my tea and don’t worry about it.
Thanks for the vote of confidence! 😀
I think I will put a splash of milk in my coffee, drinking it black this morning really was a bitter pill to swallow!
I have diabetes in my family, and the weight is starting to creep up, my joints feel better when I fast, so I’ll give IF a try and see how it goes.
So far, I ate breakfast at 10am, lunch at 1pm and I’ll have a light dinner at 5:30pm. So still watching portions, just changing when I eat.
Diabetes in my family too! And my blood sugar, which was creeping uncomfortably close to what they now call “pre-diabetes”, is now completely normal. That took a few months.
I started with 3 meals but now I just eat two, breakfast at 2 pm and dinner around 7:30 or 8. It is healthier to do it the other way and not eat in the evening, but then I could never eat a meal with my husband.
Me too, I’d much rather eat dinner with the hubby also. 🙂
Good luck with the IF. I do think it gets a little easier.
Taking some points in Aedes de Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique. It is a vetiver scent (at least for me), but I can smell violet in it too. Remembering Marjorie Rose’s post on Fragrance and Fitness Activity Pairings, I think this perfume would be nice for some like yoga. It is quiet and meditative.
I will look for vetiver the next time I wear my sample.
Morning, all!
Tomorrow is the last day of the semester, then it’s a weekend rush of grading, and then a few weeks of winter break. Yay!
I had a great day yesterday. I slept well, Otto Mi Gato was feeling better (though still quite weirded out by the strange sensations in his mouth, sans a few teeth), I helped some students with their final projects, and didn’t feel overwhelmed for the first time in weeks. The five books I’m giving out as holiday presents have arrived, and I ironed the pretty scarves I’m wrapping them in (furoshiki-style). Vaccines are on the horizon, as are other hopeful changes. I’m going to try to rinse and repeat today.
Happy Thursday, everybody.
Furoshiki forever! ? Feels like origami with fabric. I love it.
And reusable!
Definitely going to need to look this up!
furoshiki is fun! there are folding/wrapping techniques for boxes, bottles, fruit, any shape, anything really. 🙂
Congrats on your semester!
Those book gifts sound lovely.
Yay for Otto! It took about a week for my Kate to fully recover from her oral surgery but by day 3 she was pretty chipper again and done drooling/derping.
He’s definitely still in slight derping mode, but he’s better. Thanks for the good wishes!
How wonderful for Otto! WOot!! 🙂
Your gift idea of books wrapped in scarves sounds wonderful!
Have a fabulous break!
Huzzah for end of semester and Otto feeling much better today!
Good morning Y’all,
Doing the super sweet dessert thing in Britney Spears Prerogative. Cotton candy and expresso! Somedays that’s what I feel like projecting into the universe….. 🙂
Cotton candy and expresso sounds very good to me: will have to look for Prerogative.
This is the first BS perfume I’v really liked but unfortunately it seems to make me sneeze. It seems much richer and more present than her other offerings? I reckon I’m gonna keep trying it til my darn nose sorts itself out! 😀
I had to laugh when I read your abbreviation for Britney Spears. It has a certain “not polite” meaning here in the States.
Yeah, I’m sorry – I realised that after commenting. It’s not just the USA – we have it too – I just wasn’t thinking when I abbreviated.
ciao a tutti
Sampling this all natural perfume line Henry Rose, today I am on one wrist Jakes House, here are the notes:
Fresh Marine
Neroli, Peony & Jasmine
Ambroxan & Musk
on the other wrist Fog
Muguet & Fresh Citrus
White Woods & Magnolia
Vetiver, Sandalwood, Amber Woods & Musk
makeup Chanel foundation and Rose Du Désert lippy by Louboutin
Jakes House seems popular, I’ve seen it mentioned a few places, but Fog sounds prettier. Mmmm, muguet. 🙂
One of their fragrances (either Fog or Last Light) reminded me very strongly of CdG’s Odeur 53. I wasn’t expecting that!
Which did you prefer?
I have today and tomorrow off to Get Stuff Done. Wearing Chanel Bois des Iles and heading out soon for mammogram and getting the Christmas tree. We put on my favorite Christmas movie (White Christmas) last night and wrote cards and drank wine. Of course, I didn’t get that many cards written because I was too busy having fun watching despite having most of it memorized…
Wonderful movie choice! ❄️?
I have a mammogram appointment coming up soon, I was going to postpone, but I really shouldn’t. Thanks for sharing, hope it goes easy for you. ?
Yes, do it anyway. Wear a mask and eye protection and soldier on! ♥
thanks for the encouraging words! 😀 you’re spot on.
Yay for Getting Stuff Done! I hope to do that tomorrow.
I hope your days are productive and pleasant!
Wonderful movie choice! It’s always good to get things done. 🙂
I have to schedule my mammogram appointment… I’m over due…
Time to get that appointment on your calendar!
SOTD is SSS Wood Violet, so full CP points for me. I have the day off from work (which is why I am able to comment here), and have several errands to attend to. I will be taking a family member to a medical appointment, and I need to pay the registration on one of our cars, and go by the UPS office to send back an intended gift that was defective. That last one annoys me the most as I feel I shouldn’t have to be doing it. I do plenty of online shopping, especially this year, but the thing I like least about it is not being able to actually see or examine the item before paying for it.
Hope you are done or nearly done with your errands by now 50_Roses, and resting with your feet up!
I’m getting some nice down time. I took care of the package return and the car registration this morning and then took my brother for his doctor visit, and got home about 2:30. It was nice getting to sleep in a bit this morning. I woke up about 7:30, which is normally when my work day starts. I will need to get quite a lot done tomorrow and next week, because I will be off the last two weeks of this month.
I had to take a shower to wash WV off, as it was causing me to have a bad cough. Not sure what it is, as I have worn this frag before a number of times. I have worn Violet Ambrosia several times already with no problem.
Good luck getting everything finished at work then!
And weird about the WV, I have never had a fragrance make me cough.
SotD = Eau de Gaga ????
Yup, there’s violet in there underneath one of the nicest lime top notes I’ve smelled. I love lime. Fabulous bottle too.
Thank you to the wonderful NSTer who shared Gaga with me, I think it came to me via a swapmeet here.
Anyone have a recommendation for a favorite shampoo for slightly dry hair? I’m looking for a new one. ?
Who knew? I actually have that. If I can find it, I may wear it tomorrow.
I hope you will. Gaga is so nice, I forget about it then wear it and think I should wear it more often. 🙂
Do you know the Danish natural brand called Urtekram? Im in love with their rosemary shampoo and I know they have a coconut one as well. I hope you can find them in the US!
thank you, Gabriela. 🙂 I’m going to check out Urtekram. I love rosemary.
you’re welcome! 🙂 Gaga did nothing for me, so it works out!
win win! 😀 😀
You smell wonderful – EdGG is not my favorite type, but as it is, I love that lime, too. And, yes, leather and violets.
thanks, MossyBerry 😀 I think EdGG is a pretty little thing in leather and violets, just wonderful.
I use TIGI shampoo, amazing smell and good for dry hair.
My hair salon uses this line and I have been using the same one for a long time.
thank you, ltsg! 😀 My sister has used TIGI products for many years. I recall they smell wonderful, I will take a look.
Me too. It took awhile to find the violet, but it’s there. I love this perfume. So cheap, so good.
😀 yes, isn’t it nice when something so straight up good is also straight up cheap?
I’m wearing Annick Goutal Les Colognes Vetiver, because I found it when looking for something else. Good enough.
Yes it is!
No violets, tomorrow will wear Bois de Violette. Im in Champaca and happy.
Is blind buying Chypre Mousse too risky? I might get the sample set, which ones are worth sampling?
Also dying to try Bengale Rouge but Papillon only ships to the UK. Does anyone have experience with the Perfume Lounge in Amsterdam? They carry the line so I might try them.
No, but I’ve ordered from Parfumaria in the NL, they have been reliable and have Papillon.
I think Aus Liebe zum Duft has Papillon too. And you should not blind buy Chypre Mousse. I have bottle, but it’s a love or hate scent
Just ordered fro them! Bengale Rouge, Chypre Mouse and three more! The shipping was really expensive but I made myself a treat ?
I hope you enjoy them all! Haven’t tried Chypre Mousse but I do love Bengal Rouge.
I would think Chypre Mousse is a pretty risky blind buy. I love it, but can only wear it in a certain mood. It is the boggiest of oakmosses to me, so if you love that, you’ll love it? But like tannina, I think not a blind buy.
Bengale Rouge is though. I literally cannot imagine not liking it, although I am sure there is someone out there who does!
I know at least one person who doesn’t like Bengale Rouge (not me, I love it).
Ha! I believe you might be thinking of me ?
I blind bought a bottle exactly 1 year ago and did not like it one bit. I ended up splitting the entire thing.
You got me ?
Late to the party, but posting to say that Chypre Mousse is most definitely NOT a safe blind buy!
Although I love it myself, Chypre Mousse is sometimes called Eau de Crypt.
Sotd – DSH Muresque Extrait
Violet is listed as an ingredient but it’s not prominent. I’m smelling blackberry blackberry and more blackberry and loving it!
Oooh, so happy to see someone wearing Muresque – it’s fantastic!
I’m in Tiffany Intense today. Cozy benzoin and iris. No violet, though. My collection is a violet wasteland!
Glad to be back at work. Even a brief conversation with a colleague makes me feel more normal.
name twins 😀 😀
I love that Tiffany bottle.
Didn’t know there is an Intense flanker. Fun!
Ha! Yes, that bottle is awesome. I have a little mini of the intense, and it’s just a shrunken version. The edp was just ok to me, but I do like the intense.
Not at home this week so only have my two travel bottles with me. Mûre et Musc again for me today.
Have to know what the other is?!
oh, so do I! 😀
Korres Saffron & Iris. Just some light scents so as not to gas people out. 🙂
I love that stuff.
Both very versatile!
Woke up in vintage Feminite du Bois this morning. I wear the original sparingly because finding a bottle for a reasonable price is like finding a unicorn. Wearing Kyoto for work this afternoon.
I had this before my perfumista days and eventually got rid of it because I thought it was old! 🙁
FdB was love at first sniff for me. I spotted it on the counter in a department store, spritzed a little on, and bought a bottle before I left the store. It was very nearly a signature scent for me, and when my bottle was running low and I went back to buy another, I was heartbroken to find that it was discontinued. Fortunately, I did snag another (from FragranceNet) some years later, still at a reasonable price.
I do love the original, have the edp and extrait. It’s glorious stuff.
I need to take this out and wear it more often.
Have you tried Murasaki by Shiseido? Another gorgeous scent by Shiseido.
I have a large decant that I haven’t worn in forever. Forgot what it smells like.
Ormonde Woman. Someone commented yesterday it has violets – and I’m happy to have had an excuse to use it. One of my favorite “beautiful” scents. It’s one where I just can’t fathom anyone not liking it – but I have heard from people here who don’t care for it. More for me! 🙂
Yes, more for you! I’m wearing Ta’if today, so we’re house twins.
I am one of those people, it’s nice the first minutes, but then it’s irritating me. And I really wanted to love it
….and apparently neither does my husband – he just commented on how strong the perfume was. I don’t even notice that it’s strong….
I love how it smells at first but there is something in it, as in a lot of the line, that makes me a tiny bit queasy. Alas.
OJ line is loaded with Iso E Super.
Oh, this was my first swoon. You smell wonderful!
I liked OJ Woman enough to buy a full bottle several years ago and it was all downhill from there. I suspect I found it more interesting than pleasant or suitable for me. I sold it after a while. Now Ta’if is a different story. It’s the only OJ that I still love and wear.
Another one of those people chiming in. You can have it all 🙂
I think it’s nice, but half the time it gives me a headache. So while I’m trying to appreciate its beauty, it’s simultaneously grating on my nerves.
Now I’m starting to feel lonely in my OJ woman love! Me and Marjorie Rose… 🙂
More for us!
Wearing a few sprays of Jolie Madam today.
SotD for CP Insolence eau glacee. It’s just more of the candied violets I love from the Insolence line, something in between the edp and the edt. If you have any of the others, I am not sure eau glacee would fill another spot. I got it mainly because my inner completist needed all the “swirly bottle” versions, and I had a coupon.
The original Insolence bottles were awesome.
Wearing Bvlgari Ashlemah for the cp. This is such a beautiful violet scent and I treasure the travel size bottle that a very generous NSTer shared with me a while ago.
I took the day off today. This has been the busiest end of the year we have ever had at work. My body just gave up last night and I knew it was time to take a break or get sick. I am exhausted and overwhelmed. No time even during the weekends to do Christmas decoration yet and I have not finished writing my Christmas cards and wrapping packages that need to be mailed out. I thought I could take advantage of the day off and catch up on those things, but my body refuses to engage in any extra physical activity now. So I guess I’d better rest in full today.
Drinking a cup of eggnog with crackers and cheese for breakfast and planning to watch a couple of holiday movies on tv.
Happy Thursday, everyone! ?
If you need to rest, then rest. I know all about getting sick because I got too run down. The cards and packages can wait. They don’t self-destruct on December 26, and if they arrive a little later than you intended, so what? I always think it’s nice to get a Christmas present after Christmas Day anyway. Besides, Christmastide (the “twelve days of Christmas) actually starts on December 25 and runs until Epiphany on January 6, so anything that arrives during that time technically came during Christmas.
Oh, PL67, I am sorry – I think a full rest day is a good idea. I suspect the way COVID disrupted routines made me feel more behind and overwhelmed in the the general sense of not being in my groove. I don’t have any holiday preparations done yet, but I am focusing on what I have done. In our case, some long overdue home repairs and maintenance. Like you: I have had to focus on the care of elderly pets. Enjoy your day!
I have a friend who barrels through every semester — going going going going — and then gets sick for days immediately afterward. It’s become something of a not-so-funny joke.
Definitely rest. Your body is giving you important clues.
I’m sorry you’re feeling so overwhelmed. I hope you can find some things to do and some things to cross off the list and not bother with. Always make me feel better to see lines through tasks. . .
Hope you are enjoying your holiday movies! And hope work settles down, that’s too much.
Glad that you recognized the need to take a day off; I know the feeling all too well.
I hope you have a restful, enjoyable day.
I love Bvlgari, pour femme has a lovely violet/iris note that I adore. It’s hard to find, I think it’s been discontinued…
When my body won’t let me do any useful tasks on a say off I know it’s about to break down. Please give yourself permission to rest!
Glad you are enjoying a rest day and the Bulgari! I think you may have gotten it from ChocolateMarzipan, who got it from me. 🙂
Wise idea to take the day off and rest. If you hadn’t, your body would have eventually decided things in a probably unpleasant manner.
And I absolutely agree with 50_Roses about 12 days of Christmas! If you get it there by January 6, it’s on time! ??
Hope you had a relaxing day, PL67! Tomorrow is Friday!!! 🙂
And the first night of Hanukkah is here.
TF Tobacco Vanille for a chilly LA day and my bottle of Chanel le Lion is on its way.
Let me know what you think of le lion
Oh a full report will come in due time ltsg!
Oh, I was wondering why my mom bought kichel. Chag Sameyach!
that’s why!!
Years ago, as a young college grad living in an unfamiliar city, I was invited to share Hannukah with a family in my neighborhood. It was lovely. Thank you for prompting a sweet memory of new food and new friends and light in the darkness.
Also, you smell fabulous! 🙂
that inviting of strangers makes Hanukkah even sweeter.
Every damn thing is hard right now.
Happy Hanukkah, and thanks for the reminder, I should have mentioned it in the post.
Happy Hanukkah to you!
We are twins in anticipation ? My bottle of Le Lion is on its way as well.
How exciting for us!
Chag sameach!
Happy Hanukkah apsara!
I have so many lovely violet perfumes that I could be wearing this week, but there’s something about violet that makes me a bit melancholy. I can feel the sharks of pain and sorrow and depression circling in these short, dark days, so I’m reaching for brightening and bolstering fragrances instead. I’m in No.19 EDP again today because it’s never not a good idea!
Someone referred to violets as chilly yesterday and I find it so in Stephen Jones and some others. But I can also see the melancholic aspect in some romantic presentations like SSS’s Voile de Violet and some lipstick-like ones. On the other hand I find L’Artisan’s Violaceum to be a warmer, even upbeat presentation.
I also often have to use scents which bolster my mood but neither iris nor green scents typically do this! Certain gourmands, fruity florals – and at some stages citrus fragrances – work for me!
Never participate in a community project that makes you melancholy! Virtual points are not worth it.
Violets can be chilly and melancholy, for sure.
Burning a B&BW Vanilla Bean Noel candle and just doused myself in Gallagher Wicked Good. Keeping hope and vanilla alive! 🙂
Wicked Good! Fantastic name for a perfume, and it reminds me of my New Englander friends who say it often. 🙂
ehaehe yes, it is a New England expression…not really used in CT, where I am from, but definitely RI and MA.
Yum, I love both of those!
Thursday! Right? I think so. lol
Off to get an Xmas tree later today. I’ve been stalling a bit so the tree wouldn’t be scary dry by Xmas, but we have *rain* in the forecast, finally, starting Friday night, so it’s time to go grab that tree. Really need the rain… there was a small fire (1 acre or so) a few miles from us late last night. We need fire season to be over…!
I don’t have much in the way of violet perfumes, which is kinda funny because I like the scent; perhaps it is just because violet perfumes usually head towards ‘candied violets’… not my thing.
Yesterday’s scent was MCG Exultat which is getting voted off the island. Today I think I’ll go for vintage Jolie Madame parfum from one of those darling teeny mini’s.
good luck finding a tree – our lots are selling out. I would have waited, like you, because of freshness (and I like a good deal on a tree and happy to take one that is cosmetically challenged), but the kids got anxious. I hope you find a good one for a great price!
We live surrounded by over a dozen tree farms. No lots here! It’s kill-your-own-tree for us ;^)
Vintage Jolie Madame must be out of this world!
Après l’Ondée, which has plenty of violet. I didn’t like this one particularly at first, but as it has been discontinued (?) I thought I had better just get a bottle while I could. No regrets, it’s growing on me.
Tired after another long day but I got 2 things finished. So that feels good.
You smell great of course, austenfan.
I have chipped away at several things today but finished nothing, so I envy you.
I love your review of Après l’Ondée, one of those wonderful musings on the greatness of perfume.
Oh thank you!
Smart move, getting that Apres l’Ondee bottle.
I decided to wear Dzing! today, because I needed something cosy and uplifting. Did a walk after work with the boyfriend, which is always nice, because we can talk a bit about our day and relax.
I wish I could take restful walks with Mr. Spicebomb, but he treats them like a march that one must conquer.
Copying you Robin in Exultat. I think I like it better than you do!
Good! I don’t *dislike* it, I just like Sideris so much better for incense, and many other things better for violet.
Was going to wear Apres l’Ondee today but somehow ended up in LADDM, which could be considered sort of an anti-violet perfume, I guess. Tomorrow I plan on dumping my last sample of Vivacious all over myself, and then deciding if I really want to spring for a full bottle of this now, or wait til spring. 🙂 Right now sunshine, 41 degrees and people with guns have stopped blocking the Michigan Secretary of State from leaving her house. What a world we live in. Sorry if this is shading political – please remove if you need to…
I missed that bit of news, or it got lost under all the other many bits of news. Wow. Anyway, yeah, let’s not talk about it.
And LOL at LADDM as an anti-violet!
I’m wearing my favourite violet for my Friday – Bois de Violette. The sun is shining for the first time since Sunday, so that adds to the Friday excitement!
Enjoy your sun! You smell great.
Hello all!
1) Am in Fresh Cream- sprayed generously as a pick me up.
2) Just got out of a work meeting regarding financial planning. Guys, I am gonna be living on tea and bread in my dotage- but at least I am gonna smell GREAT. *cries* *opens Roth IRA account*
Hey, you will not be alone — so will I!
Today I’m in Roisin Dubh from the Irish brand Cloon Keen Atelier.
A rather typical rose + oud but wears nicely on the skin.
Looking forward to friday and tomorrow’s SOTD.
Zero violet for me today. I’m heavily spritzed in Tea for Two.
I’m feeling grouchy and tired today. I will take a day “off” tomorrow so I can catch up on work. Hopefully that will help me feel better.
I think this is all of us in Portland and the country. We are just tired.
I know I’m not alone! December is typically a hard month for me, but this year, just ugh. And I’m running out of patience with E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
Yes. I have seen that my temper is shorting out. Just DONE.
Hope your day is better tomorrow. I think you smell wonderful.
Thank you!
Fingers crossed that you will be able to decompress a bit tomorrow.
I will work all day, but no meetings, so I think that will help. Thanks!
Guimauve de Soie to be project compliant
Oooh, an oldie! I can’t remember if I tried that one.
Trying out more of my free B&BW stash…meh in Wild Madagascar Vanilla perfume..which is like vanilla mixed with a headache inducing note of some kind haha. This will likely be used as an occasional air freshener lol.
No luck in the Bel Ami Vetiver decant hunt, oh well.
Headache inducing is not good at all!
Check your email dearest!
Have I told you lately, that I love you?:) ????
I took Dapper the kitten to the vet today for a checkup and some vaccinations, and the vet found a heart murmur. She can’t say right now whether it is something that will resolve as he gets older or if he is showing early signs of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is common in Ragdolls. In happier news, the people in my neighborhood are decorating their houses for the holidays more than in past years. About 50% have lights or inflatables (some have gone all out) and it is so pretty. Also pretty is my SOTD, DSH Oeillets Rouge.
You smell fantastic.
I have noticed an increase in decorations this year as well in my neighborhood! It’s making my walks so festive!
Oh dear, not good news about Dapper, I hope it doesn’t progress.
I’ve never really walked around the neighborhood but based on what I saw for Halloween, I have a few more to visit and take pictures. I hope the heart murmur is a temporary thing.
Aw, hope your sweet kitten’s heart murmur is something he will grow out of.
As for Christmas decor, it seems like there is a lot less in my neighborhood this year than in previous years.
Hope the murmur resolves and there seems to more Christmas decorations in my neighborhood too. 🙂
I’m commando because I am still in the hospital, although waiting to go home as soon as they get my paperwork done, which always seems to take about five hours. Very frustrating! I had surgery on my thumb yesterday and when the doctor changed my bandages this morning I almost fainted: green disinfectant and bright purple sutures in a long zig-zag line. Still hurts too. Well, it’ll be good to be back home though I’ll probably just sleep. Lesson to everyone: don’t ever take a cat bite lightly!
Surgery?!?!? YIKES! I hope that you heal quickly and completely from that.
Seconding Jalapeno–hope they send you on your way posthaste.
The cat bite pierced the sheath around my thumb tendon and infected the whole thing. It has to be treated surgically. They cut your thumb or other digit open and flush it all out. Not doing so may result in loss of the digit. Very serious. Not fun.
Ack! Wishing you a speedy & full recovery.
Eeeeeeeek! Sounds really gruesome.
I hope you recover quickly!
Thank you! At least I am. home now–6 p.m. Exactly 48 hours after I went to the ER.
Get some rest and take care of yourself!
Oy! Rest well, Calypso.
Great big hugs, Calypso! Rest and recover.
So glad you have had this taken care of already Calypso, something similar happened to my uncle years ago and he waited too long.
Hope you are home by now and resting 🙂
Grateful to see the sun today! But those clouds will be back soon enough. ???
SOTD = Elizabeth & James Nirvana Black, from the sample stash. I got motivated to find my sample. On me, this is more vanilla and sandalwood, with almost no violet at all. So for CP compliance, it’s a miss on me.
There is always tomorrow for the CP 🙂
E&J did not make it to the UK but I bet you smell great.
Thank you! Nirvana Black would be an excellent office scent, IMO.
I like that one!
The Elizabeth and James perfumes were good, solid perfumes. I don’t understand why they were axed.
We were twins today. I got alot of sandalwood too.
Hiya, double-twin!
You smell nice!
Thanks! It’s such a light scent on me, though, that I can easily wear it during the height of a New Jersey summer.
Eau des Merveilles today. It’s been a weird day of emotional ups and downs (mainly downs, to be honest), so I’m very glad to be wearing one of my favorite perfumes for comfort.
Sending comforting vibes, you smell lovely.
Hugs, my friend. You smell so good.
Sending virtual hugs.
Sending hugs.
Hugs. That was Tuesday for me.
Big hugs to you, Sistine.
So sorry sistine!
yay for merveilles,
yes to hermes,
hugs for sistine!
it’s late,
you might not see this,
but I’m in EdM
before bed
in perfumed solidarity! 😀
In TF Violet Blonde which I find suits me me very well today.
I haven’t tried that one, but I’m a slut for Tom Ford so I’d probably love it haha.
It is very elegant, I think you would like it and it has the usual Tom Ford lasting power.
Violet Blonde was discontinued so quickly after it came out.
Yes, some of their best have gone, like Sahara Noir.
Mohur just because. So pretty. Trying to use up some decants because I’ve noticed some evaporation lately, more than I’ve noticed in the past.
For those who commented/asked yesterday, yes, I am quite the snoop when it comes to trying to figure out my Christmas gifts, but I’m trying to be good! On my Lucky Scent wishlist was: Kyoto, Tam Dao, Biblioteca de Babel, BR540, Bombay Bling, Osmanthus Interdite, Eau de Soleil Blanc and Chameleon. Plus various candles, a couple of discovery sets, and some bath stuff.
I know that sounds like a lot, but I also keep a running wish list on Williams Sonoma and a few others too. We just share wish lists with each other (he does it with tools, car parts, stuff like that) that way, it’s still a surprise, but we get something we really need/want.
We do the same. Picking from a list is so much easier and no risk of disappointment.
My guess is you got a FB, a discovery set and a candle. Which of the perfumes had he mentioned he likes on you?
Ohhh this sounds so lovely!! It is still a surprise but You get what You really like!! Awesome
just because
can be
the best reason of all.
Tam Dao is on my wish list too 😀
Finally on NST and on CP today! Was going to wear Gypsy Water but it turns out the last of my hair perfume was just dregs of alcohol. So went for Angela Ciampagna Rosarium instead as it’s the other perfume with an incense note I have – and my only violet perfume!
Mr. Teebear had an allergic reaction Sunday – possibly to my perfume I was wearing, just congestion and sneezing but lots of it, so I’ve been taking it relatively easy in the scent department and avoiding the notes found in that perfume.
So far no repeats. But with two furry cats and him cooped up in his office day in and day out, the dust may be what triggered him too. I did hear him vacuuming up there finally yesterday… Fingers crossed that he’s not developing a perfume sensitivity!
Dust can definitely trigger allergies, especially if you have forced air heat in your place.
More likely too much close quarters with cats. I love cats, but I got more snd more allergic to them in my 30’s and am now to the point that I can’t have cats in my house and just spending an hour in a car with someone who has multiple cats will trigger a reaction:-(
Yeah, technically Mr. Teebear *does* have cat allergies, but he’s become less sensitized with time, thankfully, since we can’t imagine life without them! We’d had the current two for 5 and 9 years respectively.
But if he hadn’t been dusting/vacuuming the office (I rarely go in there these days) it’s possible that eventually set him off. It seems much better now that he’s done a solid vacuum up there.
SOTD = Scotch Porter Miami Duppy
I had no clue what a perfume with this name would smell like and it turned out to be a boozy gourmand! I mentioned winning this bottle and it is worth departing from the CP today!
In other news, I opened the DHL package and indeed, my Boujee Bougies have arrived. I got the small 60g candles and they are fragrant in a very good way. Will report back at some point but I am very excited!
Now on to dinner and reading from the bottom up.
Christmas is the perfect time of year for a boozy gourmand!
thanks for the report,
this one piqued my interest right away.
I vote for Miami Duppy
as the best perfume name of the year 😀
I enjoyed my Teazzurra all day today. I love Allegorias, always have. Teazzurra feels no less than a top quality perfume, and it is indeed.
Very late posting and I haven’t read comments yet, but I did wear Violaceum and enjoyed multiple sprays through the day. One of the benefits of working from home.