Another week begins? It's also New Beer’s Eve and Tartan Day. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in Hermès Jour d'Hermès.
Reminder: 4/10 is Siblings Day. Wear two fragrances that might be siblings, or wear one and tell us about the other, or wear a fragrance that your sibling wears, or interpret this project in any way you like.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2020, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Muscari botryoides [cropped] by Boudewijn Berends at flickr; some rights reserved.
Selva do Brazil
Jasmine Green Tea
Greet tea twins..
Love Selva do Brazil, you smell great!
Shalimar Parfum Initial
S&V organic Walt Whitman green tea.
Even though this was last weeks project, I found that reading a poem a day was so beneficial to my mind and lifted my spirits tremendously. Here is one by Walt Whitman (if you don’t mind me still sharing)
I AM he that aches with amorous love;
Does the earth gravitate? Does not all matter,
aching, attract all matter?
So the Body of me, to all I meet, or know.
I think we should keep this CP going indefinitely! ?
I love Leaves of Grass! Thanks for sharing, and you smell great today, of course. ?
Thank you! How are you holding up?
We are physically well, emotionally anxious and sometimes a bit short with each other. Getting out for a couple of walks a day and snuggling the pupster helps. Sunny weather helps, too!
How are you? I’m sure it’s busy with little ones to attend to.
busy and beyond..
we get out and walk too..
Wow, that’s quite a poem ltsg!
Where do you find this great stuff?
I will be in CP with Mandragore today and then Ninfeo Mio (which always reminds me of cm8 and her love for it) tonite.
I think the fig leaf here really doesn’t play well with me and I am trying to layer to alter the cat pee portion of Mandragore.
Can anyone help me?
Ok spontaneous poem for ltsg and on point for my question:
oh fig leaf that hides the manly prize
of figs whom does reflect their pride
I cannot all my senses see
the benefit of kitty pee.
(ok robin I hope this is ok …. :0))
Its a book called the Erotic Spirit, that is where all my poems from last week came from
I am looking at it on kindle right now, it has some very touching titles listed in the table of contents. No samples included so keep on sharing please ;).
Have you read: ‘More Beautiful Than Your Eyes”?
Not yet!
I will keep sharing…
Hahaaaa!! Love the poem! Thank you for the smile. ?
Thank you (and Deva, if I remember correctly) for Walt Withman!
I will definitely check more of his work out because it really resonates with me.
(I probably read one of his poems in high school and then totally forgot because when I was 16 I was not a huge poetry fan)
I’m in EL BG today.
I’m going to have to brave the grocery store today and I’m not looking forward to it.
Tea is strong coffee, breakfast is crunchy whole wheat toast, which I’m loving because toast is pretty near impossible when I’m in #vanlife mode. A simple thing, I know, but toast is high on my list of loves. The smell, the texture, with or without jam…?
I have to get groceries too and feel the same, my plan was to go during senior hour 7-8am but I went back to sleep instead.
Enjoy your toast!
Yes, I don’t understand why the shops seem to believe that all seniors wake up early. Not this one! Can’t they have senior hour instead at, say, 1-2 a.m.?
Especially now….I’m sure lots of us are up at 2am. Thinking…..
Yes, toast! It’s warm, homey, crunchy comfort.
If you like crunchy, texturey (hey, new word) bread, you might try Dave’s Killer bread. Makes great toast!
Went grocery shopping on Sunday for my family, my aunt and uncle, and my mom (but she only needed milk). Arrived just before 6 AM–it was pitch black and raining. Scared, silent shoppers like me scurried up and down aisles. My cart, like everyone else’s, was overflowing. (Shudders!)
I never thought a mundane activity like grocery shopping could be so fraught with anxiety. I made my grocery list last night and realized my heart was pounding. Fear. Over groceries. ?
I actually had nightmares about it last week the night before my planned excursion. This is the crazy-a$# world we live in right now.
I had a really hard time at the grocery yesterday. My boyfriend and I went separate ways to divide and conquer. I ended up having my hands very full and had a hard time locating him. Then I found him but there were way too many people in the aisle. Our grocery also labeled aisles as one way a certain direction, so I was trying to follow that but no one else was. It took me a ridiculously long time to sync up wuth him. By the time I did, I wanted to cry but I held it together.
Aw, what an awful experience. I empathize just hearing about it. Gosh.
Of course no one else was trying to follow, rules don’t apply to them. I am glad that you were doing your best, however, and that is all you can do, your best, and you are the better person for it. I hope you treated yourself to ice cream or a glass of whiskey or something when you got home.
That sounds awful, trf. I’m sorry you had to go through that. The only saving grace is that you planned well, as we all have been, and probably won’t have to face the store again for a week or two.
Thanks, Calypso.
GateGirl, I actually enjoyed some Haagen Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream last night. Best part is that it was free with a coupon.
Nancyleandros, you’re right. I don’t have to go back until next Sunday!
Yes everyone is very quiet. Some scurry past, some act normal…. some yell across 2 lanes of checkout aisles (please people! particulate spit for gods sake!!) just go visit and maintain your space.
Yep Deva I agree. I forever associate it with my grandmother who’s bread and jam was both home made. always. weekly.
It is such a comfort smell.
Good luck.
Your description of your breakfast sounds like a poetry.
Good luck with shopping.
Toast is my favourite food. And we have to brave Costco tomorrow, with fear and loathing. Hope your trip went okay.
Grocery twins with Deva. My trip wasn’t that bad.
Spring is here and I heard the first mourning doves today. Wearing Silences.
My favorite candy kitchen is open for candy buying only through this week so I stocked up on all our favorites for my mom, my husband and myself. And it’s all gone as of this morning! Sure was delicious. If this keeps up being stuck in the house I’ll be stuck in the doorway next time I leave ?
Ha – yes. I like treats at the best of times and now I feel even more deserving…
You smell lovely, Robin! I wore Jour last evening, but today am in copious amounts of Italian Leather. Love that tomato leaf note at the top. Happy Schmunday, everyone.
Schmunday — another one I had not heard!
I love Schmunday. 😀
I’m in Hermes Un Jardin Sur le Nil. It’s a cheerful choice for this sunny, but cool spring morning.
Yes it is 🙂
Strong coffee.
Raining hard out
Post shower something cozy maybe philosophy cashmere
I would kill for a latte right now!! But sorry for your rain.
Woke up in De Profundis. Looks like De Profundis isn’t sold in the bell jar anymore and I am not paying $375 for the bottle it’s in now. I am happy that I found a bell jar mostly full a few years ago for a reasonable price. Wearing a small bit of Orange Star.
De Profundis is the only bell jar I have. Love it. I find I wear it a lot in difficult times, it’s very calming but still has that feeling of spring and better times on the way.
Me too pixel. And event the color is intoxicating.
‘even’ not ‘event’.
why does autocorrect hate me so?
I am a perfumista for 4 years now and in that short period of time ive seen crazy things when it comes to pricing.
I remember buying my bell jar for a regular price of 140 euro (for 75 ml). Right now the price for a bell jar is 190 euro. ?
I bought them when they were 90€. Those were the days…
You smell great. De Profundis is one of my favorites too.
Thank you for the inspiration – De Profundis will be an ideal start to my day. I share the disappointment that this is now such a crazy price.
SotD is Pavillon d’Or by Dusita (from a sample). Try it if you like the smell of powder. Boronia and fig leaf make it stand out. Its soft but not too shy.
Lovely but not my cup of tea.
Yesterday I tried Bandit (from a sample as well, current edp formulation). I sooooo like it! Makes me wonder about the vintage version.
I have not smelled the current so I will be no help, but somebody here must have tried both versions!
Jiji-I am in a very cool outfit today, since you love clothing thought I would tell you that!
Tell me more! ?
I still not have smelled Bandit, if I read the notes I imagine a extra green Chanel No19
Yup they share similarities. I think no19 is fresher and more ‘dewy’, and sweeter as well.
In Bandit the leather is more prominent and opening is more bitter. But thats what makes it so interesting imho. In a later stage the flowers become more prominent. On my skin vetiver also plays a bigger part compared to no19.
I think it gets on my list to try, sounds good
Coffee and MCMC Kept right now. Needed something reasonably cheerful and comforting (I love rose) to get me through what is going to be another long and difficult day. I hope that later this week things will calm down…but then I’ve said that every week of the last four.
At least it’s sunny, and we had a nice sunny day yesterday, so I could get into the backyard to garden and then went for a hike. Back to the grindstone now from my sunny home office.
Gorgeous here too, finally, sunny and warm.
I’m in Eau Duelle. Thunked my decant today. I would love a bottle but probably don’t need one right now.
Woke up to an alarm clock today and actually put makeup on, things I hadn’t done in over a week.
Stay safe out there everyone!
Thanks to you for the shepherd’s pie inspiration this weekend! My boyfriend and I made our first one. Well, I helped by prepping vegetables and being his assistant. He did all the cooking. Our veggies were onion, carrot, celery, corn, peas, and mushrooms. It was so good, and we have leftovers for dinner this week.
Yes, I want to second this. In my household we also made it this weekend after you posted the recipe. We tweaked the recipe a lot–did not have ground beef, but we had ground turkey, so we used that. Did not use the coconut milk, just cow milk. It was delicious nonetheless, and we are eating the leftovers for breakfast/lunch today. Thank you for posting!
I did three weeks without makeup, but undereye concealer is starting to creep back into my routine, and I think this is a positive development.
I’m wearing Wood Sage and Sea Salt (again) – I’ve just been automatically reaching for it lately, so I’m not going to argue with my hand.
I’m laughing because now that I’m “teaching from home” I have way more faculty meetings than I ever did in the physical school. Three hours of virtual meetings today. Woot.
Have an amazing day. Be safe and fragrant.
3 hours!
My job is doing this too. Lots more meetings just to ‘touch base’. I’m refusing to attend… told my management that if they want us to stick to schedules, they can’t be adding a work-day’s worth of meetings every week just because.
Blursday Beer Eve..sounds like a night in Vegas lol.
Was reading some leaked Pentagon papers that spoke of the potential of this situation several years ago. Up to 10 yrs or something. Idk. Shrug…decided I had enough, had some left over spaghetti and horchata. Lol.
Bought a bottle of Tresor because I need to smell good during a lockdown lol. I have been wanting it for several months, as I fell in love again.
Another dallop of Nivea for sotd lol. But wouldn’t mind a nice horchata scent..anyone know of any?
I am thinking if one layers Demeter Condensed Milk and Cinnamon Bun..may be good?
Wow, sounds good to me!
Arielle Shoshana Sunday has a wonderful horchata note – I think it’s supposed to smell like a matcha horchata latte if I recall correctly? At any rate, it’s incredible.
I didn’t like that one, actually. Not sure what it was. Maybe it was the matcha.
Pandemic planning has been going on in US government for a while, since the days of avian flu if not earlier. I am grateful that some of these plans are already in place; they are making it a lot easier for us to make decisions in a limited time frame. For example in the VA we are relying heavily on a document that was created in 2010 for a hypothetical pandemic influenza but has turned out to be super applicable to the current situation. (It doesn’t need to be leaked, though, it’s available to all!)
Vietnamese coffee and some Bentley for Men Intense to start my day. This is one of my blind buys from Fragrancenet, and it’s the best of the bunch. If you’re looking for a cheap thrill, this might be it. Warm, woody, spicy, with a solid base of incense and a touch of patchouli. Cheap as chips.
Bentley for men intense gets a lot of praise on YouTube as a hidden gem.
lillyjo, let me know if you’d like to try a sample. The bottle is huge, and I’ll never get through it by myself. You can reach me at lisadarty in the land of the hawt mayle.
Uh, I may have ordered two 55-lb bags of powdered skim milk instead of two 5-lb bags. In fact, I know I did. Late night panic order on iPad. Hoping customer service can correct in time.
Meanwhile, SSS Yin and Ylang to restore calm.
I do at least have a strong neighbor who offered to help with any brawn task. ?
55 lbs? Lol. That can make a lot of horchata! Lol I can take a few lbs from ya haha. Where on earth do they sell 55 lbs of powdered milk? Lol.
Bakery supply companies. It’s not “instant,” so it may be challenging to use, but I have whisks, shakers, and a blender, so I WILL manage to get my calcium. ?
Okay. That made me laugh. 110 pounds of powdered milk! Keep us posted.
I did wonder why the shipping was so high when it was only ground. ?
I have two words for you: MILK BATHS.
Genius, pyramus! This is exactly what my sadly neglected skin is going to need!
You’ll have skin like a Victorian maiden by the time this is all done!!!
Yes, you can channel your inner Kleopatra!
I certainly have precious resins and musk as she did!
Powdered milk splitmeet coming up?????
Yeah… I already can picture some outcomes from sending white powder in mail… 😉
?? ?
Count me in for 2 lbs lol
The funny thing is, as a long-time calcium fanatic, I always travel with sandwich baggies filled with pre-measured skim milk powder and instant coffee for my breakfast. Amazingly, I have never been taken aside by TSA. ?
You did inspire a fun line of comments today!
Laughter is always the best medicine, Calypso!
Conversation upon waking, initiated by my husband:
“Good morning, hon. It’s Monday. You know what that means?”
“No. What does it mean?”
“Absolutely f—ing nothing.”
More spring cleaning.
Guerlain French Kiss.
Ha, I love your morning conversation.
I absolutely love this exchange. ?
Chanel Bois des Iles. (I know the Box of Eels joke, but it didn’t have the right tone for this beautiful fragrance on a sunny Monday in a difficult time.)
I received my Mon Guerlain Body Lotion yesterday (although I already claimed it in my confession to Donatella). I think it’s a great little pick-me-up – a sweet lavender layer on top of my hardier Cerave cream. Thanks for mentioning this, Kanuka *hands Kanuka enabler pin*.
Is the lotion that different from the fragrance itself? (That is, if I didn’t really care about Mon Guerlain, should I still try the lotion?)
Probably not. It is nice (and even Victoria at Bois de Jasmin said in her review of Mon Guerlain: “I should have mentioned the body lotion too. I don’t care for scented body products, but this one is really well-done.”) but I still think if you didn’t care about MG, you won’t care about this either. I just wanted a lotion treat!
Thank you springpansy, I will go ahead and forget about it 🙂
Robin, I love today’s picture. By chance, I just picked some grape hyacinth yesterday and have them in a little vessel that’s painted with strawberries. I do love dishes with strawberry prints. Oh, and back to grape hyacinth. I think it’s an underrated flower. I love the light grape must aroma when you bury your nose in.
To start off sibling week, I’m wearing Pont des Arts A Ce Soir. It’s a Betrand Duchaufour perfume that reminds me of others he’s done, especially Nuit de Tubereuse and Ostara. I can also pull hints of Amaranthine and Pichola. It’s a lovely perfume, and I’m wearing many sprays since I’m at home and have that freedom right now.
Hi S! We post at similar times a lot. 😀 How are you doing?
Hi D, we do, don’t we! This is usually my easing into starting work hour hehe. So I let myself be distracted by NST unless there’s something urgent that needs doing.
You know, some days are better than others. This is such a strange time and it is hard to make sense of the world and current way of life. I’ve always been sensitive, but I find myself crying easily these days. I miss normal interactions with people and going to work so much. Never thought I’d say those words.
How are you holding up?
Hi Rabbit, hope you don’t mind me butting in to your conversation, but just wanted to say that I have similar feelings. I didn’t exactly lead an exciting life before all this, but I find I miss even those simple things I used to do. Browsing at the bookstore, going to the library, popping into the my favorite little shops around town and elsewhere, driving to the coast and taking a walk on the beach, putting on make-up and choosing a scent to start my day, and yes, I miss going to work as well, and the steady paycheck that comes with it.
We shall have to be The Crying Twins because I do that often, too.
I hope you are finding things to do that cheer you up. Going for walks, watching funny videos, cooking up a good meal, reading NST ;). *virtual hugs*
Thanks, GateGirl. Exactly – I don’t lead an exciting life, but I do enjoy going out to eat and browse in shops, go to the movies, etc. And I’m still working but doing it from home. I’m VERY lucky to have a job that can be done remotely. But I miss going in to the office and seeing my co-workers so much. It is nice to see some over Webex.
Yes, I’m doing little things to bring me joy. I try to stream my favorite radio station at least a little every day, and I go on walks most days. I’m watching Shrill on Hulu, which I just can’t get enough of. And yes, I enjoyed helping my boyfriend make shepherd’s pie last night. Virtual hugs to you too!
We are okay here, but like you (and everyone), we feel stressed. I actually like being in my house and usually feel that i never get enough time here, but it’s different when you “have” to stay home. I went to Ballard market the other day and it was *so fun* to be in a store! I wore a mask and hopefully it helped protect both me and everyone else, in case I am unknowingly a possible carrier.
It is definitely the little things that mean a lot right now – my elderly neighbor told me to come and cut some tulips in her amazing garden, and we had a Zoom happy hour with some old Colorado friends last Thursday eve and reading/hearing from everyone on NST for sure. Hugs for you!
That was nice of your neighbor for lending her tulips. I make it a point to ‘say hello’ to the daffodils (my favorite flower) and all the other blooms when i am out for my walks. Passersby probably look at me like I’m nuts, but do I care about that right now? Naaah.
The little things definitely mean a lot right now. My little grape hyacinth bouquet makes me very happy. I love the NST community and being able to come here every day. Exploring my perfume collection and wearing many sprays and heavy hitters. I ordered 3 pairs of earrings from an Etsy seller who I discovered on Instagram months ago, and they arrived today. I love them and can’t wait to wear them out.
Hugs to you too! Your tulip bouquet sounds wonderful.
I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time. I don’t have crying jags but I have horrible sleep disruption and the weirdest nightmares ever. A friend just put me onto the funny videos under the “Art and Quarantine” project from Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum and they’re so hilarious–I recommend them! I guffawed so loudly at one of them that I scared my poor kitty sitting next to me!
(Definitely a first for me–laughing at the Death of Marat!)
Thanks, Calypso. I will check out those videos.
Oh, just saw therabbitsflower comment and realized you are talking about videos… hmmm… I was looking at some instagram feed
Will try to track down said videos!
I mostly notice parallels with Havana Vanille, hopefully my bottle will arrive this week! It is one gorgeous perfume.
Ahh, I haven’t smelled HV in a long time so can’t recall it enough to compare. Have you tried PdA A Chaque Instant too? What did you think of that one?
I have, but I can’t quite make up my mind about it. I don’t like it as much as A ce Soir.
Funny, I think I’m the opposite. I think I’m leaning towards Chaque now as my favorite of the two.
I have grape hyacinths in my kitchen right now in a little glass vase – I agree it’s a wonderful scent!
Yay for grape hyacinth appreciation!
I never thought to sniff grape hyacinths — thanks, therabbitsflower!
Glad to help!
I am in nuclear levels of vintage Coco from a generous NSTer.
You smell amazing!
spray some more next time and maybe I can catch a whiff here across the ocean ??
This is a great perfume. I know I’ve mentioned this before, here on NST. But I was so surprised to read–possibly on the Perfume Shrine blog?–that she found that Coco was so unloved that the blogger could not even give it away. Tsk tsk.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever smelled vintage Coco, but since I like the modern version (7-8 y.o), I imagine that you smell wonderful.
Let me know too and I will spray lots and I can smell you and you can smell me from across the country
Okay. Can you detect my Coco? Even the cat is giving me wide berth.
And I ended up wearing Coco since you inspired me. Thanks!
One of those days!
Carnal Flower, oil and EDP. Smelling divine!
Yes you are! (Or were, I’m awfully late)
Wearing lots of vintage Diorissimo today. I thought I had a bottle of EdT, but it turns out it’s a bottle of EdC, which is less potent, I think. I was starting to wonder if I’d lost my sense of smell from COVID-19, but no, just misread the label. Anyway, I am taking this as permission to douse myself in the scent, and re-apply as necessary! I think of it as diagnostic medicine–if my family and I can still smell the Diorissimo I have on, then we probably have not caught COVID-19 yet.
Diorissimo probably has preventative properties as well 🙂
Another week and so very close to Easter.
I’ve been working from the lab today, it’s 20*C for the first time this spring so I opted for Cloon Keen Frosted Moon. It has a nice chilled mandarin note.
It’s unexpectedly cold and rainy here (10C), which is completely uncharacteristic for April in our area.
Thank one sounds so good according to what I’ve read. What do you think of the Iris note?
SL Ambre Sultan today, just right for a chilly rainy day after chilly rainy weekend. We need the rain, we are way below average for our annual rainfall (as if we need something else to worry about).
Did NOT work this weekend. Did make bread and finished a puzzle and read a book and watched some movies. Did some thinking about how and why work is stressing me out so much lately, and decided that I will not work 6 day work weeks anymore, nor will I work 12-14 hour days anymore. And I decided that yes, I will still retire in August, come what may. I feel much better now 🙂 🙂
Good for you! Retirement for me has been a somewhat difficult transition, but on the whole I am happy to have done it. I believe you will be too. Amber Sultan is one of the scents I bought very early on when I went down the rabbit hole with an amber fixation and I have never learned to love it. I get too much turpentine. I’ve kept my bottle though because I feel perhaps one day I’ll grow into it!
This was also one of my earliest perfumista purchases. It’s not my favorite amber, but I have been neglecting my SL’s, and decided to rectify that this week.
Hey Pixel! Sharing your cold rainy day and flattening the curve (although not my personal curves, which are delighting in my reluctance to head out into the squall for a walk).
What are your top 4-6 ambers?
Good for you Pixel, I am glad to hear you are taking stock of your emotional/mental health, and putting the brakes on the Stuff That Is Getting You Down. That’s good ‘self-care’ as the popular term goes. And i will be cheering on your retirement in August.
Yes… I decided that making myself crazy over work deadlines just makes no sense. There are more important things going on! And my poor husband deserves better than being trapped in a house with a crazy woman.
?? I’ve been thinking the same kinds of thoughts, but my hopeful retirement is much further away. I was pretty aware of the problems in my life before, but I feel like I’m seeing them at different angles now and they are just more emphasized, kind of like the difference between Edp and Edt? Or front lighting and back lighting? Sort of feels like Groundhog Day.
It’s Groundhog Day for sure! (Love that movie) But yeah, it’s a good time to evaluate priorities.
Sounds like a good weekend and an excellent plan for work (and retirement). Retirement is coming up for me as well, summer of 2021 I hope.
Brava, pixel! As a number of wise people are saying, we won’t come out of this unchanged. What we can do is to try to make it for the better.
Good for you! I have been doing a lot of deep thinking and re-evaluating on my life too. There will be changes going forward.
I’m rewatching Queen Elizabeth’s speech, wearing Solstice Scents Chantilly Cream and doing precious little work.
“We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return. We will be with our friends again. We will be with our families again. We will meet again.”
God Save the Queen.
I haven’t watched it
Good stuff…no blame just thanks and reassurance….one comment on the video I enjoyed… 🙂
“She really is a badass. Once she goes, the monarchy will go with her.”
She really is a stalwart. And 94 this month, that is wild! She doesn’t even ‘really’ look it in the video. I hope Charles is doing ok. And I wonder about that too, about the monarchy. It will be interesting to see what happens. Hopefully not for a long while.
Thanks for sharing that, I really admire her strength.
That part where she notes the radio address she made to comfort displaced children — I wonder if any other nation has a leader who brings such perspective.
She is unique in this generation for sure.
No one else…almost 70 years…just staggering…this is all from her Wikipedia page…
She is the longest-lived and longest-reigning British monarch. She is the longest-serving female head of state in world history, and the world’s oldest living monarch, longest-reigning current monarch, and oldest and longest-serving current head of state.
House twins with Pixel in SL Douce Amere today. The odd thing is that I ordered a decent-sized decant of this from StC during a recent sale and could have sworn that I had ordered Cuir Mauresque, which I wanted more of. I wasn’t familiar with Douce Amere and am finding it kind of interesting although it has a note that sort of pinches in my nose. Anyway so now I have placed another order to StC to get the right Serge (plus a couple of other little items).
On my afternoon walk yesterday I found an entire hedge full of blooming gardenias–amazing and heavenly–and it was topped with a hedge of star jasmine! OMG! It was so beautiful!
I finally managed to reach my mom by phone yesterday. She just can’t manage to operate her phone any more (even though it’s a simple flip phone) but I called the front desk and ask if someone would please help her call me, and they did within 15 minutes. She sounded fine and did understand that I am not allowed to visit, which made her sad, but otherwise she was good! I was so relieved!
Oh, gardenias and star jasmine, what a find, Calypso! I hope this is on your regular route so you can walk past and sniff often.
I am glad your mama’s ok and you got the chance to talk.
I’m glad you were able to check in with your mama! And you smell divine in your Douce Amere — it’s one of my favorites. I don’t get any nose pinching from it, but I *do* get exactly that sensation from some aromachemical that’s often in contemporary vanilla and woody/whiskey type fragrances. Something happens in my nose and sinuses that feels icy cold and shrill and sharp and pinched and the scent of whatever-it-is goes ON and ON and ON and never modulates. I love vanilla, and whiskey, but I fear that chemical…
That kind of describes my response to iso e super.
I can’t imagine a hedge-full of gardenias — what a peak olfactory experience!
To my nose, SL A la nuit is the closest thing to a jasmine bower.
Very glad to hear you were able to get in touch with your mom Calypso. You and I are in similar situations. Hugs.
I’ve had a very fragrant day so far! Woke up and put our arm dans l’eau.. very nice!
Then I showered and tried Eau de m… I really can’t smell right now the Hermes salty one. Not like it. Then I put on call Gulbahar, a potent Rose attar from India. ❤️
Not sure I understand all of it — but you wore 3 fragrances, that I got! And you smelled like roses at the end 🙂
ha! my phone was freaking out and I still smell like roses!
It really was! But the roses are the important part.
Well, the sun is shining today, which takes the edge of the Monday-ness of the day. I’m in DSH Celadon — I’ve been in the mood for violets lately (they’re blooming in my neighborhood), and Celadon is a violet-centric beauty. I hope you’re all doing well!
Great weather day, and we did 2 nice walks. Violet sounds perfect!
Showered and mixed rose lotion with my CeraVe. Spraying on Trésor again today, just because I enjoyed it yesterday. Awaiting a small bottle of a peach scent from Kyse that should arrive today. What’s with me and peach lately?
Talked to a friend earlier whose cousin’s husband passed away early yesterday from the virus. His oxygen levels crashed on Saturday. Her cousin, his wife, is home alone fighting the virus.
And just got word a dear friend in Miami thinks he may have COVID-19. He can’t get tested unless his fever spikes up. The circle widens.
I am so sorry, Lizzie.
Gosh, so sorry to hear this, but I think it’s going to become a familiar refrain. And it’s such a horrible death-drowning on dry land. It’s a good time for people to really think about advanced directives and who will be making decisions for them is they are unable to. Very sad.
I have already told my husband no ventilator, he feels the same. If it gets that bad, load me up with morphine and pull the plug. We have official paperwork in the US but need to do the same for Quebec as they may not respect a foreign document.
Sending you warm hugs.
It’s getting closer to my family, too.
And a friend just told me her little niece’s entire family has COVID-19 (except maybe the niece) — three generations.
That is tough news.
Yikes. I am so sorry LizzieB.
Oh LizzieB, I am sorry.
Thanks all. To be clear on my friend…it’s really unclear if he has this particular virus. It’s just scary anytime anyone we know gets sick. I do have someone else I know who seems to be recovering but her husband was in the hospital. Haven’t gotten word on his status yet.
I’ve always loved a good peach note in my scents. I still have my half full bottle of Hilfiger’s Dreaming that has a really nice peach whiff. And the last Dame I wore, Peach Water Lily and Amber was a nice one too.
Azuree from a decant, it’s good, but I have Cabochard too, so no need for a FB. Treated my medical assistants with some burgers for lunch to keep up their spirits.
Nice treat ???
This week, I am doing a combo of What Came in the Mail recently and indie week. I may take a break on Friday if I cannot get creative to participate in the CP!
SOTD = DSH Oeillets Rouges
I was originally going to chicken out on the therapeutic dose but the finger decided to keep going so – vavavoom!
I kept up with the Rosary Brigade all week last week and will keep doing it. I found the hour to be a good foil to these crazy times. That said, the list of people we’re praying for has doubled in the past week. The list includes, by name, those confirmed or presumed positive, those who had succumbed, those whose work requires them to be in the office, medical providers and others who are critically ill of other diseases.
In other news, is anyone freaked out about the zoo animals testing positive for COVID-19?
The more important question in my mind is WHY are we testing animals when we don’t have enough tests for HUMANS?! It’s non-fatal in cats from what I understand.
Also, praying is a meditation that helps the person praying as well. Thank you for thinking and praying for others. So many are caught up in themselves, I always have to call out those who think of others. Thank you!
I had the same question about testing the animals, but then again, could it then mutate with species to species transfer with even more dire results? ???
Yes, freaked out about the tiger, especially. 2020, man!
That was my first thought….we don’t have enough tests for humans, but we had one to test a tiger? Things that make you go Hmmmm….
I am now as worried about my cats catching coronavirus if I get it as I am about potentially passing it on to other people in the community!!!!!
They do NOT understand social distancing and we could never keep them from spending time with us/in our faces/on our laps. Closed doors are the end of the world to them as well.
You may have to do this and bathe them everyday…
But read my post because perhaps the pet owners in China knew of this possibility way back when and I just laughed it off!
Yeaaaah our kitties are adult rescues… They have EXACTLY what you’d imagine their views on water are! ?
If either of us gets sick we’re just wearing face masks 24/7, even indoors, I guess, and will wash our hands down to the bone so we can keep petting the cats, as they’re hardly likely to take no for an answer!
I love this picture so much?
Well, Covid came from animals so it makes sense animals could catch it. I just hope the news won’t cause people to abandon their pets.
Little tiny bit of GOOD news from the zoo:
Yay for Panda love! ?
I spritzed 10 Corso Como which I discovered when kpaint sent me a decant. I get a compliment every time I wear this. I watched Katie Puckrick Smells video review of it and agree with her assessment.
Happy monday!
I thought of you (and me):
Hahaha – and also I’m definitely in a career (professor) that amplifies these tendencies
Bruno Acampora Prima T.
Phlur enticed me into getting a sample of Greylocke before it is discontinued, and naturally, I really like it but it’s gone from their website already! I could still get some from another retailer, but then I couldn’t use my sample set voucher. Hmmm…
But that’s what I’m wearing today. Pine resin and vetiver, maybe an airier Idyllwild?
Well shoot! And that does sound nice.
Glorious day today, but Iike some of you I have to brave grocery shopping tomorrow morning and not looking forward to it. In Hermes Hiris so house twins with Robin and Teainthegarden and perhaps more.
Hiris for me as well. 🙂
Best of luck with the shopping tomorrow.
Hello twin, and thank you for the good wishes.
I had a fairly easy time getting groceries today, so maybe you will too? ?
I am trying to decide if I will shop this week. I have to go pick up a prescription for my husband tomorrow, and I don’t even want to do that.
Chatting along in the comments, and forgot to post. I’m in Miller Harris Fleur Oriental, from either a swap or a split decant. Fragrantica commenters liken it to Shalimar, but Opium came to mind immediately for me.
I sampled Atelier Love Osmanthus yesterday. It’s a fun fruity floral, but not something I need.
Made breakfast cookies last night and subbed white chocolate chips for the raisins. Been nibbling on them since then, so they are breakfastlunchdinnersnack cookies, I guess. ?
Y’all please stay well and as calm as you possibly can! Hugs! ?
Hugs back to you!
breakfastlunchdinnersnack!! Genius 🙂 I had brunch at 1:30 pm, so that’ll need a new name too, lol.
That sounds like you’ve just been ill. ?
Miss Dior Original
Starting my day in De Profundis, inspired by Dawn. I’m continuing with my plan to wear three perfumes a day during lockdown – morning, afternoon and evening. I’m focusing on my bottles, rather than samples, and will get through most of them in a month.
Fabulous perfume project! I hope you have some happy layering “accidents.”
Me too, today.
I’m continuing my Hermes week in Amazone.
Ah, maybe I will join you in Hermes week.
Hermes Galop.
You smell amazing!
Love that one
Grocery shopping for me earlier today. The small ShopRite by me had only 1 entrance open. People were being let in at the same rate as they were leaving: if 2 people left, 2 were allowed to go in. Antibacterial wipes right by the shopping carts. ? Plenty of distance between all the shoppers. Folks were making U-turns to avoid getting closer than 6 feet. Lots of marks on the floor to indicate “safer shopping” distance. About 2/3 of the folks I saw had some kind of mask on, including me. I hate that damn thing. I made sure to wash my hands after I had stowed away all the groceries.
SOTD – Byredo Bibliotheque EdP, from the sample stash. It will be joining the ranks of the comfort scents.
I think only about less than half of the shoppers here are covering their faces. The governor, today asked everyone to do so. I’ve been doing it for about 3 weeks now, maybe 4.
Wow, wish I had a ShopRite near!
Late to the party today. Doing a week of incense scents. Starting with CdG Kyoto.
Super busy weekend shopping from my refrigerator and cooking tons of things. I am also doing deep spring cleaning. I am so glad to keep my energy focused on so many things that I had delayed at home. If God provides I will get so many things accomplished.
Trying to be positive and occupied as much as I can. Let’s hope for a better week.
Beautiful day here in the Big Apple. Warm and sunny. Took a walk at lunchtime and it was energizing. Be well, everyone!
You smell fantastic! I go back and forth between samples of Kyoto and Avignon trying to decide which is my favorite.
I am officially out of drawers to clean and organize so I moved to washing windows, one a day. It’s raining, if I don’t find something else to clean I may have to feel some feelings today. 😉
Thank you! ?. Avignon and Kyoto are my favorites from the incense series, but if I have to choose I prefer Avignon.
I took away some clothes from my drawers for charity and have laundry pending to do tomorrow. I have been organizing my perfume cabinet also very slowly, but effectively. I still need to organize samples by season which is a huge task considering the ridiculous amount I have. The spring cleaning will take a while. Still many things to do, but I hope to get everything done, if my energy level doesn’t start fading soon. One step at a time! ?
Incense is sounding pretty good to me lately too.
Successfully made my second sourdough bread today – cinnamon raisin! And did some other kitchen prep work, so I am domestic goddessed OUT.
Was commando til now so the perfume didn’t lead my nose astray while cooking, but just put on Victorinox Snowflower and am going to take the rest of the day easy, roll out my muscles, and read.
You’re winning at the domestic game 🙂 Enjoy your roll and read day!
Yay, I got sprung from quarantine today and walked the dog! Wearing Hiram Green Lustre.
Yay! Did you go to the grocery?
Tomorrow! Hoping it isn’t too awful.
I hope it’s not bad. Nice for you to have a day to walk outside, finally!
Tomorrow is my grocery excursion as well. ??
Good news! A breath of fresh air is wonderful 🙂
Very happy you got out today. Wishing you luck at the store tomorrow!
First day of freedom! Congrats!
Posting again to leave this little link for all the nurses here:
I love it!
SotD = Hiris
I needed something to remind me to stand up straight, and Hiris does the trick. Makes me feel calm(-ish) and ready for the day (while still wearing my Ugg boots and bathrobe).
Just finished Schmunday brunch – scrambled eggs with olive oil, garlic, and spinach. A few spoonfuls of cold quinoa landed in the pan too. Oatmeal with almond milk, cinnamon, and blueberries. Numi Aged Earl Grey Tea to wash it all down. So that’s food sorted until muuuuuch later in the day.
Time for a nap. 😉 Sleep is good for the immune system. Stay home, friends!
Love Hiris! You smell awesome!
Your brunch sounds delish! Have a restful nap and be well!
Finally feeling a bit of Covid Blues, after weeks of keeping a great attitude. As such, all I wanted was some pretty/easy scents, so I reached for two Jo Malones: white Jasmine and Mint, and later, Orange Blossom Cologne. Both are perfect for worried days, friends!
Some of my favorite scents! I’m a huge JM fan. You smell fantastic!!
Quick PSA, Fragrance net has Dior Midnight Poison body lotion in stock.
Sotd was TF Soleil Blanc. Sote is Katy Perry Killer Queen. I think that’s the name, I might have made it up, lol, it’s a tester and isn’t labeled. It smells really good though.
That is the real name!
Hi my Now Smell This family. It’s been a while and I have missed you guys. I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy. My plan is to try and be consistent again with posting. This is the best place to talk about my favorite thing….fragrance.
My SOTD is “Not a Perfume Superdose” by Juliette Has A Gun. It’s a fascinating scent with the main note being “cetalox”….sperm whale vomit…lol.
Yuck! But, it smells AMAZING!!
Hey! Nice to see you again.
Welcome back!
My sotd was Lush Celebration body creme paired with Chanel Biarritz.
Hoping for a nice warm day tomorrow so I can have my coffee breaks on the deck instead of my couch!
I’m trying not to go out shopping as often as I was for a couple of weeks there. I took the weekend off from household shopping and my own shopping. Monday was my first day trying to wear masks/face coverings when I went to a store. I’ve been wearing gloves regularly when I go to public places.
I tried a bandanna over my nose and mouth when I went on a not-strictly-necessary trip to Home Depot in the afternoon. It was a day that it wasn’t raining, so a good number of people wanted to get things there. Home Depot was having those who wanted to go into the building wait on a line with some distance between us. Most people were wearing masks. I found what I wanted there, including fresh herbs.
I dropped off those things and went out again on a much more necessary trip to Walmart in the late afternoon. No tissues left by that hour, though they did still have some packs of TP. I was amazed at that.
I found a good amount of the food that was on our shopping lists there, fortunately, and health stuff from the health and beauty section. Allergies have been tough for us this year, so I was glad to find the “Equate” version of Mucinex and things along those lines. For that trip I wore a disposable mask that worked way better than the bandanna did, and another pair of vinyl gloves.
I had put some fragrance on for Sunday bedtime, but I’m blanking out on what it was now. It was nice, though.
Oh, I think Sunday evening’s scent was TF Lost Cherry. I know there are divided opinions about it, and I’m not thrilled with the name, but I like the fragrance.