Hump Day, and the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Birthdays today: Flannery O'Connor, Sarah Jessica Parker, Aretha Franklin. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in Sarah Jessica Parker Stash.
Reminder: on 3/27, wear a perfume by Robert Piguet, Rochas, Roger & Gallet or Reminiscence, if you have one. Partial credit for any other small-ish brand that starts with the letter R.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2020, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Weeping ume blossoms. 梅 真鶴枝垂(まなづるしだれ) [cropped and shown twice] by T.Kiya at flickr; some rights reserved.
House twin, SotD will be SJP Lovely.
I was up early and made another grocery run to last me for another week. I live within walking distance of my grocery and Whole Foods so prior to the covid I wasn’t much of a meal planner, more of a fly by the seat of my pants what will we have for dinner tonight kind of person. A daily trip to the grocery was not unusual for me. Drove my mother, who plans out EVerything nuts, lol. Guess she gets the last laugh now.
Tonight my college daughter requested Swedish meatballs, and inspired by some of you all, we may even break out the china.
I’m the same, living very close to the grocery store ( I could walk, but don’t, lol) I wish I was better at meal planning. Enjoy using the China. I remember as a kid, feeling so fancy when my grandmother would use hers, for company only, of course. She had 2 sets, and when she passed I was given one. I’ve never used it, I never have company?
Maybe this Easter!
Oh, I should have clarified that technically it’s walking distance, but I don’t walk either, lol.
My china was my parents wedding gift, so it also has special meaning. I can’t remember the last time we used it, we really should more often just for the fun of feeling fancy like you said.?
Oh I’m glad you clarified because I almost thought about walking next time.. almost!?
Hehe? also, you should break out your grandmother’s china, company or no company! If she was anything like my gramma, she’d be happy to know you were using it.☺️
Right there with you… except I walked to Whole Foods and was there at 6:50 am for the special 7 am opening for those of us above a certain age….
That was some heavy lugging back home. Since I brought my own bags (and backpack), you know I forgot something. So, I had to walk back over to retrieve my carton of eggs. One of the key staples I wanted, so I couldn’t just write it off…
I really think I’m a prepper at heart.
(I have no choice but to walk, by the way…)
My store isn’t letting us bring in our reusable bags.☹️
I’ll have to see when this is all over if it changes my shopping and meal planning habits…?
You have to bag yourself if you bring your own bag here. Which is why I missed the eggs… Checkers were behind plastic shields.
They were behind shields at our HEB yesterday too. I was glad to see that, but not all grocery stores are providing them for their workers.
I have to stop at the grocery store today. My grocery store was wiped out of milk before I even started work on Monday. Now I am down to the last inch of milk. Need to see if they have garlic cloves for my pork roast.
Our stores are 5-7 min drive away, so I haven’t ever thought of walking to one of them for shopping (but did a couple of times as a part of just walking), so before you clarified, I was envious of your daily walks 🙂
We’re planners at our household, so usually we buy groceries once a week. But when I tried to plan for several weeks ahead, it wasn’t easy as well.
I have been planning take out to cover as many lunches and dinners. Week Two (this week) is Latin/American and next week, which I will get on Saturday, will be Chinese. I do freeze a portion and take them out to defrost 1-2 days before I need them. Without these meals, I would still be okay for 2 months (yes, I have a lot of food).
I can walk to Wegmans and sometimes do. Last week, I walked there and realized I can only buy so much because I have to lug them home!
Two months! I thought I was bad. 🙂 My husband only wants to shop at Costco so we always have too much of everything.
I like Costco too and so imagine one person consuming the volume over a longer period…it’s also the reason why I have no TP concerns ?.
As to the 2 months worth of food, I was concerned about potentially running out of protein and so I have 6 bags of dried beans that, theoretically, if beans were the only thing I ate, the bags could last me almost 2 weeks. I also have a bunch of shelf stable milk, canned soup, pancake mix, pasta, stuff to make pasta sauce, etc etc, in addition to what I have in the freezer.
I noticed more people out walking and jogging than usual when I went around the neighbourhood and am wondering if there are some people using this period to get more exercise and spend more time outdoors. With the slow down in life due to lockdown it kind of makes sense to walk to the supermarket, or around the neighbourhood. But it might just be that I live in a smallish, low density city with people who like being outside? Don’t know…but I have the feeling there is a flip-side health kick going on .
I’ve noticed that too. Houston is very much an automobile city with far-flung suburbs and notorious traffic problems. I’m in a more concentrated central part of town, very green. (We are semi-tropical here.) I’m trying to do regular walks to strengthen my hip, and recently have noticed more people out strolling and sometimes families out on their bikes together. It’s nice. I often go over a bridge across a major freeway and was surprised yesterday at 5:20 at how light the traffic was down below.
Same here, I assume because it’s their only excuse to be out of the house, since everything is closed.
Love the picture of ume blossoms, Robin. Now I want some ume wine. 😀
House twins! Bandit here. As with Cuir de Russie on Monday (and yesterday), I’ve used four heavy sprays. And, with both, am finding that they are wearing as skin scents. What a difference from wearing to work, where my office is overheated and I am on the move most of the day, and even a single light spray becomes overpowering. Huh.
You have to spray more, there is no other way. 😉
And you smell great, of course.
Aren’t those gorgeous? I want to plant a weeping plum.
Celebrity twins with Robin and Madtowngirl! I’m wearing Jlo Love and Glamour.. vintage version! I bought this brand new ten years ago, on a day I really really needed a new perfume. It’s supposed to smell like guava, but I smell pear, and orange and something sparkly. It also has a ” perfumey” note, which I like.
My local police had to tell people to stop tying up 911 to tell them they saw people standing to close or that they think a certain buisness should be shut down…
The sun is out, and I’m going to be glamorous and mop the floors?
Some people are idiots. It amazes me everyday that some manage to even tie their own shoes in the morning….?
It gets better… so people started calling the Attorney general who told the people to call local police! So now the police are saying to only call if it’s a large house party, or a restaurant seating people, but again, do not use 911 as that is for emergency calls only. What gets me is how much people concern themselves with other people and never look at their own ridiculous behavior. Not just now, but always.
Yes, ALWAYS! MYOB is a foreign idea to most.
Someone used the term covidiots.
Lol! So tonight, people have been instructed to use the 311 number and also to be more selective about calling.
That’s an hysterical word.
Good morning Y’all,
Wearing Jo Malone Ginger Biscuit. I’m doing it because we’re doing inventory today in the pharmacy, and we walk around the room all day past each other counting every single tablet in the joint. It NEVER fails….the Perfume Grinch will ask out loud if someone has cookies??? HA HA HA I just like to mess with him like that…. 🙂
Ha! That’s hilarious ?
? Well done!
Too funny.
We grab our fun where and when we can!
You know it! He’s such an easy target…..LOL
LOL! ?
That’s awesome! Thanks for making my day.?
If any Xanax drops in the floor, send it to me!
I’m in a bunch of sprays of L’Ombre des Merveilles this morning, to thunk the sample. I actually like it a little better than the first time I tried it. It’s gone from a meh to a like. I was walking the pupster earlier, and a gal zooming by on her bike told me I smelled pretty. I must have really been wafting!
Went to the grocery store yesterday right when they opened. I was blasting vintage Opium, but some people still had trouble with the social distancing. Like others, I’m restricting my shops to once a week.
Stay well my friends. ?
Yep, no sense of distance at the WalMart I made a quick run to this morning either. I did notice no one smiled, said hello, or in any way acknowledged anyone else either. And there was a preponderance of old folks, like me. ?
Not a lot of smiles at HEB yesterday, either. I had a delightful conversation with the gentleman waiting behind me in the line, though. The serpentine queue reminded me of the lines at Disneyland, and we reminisced about visiting there when we were kids. ?
What do you think of L’ombre? I’m not able to get a sample yet, and was wondering if the tea note was detectable. I have EDM and Blue. ?
I do get some tea, but it’s in the drydown. Didn’t actually notice it until I read your comment.
I don’t much care for the original or the bleue, but am a fan of all of the other flankers. It is dry with a vague hint of something marine, but not nearly as much as the Bleue. Hope this helps!
Yes thanks! I’ll have to see if I can get a sample sometime, I’m working my way through samples of the flankers. I’ve yet to see it at the perfumed court just mainstream department stores, mabye later this year I can get to one. ?
Fume On Nancyleandros!
You smell Grand.
Spent some of yesterday night going through my decants. I was throwing out evaporated decants and ones that might of had one measly wearing. Just did a review of Jungle Gardenia and not a fan and used the last couple drops for my review. After my shower, I think that I will probably pull out some Courtesan to wear. Spring can’t come fast enough.
Flannery O’Connor, when I discovered you, I was so smitten! I had your entire collected works and it was heartbreaking to donate everything. That woman’s writing is some kind of dark magic.
I’m in Casmir today from another kind NSTer, just because it was handy. And because it’s a happy scent to my nose.
I was (finally!) able to do laundry yesterday and I was honestly a bit apprehensive because I had to wash my scrubs and I didn’t want any kind of issues. If I have to break out my inner ninja, it can get ugly! Anyway, no worries because there was NO ONE there! ?
Cheers, all!
“I pity the fool ” that tries to give you any issues, Deva!
Glad to hear you could do your laundry in peace. I always found an empty laundromat super relaxing.
Gotta love the white noise of a dryer running.
I love the noise of the dryer.
Ha! If anyone were to say anything, I’d just tell them not to worry. I only have bedbugs ?
I’m wearing Eiderantler by January Scent Project. My husband walked into the bedroom and told me I smelled like “spring on steroids”, so I am very pleased.
Of course yesterday he walked in and asked “Why does it smell like a tennis court?” I replied “I’m burning a candle that smells like a tennis court.” Him: “I don’t know if I love you because you would buy a tennis court candle or in spite of it.”
Schools are now physically closed until at least the beginning of May. This is a strange time to be a teacher. I miss my students so much.
And there are a lot of parents missing you!!
What is that candle? I need!
It’s called Matchpoint from Otherland candles. It was a summer limited edition a few years ago so I don’t know if it’s still available, but I’ve been impressed by all the candles I’ve purchased from them.
I like them too. I found them here from another fellow NST’er.
Went right to the Otherland website. Very pretty.
Now I want to buy a trio of candles!-buying online is very enticing these days!
I must be careful…..
We re in Spain with no school so now my children have some classes with zoom or they just send emails to the teachers. Try it!
I’m having fun teaching my children…
same here, I miss the kiddos at school.
I miss my students, too, but though our assignments have been optional for two weeks (new, required work starts Monday), and least 1/2 of my ninth graders are maintaining an online learning presence, which is really cheering.
Love his comment! Cute. I’ve pondered the Otherlands but I have too many candles atm.
It is sad for the kiddos and the parents. My niece is a highschool senior and bummed about missing all the fun senior activities.
That one is on my must-try list. How do you like it?
I finally got my perfume right today! I’ve been not in the mood for anything I’ve worn this week. Today I’m wearing Dear Polly and it is just right. I think I’ve been trying to wear big scents because I’m home alone, but it turns out what I really need right now is easy and comfortable.
You smell lovely 🙂
I’m in the same frame of mind – can’t face anything challenging.
Wearing L’Enlèvement du Sérail by Parfums MDCI. I only have 2 for this week’s CP.
I stocked up on apples today. This sounds silly, but I love apples and eat quite a few. Not quite such a great nibbler as Chuck, but I’m getting there ?
As I joked to someone recently, we’ve all become Hobbits. First breakfast, second breakfast….
Kind of trying to limit my intake as I can’t burn off as many calories as I usually do.
Apples are a necessity ???
Haha – my toddler is definitely a Hobbit!
For those of us who want to do a virtual visit of Versailles:
Thanks for sharing.
Despite the gravity if this situation and the sadness it brings I cant helpt but think:
‘that would be something else, to be in lockdown or quarantaine in Versailles instead of my small city appartment with only a balcony’ ?
I’m wearing 14 sprays of Cedre Sambac today, and going for a walk as I’ve gotten a little stir crazy here in the house. I was rooting through a drawer yesterday and found four embroidery kits for making samplers, so at one time I really wanted one. I may start one today! Better for me than compulsively watching the news and stress eating. I am seriously thinking of limiting my news to the local paper and BBC World News once a day.
I was just thinking I need to get back to limiting news, but it is hard.
yes and yes! I’m limiting my news and snack intake — I keep my brain occupied and hands busy (and away from my face!) with yarn and knitting needles.
Knitting is always a good therapy. I am knitting socks at the moment.
sock knitters unite! 😀
I’m going to finish a scarf/shawl project then move on to socks, first Jaywalkers then Monkey Socks
I love these!
I like the monkey socks better. The jaywalkers are not stretchy enough.
I don’t watch the news at all. I get a few bits on facebook and email, but avoid all TV news. Nothing good out there.
Same here. No more TV news for me. I check every night online the local news very quickly to see if there are any new restrictions, just in case I need to go outside next day. I was already getting sick by just being on top of the news continuously. I feel more in stable now.
I’ve been waking up at 2 or 3 in the morning lately. Can’t get back to sleep so I end up putting on HGTV or the Weather Network. Just can’t watch the news anymore.
Fortunately, I have been sleeping well. But no tv or radio news anymore. I can’t cope with it anymore.
Sampling Estate Cacao today which is one of Solstice Scent’s newest perfumes…chocolate, vanilla, patchouli with some fruit dancing in the background…another stand out from this line.
Schools in CA probably won’t physically reopen this academic school year and I think I will have a delayed reaction to this news. 🙂 It means my 6 year old daughter potentially won’t go back to the classroom until end of August. I am trying to handle each day as it comes and not think too far ahead…just keep swimming…just keep swimming…
Good advice ?♀️
Is your daughter in kindergarten or first?
Estate Cacao Sounds wonderful
She’s in 1st grade…she’s 6 going on 60 most days. 😉
That one sounds really interesting. i must check that one out. I find SS to be a very creative and unusual perfume house Good luck with your daughter.
Wearing Natori Natori after spilling by accident a sample of Amouage Beach Nut Man on my right arm very early this morning. It was the first time trying it and its masculine vibe annoyed me for a couple of hours and it almost triggered a headache. After taking a shower I still can smell it on my arm. Very tenacious! At least Natori is cozy and embracing.
Another clody, windy and cold day, but different types of birds are singing loudly. Such a beautiful concert. They put a smile on my face!
I can’t stand to have anything typically masculine on me, perfume wise…?
Yay for singing birds!???
Totally agree! ?
The mockingbirds were serenading me on my morning walk; isn’t it nice? My mind was in worry mode, so I missed some of the songs, so I probably need to get back out there today.
I’m glad you found some comfort in Natori. ?
It is nice, especially very early in the morning.
Natori is such a cheap thrill. I don’t reach for it often, but I enjoy it every time I wear it.
I saw a cardinal dart into a low tree on my walk yesterday and sure enough there’s a nest in there! I was so excited. Now I can revisit it and hope to see more activity.
Aww, it’s nice to have something to look forward to on your walk!
I had a decant of this and did not like it.
I hope it was going to be better, but it definitely didn’t work for me.
Sampling Amber Corone on one arm and Beaute du Diable on the other. Fairly strongly scented at the moment.
Twins with Robin! Wearing stash in the oil format, which I like better – I have it on the back of my hands which are super dry, of course.
I liked Sarah Jessica Parker in Square Pegs, as a person she seems very peppy, outgoing and ambitious. Her perfume routine with the layering and the oil really appealed to me. I wonder if she’s moved on and has a new routine?
I wasn’t a big fan of sex and the city, but I see the appeal of the show. I became aware of the conflict that occurred between her and her former costar Kim Cattrall, and I am on team Kim! Kim Cattrall is such an icon, of course she’s gorgeous and she looks unnaturally good for her age, and I really appreciate that even though Sarah Jessica Parker is fabulously wealthy and powerful she told her to shut up! ?? these are my coronavirus rants. I actually don’t comment on celebrity drama on other sites.
Isn’t it great that we can rant here without judgment?
it is a delicious luxury!
?square pegs
square pegs
love square pegs! 😉
Hey twin!
I never saw SATC, or Square Pegs, and can’t remember which one is Kim Cattrall. Going to stay under my rock, LOL…
Do you remember the movie Mannequin with Andrew McCarthy? Kim was the mannequin.
I live under a thirty year old rock.
Never saw it!
And don’t worry, I could google her if I wanted to know 🙂
Wow, if you don’t know square pegs you might’ve been living under a rock for a very long time. Kim Cattrall has been in so much stuff I bet she would look familiar to you (not that you were going to Google ). She was in the very first Colombo episode.
Really? Now I have to look that up!
I *have* seen Colombo, so my rock is not all encompassing 😉
perfume oil on hands? genius! the backs of my hands and fingers are sore from so much hand washing. I’ve been rubbing on a dab of olive oil or coconut oil on after I wash and dry. Wowilla body oil is now waiting on my desk for the next time I need some relief.
Oh, Wowilla oil is just wonderful. I thunked a bottle this winter. Enjoy it!
Kim Cattrall did one those those “Who do you think you are?” ( ancestry) shows …the British version. I really enjoy that series.
Me too! I didn’t see that episode – she’s Canadian, so maybe that’s why she was on the British version.
I’m went with Fleur de Peau today.
you smell great! I got a good sized sample at Nordstrom and wore it out, it did get compliments.
Thanks Coin-op!
Ahh, my nose blind wonder. You smell great today, or so I’ve been told. ?
I remember that funny! ?
Showered after my early morning Whole Foods excursion. Man, that shower felt good. It had, admittedly, been a few days… Used a rose lotion and then generous sprays of Une Zeste de Rose by Rosine. Comment by husband, “that’s a pretty scent.” Why, yes, it is.
Since the days are rolling together, I can’t remember if I mentioned Crash Landing On You, a South Korean series on Netflix. I’ve only watched first two episodes and am enjoying it. It’s a nice piece of fluff so far.
Ah, Un Zeste, it is very lovely!
why, yes, a citrusy rose is lovely! you smell beautiful.
thank you for mentioning Crash Landing, I need some visual fluff today. 😀
Pretty scent, indeed! That’s a fresh, lovely choice.
SotD = Eau des Minimes
Just noticed that Minimes spells “mini me’s” LOL 😀
Playing at the beginner level of “8 sprays a la hajusuuri” with an easy cologne, and rocking a WFH-is-awsome vibe. Wearing a turquoise-lavender-green lopapeysa I knit myself (Stopover by Maryjane Mucklestone) that smells of my cedar chest, with white t-shirt, grey yoga pants, and Ugg boots for warm feet.
Smelling gently lemony, looking forward to the soft floral drydown of Eau des Minimes. It was sunny five minutes ago, now big fat raindrops are falling. Yup, it smells and feels like spring.
Love the cherry blossom photo up top today. Cherry blossom bloom cams and Monterey Bay Aquarium animal cams are my new way to “fiddle while Rome burns.” Thanks for the smiles, Robin. 😀
p.s. note to self, if you feel lousy it’s probably because you’re eating too many carbs so STOP IT already. 😛
It matters not in the least unless you want to plant one, but it’s plum blossom! I will have to check out the Monterey Bay Aquarium animal cam, so thank you.
ah! ume is lovely. 🙂
SOTD = Mugler Angel Muse
Yes, 8 sprays!
Also, sharing my working from home set-up:
In other news, women giving birth in New York can’t have their spouse or birth coach one other than the medical personnel required for childbirth.
I like your office set up! I just got a laptop riser similar to yours but find typing awkward in the sense that the whole thing jiggles a bit. Does yours do that?
Mine doesn’t jiggle but then there are a number of factors to consider: 1) the laptop has a largish screen and is relatively heavy overall and not one I would use for travel 2) I generally have a light touch on the keyboard 3) my laptop riser has two clips on the bottom of the tray that holds it steadier 4) the table cover has a fleecey backing which makes the riser more stable. Which laptop riser did you get?
I don’t remember the name of the one I have as our business admin bought it but looking at your list I see that 1) my laptop is superlight 2) i have a heavy touch 3)no clips and 4) no table cover. No wonder it jiggles!
I was just thinking of Angel Muse last night, I haven’t worn it in ages. Maybe tomorrow.
I say this of many perfumes!
I would post a photo of my home office but I would feel obliged the change the sheets first , plump up the pillows and kick the dogs out of the way.
LOL! Sounds like mine.
You workspace sounds like fun. I saw wandering kids twice… I know we’ll see more over time.
I like the touches of lime green a lot — that color would help me feel focused, I think.
Exactly! I am wfh; my office here actually has a window with nice trees for a view, plus natural sunlight as a bonus.
My “office” faces a parking lot so the curtains remain closed.
And lime green is my favorite color!
Mine too! And, it’s also my go for pops of color at work.
Also – nice work space!
You smell great!?
Thanks, lillyjo!
SotD is Un jardin après la Mousson
I try to walk an 1 hour a day minimum, or run for at least 30 minutes. We are still allowed to go outside, alone or with family member.
Haha and I caught myself stress eating this week ? …but hey, id rather face the apocalypse chewing cashews or chocolate than on an empty stomach! ??
Cashews are serious kryptonite to me.
Me too, AngelaB. I have no control. I’m indifferent to peanuts, almonds and the like, but cashews…..
I walked for 90 minutes today and loved every step – it was sunny too!
I think I will have gained some kilos of this will be over
I just finished a tub of cashew butter lol. And I ran out of Goobers..ut oh lol.
I forced myself NOT to include food that I shouldn’t eat in my stash. (Except for that one package of whole wheat Fig Newtons I am trying to forget about.)
Otherwise, the stash would be gone in a week.
You smell great!
I deliberately didn’t let myself buy nuts or chocolate when we stocked up on Sunday.
But I did let myself make raspberry rhubarb cheese danishes. Oops!
Twin with Robin in Stash (I think, it’s for the first time ever). Today it smells a little too harsh. But maybe I’m just more used to the oil version that I use in the shower more often.
Beautiful cold sunny day (which I’ll spend working – but I won’t complain: unlike many, I still have job).
Stay safe everyone!
We were bound to twin eventually!
Well, I don’t usually rant but here we go: (Back home now and after a few days of commando I chose LADDM for some comfort and strength.)
Returning home we checked the garage only to find out that our full-size freezer full of raw organic dog meat and yogurt cups had gone on the fritz long enough that the whole place stunk to high heavens.
we are on day 2 of cleaning (like there is Clorox to spare these days)You can imagine the mess on the floor…… Anyway, part 2 of this is my stopping by the local (empty) SAFEWAY store late in the day to restock a bit.
I picked up some ground beef (again for the dog) only to be told I had to give 2 packages back… I surrendered the meat then asked for the manager and nicely requested an exception as I was out of town for 2 months and needed to re stock (just 1 milk, no tp, no PT, no other meats than my organic ground beef) He refused my polite request. Then I got mad….. that seems very unfair. and really the thing that put me on ’tilt’ was that the money we lost on meat in our freezer really made that meat precious. So I will NEVER enter that store again, no matter how inconvenient. And told them so. I am a very reasonable person but this was ridiculous and more than I could accept. I stayed pretty angry in the empty parking lot as I vented to no one in particular and loaded my bags. I intend to let that same manager know occasionally how much I am spending elsewhere, and his boss too.
Oh how frustrating Angela. I would have been slightly embarrassed too. Never thought we would be in a surrender your meat situation but alas. I have always liked Safeway/Vons but they are a bit expensive and haven’t shopped from them during this situation. The store I went to posted limits on several items so there was no confusion or surrendering later on.
I’m really sorry AngelaB. I can’t imagine coming home to that mess and smell! I am like you, where I won’t return to a store if I had a bad experience. 25 years later, I still won’t set foot in ABC Warehouse.
Oh, no, that fridge situation is the worst! There should be a AAA for dog owners!
So sorry you went home to that. Last Saturday, there was a 1 dozen limit on eggs (or a pack of 18). It just so happened that I was also getting eggs for my elderly neighbor. I just told the cashier that I was buying for an elderly neighbor and I am paying for those separately. No questions asked. If I were to be asked to surrender the eggs, I would do as you did and speak to the manager.
Oh no what a terrible stroke of bad luck!!! I’m so sorry, meat is expensive and you’re just trying to do your best to look after doggo. Hope the rest of your week manages to turn itself around.
? that really stinks, I’m sorry
Not sure what I am wearing. I didn’t have my glasses on when I chose a vial from my decant stash. Definitely an amber. Very pretty. My sense of smell is in good shape, which is reassuring since I woke up this AM with a low fever, cough, and shortness of breath. A hot shower and an hour later, I have no fever, and just a tiny cough. In a normal universe, this would be totally unremarkable. We are taking precautions at the house, but it is difficult with kids. I am wearing a mask when I am in the kitchen, etc. The boy who was with us who returned to China? He arrived with a low fever, and was put in a fever quarantine with others with fevers we learned last night. Oy. We are waiting to hear the results of his Covid test.
Oh my – that’s scary! I hope it’s nothing
a hot shower is fantastic. 😀 take good care!
I hope things turn out well. The sense of smell one is interesting, eh. I often lose my sense of taste and smell if I get a cold, hayfever etc. And grief knocked it back, too.
Oh NO! I’m hoping for the best. ?
Oh dear. Thinking of you and please keep us updated!
Sending healing thoughts, all the best to you.?
I am hoping for the best, remember lots of folks keep having ‘normal’ colds…
I strongly suspect that I have a normal cold. But it is hard to act on that, given everything going on in the world right now. 🙁
Yup, I totally understand…
Take good care and I hope you can get enough rest and sleep (even though that might be harder right now)
I hope you are o.k.. make sure to rest and keep us posted.
The friends I personally know who tested positive all had pretty mild symptoms. One guy only had a slight cough and 100 on and off. And he was still going to work because he didn’t feel that bad ?♀️ That was before he was tested.
But glad you are taking precautions! I hope you remain well!
Hopefully you only have a mild case of whatever it is. Get well soon!
Uh oh, I hope you feel better very soon! Sending good vibes and a fervent wish for health and a good night’s sleep.
Oh no! Hope it is nothing related to the virus and you feel better soon!
Oh no! I hope it’s nothing.
Oh wow what a way to start the day! Poor thing, sending you best of luck for the test results and for your own health.
My husband’s seasonal allergies have kicked in already and he has enough post-nasal drip to cough occasionally, and of course it makes us both edgy even though we’re quite sure what it’s from.
Hopefully you’ve just got a bit of anxiety and/or the common cold. Will be sending you good juju.
Fingers crossed for you and your family Oakland Fresca.
SoTD is No. 19. I needed to feel centered. I’m very high risk and not going out, haven’t been into a grocery store in two weeks+, no visitors. Lots of Zoom meetings. Wearing earrings and perfume, using the china, may pull out the sterling. Looking for balance.
You smell wonderful, and I admire you for using the good silver and china!
Thank you, ringthing! My hubs isn’t a huge fan of hand-washing the finery, but he’ll adjust :).
ha! that’s exactly the way it should be. 😀 “I’ll wash, you dry” is a recipe for domestic peace.
I’ll wash, you load into the cabinet is what happens here. Why do they hang kitchen cabinets at 4.5 feet for the bottom shelf?
I wore BdI in the am but it faded so am testing my Sylvaine Delacourte orange blossom sampler. So far my favorite is Ozkan. The best way I can describe it is orange creamsicle meets soft white leather glove. The official notes are mandarine, tonka, immortelle, patchouli and bois de gaiac
I have no idea what guaiac wood is or smells like
Orange creamsicle and leather sounds awesome!
I’m really enjoying it so far! It’s also very natural smelling – no synthetic shrill
Well, now I must investigate.
Oooooooooh. You sound like you smell great, thank you for the review!!!
Thanks ?
Like many of your I wanted to go grocery shopping today but didn’t wake up early enough, no problem though as there is tomorrow, and tomorrow and the day after… I will just take things one day at a time.
In Robert Piguet Visa which is very fruity, balsamy on my skin, it’s not a complaint. Prince Charles has tested positive, royalty doesn’t protect from viruses, wondered what happens to his staff in a case like this, does he actually have to fend for himself?
I wonder, does Prince Charles have a petal bath?
Funny you should say that…
The BBC knows!
No word about the rose petals, specifically, but not all the comforts are available:
“Prince Charles and Camilla will be following governmental advice and isolating separately. It’s not a huge house but certainly big enough to isolate yourself within it.”
So they won’t be sharing the bath anymore?
Not for the remainder of the 14 days! ?
I wonder what ‘not a huge house’ means to the royals. Smaller than Buckingham Palace?
It is said that when the late Queen Mother had to move to Clarence House from Buckingham Palace she complained that it was very small.
She was talking about the gin selection.
Thank you, this made me laugh. Possibly best emoji set ever, too.
I’m thinking Balmoral has plenty of room… they are probably in separate wings.
Fifty-two bedrooms! lol
It’s only a secondary building on the ground of a palace, but they did not say cottage, did they?
I know, it’s a tough life but somebody has to live it.
? For real.
I saw this, this morning and felt worried for Prince Charles. And it made me mad at prince Harry for leaving his dad. Under normal circumstances, I don’t think much about them, I’m just not big on change.
I’m with you about Harry leaving for Canada, wasn’t the UK good enough for him?
Oh good! He is very young still, and I think he is making a big mistake. He could have waited.
I find it hard to judge after what happened to his mother when he was so very young. I hope it works out, and that he’s FaceTiming with dad every day — he couldn’t be with him now, anyway.
It’s possible he married someone from another country wanting a bit of distance, subconsciously.
I’m happy to welcome them to Canada I totally understand why they wanted to leave the UK. The paparazzi basically killed his mother, and they were demonizing (if you look at the coverage for the same things as Kate it’s shocking) his wife in the press. That’s not a life I’d wish on my worst enemy, a gilded cage is is still a cage.
It’s a large family, they are enough of them to go around.
Getting ready for day two of working in the lounge. It’s very odd to go to and from work by just going into the next room. I’ll start the morning with 31 Rue Cambon.
I am totally not in the mood to work today. Just not. I have to do the weekly status rollup and that’s about as fun as it sounds.
In better news, my husband scored TP at Costco this morning, woo hoo! He’s my hero! AND my Amazon order of yeast is supposed to arrive today. Haven’t seen yeast in the grocery stores in weeks. I will split it with a neighbor who has been having yeast anxiety.
SOTD is Armani Prive Ambre Soie. Niiiiiiice!
Yeast anxiety!
I also know people whose panic prior to the shutdowns was rushing to plant nurseries and garden supply stores for their spring gardening essentials.
I brought tons of TP and yeast back to Canada with me. 🙂
This is a foolproof recipe for Rewena, which is bread made with potato rather than yeast. It seems a bit sweeter than sourdough, and a but more scone-like than yeast bread.
Stores used to sell potato bread when I was a kid. Perhaps they still do, but I don’t live in an area so influenced by German immigrants anymore. I can’t recall if my grandmother actually made it. The commercial product didn’t seem particularly different from regular white bread to me as a kid, but copious PB&J or margarine was involved.
Yoga + Tam Dao + Thymes Kimono Rose Candle
I *am* going to do yoga tomorrow!
IMPORTANT non-perfume PSA:
If you are shopping for groceries and see items with the WIC symbol on the shelf label, please don’t buy it!
Unless, of course, you are enrolled in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) supplemental nutrition program.
The reason is that people in WIC cannot substitute other items.
This didn’t matter before, but it’s become a problem now, with the ongoing stock-outs.
I think the store should flag the items and either limit it to one or just say do not buy if not on WIC program; this will then allow the cashier to remove the item from being purchased by non-WIC recipients.
Today is grey and chilly here, with intermittent rain showers. Beats having non-stop rain. ☔ My engaged friend has asked for assistance in figuring out what kind of head piece/headdress to wear, so I have had that as a lovely distraction for a little while.
SOTD = L’Artisan Passage d’Enfer, from the sample stash, and the latest NST freebiemeet. It’s a very pretty floral incense. However, I keep translating its name as “Highway to Hell”, and then Angus Young of AC/DC starts singing in my head. I guess it’s not the worst earworm to have. ??
Ha! I just commented below about Passage d’Enfer. Maybe I’ll listen to my high school playlist while I putter in the kitchen, there’s some AC/DC on there. PdE just smells nice to me, hard to think of it as anything related to hell ?
I don’t see anything hellish about PdE, either. ??
Lol! Makes sense to me though ?
If anyone here would get the connection, you would, lillyjo! ??
“Floral incense” sounds intriguing – is that similar to a floriental?
For me, this is a perfume with flowers, specifically lillies, and incense as notes. Florientals are usually more complex than this is. I don’t get what I consider typical “oriental” perfume notes in Passage d’Enfer.
I think I haven’t encountered the incense flower combo alot
lol! Angus would approve.
HA, I beg to differ…that is right up there with the world’s worst earworms 😉
I put on a big splash of Tom Ford Noir this morning, it’s a mini that I got from someone here, so thank you! It’s pretty faded now, I’m thinking of boosting it with some Passage d’Enfer but that means I have to leave the sunny porch and go to the other room. It’s also my day to cook and wash dishes and if I can’t be bothered to get off the couch for more perfume, you can imagine how much I want to cook. Once I get it together, I’m making asparagus quiche with a little bit of ham we have left.
mmmm, ham and asparagus quiche . . . yummy!
Partial scent twins today? ?
Nice photo, Robin. Thanks. I think people in our area are making use of Covid-19 downtime to exercise and walk more. I passed many more people than usual walking with children, dogs, jogging yesterday evening when I went out again. While keeping our distance, just about everyone called out to one another, saying ‘ Hope you are okay’ and ‘ Good luck with lockdown’ etc. It was really nice. My brother is a doctor in a rural hospital ( and. My sister in law a nurse ) that services about five towns and a large farming area. They have a few cases to deal with now, as people return home from overseas. There is one ventilator in the hospital so I hope this lockdown helps slow the influx. Wearing davana honeysuckle.
That’s nice that ppl are greeting each other – on my walks ppl just passing in silence
Same here
I live in an urban/suburban area where people generally don’t greet strangers, but since we’ve gone to “safer at home” I get (and give!) lots of hellos. It’s lovely that people are looking for connection at this strange time.
I’m still selecting from my sample stash and today am reeking of two Indult fragrances: Tihota on my left hand, Isvarya on my right. These are some of the most potent scents I’ve ever worn. Vanilla and Jammy patchouli to the max. Not for everyone but I love them together. In other news, we’ve now got a shelter in place order, and I’m noticing a lot less traffic noise outside. My kitty is still hanging in there. I talked to a friend last night who is a long time AA-er. He says his groups are now meeting via Zoom and it’s working quite well. I was happy to hear that because it’s important to have those support structures in place for hard times. I have lots of food on hand for now. A good friend in England though reports that the stores there aren’t well stocked and no delivery slots are available at all so she’s growing concerned. Take care, everyone.
Mankara is quite good too. Glad to hear your kitty is hanging in there.
Lumiere Doree by Miller Harris, sadly one of my less successful blind buys. Now wearing Calligraphy Saffron for the evening.
Spent my vacation with getting my car to the car shop, getting myself to the gynecologist and sewing some cloth masks, because even as a doctor in a practice there are none to be had…. At least I had some nice fabric, so they are pretty.
I heard Germany was shipping masks to Spain, why are they not supplying their own citizens first? Hope you stay safe and well.
For whatever reason, I am not really feeling like wearing any perfume, so I’m just wearing scented lotions. Today is Yves Rocher orange blossom.
Where are you Cazaubon?
I’ve just read back some of your comments and I see that you are back in Canada.
Oh, they have a lotion in that!? I have a tiny edt spray; might have to pull it out.
Lush American Cream since it’s cold and rainy (and goes nicely with the Boy Smells Hinoki Fantome candle I’m burning).
Trying to gear myself up mentally and emotionally for what I figured would happen at some point. Got an email ealier stating we’re required to go to our Bronx facility starting Monday as we will now be doing direct patient care. It’s a little unsettling as I think they aren’t sure what they’re doing and the unfo keeps changing. Currently, we are being mandated by Cuomo to increase our bed capacity and probably to accept patients other than palliative/end of life care.
I’m actually mostly dreading the 2 hour commute each way on public transportation ?
Off to search Amazon for scrubs!
Will savor my remaining days of cabin fever!
Oh dang, you predicted this. I’m sorry. I hope you can go back to regular job soon.
Thanks, me too!
I got an email from my orthopedist’s specialist group practice in northern Virginia that they would be “shifting some of our locations to walk-in urgent care clinics for musculoskeletal issues to keep patients out of the Emergency Room and to free up hospital resources.” My orthopedist, co-located at a hospital center, is one of those.
Last week, they called all patients scheduled for appointments this week to see if they wanted to cancel. I requested telemedicine instead, which they were in the process of setting up for the first time.
So I think this is happening in many places as states scramble to be ready.
What a brutal commute, and nursing a tough job already! Someday, when I can go to a post office again, I owe you perfume, Elisa!
I’m hoping other states learn and become more prepared BEFORE and not while it’s happening. I think we waited to long to put precautions in place in tbe 1st place. Looks like many have already starting to prep and plan.
Lol, thanks! The only thing you can do for me is just stay well!
Please stat safe!
I really should be wearing my reading glasses. I meant be safe!
Thank you! I’ll try!
I have my own experience of 2-hour commute. It sucks. You have my sympathy.
Oof. Sorry for you, too ?
Sorry, I meant to say it is in the past in my case. I have been working from home for years. 🙂
But I remember long commuting sucked. I hope this situation won’t last for you.
Aiyiyi! Two hour’s commuting one way? UGH. Be safe, and take care out there.
Yeah, during rush hour it’s about 1 hour 45 min to 2 hours. I think trains are running with less frequency now because if decreased ridership, so I’m hoping it’s not even longer ?
My husband had a teleconference today – he too may get pulled back in by the health region where we live to take on other duties at the hospital if need be – he’s a social worker so currently telecommuting to take on his normal workload but obviously will answer the call of duty to public health in whatever form that takes.
Thankfully his commute can be walked or biked easily though. Sorry to hear you’ll be doing so much time on public transit!!! Sending you good juju for smooth rides to/from work for as long as this takes.
Good luck to him, teebear! I deal with hospital SWers on a regular and they are so stressed out right now. I always say that SWers are sorely underpaid…
Good luck, Elisa. Why couldn’t you be assigned closer to home? They know fully well mass transit is not ideal. I texted with my brother yesterday. He said he’s still working as a surgeon this week but have been asked to go to ventilator training. He knows what to do but doctors in other specialties may not know how. If he ends up in the front lines, he will be part of the contingent managing the ventilators with some of the less experienced doctors assisting. God help us all.
We’re not being assigned to hospitals for whom we’re not employed, and my hospitsl is in the Bronx. My hired role, though, is not in the Bronx. I float around to other facilities in Manhattan doing referrals/evaluations for our in- patient and home hospice services. I never would have taken a position at our facility in the Bronx unless it was the only job available.
Yeah, it is gonna be a precarious scenario with people being trained on the fly. Some of my colleagues are super anxious about this having not done direct care in decades (at almost-50, I’m the youngest of my colleagues in my dept).
Sorry to hear this. I hope you have your bandana ready!?
For real. I’m actually going to retrieve an N95 ftom my friend who tested positive since she has an extra. Don’t worry, she’s leaving it outside and it’s still in a sealed package.
Excellent score, although sorry to hear about your friend. Hoping she’s just dealing with mild symptoms.
I had a virtual check-up on my fracture with my orthopedist this morning. He said the arm is healing fine, and I can advance to the next stage of PT. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, I am now a massive fan of telemedicine! Obviously there are limits to what it can do, but it was great for this consultation. Namely, it saved me getting up early, taking taxis, riding in crowded hospital elevators, trip hazards, waiting rooms, my own building’s elevators, etc. Or even, God forbid, potentially infecting someone else, even with no symptoms — all for 10 minutes with the doctor.
I’m old enough to face some elevated risk from COVID-19, and I gained enormous peace of mind from not having to leave home for the appointment. Plus, I could have bathed in vintage CD Poison or the stinkiest oud oil, for all they knew! ?
Great news with your virtual check up! ??
Thanks, Jalapeno!
Glad you are on the mend! I wonder if one result of all of this will be that we realize more what can be done virtually
For someone like me who doesn’t drive, or in order to reduce traffic and commute time, that would be a huge help.
I find the experience very immediate, too, not impersonal. I’m shy, and in some ways the screen makes it less intimidating.
I hope you got your Poison edt bath! That’s great about the virtual follow-up.
Thanks! I failed to take advantage this time, but I will plan ahead for the next one! ?
Thanks, it’s hard to believe four weeks have passed already!
Hi friends! I’ll have to catch up on today’s comments tonight (or more realistically tomorrow morning before I start working). I decided to switch up the type of perfume I’ve been wearing and went for partial CP points with Rodin Olio Lusso perfume. My favorite mini review of it on Basenotes calls it “jasmine in hospice,” or jasmine just as it’s about to die. It does have that jasmine indole, but it’s such a bright, happy perfume to me. I needed a big, sunny floral today.
I also want to add that there’s a boatload of neroli in this. I just reapplied. Also a fun fact – the perfumers are D.S. & Durga.
Thanks,I never knew that (either fact)!
Huh. I did not know they made that one, either. And you smell great!
This is a fun fact!
I might wear that one Friday…the hospice crack is funny though!
Where is lovestosmellgood? I haven’t seen her and she hasn’t been on Insta either for several days. I worry because she’s in NYC. Hope they’re ok.
I wonder the same thing. The last I knew, I think they were planning on visiting the FIL. I hope she checks in soon.
I was also wondering. Hope everything is ok with her.
I was thinking the same thing today. I hope that she and her family are well.
Me, too!! And flopper as well.
Busy day. First thing, I put on a bit of Cuir de Lancome. By lunch, I added some vintage Miss Dior from my splash bottle.
It’s the bright spot in my day to come here and have a break from the crazy!
It is an oasis in the storm.
Cuir de Lancome is beautiful!
Did a big spritz of Akro Dark today, and edited music for my act I was meant to create in March/April.
I took a 90-min music editing workshop on Monday to help set me up with the basics of free music editing software, and surprisingly, that was good enough to get the job done!
The act will definitely not be done by April, but at least the music is ready to go when I can begin training again!
Boy I wish that I was sitting next to you!
Commando for perfume today, but I reorganized my perfume collection. The great majority is samples and decants, but I’ve got a few bottles.
The telemedicine appointment I had with one of my doctors this morning went very well. 🙂 I was so glad I didn’t have to drive to his office and interact with who knows how many other patients in the waiting room. He wants me to take Vitamin B, so after the appointment I was out to the stores to pick that up, and iron and Citrical for Mom. It was a successful trip for getting our vitamins and minerals, and I found the food I wanted, too.
Maybe tonight or tomorrow morning I’ll try or retry another of the osmanthus perfume samples I have, and report back in the morning. Good night, folks.