Fiasconaro (of Sicily) make panettone with Candied Chestnuts and Gianduja for Dolce & Gabbana. If you live in the EU and want to see the whole range, go here. If you live in the US, Neiman Marcus does not have this particular one, but they have some other Fiasconaro + Dolce & Gabbana panettone, including one with citrus and saffron for $65. (And I did not do an exhaustive search, other stores might have these.)
Monday scent of the day 12/16
Monday and Jane Austen’s birthday. What fragrance are you wearing?
I’m in Hermès Eau Claire des Merveilles layered over Eau des Merveilles.
Reminder: 12/20 will be De-stress Friday (a repeat from 2014)…
Lazy weekend poll ~ open thread, World Monkey Day 2019
We’re marking World Monkey Day with our standard open thread poll. Talk about anything you like — the fragrance you’re wearing today, your favorite fragrance for monkey business, whatever.
Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer…
The (almost) daily lemming
From Lush, a Cinnamon Orange bath oil bar: "A cozy way to kick off your holidays, this spicy little number looks great hanging from the tree and works even better floating in the tub. Just break off as much as you’d like or hold it under the tap to release a well-deserved cinnamon and clove leaf relaxation session. As benzoin resinoid warms and eases your muscles, fair trade organic cocoa butter and fair trade shea butter soften your skin." $8.95.