Olivier Durbano has launched SpeM PetraM, a new limited edition spicy woody aromatic fragrance.
"Spem Petram, " which translates to "Stone of Hope, " is a deeply personal fragrance for Olivier Durbano, one that finds his religious, spiritual, and artistic impulses overlapping to create a deeply resonant, biblically-inspired [...] scent of dark wood, spicy resin, and incense. At its core is a unique ingredient oft-referenced in the good book- nard, an aromatic central Asian plant related to valerian root with a distinctively earthy, salty, mineralic quality. It's the perfect bridge between the other ingredients- smoky olibanum, fiery cinnamon and saffron, sharp, bright fir, and rich woods, everything combining to build to an ecstatic crescendo tempered with an unexpectedly lush rose note. Together, it creates a powerful sense of exotic spirituality- potent, warm, and soothing, but with an otherworldly characteristic that never becomes overly familiar.
Additional notes include bay leaf, cabreuva, musk and cedar.
Olivier Durbano SpeM PetraM is available in 100 ml Eau de Parfum, $245 at Luckyscent.
(via luckyscent, additional information via olivierdurbano)
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