I once had a photographer ask me what scent I was wearing on a shoot, which is not that unusual a question, but in this case, I could tell he was asking because we were both wearing the same thing: Le Labo’s unmistakable (and ubiquitous) Santal 33, a very sharp, distinct, and self-announcing fragrance that can linger for hours in elevators and stairwells. I have since traded that for [Heretic Parfum Scandalwood], which is not as omnipresent and is far more restrained while still giving skin a similar sandalwoody aroma that’s sensual, velvety, and elegant.
Read more at Five Subtle Scents for People (Like Me) Who Hate Smelling Like Perfume at New York magazine.
Santal 33 is the unofficial perfume of NYC..I smell it in the wild everywhere..
Exactly…so you have to wonder if people are wearing the Scandalwood, if others just think their Santal 33 has gone off 😉
Scents for people who hate smelling like perfume? Why bother, just wear nothing and save your money.
You would think!