It's Monday (sorry) and Iced Tea Day. The freebiemeet is still open. Birthdays today: Maurice Sendak and Judy Garland. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in Monocle + Comme des Garçons Scent One: Hinoki for a rainy morning.
Reminder: on 6/14, we're doing the picture challenge, edition 4, part 2 (you can find part 1 here). Wear a perfume that matches the picture, which is Georgia O'Keeffe's Blue and Green Music. You can find snippets about this painting here and here.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2019, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
We’re having gorgeous weather here today, perfect for iced tea, and I’m in De Profundis from a small decant with a very uncooperative sprayer. I think I sprayed enough but not too much, but we’ll see. 😀
You smell great!
Re: iced tea. I have like $85 in Starbucks gift cards, and I’ve been trying to talk myself into the habit of walking around the corner to get iced tea from them in the afternoons, since I never drink a second cup of coffee, and I like what I have at home. I can’t stand the single-use plastic cups, though. I wonder if they’d let me bring in a reusable cup or a water bottle? . . .
Yes! I’ve taken reusable mugs to Starbucks and it’s no problem.
Good to hear!
They do!
I’m wearing Baghari, from an almost empty sample. However, even the light spray that came out of the sample was more than enough fragrance. Robert Piguet scents are strong.
I have a bottle of Baghari from a generous NSTer at a former freebie meet. You smell great 🙂
They do pack a punch, don’t they? Gosh I used to bathe in Fracas back in H.S., it’s a wonder they didn’t ban me!
It’s a Monday that actually falls on a Monday for me. Seems like it will fit the usual Monday profile as well…?
Continuing my countdown (only 4 more shifts!!) in BoE, trying to maintain some dignity in an undignified world.
Happy Monday! ?
Those shifts will just be over before you know it.
And just out of curiosity and only if you can tell, what is BoE?
I’m betting it’s “Box of Eels”. 🙂
Of course, I thought it was the name of an actual city.
Oh, I see now where the context of Deva’s comment wasn’t entirely clear. My guess could be completely wrong!
If I look at a post’s comments before noon, “Box of Eels” puzzles me for quite some time, until I’ve woken up more. lol
Counting down! Woo hoo! Those 4 shifts will be over soon.
4 more shifts! Woo hoo!?
I never got back to comment last week, but meant to say that I think it’s awesome you might be in the Midwest this fall! You’ll have to keep me posted.
I’m so excited for you, Deva!
At least you smell fabulous…
Yay, 4 to go, that’s great!
This is so exciting! I remember when you were first thinking that maybe this could happen! Heck, I remember back in the swamp days… seems like you’ve been on the road forever. I’m so happy for you?
Yay for 4 more shifts!
I hope they go extra fast!
? “It’s the Final Countdown!” ? Exciting!
Wearing vintage Dune today just because. Beautiful painting for the CP, I need to contemplate it further. Have a good day everyone.
You smell so good
That’s a dreamy scent.
You smell super good.
How old is your vintage Dune?
Wearing Carnal Flower just because I can.
Tea is a stunning jasmine white needle. The best I own and smelling almost as heady as A la nuit!
You smell beautiful! I wore it this past weekend.
Wow and wow! Want to lean over and let me take a sniff?!
That’s the perfect reason to wear CF!
My current tin of jasmine tea is uninspiring 🙁
Your tea sounds wonderful!
Wearing Guerlain Rose Barbare for a cold, dark, rainy day. Beautiful rose scent. Unfortunately, sample thunked!
Do you like it enough for a FB?
It is beautiful, but I would be ok with a large decant. It is not full bottle worthy for me. It has good sillage, but no much longevity.
Guerlain Rose Barbare is one of my HG roses. I should bring my sample out sometime soon. I could compare it to my sample of Nahema.
They are pretty similar, but I LOVE Nahema. Both are great rose scents!
SOTD: Jo Malone Basil & Neroli body creme. This was a post-tax-refund splurge and I’m so glad I went for it!
PS, I made a late addition to the freebiemeet for US folks. Check it out!
holy neroli, I think it was you that was interested in Corsica Furiosa – is that right? I wrote to Parfum d’Empire and documented the correspondence from them on Friday.
Yes! I missed the SOTD post on Friday, so I’ll go read it now. Thanks for the heads up!
You’re welcome! I hope it’s helpful.
A very light application of Antique ambergris solid layered with Lumiere by Aftelier
I’m a little out of the loop with blogs the last couple years but I’m so excited to see this post as it’s been very much on my mind lately. I had perfume a store on Etsy years back ( I had to close due to disability but am fingers crossed plan with better health to open this summer ) and was very influenced by my own synesthesia that effects composing perfumes via notes and color. As example opopanax and notes of myrrh are silver-like to me.
Sometimes it can be a bit intrusive this synesthesia -extreme as of late with a pear perfume I’m working on. In my blog post I used Magritte’s painting, Son of Man as a reference. The color of the apple on the man’s face was seemingly interfering —becoming the color scent reference for the pear note I was trying to achieve .. this is a little hard to explain but I go into it on my May 18 entry on my blog. If you’re interested in a perfumer’s color blending synesthesia is here:
In 2011 I talk about composing perfume to the arts and specifically to a Rothko painting “magenta black, green on orange”
Thank you for the beautiful experience of the painting and perfume today. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this, vireo!
It’s cool and rainy and I spent all the nice weather this weekend indoors, plugging away at a final paper which is STILL not done and is due tonight ? But then I’m done for the summer ?.
Anyway, the weather and my nose called for Gris Clair.
Also, I posted a freebie this morning for any US people interested. Random samples.
Good luck finishing the paper! I love Gris Clair. You smell fabulous.
Thank you! I do not regret this purchase ?
Cool and rainy for me too. You smell contemplative.
It does have that mellowing effect. I hope you get some sun soon (unless you like cool and contemplative weather, of course)!
I hope you get your paper done! Do you restart in the fall, then?
I am “tentatively” starting next month with a Bioethics class.?
There aren’t any semesters. Each class starts over every 2 weeks and each class is 8 weeks long so it’s a rolling schedule. And they don’t want you taking more than 1 class at a time. If I wanted to finish quickly I’d take classes back-to-back, but it really has been killing almost every weekend and many week nights, so it gets a little suffocating. So I’m not gonna take classes this summer- the long answer, lol.
Good luck! Are you starting sn online program?
Gotcha. Yes, it is an online program that sounds similar- classes go for 6 weeks and I’ll take one at a time. I could crank it out in 16 months, but will take some breaks so I can spread it out over 3 calendar years to maximize tuition reimbursement through my employer. It’s through the same school I did my 2 year at in Milwaukee. I also have a BS in psychology so many liberal arts credits transferred in.
Long answer right back at ya!?? Thanks!
That sounds great! Yes, same with maximizing tuition reimbursement. I didn’t have to take anything other than the nursing classes, so that was a plus for this place. Well, glad to have a buddy here ? Let me know how it goes!
Hope the weather clears up after you turn your paper in so you can enjoy being outside some!
Thanks KellyC ?
You smell nice! And I promise: there will be more of nice weather for you to enjoy ?
Go Elisa!! I bet that will feel lovely to get it done.
?It will! I really lose interest after a couple of pages so it makes it very challenging, lol.
Good luck with the paper!
Thanks lillyjo!
Good luck getting your paper finished! ?
I envy all of your rainy weather. Forecast says it’ll be 37C/99F here today. And the night was very warm as well. It’s not something that happens often in our area, so, unlike lucky me, most of the folks don’t have an A/C. Now I’m not sure what to wear not only because of the heat (the office will be A/C’d), but because of all the co-workers who, I suspect, didn’t sleep well. Probably, I should do Jo Malone Earl Grey & Cucumber.
Sounds like a cool choice.
Try and stay cool and out of the way of cranky co-workers!
Even I have to agree that 99 is to hot!
99 degrees F is definitely too stinking hot! Especially for early June!
I love Sendak. And look how the leaves in Wild Things match the O’Keefe painting! Wearing Dilettante today.
I did not know it was Iced Tea day but I did have iced tea. My new thing is putting half and half in iced tea; it adds so much and I don’t know why it isn’t more popular. Add a shot of vanilla if you’re feeling fancy. Mwa!
Yum, that sounds like a Thai iced tea, which I love!
I adore Thai iced tea. I used to keep it in the house and make my own, but that was when I was younger and had a better metabolism 🙂
Yum, I’ll have to try that with my tea. And you smell great.
Mugler Aura, which kind of fits the pciture project imo, but I didn’t plan it that way. I’m feeling it in the warm weather, so might repeat Friday.
Speaking of Judy Garland though, anyone see the trailer for the movie coming out this year? Looks like musical biopics are making a comeback. I liked the Rocketman approach of making it a literal musical and not just a series of concert scenes.
I haven’t smelled Aura, but the name and bottle alone certainly match the CP!
It doesn’t seem like it’s taken off the way Angel and Alien have, unfortunately, I wouldn’t mind seeing the flankers for it. Really fun medicinal green.
Rocketman is at the theater around the corner from us. I might take myself out on a date to it this week.
I haven’t seen the trailer but I did see that there’s a Judy Garland movie coming out. Does it look good?
Looks like it’s gonna focus on her later years instead of try to tell the whole story from cradle to grave like most of these kinds of movies do. Having that focus is promising, I think.
I really enjoy Aura. I have to be in the mood for it though.
I ought to retry Aura. I gave it a sniff on a paper strip shortly after it came out, and something about it grated on my nerves.
Good morning Y’all…..
Starting a new week in Kenzo Flower in the Air. I forgot that this scent disappears in just a couple of hours, so I’ll probably move to something else soon…..
But such a great bottle!
It’s back to feeling like October here. Cold and rainy. I’m at work, and not feeling very well. I am wearing Mad Madame because when I woke up, I felt fine. Idk.. maybe it’s just this place.
Hope you will feel better as the day progresses, Lillyjo.
Hope you feel better soon! Both my girls have been sick over the past few days, must be something going around.
Hope you feel better soon!
Feel better soon, Lillyjo! ??☀️
Feel better soon. Unfortunately I feel like my work makes me feel bad sometimes. Just puts me in a funk. Hugs.
Thanks All! I toughed it out at work, and will be resting the rest of the night. Hopefully it’s a 24 hr thing.
I hope you’re feeling better!
Feel better soon lillyjo! I will try to push summer weather back your way.
31*C outside in my city today. Way too hot for me. I’m in Van Cleef & Arpels Neroli Amara.
Same here! Summer has arrived overnight.
Hermetica Rosefire.
Met a friend for dinner in SF last night, so did some sniffing at Bloomies beforehand. Here I give you my hilarious experience at the L’Artisan counter.
It’s unattended initially, so I’m doing some solo sniffing when the SA shows up, an older gentleman. After some preliminaries, we have this exchange:
SA: “Have you tried this before?” (meaning: the brand, not any particular scent)
Me: (not mentioning all my samples) “Oh, yes. I have Dzing!” (because this is my one L’Artisan FB)
SA: (deep belly laugh, seriously I think he was half bent over at one point) “Oh, you’re funny.”
Me: “All I did was say one word!”
SA: (more laughing)
Me: “You asked a question and I answered!”
SA: “You’re so funny!” (he really did express this sentiment several times)
Me: (quite perplexed; I CAN be funny, but this was no such example)
SA: “In the seven years I’ve worked here, I’ve only met two people who wear that. We stopped carrying it.”
Me: “Uhhh…”
He proceeds to ask how I discovered it (answer: read about it somewhere online, sampled, then purchased), which elicits another comment about how entertaining I am.
SA: “Well, I think it smells like a barnyard, but…” and then he tells me about the only other woman he knew who wears it, who is apparently some uber-elegant and chic harpist who always dresses in high-necked black gowns and diamonds. “So…” and he shrugs.
Now, the above narration makes this exchange seem pretty darned rude, but the fellow was delightfully charming and it wasn’t offensive at all. Just… funny.
An hour or so later, after other shopping (and sniffing at Atelier Cologne, though I didn’t buy) I went back to Bloomie’s to purchase something you would never, ever peg as owned by a funny woman who smells of a barnyard: a very pretty rose, not from L’Artisan.
I stopped back by the L’Artisan counter on my way out.
Me: “I’m going to blow your mind.” Then I described my other purchase, so not like Dzing!
SA: “I LOVE rose! Now let me give you something…” Then he roots around in the cabinet, looking for his secret stash. He finds a bottle, holds it up to the light. “Empty!” Roots around some more. “Oh, here.” He sprays it on a card and hands it over.
Me: (sniff)
SA: “But don’t fall in love with it, because we’re out of stock.”
Hahaha those funny situations are the best when you have a friend with you. Glad you shared it with us!!!
Good one! But what was the one he wanted to give you, or that he sprayed?
He didn’t tell me the name and I was racing out the door to meet my friend for dinner. It was in a round bottle, not the octagonal ones, and he described it as a Bulgarian rose. I’ll have to search on Fragrantica later to see if I can figure it out…
Figured it out: Natura Fabularis 9 Arcana Rosa.
VERY heavy on the woods, which I didn’t observe last night, but as the card has been sitting in my hot, hot car for 24 hours, it’s now very noticeable. Too much for me. I don’t always respond well to cedar.
If you were going to ascribe traditional notions of gender, this reads very masculine to me. Of course, this wasn’t a skin test so it may read very different in actual practice.
Well that sure was an interesting SA for sure!
I hope you enjoyed yourself. 🙂
That’s a great story 🙂
I’m so curious, what was the scent they were out of stock?
A mystery Bulgarian rose. I will post back if I can figure it out…
Figured it out: Natura Fabularis 9 Arcana Rosa.
I added a few more thoughts on it above…
Well, at least he’s a real lover of scent. At our “fancy” Nordstroms downtown, almost any time I talk to the SAs, when they realize I’m a perfume person, they just suggest I go to the Bond counter and try to get rid of me. . .
Or they will steer you to the Perfume House or Perfumerie!
Has that happened to you?! I think sending me to TPH or Fumerie would be preferable. Bond is such a boring line, imo, marketing more on being “high end” rather than on original fragrances.
A few years this happened when I was looking for Joy!
Wow. And Patou is so niche . . . ?
Yes. I experience this with jewelry since I spent so much time in the industry. It’s just easier to feign ignorance sometimes. But them you have to let them prattle on. A double edged sword!
Oh, I can see that for sure! It’s always a difficult decision–whether or not to show our cards in these situations.
Cute! I enjoy playful SAs. I also wanna know 1) the out-of-stock scent 2) the rose perfume you did get!
Still have to figure out #1, as he didn’t give the name and I was rushing. #2 is Hermetica Rosefire which I am wearing today.
Figured it out: Natura Fabularis 9 Arcana Rosa.
New comment above has a few more deets
Your experience at that counter was much better than mine. A younger SA one day there told me that I picked up the most awful of all of them (I blocked out since then which perfume I tried: it was one of my favorites but I wanted to check how it smelled from the new packaging bottle). I couldn’t believe the disdain he clearly felt and demonstrated towards the brand! I just left. But now I feel compelled to go back there, find “your” guy and tell him that Dzing! is my favorite 🙂
I don’t understand that behavior at all. Maybe it was a misguided attempt to create rapport, based on the assumption you agreed with him. Not a good strategy!
I think my guy’s name might have been Fred? We didn’t exchange names, but I think that’s what another SA called him. Very tall, mid-50s to mid-60s. Would be hilarious if he was now swarmed with Dzing! lovers.
Exploring Gardenia Pétale by Van Cleef & Arpels. Lovely, but I already have California Reverie. Will have to decide if they’re not too much alike…
I think this one is gorgeous! I wish it were more “me” because I think it’s so beautiful. I have not tried the California Reverie, however.
It’s a favorite of mine because it has no tuberose note, just gardenia.
I adore California Reverie, great summery jasmine 🙂
I like both but don’t think they really smell alike. Gardenia Petale is greener to me and I always got a lily note in there somewhere.
I got a chance to sniff California Reverie finally and really liked it!
Both scents sound lovely!
Hi all,
SOTD is Angel by Mugler, layered over Angel body oil. This seems counter intuitive as it’s really hot in SF today (it was 82 degrees before 8am, not our normal weather), but it is blooming nicely without being overwhelming… Had a fun birthday weekend out with friends, now I need to hit the gym and behave myself. 🙂
Happy belated birthday! My 8 year old loves your NST nickname and is always asking how smokeytoes is doing- it has captured his imagination for some reason!
Thanks! My follow up scent for Saturday and Sunday was certainly Good Girl Gone Bad by Killian.
Awwww, SmokeyToes is still as cranky and saucy as ever! He just turned 11! Please tell your son that SmokeyToes sends his kind regards. =^.^=
You smell wonderful I’m sure!
You smell great! I still love Angel though I never wear it any more out of the house. And I’ve never seen or tried body oil – it should be heavenly 🙂
Yesterday I had a similar contrarian attitude and wore Tauer’s PHI. It was great in that insanely hot weather.
That oil really is divine.
I’m going to go a little off topic here. I saw something on Fragrantica in the past day or so about the Angel EdT being reworked. The description of the “new and improved” version didn’t sound like my cup of tea.
Oh no, “new and Improved” isn’t music to my ears either. 🙁
Yeah, and the juice is pink. Sounds like the sweet and fruity notes have been amped up.
I saw that too. I’m very tempted to buy the current edt now. The new one sounds like crap. Pardon my language, but I’m sick and ornery
As Undina already said, it’s gonna be a scorcha here today. SOTD is You Or Someone Like You… minty coolness.
Oof last week was exhausting. Went to a 4-day company conference in Monterey… events from 7am til 10pm (and then the bar afterwards!) each day. It was a forum for the top technical people in the company… 150 men, 2 women :^( Well now 6 women, since 4 women got promoted. Generally speaking I don’t pay much attention to gender issues in the workplace, but it’s hard to ignore it under such circumstances.
It was fun to see old friends, and we had a lovely dinner at the Monterey Aquarium, but I feel like I am still catching up on sleep.
That sounds like a lot of being “on”. Congrats on being one of the top technical folks in your organization! I hope you can catch up on sleep soon.
I’ve heard a lot of talk about gender inequality in tech, but the numbers really do stagger me. I think of all the amazing women I knew in college who wanted to do math and computers . . . I wonder where they ended up and what factors influenced their decisions.
Yes… I work in a hardware company, and hardware is significantly more male-dominated than software, so the skew gets really obvious. When I started my career I had more female peers but many of them left engineering along the way. Some went into academia, some went into sales or marketing, some quit to be full time moms. It’s rather sad how few remained in the engineering workforce. Even sadder, the one other woman at my level (until last week!) started her career at the same company I did, in the same group I started in. It may say something that none of the senior women here are ‘home grown’ from inside this company.
I can see how that would be an especially tough environment! Even in my field, public education, which is primarily female, most of the leadership is male. I’ve watched how hard it is on women principals, and I cannot imagine wanting to be in their shoes.
In the past I used to think that women who complained about gender equality were too “fragile for the real work world” and I always enjoyed working with men more than with women – I’m not a girly girl and my husband has mentioned that I’m very “male” in the way that my words get “used up”. BUT, having reached an age where I can see where on the ladder my hard working female friends ended up and where the males with the same qualifications are at, I have to admit that the playing field is not equal.
I can only echo Sistine on the congratulations that you made it to the top!
I am often asked for advice for younger women. I tell them that stubbornness counts for A LOT. 🙂
Sounds exhausting, but congrats on being top tier!
Way to represent for the women! Hope you get caught up on rest soon.
Conferences are exhausting – just went through a couple last months.
I was just thinking about the same issue recently: I work in a smaller subsidiary of a huge company. And while the parent company at least tries to maintain some balance, in my company there is no a single woman executive. Knowing our leaders, I just don’t believe in all these years there were no women candidates who would have done the same job at least as good as those men who did get hired do.
To be fair, I don’t think there is any discrimination on the middle level of the company.
Vanilla Vibes from a sample. I thought there was little chance that I would like this as nothing from this line has worked for me, but I do like it…for about the two hours I could smell it. On me, it’s very salty up front, and I’ve rarely met a salt note I didn’t like.
I like salty notes, too!
I bought Ambrosine a few years ago, mostly because there’s a saltiness to the amber, which I really liked, especially in warmer weather. Gives it a “beachy” feel, I guess!
Accidentally relevant in some vintage Vent Vert.
Yes, you are! Plus you smell great.
I was tentatively considering reeking havoc, but my sample of Areej Le Dore’s Indolis caught my attention. Since it’s my first try from this line, I figured I should go easy. I dunno if the sillage will expand later, but right now it’s pretty tame on me. I like it fine, but was expecting a jasmine bomb and my skin is amping up the oakmoss instead, and it’s feeling a tad murky. So I’ve just added a dab of Jasmins Marzipane on my other arm, and so far my impression is that it’s nice enough, but not wowing me. Now Jasmine Sambac and Marigold is waiting in the wings.
I have this quirk that I want my perfume to spontaneously inspire a particular emotional response or association, and if it doesn’t, I’m usually inclined to simply move it on to someone else who might love it.
I have that same quirk and unfortunately discovered this requirement after I’d gone and bought a whole lot of really nice perfumista’s favourites (also to ‘educate my nose’) that spark zero emotional response. The ones I return to are the ones that evoke a certain mood for me. I once mentioned that SL FdO was a happy perfume for me and Kanuka wrote back “expansive even”. So, you are not alone!
Thank you, Aurora! It’s lovely to know that someone else gets it in the same way. I enjoy that we’re all so different and have our own unique responses – I love it when people are passionate. Even when I’m not inspired by the object of their passion myself, I love to learn about how others perceive what they do and what moves them.
Oh goodness, autocorrect actually has “Aurora”? I apologize, Amyitis.
I’m very pleased to hear that you are back to wearing perfume Holly! I’ve enjoyed seeing your posts here.
Aw, thank you Jalapeno!
Where the Wild Things Are! Oh how I loved reading that book to my kids when they were little…the artwork is extraordinary imo. Another book that definitely sparks joy and escaped the donation stack. Maybe someday I will read it to grandkids. ?
A La Nuit for another sample thunk.
It is one of the few books I can still recite by heart, or most of it, anyway. Having someone to read it to is one of the reasons to have children. (And one of the other reasons is Sendak’s Nutshell Library, and then another is Carole King’s Really Rosie.)
You had a gorgeous THUNK for today.
I’m in Bois Farine today. Oooh, I love this stuff. Thanks goodness it’s a cooler day!
Oh, you do smell perfect!
Happy Monday!
1) Perfect day for iced tea- it will be 87F/30C today!
2) Am in a blend of Prim Botanicals Body Oil and Cap Neroli. The body oil I bought on special at Anthropologie- spicy jasmine/pepper goodness, a great foundation for Cap Neroli fresh goodness.
3) My garden is FINALLY coming into flower. I wont get roses this year but the glads are finally showing, as are my little dahlias!
4) I made Tuna Confit after watching a video on YT by Samin Nasrat. Holy moly- all the tuna I have been eating all this time was TRASH. I made a pounds worth- but covered in oil, it will keep for about 10 days – 2 weeks.
I will make pan bagnat with it. Or out on salad. Or put on pasta with plenty of garden herbs.
I just got an email this morning that Samin Nosrat will be in town this fall for an evening of “moderated conversation and Q&A.” I loved her Netflix special, what a magnetic personality. I’m seriously tempted to go.
Ooh I hope you go! She seems like an absolute delight.
You should go! Do it!
Thanks for the inspiration!
DO IT! Make your own!
My late aunt used to can her own tuna–fresh caught off of the Oregon coast. It was so good, I could eat it like candy! The stuff in the grocery store doesn’t even compare.
There are places on the coast that sell it and it is SO GOOD. That is why I felt okay in doing the recipe- the cost was equal to a couple of cans, plus i get the flavored oil which I will turn into aioli.
My favorite source is Barnacle Bills in Lincoln City (next to the community center). ???
Fantastic you make your own aioli, too! I’ve made my own mayo only the once, but it was so superior to the store-bought kind (like nearly everything).
BB’s is awesome!
It’s so easy and good to make aioli from scratch, especially with a mini food processor. My favorite thing in summer is making aioli with a load of steamed, chilled veggies, small potatoes and boiled eggs, and serving along with lots of cold spiked iced tea. Easy peasy get together for a crowd.
Ok. Now I think we really need to meet in person some time! And if there just happens to be some food involved . . . ?
I bake a pretty good pie and berry season is just getting started. . . Just sayin’.
Dreaming of warmer climes (it was raining all day, stopped only this evening) wearing Guy Laroche Fidji, one favorite ylang-ylang.
I’d love to swap your weather for mine today 😉
You’re welcome to it 🙂
I notice you have alot of stuff with ylang. Something I haven’t really explored. Any recommendations?
Yes, you’re right and I hadn’t even realized it until I wore three in the space of a week. I call ylang the banana flower, it’s quite tropical so you have like this effect. I recommend Fidji a classic, Victoria at Bois de Jasmin told me it’s an absolute gem and the modern one is fine and not too expansive, although you have to reapply after 4 hours or so (vintage is really affordable on eBay here in the UK and lasts longer) For amber and ylang the best is Estee Lauder Private Collection Amber Ylang-Ylang but it’s discontinued 🙁 maybe because the juice darkened so quickly; Illuminum Saffron Amber is the next best thing.
If we hadn’t these stupid postal regulations concerning perfume in the UK I would send you samples Lillyjo.
Thanks, Aurora. I will do some research into what I can find readily. If I’ve come across ylang before, I probably didn’t even know it,
I hope that the nice weather I had this past weekend will make its way to you Aurora.
Thank you Jalapeno, it’s been rather cold for June so far, on the plus side I can still wear cool weather scents 🙂
ZOTM (Zoologist of the moment) is Macaque.
I’m getting a “dusty” green scent–a little sweet (from the woods, I think, rather than the honey or flowers). It is soft with low sillage, which is good, since it’s going to be warm today, and I have exercises to do. (I become my own warm oil infuser, in such situations!)
I actually like that one- a friend wears that in winter. A sweater scent for her.
Haven’t tried that one yet. Thanks for the mini review!
Smelling great in Tiger’s Nest!
You are smelling great indeed!
Very hot here today, but clouds moving in and rain expected for tomorrow. Wearing a bit of Mon Précieux Nectar.
I was considering that one today! Somehow I also mentally grouped Chant d’Aromes and Terracotta Voile d’Ete into the same bunch of options to wear. Oh gosh, so many perfumes, and when I have new ones to try I am both excited and dismayed.
I feel exactly the same
Thank you, yasmina. It’s always nice to have company.
Will have to read up about that painting and see what I can come up with for Friday! For today I sprayed Molecule 01 and couldn’t smell it at all so then layered Tocca Colette on top of it, which I love.
Had so much fun picking up our new camper and sleeping in it Saturday night. Can’t wait for more! I wore Aqua Vitae Forte all weekend.
Also, I’m late to the game but added something onto the freebiemeet.
I love Molecule 01… when I can smell it – which happens not every time I wear it 🙂
The picture makes me think of leaves and trees, so Ormond Jayne Woman for me today.
You smell great!
So, after my elevator moment with the good-smelling lady, I went ahead and ordered a 10 ml decant of Thierry Mugler Cologne. Wasn’t too sure in first spraying, but it’s a nice refreshing dry down. Will see if my husband likes it.
I haven’t tried Cologne recently but I really liked it when it was released first. I wonder how much it has changed since.
Mmm Iced Tea Day..I found a good herbal one, has packets made for a pitcher..Tazo Iced Passion…so good chilled:) Pretty color too. Ingredients include: hibiscus, orange peel, lemongrass, rose hips, cinnamon. Yum.
Wearing Bodycology mist in Sweet Cotton Candy lol..yummy cheap sugar stuff lol..but it’s making me sneeze..:p. I am appreciating cheaper stuff more..but sneezing I do not appreciate lol.
The Tazo Iced Passion tea sounds really good!
I am back home from my London trip and had a good time sniffing at Heathrow’s terminal 3 – they had everything!
Some new loves: California Reverie and Bois des Iles! Now I know what all the fuss is about.
But the biggest love of all was Coromandel. Wowza!! This stuff is gorgeous. So gorgeous I couldn’t resist and bought a bottle with the intention of splitting some off at the next meet. Although if it’s not against the rules I may offer some at the next weekend poll so I can give myself permission to open the box!
I only knew to try Coromandel because it gives so much play here so thanks everyone:)
Coromandel is so good! Congrats on the new bottle!
Thanks! I wasn’t planning on buying anything in the Duty Free but this was too good
It would have been a difficult choice for me between the Bois des Iles and Coromandel.
It was very very difficult! Also in the running was Cuir Beluga
You’ve fallen for several of my true loves! CR is wonderful on a warm summer day. And I adore Coromandel and Cuir Beluga in the cold weather.
Scent of the early evening: Roger & Gallet Osmanthus.
Mmm. I love osmanthus as a note
That was a little bonus from Rayleighblue. I’m congested today, but what I could smell smelled good. I’ll definitely try it again. Later I added on a layer of Hermes Osmanthe Yunnan, and got that smoky note.
OY is one of my favorite Hermessence
Robin or irisjasmine can tell you too — we had yucky weather here in southeastern Pennsylvania. It was warm, and raining off and on, except that I felt cold in my room and when I was in the car with the windshield defogger on. That smoked tea scent felt kind of warming to me.
I was into trying various kinds of flowering tea for some time. I liked the osmanthus-flavored flowering tea. The jasmine ones were very nice, too, with one sort uncurling from a ball to release a string of jasmine flowers. Another sort I really liked were the ones with amaranth flowers. I think the one kind had amaranth flowers and osmanthus petals. Yummy!
What do the parental units think about the Roger & Gallet?
I tried it while they were out of the house. lol. Although I think that it would likely fall into Mom’s “relatively inoffensive” category. 🙂 By the time they got home, I had gone up to my room. I don’t think I left much sillage behind.
I like that one and don’t wear it nearly as much as I should. It’s really great for hot weather. And probably parent-proof since it’s so sheer ?
I’m not liking today’s weather one bit! It’s been misting all day. Not even enough precipitation to be considered drizzle, but it feels horrid and humid. YUCK! ?
In Scented News: someone here had mentioned that Pacifica scents were back at Whole Foods. I did remember to check for them the last time I was at my local store, and there were only 2 of the spray perfumes: Indian Coconut Nectar and Island Vanilla. So the Pacifica website had a better selection of perfume the last time I checked it out.
SOTD = Tauer Au Coeur du Desert, from the sample stash. It works in warm and humid weather, much to my delight!
They still have some of the Pacificas at Ulta too. Sorry about the weather, it cleared up here this evening.
I’m most interested in the Lilac. I’ve had the occasional thought of getting a BUB of the Persian Rose, but given how long it takes me to get through a bottle, it might not make sense.
I got a bottle of French Lilac when I saw it at Whole Foods. According to Google Maps (for what that’s worth — lol), you only live about an hour away from me. We could probably meet up physically sometime and swap and sample perfumes. Depends how busy your schedule is. 🙂
I saw a display of Pacifica fragrances at the local Target recently, too. They had several of the types that have a floral, fruit or spice name, and some of the ones with abstract names. Worth seeing if the fragrances are there if you have a Target near you.
The Target in my area has them as well.
The Target that is closest to me is currently being remodeled, and is a nightmare to shop in as a result. ? Fortunately, there are a few other stores within an easy drive. So I will keep an eye out the next time. ?
Mine only has Pacifica rollerballs.
We are just now getting your stinky almost drizzling weather. Super humid here now too.
Ugh, so you are in the soup now, too. The latest forecast I saw mentioned that Wednesday was going to be nice, so I will hold out hope that this isn’t a long term trend.
Do you have a Fresh Thyme in your area? They carry Pacifica.
Another busy day at work. Super late to the party. SOTD was the original Victoria’s Secret Perfume.
Even later than you so replying so you know someone read your post! SOTD = Les Eaux de Chanel Paris – Deauville because there was so much love for this line on the LWP!
I haven’t tried any of that line but I am sure you smelled lovely!
I wore that last night to bed. I’m really enjoying it.
Petunia, you smell fantastic! That is one great perfume. They never should have discontinued it.
I agree. It’s still a great scent. Mimosa and rosewood, I think?
Super late checking in tonight.
My SOTE is from another sample; Parfums de Marly Athalia. I was hoping for more iris, but I’m not detecting any. It’s more if a bwf right now. I probably have something like this already; money saved.
I really wanted to love something in that line becausr I love the bottles. ?
Late to check in today though I read posts in the morning. I went with an old decant of Laura Mercier Neroli to go with an orange blouse with a lemon print. Tonight I’ve finished off an old sample of Strange Invisible Perfumes Galatea, which is tuberose and neroli dominant.
I didn’t know LM had a neroli. Are you a neroli lover? Just asking bc I am, and would love to hear your thoughts on it!
Well, the LM is discontinued, but there are a couple bottles on eBay and Beauty Encounter. It’s starts out as a candied, sweet orange blossom and then turns more creamy floral. I was catching an odd soil/mineral note in the drydown.
I love lemon prints! My favorite dress is blue with ?