Hump Day, Sherlock Holmes Day, World Goth Day. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Bakul Medjool for Bob Dylan Dark Eyes, from Empire Burlesque. (It did not make the Rolling Stone list of the 100 best Bob Dylan songs, but you can find a video of him singing it with Patti Smith on the Rolling Stone site, plus, you can find it on Culture Sonar's list of The 10 Best Bob Dylan Songs You May Have Never Heard.)
Reminder: 5/24 is Bob Dylan's birthday. Match a fragrance to a Bob Dylan song, OR, tell us who YOUR favorite musical artist is and match a fragrance to one of his/her/their songs.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2019, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: the Unisex Sherlock Holmes Hat Deerstalker Hat Classic Hat is around $18 at Amazon.
Absolutely no Bob connection for me today – I’m in 24, Faubourg, and feeling quite elegant.
You smell fabulous
Thanks! It’s definitely one of my top five of all time.
Pretty sure 24 Faubourg is negative points for the cp 😉
That scent is the anti-Dylan for sure! And a good thing too–I hate Bob Dylan and love 24 F!
Same here! An old friend used to do a spot-on Dylan imitation, with made-up lyrics – can’t remember all of it, but it started with (imagine this with Dylanesque inflection): “Standin’ on a corner with my cup out for a diiiieeeeeem-uhh…” It was funny yet horrifying. 🙂
Looove that one. You smell fancy (as my goddaughter tells me sometimes haha).
Maybe 24 F would go with Madonna’s “Material Girl”?
I am in Lilli Bermuda Frangipani and a polka dot dress with some ruffles around the corner.
Song pairing, Nina Simone, Just in Time
Tangled Up In Bleu de Chanel
The EDT lasts 6 hours, the same duration as the song.
Or maybe it just seems like that…
Lillyjo, Aventus is smoky birch wood, jasmine, and musk. What is listed as pineapple and black currant smells like generic Jolly Rancher ON MY SKIN.
Lots of ‘batch variation’, beast mode, and p***y-d*****r nonsense on Basenotes. YMMV
? Love it!
Omg, that is the best song matching ever! ???
Thanks for the Aventus info. Those are some odd folk.
The Aventus talk on basenotes and reddit is so extremely straight male. It’s a fine fragrance but it’s not THAT good
The advertising is what I imagine would appeal to the toxically masculine crowd at my gym. . .
Thumbs up! 😀 😀 😀
Bear, you make me LOL!
Enjoyed the laugh!
Thanks for the laugh today!!
The perfume/song title portmanteau was awesome, Bear!
Today I am taking a short break between Bob Dylan’s songs. Instead I picked Head over Heels by ABBA and two scents to match, Fracas and vintage Diva. I think they both go well with the lyrics and the character portrayed by Frida in the music video (link below).
The lyrics I find especially fitting:
“You hear her voice everywhere
Taking the chair
She’s a leading lady”
“Setting the pace
Running the gauntlet in a whirl of lace
She’s extreme if you know what I mean”
And, speaking of music, I am very excited that my choir signed up for the World Choir Games 2020. ?Any NSTers going there by any chance?
Oh, great choices!
Thanks! And now I feel that I need to buy more Fracas (got around 5 ml left).
I love ABBA! My first concert ever, circa 1979.
I love them too. 🙂
I’m in Zoologist Panda today. I can jokingly approximate the CP by claiming inspiration from Desiigner’s song Panda, but honestly I just thought it smelled great when I sniffed the bottle this morning and went with it.
Choice lyrics to Panda:
“I’m feeling myself
Panda, Panda
Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda”
It truly is the most ludicrous of bro-bait – when you described it as “meh” yesterday I half expected the site to have to shut down under a wave of beast mode rage. Personally my p____s have never d__ed upon smelling Aventus.
Oh no, this was supposed to go under Bear’s comment!
Here I meant to comment that this Panda song thing must be a trend – Deerhoof also has a song that goes, “Panda panda panda panda pan, pan-da!”
I love Deerhoof!
Ha, wasn’t expecting to find Deerhoof references on NST! I saw them perform like 15 years ago when I was in college (how has it already been 13 years since I graduated?). They were super fun. I love how whimsical their lyrics are yet they still manage to be experimental and rock.
Reminded by your comment, I’m checking out the zoologist fragrances at the moment–any sense on which sample set a person should invest in? The scents I hear the most comment on are Bat and Camel, I believe, but looks like there’s nearly 20 scents in the full set. Are the obscure ones worth a sniff, too?
On a related note, under their “connoisseur” sample set, the description seems a bit much to me!
“You are not new to perfumes and you find “designer perfumes” in department stores too simple or crowd-pleasing. The unique, complex and creative scents in this sample pack will give you a nice challenge, and you might find your “signature scent” here!”
I dunno, I actually think it is pretty accurate!
That is a bit heavy handed of a description!
I ended up going with the Easy Loving set and a few individual samples (bat, camel, and elephant). Bat is really good! I haven’t tried Moth but I’m sure there are NSTers who have.
I have not tried them all, but I like Moth, Macaque, and Nightingale too.
I second Moth, Bat, and Camel, and would add Civet, which is definitely “unique, complex, and creative,” as the ad copy says, and so too is T-Rex, a smoke-patchouli-incense bomb with tinges of floral, and my latest purchase from them is Chameleon, which is heavy on ylang-ylang.
Macaque is an underrated one. So green!
The absolute must-sniffs IMO are Moth, Bat and Camel. Nightingale if you like pretty, Tyrannosaurus Rex if you like powerful-smoky. But I do think all the perfumes in the line are interesting and well-done enough to merit a sniff, even if they don’t turn out to be your favorite.
This sort of advice hardly helps me keep my sample pile under control! 😉
Haha I know the feeling.
Enablers Anonymous this isn’t. ?
I totally agree with this statement. I’m in Rhino today myself. Love Bat. Have also enjoyed Elephant, Chameleon, Civet and Camel.
This morning’s earworm is David Bowie Golden Years and my sotd is Hypnotic Poison. The two have nothing to do with each other or the CP but there it is 🙂
I was thinking we should do a David Bowie cp!
Or maybe one for Prince? Think of the purple possibilities!
Ooh, lots of room for creativity with him! And Prince too!
I could definitely get behind that.
That would be a good one!
You can count my vote for this one!
I could get with that! I finally found a coveted pair of the David Bowie sneakers for a reasonable price. I swore I would never pay for a pair of Vans, but I couldn’t resist having his red strip on my shoes.
Oooooooooh, yaaaaaaas! For both a David Bowie and Prince CP!
I think the tone of the song and perfume are a really good match ?
Love that combo!
Today I’m wearing Providence Perfumes Sweet Jasmine Brown, inspired by yesterdays conversation about dark jasmines. I am not sure I would describe this as skanky but definitely kind of extra chewy?
“Chewy jasmine” sounds interesting! What exactly makes it chewy?
I’m in Fleur de Peau. No Bob for me today either.
My older daughter has been home from college for a few days and now both my girls have been snuggling (and giggling) with me at bedtime. Maybe it’s coincidence but I’ve been sleeping like a rock for the past few nights! Love it when that happens.
That’s so nice ❤️
It really is. It warms my heart every time.☺️
Adorable in every way! Happy you’re getting a deep restful sleep. ✌?
Isn’t good sleep just the best?!
Snuggle/giggle time is the best!
I totally agree!?
That is very cute and sweet 🙂
So sweet!
You smell great, and enjoy your girls being home.
Had fun earlier with husband trying out all the various samples I’d blagged during recent short trips to Glasgow, London & Dublin to decide which he’d take when we leave tomorrow to visit our friends in Oak Ridge North (near The Woodlands), Texas. He’s gone with CD’s Santal Noir, Penhaligon’s Blasted Heath & Hermes’ Myrrhe Eglantine. I have half a bottle left of MM’s Promenade in the Gardens which I haven’t worn for some time, so that’s me sorted. Hoping to suss out some new offerings in Nordstrom & Sephora. Taxi booked for stupid o’clock (4:45) tomorrow morning – Texas here we come!
It’s horrendously hot and humid here. Be prepared. Summer is already with us. I also recommend Kuhl-Linscomb, near the Whole Foods at Kirby and Alabama, which has numerous perfumes including niche ones and knowledgeable staff people.
We’ve been visiting our friends regularly for years, at various times of the year, so have experienced all sorts of weather, but thank you for the ‘be prepared’ warning. Went to Kuhl-Linscomb a few years ago & whether they were re-jigging the layout at that time or for whatever reason, I was very disappointed with what they had to offer. Just had a look at their website & ‘home fragrance’ seems to be their thing despite the section headings listed.
Oh, too bad! I think maybe Saks is the store in the Galleria with the best selection now. Enjoy those margaritas!
Have a great time – Tex-Mex, Barbecue and seafood!
Thank you – yes, what you mentioned – plus the odd glass of local wine &more than the odd margarita!
No SOTM, other than the lingering remains of yesterdays Tulips and Roses (Roses and Tulips?). Honestly, it isn’t a complicated perfume, but it’s quite nice. I’d happily wear it, if some fell into my posession, as Robin would say. I will likely grab something else out of the sample pile later.
I got bored sitting around yesterday, and I baked a brownie pie. You know, for the healing power of butter. ? It’s quite good.
Between that and two short walks, I got 7700 steps, the most I’ve had since my surgery. I’m a little sore, but not bad, so I will try for around 7000 steps again today. The docs say I don’t get to lift anything for another week at least, so walking is my only sanctioned exercise. I know it’s irrational, but I feel like I’m going to see my muscles melt away in front of my eyes from lack of use. . . and I’ve worked so hard for them! (Pretty sure the brownie pie will help with those goals, too, yes?)
Wait. Did I read that label wrong? I just tried to find “tulips and roses” and the search came up Whips and Roses?!! Well, that’s a different connotation entirely. . . . ?
I recently went on a hunt for whips and roses, just for the bottle alone. Glad to know it smells good, if I ever find it.
Yes, very annoyed to see that it is discontinued! I really should dig through my samples in a more timely manner!
I’ve long since thunked my decant of Whips and Roses, really liked it. The bottle is beautiful, I hope you find one.
7,000 steps is nothing to sneeze at! Well done, but don’t push yourself too hard.
I’m not pushing myself beyond what my body says is ok. I got advice from a PT before surgery, and she was very clear that the usual post-surgical physical limitations are based on averages. Of course, all of us have stitches and incisions that need to heal, but after that, our abilities will be determined by our previous levels of fitness, to a large degree. I am unusually strong for a woman, so I’m having to figure out *my* limits without a lot of guidance, other than what feels ok in the moment and after the fact. . .
Good for you! Very proud of you to holding onto those muscles post surgery 🙂 And YUM brownie pie!
Thanks! I know you’ve had some physical goals lately, too! I know you can appreciate that it’s the culmination of many day-to-day choices that matter in these situations. 🙂
And yes, the brownie pie is also nice. It occurred to me the other day that I don’t want to live a life without chocolate. Maybe that’s an obvious statement? But for years I’ve tried to figure out ways to ration my chocolate as the primary way to continue to work towards certain nutritional goals. . . now I think I realize that I’ve been going about it all wrong! I need to focus on other eating choices that matter to me less so that I can keep room for chocolate in my daily life! It’s a liberating realization. 🙂
YES, this is very similar to the decisions that helped me get on the road to serious health management! 🙂 Learning how to prioritize your nutritional goals is essential. Good for you developing good day-to-day choices post-surgery, when it would be super-easy to indulge in excuses!
Update: SOTD is Blackbird YOS-6 (or is that YO6-S?, I can’t keep these weird names straight these days!). Anyway, bananas segueing directly into rubberbands in a thunderstorm. . .
Sounds like recovery is going well for you Marjorie Rose. ??
“How many roads must a man walk down . . .”
I don’t know, but I am personally on Unter den Linden….
??????? 😎 !
Good one!
Well done!
After my morning workout, I am wearing Hermes Eau de Narcisse Bleu, after showering with Bourbon French Narcisse shower gel.
Ah, and how is that shower gel??
I’m curious too!
Its very nice. I love the way the shower smells when I am using it.
Good morning Y’all!
Wearing Prada Infusion d’Iris Cedre, because my Scentbird sample lives in my purse, and in the rush to get out the door, it was my only choice. I always love it though….have yet to tire of wearing it.
THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL is here at last. This year was TOUGH, to be perfectly honest. One kid was a hormonal teen trainwreck in the 7th grade, one kid was a Freshman adjusting to the more rigorous work in high school, and one kid was a Senior with a pretty bad case of senioritis at the end. WHEW! I’m just glad it’s over for a few weeks…. 🙂
Hey, congrats on surviving the year! I predict next year will be AWESOME! In my experience, kids with tough 7th grade years often find their place and settle down quite a bit for 8th grade. Sophomore year of high school is when SOOoooo many kids figure out high school and suddenly realize that they can do school for themselves, and is the eldest moving on to college? That can be an amazing transition, too!
Thank you for posting this! I SO NEEDED to hear it after the past few weeks we’ve had! LOL Sometimes when you’re in the thick of things, it’s hard to see that it’s just a phase….a chapter in the story! 🙂
It all really is temporary. I have the benefit of having watched literally thousands of kids go through puberty, and they all survive it. 🙂
It’s clear your kids are lucky to have you there to guide them along the way!
That is a seriously tough year! I hope next year will be better.
Oof, I remember 7th grade being a particularly awful year (I was a *very* angsty pre-teen). But then I fell in with a new and wonderful group of friends in 8th grade, and things were much better!
7th grade stunk for me too.
Middle school has not been a magical experience for any of my 3 kiddies! LOL I’ll be glad to see these years pass! 🙂
Yep, I was antsy and had a rough 7th grade year, but 8th grade was much better!
7th grade sucked for me as well.
SOTD PdN Neroli Intense with extra spritzes on my top. It smells sooo good on clothing! It doesn’t match any Bob songs (though if I tried, I’m sure I could pull something off).
It does match my deep orange-y coral sweater ?
So long as it matches something! But everyone is ignoring the fact that you can match to something by YOUR favorite artist.
I’m really bad at pairing with music! Left-brained problem.
Had I known it was World Goth Day though…
I just got the Neroli Intense. You smell gorgeous!
Thank you! I hope you enjoy your bottle! I’m on my 2nd 30ml bottle already since I first got it in February.
“Things Have Changed,” a “newer’ Dylan song, which I’ve paired with En Voyage Zelda, which goes through many changes throughout the day.
That is one beautiful perfume. You smell great!
Great song and fume!
Wearing Chanel No.19 EdP because I needed beauty and strength in my life today!
You are bringing beauty and strength to the world! Good luck today!
Thank you, Lillyjo! ?
Smelling pretty perfect!
Thank you! ?
Can’t go wrong with 19!
Never! It is such a beauty and always on my top 5.
No. 19 is a great antidote for whatever ails you!
It never fails!
Atelier Sud Magnolia today.
One of my favorite Ateliers, you smell great!
In Bergamote Soleil today, and it is simply perfect in the late spring! I’m half way through my 7.5mL, and think I’ll bring it to Spain and just thunk it. It’s sooooooo good! Might even need the 30mL eventually.
House twins! I like that one.
I’m in vetiver/lavender body oil + Caron Pour Un Homme. Today’s song pick is “Lavender” by Ray LaMontagne.
Perfect pairing 🙂 I already know I like Caron Pour Un Homme but the vetiver/lavender oil sounds wonderful, who makes it?
It’s a local business called Blue Lake Botanicals in Northeast Ohio. They just opened a store near me and I’m a little obsessed with both their body products and their teas (no affiliation, just a fan)
Check them out on Etsy if you’re interested 🙂
Thanks, I will!
Ooh, that combo sounds lovely. I love Ray LaMontagne. I’ve seen him live 3 times, his really old stuff is my favorite though.
Agreed! I actually saw him in Madison several years ago – I think it was 2011ish (maybe you were there too??) It was at an auditorium downtown and the acoustics were amazing – his band sounded so, so good.
Yes! That would have been at the Overture Center and I was there too! That is a beautiful venue with great acoustics.
Great pairing! And that combo sounds excellent.
Not put together yet, but I’m thinking of going with Sky Father from Dame for the day.
Song of the day: I watched a really cool You Tube video segment of Phil Collins’s Farewell Tour concert when he performed “Something in the Air Tonite”. He started out the song just walking in a big circle around the stage singing the first part, then when he got to the top, the spotlights revealed his drum kit, and as he approached it, the crowd went NUTS. He then proceeded to percussion the bejeebus out of the rest of the song.
It’s a great video to watch if you’re looking for an energetic pick-me-up. Sometimes I alternate between that and Fleetwood Mac’s Gold Dust Woman from their 90’s reunion concert.
That Fleetwood Mac reunion tour is awesome.
Agreed. I love that tour so much. The one this year was pretty amazing too. Saw them in NY and they rocked.
There’s a guy in my neighborhood who drives around blaring Phil Collins songs. It’s his thing and he’s know as “the Phil Collins guy”. I belong to a neighborhood Facebook page that talks about local goings-ons and lately Phil Collins Guy sittings and videos have been getting a lot of postings of sittings and videos people are taking. It’s pretty hilarious! I’ll have to check out that YouTube video!
The Phil Collins Guy, that’s hilarious! Hey, everyone has their rock idols. Clearly, PC is it for this guy.
He’s definitely bringing joy to the neighborhood, or at least giving people something to talk about on Facebook (local politics can get dry after a while)!
I like blaring Phil Collins from time to time. And singing along.
*hangs head sheepishly*
So it’s YOU!! ?
You would know if it were me–I drive an art car (completely painted and covered with flowers). ?
SotD is Memo Winter Palace. I lemminged to smell it for a while and now that I did it was an instant swoon and I want a bottle (which is gorgeous btw)
I’m so glad it’s good! The bottle and name deserve it!
It has a beautiful orange oil vibe warmed by a red tea. Dreamy and summery.
Wow that DOES sound dreamy
I tested it last week. I didn’t swoon, but I found it very addicting. I wouldn’t mind a decant to play with a little longer. But I find the name confusing. I’ve been to the Summer Palace in China, but what is the Winter Palace? Also, the scent just doesn’t feel winter palace-y… This is all perfume world inside baseball, but the name just bugs me.
I keep imagining that the Ice Capades are happening at the Winter Palace, lol.
There’s a Winter Palace in St Petersburg
It was so disappointing on me, but I’m glad you have a new love, Lucasi!
Today was tigers nest which in my mind should be called winter palace
Oh well.
Robin, I think Patti Smith singing Masters of War at the Nobel prize ceremony for Bob Dylan is one of the best ever. But it does compete with all along the watchtower sung by Jimi. Or there’s always turn turn turn with the Byrd’s
Is there nothing our man Bob hasn’t written?
Did you get your birthday perfume already? If not, is Winter Palace a good option?
This! <3
Wow! It must be really good, then! You have created a lemming already!
Haven’t sniffed it, but I adore this name.
Winter Palace sounds like it would make a yummy cocktail!
It’s a Tobacco Vanille day. Tom Ford gets two Stones songs. 1. Sympathy for the Devil, because as we know, Tom Ford is the Devil. 2. Under my Thumb, because that’s where he has me, lol! I thought these were good matches until Bear wiped the floor with me! I’m going to be singing and laughing that all day???
Ahhhh… that’s a Bearish message! Been missing them.
Thanks Bear!?
I love this because I love TF no matter how others hate him ha!
I keep trying to break up with him, but he won’t let me go!
You smell great!
? Thanks for the laugh! Love this!
Ha! Anytime ?
Here’s a goth-y version of your Song of the Day from yesterday, lillyjo:
That’s kind of a scary version. There’s a couple of grunge versions floating around too. Still gotta go with the original. ??
Your #1 made me ??. And I’m with you on #2. There aren’t too many in his line that I truly dislike. Darn you Tom Ford! ?
Wearing Balenciaga Rosebotanica which was tucked away in the back of my perfume drawer. The bottle is so pretty, it really shouldn’t be hidden. These top notes are divine. It will fade by late morning but I’ll enjoy it while I can.
Agree, that one should be on the dresser!
That’s a nice one. Prefer it to Florabotanica. Yes! Display that puppy!
Yes to everything!
I 3rd the bottle and I liked the smell of that one, too.
That is a display worthy bottle for sure.
I have always loved listening to Bob Dylan’s music and still do. At the moment, I can’t think of any perfume that matches one of his songs except for “Portrait of a Lady” for “Lay Lady Lay” (lay across my big brass bed).
Or for You’re A Big Girl Now, would fit that too!
Perfect pairing!
My favorite song of his, indeed, the only one I really love.
Winding up my Naomi Goodsir series with Or du Sérail. Of course I applied a good amount because I love it. Husband gives me the raised eyebrow and says, do they mind you wearing that much perfume to yoga class?
I don’t know, but no one has ever complained. And I felt great about it. 🙂
Ha, I was swanning around at work the other day when someone said to me “You stink!”!?! I think I was wearing Omnia that day, which is one of the most inoffensive, crowd pleasing scents in the entire WORLD! ??#nofilter
??? I got a lot of soap from Omnia, which is about as far from skank and stink as you can get.
Some people just need to complain. It’s their communication style. ?
I would have retorted, « And you have no class! »
Oh, I would have loved to. ?
1) Jeremy Brett was the Sherlock Holmes when I was a little girl…and now RDJ and Benedict Cucumberpatch.
2) In Vanori from Sylvia Delecourte!
3) Red Roses soap from Jo Malone is so lovely, especially after a sweaty workout!
Wore a sample of Red Roses the other day (last week? 2 weeks ago? idk). Liked it but found it was very strong (which I don’t mind), so strong that my 11y.o. nephew was exclaiming “what smells like roses in here?” and “whatdja do, BATHE in it?!?” whilst dropping him off about 12 hours later. Needless to say, Dear Nephew does not like a rose scent.
Oh well. TOO BAD NEPHEW. *cackles devilish-ly*
This cracked me up!
Red Rose is STRONG! With Jo Malone scents usually you can get away with 2-3 spritzes. NOT RED ROSE! I used the soap and 1 spritz and attended a meeting in the afternoon and everyone remarked on the rosy scent in an approving tone- HOURS after application.
Jeremy Brett was a wonderful Sherlock Holmes, such a great voice and such beautiful diction!
Oh, Brett’s voice was amazing, just amazing and the Granada series was, for me, the very definition of how Sherlock Holmes should look and feel on film. I love RDJ’s steampunk Sherlock Holmes (and Guy Ritchie is a damn genius for that) but Brett still rules!
Sidenote: I remember watching Star Trek TNG as a kid with my mom and one day she said “You know would be a better Picard? Jeremy Brett!”
Star Trek Blasphemy.
I’ve never watched a single episode of Star Trek so I can’t possibly comment 😉
I did love Jeremy Brett too, but hey, how about Basil Rathbone!!
In Guy Laroche Clandestine which I’m not pairing with anything.
Thereby living up to its name 🙂
That’s right, Robin 🙂
No Bob connection- in Avignon for it’s calming, peaceful effect.
Feeling a little sad this morning, wishing I was in Alabama. J’s girlfriend graduates today and she’s such a huge part of our lives, plus a couple of his other close friends who were a year younger than him. Wishing I could be there in person. Instead I will watch it streaming online and just look forward to them coming to NM in a few weeks. 😥
Aww, sorry you couldn’t be there ?
Profumi di Firenze Vaniglia del Madagascar today.
This is a smoky, floral vanilla to my nose. Quite lovely.
It’s a beauty, She -ra.
I’m thinking a Goth Sherlock Holmes could be amusing….
Cap Neroli today. Was complimented on this recently, which is not that common.
Need to run out and buy new pajama bottoms. I flopped rather heavily onto our couch, in the middle between two cushions, and split the seam. Yes, I can repair it, I suppose. No, they weren’t too small. Just heavily worn….
You smell great. Cap Neroli is my all time fave for summer!
Well loved pjs are hard to replace!
This made me laugh ? I buy bottoms at D II (formally Big D’s) and at $3-$5 a piece they’re practically disposable!
Good idea. What’s bad is it is almost exactly a year ago that I bought these at Target to replace a pair where I did the exact same thing. (Those were admittedly a bit tight, but also multiple years old.)
Sampling Nitesurf from Regime des Fleurs today since the line “like a complete unknown” was in my head this morning and this is a sample from a lot I bought a couple of years ago and I knew nothing about it
That works!
Wearing Jolie Madam today and pairing it with Dylan’s Just Like A Woman.
Wearing Malle Une Rose. I’d tried it when I first started trying perfume seriously a little over 10 years ago. I got a sample out of curiosity and I almost wish I hadn’t. It’s pretty marvellous!
Une Rose is extremely pretty in the best way!
Such a great scent, and I rarely remember to wear it. Ditto with Sa Majeste La Rose, although come to think of it, don’t know if either or both have been reformulated.
Sherlock Holmes Day – I did not know that (technically that was yesterday here, but I won’t let that small trifle interfere with my Sherlock Holmes appreciation). I’m much more a Holmes fan than a Dylan one. Years ago, I bought a book of the complete Holmes stories, with all the original illustrations, and I’ve read it cover to cover several times.
I don’t like pipe smoke, so wouldn’t want to smell too reminiscent of Holmes, but the tobacco idea leads me to Tobacco Vanille for the day.
I have not read them all, and I should!
Joining several other rose wearers today in L’Ombre dans L’eau.
Perfect — I am thinking of that for tomorrow.
I’m pretty much the opposite of goth today in a pink floral print maxi dress. Should have saved it for tomorrow and worn black today! Wearing Hendley Blond, a new favorite of mine, especially on a work day because there’s very little sillage. It’s almost like two or three perfumes in one because of its development. I really marvel at the composition. It starts as an ashy, earthy iris and turns into a melon, jasmine musk by the end. A super interesting perfume.
I was tempted to sample Blond, but I’m afraid of the melon note. Any resemblance to Durga at all, if you’ve tried it? I liked that one, but the melon ultimately was too overwhelming for me.
And you’re just being an ironic Goth today ?
No, it’s not like Durga at all. It’s a very quiet perfume on me. It only projects for maybe the first 1.5-2 hours, but it still wears close to the skin. I don’t even smell the melon until hours later, and even then, it’s not loud. I’d definitely give it a try when he has it in stock again. I’m planing to buy a travel spray.
Oh, and thanks for the idea. I’m wearing Durga tonight. ?
SotD = Terracotta Le Parfum
Wednesday smells like Terracotta, and possibly like actual Nirvana, but not like Teen Spirit. 😉 Gosh I love that song. It has an interesting musical structure.
I’m enjoying everyone’s scent-song pairings. I have to think of one for Friday. Must do that today.
I sometimes make associations between colors and music. Beethoven’s 5th is silvery. Billy Eilish’s song Lovely is yellow-green.
I’m home from work/school waiting for someone to show up for an appointment that was supposed to happen 26 minutes ago. It’s nice to have this downtime to read everyone’s comments.
Every one of you smells fantastic!
oh! and a few of you fragrance friends have emailed asking about my son. I owe each of you a reply. Will say for now that he is doing ok in his new apartment, better than I expected, and is happier than before. Thanks for caring, NSTers! 😀
So glad to here this!
Great news! 🙂
You smell(ed) great while waiting for your appointment today! And good to hear that your son is doing well. ???
Daim Blond on blonde
Nice, I like that!
Song of the day is “Vaseline” by Stone Temple Pilots. How did I not know that their videos are so freaking weird??? I totally missed that memo. And absolutely no relation to the CP whatsoever.
SOTD = Oriza L. Legrand Oeillet Louis XV EdP, from the sample stash. I’d like to thank the NSTer who was wearing carnations yesterday. You inspired me to grab this today! It’s worked beautifully.
It took me awhile to appreciate STP. I think it was because of the videos.
I really like them too… How about AA Pamplelune for “Sour Girl”? ?
Would you believe that I have yet to try that AA? Time to get to Sephora!
It’s one of the originals from when they first launched that line. Great stuff – give it a go!
MFK Aqua Celestia. My sample set has several of these aquas and they’re not very noteworthy but this seems to have a bit more character. Good for our hot humid Houston weather. I’m kind of fatigued lately by going to PT and dragging my stupid walker everywhere.
The walker is hopefully temporary? How do you feel as far as progression with PT?
PT is good, but my surgeon has imposed major restrictions since he had to do so many repairs. And he has told me to keep using the walker for two more months!
Sorry to hear about the fatigue.
Hot humid weather sucks the energy right out of me too. Hope you can ditch the walker soon.
Wearing Prada Amande tonight from my 8 ml mini. I’m a complete fail at this week’s CP.
I had a rough night yesterday; woke up at 1am with a crazy stomach ache. Tossed and turned then finally got up for some Pepto; that took awhile to kick in, I even debated staying home but I’m so busy. If I miss a day, its like a week. Ugh.
I feel better now as I scarfed down some Twizzler Super Nibs after dinner! They’re medicinal, right?
If it works it works — very sorry about your rough night!