PSA: the swapmeet is open through Tuesday!
Today, our same old open thread poll. Talk about anything you like — the fragrance you’re wearing today, your favorite new scented body product, whatever.
Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer…
Note: top image is 2016/366/54 Emerging [cropped] by Edna Winti at flickr; some rights reserved.
Here’s my question: what is your favorite first date scent? I usually play it safe with a classy Chanel. Any quirky or ‘extreme’ scents can be introduced later (if it gets to more dates….).
Ha ha, what’s a date?
Haha! I’m with Calypso! I wore Marc Jacobs Blush on a first date, and now he’s my husband! So be careful what you choose. 😉 That was a long time ago, before the perfume rabbit hole, but it still holds a special place in my heart.
I’m with you, Calypso! ????
31 Rue Cambon is usually mine. It’s a bit loud for the first hour but with some forethought on application, it’s a knockout!
Lovely!! That would be my choice after 1932, which is a little less loud on me.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve had a first date, but box of eels would be my choice.
I would go with Chanel No. 19. It is good for any occasion and season and it never overwhelms.
Oh, 19 would be a great first date fragrance.
It’s been a very long time since I had a date, but Amouage Dia would be my choice.
I just received a sample of that. I will smell it with that in mind ????
The Hermessences are a nice choice for me! (Most of the Chanel’s feel a bit too old for a first date to me.) Although I guess I haven’t had a first date since I fell down the rabbit hole.
Ooh, those would be very nice!
I prefer scents that make me happy. I wore Guerlain French Kiss on my first date with my now fiance so I guess it worked
Do I get a match-making pin? Just kidding…..
I think you deserve it!
I haven’t been on a date since the 90s! I used to wear either sandalwood oil, Gap Grass, or the lilac body spray from Bath & Bodyworks – wish I still had all three!
I think Eau de Merveilles is a good one – to me, that’s a subtle yet sexy scent. I associate Chanel more with a power suit – but I”m a Chanel nube.
Depends on the prospective date…if it’s someone I have high hopes for, then something a little sexy (floral, specifically jasmine). If it’s someone I’m not so sure about, then something more generic, maybe from a sample I like but am not planning to purchase a whole bottle…
Perfume that reflects your emotions–I love it!
Something with vanilla or floral, since guys seem to go for that (in general). If dating a lady I would wear a Chanel, maybe Beige, Allure, or Chance Eau Fraiche (which smells awesome on me).
I’m not sure I was wearing perfume during my dating days. If I was, it would have been either old formulation Ivoire, or Chopard Casmir.
I think Vanilla is safe – there are a ton of articles out there about vanilla being the ultimate attraction fragrance. However, I would go with whatever you like and whatever makes you feel good – if you are not meshing well with the scent, then no matter what, it is not going to make you comfortable. Although I walked out of a date once because he guy was wearing an annoying cologne I could not stomach. My current boss is somewhat of a legend – he oversprays Drakkar Noir and we just cannot stop making jokes about him. I am sure his feelings would be hurt if he ever overheard us.
Safe, and very pretty: Jessica McClintock
Hello, I’ve been absent for a few days and missed the color project yesterday, because I was in the hospital! My hip replacement popped out on me when I stood up on Weds. night–I could feel and hear the popping–I couldn’t stand and fell down. Called neighbours who helped me get an ambulance and spent one night in the ER and another day in the hospital. They made several attempts to pop it back into place, but it was dislocated by 4 inches–The X-ray of it is truly creepy, but also almost funny. Finally an orthopedist popped it back in, but they kept me another night as a precaution. I was never so glad to get back home yesterday afternoon to my care-giver kitties. I have some strong pain pills and hope to be back to normal before too long. When I got home I applied some Areej Le Dore Indolis which I’d recently gotten as a sample with purchase from Luckyscent. It’s a very wondrous scent and I found it uplifting, though I’ve mostly slept since then.
PS Just found another auto-correct-generated perfume title: Areej Le Dore Indoors, ha ha. Well, that too!
Oh no, Calypso! I’m so sorry to hear that!!! Painful and scary! My mother was here last month and hers popped out from doing something ordinary as well. Now she has been doing exercises to strengthen her inner thigh and the muscles surrounding her hip replacement in hopes that it doesn’t happen again. I hope you recover quickly and it doesn’t happen again to you!
Oh no, what an ordeal. I am very glad you could call your neighbors to get help. Fingers crossed it’s a one off. Get better soon!
I’m so sorry you had to go through all this! Hope your scent and your kitties are bringing you much deserved comfort.
Glad the orthopedist was able to help…rest and feel better!
Oh my gosh how scary! I’m glad you are home and that you have some pain medication.
Ah, no! That sounds terrible! I hope you’re back to normal soon.
Ow! I’m sorry you had that big mishap. I’ve never of the hip joint coming undone. Thank you for sharing, and do take good care with lots of perfume and kitty cuddles.
Glad you are home and on the mend–what an ordeal!! Rest up and smell nice things….
Oh, no, that sounds awful! I’m glad you were able to get help so quickly. I hope you’re able to rest and feel better soon.
Oh my goodness! So sorry you had to go through all of that! Rest up and treat upurself gently. You might need to indulge in a bit of perfume purchasing after all that pain and stress. Just an thought …????
Oh my goodness! I cannot imagine. So sorry that you had to go through that.
It seems very wrong that the phrases “popped out” and “hip replacement” have to be used together in a sentence. I hope you feel much better soon!
Wow, that’s awful! I’m so glad to hear you’re at home with the kitties. Take care of yourself. Sending healing vibes your way.
Oh, dear! Glad your neighbors were available to help out. I’ve seen them do those manually in the hospital, and it looks seriously painful (and a little brutal). Hope you have a full recovery!
Oh no!!! Get better soon!
Oh no! I am do so sorry. It sounds really terrible. I hope you get enough rest and recover very soon. Sending healing vibes!
Scary! but once you are out of pain, hopefully the right exercises will keep it from happening again.
Oh, Calypso!!!! Hope you are pain free soon!!!! Soak up all that kitty love!
Oh my! What an awful ordeal. Glad they got it back in and the kitties are providing care. Hoping for no recurrence!!
Oh that sounds scary, glad someone was around to help you. Also glad its (kinda) fixed and you are back home!
I hope it heals quickly.
You smell awesome by the way, I wore Indolis yesterday, and I love it more each wear.
That sounds awful, glad to hear you’re back home and recovering.
That sounds horribly disconcerting and painful and I can just see that xray and it makes me squirm. I hope you are able to manage the pain and regain confidence in the joint. So sorry it happened and wishing you the best.
I’ve uploaded the actual X-ray onto Flickr. Not that anyone needs to look! But if you’re at all curious about what a dislocated hip looks like:
Argh, nasty. Glad it is back where it should be.
Oh my goodness, this sounds terrible! Glad to hear about the strong pain pills (and perfume).
wishing you a speedy recovery and no more popping!
Yikes! I can’t even imagine. Glad your neighbors were able to help and the orthopedist was able to pop it back in again! I agree with others above that this calls for compensatory perfume.
Whoa! Glad you are getting back to normal, and that you have such caring neighbors and kitties around you.
Ai yi yikes! That sounds extremely painful and scary. Thank goodness that you were able to have helpful neighbors and a doc who knew what to do! Perfume and kitty caregivers sound like an excellent idea after all that.
That’s awful! Keep the pain meds, kitties, and neighbors close by; rest lots; and we’ll look forward to hearing soon that you’re back on feet again!
“your” feet, that is… (not the kitties or the neighbors)
Calypso, what a horrid story. Hope you are feeling much better this evening!
Yikes! I hope you’ll be feeling much better soon. And thank heaven for good neighbors and strong orthopedists!
So sorry that this happened to you. I hope that you recover quickly!
Oh, how awful for you! Sorry for all that pain and trouble you had to go through. At least one person in that hospital could help you. Wuf…..
Best of luck getting back on the mend!
Oh my -What a story!! You are one tough (and brave) cookie Calypso!! I hope you are feeling better. Stay strong and keep moving forward.
Hope today has you feeling better! Kitties are the best care-givers!
Wow! How unpleasant that sounds. So sorry this happened, but glad it is back in place and you are home recovering. Rest & be well.
I didn’t even know this was possible, a terrifying thought. Hope they can fix you up asap!
Yikes! That sounds scary and painful. Hope that you are taking it easy and getting plenty of rest.
It does sound awful, and I join other wishing you to get better soon.
Happy First Lazy Weekend Poll of Spring everyone! I’m in a few sprays of Providence Perfume Co. Osmanthus Oolong. I have to admit I’m wearing it because it was the first thing I saw in the cabinet before I raced out the door to see the Easter bunny with the kids, but it was a nice warmth against the cold wind at the park! I hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday!
Hey, so it is! Wish all this darned snow would melt, but we did have a decent sunny day today.
Doesn’t feel like Spring here at all so I’m wearing one of my ‘Spring in a bottle’ fragrances which is Aqua Sextius from Jul et Mad.
Easter is just a week away and then I will be off to Milan. Looking forward to being at Esxence again. And I will get me that Agar Ebene.
Oh, I envy you Milan!! Have a wonderful time and be sure to report all that sniffing..
Will report on my blog, as usual
Have a nice trip Lucasai! Hopefully by the time you get back home Spring will be waiting for you with open arms! ????????????????????????????
Thank you and I do have hope for that!
Have a wonderful time in Milan, I’m looking forward to reading all about it.
????and I’m looking forward to discovering what’s new
Have fun sweetie!
One year we’ll do it together
I remember last year when you went was the first time you mentioned Grandiflora Queen of the Night! I’m looking forward to hearing of your new discoveries there this year.
Hello everyone!
My favorite scented body product is Dao shower foam from Rituals
Last night I went out with a friend and saw Call me by Your Name movie. James Ivory does such good adaptations for films
This morning I tried to teach my crazy money how to whisk matcha, let’s say all of it ended up outside the bowl. My chubby Buddha, who is younger did an incredible job
I’m totally addicted to matcha latte and have bought all the tools from the Internet, can’t wait to make it at home. What’s your favorite brand?
Also, will be trying that shower foam from Ritals!
I’ve never even stepped into one of those Rituals stores. I must do so soon, and will try this one you love.
I am not sure CdG Concrete fits in here, but I enjoyed this article.
I tried Proenza Schouler Arizona, for which I had high hopes just because I love their designs. That’s me it is disappointingly conventional, and too creamy/sweet when I was hoping for something more like Alaia’s wet stone effect. Oh well.
Darn- I had high hopes for Arizona also.
I find that if I spritz Arizona really lightly, then I get the mineral aspect. However, with a normal 3-spritz application, that facet is hidden.
I live in AZ and pretty much every scent that claims to evoke the Southwest/AZ/Sonora/the desert has disappointed me. Weirdly enough, the only scents that remind me of the area are Clinique Wrappings and the opening of Dasein’s Winter – both get the evergreen/pine aspect just right.
I heard it was like a conventional white floral, sort of like Gucci Bloom? Is that accurate?
I smell a lot more iris than white flowers, although jasmine is definitely hanging around in the background.
Un Air de Samsara today. Creamy but soft. Perfect for the warmer-than-spring weather we’re getting in Houston.
Lucky you!
Saturdays are actually my Mondays, so I’m having coffee with my partner this morning before heading off to work (where, sadly, I can’t wear perfume). Instead I’m enjoying the smell of the scented oil I brushed through her hair this morning. It’s a pleasant, nondescript little rosey laundry musk… reminds me of that article talking about “millenial scents.” It does go well with the cloudy morning we’re having, though.
Let’s talk about scented hair products! There’s a lot of love here for Ancient Resins, for a start. Are the Malle hair mists worth it? Does anyone just sneak in a spritz of regular perfume and if so how well does it work?
I’ve used a little (it’s oily and so is my hair) Ancient Resins on my ends. The scent doesn’t last all that long though.
I usually spray some perfume in my hair so I get a nice waft-especially around the nape. No adverse effects. Not sure I’d buy a pricey hair mist, though, since regular perfume works just fine. I tried the Diptyque Eau Rose hair mist in the shop and could barely smell it.
I’ve never really understood the concept of special scented products for hair. I know folks say the alcohol in it can maybe damage hair. But I use volumzing products a lot, and they generally have alcohol. And I learned some time ago that a little damage gives volume to my glass-textured hair. So I spray away!
I’m with you on this. I spritz the back of my hair with regular perfume, although further away than, say my wrists. There is so much other things damaging my hair, I don’t think it matters.
I have that kind of texture to my hair as well – my hairdresser says it’s “slick as snot on a doorknob,” and that’s with only a pea-sized dab of conditioner on the ends.
Your hairdresser should take a side job as a poet!
For what it’s worth, the hair oil in this post was “Ghost Oil” from the brand Verb.
I just do 1-3 spritzes of regular perfume. I don’t buy special hair scents. It seems to work well, and I have not noticed my hair being especially dry.
Hey AnnieA! I have the Carnal Flower and Chanel No.5 hair mist…and I am tempted to get the Valentino Donna one as well for the right price. They do take the place of their namesake perfume if you’re looking for something airier and not harmful to hair. Truth be told with perfumes, when I spray and walk into the mist or hold the nozzle just above me and spray, most of the droplets land on hair anyway and so far, I have not had a problem with my hair. In addition, the Aftelier extraits are more oil in feel and I usually run that through hair – the ones I have are Vanilla Smoke and Cuir de Gardenia.
Thanks to this discussion, I covered my hair in a cloud of the Carnal Flower hair mist you sent me last year! I thought I smelled great, but my boyfriend said my hair smelled too strongly. Maybe he just doesn’t like tuberose.
I still need to try Vanilla Smoke. Even the name is gorgeous!
I have been practicing hajuusuri mrthod with all of my attars – drop in your hair last for ages. I am still debating Carnal flower hair mist …
I spray my hair with perfume and I find it’s excellent. It lasts a long time. The development of the scent can be different from on the skin.
Usually I use perfumes that don’t last long on me in my hair, to extend their life.
I do this, too, and never find it “drying” or otherwise problematic. I’ve learned to love some scents especially for how they develop in my hair vs. on skin, regardless of longevity. Lipstick Rose is one of those for me–just wonderful in my hair!
It is closer to the nose too and diffuses better when you shake your head 🙂
Old sample of TF Azuree Soleil inspired by the daily lemming Bronze Goddess fun stuff. I may have to cave this year and get some BG.
Springpansy, I can send you some BG Eau Fraiche in the meantime. Email me if you would like to.
I may cave on that “gelee” stuff even though I have not finished my massive tub of the body cream.
I’m also thinking about it – in addition to my regular perfume. I would not have noticed it if it weren’t for your lemming post! 🙂
Finally, spring may be coming to this coast and not a moment too soon. Swap meet has been great–and thanks to all of the very generous NST’ers who have swapped. Not sure what to wear today–sun in the sky but lots of snow still on the ground. Something to encourage spring….Tauer’s Reverie au Jardin…
Oh that’s a lovely scent. Probably the only Tauer that agrees with me. You smell great.
Hopefully you are getting a fair amount of snowmelt today.
SOTD Is the warming PdN Vetyver. Cold and windy. We have left behind the “wintery mix” (since it’s now officially spring, I guess) and progressed to “frozen mix.” Yuck.
Itching to hit the road but will have climb the cascades to the east, and prediction is for heavy snow at higher elevations, which is no bueno. *sigh*
Ugh on the “frozen mix”! You’ve had quite a week… Where are you heading off to when the roads permit?
Well, turned out to be a very warm and sunny morning, so I thought I’d make a run for Bend.
Roads looked great! Just a bit wet from melting snow, no biggie. Came across a blinking sign that read: “traction tires or chains needed ahead.” Ha, totally blew it off. Until I got stuck 10 Miles up the mountain ????
It’s a good idea to pay attention to those signs, I guess.
Do you have any chains for your ride? In some states out West, you can get fined for not having them on if chain laws are in effect.
Oh, no! I was just getting ready to warn you about getting stuck in the mountains (it happened to me once years ago and was NO FUN).
SotM = Parfum d’Hermes, a dab from a sample of this grand perfume. It smells like it’s 1984 again.
It’s Hermessences, day 5, and Brin de Reglisse is on deck for later, after Parfum d’Hermes quiets down. I wanted to wear BdR a few days ago but couldn’t find my sample. It’s in a spray vial, I thought it was a dabber vial, so it was hiding in plain sight. I do love the 4 ml samples from Hermes, generously sized and very lovely indeed.
Gucci Bloom shower gel and lotion are my favorites at the moment, with thanks to one of the most uber-fabulous NST perfumistas to ever grace the land of fragrance with their perfumed presence.
Now, that’s enough of ignoring today’s to-do list. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work I go. Hope you each have a wonderful weekend, NSTers, wherever your scented wanderings may take you.
Parfum d’Hermes is a grand fragrance! You smell wonderful. I know this because a most generous and uber-fabulous NST perfumista shared some with me.
I love your third paragraph, in case you didn’t notice! Hope you don’t mind the blatant cribbing! ????
thanks, Nancyleandros! PdH makes an entrance for sure.
We’re so fortunate that the perfumeland is populated with so many uber-fab folks. 😀
I’ve always wanted to try Parfum d’Hermes. It sounds so lovely!
Do give it a try if you find some. I think my sample came from STC a few years ago. I’m not usually drawn to chypres, but I said “Yes to Hermes!” and am glad I tried it. 😀
Hi Coumarin, the Hermes was gifted to me, and I’d like to pass a bit of it on to you if you’d like some. I’m at nlmcook aaat sbcglobal dawt net. ????
If it’s 1984 again, I look fabulous! And, hey… there’s a Gucci Bloom shower gel? I bet it’s fantastic! I might cave for the perfume, but want to smell the new flanker first.
The Bloom shower gel is really very nice. I’m not usually keen to use perfumed bath products, but this one is easy to love. And I want to smell that flanker too!
Hermes does not scrimp on samples. Half the challenge is the sentiment that the boutiques are too chi-chi for “regular”‘people. The SAs don’t bite and if they do, I bite back.
I love Hermes for that. There is no Hermes botique in my city so I email them about frags I want to try which aren’t stocked in our department stores (older releases that are still in production, Hermessences etc) and they’ve always been happy to send out a couple of those 4ml samples for no charge and they usually throw in a couple of samples of their most recent releases for good measure. Prettily presented in a Hermes bag with ribbons and all too!
I love those big samples to, and ha! I can imagine those SAs are no match for you. 😀
I was stuck waiting for a many hours delayed arrival at a distant airport a few months ago. Rather than go home then drive back I wandered over to a mall nearby. I decided to be brave, walked in to Hermes, sat down to take it all in. The shop was very busy but within a few minutes two SAs welcomed me and both offered to show me around though I was clearly not there to buy. I was impressed they were so smooth and charming and nice, though I imagine they are wise to treat everyone well as so much of their business comes from tourists on their way to or from the airport.
True. The one on Broad St. downtown is very much of this attitude and it’s so annoying going in.
I’m wearing Wood Sage and Sea Salt again. I think I have one more wearing left before I finish the bottle, so I’m just itching to empty it. When it’s gone, I haven’t decided if I will replace it or look for another “by the ocean” scent. Tiempe Passate is a candidate. Does anyone have any favorite oceanside fragrances to recommend?
Épice Marine!
Profumum Roma Acqua di Sale!
It’s a toss-up between MH Fleurs de Sel and VCA Midnight in Paris.
I don’t know if CSP Aqua Motu has been reformulated, but it used to smell of a rocky, seaweed-strewn beach, not synthetically aquatic at all and definitely not a suntan fragrance. It’s still in production and possibly worth hunting down.
Second that!
Ocean Dream used to be my one and only oceany scent I loved. I think it’s still around, but not sure how it smells now.
Here are two odd ones you might want to consider: Au Lac by Eau D’Italie, and Fleur des Comoros by MPG. The latter is described as “tropical” and “summery,” and while it doesn’t have marine notes, it always comes across as marine to me in its effects. It’s unusual and I think very beautiful.
Oh my! Congratulations on finishing the bottle! I really like the mineral aspect of Hermes Eau des Merveilles Bleue which is not so popular in these here parts. I have the 50 mL bottle (the 100 mL bottle is too big for me to comfortably spray) as well as a super duper cute 30 mL which allows me to bring it on vacation without decanting.
+1 for Hermes Eau des Merveilles Bleue.
You beat me to the punch on what I was going to recommend! Too bad that the smallest bottle seems to be gone now. 🙁
I saw one on Amazon priced higher than the 100 mLs!
Heeley Sel Marin. I grew up out east and live in the Midwest now. Sel Marin is one of my go-tos when I’m homesick for seaweed and saltwater. Profumum’s Aqua di Sale is the other. They sort of remind me of eating a fresh, briny oyster paired with a gin martini—probably not a selling point to some folks, but heaven to me!
Thanks for all the suggestions! I look forward to trying all of these.
I have both WS&SS and TP – and I don’t think that I’d like to replace one with another.
I don’t know if you’ve tried another perfume from the same brand as TP – Sogni Del Mar – but I think it’s perfect (but you need to test it from where you’re going to buy your bottle – see my warning story here ).
Still grey skies here, feeling cozy in Kerosene Unknown Pleasures.
Is it your newest bottle?
Yes, I am on a gourmand kick. It is so good (if you like lemon meringue pie).
I’m testing out Yves Rocher Pur Decir de Lilas that arrived the other day. Not what I expected- more greenish almond than lilac forward. A little sweet. It’s like a lilac flavored macaron to me. It’s pleasant though.
Your description has me pretty intrigued. I’ve been looking around for an almond scent.
That should be “Desir”. But, yeah, if you like almond it might be a good bet. It’s supposed to be a lilac scent but I smell more almond, though I wouldn’t describe it as a pure almond scent. I won it on an eBay bid for < $10(about 70% of a 30ml bottle).
“Lilac flavored macaron” sounds like a lovely snack for this time of year.
I’d definitely eat one!????
Hi there!
My weekend started early this week and very good with a short trip to north of France.
We visited Louvre Lens (a regional branche of the famous Louvre just south of Lille), Arras, and, the highlight of the day: La Piscine (a gorgeous Art deco swimming pool turned into a museum with tons of interesting art, symbolism, realism, art nouveau, art deco) in Roubaix.
Today we stopped in Lille on our way home. We bough some treats at Aux Merveilleux de Fred, shopped a birthday present for my mom (who is doing fine btw, is gaining strength and health, and had her birthday last week. she is celebrating it tomorrow) at Printemps, and I tried eau de parfums at the Aesop store (the very friendly SA gave me a sample of Hwyl).
Roubaix! The Paris-Roubaix cycling race is on April 8th, looking forward to watching that. 🙂 Glad to hear mum is doing better, do let me know what you think of Hwyl.
Yeah I bumped into that store and remembered your comment from last week. ????
I wore it on my right wrist today, i smell the similarities to Hinoki, but (and those are my husband’s words) its somewhat softer, bit more refined and slightly sweeter. I also detected more frankincense.
That sounds so wonderful! I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.
Yes it was wonderful.
Lille is a lovely city, it was my third visit and certainly not my last ???? (it is only a 2,5 to 3 hour ride from the Netherlands).
What a great weekend! La Piscine sounds wonderful, and it’s also fantastic news that your mother is doing well.
La Piscine was really a surprise. I discovered some artists I never heard of before, like Remy Cogghe. His work is really good!
The french wikipedia has a nice gallery
Nice little getaway and I’m glad your mom is doing better!
Yes her recovery is quite amazing. I am so grateful to all the hospital staff for taking such good care of her and saving her life!
My mother hardly has any recollection of what happened to her in ICU, but maybe thats for the best….
Thanks for the update on your mom’s health. Good to know that she is doing much better! Your trip sounds rather nice, too.
I’m glad you had a great trip, and that your mother is doing so well!
It’s Le Maroc Pour Elle this morning, thanks to Meridifay and the swapmeet.
This is wowow amazing. Starts out as a big floral with some citrus, then it’s almost a red fruity floral, then the fruit fades as the jasmine, rose and patch duke it out.
I would never peg this as from Andy Tauer until it gets to the dry down, a really soft sandalwood. It’s really nice to have a chance to try his first fragrance. ????
Love this one, you smell great! It’s a room-filler.
Thanks! It’s very different from what I usually gravitate towards, but I like it.
Le Maroc Pour Elle is one of my favorites from Andy Tauer. A little goes a LONG way with that one for me.
Yes…I wish I’d left a bit in the vial so I could follow the ride around again.
Winter will NOT leave us and I’ve had some real dry-skin problems this year (the joys of getting older): beard oil is one remedy, and some of them are so intensely scented that they can sub as a fragrance. (And they’re right under your nose anyway, so you can always smell them even if nobody else can.) Right now I’m redolent of Grave Before Shave Cigar Blend, that fruity-earthy smell that pipe tobacco can have, bolstered with creamy vanilla: I rubbed a couple of extra drops all over my hands, too.
That’s sounds so nice!
Pipe tobacco and vanilla? You smell wonderful!
In Parfume d’Empire Azemour les Oranges (thanks to the great generosity of SheriG). Such a beautiful perfume. The salty vibe combined with all the citrusy and green notes is amazing. It has gone to the top of my fb shopping list. It is a very cheerful, bright and happy scent. Perfect to keep me smiling in the middle of the unexpected, painful, irreversible and very difficult personal situation I have been facing lately. Days are very tough and depressing and I am struggling to keep myself functioning. I hope that I eventually come out of it stronger and more positive. I do not know how long it will take, but I need to reach all the peace and stability that I have lost so I can enjoy again the simple pleasures that life offers us every day. Sorry to mentioned this here. I just needed to let it out of my heart now and feel a little lighter.
On my way out to take my dog to the park. He is standing in front of me with an upset face demanding to give him a walk asap. ????.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
So sorry you are having a rough time. Sending positive thoughts!
Azemour sounds great btw, I need to explore that brand more…
May dog and perfumes bring you cheer during what sounds like a very tough time.
Stay strong and treat yourself to small pleasures. Hope it’s not illness as all the rest we can fix, just give it time.
Wear happy perfumes, Ostara for example!
Thinking of you. I hope things improve soon and wish you peace. Hugs!!
hang in there, pl67, better days are on the way.
I agree with your doggo, a trip to the park is a great way to spend some time right now.
((((Hugs)))) to you PL67….I will be thinking of you and sending you all the positive vibes I can.
Hey there, I am sorry for the painful situation you are in. Eventually, strength and peace will come. I think it is a good thing to share when you need to. It really does help. You have always been more than kind with your well wishes to me and others here. You deserve some TLC yourself. Sending you some comfort and love.
Sorry to hear you are having some dark and difficult days. You will make it through to the other side, wiser but with scars. Hang in there and lean on your friends and your beautiful perfumes until the darkness passes.
I too send my sympathy for your difficult times. That perfume sounds like a good cheerer-upper. I too know how the companionship of a dear pet can help, and how sympathetic everyone in this forum is. Hope your walk in the park helped to get you a bit clearer and happier feeling.
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having a difficult time, I’m sure things will improve.
That sounds rough. I hooe you are able to surround yourself with kind and sympathetic support when you need it. Perhaps being in nature and seeing a bit of new growth will also sustain you. Sending love.
Sorry you are facing hard times – I hope things will improve and that you will feel less desperate.
I hope that you have fewer difficulties and more ease soon.
Hope things get easier soon.
Very sorry for your troubles and sending warm thoughts, encouragement, and strength to you. ????
Big hugs to you. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through something painful and difficult and glad you are able to share that with us here. Hoping things improve even if it can’t be fixed.
So sorry you’re facing this painful situation. I hope the resolution works out for the best. Stay fragrant – we’re here for you!
I’m terribly sorry to hear that you’re in the midst of difficulties. Sending you my very best, most positive thoughts and wishes!
So sorry to hear that you’ve hit a rough stretch. However, a burden shared is a burden lightened. Please don’t try to tough this out alone. Hugs and my best wishes for you.
Please do not apologize for telling us you are having a hard time — get help wherever you can because every little bit of support helps.
There is so much good, hard-won wisdom in these comments; I can only add that the folks here care about you at this tough time in your life. Meditate if/when you can, revel in the unconditional puppy love, and vent here with us whenever you need too.
I am so very sorry to hear you are having a difficult time right now.
I too am sending you ((hugs)). Even though many of us have never met in person, this community makes you feel as though we have.
I’m so sorry to hear this PL67 ????I’m glad you shared a little about what you’re going through, so we can lift you up – there’s so much good will here. I remember a story my friend told me that she learned in school – that perfume is like suffering, weather you have a big bottle or a little bottle, when you pull the top off, the fragrance fills the room. Whatever you’re going through, I hope you know you’re not alone and that you find strength that you didn’t know you had.
Aww, so sorry to hear this! I’ll add my support to the long, long list of people here. We are always rooting for you!
I’m so happy you’re enjoying Azemour and that it is helping you cope, even if only in a small way. I’ll be thinking positive thoughts for you and hoping you find your way through the troubles you’re experiencing.
Hugs ???? to you PL67.
Adding my support to all of the voices above. Please know that we are all thinking of you.
Hoping that you will find some encouragement this week. And a light at the end of the tunnel. Love and snuggles from a dog are pretty great too!
I’m sorry you’re going through hard times. Just try to survive, one day at a time, taking all the support you can get and trying to concentrate on things not related to the issue at hand that can bring any joy, stability or just distraction.
Dear PL67,
I, too, am sorry to hear about your troubles.
I am afraid I do not have much wisdom to offer, but I am sending you virtual hugs and please know that you are in my thoughts.
If there is anything perfume related that I may be of assistance with, do not hesitate to ask. Take care of yourself!
I’m so sorry for your struggles. Please know there are a lot of hugs sent your way from all of us. And we’re wafting pleasant fragrances….
PL67, Come play with us here and lay down your troubles for awhile!!! Hopefully it will rejuvenate you. Wishing you strength & resilience!!
Wearing Histoires de Parfums Tuberuese 3 L’Animale. Sad they discontinued the tuberose line. Heading to brunch, then to the PO to mail swaps, and then to my haircut appointment!
By now you look fabulous, I’m sure 🙂
A lazy Saturday for me. I slept a little late and then got up and attempted to make crêpes for the first time- I’ve had a hankering for them. They turned out soooo good! I wa super proud of myself ha! I had a couple (they were small ones) with just a squeeze of lemon and powdered sugar and a couple with goat cheese and homemade blueberry sauce. Yum! Im now laying in the sun on my patio. I realize it’s jot good for you but sometimes a little sun just feels sooooo good. Especially in spring I think.
Not in any scent yet, though I can still smell the Habit Rouge from last night. I enjoyed it so much during the day I resprayed when I got home from work. Will probably go with Bronze Goddess from the swapmeet after shower!
Yum, crepes! Sun is good for you, just not too much. Enjoy!
Oooooh, goat cheese and blueberry sauce sound like GREAT crepe fillings!
They were soooo amazing!
I sprayed Box of Eels edt lavishly this morning. Still raining here!
You smell fabulous, of course. Hope the kitty who had the teeth pulled earlier this week is doing well.
It’s the next day, and I still can smell you from here 😉
I’m planning a lazy Sunday, no perfume yet. I tried the new Tiffany yesterday, it was pleasant, but seemed like so many other new releases I’ve tried recently.
I tried it also, and thought the exact same thing. ????
But what a nice box, right? 🙂
Having a cup of coffee with the last remnant of PdN L’eau chic, which I picked for a march this morning. We got hailed on, but now the sky is blue. Off to research pizza ovens….my friend has one, and we had the most delicious pizza last week at her house.
Twins! Didn’t expect to see anyone else in L’eau Chic today. Good luck with the oven!
I loooove L’Eau Chic! The top notes are heaven, and the drydown is persistant without being annoying. Great stuff.
Hope your march was good.
Prepping homemade bagels for brunch for tomorrow. There has been much socializing so far this weekend, and will be even more soon!
I wanted to go to the large protest march happening across the U.S. today, but through a series of comical misunderstandings, utterly failed to do so…
Diorissimo for the spring today!
I also wanted to go today, but had an early am eye exam for glasses and did NOT expect for them to dilate my pupils. They told me I’d be fine without the dark glasses, but turns out that’s just not the case. Anyhoo, you smell utterly fantastic today! Hope you enjoy your socialization!
Thinking optimistically, I’m about to buy my second jar of Bronze Goddess body creme. I hesitate only because I fear the scent might have changed in the three years since I first owned it. Can anyone reassure me that the current version is a perfect clone of the original? Of course, you would be an enabler, but that’s just what I’m looking for.
I ‘m not a scented body lotion / Creme user. Does the place where you’re buying it from take returns?
I’ll be buying it online from Estée Lauder–probably not.
If you tell them you developed an allergy (allergic to reformulation qualifies, methinks), they will take it back in a nanosecond.
I love the way you think!
Well, our snow started a little after noon, and four hours later we’ve got about three and a half inches. Good thing I went out and cut all my daffodils and hyacinths and put them in vases this morning. (sigh)
SOTD is cozy Mariella Burani.
I hate to see the bloomies get snowed on. But your house must look and smell fantastic!
Frustrating but I can imagine how beautiful your daffodil and hyacinth bouquet looks!
I forgot to spritz something this morning before heading out to march with students downtown. Now, I’m not sure what I want–I’ve been wearing spring scents, trying to force the illusion of warm weather, but I got chilled standing in the rain for several hours! Might need to go cozy.
Speaking of spring scents, I bought the sample set from Bruno Fazzolari, and they accidentally sent me a sample of Au Dela instead of Ummagumma. So, I requested the Ummagumma, and wouldn’t you know it?!–I think I like the Au Dela best of the set! I’ve drained the sample, and I’m trying to decide if that means I’m buying a bottle. It doesn’t last terribly long (perhaps 3-4 hours for me), but it’s lovely while it’s there. Can anyone speak to longevity when sprayed more lavishly?
Hey Marjorie Rose, you might want to check out the last post on the swapmeet page…someone wants to swap a bottle of Au Dela!
I fell in love with Au Dela, too. Bought a full bottle with a twisted lily 20% off, Woot Woot! The staying power is great on me, but don’t usually have any issues with perfumes not lasting on my skin. YMMV.
I love Au Dela too. I haven’t worn it since last spring but I think it lasts about 4 hours. Maybe more if you spray your clothes.
I csme across this link this week in the Eau my Soul FB group about bottle designs and really enjoyed it (since I love a good bottle):
Lilibet, thanks for the link; I enjoyed it, too. Still trying to wrap my head around that Marni, though; spraying with the thumb instead of forefinger… hmmm…
Yes it seems like it would be awkward.
I find myself spraying balky sample sprayers with my thumb to get more leverage. Has anyone else noticed that small sample sprayers (not the manufacturer ones – the ones from sample services) are less cooperative than they used to be?
Wow! Thanks for sharing! I wonder who designed Marni Bambolina? It is equal parts creepy and cute.
We could have computer mice that spray perfume whenever we right thumb click
Let’s got the whole hog and have a drone that circles us and sprays according to its program…one or two sprays ti the back of the knees fir a big hitter, all over for ones that are light, a mist to walk through…
A fragdrone! Sweet!
SOTD = Soivohle Twelve Keys, from the sample stash and a kind and generous NSTer. I get a very realistic celery note from this!!! I guess I’m the one with the wonky nose today.
Pre-shower this morning, I wore TDC Oriental Lounge. Then, I showered with Yves Rocher Quelques Notes d’Amour shower gel and applied the matching body lotion. Both are courtesy of a lovely NSTer — thank you! I have — and enjoy sniffing from time to time — Lush’s Rose Jam shower gel, but it’s just a bit too, well, “jammy” for me to love wholeheartedly. The YR is a gentle woody rose that works well and is not overpowering.
I hav the same issue with Rose Jam. I have a partial bottle of the shower gel. I just can’t get through it.
SOTE is Bal a Versailles courtesy of Eschmeling and the swapmeet. What a beauty! It reminds me somewhat of vintage Jolie Madame. I am curious if this sample is from the current version or vintage?
glad you like it! But I don’t know if this is vintage or not.
Forgive me Donnatella, for I have sinned. Instead of getting just 1 bottle of Au Coeur de Desert, I wimped out and bought LADDM instead. Then I bought a bottle of vintage L’Heure Bleue extrait. I was only supposed to get 1 bottle of perfume but the price of L’Heure Bleue was too good to pass up. I ordered LADDM from Andy Tauer’s website and didn’t get a confirmation e-mail. I check everything on my end and don’t see it. I contact them and Andy Tauer replied to my e-mail and said that there must be a glitch somewhere but he did get my order and was throwing something extra in. I was very surprised because it was sweet of him. I’m in day three of wearing something Andy Tauer and it’s Une Rose de Kandahar.
Nice story and I hope you enjoy all your perfume purchases !
Andy is a real sweetie indeed! You smell great.
Donatello forgives! Congrats on your new scents!
SOTD = Parfum d’Empire Le Cri de la Lumiere
From the Splitmeet which turned into a swap with morejasmineplease.
Soapy rosey patchouli with apple. I barely got the iris but it is definitely there. I’m glad to have tried this and the decant will serve me well!
Commuting Woes No. 409 and 410:
– As defined in Wikipedia, “manspreading” is the practice of men sitting in public transportation with legs wide apart, thereby covering more than one seat.
Earlier this week , I observed the following Standing Manspreading – a guy hopped on to the PATH train (like the NYC subway except it has stops in NY and NJ). He stood next to a pole, legs spread about 5 feet (he was pretty tall), opened a regular sized newspaper to a double spread and leaned against the pole with a forearm. I got off the next stop from which a surge of people usually gets on. Who knows if he was able to continue the standing manspreading but lately, people’s tempers had been short as I’ve heard some angry shouting – DON’T PUSH ME and some angry retorts back and forth.
– Homeless guy walking through the train, speaking at the top of his lungs “I don’t mean to disturb you. I just need $5.27 to get a meal at McDonald’s. I don’t sell drugs anymore, etc.”. He then made a circuit of the train car twice, still talking loudly. As he left the car, he said ” Remember, what goes up must come down.” Ugh, first, the smell. Then the loud voice. Then the sense of entitlement that because he cleaned up (according to him) that others are obligated to help him and woe on the people who did not.
I’m thinking of everyone hurting. Hang in there!
Entitlement is one of my biggest pet peeves!
I started the day with a single spritz of VdN extrait, and loved it so much that I applied more post-shower. It’s evening now and the scent is fading but still SO beautiful.
Finally getting some time for a proper post. The store was exceptionally busy today., and to be honest, most of the customers act like pigs. I’m either picking up what they’ve tossed on the ground, or watching unattended children. Whatever happened to behaving well in public? Anyway, my sotd was Cuir Amethyst. My scent tonight is Coco Mademoiselle Intense. My daughter wanted to go out once I got home so we went to Ulta. I sprayed a ton of it on us both. It’s good! It smells just like the original did back when it was first released. I also sprayed current version of regular CM and was shocked at how thin it has become. I had no idea. Have a good night everyone.
I can remember how we used to dress in our good clothes to go to town on Friday nights ( before Saturday trading) , restaurants, movies and especially aeroplane travel. I am so old.
I remember as a child shopping with my Grandmother. I never would have dreamed of running and screaming through a store, or using racks as monkey bars. Yesterday, I saw 3 children under 5 and one dog, in a shopping cart. No adult around, until I asked the kids to get out because it was going to tip over. My own daughter is very difficult to shop with, but I try to always keep an eye on her. I am also so old…
My mom was on an airplane once and a man sat near her. She said he had grass clippings all over his clothes. He had just finished mowing his yard.
Yes! We lived for a year in a smallish town in Tasmania when I was young, and Friday nights in town were special and busy. I had a special outfit for travel.
I’m kind of liking the CM Intense, too. But I need to spend more time on my sample.
Well lillyjo, I have a story for you. Many, many years ago, while shopping at Wallyworld, I left 9 yr old son in charge of 7 yo son, to take 5yo daughter on an emergency potty trip. A few minutes later, I hear my name paged over store intercom. Come to find that my 7 yr old was found under a clothes rounder tearing into a package of Pokeman cards (that I was going to buy for him when we checked out.) His big brother had wondered off to check out video games. ???? Yep, humiliation complete….????
Side note: this was a long time ago, much safer times.
Hey, believe me, I’ve been mortified during outings with my kids. It happens. Just seems like these customers see nothing wrong with bad behavior. And the adults can be worse. I’ve been in retail my whole life, and this is the worst I’ve seen of people. It is fascinating in a way, but mostly I want to just kick them. ????
That’s kind of what I wanted to do to my sons~~ my foot to their rear ends. ????
Testing Frédéric Malle The Promise. meh – feels like a cheap plasticky rose. It is surprising because the quality of rose oil is supposed to be very high. Oh well
I get that in a few scents lately and I wonder if it is deliberate…that they are kind of abstracting the scent? Sometimes I like it and sometimes I can’t stand it.
Was looking forward to try it.
Laura I can send you my sample. I will not be giving it another wear and it has at least 2 mls left in it. Marianna_r in yahoo
How sweet! I’m going to be in the “big city” next week. So I’ll be able to try it then. Thank you.
With my recent luckyscent orders, I had LS choose the samples, and today I’m going to wear Chypre Mousse. This might be a way-in-the-future FB. Hope today is a good day! ????
I love Chypre Mousse. You can always split it; it was my first split as a splitter and I was spoiled with the screw top which made it super easy.
Oh nice! Those bottles do make it easy to decant. LuckyScent has tempted me with the samples they sent. I’m trying TDC Oud for Love.
Happy Sunday! I’m currently moving out of my current place and in with a friend. But a month later I’ll be doing another, bigger move. All this moving makes me question each of my possessions and if I REALLY need all the bottles/samples I have. I tried the Marie Kondo method a few years back but even the perfumes I don’t like brought me some joy because of a memory.
Have you done a big purge of perfume because of a move/financial reasons/other? Wondering what others’ experience was!
I will hang on to something that has positive memories. Some perfumes I genuinely care about. I don’t have a very big collection though, I might think differently if I did.
I move every six months, back and forth to Canada & the USA. I try to do a clean-out on each end every 6 months. It helps to keep things under control.
I do not know what I would have done if I needed to downsize due to financial difficulties, but just moving is absolutely not a reason to get rid of any perfumes that have any positive influence on me – whether I used to love it before, enjoy wearing now or like the bottle. Purge for purging sake is not better than purchase for purchasing. And I don’t remember anybody ever regretting: “I should have thrown this perfume years ago!” 😉
Hear hear! I 100% agree with this.
If you have limits on what you can safely transport, then cull the herd; otherwise, to the extent that the perfumes bring you you joy / comfort, Imsuggest keeping the, especially during this time of unsettlement.
I have. I got rid of tons of stuff when I moved a year ago. I announced it here multiple times and most everything went to NSTers.
I do cleanouts on a regular basis – clothes, shoes, makeup, etc. I don’t have space to let things pile up, and I also enjoy the feeling of liberation when items I’m no longer using get passed on to others. I also feel a bit suffocated and overwhelmed when I have too much perfume, and don’t see any reason to keep samples, decants or bottles that I don’t love.
Going to Palm Sunday services in a bit. I cut a bouquet of daffodils yesterday. They smelled so good that I am going to wear Ostara to church. SOTD yesterday was Chopard Wish.
I never heard of Chopard Wish!
It is so good, and dirt cheap! I wear it around the holidays.
I’m wearing Kelly Caleche today. Yesterday at the mall I revisited L’eau no 5 and just went gaga for the dry down – I don’t think I gave it a proper chance before. It may just have to go on the “bottles to eventually buy” list.
Yes! My first few tries, it seemed to fade so fast, but once I got to the drydown I was hooked.
I love No 5 L’eau. I wear it a LOT (after not liking it at all at first sniff)
There’s always the 35 mL which is super cute. The cuteness factor will more than make up for the higher per mL cost.
Oh, and wait until the VIB sale; it will look even cuter.
I love L’eau so much!
Back at work. You know you hate your job when you slow down at yellow lights. Lol. I will be starting to look for another one soon. Sotd Pomigranite Noir.
On a positive note, you smell fantastic!
Thanks! Seems the more I wear it, the more I like it.
At least you smell great! 🙂
Very astute observation, lillyjo!
Hugs your way for the job frustration! And you do smell great!
Sotd: violet blonde
Off to watch my alma mater in its first ever Elite Eight appearance. Excited and nervous for them!!
I don’t know what this is, but good luck to them!????
Great perfume! (and, of course, discontinued)
Happy Sunday!
I’m pretty much fragrance free because I have a choir concert in a few hours and will spray with abandon tonight (I’m itching to give Baiser Vole extract a proper wearing – from the swap meet). On my wrist, the tiniest bit of eau de narcisse bleu remains – it’s fine, but not me, so just added that to my swap meet list. Gotta go – nerves are setting in! 🙂
Hope your concert goes off beautifully. You’ll smell wonderful later this evening!
Hope your concert went well!
Today has been Annick Goutal “Sables”. Some real heat in the sunshine today, if out of the wind. Spring is late here this year, but it’s coming . :^)
You smell marvelous!
Monday’s full of meetings and only No. 19 EdT will do….
You’re smelling beautiful and fierce!
I’ve been testing a couple of scents today….Byredo Velvet Haze, from the generous Downtown Scott, and PdN L’eau Chic, courtesy of Madtowngirl and the swapmeet.
Both are just lovely. I hope everyone has been able to rest and regroup in some way this weekend. Those of you hurting today…you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I wish we could “like” comments on here….
???? I’ve thought the same thing many a time, KellyC.
After being pretty lazy day in the sun yesterday I kept my 2 year old nephew last night. Good grief, y’all! He is a handful….I can tell I am out of practice, he wore me out! 😀 But I did get the best snuggles when he fell asleep in bed with me.
Cleaned around the house this afternoon and sat outside a while. Being outside is good for the soul I think…finished the evening in 24 Faubourg. Seems a bit too proper for just lazing around the house but I love it more every time I wear it.