It's July, and you know what that means. Donatella, Our Lady of Scented Excess,1 is wondering just how many bottles you might have acquired in the 2nd quarter (April, May and June) of 2017. Actually, she started wondering yesterday, right on schedule, and she's rather upset that I was eating burnt ends and paddleboarding and whatnot, and totally forgot all about the damage poll. So do tell all, and then Donatella can get back to her very busy schedule of figuring out what millennials want next.
My purchases...
...none. I spent nothing. Nothing added to my first quarter total = $34. I mean to do some shopping this summer, but we'll see. It's hard to convince me to buy these days, which is just as well.
As always, report your purchases in the comments if you dare! And as always, we don't include samples or gifts, and you can count miniatures, decants and bottle-splits howsoever you like (I usually count them as half bottles). Samples don't generally count at all, even though some of us spend considerable sums obtaining them.
1. Why does Donatella host (against her will, mind you) the damage polls? There is no real reason other than the picture of her perfume collection, which shows that she indulges regularly at the perfume counter. The image, by the way, is originally from Allure magazine and appears here courtesy of Blogdorf Goodman.
1. Berdoues Massai 15% coupon
2. Parfum Satori 15% coupon
SOTD passage d’enfer
Oh !!! Please let me know your thoughts on the Berdoues when you get around to wearing it 🙂
Yes, I’d like to hear about that, too.
I hadn’t bought anything in the past year, and then in May I went on a three-week vacation and all hell broke loose, to wit:
4711 roll-on, solid cooling stick, towelettes, and Acqua Colonia Lavender and Thyme (I bought them in Köln at the actual 4711 shop — I think it’s illegal to leave that city without buying SOME kind of cologne): $37.25
Habanita (the 2012 redo, still really excellent) at the wonderful Parfum d’Ambre in Brussels: $72.80
Dyptique Eau Rose solid at NK in Stockholm: $44.55
Knize Ten at the well-stocked but mildly unsettling Harald Lubner in Hamburg (the Internet says they carry Etat Libre d’Orange but he says they’ve never had it, and I had to buy something): $64.46
Dyptique solids in Essences Insensées 2016 (rose, but different from Eau Rose) and 34 Blvd. St. Germain (I couldn’t decide between them so I got them both) at the Brussels duty-free: $120.01
Lust (aka ALL the jasmine) 10-mL spray at Lush in Montréal: $16.95
And then after I’d been home for a couple of weeks I bought a quarter-ounce spray of Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme for $30.
Total damage for the quarter and, I’d hope, the calendar year: $385.92 (CAD). Some of the prices include tax and some do not (I was very inconsistent in my records) so the actual amount spent is higher but the amount spent on fragrance is technically less. Donatella doesn’t care either way.
I couldn’t leave Koln without buying something from 4711 store as well…I did buy an aftershave, but that was in fall 2015.
A 4711 store sounds like heaven to me!
They have a cologne fountain. An actual faucet with 4711 pouring into a basin. You’re supposed to plunge your hands under the stream and then rub them over your face and arms. As a consequence the store smells overwhelmingly but pleasantly of cologne. It’s awesome.
That’s crazy amazing!
OMG. That’s definitely awesome. It sounds like something from Nero’s Domus Aurea!
I’m jealous of your vacation haul in general, but particularly about visiting the 4711 store and the cooling stick! That sounds really intriguing.
You can easily buy the stock cologne online. It’s so portable and very cooling as it evaporates from your skin
STICK cologne. Not stock. Stupid autocorrect.
I have heard great things about that 4711 shop!
Is it weird that I love confessing to Donatella (and reading other people’s confessions) SO much? Sometimes I think it’s a little weird!
Anyway, I bought far more clothes/shoes than usual this spring (I think D. would approve) and thus less perfume. I did get a new bottle of 4711 (so cheap it barely counts) and bought the following off of eBay:
– 10ml mini of vintage Diorissimo (early 90s, I think)
– slightly used 12ml mini of Diptyque Volutes
– vintage 80s set of ADORABLE 2ml glass bottles of Ivoire, Givenchy III, Cialenga, Ma Griffe, and Paradoxe de Cardin (this was a steal and worth it for the bottles alone, but the juice seems to be in good shape as well)
– bar of Atelier Mistral Patchouli soap, because it was discontinued (boo)
Only about $100 overall, but I am looking forward to reading others’ tales of excess . . .
That vintage mini set sounds adorable.
I’m weird too. I love confession time.
I love our group confession sessions, too!
Me too!
It may be weird, but we’re all in the same boat being weird together. And, anyway, Donatella sure AF doesn’t think it is! ????
All those minis sound adorable.
I haven’t bought anything this last quarter. My last purchase was a bottle of Sycomore last year (September, I think). It’s been hard not to buy anything and it helps that I don’t have any funds for perfume. I suppose I will break in and buy something by the end of the year.
I think it gets easier as time goes on, because after you go a good long while, and get more used to be forced to “shop” in your own existing collection, you get choosier about what to buy after your long hiatus. I found eventually I got SO choosy it was hard to buy things even when I wanted them.
Don’t know if that makes sense to anyone else, but I really remember how hard it was when I first cut myself down to no more than 2 bottles a month, and now I can go months and months with nothing and not really mind.
Also helpful: keeping meticulous, and preferably long, wishlists. Then when I tell myself I can have 1 bottle, I look at the list and it’s so long, and I just can’t make up my mind which thing is really most important. So I give up and buy nothing.
Robin, I did that by necessity for almost one years. I bought nothing except for one Lucky Scent sample pack. I made up for it this year.
Robin, I’m a big fan of the long wish list. It’s amazing to read over it and see how many perfumes I’ve lost interest in! Then I feel very glad I didn’t buy them.
Yes — sometimes something has been sitting on the list for literally years, and so I start to wonder how badly could I really need it?
Also, frequently things sit on my list so long that they go out of production. That helps too 🙂
Yes, I believe most of us go through that phase. Indeed it was so itchy the first months and now it’s easier. I still tell myself I will buy a bottle maybe once a year on a special occasion and again I think you are right with the long wishlist.
Sometimes I feel what I have is more than enough (~30 bottles) and I have moments when I think diversity is good and I could have double the amount :)) but then I think again that I’m fine with what I have.
I try to sample and get more samples to cure the itch of buying something new.
I wish at the least that I’d set a size restriction much earlier than I did. It is annoying to discover you own 100 mls of something you’re no longer madly in love with. Also it makes life easier if you can automatically ignore any brand that doesn’t sell small sizes — one less thing to worry about, then.
Once ones collection reaches a critical mass, shopping from what one already has becomes very pleasurable. I’ve also found I like options, but become overwhelmed by too many choices, if that makes sense.
I also keep (multiple) wishlists, primarily for sampling (my FB wishlist is pretty short.) Even when sampling sites have sales & discounts, I rarely get excited enough to want to shell out money for stuff I want to test.
Yes — when the collection is a certain size (which surely varies by person) then it’s much easier. It is no longer about saving money so much as not wanting to own so many bottles that it feels unwieldy & wasteful. I do not tell myself I can’t have more perfume, I just tell myself I have to pick only what will really add something meaningful to what I already have, and then I have to find it in a small size because otherwise it is sure to go to waste. That has been enough to drastically cut my spending.
Thank you Robin for this comment. I really need to start thinking, feeling, organizing and restricting myself in a completely different way.
Mindset is everything. I no longer feel like I am restricting myself, I feel like I am collecting in a more critical and thoughtful way. My only real restriction now is size.
I haven’t spent any money on full bottles but spent money on decants this quarter. I don’t really count decants but I just added up what I spent on decants. I spent (not including shopping) $126.28 on just decants. That’s pretty scary to me because I’ve never really added it up before on what I did spend on decants.
I will admit that I have been tempted on getting a bottle or two on Evil-Bay but didn’t quite have enough money to spend.
I never count samples, but I do count decants, in terms of $ spent. On the other hand, I add up the volume of the decants when figuring how many full bottles I bought. (Up to 15mls is a half bottle, in my mind.)
15mls = half bottle??!!! I don’t like your perfumeth math????
I make myself count samples and decants (just for my own knowledge) because in the past, I have spent so much that way that I could have bought several bottles instead.
It’s eye-opening, isn’t it?!
“Horrifying” could be another word: a couple of years ago I bought ca. 50 samples and *not one* worked. Easily could have bought two nice bottles or one fancy bottle for the price. Ah well, I am luck to have perfume buddies in town to assuage my new-perfume sniffing urges.
I bought SO MANY of those Luckyscent sample packs — they make everything in them sound so good! — as well as lots of samples and decants from the online places, until I realized a couple of years ago that I had at least a hundred, many of which I hadn’t event tried and some of which I hated (but couldn’t bring myself to throw away). Haven’t bought a sample since.
I buy samples, but only if I suspect I might like the perfume. It saves me money in the long run but, yes, I’ve got a lot of them I don’t like. Angela did a great post here about saving money in this hobby. I liked that she said to wear your samples, not just dab but really wear. I’ve been doing that. It was great advice, except for those scrubbers 🙂
You’re lucky! I have absolutely no perfume buddies in my town????
EXACTLY. I’ve tried to stick to swapping for exactly that reason. And they’re so overpriced on decant sites that I can barely stand to spend $ on them.
I often wind up spending more on decants than full bottles in a quarter, so I always count them. But samples are freeeeee . . .
I was pretty restrained this quarter: two decants of Sous le Vent (which I’m stockpiling because OH MY GOD GUERLAIN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DISCONTINUING THIS???), and a blind-buy bottle of Dasein Summer, which has been fun to wear (and was relatively cheap).
But they might bring it back some day! Of course, if they do, it will cost more 🙂
And have a different name????
According to my spreadsheet I purchased only one bottle this quarter. Also according to my spreadsheet, I didn’t acquire any fragrance between 9/26 of last year and 4/5 of this year. Mr. Minion shouted, “bull—-” quite forcefully when I mentioned it and I think he’s right that some data must have been lost 😉 There is no way I bought only a few samples and a bottle of White Linen.
Um, yeah. The split meet was during that time so I know Excel ate a few lines. Grrrr…
According to my notes, the splitmeet was in February, so you’re safe.
Haha! I’m good at being a little less organized for quarterly confession than I normally am for other things.
Ha! Mr. Minion responds about the same way Mr. Amy does!
I’m currently kind of obsessed with makeup after not really wearing much for years. Not sure why exactly, I’m a bit long in the tooth for a mid life crisis and I’ve gotten so lazy about other things but yet that’s where my fun money has been going.
I did buy a fair amount of samples, and a travel sized bottle of Imaginary Authors The Cobra and the Canary.
I’m getting more into makeup these days too. Makeup Wakeup is a fun book for middle aged ladies, although the eye-makeup section seems on the elaborate side.
I went through a phase of spending lots (and lots and lots) of money on makeup. (Then on Japanese makeup brushes.) Now I pretty much stick to what works and buy replacements, plus the occasional for-fun item.
I sort of have a lip gloss acquisition problem that I’m glad to not have to confess in detail…
I had a really really bad lipstick acquisition problem. I now have enough lipstick to last me and a number of my friends who do drag for all of our lifetimes.
I also have a bad lipstick acquisition problem. Apparently there is no perfect red or plum lipstick on this planet for me.
My lipstick problem matches my perfume problem ????
I have an insane quantity of lip balm. I keep at least one in every room of the house and in every satchel, knapsack, and suitcase I own, just so I’ll never be far from one: I apply it about forty times a day and I have to have a bazillion different flavours. I’ve bought at least ten in the last two months alone, despite having a (small) drawer full. BUT I HAD TO HAVE THAT ONE THAT LOOKS LIKE A CUP OF COKE WITH ICE AND A STRAW IN IT. Google it and tell me you don’t want one.
Ha ha, shades of my old high-school love, Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker! Recently I HAD TO HAVE THE ONE WITH THE DINOSAURS ON THE TIN THAT SMELLS JUST LIKE GRAPETY GRAPE JUICE. Because I’m grown-up like that.
eos vanilla bean stick lip balm is my current fave. 😉
You’re my lip balm twin!!!
Must. Have. One. Stashed. Everywhere.
I’m so glad to know I’m not alone on this one. I also have a lipstick obsession which is nuts because I only actually reach for the balmsssss.
I have lip balm on 24/7 as well, and have it stashed in every room. I keep 6 or so on my nightstand. If I had to explain how each of them moisturizes in a different way, thus all 6 are critical to have at hand at all times, I fear I’d sound a bit kooky – but clearly I’m talking to the converted here.
I don’t have drawers full, though. I have multiples of my favorites stashed within reach. I’m super picky about packaging, and also have a beeswax allergy, so that eliminates most products on the market.
Besides being fun to play with, makeup is like perfume in its ability to be completely transformational–for instance, when you’re sick or feeling down.
Or when you woke up in the morning. 😉
No full bottles this quarter, just those three decants I’d been waiting for: 5ml Buterbaugh Apollo Hyacinth, 5ml TF Vert de Fleur, and 15 5ml Guerlain Charnel Elixir Floral Romantique. Total $72, second lowest quarter since I fell down the rabbit hole.
I decided to count these as one bottle. ????Pretty spendy for just 3, but those would be expensive full bottles…
Where did you buy your Guerlain decant?
In a split. 🙁 Sorry I have no more information for you.
I was just wondering how you got such a great price! I’m looking at buying a decant of one of the Charnels (Gourmand Coquin.) It’s creating a big conundrum for me as I’d love a bottle, but it’s so ridiculously overpriced I don’t know that I’d buy one even if I had the cash. But decants are even more overpriced per ml…
Oh, I know. I KNOW! That’s why I jumped on the split. The general consensus is that the Charnel Elixirs are just really overpriced – nice, but not for the price point. I have from time to time eyeballed bottles on ebay and simply decided that I couldn’t sink that much into it.
I love Vert de Fleurs. Wearing it today in fact!
My plan was to not buy anything, then Thierry Mugler had a sale. I bought Angel Muse and Angel Liqueur de parfum. I also had an unfortunate “have to buy something this second” purchase of Hanae Mori Haute Couture. I did purchase Sinner, but ended up returning it the other day.
I did re home 4 bottles yesterday, so, if I do the perfume math correctly, I didn’t buy anything. Right?
You’re not getting on with the Haute Couture?
I like it, but honestly I only wear it in the summer, and that 50ml bottle is going to last me like sixty years.
It’s the opposite for me. I feel like it might do better in the cold, so I’m waiting to give it a fair shot this winter.
Yay for Angel Muse. I need to buckle down and buy that one before they reformulate.
How is Angel Liqueur please? That one gets mentioned often. I’m not a big fan of regular Angel.
I’m probably not the best one to ask. It has honey in it, which I struggle with in anything. Like the original Angel, I have been slowly trying it out in teeny tiny sprays. Robin has a review on it under the perfume reviews (sorry I don’t know how to link) also that’s why I bought Muse, before reformulation. It is much easier to wear for sure.
I struggle with honey myself.
Regarding Angel Muse, I heard from the SA here there is a big price increase coming, I bought one of the refill bottles at the old price (it was $48 CAN and new price is $88 CAN).
Thanks for the heads up!
I checked ‘2-4 bottles’ then went back to review my records, and boy was a wrong.
there was so much ebay impulse buying….
Tom Ford Vert de Fleur 110
Hermes Eau Claire des Merveilles 39.5
PdE Azemour les Orangers 65
Neela Vermeire travel set 100
vintage Diorissimo cologne 42.5
Chanel No 5 l’Eau 33
Aedes Iris Nazarena 175
———————————–grand total of 565. Huh 🙁
Oh, but you got good stuff!! I like the Vert de Fleur.
Me too, that’s my favorite of the Verts. And Diorissimo! Well done.
Mine too. Vert d’Encens smells really good on my person and I may get him some. Not nearly as good on me. I love Vert de Fleurs, as I have made clear above!
Many mention of the Verts. I am curious and may pull the trigger on some decants. Good things mentioned for Encens and Fleur.
Haha thanks! I also (obviously, duh) really like TF Vert de Fleur. It is a heavier/fuller scent than I initially expected, which I came to enjoy very much 😀
Nice haul!
But all so so good! I also just bought Azemour and got Vert de Fleur in the spring. And have others on your list too!
Great minds think alike! 😀
I love Azemour’s almost bracing opening.
A terrifying damage. I already broke my “not to buy FBs” commitment for this year and I don’t feel so good about it. I will try my best not to get anything for the next quarter, but I am not so sure… HELP!
Diptyque Philosykos EdT, 30ml
Berdoues Assam of India, 100ml
CB I Hate Perfume Gathering Apples, 100ml
Pacifica Mediterranean Fig, Parfume and Body Lotion
Perfume’s Workshop Tea Rose EdT, 120ml
Bottega Veneta Eau Legere, EdT, 30ml
Chanel No. 19 EdT, 50ml
Chanel No. 19 Poudre, 50ml
Montale Nepal Aoud EdP, 100ml (It should not count yet. This is one of my birthday’s presents to myself and therefore I will not open it until the end of the year) 🙂
Tauer Phi Une Rose de Kandahar EdP, 100ml (It should not count yet. Another birthday present to myself and therefore I will not open it until the end of the year) 🙂
You got some wonderful perfumes! How do you like the Poudre compared to the edt?
I would say the Poudre is more powdery, sweeter and silkier than the EdT. However, I usually do not compare them, because the EdT is much more beautiful. The Poudre is very nice and a non-brainer
I don’t compare them either, mostly because they’re so different I don’t put them in the same category. Very, very distant cousins IMO. Actually, related by marriage might be more like it. 😉
And lillyjo, most large department stores with a Chanel section will stock both, if you have access.
Unfortunately, none of my dept stores carry no. 19. I’ve only evered smelled a sample of the edp, thanks to a generous Nster. I’m Wanting to get a bottle, but would like to sample all different versions first.
lillyjo, i’m happy to send some to you. click on my SN to contact me. I’ve got the edt and poudre.
Don’t feel badly. Perhaps you could swap away some decants for other things you’d be tempted to buy!
You are right Koyel. I think I need to have a different approach and do it quickly.
I have to admit that I do often consider “trade value” when purchasing FBs. I have a few bottles that have been really popular for swapping purposes, making them very good investments, as it were.
Which bottles are those? And are these bottles that you would have probably gotten anyway, for their scents?
Right – bottles I’d have bought anyway, but am happy to decant for swapping purposes.
Awesome haul!
Oh! and the Arielle Shoshana EdP sample.
Really nice choices, though, making a for a lovely year-round wardrobe.
Thank you.
P67, what is the biggest temptation? Online sales? Fancy perfume shops? Not, heaven forbid, us perfume chatters? Avoidance might be the way for the first two, and keeping a list of the talked-up items might work for the third.
Maybe you have a non-perfume financial goal and could decide to make an n-bottles-worth of payment to that, e.g. one Exclusif of an extra mortgage payment. Once you have made inroads on that, perhaps you can then loosen the shopping restraints and buy something you’ve been thinking about for a while.
I would say perfume chatters and sampling new things are the main reason for a temptation to become a FB reality. Sometimes online sales played a big role on that. My love for perfume has become a dangerous addiction. I need to get more focus on our financial goals. We have responsibilities to fulfill. As my husband says, it is good to indulge in perfumes I like once in a while, but not all the time as I always do. I like your approach and I really need to put that in practice now, if I do not want to get in real trouble.
Aww 🙁 that is not a good sign. Perfume should be fun and an addiction is far from fun. But good on you for recognising it and wanting to do something about it!
I once read about someone who hid away packages from her husband, so he would not find out. That is quite painful if you ask me.
Have u tried budgetting?
Also, use the hell out of cheaper samples. The thrill of buying is exciting but it always lasts for a short while. Make it more about olfactory discovery and the adventure of smelling things, keep a diary of it or something like it, that way samples/swaps can satisfy your cravings.
I made this rule for myself: I have to WEAR a scent a whole day at least 3 times before it can even enter my buy-list 🙂
Wish you all the luck. You can do it!
Budgetting is already in mind. I am thinking about setting up a monthly amount for perfume and use it when I have saved enough to buy a FB I really, really like. I guess it will be more exciting and rewarding to get something I was patient enough to wait for. My idea is to reduce my spending to 1 bottle for quarter. Birthday present might be the spending for that specific quarter.
Time to find some swap buddies, perhaps?
I have been doing lots of swapping, but many times that leads to a FB purchase if I find something that I really like. A FB means I spray without the worry that I will run out of a perfume soon. However, I never cross my $200 dollars limit for a FB.
Yeah I am familiar with the spray-then-FB pathology. Sigh.
Sorry you don’t feel good about it, but you got really nice stuff!
Thank you Amy.
I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself perfumelover67. You did go through a really stressful period with your father’s illness and we all need to escape a bit when there’s prolonged stress. I know for myself I indulged quite a bit with perfume (bought my most expensive bottle I own) and other retail therapy when my mother was sick and probably that whole year!
Second that — if it eases stress, it’s worth it.
But also, if you want to slow down, try not to tell yourself that you can’t buy perfume. That’s too hard to live with. Instead, tell yourself that you’re going to start a list of what you want, and just think about those items longer before you buy so you’re sure you really want them. Every so often, play with your list and rearrange it so what you want most moves towards the top. If you keep doing that over time and the same items are at the top, buy one or two of them and see how it feels.
So true. The words “not allowed” will just make me rebel-my inner teenager doesn’t like that, even if was my own rule.
Saying “No to perfume at all” would be impossible in my case. It might make the situation worse. The best example was the damage this quarter. I see the shopping list will be the best alternative in this case and your suggestion is really good. Thank you Robin!
You are right. Stress always trigger that excesive desire to buy perfume. The last 3 months have been really hard and I am still struggling with my dad’s passing. Buying and receiving a packages is a therapy that produces lots of relief and comfort . I agree with the fact that I just need to organize my perfume shopping better. The idea of a shopping list sounds good to begin with. I will not restrict myself, but I will have more time to decide what I really want to buy.
The Gathering Apples is such a fantastic scent. It is nice to see it mentioned from someone else 🙂
No full bottles of perfume this quarter, and that fabulously glorious 10 Corso Como dry oil definitely does not count. I’m having a harder time saying that the five or six decants or travel sprays I bought this quarter don’t count, so I’ll count it as two or three bottles that violate my no-buy. *cringe*
But you have a job! Don’t feel badly. One needs the little indulgence now and again.
Good way to think about it 🙂 and besides, it means that I smell amazing more often!
Seriously, you deserve all the rewards! Lots of accomplishments under your belt this year! I go through occasional perfume guilt phases, but if it leads to less buying, it’s all a wash in the end.
This HAS been a pretty eventful year for me, hasn’t it? 🙂
Sample of Ari’s new fragrance.
I think I did really well..
Most of my spending went towards skin care this quarter..
Yep, skin care for me too! I’m loving some of the Glossier products and their new shop down on Lafayette is gorgeous.
whaaaat..they have a shop?
Yes! Right off of Canal St. on Lafayette.
Zero bottles, with no thanks to the troublesome enablers on here who keep mentioning that Pharrell Williams Girl is somehow $23 on FragNet.
And is excellent, with great longevity, don’t forget that! (/helping)
LOL! that enabler would have been me 🙂
Ha, or me since I mentioned it after you enabled me into it! 🙂 It’s huuuge though
1 for me, a birthday gift to myself – a bottle of Jul et Mad Fugit Amor.
Oops… it wasn’t a birthday gift to self XD
I just wanted to have it in my collection.
Donatella will understand 😉
I’d be happy to classify all my purchases as birthday gifts, celebrated for 12 months of the year 😀
An Arielle Shoshana EdP sample and a handful of Prada Les Infusions minis arrived, but it was just 1 new full bottle for me this quarter.
I could not resist a blue bottle of Hiris. I’ve made a considerable dent in my transparent bottle, and I also felt keen to compare them. They are different to my nose.
I’m curious to know if that is due to reformulation, or if my two bottles just happen so show differences for whatever reason – age, storage, the phase of the moon, etc. But short of buying more bottles (eep!) or comparing whenever I see a tester of Hiris, I will likely never know for certain. The mystery and magic of perfume are never ending.
Last week I mentioned that for the past six months I have been recording my perfume use. It has been an enjoyable exercise. Plus I am more aware of all that I already have within reach so am less inclined to chase after the next shiny pretty new thing.
Thanks for the poll, Robin. It’s endlessly entertaining to read all the comments and think about why we do what we do with fragrance.
And KC bbq is a valid excuse for anything. 😉
How cute are the Prada minis? Minis, like babies, are of course cute by definition, but let’s be honest that some are extra-cute.
Prada minis are definitely extra-cute. 🙂
Oh, Robin’s in KC? Somehow I totally missed that. EAT ALL THE BARBEQUE!!! And the frozen custard! And don’t miss out on Stroud’s chicken!
I am not! I am just eating KC style bbq / burnt ends. No access to Stroud’s chicken, or decent frozen custard
I used to have a serious addiction to Rita’s. Both the frozen custard and the ices are yummy.
Okay, then keep eating all the KC style BBQ wherever you are! 🙂
(And I have no access to frozen custard, period. Like lobster rolls, it doesn’t exist out here. I do have access to Stroud’s-style chicken, when my H can be talked into making it. Which is not often enough. 🙂 )
That chicken does look darned good!
I don’t think I bought anything other than samples, although as Donatella knows, that can add up.
However, I’m already planning my 3rd Q buy: SL Chergui while I can still get it in 50 ml, Hermes Un Jardin Sur le Nil, and Queen Latifah Queen (something small). We’ll see how things progress – sometimes I don’t “need” it after it’s been on the wishlist for awhile…
QL Queen is beyond perfumemath free. It’s one I’ve been meaning to pick up for a while, actually, and just found half-ounce spray bottles selling on ebay for the price of a latte. Really, it’s like being paid to buy a bottle of perfume. 😉
Ha! Exactly.
Oh my gosh, you can HAVE my Queen Latifah – it is pretty but on my skin, awful. Email me at (all one word without punctuation) the mrs hunter. That would be gmail.
Because giving away perfume is, like, perfume karma, right, Donatella???
It’s good feng shui, at any rate (or so I tell myself) 😉
I bought two samples (went in with pals to save on shipping) so I’ve pretty much kept to my no-buy post quitting my old job.
Perfume is a wonderful luxury but being happy is even better!
Truer words were never spoken, my friend.
Annick Goutal Rose Oud, 75 ml.
Diptyque Tam Dao edt, 50 ml.
Jacques Fath Green Water, 200 ml.
Penhaligon’s As Sawira, 100 ml.
Penahligon’s Alizarin, 100 ml.
By Kilian Pur Oud, 50 ml.
By Kilian Musk Oud, 7.5 ml.
By Kilian Incense Oud, 7.5 ml.
By Kilian Rose Oud, 7.5 ml.
Xerjoff Mamluk, 50 ml.
Providence Perfume Company Cocoa Tuberose, 5 ml.
L’Artisan Parfumeur L’Été en Douce, 100 ml.
Armani Privé Bois d’Encens, 100 ml.
Hermès Eau de Rhubarbe Écarlate, 100 ml.
4160 Tuesdays Dirty Honey, 30 ml.
Bogue Maai, 50 ml.
Guerlain Jicky edp, 100 ml.
Hiram Green Arbolé Arbolé, 10 ml.
Areej le Doré Siberian Musk, 5 ml.
At least I’m getting some of these in smaller portions, although, ml per ml, Cocoa Tuberose was more expensive than the Xerjoff, which I got on sale.
Yes but Cocoa Tubetose is the bomb!
Nice haul. I always enjoy posting AFTER you 🙂
ha! so true.
Yes! Thank you for your service, Furriner 😀
Furriner ALWAYS smells like a million bucks!!! 🙂
Only one bottle this quarter. I finally caved and bought Rahele.
Oh Rahele is so wonderful!
It is so good!
First, thank you for hosting this poll, as it led to an extremely rude awakening when I tallied my 2016 purchases at the end of last year. I was totally appalled by my perfume spending (which could have taken me on a very, very nice vacation, or bought a not very nice used car.)
This year I’ve started tracking all of my discretionary spending, in 3 categories: Clothing/Shoes/Jewelry; Skincare/Makeup; Perfume. It’s made me a more conscientious consumer, and my spending for the first half of this year is roughly half what it was in 2016.
Perfume-wise, I’ve cut WAY back on sampling, and also on minis, which is where the bulk of my spending went. In Q1, I was extremely judicious. In Q2 I slipped a bit, but most of the bottles I bought are classics that I’ll wear year in and year out, so seemed worthy investments.
Here’s what I bought:
Prada Infusion d’Iris Absolue
Chanel Misia EdT
Ô De Lancôme
Balmain Vent Vert
Guerlain Vetiver EdT
ELDO Putain des Palaces
Chanel No 19 Spray Cologne
Chanel Cristalle EdP
Chanel No 5 PdT
Hermès Calèche
Chanel Coromandel EdT
Shalimar PdT
Damage for the quarter: 1 month’s car payment on a mid-range vehicle. It was the Coromandel that tipped me over the edge, but after smelling the EdP and kicking myself for not buying a bottle of the EdT when I KNEW I’d regret it, I jumped on a used bottle I found at a fairly reasonable price.
I’ll also add that I save up all my shopping rebates and rewards (ebates, topcashback, ebay bucks, etc.) for perfume purchases, which has helped make a little dent in my spending as well.
Definitely a list of classics. There’s never a wrong time to buy minis, either.
There is when you’re buying a few per week…
Love your choices. Nice haul.
I don’t drive, saving me from the car payment math!
Good on you for keeping track of the purchase categories! I prefer feeling in control and accountable much more than my former willy-nilly approach of spend then hide behind my credit card statement, lol. 🙂
A bottle of Coromandel EDT would be worth breaking just about any finance rule to me. I’m still pouty that I didn’t get a bottle of that or 31RC.
Me too! The Coromandel EDP isn’t bad (I ended up with that, and it scratches the itch, kinda?), but it’s not the original EDT, and once I’m done with it…that’ll be it for me. I’m feeling a bit “over” Chanel after the EDP reformulation business (and I was quite a fangirl before).
The edp is nice, but no – it’s not the original edt. And since it’s one of those desert island scents for me, I didn’t want to wait until the old bottles got ridiculously expensive.
The Coromandel is totally worth it!!!
Spring seems a long way back and there are no spreadsheets in my personal life, so will be a bit vague. Definitely bought the 4160 Who Knew? this quarter and probably the Femme too. Bath stuff doesn’t count, which was my scented shopping in England. Just bought some Dusita, but that might be foggy come October’s poll…
The dusita?? Sorry for accidentally enabling with samples and if they send you other ones, I’d love to have a sniff, hee hee.
My birthday was in May so no guilt here:
Robert Piguet Calypso
SL Clair de Musc
Both discounted already + additional 20% off
Decants & travel sized:
FM Carnal Flower 10ml decant
FM Musc Ravageur 10ml ”
ELDO Fils de Dieu 10ml ”
Chanel Bel Respiro 10ml
Le Labo Bergamote 22
Arquiste Ella 5ml
Papillon Tobacco Rose 10ml
OJ Champaca 2x8ml travel size
OJ Frangipani 10ml
All the decants except Ella bought without any markup or even less than retail price/ml-probably wouldn’t have indulged in some otherwise. And I love all of them!!
(I also sold several bottles and decants which supported the revolving perfume fund).
Calypso is so pretty.
I really love it. It’s a little heavy for daytime heat, but lovely on warm evenings.
And I forgot the bottle of YOSH Sottile I got at the Hautelook sale! That was a bargain at $30. I think that was June.
So, the only full bottle that I bought was Covet, from ebay, for $14.95 with free shipping. However, I overspent the quarter’s budget by almost $80, buying mostly decants. Darn STC and TPC keep having sales, and I kept buying decants.
I wonder when the world’s supply of Covet will finally run out? Nice to know you can still get it for $15.
1. Romanza, Masque
2. Moon Bloom, Hiram Green (travel spray)
3. Dilettante, Hiram Green (travel spray)
4. Fou d’Absinthe, L’Artisan Parfumeur (50 ml)
5. French Lover, Frederic Malle (50 ml)
I gifted Oud Wood, Tom Ford (30 ml) to my husband. But that does not count, right?
Gifts don’t count! Beauties here.
Thank you!
I agree, gifts dont count even if they stay in your own house. 🙂
I’ve been vacillating as to whether to include purchases for my H in my spreadsheet. Made the executive decision NOT to today. (It’s really my own spending I’m worried about, anyway.)
Spreadsheet…so far i can keep track without one. What I was thinking about though is spreadsheeting (is that a wo
Argh accidental post… my smartphone is too small or..fat fingers..haha
Spreadsheet…so far i can keep track of what I buy without one
What I was thinking about though is spreadsheeting (is that a word?) which store sells what brands and somehow connect it to my “must sample” list. So I can make smarter and quicker decisions on where and when I’ll buy my sample sets (most stores sell them in sets of 5, or at least thats cheaper than buying just 1).
I like that Romanza was #1 on your list of confessions. It is so very very beautiful.
April: Jeux de peux – but I was at Scent Bar! I couldn’t go there on a pilgrimage and not buy a bottle of something. Impossible.
June: Eau Duelle EDT. End of the year present to myself, and it had been on my wish list for 4 years.
Late June: Jasmin et Cigarette. I did some work for a friend who paid me with a Sephora gift card. I chose perfume instead of sunscreen, so I’m counting it.
Jas & Cigarette is just a must-buy.
O Donatella, how your smile blessed me this quarter! After last quarter, where I had a net purchase of -8 bottles, I am sure you were concerned that I had lost my way. But not to fear, I sure found it again this quarter.
Let’s see now (cracks knuckles, rolls neck) time to get the excuse-machine in gear. Here we go…
Minis (flexible definition) don’t count, so we’ll ignore several purchases from House of Matriarch; Mirus Ceremony; L’Aromatica Bourbon.
I acquired 4 FB’s while on vacation in London. As we know, souvenirs don’t count, so let’s continue.
My charitable work as Patroness of the Arts continued, in the form of direct purchases from indie perfumers. I bought Larrea from La Curie; and a wicked-marked-down bottle of Devotion from House of Matriarch.
If you go thru the tortures of the damned getting a shipment to actually arrive at your house, I think you’ve done your penance already before the bottle even arrives. Thus I get a waiver for my Essenze Nobile order of Parfumerie Generale Entre Ciel et Mer, Heeley Verveine d’Eugene, and (cough) Ormonde Jayne Black Gold (cough cough).
So, on to the remaining:
1. Edward Bess Genre
2. Edward Bess La Femme Boheme
3. Mugler Cuir Impertinent
4. Parfums de Nicolai Fig Tea
5. Coolife Le Troisieme
6. Guerlain Shalimar Parfum Initial L’eau (flanker of a flanker!)
7. Barney’s Route du The
8. Dior Escale a Pondicherry
9. Dior La Colle Noire
10. Guerlain Shalimar Souffle (peacock bottle!!)
11. Dior Jules 2016 (yes!)
12. Dior J’Adore Eau Lumiere
13. L’Occitane Figuier & Osmanthe
Now recalling my carry-over loss from the previous quarter (-8) and the further sale of 2 FB’s this quarter (-2) we have a net gain of +3 this quarter. Positively restrained. 🙂
Perfume accounting – even better than perfume math! 😉
I love your penance posts. They’re hilarious and nose-watering 🙂
Oh yes – I almost spit out my Lime La Croix when I got to the ‘cracks knuckles – rolls neck’ part, and it just continued to get better. Ahaha, thanks for another wonderful post, pixel!
Nice! I’ll have to remember that souvenir rule.
I think you should also exclude the bottles that you partially split with similar-minded individuals 🙂
Elegant and creative as always! 🙂
So did you not like Spanish Veil? That is the Edward Bess I bought last quarter and I really like it, but am wondering if I need the Boheme too. Genre didn’t work for me, thank god.
Nope. In general, not a fan of tonka. Genre was my favorite of the 3.
It is the one thing I bought this quarter that I’ve been slightly iffy about, precisely because of the tonka. But I love the woody aspects and find it a good end of the day perfume. But difference noses etc etc.
I loved Spanish Veil!!! On the first sniff, it smelled like wet cement/cardboard/wet dog, but literally 5 minutes later, it was love. Loved Genre as well. Boheme was great as well, but I forced myself to go with a decant.
Hmmm. I might have to retry Genre. Power of suggestion!
I spy some confession-enabling going on here 😀
We could swap decants. Genre for TF Vert de Fleur? ping me at emc dawt 7 1 1 7 in the land of geeemail.
See, look at us behaving and all.
there’s new Jules? hmmm
Also I’m sure you can get a bunch of new swap opportunities out of this list 😉
You rock, pixel.
Now this is why I love the damage poll! You totally rock! Glad to see Cuir Impertinent on the list.
Bravo Pixel! BRAVO!!!!! 🙂
no bottles, no decants , no samples
Still going strong with my no buy
However, I did get two amazing and generous packages of samples, decants and full bottles from my best friend who is a perfumista so that made a significant difference in my ability to not be tempted 🙂
Good for you!
Wonderful to have perfumista friends!
I am impressed with your devotion to the no buy! 🙂
YAY!!! You are committed….an inspiration!!! And yet you are still smelling fabulous!!!! 🙂
Eclair de Tubéreuse by Il Profvmo
A lovely solid of La Chasse aux Papillons
Both at greatly reduced prices, so I actually didn’t spend that much.
Fun to read all of the hauls! First time for me to report. I plan to report 0 for next quarter????
1. 3 black snuff bottles of vintage Joy – will probably rehome them
2. Vintage ‘1000’
3. Vintage No. 19
4. Vintage Rochas Byzance
5. Vintage Dune
From discounters the following: Narcisco in the white cube bottle, MH Fleur Oriental, SL La Fille de Berlin, AG Songes
Then Byredo 1996 and Pulp, Guerlain SDV, EB Florals travel spray regal tuberose, Eris Night Flower, MdO Musc, SJP Stash Edp and elixir oil, Tom Ford Velvet Orchid Lumiere. Plus decants/samples.
Oh yeah Angel spray oil and 24 Faubourg Eau delicate.
Lovely things you got! Those black snuff bottles are so pretty.
Thank you! I believe one of the bottles is very old. I feel these would be best given to someone who really appreciates Joy. I cannot tell if they smell the way they are “supposed” to. They were all in their boxes which is a good thing.
Vintage Dune! How could you not get it!?
It’s a nice one!
clapping for both of us picking up bottles of songes this quarter
Yay! It’s a wonderful fragrance isn’t it!
I’m still dancing with joy over my Frapin Speakeasy purchase. I’ve wanted it for ages, but couldn’t justify the $195. But Parfum1 had it discounted and with a 25% off coupon on top of that I got it for a whopping $80. I’m really going to enjoy all that tobacco, monitoring, and leather!
Monitoring? Well, yes, someone probably should be monitoring me, but that’s supposed to be “mojito.”
Lol! I started thinking, is that a new note?
Wow, nice buy!
WOW!!!! You did good!!!!
Ooh, that’s gratification on so many levels! Enjoy!
Wowzer! What a deal! It’s like better than free! In fact, it’s a deficit situation by my calculations, so maybe you should celebrate…with another bottle of something????
My 2 bottle purchases were also from parfum1, but when they had the 20% off coupon. Still, both bottles came out to like $40 each which was pretty darned good. Congrats on your steal! Hard to pass that up.
Still so many ‘fumes I want to try and so most of my spending goes to samples. I did get decants of Rose Flash and Rose Rebelle Respawn, but that’s all.
Fun to see all the lovely scents purchased!
My relatively small haul for this quarter:
Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Rosa Pop: $30 at Marshalls
Al Rehab Balkis, Al Sharquia and Saat Safa – 6ml oil rollerballs – about $5 each on Amazon
Gucci Guilty Absolute – 10ml decant – $13 or so on ebay
I was so good this quarter, I think I should go shopping to reward myself!
1. Safran Troublant
2. Shaal Nuur
I’m not talking about the samples and decants.
I like your logic 😉
Errrr…. one? I got a 10 ml DSH Mahjoun decant from a friend. But got a bottle of Cartier L’Envol (SOTD, actually) AND a bottle of Mugler Oriental Express for my birthday / Mother’s Day in May. B was nice this year. 😉
Oriental Express sounds gorgeous, you’ve reminded me to try it soon!
I love Oriental Express!
I’m wearing my decant of Envol today, too, and it’s great.
Last quarter was 0 bottles for the first time ever, but this quarter I’m back to normal-two bottles:
Amouage Myth Woman 50 ml (planned for a long time, good for every-day wear)
Hermes Eau de Merveilles 50 ml (completely unplanned impulse buy at the airport)
I am aiming toward having this be my normal. Or maybe two a month . . .
Eau des Merveilles is a wonderful impulse!
I bought a bunch but kept under budget so I feel pretty good!
Dasein Summer
Jean Nate which priced per ml is… free?
Dame Gardenia
Ma Griffe
and some delightful vintage samples
Thumbs up!
Oh gawd. I thought I’d do better than last quarter. But it’s worse.
1. LAP Bucoliques de Provence
2. Nicolaï Rose Royale
3. Vintage Arpège
4. Vintage Chanel #19 Parfum
5. Nicolaï Odalisque
6. Nicolaï Number One Intense
7. CdG Tar
8. Guerlain Oud Essentiel
9. Guerlain Santal Royal (“to be fair” it’s a 20ml travel spray so that doesn’t count right?…)
10. A vintage “Eau de Lanvin”, something spicy citrusy…
I love your choices!
Smelling good, Bill! Mmmmmmm 🙂
Thank you, Pixel. I had forgotten that Donatello waives souvenirs, and I am thus able to dismiss my haul from the States: Assam of India, Rose de Petra, Odalisque, travel sizes of Oiellet Bengale, Arbole Arbole and Vanilla Flash, and a small bottle of Acqua Vita by Profumo Roma. I bought La Pausa for my birthday, so that also does not count.
That leaves me with Rose Musc, but I’ve heard that Donatella is introducing a new accounting rule that allows acquisitions of a single bottle to be written off as legitimate expenses, which means I haven’t really bought anything this quarter, and that realisation very much clears the way for Sycomore. Soon.
I really need Sycomore too. I was going to get it this month, but got distracted by other things.
OOOHHH! you got Assam 🙂
I feel l
Assam is becoming ‘signature’ for whole of NST it seems 🙂
I dont have it (yet) btw.
I really liked it, and yes the elephants are cute, but so far not enough to convince me to buy…
*nods* The path has most definitely cleared.
Perfume accounting at its finest! YAY!!
Hello fumies! I forgot to post in the first quarter so, I’ll add them here:
FB of Bois Farine from a discounter
decant of Prada Infusion d’Amande (Splitmeet!)
decant of MFK Lumiere Noire pour Femme
ELDO You or Someone Like You, the little 30 ml bottle. So cute.
FB of Attrape-Moi It Was a Time that Was a Time
No regrets.
The 30 ml EldO bottles really are cute, and jealous of your Bois Farine!
Mine were all eBay purchases since I’m (ostensibly) on a budget:
SJP Covet: stlg£18
Clarins Eau Dynamisante: £9.50
Clarins Eau Ressourcante: £5
Guerlain Rose Nacree du Desert (yes, really!) £87 (not an FB but near as damn it)
I’m quite happy with all of them, even though all were bought unsniffed.
Wow, fantastic deal on the Guerlain. I ran across an ebay seller a couple of years ago offering mfr samples of Rose Nacree for like $2 per, so I bought about 20 of them. Such a beauty.
Isn’t it though? Buying it unsniffed was a bit of a risk, but I love rose and oud so I figured I’d like it. Plus I have a weakness for classic Guerlains. For about a minute after I’d sprayed it I thought, oh it’s all smoke and oud! But from then on it does unfold in an enthralling way and the far dry down is just exquisite. The rich rose blooms after a few minutes. Very happy with that purchase.
yes, it’s the deep drydown that kills me – so gorgeous – but it takes a long time to get to the rose on my skin. but it unfolds all day long, kind of a perfume marathon on my scent-eating skin.
I also bought Eau Dynamisante this quarter and LOVE it sooooo much!! It’s just perfect as a summer refresher!!
Yes, it’s a lovely summer scent, as is the Ressourcante. Refreshing and refined at the same time. And it’s great that you can apply it so liberally! I’m keeping mine in the refrigerator.
In April I bought FBs of Pulp (when I thought it had been discontinued) and Assam of India. In May, I bought nothing. In June, I bought La Perfumerie Moderne Desarmant (huge sale at First in Fragrance) and Indult Tihota. I also bought a bottle of Azemour Les Orangers when Waterdragon and I went to Fumerie, but since meeting her was an occasion worth commemorating I’m calling Azemour a souvenir. No samples or decants either, so only four bottles.
yay to Assam! I think another online discounter also had Desarmante reduced in price and then 20 percent off on top of that….I was REALLY tempted but did not ……
This is one of my most exciting confessions – my perfume shopping in Paris in April was a wonderful and extravagant time. I had five on my list:
Aedes de Venustas – Palissandre d’Or
Serge Lutens – Chypre Rouge
Armani Prive – Bois d’Encens
Guerlain – Rose Nacrée du Désert and Bois d’Armenie
I got all those, and one impulse buy of Fêtes Persanes by Parfums MDCI. I resisted other temptations, and of course now regret not getting Thierry Mugler’s Chyprissime – I’ll just have to saving for the next trip!
Wow, you got some really nice things!
I’m feeling rather virtuous, my most thrifty quarter since falling down the rabbit hole! 2 x15ml bottles of Terracota (such cute bottles!) £25
3ml travel spray Fleur de Cassie, £7
Iris de Nuit, James Heeley (slightly used), £65
(I also received a bottle of Journey woman for my birthday, but we all know gifts don’t count)
Comme des Garcons Sticky Cake. No regrets…I’ve always regretted not buying some a decade ago, before it was discontinued!
And some sample vials.
I’ve also “shed” a few bottles that I really wasn’t using. They have new homes. 🙂
Sticky Cake was popular, I think, shortly before my perfumista conversion. I heard people mention it but never got my hands on any.
I keep saying it without doing it, but I still need to divest too.
Most of my purchases were due to the SL impending repackaging, LE bottles and sales:
SL Bas de Soie, Un Bois Vanillé, Baptême du Feu
JM Poptastic Tuberose Angelica and Orange Blossom
JM LE bottle Myrrh & Tonka
JM LE bottle Incense & Cédrat
Parfumerie Moderne Désarmant (sale at Twisted Lily)
I also ordered Vero Profumo Naja but it is on backorder so that will have to wait for next quarter.
Nice on the JMs and you got Desarmant for a steal!
And Un Bois Vanille is my favorite SL!
Chiming in late and hoping no one can see me hanging my head guiltily.
I bought a bottle of Naja!!!
No, just in my dreams, sadly. I did buy a bottle of Berdoues Vanira something or other that was 20% discounted at Twisted Lily. Unsniffed I might add. Probably not too smart, but them I’m no rocket scientist????
Oops! This does not belong here! I think I was so gobsmacked with envy re: your Naja purchase, I lost all sense. I hope you enjoy the hel* out of that bottle! Waft a bit down south here when you’re wearing it please????
Wait! Besides bogarting this comment, I lied! I bought a bottle of B of E, in April I think. Oh, how quickly we forget monetary indiscretions!
That’s my problem – I forget I bought stuff, think I’ve been good, and buy more. I need to write it down when I buy it.
I really really want you to have Naja.
How do you like the JM tuberose angelica? I almost blind bought the poptastic bottle the other day. I chickened out though, because I couldn’t tell if it’s a mostly warm weather scent.
For me tuberose is almost always a warm weather scent. The only one I own that I wear in winter is Tauerville Tuberose Flash, which is more buttery than fresh.
This is my first time to EVER report that I didn’t make any purchases during the 2nd quarter. Of course, this is not by choice.
With all my health issues that came about these last few months, my scented luxuries have been put on hold. I will be ready for Donatella next quarter, though.
I am sorry health issues are getting in the way of what you should be doing: buying perfume! But truly, I hope things are improving.
I’m wishing you the best of health.
Tauer Eau
Stephane Humbert Lucas Oumma
Dusita La Sillage Blanc
Tom Ford Vert de Fleur
EL Beach
How do you like Dusita? I have tried Oud Infiniti and the whole sexy goat rose thing was not for me. But, looking forward to trying a couple of more coming to me 🙂
Butting in to say that I didn’t like any of the first three Dusita perfumes, but ended up really loving the two new EDPs, especially Douceur de Siam. A yellow floral I can do when big florals are not my thing.
‘sexy goat rose’ sounds just like my thing
“Sexy goat rose!” That cracked me up because it made me think, “hmmm, interesting!”
I realize I cheated a bit on the poll by not counting travel sprays, of which I bought five substantial ones:
1. Le Lebo Labdanum with the cool case
2. MFK Oud Satin with the cool nickel case
3. Vilhelm Dirty Velvet (is 18ml travel?)
4. Vilhelm Purple Fig (ditto)
5. Anatole le Breton three pack (great deal!)
Then there were the bottles:
1. Edward Bess Spanish Veil
2. Chanel 22
3. Tom Ford Vert de Fleur (I thought that was last quarter!)
4. Dusita Douceur de Siam
5. Dusita Sillage Blanc
6. Amouage Bracken (20% off)
7. SL Fille de Berlin (discounted BB as I panicked they’d change it)
8. Berdoues Brasil de Selva (sale)
9. Berdoues Scorza di Sicilie (sale)
10. Sammarco Naias (discount)
11. MCG Lankaran Forest (had a $60 off from a previous TL deal)
12. Bogue Mem
13. Papillon Dryad (but not out yet so does it really count? I think I’ve paid for it)
Plus I just remembered that I had birthday gift cards and checks (at my age!) that paid for part of this! So nothing to look at here!
Going to Europe for three weeks. Uh oh.
I can also say that despite what this looks like, I do feel that I am slowing down in terms of my want want wanting. I’ve got tons and can say pretty confidently now that I am only buying things I really love — or in the case of Dryad, know I will really love or someone out there will. I also sold a couple of bottles that were getting little wear. For the past year and a half or so I’ve cut way down on other discretionary spending to feed the perfume demon. And my person is actually happy that I have something of a hobby for the first time in my life!
I like the way you are feeding your perfume demon…especially the Berdoues!
Where did you get Vilhelm from? I cannot find it at the usually suspects (Twisted Lily, Luckyscent, etc)
It appears only to be at Barneys, which I am fortunate to have near me. There are others I liked as well, although these were my two favorites and I was lucky they both come in the 18ml. (Not all of them do.)
Yay, EB Spanish Veil!!
When did you get your personal Chanel perfume counter? I think that is enough to wipe out a good swath of your purchases as a reward for managing to do that 🙂
I ordered a Bracken sample from America based on your response. I think it’s being transported by paddle steamer though.
Also, travel bottles only count if you’re travelling, and anything you buy while travelling doesn’t count.
And, any perfume you order online when you should be working and/or completing boring papers doesn’t count. Those purchases come under health and welfare
Headed to Europe for three weeks? I’m sure you won’t find anything lovely there???? Uh oh is right????
Ridiculously restrained quarter –I got minis of Deneuve and Fidji and partial bottles of Organza and Sand and Sable at an antique mart for a grand total of $20. Of course, July 1st saw me buying a 50yr supply of a favorite that is being discontinued but we won’t talk about that……
And the favorite is…?
Soivohle Gardenia Batik
Almost forgot it was CONFESSION DAY!!! HA HA HA
Well, here ’tis….
1. Chanel No 5 Eau Premiere $80
2. Histories Discovery Set $20
3. Aromatics in White $16
4. Gloria Vanderbilt $10
5. Jovan White Musk $13
6. Demeter Paperback $17
7. Demeter Greenhouse $17
8. Demeter Beeswax $5
9. Demeter Tomato $5
10. Demeter Stringbean $5
11. Demeter Earthworm $5
12. Aromatics in Black $19
13. Clarins Eau Dynaminsante $33 THE BEST BUY THIS QUARTER!
14. Chanel Coco Noir $40 (brought price down with Belk Rewards)
If essential oils counted, I’d be in big trouble. But we won’t talk about that! 🙂
Earthworm? Brilliant!
It’s really pretty good! Not sure I’d wear it except on the odd occasion, but Demeter has some fascinating stuff for sure! 🙂
A lot of those bottles were used in your videos. I think you should count them as a work expense:)
I really should…..because YouTube does NOT pay! HA HA HA I think I’ve made $5.00?? hee hee
Nice work! How do you like demeter tomato?
Belk! I was going to ask you where you get rewards to purchase perfume. The closest program I would have is Kohls – but the perfume iso marked up I don’t think it would be Worth it.
Kohl’s is very similar! With Belk, I normally get $10 rewards with every $100 purchase. BUT….once a quarter or so, they’ll offer $40 with $100 purchase on one day only. When I know it’s coming up, I’ll wait and purchase the kids’ shoes or clothing purchase on that day! Whee!!!! I ONLY use Belk Rewards for fun stuff like perfume! 🙂
Forgot to mention….Demeter Tomato smells SO authentic! The only time I might splash that on is for yardwork day….it’s a goodie!
OK, I’m in for three this quarter:
1. 18 ml bottle of Vanitas EDP by Profumum Roma
2. Diptyque Eau Duelle EDP 75 ml
3. L’Artisan Violaceum 2 EDP 75 ml (purchased in 2d qtr, but not yet rec’d)
I love Eau Duelle.
So do I! It’s on my very short list. ????
Not a good quarter. Granted, some of the things were leftover from previous quarter and took a very long time to get to me with all the international DHL shipping issues, but here is the damage
1. Rose Musc by The Rising Phoenix – 1 g
2. Kyoto Gyoen Oud Perfume by The Rising Phoenix – 1 g.
3. Edward Bess Spanish Veil
4. Edward Bess Genre
5. Byredo 1996
6. Andy Tauer PHI (but it was on sale and I figured I can use it as a back up)
7. SHL Soleil de Jeddah – used the decant and ready for FB
8. SL Iris Silver Mist – the rumors of black atomizer going away got me scared as I prefer to spray my fragrance
9. Superstitious (decant)
I did take advantage of all the discount offers in July, but that is next quarter 🙂
I love 1996! Congrats.
Oh, dear. Not this again! Too many, although I am really enjoying the gazillion bottles I purchased. So, I am ashamed of the $ I spent, but don’t regret the results! I bought almost everything on some sort of promotion.
Amoungst others, the following:
Anima Dulcis
Melodie de l’Amour
La douceur de Siam
Oudh infini
Travel size of Superstitious
Crop 2016
Absolue d’osmanthe
PHI Kandahar
Black Rosette
Lipstick On
Sublime Vanille
Oh I love your list. Lots of favs there 🙂
Nice work!
Let’s see…
1. Vintage Opium mini from the Bay of Evil…smells almost exactly like a current-ish EDT mini I have and I was avidly seeking differences I might add… 😉
2. Misia EDT in the great big bottle…wasn’t that awed by this one initially but, with subsequent wearings, something magical happens midway with the iris for me and the drydown is just beautiful.
3. Noir de Noir…I am debating what other TF Private Labels to try next…certain lines (like his PB line) I never really pursued but I was quite taken w/ NdN so now I have to explore more.
I would like to give myself props for rehoming about 10 bottles in the 2nd quarter too!
Woot-woot for rehoming bottles! I had good luck sending some lovelies on to new homes this quarter. It feels good to clear the decks for whatever is next. 🙂
Indeed it does. 🙂
I feel the same way about Misia. I was underwhelmed when I first tried it. I prefer to wear it during the summer months but hardly touch it during winter.
Yeah I wore a sample and forgot about it and then when I revisited it I was blown away.
But, to your point, it was warmer when I retried it now that I think about it so perhaps the heat makes it bloom. Oh that iris!
Yay for rehoming bottles! I need to do that.
I was surprised to like Noir de Noir (from a sample) very much, as it did not sound like my sort of thing.
Try Rive D’Ambre. It’s great in the summer.
Thanks, I will seek a sample.
Am I reading correctly that you don’t detect too much difference between vintage Opium and the current?
I regret (kind of) not buying the massive bottle of Misia edt. I bought the 75 ml days after finding out about the discontinuation, and figured it would be a lifetime supply. NOT. I wear it frequently (it’s my date-night perfume) and am going through it pretty quickly. I’m not the kind to pay full price for a perfume, so buying the small bottle was a pretty big deal, so I’m not beating myself up for not buying the huge one. BUT… I sure wish I had one.
I have a sample of the edp but haven’t played with it much. On first flush it smells just like the edt, so there’s that…
Correct. Minimal difference between a late 80s/early 90s Opium mini and a 2010 or slightly later one. In some ways I actually preferred the modern one. I was very surprised.
I haven’t smelled the Misia EDP yet myself but would like to compare them.
I was doing well at buying less decants until this quarter. 🙂
Lush Dirty Body Spray (200 ml) (yes, it’s a body spay, but I feel it should be counted as a perfume bottle)
Lush Death & Decay solid (12 g)
Dior Tendre Poison (3.6 ml)
Gucci L’Arte EDP (5 ml)
Odori Spigo (10 ml)
Annick Goutal Heure Exquise EDT (10 ml)
Guerlain Un Air de Samsara (10 ml)
Serge Lutens Daim Blond (6 ml)
L’Artisan Perfumeur Bois Farine (8 ml)
Cartier Baiser Vole EDP (10 ml)
Penhaligon’s Opus 1870 (10 ml)
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme (10 ml)
Prada Candy (8 ml)
Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Herba Fresca (15 ml)
Acqua di Parma Iris Nobile (10 ml = 5 ml EDT + 5 ml EDP)
Great choices! Where do you purchase your decants?
Thank you. They are all splits bought locally (in Ukraine).
Bless all of you who’ve purchased stuff this quarter! I’m living vicariously through you. It’s just too hot here to have any perfumes delivered, and in-store purchases are rare since I’m practically allergic to retail prices. So I’m essentially on a no-buy for a few months. …That said, I did score one bargain this quarter:
75ml VS Heavenly mist–for $1.20. Boo-yah.
I bow down to you. 🙂
I try not to buy anything between Mother’s Day and my Oct. bday, partly because of the heat and partly to take a spending break. I don’t think I’ve ever succeeded at truly buying nothing, but maybe this will be my year . . .
I’m with you, girl. I don’t pay full price for anything, especially perfume. I rarely shop in person (for anything.) If I had to follow your rule, I’d save a fortune over the summer. Good thing I live in a cool climate! 😉
My self restraint is impressive, given how strong my desires are!
Only 1 bottle, and it was only a partial: a 25% full Chanel 19 edp which is lovely but not the 2012 or 2013 bottle that my heart is aching for.
Next up– I’m itching to buy a partial bottle (or really, a decent size decant would be enough) of Chanel 31 Rue Cambon edt. Plus a partial bottle of LA Pausa edt if I can find it. And that Chanel 19 edp 2012 or 2013 bottle. A girl can dream, right?
All my purchases were blind buys – which is far safer than trusting my taste in perfume, which is slightly hysterical.
I’ve noticed that I tend to buy things I feel sorry for so when smell bent did that discontinued, garage sale thing and emailed me about it (which is not fair play) I instantly felt sorry for several bottles:
Dead of Winter – jammy licorice
Ice Station Pineapple (or something ) – pineapple pine
Prairie Nymph – jammy rose like rose jam. Smells good when my husband wears it after I’ve sprayed his jumpers
La Pluie – this sounded good and smells really good
No over the counter buys – too overwhelming when I was in Auckland to make a decision: Boy, Coromandel, Ginsberg is God…etc.
Err, Bay Rum…that may also have been this quarter but that one scares me so it doesn’t count. You kind of need the nuclear codes and special key to tackle that one
I love your methodology!
Did they discontinue Prairie Nymph? I’ve been eyeing that one, and if it smells like Rose Jam, all the better . . .
Nuclear codes? Yikes????
I was all set to say that I purchased nothing but, of course, I did.
I bought a 10ml bottle of Alaia Blanche – amazingly only $24
Paul Smith Rose – less than $30, blind buy due to a review on Fume Chat. It’s a very pretty rose; similar to CdG Grace Coddington but different enough to warrant having both.
I am quite proud, actually! So much so, I may have to actually get to checkout with all the stuff in my Lucky Scent cart…
It would be well-deserved! 😀
Very restrained this quarter…having local perfume pals to swap samples and such with has been great for curbing impulse purchases!
I did buy a small bottle of SJP Lovely when I saw it for $19.99, and splurged on the Sultan Pasha sample set but I think that is all for this quarter. I’m content. For now. Mwahahaha…
SPA samples.. . Arent they awesome?! Do you have any favourites yet?
They are awesome. I’ve been having a blast with them. I’m only about halfway through my first pass but so far my favourites are Ensar Rose, Vetiver Blanc and Tabac Grande. Which ones are yours? Have you gone on to get any full mls?
Yes, I have 1 ml attars of Vetiver Blanc, Nankun Kodo, Incense royale.
Tabac Grande is also one of my favourites. And Irisoir is an awesome cosy warm iris!
My student budget keeps me very restrained, whether I like it or not. But i fell so hard for Frederic Malle Superstitious and have stalked it in store since it launched.
I managed to find a few new homes to lovelies that sadly collected dust in my collection, and ta-dah. One new bottle of addictive love this quarter, and some extra pocket money. So happy!
If perfume bought while travelling counts as souvenirs, than I can say I’m on a no-buy for half a year now, because I haven’t bought anything from home this year! I had another little trip to Italy this May, and all my (rather modest) second quarter perfume spending was done there. I bought I Profumi di Firenze Gelsomino del Deserto and Sandalo del Misore – both in 12 ml perfume concentrate – in Florence, of course, and (finally!) 50 ml bottle of Knize Ten in Milano.
I’d gladly stick to the no-buy-from-home rule till the end of year (or forever, really), but that upcoming Lutens’ repackaging has already got me thinking about getting a couple of bottles. So I forsee a lot more damage in the next quarter…
How delightfully humiliating!
My first confession, and my first Q purchasing perfume:
-Guerlain AA Pamplelune
-Van Cleef & Arpels First
Because they are different, I thought buying those two would sasiate me for a while, bwahaha!
-Estée Lauder azuree
-Estée Lauder alliage
-Estée Lauder youth dew
-Paloma Picasso paloma Picasso
-Terre de Hermes
-Dior Eau savauge
And 22 1ml samples !!
Love Pamplelune and LOVE(!!!!) Azuree. 🙂 Azuree is great in all seasons, but I do so love it in the summer.
I was wondering if I layered Azuree with suntan lotion or coconut of some sort, would it be similar to bronze goddess? what do you think?
Nice acquisitions of all manner of classic chypres!
Four bottles in April and a travel mini in May for this quarter, which is rather…restrained…for me? 🙂
– Amouage Epic 50ml (bought it during an Olfactif 20% off event, so still pricey, but less so than normal)
– Dame Earth Mother 100ml (another Olfactif 20% off spend)
– Atelier Cologne Jasmine Angelique 30ml (Sephora sale for 20% off)
– Chanel No 5 EDP 40 ml (same Sephora sale)
– Aromatics Elixir 10 ml travel spray
The only one I hadn’t had my eyes on for at least a year or more was the Earth Mother, but I fell in lurrrrve, so… 🙂 And it was to nice to have waited for these. I have a small perfume cabinet that is getting FULL, so I’ve made a choice to not overflow it…and it’s slowed me down. I started working through decants this spring to free up room (and to use them before they turn).
I think the upcoming quarter will be far fewer, still. I bought nothing in June (aside from an Arielle Shoshanna EDP sample), and due to an unfortunate new bout of allergic contact dermatitis from a really, really common preservative/perfume ingredient, I need to be more careful about where I spritz and how much (some of my body is reacting to the ingredient like crazy, some doesn’t yet, so there’s hope that my body will forget its irrational hatred of things if I stay away for a bit). I have my eye on a full bottle of Habanita (love the recent-ish EDP), and on Ari’s perfume (I am not a fruity perfume person, but it is JUST SO DANG GOOD). I’ll likely wait until fall for those, just to make sure I can still wear them sans hives at that point — Ari, oh my gosh, please don’t reformulate before then! 😉
very nice list, I admire your process, using the 3d space to influence purchase. I am looking forward to my sample of Earth Mother to arrive!
FB’s of:
Hermes Galop
CDG Kyoto
Travel Size:
Bottega Veneta EdP
Mini’s of:
Organza Indecence
Jo Malone Dark Amber & Gingerlily
Partial Ebay bottles of:
Tom Ford Vert de Fleur
Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille
Hermes Rubarbe Ecalarte
Dior Dune
Serge Lutens 5 O’Clock Gingembre
Serge Lutens Chergui
Oops…that’d be about 11 for me…
Are we sure they don’t just breed in the dark when we’re not looking?
You got a partial Tom Ford on ebay?? Wow! Good for you.
I love your list! You got some lovelies!
Nice work!
First time for The Reckoning here on NST, and reckon I must. I have been a bit out of control, but here goes…
travel spray of Remarkable People
ELDO Discovery Set
HdP 1826 (Eugenie) travel spray
HdP Ambre 114 travel spray
Donna Karan Gold edp 1oz
Cartier Santos edt 3.3oz
4711 13.5oz
L’Instant de Guerlain Extreme edp 2.5oz
Omnia edt 2.2oz
MINIs: Infusion d’Vetiver, Infusion d’Iris Cedre, Bal a Versailles, Infusion d’Iris Absolue, Herve Leger, First, Eau d’Hadrien
LUSH: Breath of God, All Good Things (both 10ml)
Neroli Outrenoir travel spray
TBS Black Musc 60ml
Hermes travel set with Vetiver Tonka, Gentiane Blanche, Rose Ikebana, Cuir d’Ange
Kenzo Jungle L’Elephant 1.7oz
Kenzo Flower L’Elixir 1.7oz
L’eau ParKenzo for men 1.7oz
Flower Tag 1.7oz
L’eau de Kenzo Amour 2.4oz
JM Blackberry & Bay 30ml
SL Daim Blond
SL 5 o’clock au Gingembre
SL L’eau Serge Lutens
SL Un Bois Vanille
SL Chergui
L’Artisan Premier Figuier
L’Artisan set of 5 minis: La Chasse, Caligna, Mure et Musc Extreme, Timbuktu
Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet
Calypso St. Barth Figue travel spray
PdE Yuzu Fou 100ml
PdN Vetyver 30ml
Pdn discovery kit
Oh, geez, this is more than a bit out of control.
I will say that everything except the Hermes and the Lush was on some kind of sale, some as much as 50% off.
The discovery sets/minis were for exploration of the fragrance house, so that’s kind of a scientific endeavor, correct?
And the travel sprays could be used for travel, even though I have no dinero to travel with anymore (spent all on le stink), so those are just general expenses?!?
And the Donna Karan Gold was a blind buy complete fail, so it will be swapped away…any takers?
Let me see…the 4711 is necessary in this heat, so it’s a medical device, correct?
I really had no idea it was this bad! I’m not even going to talk about the sample orders/Dame 5ml order I also made in June.
Okay, it’s no buy time until the fall, I’m thinking October 15th. Gaahh. I think I deserve at least a curtsy from Donatella.
wowza! What is Donna Karan Gold like? and do you like Elephant and Timbuktu?
Gold is a very rich lily, too heavy for me. Baiser Vole is a delicate cloud of a lily, as a comparison, in case you’ve tried that one.
I tried Timbuktu once, and I really like it…nicely dry and light, but spicy. Surprisingly good for summer.
Still working on the Kenzo. I’ve tried it a couple of times, and there’s a wonky note in there. Not sure if it’s the mango or the ylang or what, but I haven’t given up on it yet.
Lots of the scents I love here. 🙂
By the way, 4711 makes a great scented bath – very refreshing and invigorating. Just add one or two tablespoons after you fill the bath tub with water. I have a 13.5oz bottle too, and enjoy it both as a perfume and as a bath fragrance.
That’s a great idea, especially in the hot weather. Thanks for the tip! ????
I don’t think I did too bad.
PdN Maharajah
SL A la Nuit
SL Gris Clair
Estee Lauder Tom Ford Youth Dew Amber Nude
Aramis Calligraphy Rose
Givenchy Organza Indecence mini (Goodwill)
FM Cologne Indelible decant
Soivohle Green Oakmoss, Studio Red Rose, Leather Krem, Jasmine Summer, Gardenia Batik (all 10ml or less)
1. Boy Chanel (my first from the exclusive line – now wishing i had went with coromandel – rushed decision).
2. By Kililan – Black Phantom. Using a credit I had at a department store – and sucked in by the lacquer skull box. Fragrance is lovely (although not warranted of the purchase price).
3. Yohji Yamamoto Pour Homme – my only fragrance purchase during a trip to Japan (surprisingly). Loving the 80’s vibe on this.
4. Dior Higher (had been searching for this – thought it was discontinued – found in a department store in Copenhagen). Was one of my first fragrance purchases, so it brings me back to a wonderful time in my life.
Also – three limited edition Diptyque candles – Tokyo, from their new boutique in Ginza. A light but perfect mix of incense and sequoia. And the jar is beautiful!
As far as I can make out, I bought an 8ml mini of Gucci Guilty Absolute this quarter, and that was it. It sounds wrong to me, but I can’t think what else I might have bought.
I did also get a bottle of Brocard “Chingis Khan” out of curiosity, but it smashed in transit, and given the sodden delivery box smelled uninspiring and the thing cost £11 I didn’t even bother complaining to get a replacement. :^)
Was really proud of my self when I began to compile my quarterly confession. However reading everyone’s posts, jogged my memory. Dang it???? So here goes:
Angel leather
Eau de guerlain
When We Cuddle…
Lipstick Rose
Bois d’Iris
Pomegranate Noir
All are full bottles and most were purchased via discounters except the Malles. And as luck would have it, hubby hates both of the Malles!????????
Nice purchases!
How is the Angel Leather? BTW, I looovvve When We Cuddle. So cuddly! 😀 I wasn’t aware discounters carried Tauer or Tauerville.
No discount on the Tauer! But it’s a Tauerville, so not too spendy. Angel Leather is Angel’s tough motorcycle-riding sis. Too much for warm weather but will be nice in the winter.
I was the very model of virtue and restraint this quarter, resisting the devil’s own temptations and resolutely upholding my no-buy vow.
…Until June 30th when I went to the Chanel counter at Saks and bought No. 22…
I’ve been pretty much unemployed since the end of March, so I was sure I hadn’t bought any ‘fumes … but then I checked my email and realized that I had purchased a backup bottle of vintage Roma in April. I had already placed my vote, so please mentally transfer it from “Nary a one” to “1.” 🙂
I made a promise not to buy any last quarter, but then I was in a capital where I walked past AbdelSamad Qurashi and bought a high grade (not the highest grade though) ambregris and another lower grade, both for $250. Nothing since. We’re now in July and I’m hoping I buy nothing this quarter.