The first weekend in June! We're marking the occasion with our usual open thread poll. Talk about anything you like — the fragrance you’re wearing today, your favorite scented body products for summer, whatever.
Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer…
Note: top image is clematis mandala by Anathea Utley at flickr; some rights reserved.
SOTD is Bois ‘Arménie, where did it go? I can’t smell a thing. What has happen to this fragrance?
My better half is away today so did all the morning rituals with the monkey and buddha. Green Market, picked up some yummy radishes and asparagus is looking ah-mazing!
Ready for my day solo, two cups of coffee in and I feel ok so far. Babies are resting so I will do so myself.
Have a lovely rest! And you smell great, even if you can’t smell it.
Thanks Robin! Have a great weekend
Mmmmmm! You smell great, even though you can’t smell it!
Thanks..I will reapply soon!
B d’A got reformulated. AnnE did a split a while back and it was so much lighter than we’d remembered that the SA returned the product!
Yes, this is the sad truth.
Rats! So this is the problem..
Oh thats a pity I was thinking about a bottle.
I will try it before you purchase…
I’m getting an early start on next week’s Friday challenge, wearing La Panthere for the first time. Fragrantica lists the first two notes as rhubarb and strawberry.
My coworker kindly gave me some rhubarb from his garden and I’m planning on using it to make a rhubarb (and possibly strawberry) crisp today. Pretty soon you and my kitchen will be scent twins 🙂
I usually prefer straight rhubarb in pies, but I had some rhubarb strawberry pie the other night that was really good. I did not make it – Willamette Valley Pie Company did. The fruit was nice and tart, which I think is the key. (YMMV.)
Oooooh I want some now!!!
As I was choosing perfumes for the next week’s challenge, I was quite surprised to see that Fragrantica does not consider rhubarb a fruity note. Instead it lists it under “Greens, herbs and fougeres”. On the other hand, osmanthus is in the fruity category. Go figure.
It is time to start making rhubarb pie again! Yum!
It’s a windy and more or less cool (for June) weather today, so I have chosen Royal Bain de Caron. I plan to stay home for the rest of the day, so I can apply a lot without disturbing anyone. Enjoying my cloud of lilac and sweet resins.
Atelier Cologne Grand Neroli for me today. This does have a kind of Fruity Pebbles note on my skin, so maybe I’ll wear it for next week’s project too!
Love that one…you smell so good!
That’s funny, when I wear Infusion d’Iris, all I smell is Froot Loops when I sniff up close.
Froot Loops! Sometimes when I lightly apply Infusion d’Iris I can smell dill pickles in the drydown. No problem there tho, I just spritz lots. 🙂
I can see that. I always thought it should be called Grand Petitgrain, as I smell that more than neroli. It’s one I haven’t worn in ages, though I really liked it.
Love me some Grand Neroli
When I tried Escentric 4, my immediate thought was “fruit loops”. Which, while tasty, aren’t what I want to smell like.
holyneroli, you smell great! I adore Grand Neroli.
Try California Revêre, if you haven’t yet. It’s sweet, but I’m loving it.
I have a question. . .what are your suggestions for light, transparent fragrances for high heat/humidity that are not citrus-centric?
I love me some Atelier in our long summers, but along about August, I need some new ideas.
I’m copycatting Priscilla a bit today, in Eau de Rhubarbe Ecalarte.
My SOTD is feeling pretty light and transparent! 🙂
Gaiac 10 from Le Labo is light on me and I wear my sample when its hot. Do you like tea in your fragrances? Neroli Outnoire, there is not much Noire about it, also the Bvlgari tea scents. Most have some citrus but the AA line from Guerlain is really nice for summer.
Aww, sorry your SOTD is disappearing on you!
Yes, I like tea in my scents, and I think I have at least one of the Bulgaris in my stash.
And I feel silly, but I have a travel spray of the Neroli Outrenoir. . . haven’t worn it since April. Thank you for the reminder! ????
Beige is really nice too, it was my wedding scent and I wore it in the heat outside in the city. 1932 is good. And I second Oakland’ comment about Boy.
Love Beige. I went to the Chanel boutique in Amsterdam convinced that 28 La Pausa was for me based on the notes. Lovely SA let me sniff and return (my nose wears out easily) and it was Beige by a mile. Gorgeous choice for a wedding. SOTD is Ce Soir ou Jamais EDT.
Have you tried some of the other Ateliers that are not citrus-centric? I love the Ambre Nue, the immortelle one (name escapes me), Vanille Insensee, Jasmin Angelique….I think they work well year round, including the summer.
I would also recommend the Berdoues Grand Cru Cologne Collection. Last summer I religiously wore Assam of India daily (notes are lemon, assam tea and Mysore Sandalwood) but there are others that are less citrus that you might like….even the Oud Al Sahrraa is sheer enough to wear on a summer evening/night and very sweet and not very oud-y to my nose…Vanira Moorea is to my nose a sheer orange blossom/neroli on a vanilla/amber base….and Arz el Rab is ginger, iris and cedarwood…all quite lovely and not overwhelming…
Also, Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt is diffuse and soft for summer wear…it is a bit sweet, though, but that doesn’t bother me.
Pacifica Perfumes has some nice summer friendly scents too….Meditteranean Fig and Indian Coconut Nectar come to mind …they have citrus/fruity scents as well but you are trying to avoid those so I won’t mention them…Oh! and Spanish Amber which is a light ambery incense…definitely wearable in the summer!
Plus the cute elephants are irresistible!
ha! that too!!! i spent last summer counting the rows of elephants that were disappearing from my bottle!
Oh, there are a coupon Sephora stores in town that carry the Berdoues, and I’ve been trying to get there and test them. Thanks for the suggestion!
And I need to get to an Ulta to try the Pacificas. Thanks for all of your suggestions! ????
*couple of*, not *coupon*. Thanks, spellcheck, for all you do.
Oh and the Dames!!! The ones with the three notes in the name are all lovely…Peach Blossom, Violet & Vanilla and Bergamot, Jasmine & Labdanum and Mate, Heliotrope & Patchouli are the three that come to mind at the moment but there are certainly many others that you might like. New Musk for Men is good too as well as Chocolate Man and they both come in oil format as well as EDP sprays.
I love the Dame samples I received. And they have good sample sizes at good prices!
Blanche Immortelle! It is not fresh, it smells like warm brown sugar to me, but I love it in the heat.
Thank you! Could not remember the name..yeah, that is a good one in the heat!
Aaand, jotted down, thanks cazaubon!
One last Pacifica recommendation….Island Vanilla which is a really nice take on vanilla with a tea note…also pairs nicely with Indian Coconut Nectar…it is being offered at the freebiemeet which reminded me of it (and I don’t think anyone has dibbed it yet!)
All the Prada Infusions except the Absolue
I think several of these are carried at Nordstrom, in store. Will have to take a road trip. Thanks, ma’am! ????
Especially Prada Infusion de Mimosa would be great.
Also L’Eau d’Hiver by Frederic Malle
OOH yes! I second that!
Try the Acqua di Parma Blu Mediterraneo series.
I wore Mandorlo di Sicilia when I co-hosted a Memorial Day weekend pool extravaganza with a friend who has mobility issues due to CP. His house, my cooking, and lots of deliciousness! !! LOL
There are many, that one is almond, anise, jasmine, and musk.
SOTD Burberry Brit Gold.
Triple strength coffee.
More swimming, hopefully.
Carpe Diem. Peace.
Hey Bear….waft some of that Gold over to me 🙂 ….
You are a good friend!
That sound you hear is me, scribbling feverishly in my fragrance notebook. Thanks for the suggestions, Bear!
I like Mandorlo, too. It smells like crème soda to me. 🙂
Oh, that sounds like great fun, thanks!
The original Omnia is great in all weather, but worked really well for me in the Florida heat and humidity.
I have a FB in my scent drawer, so thanks for the reminder! I clear need to start thinking outside of the box and try some things I have on hand.
I really like Escentric 2 in the hot, humid South Carolina summer.
That whole line looks interesting. Thanks!
Light, dry, airy ambers can be glorious in the heat: Phaedon Dzhari, Tauer LADDM/ACDD, ELdO Fils de Dieu. I also love Alaia in the summer (it’s the only time I can smell the chalky note in it), and it’s my favorite time to wear Dior Poison, as it blooms so dramatically.
L’Ombre dans l’Eau has that cooling murky opening; summer’s also the time of year when I wear Marni Rose. Sandalwood is supposed to be cooling in the heat, so you might try your sandalwood-forward perfumes. Also: all the vetivers (which I only wear in warm weather) and salty fare (Sel Vetiver, Sel Marin, Fleurs de Sel, etc.)
Summer’s also a good time for Hermes’s lighter fare: Hiris, Caleche, Kelly Caleche, and most of the Hermessences (Muguet Porcelaine, Brin Reglisse, et al.)
… And now I’m realizing it’s time for me to bring out my summer scents! 😉
Galop by Hermes is also sheer on me to add to the list
Added, thank you, ma’am!
kpaint, this is a wealth of information; thank you so much!
Forgot to mention…you are right about the Hermessences. I’ve fallen for Vetiver Tonka, and will get good use of my travel spray this summer. ????
Great question and wonderful suggestions! I dearly love citrus but a change up is nice when the hot weather goes on and on. This summer I’m going to try Barbara Bui Le Parfum. In winter it is my gentle and powdery “beginner’s incense” fragrance. In summer it may bloom differently.
That one gets mentioned a lot here! I have it on my list, but you’ve convinced me to move it up in priority. Thank you, tiffanie!
Cardinal is also a great summer incense if you are looking for a light incense for the summer.
L’Artisan Caligna! (I included the remnants of a sample). Fresh, sheer mellow, cooling, and very light. Smells like herbal tea to me.
Oh, thank you, Elisa! I do believe you are my fragrance fairy godmother. ????
Diptyque Eau Moheli is nice when I can’t take another day of smelling like grapefruit. It’s a light ylang-ylang–cologne-ish but not citrusy. I love Etro Shaal Nur in the summer, too, although it may not be light or transparent enough for you.
I love green greens in the summer. Memory of Kindness from CBI Hate Perfume, which I am wearing today, Corsica Furiosa, Tokyo Bloom, Vert de Fleur have all been staples on the few hot days we have had so far.
Pretty much all the Hermessences!
Thanks all, for your generous help. It is much appreciated!
Last night I fell asleep sniffing my wrist which had Trouble..oh boy am I in trouble…I really like it!
Today I am wearing Le Couvent de Missions eau de Minions ( I think I finally got the name right!) it is fantastic! Reminds me a lot of what I remember eau de Sud to smell like…or maybe a drier Eau d”Hadrien….I have a mini splash on and I went a bit overboard on the splashing so it is still going strong on my t-shirt….LOVE THIS! All citrus lovers should definitely give this one a whirl.
Oh and I forgot to say…love that mandala, Robin!!!
Isn’t that pretty? And thanks for clarifying the name below, I wanted to know what smelled like old Eau du Sud!
Holy cow! What is going on with me that I keep butchering this name!
I am wearing Le Couvent des Minimes Eau de Minimes Botanical Fragrance…sheesh! If I wear it again (which I am sure I will cause it is fantastic!) I will have to think of a nickname !
I was wondering if the Minions had their own perfume!
LOL! time for another cup of tea!!!
Wouldn’t be at all surprised if Mikas’ minions do. 😉
Oh that is priceless!
I was wondering if the Minions had their own perfume!
And when I emailed my girlfriend who sent it to me and told her how much I love it she said “ better go check that name”……
Is it weird that part of me is reading it as The Convent of Mini-mes Eau de Mini-me …and I’m not that big of a Austin Powers fan????
Heh, now I want a bottle of Minions EdT. 🙂
All kidding aside, tiff, you would like this one. It is citrus but there is some heft to it and it lasted much longer than I anticipated for a splash on cologne…there are some odd notes in it like benzoin in the base so I am wondering if that is why.
no affiliation to Ulta but wanted to show you the notes….also, they have 1oz for even less (I have the 1 oz bottle and it is adorable!)
Now I know why I love it…one reviewer compared it to Jean Nate which I wore many many many years ago 🙂
It really is great stuff. I have a tiny bottle in my travel bag, a 100ml in my bathroom, and a huge bottle (250ml?) by my bed. It’s great for freshening fabrics or just wearing on a muggy day.
Oh, huge LOL, I’m nodding my head and thinking, yes, Eau des Minimes sounds really great. Then I realize, hee-hee, I have a bottle. I forgot about it because I put it in the linen cupboard. It’s great for spritzing on fresh bed sheets. 🙂 Also agree the dry down is surprising.
I’ll put a word in for the Eau Sereine pillow mist, from the same company. I’ve tried several relaxation type fragrances, but most have too much lavender in them. This one gets the balance just right.
Oh boy! that sounds good…I had a decant also of their SDV dupe (eau de Missions? someone help me cause you know i am a pro at butchering these names!) the vanilla and tobacco one which was selling for a song on amazon…it was really really good…I think this line is definitely worth exploring……
CM8, I found it on Amazon, it is called The Botanical Cologne of the Missions and is in a dark blue bottle. They do not have stock, but I’m sure this is what you’re looking for. The reviews described a smoky vanilla, and one mentioned SDV. Ulta doesn’t carry it.
Someone in a Basenotes thread said it was carried in the supermarkets in Paris, so I think it’s way past time to hop a plane. ????
Throw me in your suitcase cause I am coming with you to Paris 🙂
SOTD is Wazamba.
Hair day, yippeee!
Love hair day!
Everytime I see “Wazamba”, I mentally add !!!!!!!!!!
Go right ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know not one stinkin’ thing about that fragrance, but want to try it based on the name alone. ???? <- word nerd.
I am happy to send you a sample Nancyleandros if you want to send me an email at vivienne ell
(All one word) at the place of aol.
You are so kind! Sending email now.
You smell great, love Wazamba.
Adding to others, Chanel’s Boy and lightly applied Baiser Vole.
Huh? ???? That was meant for Nancyleandros!
I got it, thanks, Oakland! ????
Wearing Mugler’s A*Men Pure Coffee which I found at TJMAXX along with some Pure Malt and Pure Havane. I knew I wanted one, couldn’t decide, and went with Pure Coffee. It’s a fine fragrance but definitely more masculine than I typically wear. I’m not sold yet.
I just got the Pure Malt yesterday for $49.99 + NJ tax. I will likely split this one. Anyone intersted please email and I will check back in with you around Splitmeet time!
Yeah, they must have had a push recently. I’ll keep my eye out next splitmeet!
Ummmm, good luck with splitting that.
The A*Men rubber bottle sprayers are NOT the friendliest !!!
I’ll see how it goes. Thanks for the warning 🙂
I cut the outer rubber shell off with kitchen scissors. Works fine now. 🙂
My H really likes Pure Malt and I recently bought him decants of Pure Coffee, Wood, and the original A*Men. The original smelled sooo good I couldn’t help but spray some on myself. And I quickly regretted it. Some masculines can make me feel really uncomfortable, and that’s one of them. When he wears it, though, WOW. It makes me swoon.
Also: I’ve never been to a TJMaxx that didn’t have a pathetic perfume section. I’m envious of all of you with good stores!
The top notes are the worst of it but once it settles….
I usually have terrible luck with TJMaxx. Once I found an Angel Liquer de Parfum, went to the counter to pay, and discovered the bottle was gone! So disappointed.
I’ve been contemplating buying myself A*Men….????????
Just an FYI, TJmaxx does take perfumes back if you really think you can’t wear it.
Woke up wanting to wear my L’Occitane Pamplemousse Rhubarbe but the sprayer is not working. About 1/3 of the bottle is left, so I hope I can sort it out. Grrrrrr…
Good morning everyone!
Good luck! I hope it’s an easy fix.
I did it. I fixed it! I googled some instructions: pulled off the top with the spray hole. Ran hot water on the little tube thingy sticking up–for about three minutes. Then I stuck a needle very carefully through the tube and into the bendy bit that goes into the perfume. It bubbled and bubbled. After several tries, and reinserting the pin and replacing the cap–it worked. I’m so pleased. The last time this happened I wound up having to rip the all the bits off the top, and made a massive mess of the perfume.
Thank you for this explanation! I have a bottle of Narciso that is clogged, so now I know what to do.
Earlier this week I received a bunch of samples from local niche perfumery.
Among them I’ve chosen Brosseau Thé Poudré, it’s an airy yet pretty composition that puts a lot of accent on mimosa and powdery notes. It kind of reminded me of Prada Infusion de Mimosa too.
The other one I sampled on my arm today was Kilian Black Phantom. I’m surprised that I like it but it’s quite enticing. Not a full bottle worthy because too short-lived on my skin but a nice variation on chocoffee with rum.
Thé Poudré sounds right up my alley. Have you tried Rosine Roses Des Neiges? The drydown is all mimosa and powder to my nose, but reviewers I’ve read disagree.
I probably did but forgot. Rosine is not one of “my” brands
Hope to try BP someday. Sounds fantastic! Is this the one exclusive to Harrod’s?
Nope…and I have a FB 🙂
I’m on my way to a dinner party and I’m wearing one of my all time favorites; Seville a aube from L’Artisan. It’s pretty perfect for early summer, such a happy scent.
I have spent the week alternating between my two newest scents, Gucci Guilty absolute (a great Mother’s Day gift) and CdG Daphne but I thought them both to be too demanding for dinner among non-parfumista friends 🙂
Seville a’lAube was the perfect choice. You smell wonderful!
Thank you ????
Did you buy the Daphne in a store recently? Can’t find it here in north america any more sadly.
No, I bought it in Stockholm, throuh a Perfume connunity. I haven’t seen it in stores in a long time.
After seeing recent posts praising and loving Mohur, I found my little sample and am trying it again today. It’s beautiful! I somehow forgot it among the little group of NV samples I had bought, but clearly it deserves more attention. So, thanks group! This afternoon I will be going to the ballet (The Tempest) and looking forward to that.
Enjoy the ballet! Will you wear Mohur? Sounds like a good match. I go to a lot of performances and choosing the right fragrance is always critical (the wrong perfume can be really distracting.) I’ve struck out a lot, so have found it’s better to choose 1 for a specific genre rather than spraying whatever lands in my hand.
I wear Misia to the symphony, which is always perfect. I’ve decided Champagne de Bois works for almost any play, and Putain des Palaces is good for musicals. I will test the latter tonight!
Anyone else have “performance” perfumes?
I love this idea of performance perfumes! Smart! Clever! I get caught up in what NOT to wear.
Good theme for Friday community project!
For some reason I only wear Chanels for the ballet, symphony and other performances. They are so elegant, beautiful and not distracting. I am pretty sure you had a wonderful time yesterday. Mohur was a perfect choice.
Oops, sorry, this was for Calypso.
I got it, thank you. I have not thought to differentiate perfumes based on type of performance I’m going to. Interesting. My main concern is to keep it quiet because there’s nothing worse than being blasted by some strong scent while trying to pay attention to the opera or whatever!
And yes, The Tempest was great–story ballet that was probably confusing if you didn’t already know the play, but wonderful opportunities to showcase male dancers in the roles of Prospero, Ariel, Caliban, and Ferdinand, not to mention the two clown characters.
Hurray for weekend.
I was sooo busy yesterday (long and hard day at work with a deadline, some quick sale shopping – bought a dress woohoo, travelled to The Hague, diner with my book club),
I forgot to wear my Antoine (even though I had put the sample in my bag in the morning for evening wear).
So i am wearing it today!
Jasmin et cigarette by ELdO.
I wish you all a great weekend 🙂
(i started this saturday defrosting and cleaning out my fridge and freezer haha)
Twin! I didn’t get to wear it yesterday either, so chose it today. We smell excellent!
I hope you have a relaxing day.
We smell excellent indeed. I really like this one. Luckily I dont get any ashtray or smoke, but a warm sunny jasmine.
Well, today I also had to assemble an IKEA cabinet and rearrange lots of junk and books in my living room. And at same time I had to keep an eye on the defrosting freezer (to prevent the kitchen floor from getting wet). That was not that relaxing.
And in between I also had to do a quick photoshop fix for a relative.
But now, after all is done, I am really happy and content. And we rewarded ourselves for all the work with excellent Indonesian take away. mmmm.
Chanel Sycomore for me today. Have a great weekend!
You smell great!!
Ditto! You smell great!
Came home to package yesterday, it was the sweetest thing for my birthday present; my long wished for Arbole Arbole! Another love for Hiram Green. I’m not sure what magical ingredient is in these perfumes but I love them all.
Congrats on that gorgeous present! And Happy Birthday!
Thank you FearsMice! My actual birthday is past but happy day nonetheless 🙂
The time finally came Gi! Time passed so fast. Let’s enjoy Arbole Arbole together
I’m with you, lucasai!
Hooray! I’m glad it’s love.
SOTD is Mazzolari Vetiver. Thanks again to Foxbins! I’m really liking this.
On another note, I dumped a sample of vaunted Alahine!!!!! on myself last night and couldn’t be more surprised. Not at all what I was expecting and am very happy I didn’t do a blind buy ????
Happy Weekend!
I am a Alahine could of dumped it on me. It took me a few wearings to fall in love.
I got so much dumped on me today. I dumped my coffee at the greenmarket, baby buddha dropped his apple on me wet with his slobber and snot, and last but not least yogurt from the crazy babies, and the day is not even half over…
Oouf! Hang in there, okay?
I wouldn’t say I dislike it, only I had some preconceived notion that was totally incorrect. I thought it interesting and will use up my sample for sure. I may end up being a convert. Sorry you are having messy issues today ????
It was really different from what I expected as well. I like but do not love it. Barkhane, however, is the yum.
I am in the same camp as you and Deva…liked it but no love.
Later on during the day, I made a pot of MF tea, left my cup to go get my crazy monkey a coloring book to come back to crayons in my tea. Is there a full moon?
Happy weekend! Wearing Eau de Lalique today. This is the third Lalique scent I’ve tried – the others being Perles and Encre Noire – and I am again well pleased. None of the perfumes have sent me into a state of rapture, but I have found them really pleasant to wear periodically. And, Encre Noire makes a fantastic closet/linen spray.
I’m also posting a freebie offer here for a specific reader:
“thomkallor says:”
If you’re out there and reading today, send me an email – I’ve got a surprise freebie box of scent goodies to send you. You can reach me at lisadarty in the land of the hot mail.
Smell good, everybody.
Sorry, that was a freebie offer to:
Clearly need to work on my copying and pasting skills.
Wearing Jasmin et cigarette and loving every second.
My husband asked me on Monday if I had samples he could try. I was really surprised, but pulled out a selection. Turns out, he loves Tom Ford private blend scents. The perfume habit at our house has just gotten a lot more expensive.
Yes, those Private Blends will set you back a penny or two… 😀
Ha! My own H posed that very question to me a few months ago and I was equally surprised. He has expensive taste as well, but I’m happy to spend the money to have a partner in crime, as it were.
Oh-oh, tactical error!
On the bright side: cheap and horrible is much worse:-)
You smell great!
As expensive as the TF bottles are, surely it’s easier to justify the cost when you know it’ll go to two people? No? 😀
A hubby who loves TF private blends is both a blessing and a curse! Over the years, my DH has really stepped up his game. He always smells fantastic! ????
I don’t mind his expensive tastes, especially if I can steal spritzes. I was just surprised, because he’s been happily wearing Terre d’Hermes (and smelling amazing) for years.
I’m glad he found things he liked!! On the bright side, this means you are allowed to buy some expensive things to even things out, right? 😀
Woke up to unexpected and chilly sprinkles, so spritzed on some NG Or du Serail. When it’s right it’s SO right, and it goes surprisingly well with my morning latte. Looking forward to some weed-pulling later on, but right now I’m going through my various Houzz idea books and dreaming of remodeling. 🙂
I spend time on Houzz dreaming, too. Kitchen and baths, sigh…
Oh, I love Houzz. We’re dithering over paint colors right now, and it’s been helpful.
Same here! At least three rooms that need a wall-color update, and I just can’t seem to decide! Arrrrgggghhhh!
You smell great!
Thank you!
You smell great, love Or du Serail.
It really seems to be a love-it-or-hate-it scent. I’m firmly in the love-it camp. 🙂
Today I’m wearing ‘Extreme’ by Tom Ford. I don’t wear it very often but it’s lovely and infinitely more interesting than the first one he did for men. It’s a summer scent for me as is the edt of ‘Black Orchid’, if we’re staying with Tom Ford’s signature line.
You know, I don’t think I ever tried that one!
I’m going to check this out next time I’m in Sephora. I’ve found that his men’s offerings suit my skin chemistry much better than the women’s. I really like the Noir Extreme.
No scent yet; I was outside for nearly four hours this morning weeding and cleaning up the yard and otherwise taking care of plants. I had neglected things for the past several weekends because I had been spending so much time at work. But this morning was just so beautiful I couldn’t resist spending it outside! And I actually like doing stuff like weeding, etc., so it was all good.
Have a happy weekend, everyone!
Oh that sounds wonderful! Like you I enjoy yard work very much. It’s so satisfying to have things looking tidy, and the exercise feels good. My family sometimes jokes that pulling weeds is my therapy.
Yes, it’s excellent therapy — and way cheaper than any analyst! 😀
I overslept this morning, but since I had planned a day of nothing but reading and painting, no harm done! I looked through the cabinet for something bright and green this morning and found Ava Luxe’s Fig Leaf, which fit the bill.
Nice, I really like that fig!
Love the image Robin. Such amazing colors.
Smelling like pennies right now – my son is scavenging the house for pennies (the classroom with the most amount of pennies gets a popsicle) so we are collecting every penny about there. I think we have a couple of pounds worth of pennies already.
Will switch to Rossy de Palma. Had to sit out yesterday
Weird how the smell of handling coins is so noticeable – I read somewhere that it’s not the metal rubbing off so much as it is the mix of metal and skin oils that forms aromatic compounds.
Good luck, hope they get the popsicles!
SotD = Geisha Vanilla Hinoki, lovely on this cloudy, cool day. Time to get busy, the chore list is calling my name.
Have a super fragrant Saturday, NSTers, the world is counting on us to share something beautiful today.
I always find your posts to be very uplifting, refreshing and positive even if at times you’re relaying something not so favorable! OTOH, I find NST to be a willing venue for my sometimes ranty observations 🙂
which we love too 🙂
Indeed we do :-))
We’re all in this together. A good rant is exactly what we need from time to time. 😉
I love both! 🙂
I also love both!
You know how sometimes the perfume gods, planetary vibrations, and one’s own state of mind all line up perfectly and lead to olfactory bliss? That is how I’m feeling this a.m. in Carnal Flower. (Accompanied by jasmine tea.)
Unfortunately the rest of my body is not playing along. I woke up in agony feeling like I’d eaten really spicy food last night… then an hour later remembered I’d eaten spicy food last night. Sometimes I go through phases where I just can’t deal, and the following morning am doubled up with abdominal pain, major back ache, and the soles of my feet hurt. (Not unlike menstrual cramps.)
So after that TMI… I posted this earlier in the week, but maybe I’ll get more feedback on the weekend.
I happened upon a bottle of Chanel No 5 Parfum de Toilette on ebay from a seller in Thailand. I googled but couldn’t find any reference to No 5 PdT (nor any other Chanel PdTs for that matter.) Are there any No 5 or Chanel experts out there, or can you point me to one? The bottle won’t arrive for a few weeks and it’s entirely possible that it’s fake – or that the PdT was an Asia-only release? Or limited to a specific region/time period?
On that note, does anyone know when Chanel stopped making colognes (eau de cologne and spray cologne)? I know they were available through the mid-70s. And is there a difference between Eau de Cologne and Spray Cologne? Chanel labels them differently which makes me curious as to whether they’re 2 disparate variants.
Enjoy the weekend and waft on!
Can’t help you on the Chanel, but you have my deepest, sincerest sympathies for the discomfort you’re experiencing today. The soles of your feet?! I hope you feel better soon.
I am so sorry about the stomach. I am in a period when I am taking two medications and still can only eat the blandest of the bland food, so you have all of my sympathies. It was so bad for me recently I actually went to have an EKG a couple of weeks ago, even though I knew it was GERD. My dad, who also suffered from GERD, once walked around for ten days after having a heart attack, which I both completely understand and also want to avoid happening to me. So maybe I am suggesting a doctor’s visit if it doesn’t calm down? Wry smile.
You’ll have to let us know how the No5 pdt turns out. I’m so curious.
Hope you feel better soon! As the owner of a dodgy stomach, I know all about gastric distress. 🙁
I hope you feel better soon!
Hope you are feeling better today!
Maybe this might help?
Thanks for the sympathetic responses, and same back to you all who suffer similarly. 🙁 Felt better by the evening and I know some deal with much worse.
Eric Buterbaugh Regal Tuberose travel spray. Smells very pretty. Organized my receipts etc. today. If I think about doing it, the job never gets done. So I just do, not think. Happy weekend! ☀️
I initially read this as “Smells very organized” and wondered what organized smells like 🙂
If you find this perfume, let me know. If I can’t be organized, I at least want to smell like it. 🙂
Something very linear, I think, like a soliflore. Or maybe organized smells like books in a library, all neatly arranged on shelves. 🙂
I’ve been very productive today, so whenever I plan to get something done I’ll wear regal tuberose!
Perhaps La Pausa smells organized? lol
I’m playing in a Hawaiian music festival today, and I discovered that I don’t have a plumeria perfume! I’m going to make do with a generous spritz of Do Son, which smells a little bit island-y to me.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a Hawaiian-smelling perfume?
Ooh, what do you play?
Today I’m playing the ukulele and the melodica. We play mostly Hawaiian music, plus some old mainland standards.
Phoenix Botanicals Night Bloom was inspired by a trip to Hawaii, but I just went to her site, and I don’t see it for sale. I hope it’s just temporarily out of stock–it’s really lovely. EauMG had a review that inspired me to seek it out.
Kai is one that immediately came to my mind. Have a great time! ????
Oh, Kia might not be plumeria-based. I just reread your original post. I think it leans more towards gardenia.
Kai ????
Pretty sure Kai was indeed inspired by Hawaii though! (Although to me it smells like SoCal)
Pacifica’s Hawaiian Ruby Guava.
Songes and Beige both have frangipani but might not quite be what you’re looking for. There’s also always OJ Frangipani. I’ll keep an eye on others’ recommendations as that’s a category I’m always trying to fill as well.
Thanks for these recommendations, all!
Smell Bent does Little Miss Panda gets Lei’d – which is meant to smell of leis (jasmine/pikake)
Pacifica Perfumes Waikiki Pikake (Hawaiian jasmine and sandalwood) for a bargain.
Oh yes!!! i second that one too! and it is practically free!
Iris Nobile today! It kind of disappeared in three hours :-/
Time for the seaside! Happy weekend, all 🙂
Enjoy your trip!
Seaside. Yay!
I have been practically bathing in JM’s Wood Sage and Sea Salt, which I am both madly in love with and deeply heartbroken by; the staying power is just so bad! Ugh. It’s pretty much exactly what I’ve been looking for: beachy, but not sunscreen-y, and getting me in the right mood for my family reunion in Newfoundland this summer. I just wish I could still smell it after the first 15 minutes. 🙁
have you tried applying it over a base of carrier oil on the skin? any unscented carrier oil (jojoba, apricot kernel, grapeseed) should do the trick.
I haven’t! I usually stay away from directly applying oils because I have skin like a salamander, but I’ll have to give this a try; I really, REALLY want to justify buying another bottle. Thanks for the tip!
An excellent suggestion. I am right now (inadvertently) discovering that Iris Prima spritzed over Clarins body cream is soooooo much better than Iris Prima by itself.
I was also going to recommend the above, and maybe try layering with the WSSS creme? I know that’s an expensive solution, but the WSSS creme is awfully nice and works well as a base layer for almost any perfume, especially the Jo Malones. And! I find it lasts longer than the cologne.
oh that is a great suggestion which I will second…the Jo Malone creams are really really good!
Oh, that’s good to hear that the creams are nice! Maybe I’ll do that time. A 30 mL bottle of cologne + body cream would still be cheaper than the 100 mL bottle of cologne I’ve been talking myself into buying.
I want to join your family reunion in Newfoundland. Just saying. 😉
Me too. Oh, that would be a party.
It seems you’re adopting triplets. ????
I don’t think I have enough room in my carry-on for all of you! 😀
That’s ok, I’ll find me own way there.
Hello, hello. Yesterday I wrote a list that disappeared: wireless wobbles, STILL. Something to sort out after our holiday, clearly. The marking is done, the results are entered in the database, the housework is (kinda) done, the packing is done except for last minute stuff that can be crammed in at the sides. Dakkie is deeply suspicious of the suitcases and has offered twice to fight mine, but fortunately, the luggage is pacifist and ignores the challenge. I’m about to do the ironing, so I really am feeling quite in order for once. So, what perfume does an organised waterdragon wear? La Pausa, La Pausa, La
Pausa…it really lovely, all dry vetiver and fleeting Iris. It feels like ballet to me, all pared down expressiveness and graceful bodies. I’m also taking a decant on the plane. It will be refreshing for me but discreet enough not to bother fellow travellers.
Be well all: for the next couple of weeks I will post if I can.
Damn beastly correction thingy: I wrote a POST that disappeared! Mind you, I have lost a list as well….
Enjoy your trip and safe travels!
Enjoy the trip!
Poor Dakkie. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled when you return.
Have a great trip waterdragon and I am very glad that Dakkie is ok!
Have a FABULOUS trip!!!
Have a wonderful time and enjoy all the sights and smells. Here’s to happy adventures.
Bon voyage! Enjoy your trip, we are looking forward to updates. 🙂 “Wish I were there” as you iron, I love that starchy-steamy-cottony smell.
Have a wonderful trip, and stay safe!
So excited for you! Have a great trip!
Have a great trip, Waterdragon! Looking forward to hearing about all your adventures. Hope you get to do some great sniffing. Maybe you can bring Dakkie back a souvenir.
Have a wonderful trip! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Have an amazing trip!
Timbuktu today. Planning on seeing Wonder Woman in a few hours, and I’m wondering if I should put on something more thematically appropriate for the occasion.
Wonder what Wonder Woman would wear? Now, that was a tongue twister!????
Someone’s gotta say it: Wonderwood!
That would be a better fit, you’d think, than Classique Wonder Woman.
Maybe so, but I am hard put to resist buying it just for the bottle!
I like that bottle too!
So jealous! I am a total WW fangirl. Relieved that the reviews are good. We will be seeing it next weekend (fingers crossed) after the crowds die down, or possibly a weekend or two after. I’m on call next weekend and I always seem to get paged in the middle of a movie.
I just loved it – I think you’re in for a good, slightly teary, time.
Working weekend, but at home and currently cheating by watching soccer and posting here. Oopsie. I love the image today Robin. Wearing Memory of Kindness and thinking about switching out later to further testing of Bogue Mem, which I think I might love.
Oooo what is it like? I’ve only tried Maai.
It’s like a peachy, floral, less funky Maai to me. I love Maai but have to be in the mood. This is smoother and more immediately gratifying.
I really want to try Mem, I hear it is lavender.
I know that’s the main player but it smells like no lavender perfume I know. It’s much richer and darker, with a peachy note that brightens the whole. It’s really quite beautiful.
Eau de Gaga!!
This is Unique, with a capital U! The bright lime opening is not for the demure ???? The lime does fade after a bit. I imagine most would say this leans toward the masculine. There is an old school aftershave/barbershop note lurking in it. I say go for it if you are looking for a floral/citrus that is unique! I love, own and wear many scents marketed for guys, so bear that in mind. ????????
That is a great summer office scent too 🙂
Another day in Rien, and maybe another one tomorrow, it’s that good and oddly comforting.
Spent a great day trying tea, buying tea and getting two Lush shower gels. Yummie Mummie (still hate the name but it smells so good) and The Comforter. Both are gorgeous. I still don’t like the shops, but they sure do some great fragrances.
Yummy mummy is my favourite! It’s Mamamiam here in Quebec. 🙂
Just got a bunch of tea samples from a small shop in Ottawa that I’m trying out, plus some dried lavender to add to tea.
That is a much better name!
I actually went to buy some tea, in a shop that specialises in Chinese tea. The owner offered me some high quality green tea to drink and I nearly spent two hours there. It was very amusing and refreshing.
Wearing Arielle Shoshana. I just received my sample in the mail, and it is such great fun! Exceeded my expectations, it is true passion fruit and so fabulous. Will be great in the heat this summer.
That’s good to hear. Passion fruit sometimes has a skank to it on my skin. Looking forward to trying it.
Hello NST folk, I hope you are enjoying your weekends.
The Other Mr Koenigsberg and I ran away from our domestic responsibilities today and instead drove down to the Cotswolds to enjoy the June sunshine. We set out without any goal in mind and ended up in the beautiful Hidcote Gardens, created in the 1920s by the American Lawrence Johnston.
At the start of the day it wasn’t clear if the sunshine would persist or turn to rain, so SOTD was Chanel “Coromandel” which I reckoned would work either way.
Top: citruses, bitter orange and neroli;
Mid: jasmine, rose, patchouli and orris;
Base: incense, olibanum, benzoin, woody notes, musk, vanilla and white chocolate.
Lovely stuff, and quite unisex to my mind.
Possibly interesting to UK folk: I posted some stuff on freebiemeet, mostly things I don’t like or duplicate samples.
Kanuka and Waterdragon, I also have something to offer you guys that won’t fit freebiemeet rules (which I think are fine BTW). I got a pair of Serge Lutens solid perfume samples in Paris at the end of last year, each with 4 perfumes:
– Tubereuse Criminelle;
– Chypre rouge;
– Sarrasins;
– Fourreau noir.
I reckon solids should be okay to send to NZ, and won’t cost the Earth (the cards are about 3″ square and the samples inside the sizeof a postage stamp). If you’re interested, pop over to the freebiemeet to get my email and drop me a note. ;^)
You and TOMK do some really cool things. I love reading about your trips and outings:)
Ha, we do an awful lot of desperately boring and ordinary things too. I just don’t talk about them here. Or anywhere. ;^)
But Hidcote is a bit special. :^)
Started off early this morning in Kilian Rose Oud, then after a shower switched to Blanche Immortelle. I was saving it for summer because I like it in the heat but I can’t wait any more.
You are really smelling good cazaubon! I have a decant which I am also saving for the summer 🙂 I think just about all of the Ateliers work great in the heat.
Hey everyone, posting super late today, due to the new job. Which I hate, I mean HATE. Now I’m stuck until I can find something else. I’m feeling pretty defeated at the moment. Hajusuuri, thought you might appreciate this “what is wrong with people” story….this coworker comes up to me, (didn’t introduce herself) just launches into a long story about her boyfriend, then asks me where I live, and if I could give her a ride to work! I said I wasn’t telling her where I lived, or give her a ride! Still don’t know her name, and don’t care to. I guess I just needed to vent a bit…lol. Sotd was Alien Aqua Chic.
I’m so sorry you hate your new job. Maybe you’ll find a new one soon. You smelled very glam, though.
Your right, I did smell glam:) thank you
Stick to your guns lillyjo and maintain those boundaries! And keep wearing great perfume to cheer you on 🙂
Thanks CM8, deciding my sotd now. Think I’m going with no.19!
Spine stiffening…perfect!!!!
I’m so sorry your first day was such a bad experience! Feeling “stuck” is disheartening, but keep your courage up and you will overcome! We’re all pulling for you.
I know you all are, you guys are so wonderful! Nothing beats NST!
Hopefully ever will get better as days pass. Keep your boudaries and smelling good. Cheers!
Thank you! Cheers to you too!
I’m sorry the new job isn’t suiting you. I hope it gets more tolerable, and that you are able to find something else soon. At least you’ll have perfume for comfort!
Perfume does make everything a little more tolerable.
Oh, no! I hope it was just a bad first day and the new job has something redeeming other than a paycheck. If not, then fingers crossed for you that something better comes along soon.
Thanks, unfortunately i only took this job because i needed a paycheck, but already applying for other things.
Good for you, lillyjo! !!
Short story:
Me (computer operations supervisor)
Other (head of programming, a JERK)
O-Bear why didn’t you run my job?
M-(he wanted me to bump two dozen jobs in the queue before him !!!)Because O, you are a f””ing A$$h”’.
O-I know, but why didn’t you run my job?
What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.
First, lol at your story! Second, i should be as stong as an Ox by now! Or even a Bear:)
Oh, so sorry to hear this, and completely empathize as I have BEEN you at a certain job. Keep your eyes and heart open, this is just a temporary speed bump in your work life and better will come along, I’m certain. ✌????
Thanks Deva! Your new adventures have been quite the inspiration. I’ve admired your risk taking, for sure.
Ugh. I’ve been at horrible jobs with awful people that I hated. Hope you can move on to something better soon.
Your story reminds me of my first few days on a job about 10 years ago. A woman in my department, but with a different position, was going to leave and asked me to write her letter of resignation.
She was dead serious and when I said “no,” she continued to pester me about it. This was basically the first conversation I had with this woman, a total stranger. 0_0
Thanks, even if i get past, or used to the people, the work itself is just mind numbing. So yeah…gonna move on.
OMG, this is just about the craziest first day of work stories I ever heard! The next thing you know, she’s going to ask you to pack her lunch / dinner. Like everyone else said, stick to your guns.
That sounds awful, I hope you can find a new job that you enjoy ASAP!!
Sorry the job and the coworkers suck. If you aren’t in dire need of the money, I would quit immediately and keep looking for something else. You aren’t likely to put this job on your resume so why suffer – that’s my experience anyway.
SOTD was Diptyque L’Ombre dans l’Eau edt, which I have worn approximately half the time in the few weeks since I got it. Definitely no buyer’s remorse.
The Freebiemeet was great, as usual! There are still some things available, too. Tomorrow I will have to tackle all the unpleasant chores I put off today in favor of sorting through perfume, reading about perfume, thinking about perfume, and catching up on The Americans.
L’Ombre Dans L’eau has been growing on me, and I might have to go for a FB too!
I have not regretted it!
I’m so bummed The Americans is over for the season. It felt very odd to look forward to watching it as a way to better understand our current political situation.
Good luck with your unpleasant chores and waft on!
It’s not their best season, in my opinion, but it is really a good show. And my break from the chores is just about over. ????
Last night we went to our favorite local pizza parlor/Italian restaurant and I wore Soihvole Lilac & Heliotrope. I think this one is an all natural. I have never heard of the line but now I have three minis to play with. I like it very much as there is something comforting about this fragrance…I get more of the heliotrope than the lilacs with a bit of cocoa (not listed as a note but this is what my nose smells) and playdoh (in a good way) and almonds.
Has anyone tried the New Dame Perfumery Monsoon? Looks interesting as it has iris and orris root listed as notes (for you iris fans!)
Haven’t decided yet what I will wear today…maybe more of Minions 🙂
happy Sunday!
Monsoon does look very intriguing. I’ve recently come around to iris.
It does, right? I still haven’t tried the other two new ones (Earth Mother and Sky Father)….I have to stay off of his website because heaven knows I have enough glorious samples, decants and full bottles to enjoy for now and I need not be tempted by anything else.
I’m still holding on to the 10% off coupon I received with the postcard samples. I’m thinking now may be the time to use it.
You smell great in your Eau de Minions!
Hello. Hello. Hellooooooo…
Oops, you haven’t chosen it yet, sorry…
I did wear my Minions today 🙂
Holy cannoli this scent is so addictive to me! i could see how everyone would be spraying it on their bedsheets and throughout the house (but I think Mr. CM8 would KILL me if I did that!)
I used numerous 10% coupons each time I made a purchase….. the first time to buy 5 travel sprays…then the next to buy full bottles for family members bdays ..then christmas presents…and then kept going for mothers day/ fathers day gifts for my parents and finally travel sprays of some of the soliflores for me….I will say that Jeffrey Dame rewards you for full bottle purchases by sending lots of samples….for Valentine’s Day this year I got a heart tin that was filled with Chocolate Man perfume oil (fairly large size) and samples of all his roses for free….also got a free New Musk Man perfume oil when it first debuted…not a sample but a travel size….very nice.
Wearing just one spray of Tauer L’ Eau. A busy day today. I am already in the dentist office waiting to be seen. Then I will visit dad at the cemetery, do grocery shopping, have a hair cut done, take my dog also for a hair trimming and finally do some cooking. Yesterday, we had a very relaxing and peaceful day. We went sailing with some friends we had not met for a couple of years. It was nice to see them again and catch up on some many things. Sometimes, we get so busy in our lives that we do not find that time so needed to share with so many dear friends like them. It was really uplifting. I wore TDC Sel de Vetiver which was perfect for the day. Have a happy Sunday everyone!
Sel de Vetiver sounds wonderful and so does your day of sailing with friends????
2nd this, and sounds like an action-packed weekend. What do you think of the Tauer?
As I mentioned the other day, it is not what I was expecting. I thought it was citrusy and fresh for Summer. However it is creamy, sweet with a hint of lemon in the opening and some woods in the drydown. I would prefer wearing it during late Winter or Spring. It is nice and just like it.
I’m trying Fat Electrician for the first time today. On my skin (and I’ve had it on for over an hour now) it smells exactly like bourbon. So much that my husband walked past me, stopped, and asked why I’d put booze in my coffee. I’m extremely glad I didn’t test this on a school day – I would have had a lot of explaining to do in order to keep my job!
Aww, that’s a bummer! I’ve been wanting to try that one myself.
I don’t recall getting booze when i wore it, on me, i got marijuana. That would also get you in trouble at school.
Dear all,
I just finished watching “The Crown” on Netflicks and can’t wait for the next season. While watching, I was wondering if one knows what kind of parfum the Queen wear? If she wears any. Thanks.
Today it is Bottega Veneta Knot for me.
Have a wonderul Sunday
Maybe something by Creed?
I loved that series. I may have to rewatch at some point.
She seems like a chypre gal to me, though I’m with lovestosmellgood in that it would be something English.
Oh! I was way off if this article is to be believed:
Interesting! Thanks for sharing.
I had not idea that “anointing oil” was basically a perfume oil.
Now that is fascinating! and there was a bottle of Blue Grass in my home growing up…I used to use it from time to time.
that is a great show. I binge watched it.
Happy Sunday to all! Sending good vibes across the pond to all the U.K. folks.
SOTD is BF Au Dela Narcisse because I need something straight-up lovely. Some knowledgeable soul on this blog informed me this is a daffodil, and now every time I wear it, I think not of the actual bloom, but the stem, which is straight and stately and proud and strong, similar to the people of the U.K.!
Stay strong, smell good, and smile at everyone you meet today, NSTers!
Also, wanted to say “Thanks!” to the people who gave me feedback regarding Chaco Sandals- I did order a pair and they are WONDERFUL! ????????
Spent Friday evening searching for a baby bird that my mom knocked out of it’s nest, even though she was told not to bother them by moving the branches of the tree to see them. After spending an hour searching through tons of brush and poison ivy, I managed to find him and put him back in the nest, I discovered that I garnered 20 something mosquito bites. Spent all day yesterday as an itchy mess. Today, not so much of a mess and wearing Sarrasins right now. After my shower, I will probably wear Theorema.
Oh no, that was truly heroic of you! I have found Aveeno anti-itch cream is the most helpful thing for bug-bites.
It’s lovely to hear about such kindness. Got to be some good karma coming your way.
What a heartwarming story! I hope the itchiness goes away soon, and many thanks for a fellow animal lover.
No. 19 EDP sample from an amazing NSTer ???? Beautiful!
Finished the David Sedaris book – eagerly anticipating the next one – if I remember correctly, the diary series will be in two volumes.
No 19 is lovely, I love the EDP the best out of all the no 19 formulations.
Oh? I’ve not tried No 19 in edp. I usually wear the edt but I’ve recently discovered the edc which is crisper and greener. I’ve been looking for a bottle.
I’ll have to try the edc and edt- for as long as I’ve worn the various Chanel scents, I’ve overlooked No 19.
I cannot picture a scent greener and crisper than the edt. I cannot IMAGINE the edc.
In the last year or two, I’ve come to love the edp the most, too!
Have a better day today in Chanel Chance Fraiche Flanker
A nice skin scent…
Meeting some vegan friends of ours and making “chickpea by the sea” sandwiches.
I ordered the Luckyscent sample package that someone (Oakland Fresca?) mentioned recently and it came. I’m very pleased with what I got as most all of them are new to me. I wanted something new for hot summer weather and mentioned that I like peach and tangerine or other citrus smells and not white florals and that musk and patchouli were fine. They sent five interesting options plus one bonus, Amouage Interlude, which I have tried but can’t commit on. Today I am trying out M. Micallef Royal Muska. It is nice and pretty subtle. We’ll see how it does later when I go outside into the heat.
I haven’t tried Interlude Man, but Interlude Woman is really…puzzling. I think of it like those Magic Eye pictures I can never focus on properly, and always wonder if other people actually understand it.
Wearing a sample of Odin Amanu for this foggy morning trip to the beach with my pup and husband. We’re going to do some long walks and get breakfast and delicious coffee at one of our mainstay cafes.
What a perfect morning you have planned!
I’m in Omnia today, thanks to the tip from Deva. Also added some Caudalie Divine Oil on my legs, as I’m trying to use up the last of it before it turns.
My prayers and deep sympathies go out to the people of the U.K. Stand strong. ❤️
Glad I was a useful reminder of the gems in your stash????????
SOTD = Aftelier Bergamoss
Had brunch with my sister and a college friend. She’s currently job hunting and focused her energy towards Alumni / University Foundation marketing. We all concluded that we need to make the most out of Relevance and Style no matter our age or field of work or station in life.
My heart goes out to London.
Mostly cloudy and rainy today, sandwiched between a sunny early morning and a sunny early evening, which are no use to man nor beast.
SOTD has been Cale Fragranze d’Autore “Mistero”.
Top: mint, rhubarb and rum;
Mid: paprika, elemi, saffron and rice;
Base: oak, oud, labdanum and musk.
TOMK and I went into town to see a couple of exhibitions at the Ikon Gallery – film & video stuff plus jewellry by Jean Painleve and Sound/ video stuff by Oliver Beer. If you look for JP on Youtube you can see some of his stuff – the exhibition included his 1934 film about seahorses and an amazing short film from the 60s on liquid crystals. Here’s a link to OB’s stuff:
Then lunch in the gallery restaurant, which was delicious but very bad for me (I had pizza and I shouldn’t eat carbs). No evening meal might balance things out. Indeed, that’s all the fun stuff over for today – now I need to do invoicing, expenses, quarterly VAT return and annual personal tax return.