It's Hump Day. Carrie Fisher has drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra. What fragrance are you wearing?
Me: day 4 of the crud. I am still scent-free.
Reminder: on 12/30 we're doing the Best of 2016 — wear one of your favorite fragrance releases of 2016.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2016 (or Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017), where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Escada’s 1993 Chiffon Sorbet…finished this one…and I smell sweet.
Robin, sorry to hear that you are still sick 🙁
Robin, I hope you are feeling better soon! I am wearing MFK Grand Soir from a sampler set that my enabler husband gave me for Christmas.
Rest in peace, Carrie.
Went to TJ Maxx last night and saw a bottle of Angel 2013 Liqueur de Parfum. I snatched that sucker up, then realized it want wrapped in cellophane. So at the register I opened the box. Completely empty! I was a bit bitter.
I chose to finish my decant of L’Orpheline since I just ordered a bottle for 45% of retail! I’m in love.
Feel better, Robin.
Ugh, what a disappointing discovery to make at the register (though MUCH better than making the discovery at home later)
Oooof. Bummer. Well, someone out there is enjoying it. Enjoy your new gift! I need to try L’Orpheline. I’ve only speed sniffed the cap in shops.
How does that happen?Lol.Weird store….dis someone steal the bottle in other words?
They might have swapped their empty bottle out for the new full one…that would be my guess..
That’s just wrong!Does this happen sometimes at TJ Maxx?Sorry,don’t know the US stores all that well
Oh all sorts of things can happen when consumers are allowed to return things…I have heard that this also happens on ebay where sellers put alcohol in the bottles.
it;s kind of like someone buying a dress for an event and leaving the tag on so that they can return it to the store after the event….
I work in retail. It is discusting what some people will try (and do) get away with. I once had a man bring back his griddle with pancakes still on it.
I’ve seen the Liqueur de Parfum on ebay. It’s worth watching for.
In Guerlain Nahema today. Enjoying this beautiful rose fragrance, drinking lots of ice coffee and having some chocolate covered cherries. I guess my energy will not go anywhere today 🙂
Feel better Robin!! Bring in the New Year #CrudFree! 🙂
SOTD: YSL Mon Paris. This was a gift from my in-laws, and while I can’t say I love it, I do like it very much. The top notes are a bit too syrupy sweet for my taste (strawberry jam, straight up!), it does dry down to a lovely musk. I will enjoy it in light doses!
Feel better soon Robin.
Yesterday, my second Christmas present showed up in the mail (just a few days late). My husband got me a bottle of Poudre de Riz, which simply melted my heart. This may be my scent of the next few days… or perhaps most of the winter.
Good one. Had you sampled it before or was it a total surprise?
I had sampled it, and I guess it stuck in his head, which is fortunate, because I’d been planning on buying it for myself anyway! Plus, I think he wanted to distract me from any possible smoky scents I might be inclined to wear 🙂
So sweet of him. Enjoy! I do love the bottle. It looks like an offspring of Darth Vader ????
Heh, that PdR bottle is one of a kind.
Oh my goodness, I hadn’t even thought of Darth Vader, but that makes the bottle seem so much cuter now!
That’s a nice one! Enjoy it. Did he choose it for you?
Sampling Vanille Charnelle which is a pretty nice vanilla but not a scent that I urgently need
I was on the mood for rose today so I’m wearing Rose Boheme.
You smell beautiful today!
Geisha Noire today. I did a side-by-side with Shalimar(PDT) and there are definite similarities there, though Shalimar seems light and sheer in comparison.
Gosh, that must be some powerful scent.
It’s very dense. Not sure it’s projecting very far, but I have the oil version. The edp might have more airspace.
SOtD!Gosh Nothing More.Incensed rose,plus the cutest sci-fi bottle ever.RIP Carrie Fisher!
SOTD is Czech & Speake “No. 88”, a favourite of mine in the nineties. It has been refoed by the mofos, so I wouldn’t especially recommend it now, but I am sort-of enjoying its dark rosey soapiness.
Top: bergamot;
Mid: geranium, rose otto, cassie, and exotic frangipani;
Base: vetiver and sandalwood.
Hehehe! Don’t you just hate those stinkin’ refo mofos. ????
I’m wearing Hiram Green Arbole Arbole on one hand and Dilettante on the other (greetings to Hamamelis!), both are good. I adore the top notes of Dilettante, but the dry-down is quite linear and a bit less amazing. It’s the other way around with Arbole, Arbole: I wasn’t convinced by the opening, but the dry-down is gorgeous vanilla-tonka-wood. I have 10ml of each and that’s probably enough. Dilettante is in my mind also too close to Moon Bloom which I prefer and of which I own a bottle. I might get a FB of Shangri La at some point, though, when my travel spray is gone.
We made a day trip to Lille yesterday, so I wasn’t commenting, but I did try my two samples from Zoologist. I know Panda is very popular, but it didn’t work for me, it felt synthetic and just not appealing. I did enjoy Beaver a lot, however, I imagine others who like Nanban or Anubis might like it, too.
Very sad about both Carrie and George.
You smell lovely ofcourse! Arbolé is persistent on my skin, I still could smell it faintly this morning after haven worn it yesterday.
SOTD is Patchouli Nobile which I bought yesterday.
They all last well on me and it’s a lovely line in general. Plus it takes two days for me to get the stuff, so great.
Did you enjoy Lille?
I did. It was a very brief visit, but I enjoyed the museum for modern, contemporary and outsider art; had some good food and did some shopping (Kusmi teas and Meert sweets plus Sephora). And our daughter was very impressed with the carrousel in the Old Town.
If you ever make it there again, and have more time on your hands, the Beaux Arts is stunning, it’s France’s second largest collection of art after the Louvre. Another gem is La Piscine in Roubaix. I was lucky enough to see a Chagall exhibition there a couple of years ago. All the lights are lovely, aren’t they? Antwerp looks like a fairy tale at the moment.
We would have visited Beaux Arts, but it’s closed on Tuesdays. Next time.
Ah, yes. A lot of museums in France are closed on Tuesdays. And Lille isn’t far from Brussels, so plenty of time.
I just giggle when I think what your answer is when someone asks:”What is that gooooorgeous perfume you’re wearing!!!???”….Uhmmmm…it’s Beaver.#AwkwardSilenceFollows….
Might wear it just for that.
But you pretend that it is spelled Belvoir 😉 (with a nod to QI)
And if the English name doesn’t sound good, say it in French – Le Castor is a fine name for a perfume.
I didn’t like Panda either, but I bought Beaver and am looking forward to sniffing Civet.
Ah, this is reassuring. I think Panda is their bestseller, so good to know I’m not alone.
Panda was scratchy and synthetic to me and got worse every time I tried it. You are not alone. I did like Beaver and Rhinoceros. I’m looking forward to Civet, too.
Wore Arbole Arbole yesterday. The dry down is absolutely to die for.
RIP Carrie Fisher. Gosh, we have lost sone extraordinary people this year. SOTD for me is Ikat Jasmine from Aerin Lauder. Not the right season for this one, but with the weather we are having right now, it was a good choice. I am at my orthopedic doctor’s office this morning. This is my last check up before i head back to work on Monday. Haven’t been at my school since Nov.14th. Anxiety is beginning to set in. Robin, i hope you feel better soon.
Work re-entry is tough — hope the next several days are minimally anxious for you! I have a sample of Ikat Jasmine languishing in my to-try basket. I think this line’s theme of pairing a main note with a trendy home decor element has prejudiced me against them, but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. 😉
Thanks. I hope so too. The only plus to Monday is that the kids won’t be there. They will return on Tuesday. This kind of allows me to ease back into it all. Ikat Jasmine is my favorite from the line. Once you do try it, I hope you love it.
Good luck with going back to work…what’s that mantra: I can, I will, I did!
Thanks. I will hopefully adopt that mantra soon. 🙂
Get better soon Robin!
I’m in Aedes Cierge de Lune. Love it when it’s cold outside.
You smell great. I haven’t tried Cierge since it got cold, need to do that.
Thank you! It’s warm so it blooms nicely in colder surroundings.
SOTM is the Attrape Coeur still in my hair from last night’s bedtime spritz. There likely is more in my future.
The losses of so many significant performers this year makes me feel like an old lady whose friends are dying off before her! I spent many Sundays with Carrie Fisher (and my late brother), as we did Star Wars Marathons in the living room! David Bowie was my secret boyfriend for years (so secret, he didn’t even know it). And then there’s Gene Wilder, and Prince, and Alan Rickman . . .
I am not especially tuned in with pop culture these days. Most folks people refer to as “celebrities,” I’ve never heard of. These were some of my tribe, and I will miss them!
Agreed, 2016 has really taken a toll on some of my favorite entertainers.
How did your son like his Egoiste?
It is scary,when my Teen-idols drop like flies…Prince/George Michael/David Bowie…Princess Leia!!!
I’m with you, Johanob! I’m adding Alan Thicke to that because I loved watching him as Dr. Jason Seaver on Growing Pains. 2016 has been a rough year.
Yes,it is making me nervous actually. George Michael was only 3 years older than me. I am going to watch some youtube videos today on how to do CPR.
It’s a good idea to be prepared,but unfortunately for Carrie the CPR did not help much,except prolong the inevitable.
I’ve decided to bolster my sense of self-determination by writing my own obit. Currently on the lookout for particularly relevant phrases. 🙂
News just reported Debbie Reynolds has been rushed to the hospital. Poor woman.
“She smelled amazing.”
And she has now died too. 🙁 Poor woman, 84 years old… the shock did her in. At least they are together now. But poor Todd, the brother/son, now bereft of both sister and mother.
I’m wearing Olfactive Studio Flashback.
I need a bit of zingy energy and the rhubarb does for me.
Along with everyone else, I was so sorry about Carrie Fisher: I will miss her humor.
Robin, you are wise to avoid scent while sick. I had remnants of a favorite fragrance on the sleeve of the bathrobe I wore 24/7 while I had the flu. It took me a few months to make friends with that scent again. Bah.
SotD = Ambre des Merveilles. I’m not sure what to think about it. I loved Eau des Merveilles at first sniff and can smell a bit of a common thread but they are distant relatives at most. I didn’t like Ambre Narguile initially, but now it’s a true favorite. I’ll keep sniffing and see what is revealed as the day wears on.
And so help me, if anyone else dies this week, I may stop wearing scent in protest. Perhaps the universe will take note. Thanks for the link to the VF article. I loved reading Wishful Drinking. A sweet tribute to CF appears here:
Two of my favorite Carrie Fisher roles are Marie in When Harry Met Sally and Mia in Catastrophe. She was delightful to watch. I’m worried about Gary. 🙁 He must miss her terribly.
I also really liked Postcards from the Edge, book and film, though she wasn’t in the film. It was sad but had its share of humor.
Shirley MacLaine put me off the Postcards movie, I have no idea why, so I never watched it. But I loved the book, and I can watch Meryl Streep in anything. Will add it to my list of movies to watch soon.
I like SML. She’s a bit of an odd bird, though, and maybe why I like her.
Hope you will get better Robin, my cold turned into a flue, I thought I had beaten it and it returned with a vengeance :-(. Fortunately I can smell but I feel very under the weather.
Ugh! The flu is no fun! I hope it passes quickly. Food and clear liquids as you can, get lots of rest, catch up on your Netflix or knitting projects or whatever!
Too funny as I’ve taken out a knitting project which I usually do for a few weeks this time of year and we started a Netflix series not really good but entertaining enough for the flue! And sipping rosehip tea and my kind neighbour will bring over spinach pancakes! Hope Oregon is not too much polary vortexed.
This is a good time of year for a little knitting! I have a project that I finally admitted to myself I wasn’t going to finish. . . a decade and a half after I started it! I hope the future of yours is brighter!
I have you beat by a little over a decade. I started a cross-stitch alphabet sampler when my niece was born. One niece and two nephews later with the youngest nephew now 17, it is stuck at B. I blame it on the lopsided airplane.
Wow. You got all the way to B, huh?! 😉
So do I 🙂
I would love to know who are the knitters in our midst. I’m doing a baby hat right now. It might be fun to have a weekend poll asking what our “other” hobbies, interests, obsessions are at the moment.
Yes, agreed!
I am a walking neroli bomb today. Managed to get to Lush yesterday and stocked up on post-Christmas sale products (yay!). While I was there I picked up a small bottle of Happy Happy Joy Joy hair conditioner. Holy Neroli, Batman! Used it this morning and then doubled down with Hermes Neroli Dore.
That neroli cloud wafting from Cleveland? It’s me.
I can almost smell it in Brussels 🙂
Yum! My favorite type of cloud!
I am slightly pissed at the local Lush.Sales,sales everywhere around the world I hear about the fabulous Lush sales….Santa barely mounted his sleigh,they pulled Rose Jam off the website and shelves,and not even a whisper of a sale here…
Oh no, now you’ve left me no choice but to try to go to Lush tonight 🙂 SOTD is Mure et Musc, which I like more the more times I wear it! In an inobtrusive office-safe kind of way.
Half scent twin with Eau de Neroli Dore. It’s sunshine in a sample vial!
I’m not wearing anything yet; the perfume I picked yesterday really annoyed me (at least until I started moving around more and it warmed up; in the dry air it was NOT what I wanted at all). Still so annoyed about that I’m not sure what to wear today yet.
So I’ll ask this: what perfume would Leia wear?
Not what perfume Carrie Fisher would have worn. Whatever it was I’m sure it should have been full of booze and smoke… and flowers, because she always was still that very pretty, tiny woman with a lot of femininity to her; she just didn’t care if you didn’t care for her particular type of femininity.
But I love her self-obit – thanks for reporting it, Robin! – and now following on the joke of “there’s no underwear in space” I’m wondering what perfumes they have in space. If any. Maybe they would strangle you too, I don’t know!
Perhaps Princess Leia would have worn a perfume that reminded her of her home planet, with whatever flowers or other scents were most characteristic.
Nice! And would go well with all that white…
Maybe Alien for a space perfume? It could certainly strangle a person.
Yes! And isn’t it Mugler Cologne that Chandler Burr said was like a garden in space?
I still can’t get my mind around how a bra would strangle you. Was he talking about the band? Can you get strangled if it isn’t around your neck?
When you put on your onsie sleep-spacesuit you have to take off your bra. That’s when due to anti-gravity it floats up to your neck. Maybe the shoulder strap came back down over her head. Another underwear related accident. ????
In a longer quote that I’ve read, she speculates that your body would swell up in space, and you wouldn’t be able to breath because of your now too tight bra. Strangle isn’t exactly the right word for it.
I can’t believe that Carrie Fisher is no more and we have lost a lot of celebrities this year. Wearing Nevermore today.
That’s a fitting tribute scent.She was a dark rose,after all.
My cold was gone within 3 days, so I’m sorry yours isn’t behaving the same way, Robin.
My only knowledge Carrie Fisher is from her appearance in The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive, where she left quite an impression. I love her explanation of her own demise.
On a lighter note my SOTD is Enlèvement au Sérail, a lot of it. I’ve got a day off from work so I can indulge myself.
I always get 10 days out of a cold, you were robbed! 😉
You smell great!
I hope you feel better soon, Robin. I had the crud last week, and I’m still feeling drained, with an aggravating cough. I’ve also been wearing my scents very lightly, if any at all.
My sweet daughter gave me the Lush Garden Party set for Christmas.
Last night, I took a shower and used lush elderflower soap and sleepy body lotion. I liked the way the sleepy body lotion smells so much, I put some on today.
I was hoping to snag Sleepy but my local Lush was sold out. Maybe they’ll make more?
Day 4 is a real drag, hoping you are 100% on day 5! It’s day 7 for me, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. ????
SOTD is Hérmes Vetiver Tonka. Because it’s hot outside. There’s a rumor of cooler air coming, but I’ll believe it when I feel it.
So sad about Carrie Fisher- so young!
I am wearing Chanel No. 5 body oil layered with vintage No.5 perfume.
My resolution for the new year is to finish the decants I have, try not to buy new bottles and concentrate on what I already have, I hope I can do this.
I’m with you! My collection is out of control. I have finished two bottles in the past week and will try to finish 2 more in the next few weeks. Need to get through this stuff!
I will try too, and it feels good to finish some bottles. I will start with decants and continue with bottles.
You can do it!!!!
I am on a no buy for financial reasons and am working at enjoying what I already have which is enough to last me at least for the next five or so years. IF something comes flying into my lap I will gladly accept and appreciate but for now I am not spending any more money on non-essentials.
In a May 2016 interview, the Hollywood Reporter asked Carrie Fisher how she’d like to be remembered:
“That I was a crazy, blurred, charismatic, weird, aging, kind person.”
That’s beautiful.
That’s nice! Hey, I finished Hillbilly Elegy. It was a pretty interesting memoir, told in a very straight forward manner ( i.e. As a piece of writing not as emotionally engaging as, say, The Glass Castle ). I was expecting a little more politically. For me, it kept hitting the same note so was repetitive rather than developing and investigating an argument…but it identified its position well. But I’m not a US resident so was probably not the best reader.
Thanks, Kanuka. If I ever work up the energy to read it, I’ll let you know my perspective. One thing that bothered me about what I read in the reviews was that it sounded like his family had significant problems beyond being Appalachian, so not necessarily the best basis for understanding or characterizing a region.
Yes. That’s true. Also, it was very much an ‘I’ centred perspective and at times that veered dangerously close to a simplistic ( but sympathetic) ‘ if I can overcome then why can’t others’ type perspective. But there is no doubt that he had an extremely tough start to life in terms of family dynamics and he wrote very honestly about that.
That’s great. Thanks!
I think I’ll start reading her books when I finish Donna Leon’s Brunetti series. I’ve been meaning to read them for decades now.
I’m in Dzongkha today and loving every whiff. Yesterday’s Palissandre d’Or was mostly enjoyable but wound up being dominated by that Monolithic Block of Generic Lumber note that I find irritating in so many “woody” perfumes. But Dzonghka’s creamy incense is always a treat.
You’ve hit on what annoys me about many current perfumes that start out interesting but have boring or irritating dry downs.
Last night I had a delayed Christmas get-together with a friend who was sick last week. She gave me a couple of small Molton Brown body washes including Ylang Ylang which I tried in the shower this morning. Then I decided to carry the theme through and put on Ylang Ylang Nosy Be by Perris Monte Carlo. Frankly I think I’m a bit too over-the-top tropical floral right now but hopefully it will calm down in a while.
Get well, Robin–winter colds are rotten. Chicken soup!
I am wearing Smell Bent Smoked Ambergris from 2016 . This is a pretty good take on the ambergris I sniffed in our museum collection. It has the peaty smoke and animal fug but doesn’t have the sweet caramel toffee. I wouldn’t buy a FB but good if you’re curious about ambergris ( says me, the expert…not!!!). Off north today to visit my mother. She is probably one of the last ‘ never to have used a computer ‘ generation and my son is basically of the ‘ never used a pen’ generation …. Such rapid shifts are interesting.
Oh,that one was weirdly wonderful,like a whale choked on a seasalt-caramel…the result being smoked ambergris
Krilled by a caramel, poor thing. Thought I should leave the Artists Studio for you! thanks for the ‘Renew’ tip off. We don’t have it here though it could simply go by another name so I think I will talk to a hairdresser about a blue rinse ( minus the shampoo and set).
Haha!I’m still loving Artist’s Studio,I’ve been sniffing my precious 4ml bottle and contemplating getting a 50ml on my next smellbent-binge.I decided to go the whole nine yards with the renew hair colors.There is like 9 shades from this purple through pink/blue/”ocean” and the grand finale…”Cherry Burst”.I have never seen a red like that before.It’s going to be
And a great way of testing your patients for colour blindness…so useful too! I have had 18 months of discovering my natural hair colour after years of colouring…if it was sold in a box it would be called “frump”.
Hey johanob, I missed mentioning that my free-spirit niece has rainbow-colored hair. At her wedding reception in August, her gown and her hair matched the dragon theme. Usually, she has blue and pink tinged hair.
We’ve run out of comment space!Lol!Just wanted to say that unfortunately-or fortunately-my hair is covered most days under a fabulously sexy(not true,awful dull uniformist blue)theatre cap.Only when I go have my coffee under the Oaks in our hospital garden people might see.Lol.
Kanuka, at least you’ve smelled real ambergris, unlike most of us. BTW, I was disappointed to read that the author of the book on ambergris (sorry, forgetting the name) said the perfume he thought best captured it was one composed entirely of Ambroxan. The opportunity to do so much research on ambergris had been entirely wasted on a Philistine! Possibly I’m being unfair to him and the organic chemists who created Ambroxan.
Someone was asking elsewhere for a cheap, cozy scent and I suggested Adam Levine for Women, aka Lady Levine. Since it’s pretty wintry over here I put a spritz on – will see how it holds up.
P.S. One vote for tea with honey and lemon…
I’ll have a cuppa,thanks!And gingerbread.
Dzing! Leaving work early again. Slow here and want to be home with family!
Feeling indecisive this morning so I tried a sample of Atelier Cologne Camellia Intrepide. Lots of tea with a faint whiff of smoke and flowers. It is the wrong weather for this though, so after my bike ride and shower I will wear Les Indes Galantes.
I really fell hard for Camellia Intrepide. Its on my spring wish list.
My cold is pretty much gone, so I’m delving into a set of Auphorie samples. Eau de Nyonya starts off with a big popcorn note, and I’m not a fan of that aroma in perfume. It does tone way down, and what’s left is smells like the inside of a sandalwood box that’s been used to store spices with maybe some flowers around. I’ll try it again and maybe spray more next time to see how I like it.
I find it hard to make up my mind about oil-based natural perfumes like this. They seem a bit amorphous. This line is intriguing, though, and I’ll keep testing.
Gosh, they sort of fell off my radar, so I’ll be curious to know your impressions. I only tried 3 and was sure I’d buy a fb of Eternal Voyage after I emptied my sample. I might still in the Spring…
I was iffy about the oiliness too, but grew to appreciate it, and oil perfumes in general since then. I don’t think they’re a natural perfume line, though.
Oh, you must be right about them not being entirely natural. Eternal Voyage is one of my samples so I’m looking forward to that now. I’ve also tried Binturong, which is strange and old-fashioned smelling. Interesting but not very wearable. The award-winning Miyako reminds me of SL Daim Blond, but I think I prefer Daim Blond’s clarity.
I found the sandalwood in Miyako to be too unrelenting and pungent. I thought the new Perris Monte Carlo Absolue d’Osmanthe captured the same aspects of osmanthus but in a more refined way. I can see the comparison to Daim Blond as well. I only tried 3-the 3rd being Regal Secret which I could hardly smell after 10 minutes.
I’ll have to try the PMC. I also really like TDC Osmanthus, which is much lighter and very versatile.
Robin, sorry you’re still feeling cruddy. Sending healing thoughts your way.
SOTD = Commando right now but will likely be Cuir Beluga
I am leaving for London later today, looking forward to 5 days of R&R includimg some perfume sniffing if time permits. New Year’s Eve will have a medieval theme:
As to which perfumes I’m bringing (besides the staples of Chanel No. 5 EDT, Chanel No. 19 EDP and Cedrat Enivrant), I was originally going to do a perfume sample roulette where I will pick from half-used manufacturer’s samples in a cylindrical plastic container that used to house Q-tips. The samples include winners like Puredistance White, Prada Candy and Byredo Gypsy Water to OHGODNO La Vie est Belle and V&R Bonbon. Rational brain kicked in and said why subject me and my fellow travelers to the potential horrors so…I will bring my La Goutte Parfumee of SDV and Cuir Beluga, gifts from a super duper generous NSTer (you know wHo you are). Every time I see and use them, I will be reminded of NST and the generosity of its members.
I’ll check in when I can but just in case I don’t, have a Happy New Year and all the best for 2017! To those who are not feeling 100%, healing thoughts are winging their way to you.
Now off to finish packing!
Safe travels!!Go sniff some old,musty bookshops in the UK,there are plenty!And most of all ENJOY.X
P.sYour niece’s hair sounds AWESOME!!I might just finish the year with a full-on Rainbow on my head.????
Have a wonderful time!
Enjoy your trip! It’s a good perfume wardrobe choice but somehow with you traveling to London and all the planned perfume sniffing activities I’m not worried you’d suffer from “nothing to wear” syndrome 😉
Didn’t get to reply the other day, but do email if you ever get to Victoria, it’s a fun and charming city, and an easy boatride from here…
have fun!
I miss the late ’80s/early ’90s, when it seems like every college around was doing a Madrigal Dinner concert-and-a-meal thingy over the holidays. That was fun, both as a participant and an attendee.
Probably too late to comment, but I hope your travels are smooth and safe!
Have fun! Stay safe! And Happy New Year!
Thanks for your well wishes for a wonderful trip. I got to the airport really early. I had time to eat a proper meal so I ate at Forno Magico.
People, I almost had a food-o with the Butternut Squash Pizza! Yes YeS YES! The base was soft with just the right touch of rigidity, instead of cheesy cheese, butternut squash took its place and then there was arugula, bacon bits and the whole thing was drizzled with balsamic glaze. This is not dairy free but it might as well be.
Do I have to get up? I think I’m in food coma; maybe I’ll sleep well on the way over!
Maybe you could find Lyn Harris’s Perfumer H?
Here are some reviews of Perfumer H perfumes:
Way too late, but wishing you a safe and joyous journey!
Bon voyage and happy new year!
I forgot to mention that there was a huge bush fire on my beloved (dog walking ) Signal hill two days ago and there are acres and acres of blackened stumps ( the tree where I sat and watched two kingfishers nest has gone ). My ‘ smell tunnel’ strip is ok but there is a strong smoke and ash air. It’s really sad.
Oh, no! I’m sorryto hear that. Very sad.
I can’t bear to think of it…I hope there were natural causes, but I suppose that’s unlikely, which makes it worse!
I hope your favorite walking spot isn’t too close to your house… wildfires smell terrible. 🙁
That is very sad. Im sorry.
Oh, I’m sorry! A burned landscape is so mournful.
So sorry. 🙁 We have fires like that every fall in southern California, they even call it fire season. Hope it was not arson.
Robin, sure hope you start feeling better soon. Stay hydrated ????
Sotd: Vol de Nuit Evasion, almost gone after 4 hours. Bummer.
Morning, all. I’m a bit fed up with this business of the dear man being away — it all seemed practical and sensible when we planned it, but in practice, it’s dull, lonely and –well, dull. I adore the cat Dakkie, but he’s not very good at conversations, and although he very sweetly shares his knitted mice with me, I really want him to chat about climate change and the news and what we might do about dinner and whether he likes the rye bread I made. And–most importantly– whether THIS wrist smells better than THAT inner elbow…..what, you don’t like EITHER? Hmmmph! Dakkie, however, just looks confused when I chatter to him. He’s very beautiful, but he has about the same IQ as a teabag….I think it’s time the dear one came home, but news from Whanganui is that he might need to stay away until at least Saturday. Sigh. So, I shall wear Vanille Galante with enthusiasm and entertain myself by scrubbing the grout in the tiles.
Deva, Robin, please do get weller.
This really made me laugh! 😀
I feel like I read a short story. You’re a great writer 😀
Goodness! Well, thank you, you’re very kind. I don’t really think I tell a story– all I try to do is give some context for the perfume I choose each day.
I agree. I love reading The Waterdragon Saga every day 😀 especially when Dakkie makes an appearance.
I used to love it when my husband would go away for 3 weeks on business. But I really like being alone. It was great having him home and it was great when he went away. Being retired and together all the time is tough. I am suggesting separate vacations this year. 🙂 He is going to Germany to drink beer and I am going to Paris to sniff perfume.
I’m sure that’s what my DH will end up doing in a few years! Sounds like a good plan to me – we should meet up. ????
Robin, I’m sorry that crud is still hanging around; I hope it goes away soon! Thanks for the fabulous photo of Carrie and for honoring her wish for her obit. It’s a great anecdote, and it really makes me smile every time someone plays along.
SOTD, appropriately, is the Leia-Organa-worthy (imho) Cabochard.
Have a good day, all.
This week I have been rifling through decants and samples that I “had” to have and wearing them to see why I needed them.
Today, Jo Malone Rose Water and Vanilla layered over Tauer’s Rose body oil. I remember why I bought both of these.
Haven’t been very scent-focused this week, with a little 24-hour jaunt to Victoria, offline-ness, an eye thing that persists and the notion (shared with many here, it seems) that I will be paring down in the coming year…
But. I did find a thrift score of Colonia Assoluta, so must give it a spin while I attempt a long-overdue cleaning and organizing of my place.
(and if I don’t love it, I will find a good home for it!)
I’m in L’Attesa today, which is one of my 4 favorite releases of 2016. I overdid the sprays this morning, so it seems to have given me a headache. It’s a lovely scent nonetheless. Yesterday I wore another favorite, Cadavre Exquis.
Oh, I wanted to try it! What’s Cadavre Exquis like?
Wearing Le Labo Patchouli 24 from a dab sample. I gave myself a generous dose 🙂
I received this sample and Jasmine 17 the other week. Was so excited because I’ve heard much about this line, but then sort of disappointed because I wasn’t blown away by anything to the point where I need to own.
Another reminder that one perfumista’s manna is another’s meh 🙂
SOTD: Sycomore. Easy day, beautiful weather. Love the CF obit. Looking forward to the new year.
You smell wonderful!
My sotd was Black Opium. I dyed my hair red/black last night. Scent and hair matched pretty well. I don’t mind that BO isn’t related to Opium, I just wish it was darker. Robin, i wish you better health by morning!
Whatever I sprayed on this morning is completely gone … oh, now I remember – Tom Ford Noir Pour Femme. I usually wear this to bed, so hadn’t realized how quickly it goes pfffft. Not even a hint of it left in my clothing. Luckily, I have a couple of small decants with me today – think I’ll micro-spray PG Cuir d’Iris and see if anybody notices. 🙂