PSA: our next swapmeet will be a week from today! Meanwhile, our standard open thread poll. Talk about anything you like — the perfume you’re wearing today, the perfume you're thinking maybe you ought to hoard before it disappears, whatever.
Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer…
Note: top image is 5532417482183885362 [cropped] by Kevin at flickr; some rights reserved.
Wearing Seville de l’Aube. I don’t get longevity, but it smells wonderful for that short time.
Yes it does 🙂
Beautiful. And thank you for reminding me to pull my sample out now that it’s cool!
I got a very nice perfume compliment this morning at the NYC green market- I am in Gaiac 10
I am suppose to be “shopping” but I am at Dunkin donuts while my husband is watching the babies. Sorry not sorry, this mama needs a break
Compliments are always nice. I often go shopping at Dunkin’ Donuts, so I completely understand the urge ????
I bet the scent of Saturday morning in a Manhattan donut shop–frying dough, coffee, newspaper, bodies, and the soot of the city–is just exactly perfect.
Your comment makes me nostalgic for my visits to NYC, where you order a “regular coffee” at a counter and it comes already with cream and sugar!
I love Gaiac but those exclusives are too rich for my blood. 🙁
Yiu smell fantastic though. Enjoy your free morning!
I have a sample and I am glad they don’t sell this one year round- I would be tempted. There are other similar scents that fit the bill
Interesting, what are some of the most similar scents?
You enjoy that break now,Mama!And if it’s as good as the recently discovered Krispy Kreme store is to me…ENJOY!X
Enjoy your “me” time and your donut@
Enjoy your me time!!!
Good for you! A great parent is one that knows when a break is needed 🙂
On this gloomy day I haven’t even managed to stuck my nose outside the house… I’m wearing Oud Palao from Diptyque to keep myself warm and cuddly.
Can anyone recommend what are some other great perfumes rich in saffron that I could wear this autumn.
And yay for swapmeet, I will prepare lots of goodies to swap.
Mmm you smell good! Have you tried Aramis Perfume Calligraphy Saffron?
I did but wasn’t a fan
I love Oud Palao, though my boss said that I can’t wear it. He got an instant migraine when I wore it. I would buy it otherwise.
Too bad it affected your boss! Shame. Wear it for your own pleasure when you’re not working then?
I do but a very small amount would suffice if I can’t wear it to work. He’s very tolerant of my habit but he had to avoid me that whole day! I felt terrible.
Recently I had instant migraine from two fragrances with a prominent rose note. Roses never bothered me in the past. I wonder if there is a new rose perfume ingredient on the market. I wish I could have lunch with a perfume company chemist. 😉
The opposite happened to me. Rose fragrances used to always give me migraines, then out of nowhere one day, it stopped happening.
We need to study both of you! Noninvasively of course.
Hmm, is Safran Troublant saffron-y? To me it smells like a woody pudding, nice for the cool weather in any case.
Smells like rose jam on me but is incredibly short-lived
Oe!!”Sits up straight with tail wagging”.
I was trying to remember one that is Indian in feeling with a rice pudding aspect, but I just can’t remember it. While searching, I turned up this page which seems interesting and in the comments section many people listed their favorite saffron scents, so I thought you might like to see it:
Could the Indian rice pudding be Neela Vermeire Mohur? A bit rosy for me but gets a lot of love.
No because it was around before I’d ever heard of Mohur. An older one but I am drawing a blank and the last time I checked, Basenotes was down for technical problems.
Kenzo Amour Holi or something like that? I seem to remember it had a rice note.
Scent on Canvas’ Rose Opera (not a rose frag!) is an oddly addictive saffron with tart strawberry scent. It sounds like a crazy combo, but it isn’t foody at all.
Oh that sounds really interesting. I love saffron notes!!
I used up my samples ages ago (or I’d send you some!!), and never made up my mind which of theirs to order–but Scent on Canvas ships from Spain, and the sample pack is a steal if you are curious. Something like 10 or 15€.
Must explore it
Well Tom of Finland from ElDO is a rich saffron-leather.I like it in small dosages.
If you can find it (still on some discounters etc) TheO Fennel Scent is rich in saffron, but doesn’t smell fake/plasticky to my nose.
(and last forevvverrr)
One of today’s NST posts features Demeter’s Saffron…new scent and I am sure it will be a good price as Demeters usually are.
I like Jo Malone Saffron Cologne Intense and Byredo Black Saffron.
Dawn Spencer Hurwitz’s Cimabue is saffron-y, in a foody, puddingy way.
Kenzo Amour and Indian Holy have that rice pudding note.
Hoarding Prada Infusion d Iris Absolu!!! Bought multiples on Got a sample of A Lilac A Day. Does anyone like it? I am undecided.
Prada Infusion d’Iris Absolue is great
Wait… Why are you hoarding that perfume? Is it being discontinued?
Yes, that’s what I heard.
Uhoh must buy a bottle asap then!
Absolu is great. You are correct. I guess I should get a back up.
Muguet Porcelaine toasty! They finally got samples at my local Saks. Not my favorite of Ellena’s florals but it has a very affecting melancholy. I definitely get the melon some people complain about but it’s brief (and I really did enjoy Apres la Mousson). I would buy a 15ml bottle for sure.
I’ve been listening to Steve Reich a lot this month, in honor of his birthday. I especially love Piano Phase and Six Marimbas. Anyone else enjoy his work?
Today, not toasty. I need an editor.
Too bad – a toasty muguet would be great for cold weather. No idea what such a thing would smell like, though.
I actually get notes of sencha in MP. Maybe with a genmaicha note might work!
I stumbled on an interesting overview of Steve Reich’s musical life (he just turned 80) from last week’s NY Times:
Yes, I read this too! Fascinating guy, with work to back it up.
The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra played a tribute to him with Three Movements. Now I’m thinking of perfume matches for music. Thinking about movies last week and Caro Diario I got out my old CD of the Koln Concert as Keith Jarrett was featured in the sound track. There was a time when everyone had that CD.
I think CdG Stephen Jones would fit Reich, or Sugi. Something unadorned and slightly off.
Sadly, I have no musical talent whatsoever; however, one of my uncles played the marimba at Carnegie Hall as the featured musician.
It has a lovely effect. I highly recommend giving Six Marimbas a listen next time you have a glass of wine or tea.
Doused myself in Traversee du Bosphore last night, and I can still smell it in my hair. I probably won’t try to fight it, and I’ll add a fresh layer eventually.
Mr. Spicebomb was a good provider yesterday and caught 19 Dungeness crab with his brother and father. Brought home 7 for us to enjoy.
Scent cousins – using up my sample of L’Eau d’Ambre this morning. I’m meeting a non-perfumista friend for lunch so with luck it doesn’t waft too much. Wow, that is an impressive haul, a crab-a-rama in fact.
Now if only we had a crab-o-matic to help shell them!
WOW! Nice haul! I am officially envious.
It was a poor salmon-fishing year, so I’m glad the crabbing has panned out so far! Mr. Spicebomb’s dad got a new boat last year, and I’m enjoying benefiting from his justifying the purchase!
Mr. Spicebomb IS the bomb!
I will let him know. 😉
7 Dungeness! Jealous. Loved traveling through the PNW and eating all that fresh seafood! Not to mention all the great produce.
We really do get spoiled with our fresh food!
I love Traversée. So delicious and cozy.
That sounds fabulous!
Yum! Happy feasting!
I like Traversee du Bosphore in general, and specifically for that lingering drydown: I love smelling it from my hair the next morning.
Yes! I wear TdB this way and Lipstick Rose as well. Some scents are just wonderful in their deep dry down!
SOTD is the original Omnia- you know, the one with the crap spritzer? Lovely and easy to wear any time, which sorta-kinda makes up for the crap spray mechanism.
I’m pooped out already today- spin class, then a lot of overdue yard work and house work. The rest of the day is going to be low key, throw some stuff in the slow cooker and maybe go see the Magnificent Seven. I’m in the mood for an old fashioned shoot ’em up western. Anyone seen it yet? Is it worth the price of admission?
I like Omnia! I don’t wear it as often as I should–this seems like perfect weather for it, too!
Yes, super versatile! One of the many reasons I like it so much.
I haven’t, but my sister, who can see up to three movies a day when she’s in the mood, saw it and enjoyed it.
Good to know, thanks!
Love Omnia! I have a back-up bottle, so should be set. I would like to Magnificent 7, too, but not sure if hubby will be up for it. Might have to wait til it comes out on RedBox.
It is certainly back up bottle worthy. Good move on your part????
SotD is Huitieme Art Shermine. It opens with sweet woody lavender with grassy, hay like note and a bit of spice. It has calmed down to a warm iris pastry, sweet, but not SWEET.
I am drinking a glass of mineral water with a slice of lime before heading back out into the heat to finish the (minor) clean up from Matthew.
Glad to hear you don’t have too much clean up to do! Everyone safe and sound?
Just looked up Shermine. Cool bottle! How pronounced is the vanilla? Love all the notes combined with lavender, except vanilla.
So glad it needs only a minor clean-up!
I love Shermine. On my skin it’s such a cuddly iris with a furry coat.
Glad you were spared any damage!
Happy weekend to all! Today’s SOTD is Une Rose, lots of it. Am off to a pumpkin patch with my nephew and nieces.
Yay for pumpkin patches! Is there a corn maze?
Yes – love corn mazes! They also had fresh roasted corn.
Yum! Such a great fall tradition! You are making me yearn for some time in a pumpkin patch. . . Might have to come down with a “cold” so I can go play while all the kids are in school! 😉
Yay for Une Rose!
You smell glorious!
In Terveer’s Incense. The epitome of cozy. I have to work this weekend, but I am totally jazzed. Met with a local government official yesterday and it turned into a project powwow. So this weekend’s work could lead to some meaningful and fulfilling advocacy down the road. A rare moment of genuine excitement about a writing deadline.
Wow, good for you! Makes weekend working exciting!
Sounds great – hope it works out for you.
How nice, good for you!
Go make a difference!
Hope it works out!
It was a tough choice today. A choice of Cuir de Russie or Amouage Lyric. Had to use Google Fight to decide for me. Went with Lyric.
Oh, I’ve been wearing Lyric A LOT lately! Perfect for fall!
It’s definitely perfect for fall, winter too.
Yes, absolutely!
That *is* a tough choice! ????
I found a box of stored decants that I had completely forgotten about. What fun! Most are still in good shape, too. So I’ve been trawling through them and keeping track of ones I didn’t really notice much before. Right now I am wearing Chanel No. 18. It’s very pleasant but does not have much power on me. Maybe because I can only dab it. One that I discovered I really love and plan to buy is Ava Luxe Palisander. Wow! It’s a tiny bit screechy at first but then calms down into the most lovely wood and creamy, spicy smell. I definitely get the cinnamon in it. Trying to decide whether to buy edp or extract. And I wish I had hoarded MPG Santal Noble. It’s out of circulation now and expensive on eBay!
That Ava Luxe Palisander sounds great, I will put it on my list to sample.
Yay for surprise lost-and-found decants!
I’ve not smelled Ava Luxe Palisander but the name reminded me of enjoying Dior Eau Fraiche many years ago. It had great citrus with a prominent palisander note. I didn’t hoard it because my bottle went stale before I could use it up. Perhaps it wasn’t very stable but the ingredients smelled like quality and were beautifully put together while they lasted.
Would love to try some Ava Luxe scents. Maybe sometime in the future.
I am also working on neglected decants and I’m wearing Dis moi, miroir. Orange blossom, lily, and milk, yum.
That sounds lovely. I managed to miss that entire collection.
I have heard about these, but they came out before my descent, so to speak.
Wow, that sounds like a great combination!
Lieu de Reves…I am thoroughly enjoying this one…I decided I am not going to hoard my loves any more and use them up if I feel like it…I have about 1/3 left of this in a 5 ml decant gifted to me by a dear friend.
Does anyone know how Laurie’s other violets compare to this one? Just curious as I am still on a no buy and will be for a while so I am not going to seek anything new out….
Lieu de Reves is such a pretty name.
I’m on a mission to use up decants. Sometimes they last a long time but I’ve had a few 3 ml sprays surprise me by evaporating quickly.
Use ’em or lose ’em! 🙂
I know I love the name too…”Place of Dreams”…It was the first full bottle I bought from SSS and drained it years ago…now it is discontinued but when my good friend found out about my Posh Peasant problem ( over the summer ordered close to one hundred dollars worth of decants, including Lieu de Reves, which was delivered by the USPS to the wrong address and the recipients refused to honor the multiple requests by the mailman to return it…basically ignored the requests and I was out the money without the perfume….USPS said that Posh Peasant should have filed a claim and Posh Peasant said that USPS made the mistake and should reimburse me but no one ever did and I had already paid it on my credit card…I took that as a sign from the Universe that I just needed to stop ordering anything online because after that three other packages were also delivered to the wrong address but those residents had the decency to return the items to the mailman when he asked for them back) she mailed me her own decant…what a gal 🙂 !!!
I realize that it doesn’t matter now, but just FYI: you can file a dispute with your credit card within 60 days of the date the original bill with the charge was mailed to you and it doesn’t matter if you’ve paid it already.
Yup! I’ve used this before to dispute a $35 customs fee I had to pay in order to get a package sent by a company in Turkey. I did try to get that refunded by the company but when I did not hear from them after a week, I disputed $35 out of the $x charge and Amex just credited my account instead of going after the company.
thanks Undina and hajusuuri…good to know incase it ever happens again (which I am sure it will 🙁 !!)
SotD = Apres l’Ondee, so easy to love. Perhaps I should stash some away as insurance, it seems to be narrowly available in the US.
Ha! My clothes washing machine smells so pretty today. Yesterday I spritzed Jean Paul Gaultier Classique on a clean handkerchief to sniff-test before I committed to wearing it all day. The handkerchief was spread out on top of the washer when I spritzed and the scent must have soaked through. Today I get a nice waft of powdery vanilla and flowers every time I walk by the washer. I would love a laundry detergent the smells like that.
I don’t know why I have never yet tried scented my laundry detergent. I don’t think I’d like it for clothes, but for blankets it would be lovely.
Cloudy with a bigger chance of meatballs than actual rain…today!Lol.Keeping with the movie theme from yesterday there for a bit.SOTD!Le Beau Male.It’s one of the better flankers out there,although it will never beat the original which I wore all through my student years.Feeling nostalgic today!Happy weekend!X
I love the picture book, too.
SOTD = By Killian Single Malt
I originally wanted to wear Apple Brandy but Single Malt was within easier reach and it is oh so good too!
It is a work / on call weekend due to Hurricane Matthew plus making up for time spent dealing with it … regular work didn’t disappaer.
Just when I thought I had seen it all, on my way home yesterday, I passed someone walking up Madison talking on her cell with it nestled in the crook of her neck while one hand was holding a takeout container and the other hand was shoving food in her mouth. At least she wasn’t crossing the street….
Cell phone madness… I miss the days when they didn’t exist.
Ha! ha! talk about synchronicity…I just wrote an email to my good friend in which I told her that the youngsters in my family cannot imagine what life was like before cell phones, computers and all of the other gadgets that they are “addicted” to…honestly, I think we did just fine!
I showed my nephew a picture of a rotary phone and he had no clue what it is. And I am old enough to remembering a TV where you had to physically turn a dial to change the channel.
Yup…..I had a rotary when I lived in the city and I also remember the TV where you had to physically get up to change the channel…had one of those too! and I also remember having lots of nickels and then later dimes to make phone calls from public phones!
I *still* have a rotary phone. It is teal and bee-yoo-tiful! Sadly, the wiring is no longer compatible with my landline, although I’ve tried–all I can get is a ring and then crackling when I pick up! (But I admit to weirdo-status, since I do not have a cell.)
Majorie Rose…I fought getting a cell phone for forever! and when I finally got one it was a flip with no internet or texting….I had it for a long time until I was forced to turn it in (because it was so obsolete) for a more updated flip which I still have…no texting and no internet still…..
and my parents still have two rotary phones which actually work!
We still have a rotary phone in a drawer in case there’s ever a power cut. Modern hands-free domestic sets won’t work without a power supply.
I live among college students and see this all the time. And sometimes they are also crossing the street. Madness.
And they give you a dirty look if you happen to be in their way. I make them move out of my way when they’re walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk.
I saw an ad reminding people to look for the train. I find it amazing and ridiculous that these machines are so distracting that we might fail to notice a train barreling down upon us!
How boozy is Apple Brandy? I can’t find at Nordies (they have any other Killian but this one. Experiencing parfumista frustration!!!
Boozy! I’ll send you a sample.
Forgot to menton that Apple brandy is a New York exclusive as Single Malt is London’s. The By Killian counters occassionally have them in stock so exclusivity is suspect and is probably better described as limited distribution. I happen to be be wearing Apple Brandy and whoo, I’m glad church people don’t judge :-). Single Malt sticks around much longer.
Ooh, I bet that smells good. I think I shall have to sip a little single malt later…
The only way it could have been ‘better’ yesterday is if that woman had been driving instead of walking! ???? Thank God she wasn’t.
Ha! Could you imagine???
I didn’t expect to like Single Malt as much as I did (thank you for the sample! 🙂 )
I hope your work load stays under control.
Thanks! We were joking at work yesterday with one person saying she had to finish a deck, another with something else and I said I have 5 scheduled meetings and I got “You win” but really it should have been “You lose”.
Wearing Arquiste Ella for a day of wine tasting in Paso Robles. We came up for a 30th birthday party this weekend.
Oh tell us how you are liking it. I am intrigued and surprised at how fresh it smells to me.
Safran Troublant on a this cool and sunny fall day. Perrrrfect.
Rainy day of chores here, wearing Attrape-Coeur and got a compliment from the DH. I am so happy about the swap meet as I have lots of things that need new homes. 🙂
I’m at the laundromat wearing a dousing of Bulgari Black. We moved into a building with laundry in the basement but the dryers don’t dry so we’re still hauling loads out on weekends ????
I don’t miss the days of schlepping laundry to the laundromat.
Grateful also for a husband that doesn’t mind doing this part of our house chores.
Having a car helps. It was a bigger drag, literally, before we had one. We’ve actually told the landlord that the dryers don’t dry and I think they’ve been replaced with others that don’t dry either. For the rent we’re paying…
Went years in MN without laundry on site (and no car)–we custom built one of those old lady grocery carts with bicycle tires so we could hop over the snowdrifts and sidewalk curbs! Got so many compliments on our cart over the years–I think I missed my calling and should be marketing them instead of teaching. Make my millions improving the lives of apartment dwellers and old ladies everywhere!! 🙂
I neeeed one of those!!!
Sadly, I sold it on craigslist a few years back, or I would offer it to you! It wasn’t too hard to engineer–remove the back tires, put on some washers for a tight fit, and then attach the bike tires with a bolt at the end of the rod. It truly was superior than the original design! I sold it to a nice old dude who got it for his wife as an anniversary gift. 🙂
I may have to get a backup bottle of Black. I got my husband a bottle for some occasion or another. But he decided it wasn’t for him, after all and our 12-yr-old son wound up with it (of all people, but he likes it and it smells good on him). I borrow a spray from time to time. Haven’t decided if it’s something I need to have on hand at all times yet.
Hi Sapphire. I have a bottle of Black that I can send/swap if you are wanting it. Will be back in Florida in December. I can email you in a few days with more info.
I never bought a bottle. I have a large decant and I go through phases with it. I really do enjoy it when I wear it though.
I wore this yesterday. It is sooooooo goooood! I hope your building’s super fixes the non-drying dryer because it could be a fire hazard if the vent to the outside had not been cleaned in some time.
It *is* really good. The machines are contacted out and are probably just the cheapest models. I should ask the landlord about the vents, though. It shouldn’t take 2 hours to dry a normal sized load.
I lived in a building with no washers/dryers and kind of preferred it to places where there were just a few machines for dozens of people. Doing 5 loads at once beat fighting people off just to get one load washed, then facing down fight #2 for a dryer. But I had a car and the laundromat was close by, in a strip mall with a great taqueria and a Trader Joe’s, so I could multi-task 😉
The apartment I live in now has a washer/dryer and it was finally replaced after complaining for a year that the extraction cycle in the washer wasn’t working properly. We now have a 21st century w/d and it is kind of life changing. I was hanging dry 95% of my clothes but now I can put most of them in the dryer on the delicates cycle instead of waiting days for them to air dry. And the newer machines are wayyy bigger.
But no, it shouldn’t take 2 hours to dry a normal sized load. Clogged vents can also mess with the water drainage, so that might be what’s going on. Or they’re just crappy cheap machines. 🙁
There’re only 8 units in our building so not a lot of people to contend with. Especially because no one is using them! The washers are fine and nothing’s sopping wet when it’s done. I think it’s crappy machines. But, yes, the silver lining is the laundromat we use is in a strip mall and there’s a Taco Bell/KFC next door and there’s a supermarket. I’d prefer a great taqueria and a TJs but we secretly (or openly) love TB/KFC. The laundromat closest to us is called Krispy Klean 😀
I guess I think ridiculous rents should come with perks but it’s the location we’re paying for, really. It’s actually a new, well kept building and the landlord is pretty nice. I’ve seen much worse for the same money here in Brooklyn.
Krispy Klean! Cute.
Many years ago I dreamed up a laundromat called Dirty/Clean. I can’t even remember what the concept was, but I think it was a laundry and bar. There used to be a laundromat/bar/restaurant in Seattle which made for a painless way to do laundry 🙂
Wearing Raw Silk &Red Roses by 4160Tuesdays. Don’t know how I missed this one since I love Sarah McCartney’s range. But wow! Love it. FB in the future for sure!
How is staying power? I have been really curious about this one
Mowed the lawn. Shaved my legs. It must be spring! Cristalle!!!!!!!!!
You crack me up! Every time.
You are too funny!
It’s a sign ????
Hilarious, of course I tried to imagine someone mowing his legs and shaving the lawn, but that’s just me.
Spring is the best season and Cristalle fits it wonderfully well.
Testing Amouage Opus V today. Looking forward to today’s NLDS games. Last night’s Giants-Cubs game was awesome.
I suppose I really should try to hoard a few discontinued scents…
Have a wonderful Saturday, NSTers!
SOTD is Bogue Maii. This is one fantastic scent…I use it very sparingly because a little goes a long way. I am enjoying smelling myself today!
Oh I love this one. I have a tiny sample I wear a small smear of at night – but a bottle will eventually be mine!
SOTD – Hinoki Vanilla. Feels refreshing – it is already 80 and I am sweating it at kids soccer game.
Love that one! The hinoki is soothing, the vanilla is comforting. You smell great.
I love that one too. It has a marvelous close-to-the-skin quality where you can smell it on yourselves for hours. Very relaxing and also kind of haunting when you catch a little whiff on some clothes.
Still haven’t tried that one.
Une Rose de Kandahar for this lazy rainy day. Showered with Rose Jam so pretty darned rosy around here!
Yay!! You smell awesome. Best rose frag + best rose shower gel – what can be better 🙂
Two favorites! Smelling good, Gi!
I love Rose Jam. Molton Brown has a new Rose shower gel that is also really nice.
A very cool breezy fall day. I took the kids to the mall, and stopped at Sephora. I came home with a Kat Von D liquid lipstick in Nosferatu. Apparently, I don’t already have enough red lipstick. I also revisited Atelier Camelia Intrepide. I love this scent so much. The only perfume i think about hoarding is Gucci Rush, but i have a back up bottle, which in reality is more than plenty.
I wish my Sephora had Camelia Intrepide, but they only have the basic Ateliers on hand, as well as the ones that seem to have been developed to sell in Sephora.
This Sephora just started getting more of the Atelier line. The SA told me they are not going to be carrying as much designer fragrances to make room for some of these, and hopefully some other brands that currently have to be ordered.
It’s not possible to have too many red lipsticks 😉
Wearing TF Scent, because I mentioned it above in the saffron chat. Thinking about hoarding this and Theorema, because once they’re gone, they’re gone.
It’s rainy and somewhat less miserable than when I got up…
Theorema has got to be “mostly” gone already!
I have a friend who is a serious watch collector. Because of my interest in perfume, he asked if I knew about the high-end, natural rubber straps for diving watches that are scented with vanilla. Of course, I did not, but entirely coincidentally, I had been planning to recommend that he try Bulgari Black. Now I wonder if it might have been these watch straps that inspired Annick Menardo when she created Black.
Looking for more information, I found this discussion on the watch collectors’ site,, that would be perfectly at home here on NST:
“WHY do the straps smell like VANILLA!?!?
“buffedupboy: They smell like vanilla because the scent is added to mask the smell of… rubber. Not many people like their straps smelling of car tyres. Why vanilla, because it was probably one of the least offensive-smelling scents that conveyed a sense of luxury. Actual vanilla essence is really expensive. Synthetic vanilla is what you are smelling.
“iinsic: You hit the nail on the head. Vanilla is considered an almost universally pleasing scent and is used in many forms for that purpose – perfumes, air fresheners, etc. And, of course, in cooking. Citrus and other aromas do not enjoy the same universal appeal. And, as you pointed out, nor does the smell of rubber.
“The best straps are produced by the Italian firm of Bonetto Cinturini, which has been producing high-quality rubber straps for decades. They use a proprietary blend to produce straps that are especially resistant to both salt water and UV light … and smell strongly of vanilla.
“gaijin: The vanilla smell is a maskant, used to mask the naturally unpleasant smell of rubber.
“The most powerful industrial maskant smells like bananas. Although less powerful than banana maskant, the vanilla is obviously strong enough to do the job and is more pleasant than smelling like Carmen Miranda 😉
“MaxSeven: I love the smell of fresh rubber tires. I also like the smell of petroleum, freshly cut grass and the old ditto copies (spirit duplicator) from school.
“FOOGauzie: Oh man…I forgot about that stuff. Those old blue copies that’d be warm and not quite dried when the teacher passed ’em out. I love that smell too. Probably never get to smell it again.
“MaxSeven: Purple ditto copies, that smell like sweet cream berries soaked in alcohol…
“iinsic: It’s one of my favorite scenes in ‘Fast Times At Ridgemont High’ – when the teacher passes out the tests and everyone, in unison, picks them up and sniffs them. Boy, that really took me back….
“timetellinoob: I heard they sniffed those duplicates because it produced a quick high, not because it “smelled good” =)
“iinsic: Since I started school in the mid-50s and, along with my classmates, started sniffing ditto copies the first time they were given to us (probably in the 2nd or 3rd grade), I can assure you that none of us was aware of what ‘getting high’ meant at all. We liked the smell.
“That might not be what Amy Heckerling was going for in that ‘Fast Times’ scene, though.”
Very funny! Good to know that conversations about the smell of rubber and ditto sheets occur outside our geeky realms!
Mmm loved that fresh ditto smell. I think I mostly liked the scent of warm paper.
Why hasn’t Demeter done Ditto Sheet yet? Why?!?
About 5-6 sprays of Angel Muse and smelling like the creamiest chestnut sweetness possible.
Heading to the library to pick up a dvd on hold of The Trip to Bountiful, recommended by a good friend as one of her favorites.
Will pop in Sephora on the way to see what’s new, and then home to continue to veg out. After the week I had I have no desire to do much of any work or extending my energies beyond simple weekend pleasures.
Muse is really nice once it settles down.
Sounds like a good plan. The weather is perfect for vegging today.
Enjoy the weekend veg! 5-6 sprays of Angel Muse??? No wonder I smelled it over here 😉
Wearing Mohur EDP today. Gently wafting candied roses. Didn’t get to even check yesterday’s SOTD post until very late. My movie was “You’ve Got Mail.” I have a serious fondness for all the movies Meg Ryan did in the early-mid-nineties like that one and “When Harry Met Sally” and “Sleepless in Seattle.” Still have all 3 on VHS and our little old TV in our bedroom has a VCR in it. My hubby is going to be out of town next week, so maybe will have a private little watch party. Anyhoo, the main character in YGM loves daisies, so I would have worn MJ Daisy, but I don’t have any, so I wore VCA Muguet Blanc because it’s sweet and unfussy. Might have to get a Daisy rollerball or swap for some next weekend.
I have a serious hoard of Shalimar Ode a la Vanille sur la Route du Mexique. Hubby really likes it. He is finally really letting me know what he doesn’t like (La Vie est Belle, so I guess he has good taste!). Thinking about ordering and hoarding Bvlgari Black so I don’t have to borrow from my 12-yr-old son!
H Sapphire..I have a bottle that I can send/swap with you. We are going to be back in Florida in December. I’ll email you on Monday with more info.
Sounds great. Ah, the life of a snowbird!
Haha. Good one.. I wish!!
Great pairing! I too love those old Meg Ryan movies – are you a fan of Kate and Leopold? I tried to think what she would have worn in that one. Something very unisex or a masculine I think.
Back home after our Matthew evac. Trees down (one on my street managed to thread the needle between two houses without damaging either; we all stood around and marveled at that this afternoon) and lots of debris to be cleared away, but no major damage and we, unlike many areas around here, have power. Very grateful for a new roof and underground utilities! We took down the shutters on two windows so that the house doesn’t feel like such a tomb, and will take down the rest tomorrow after we get some much-needed rest. Glad to hear monkeytoe fared well, and I hope any other NSTers in Matthew’s path did too.
SOTD was Pacifica’s Mediterranean Fig. Nothing fancy, but so bright and snappy.
Glad to hear. Crazy about that tree!
That’s great news! I was going for comfort scents as well.. Wearing Dior Addict today. We have property in Florida but live in Canada so were certainly holding our breath as Matthew roared up the coast. Thankfully there was less damage than could have been although it’s not over yet. Tomorrow I am going to wear Chanel No 19 edp and edt as I am so happy to celebrate Thanksgiving here in Canada. So many things to be grateful this year!
I’m so glad to hear you’re ok. What great luck that the tree caused no major damage!
Good news! Get some rest. I’m sure clean up is a lot of work!
What a relief! Hope life gets back to normal sooner than later.
SO glad to hear it was not any worse than that.
Comfort scents reigned – SOTD – Montale Intense Café – it was a perfect fall day and any time I got a hint of coffee or vanilla it put a smile on my face. So grateful the storm wasn’t quite as bad as some weather folks thought – and that many were able to dodge major damage. Thoughts and prayers to those who lost so much, and have to rebuild!
Housework, bookwork, gave the cat a bath and Indochine kept me moving today.
Kudos on the cat bath! We used to try and bathe our hairless cat but it was too much drama and bloodshed. I hope yours is easier with bath time.
I admire those who bathe their cats. I never have.
Oh, Petunia. You are a braver person that I. I bathe little kittens at the Humane Society, but anything bigger than that……
There’s a lot of complaining. ???? It takes two of us. I’ve learned to run the bath water before we bring hom into the bathroom which helps. I also usr a disposable cup to rinse him off. He gets a bath twice a year when I change his Seresto collar. He has to wear the collar because he is in and out of the house. I found a tick crawling on him so it was time. He’s pretty unhappy with us but always forgives.
Chanel Allure Edt, if i were to have a signature this might be it.
Nothing much else going on around these parts. Just smellin good & rain outside 🙂
Happy weekend, All!
Finally able to check in – have been without power since 2:00 am yesterday (thanks Matthew!). I live about 100 miles inland, and while we didn’t have to evacuate, we got one heck of a storm. Ended up wearing 4 perfumes yesterday (consecutively) – I think stress made them wear off more quickly than usual.
1. Hiris
2. Wood sage and sea salt
3. Philosykos
4. Musc Ravageur (this one lingered!).
I don’t want to hoard any perfume, because my collection is big enough for me. I packed a “just in case we have to leave quickly” bag, and the one perfume I chose to include? Hiris. I will definitely replace Hiris when I empty my bottle, but if it’s not available at that point, I’ll find something else to love.
Glad you are ok and hoping your power is restored soon. Depite Matthew, you’re smelling fabulous!
Wonder if that’s what I have to look forward to next week! Glad it wasn’t any worse for you.
Getting your power back is heaven, isn’t it? Hope things get back to normal quickly for you.
Just woke up (!) and feeling like I need to go back to bed. I lazed around all day yesterday after yard work and never even got out of the house afterwards. I just feel exhausted. I’m wondering if it’s the after effects of the flu vaccine I got on Thursday?
Along with my slow cooker lemon garlic chicken yesterday, I made mashed cauliflower, which turned out fabulous! I’m probably the last person on earth to try this, but it was so goood! Will make it again very soon.
SOTD is Queen, although I’m feeling like a lazy bum ????
Yum! And you’re not the last – I’ve never made it either. I love cauliflower but generally roast it since it’s so easy to do. How did you do your mash?
Very easy! Steam cauliflower for 10 mins, while that’s cooking dice a clove of garlic and sauteé. Throw steamed cauliflower, garlic, salt, pepper, 1 Tbsp low fat cream cheese and 1/4-1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese in a bowl and mash. I used my nutribullet because I’m lazy, but you could also use an immersion blender I’m sure, or bust out the big guns and use a food processor if you have one. So simple, but so GOOD! I love quick, easy, and flovarful foods.
Celebrating Canadian thanksgiving in Coco elixer. Just one of the many things I am thankful for today, including all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving from Montreal! Gorgeous cool breezy day, loving the fall colours. Wearing Patchouli Leaves to stay in the theme.
I’m also impressed that my phone knows the word “elixer” when I think I typed the word “extrait”. I’ll just say perfume next time (because it always changes the a to an e and adds an e at the end.)
Brought out the ambers this weekend. In nobiles Ambra Nera today, but much prefer Alahine amd Ambra Aurea. Think I’m going to stick to those two plus Eau de Merveilles and just use up the rest of my samples.
Good to know, I ordered a bunch of amber samples from Luckyscent yesterday, but missed Ambra Aurea. Next time.
Lazy weekend… football yesterday and finishing a book. Couldn’t believe the weather at the NC State / Notre Dame game. Or that folks stayed as long as they did. I was worried they wouldn’t get home from flooding… can’t imagine what it was like in the earlier path….
Got up early today but not motivated to go out in the rain… was reaching for Le Temps d’une Fete after reading Bois de Jasmin but my hand went right to Cuir de Lancôme… Cozy.
Yeah, we were getting that nasty weather in SW Va too. I’d have stayed home from the football game if Virginia Tech had been playing at home!
Love LTdF and Cuir de Lancome both.
Had a very lazy morning, so have just now got round to showering and putting on perfume. Some samples from Luckyscent arrived yesterday, so I’m trying out Jasmin Kama right now. Jasmine, something slightly mentholated, and powdery heliotrope so far.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our sweet smelling Canadian friends. I haven’t posted for ages, but I have been keeping up with comments most days. Can’t wait for the swap meet next week. My ‘fume budget is non-existent and I am desperate for a bottle of Rose Flash (I am running through my sample like a hot knife through butter). I will be working next Saturday, but planning ahead what to list for swapping and hope that some of my fragrant friends have an unloved bottle to share.
Right now on this rainy Sunday I smell like left over No. 19–need a shower and a warmer change of scent!
Wore YSL Cinema yesterday to see a YSL museum exhibit and lecture. I just bought a small bottle of it, unsniffed, but I have to say that it’s really growing on me.
This afternoon we’ll be seeing Cirque du Soleil perform with a local orchestra and I’m planning on wearing Misia.
I stopped by my local Nordstrom Friday and they’re now carrying Frederic Malle, so that’s exciting. I hadn’t sampled any of them because they’re so pricy so it’s a bit of a thrill to be able to do it free of charge. A sales associate helped me make the samples and was super friendly about it, so that’s appreciated as well. Also appreciate that this line is sold in 10 ml bottles.
Love those 10ml bottles and plan on getting a couple more when my No Buy ends. Were you impressed with any you tested/sniffed?
I haven’t really gotten into them yet as I had a super busy weekend.
SOTM Hermes “Vetiver Tonka”
SOTD Divine “L’Homme Sage”
SOTE Guerlain “Heritage”
Bedtime Olympic Orchids “Dev #2”
SOTM Galimard “Offrez-Lui”
SOTD Serge Lutens “Santal de Mysore”
Travelling tonight so no SOTE.
I have packed some fun-sounding things for the next 2 weeks, which will take me to Paris, Birmingham and Wroclaw. :^)