The Right Cup is a scented drinking cup to "flavor" your water without adding calories:
The Right Cup is a glass with a scented inner lining that convinces you you’re drinking a sugary fruit juice instead of good old plain H2O. Intended to curb cravings for flavored drinks, the product will help you reach the eight glasses a day of water needed with a rush of flavor.
[...] The Right Cup’s material has a proprietary Encapsulated Aroma Release technology that lines the inside of each cup. When you put water in and hold it close to your face to drink, the aroma gets sniffed while the bland water is being chugged down. The smell will “fool” you into thinking you’re drinking a flavored drink.
The cups will sell for around $35, and the company is planning a crowdfunding campaign later this month. You can read more at Cup Uses Aromas to Fool You Into Drinking Plain Water at psfk, or sign up at The Right Cup's website to be notified when they are available.
(via psfk, additional information via foodbev)
Interesting idea…one thing though. “Flavors” are experienced through the nose, but tastes (sweet, salty, etc) are actually experienced through the tongue, so I don’t know how this would trick you into thinking the water was sweet since there would be no sensation of sweet from the taste buds.
I don’t know how well it would work, but it’s an interesting idea if you really can’t stand to drink plain water (and if you don’t mind drinking out of plastic). So I give them props for the idea anyway!
Reminds me of those aroma-forks ( that I saw in Winners last week for $24.99 (and even at that price probably wasn’t worth it so I didn’t buy).
I doubt these glasses would work for me, because flavour is not scent and I’m unfortunately one of those people who doesn’t really like to drink water and prefers things to have a flavour, which is why I down such an ungodly quantity of Diet Coke.
Ha, I forgot about those forks!
I lived off diet coke for years, basically. Now I have a few of them a year, and boy do they taste good.