Happy International Chocolate Day!
We're celebrating with our usual open thread: talk about anything you like — the perfume you’re wearing today, your favorite perfume with a chocolate note, whatever.
Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer…
Note: top image is hot chocolate [background altered] by Rego Korosi at flickr; some rights reserved.
If I’d known it was chocolate day I wouldn’t be wearing Sacrebleu. For white chocolate I love Iris Ganache and Indigo Vanilla and for dark Seattle Chocolate
Seattle Chocolate’s evergreen-chocolate combo is very nice! It also features sweet poplar bud, which is supposed to smell sweet and resiny. Poplar bud is the same as Balm of Gilead, so I really do need to get a sample of Leonard Cohen’s celebuscent, Ancient Resins. Ooooo, it’s blasphemous to use “celebuscent” in the same sentence as Leonard’s name 🙂
Plus, he did not put his name on it! (although I’d have bought it even if he did)
If I’d known before this morning, I would have done a better job of stocking up on chocolate bars!
I need to unearth my. Olympic Orchids stuff and try Seattle Chocolate!
I love Seattle Chocolate!
My SOTD is Milk of Flowers. You have great taste, thegoddessrena!
Thank you. What made you decide to try it?
I’ve been wanting to for a long time, and I figured I’d better buy a bottle soon, before it is ruined by IFRA. I love the scent of stock.
Oh, and I first heard about it from you on NST 🙂
My love, Borneo 1834. Would that I had some. I would be celebrating in style!
I’m wearing my vintage Diorella. This is the first time I’ve felt comfortable the moment I put it on. It’s discreet but I keep getting little whiffs of it as I move.
Hey, you smell great! Maybe I will put on my Eau Sauvage to match 🙂
You’ll smell even better! I’m coming around to Diorella but this may be the first case where I like the brother more.
Well, I do find it easier to wear. Diorella — I have to be in the right mood!
Of course–Borneo 1834! One of my absolute faves and the only SL I truly like, in spite of wanting badly to love the others. Since I don’t have to leave the house today, I just spritzed liberally and am enjoying the dark chocolate/cocoa opening.
So nice to encounter another fan.
It’s delicious! I think I’ll buy myself an early birthday present soon I can have it for fall. Last winter I bought 5ml and I spritzed out ever last drop in no time. I love a lot of SLs but this is one of my favorites.
Dear Coumarin,
we have Bornéo 1834 in common. I adore it. In the winter, it is simply divine.
But because it still feels like summer here, my SOTD is Kai.
Once, I bought a bottle, unsniffed of 100% Love and I never could love it. I could smell it but could not wear it.
Hello all! Thought I’d drop in and say “hi,” since it’s been quite a while!
All is going well with me–just been busy with other projects! Fragrance has been pushed away from the forefront of my thoughts as I considered yard and garden design this summer and now the start of the school year.
I am listening to an LP of Jefferson Airplane’s Grown of Creation this morning. It’s a little too chill and psychadellic for my mood this morning. I’ve been working my way through my dad’s collection, and sometimes the synchronicity of a random selection really works for me, and sometimes it is out of synch. Sort of like sampling new fragrances, I guess! I will be grabbing a new Kerosene sample out of a bag to try this morning, and hopefully it will be a better fit!
Welcome! We’ve missed you. Glad that all is going well with you.
Good to see you around, Marjorie Rose. Please let us know what you think of the Kerosene.
Hi! Grabbed “Dirty Flower Factory” out of the bag. It started with a whoosh of what I perceived as orris and white flowers (I would have said tuberose, but apparently it’s jasmine and orange blossom), which was a bit much. Now that it’s settled for a few hours, it’s gotten creamier and less in-my-face sweet floral, and I’m liking it better. Might still be a bit too innocent-sweet-flowers for me, but not entirely unpleasant, either.
What a different experience of Dirty Flower Factory than mine. I didn’t get innocent at all– I got walk of shame and concluded that I really shouldn’t wear it at 8am
Wow! And I’d probably like it more if it were skankier! I will try it again certainly, and I’ll look for that darker side. 🙂
*waves and smiles back!*
Cheers! Sometimes life takes the front seat.
Hiya! Yeah–the garden project became pretty all-consuming for a 6 weeks there. . . (She says as she just returned from the garden center again!)
Gardens can do that. I was at Lowes this week and the credit card I used wasn’t signed so I asked the cashier if she needed my ID and she chuckled and said that won’t be necessary because she knows who I am. She then said “honey, you’re in here all the time. We know you.” After thinking about it she’s right, I am there an awful lot.
Glad to hear I’m not the only one.
I know the guys at the garden center, too! And I´m afraid I´m a pretty annoying costumer, always asking questions or looking for plants they don´t have.
Shoot. And I wish that they knew me better! I’ve spent nearly $1000 on garden-related stuff this summer (there goes the perfume budget for a while!), and they still seem a little unsure of me! Although I admit, I walk around with my nose half-buried in my copy of the Sunset Western Garden Book, so maybe I look too much like the newbie I am!
But you have blue hair, don’t you? One would think that’s distinctive enough. Or maybe you should let them help you get stuff into your car!
Garden center is a very compelling challenger to fragrance! We spend a portion of our extra money “grooming” our mangy woodland property. It will never be Provence, but even plants that deer don’t eat and some fencing for those plants the deer do eat cost money and attention!
Even though I am allergic, I still enjoy good chocolate! My SOTD is Tom Ford’s Santal Blush. Almost out, so I will have to get more soon. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I am too. I used to hate going to other kids’ birthday parties and finding out the cake was chocolate, because I was under strict orders from my mom to leave it alone.
These days, I just take a Sudafed and deal with the nasal congestion.
I was convinced when I was a teen that I was allergic to chocolate, since it seemed to upset my stomach. Between that and a general dislike for pizza (all that disgusting, melted cheese!), I wasn’t a very included guest at parties!
I have to watch it with chocolate, coffee, tea, red wine and some cheeses. What the heck – a little is better than none at all.
So true! And so unfair that all the good stuff is what has to be moderated – why can’t the culprit be okra or kale or something else that’s easier to say no to??
You said it! Maybe we need to invent chocolate dusted kale chips. 😉
Scent twins!
S-ex 100% Love, Missoni (orange bottle), Missoni Aqua, and La Via del Profumo Amber Chocolate are great, although I don’t wear them often because they prompt me to want to eat chocolate.
One or two of the Cartier Heures have chocolate notes – Defendu and Mysterieuse, I think – but it’s used for the bitter edge rather than the gourmand effect. Very interesting.
I also have a question. I bought a jacket on ebay that is great except that it smells like Febreze or something like that. I don’t know if it’s something the seller stored it with, or perhaps she put it in a dryer with a dryer sheet. I hung it up in an open area hoping the odor would abate, but no luck. I’m going to dry washing it by hand. If it’s dryer sheet or Febreze, how hard is it to get that stuff off? The jacket is washable but I prefer not to use much soap or having to go nuclear with Tide unless absolutely necessary.
Coumarin’s mention of Borneo is reminding me that I also love PG Cozé. I think of it as a patchouli and cannabis perfume, but chocolate is also there.
Oh my! Why haven’t I tried this yet?
Coze is awesome!
Have you tried sunlight? Sounds silly, but UV breaks down lots of molecules, and the wind can help. I’d try turning it inside & out for a sunny day each before doing anything drastic. I had a smoke coated jacket, and it worked pretty well.
Oh, that’s a great idea! I think we’ll get some sun tomorrow.
You should probably do a small patch test first for color or marking, but using 100 proof or greater vodka in a fine sprayer bottle will likely take out the smell. It is a limo driver trick to remove unwanted aromas from upholstery and surfaces.
Fascinating! I’d been thinking of looking for some high proof vodka anyway – to dilute some vintage perfumes that have gotten syrupy and that sort of thing. Thanks, Ann!
If you wash it, add 1 cup of baking soda to the rinse water. That usually works quite well for removing scent (ironic to talk about removing scent here!).
Now I’m wondering if rubbing moistened baking soda on skin would be a good way to get rid of scrubbers, too. Thanks, Rapple!
With the new chill in the air I’m enjoying SL Rousse today. I have a little decant and while I quite like it, I’m not totally in love.
I did have a pleasant surprise yesterday. I spritzed myself with L’Ambre de Merveilles at the local Sephora. I’m not sure how I missed it before, but I found myself sniffing my wrist the rest of the day. I’ll have to see if they’ll make me a sample to really test it and resist the impulse buy.
Unless they run out of atomizers and so far I have not experienced that excuse, I have never been refused a sample by Sephora. If you are going to buy it (do it do it do it), and have small hands, i would stick with the 50mL even though the 100 mLs is better value.
Interesting, I’ve been curious about that one (Ambre) and ordered some samples (I’m not very close to a Sephora or would try getting them there).
Hey guys.
I saw that a few ppl on Basenotes are having a meet up sniff in SF next weekend, may be something some of you guys would be interested in.
Givenchy L’eau en rose..which I kind of like actually:).
Thanks for the news, wish I was there!
SOTD started out as OJ Woman from the bath oil, which is a little more tame that the edp. After lunch now I’ve tried to tame it down with a very healthy blast of ipdf Ambre del Nepal, which is ramping up to be just a fantastic scent for me. Brr – I need something cuddly anyway. Thanks fragrance fairy godmother! 😉
Oops – forgot about the chocolate part. I don’t eat as much chocolate as I used to, but we always have a bag of the Lindt milk choc truffles in the house. My daughter likes everything red, and well, the wrappers are very red. It’s pretty good chocolate for me these days. Honestly, today I’d rather have some fresh hot creme brule or something like that, or some hot spiked cider. Brrr.
Hey, I would not turn my nose up at fresh hot creme brulee either! And it would go nicely with the Ambra del Nepal.
Welcome back, Marjorie Rose! Crown of Creation is great; do you have Surrealistic Pillow? ‘Comin’ back to me’ still gives me the chills.
Yes, Surrealistic Pillow is a classic!
My favorite track on Crown of Creation was the “hidden track” at the end of Side one–Chushingura. Loved how they worked the “skipping” sound of a record at the end into a musical moment! I will definitely return to the album when I want some laid-back music. 🙂
Your dad´s collection sounds amazing!
It’s been a lot of fun playing around with it! Dad is at that age that he’s cleaning out anything he doesn’t really use or want anymore. He asked if there was anything we’d be sad if it went to Goodwill, and his records were at the top of my list!
My husband is an avid record collector. Vinyl is back in vogue.
For me, this is yet another example of how staying out of fashion long enough means eventually fashions cycle back around and make me look hip! I grew up listening to my dad’s LPs because I didn’t like the popular music on the radio that my friends listened to.
SoTD is PdN Eau d’Ete. Faded almost instantly, like this summer.
SOTD is Coco, from a sample. I want an fb so bad! My favorite perfume with a chocolate is Angel. I think it’s the only perfume I actually can think of with a chocolate note, though I would love to smell more.
I love Coco! So glad I’m in for some chilly weather this week so I can break it out again. And, coincidentally, I’m wearing Angel today from a sample. I’m enjoying it and might need a bottle…
You have marvelous taste! 🙂
Oh, I forgot that Angel has a chocolate note. I will spray some tomorrow, as I am already wearing Bois Blond today.
Hmmm, chocolate perfumes. I’m not a big fan of chocolate as a note in fragrance, so my list is short. Rebelle Rose Respawn has a chocolate note, as I believe do Equistrius (though that is so subtle I never detect it!), Angel and Tauer’s Dark Passage. I think I’ll revisit Equistrius today, and sniff for chocolate.
I’m on a dietary revolution, three weeks into having given up sugar, artificial sweeteners, caffeine (except for green tea) and alcohol. Trying to be more healthful. Ungh! All this health is killing me 😀
So, no chocolate for now, maybe as a rare treat later. Sniffing it is better for my waistline!
I love to eat chocolate, but like rebeccat94 Angel is my only chocolate scent (at least that I can think of off the top of my head). Maybe I’ll put it on later today, once the Clinique Wrappings I wore for green day yesterday finally wears off!
Chocolate is for eating not wearing. I can’t think of a perfume with a chocolate note that I really like, though there’s a chance I’m completely missing something obvious. Seattle Chocolate is the only one I can think of that I have liked at all.
It is finally cooler here and I am enjoying it very much. We’ll be back in the nineties tomorrow so I’m wearing a big spritz of Ambre Sultan and heading off to clean out the tractor shed and change the spark plugs in the work truck.
I agree – chocolate is for internal consumption only!
Unfortunately, chocolate accords eventually make me feel clausterphobic. I had the same experience with Fendi Theorema (which otherwise I like) as with Chanel Coromandel. It’s like wearing a very tight wooly turtleneck that I can’t take off!
SOTD is Vol de Nuit – just wonderful. There was a house fire up the street this morning, and the entire neighborhood was out in the smoke, all of us trying to figure out if we needed to get up on our roofs (rooves?) with our garden hoses. Got acquainted with some new neighbors, which was nice, but needed a fragrance with some heft to cut through the smoke in my hair when it was all over.
Wearing Nez à Nez Marron Chic to celebrate chocolate day with its gorgeous bitter cocoa note.
How did I forget to mention that one? It’s on my fall list from yesterday
Still enjoying its dry down. 🙂
I had just bitten into a piece of Chocolove’s Crystallied Ginger in Dark Chocolate when I came in here just now. Didn’t know it was International Chocolate Day!
That’s nice – dark choc plus candied ginger. i like that one.
That’s a great bar.
Divine Dark Chocolate with Ginger is also fabulous!
I just stocked up on that bar! It’s my favorite!
My favorite chocolate perfume is PG Musc Maori.
Are you kidding me? International Chocolate day?? Why have I never heard of this?
It totally justifies my breakfast of Moose Tracks Frozen Yogurt =P
I am not a chocolate snob- I’ll eat whatever happens to come within arms reach. I love chocolate and it loves me right back. Hence, the fact that I go to spin class almost daily and twice on Mondays.
As far as perfume goes, I am totally enjoying a spritz of Coromandel. I am probably the last person on the planet to put my nose on this, and I am loving it. Thanks to my swap buddy ( *tipping my hat to AnnS*) I am smelling absolutely FANtastic! Rumor has it there is even a chocolate note in this and I am diligently sniffing it down.
I know that I read somewhere recently that a perfumer (here in the US I think) just brought out a collection of chocolate oriented scents, but for the life of me, I cant remember who…I know I made a mental to note to order some samples…obviously I should be more organized with this perfume stuff…next time I will try to remember to write important stuff down…Does that ring a bell with anyone?
Nope. I’ve never smelled Coromandel either. Actually, there are a ton of the important Chanels that I haven’t tried as well as many of the Guerlains. I probably have no right to claim perfumistahood.
Hey, we can be in the same club then! The only Guerlain I have smelled is Shalimar and the Ode a la Vanille flanker, both of which I own. Those Chanel and Guerlains are hard to find down here in the sweltering jungle (in the 90’s today…again…still.!)
Thankfully, there are fantastic blogs like this one where some very nice people gather and share knowledge and perfumes.
I’m wondering if Moose Tracks for dinner might be pushing it…;)
Don’t be silly – you’ll get there eventually. I’ve not smelled most of the Serge Lutens, Frederic Malle or Le Labo lines; none of the Santa Maria Novella… there are neglected lines for all of us. It just depends on exposure and priorities. There is just so much to smell!
So True! So MANY on my “to smell” list- I feel like I may have the perfume equivalent of ADHD.
An acquaintance recently asked me what perfume I was wearing (it was Amouage Fate Woman), so I told her how she could order a sample. The next time I saw her she had received her sample and loved it but said “I never go anywhere, so why wear it?”
I almost fainted!! I think I might have yelled something like “WEAR IT BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT!!”
She has steered clear of me since then. It’s possible I was too enthusiastic. Just sayin’…;)
So funny – I feel you, though. I get REALLY excited about certain things, and it’s hard to reel myself in when I am in the moment.
You know what else is funny? I am a very outgoing person who enjoys engaging with other people. So I usually open conversations with my co-workers. Sometimes, when I notice that someone isn’t responding to me I will back off for a couple days. And that’s when they are all up in my business:”Oh, nebbe, what’s new with you?”
Your comment just reminded me of my new tactic 🙂
Don’t you just want to stage an intervention for the poor souls who think they need a reason to wear a beautiful scent that they love? There are so many “reasons” to wear scent: because it’s beautiful; because it’s bedtime and it soothes me; because it makes me feel feminine/powerful/focused/whatever; because it makes my partner want to nuzzle my neck … because I CAN! 🙂
I think a lot of people would think we are all mental! Did you ever run into a Trekkie or fantasy football league nut? Well, to each our own, you know. I knew a guy who collected hundreds of vintage precious moments figurines. Not my thing, you know, but whatever.
Perhaps you are thinking of Olympic Orchids two new scents: California Chocolate and Seattle Chocolate.
(No affiliation, just a fan of Ellen Covey)
Didn’t know about Olympic Orchids but I went on a wild goose chase and finally found what I was thinking of-
It was En Voyage with a trio of chocolates- (no affiliation)
Love Indigo Vanilla
I’ve seen this one mentioned by several herw in the comments- that’s always a good testament. I think I am going to be placing a sample order this weekend. Thanks for the recommendation =)
Grrrr, just about everything is out of stock!
Oy, ignore this one…I hope I didn’t start any rumors. The out of stock comment was for Mink Chocolate! (I think I need chocolate)
Chanel’s Les Exclusifs have been such hits for me. I have settled for decants, but I would buy full bottles of Coromandel, Bois des Isles, Beige and Bel Respiro if I could. Oh, and 28 La Pausa, which I just wore to an important meeting yesterday. See? They sure work for me!
oh, I’m pretty sure decants will be the way I go as well. Just doesn’t make sense to have FB’s of everything. Coromandel lasts forever on me and with just the teensiest spritz! I don’t think I could ever make it through a FB. =)
I haven’t tried Coromandel yet, but it has a cocoa note on my mom.
I have a few things with chocolate notes, but I never really smell the chocolate. I have Cocoa Rose, Missoni and Angel. They all smell good but none of them chocolate as a top note.
I’m continuing the green vein from yesterday with Niki de Saint Phalle. Happy weekend, all!
I just bought a mini of the Niki de Saint Phalle with the intertwined snakes. Coincidentally, I visited a home yesterday where there was an oversized Niki de Saint Phalle sculpture in the entrance foyer.
No SOTD yet, but I like lots of perfumes with a chocolate note: the aforementioned Angel, Dark Passage, Coze, and also L de Lolita Lempicka. I also get a chocolate note in Rose Anonyme. Maybe I’ll wear one of these in honor of the day.
I absolutely cannot manage cocoa or chocolate notes in fragrance. Just… just no.
As for the edible stuff, I like dark chocolate. Favorite is Ritter Sport Dark Chocolate with whole hazelnuts in it – yum.
I love Ritter Sport! I like the mint ones.
Mals, I recall you mentioning Ritter Sport…I’ll have to look for it around here (I frequent Wegmans).
Got my Ritter Sport Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts! It will be this week’s “project”.
Was up and out early today and had some spare time to stop by Saks where I sniffed CK’s new Reveal (initial spray liked, but wasn’t into it 20 min later), and Cuir Beluga which I scrubbed off when I got home as the vanilla made me nauseous. I can see the attraction, I just can’t handle large amounts of vanilla…
Sampling a little 24, Faubourg and really lovely mix of orange blossom and amber. Good for fall too!
For chocolate I think the one scent I really love with this note is Rose Rebelle Respawn – don’t forget the Respawn on this one!
I get a lot of amber from 24 Fauborg. But despite that, it’s really nice. 🙂
Hi Missionista! Yes, that and patchouli is more noticeable at this point.
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Oooh, that’s too bad about the Cuir Beluga…can’t wait for my FB!
Yes, I thought of you on this one 😉
Looks like Fall has arrived in TX – it’s a chilly 75 degrees this afternoon. Get out your parkas!
I swung by Dillards and sniffed the new Shalimar Souffle. No tester, but she sent me home with a sample spray. It’s nothing like Shalimar – a very soft lemony opening and then very light, sweet vanilla &clean musk. It’s closer to Parfum Initial than it is to the original Shalimar. It’s not bad, better than most of those powerhouse sugar bombs out there, but I prob. don’t need a bottle! The SA (who’s a Samsara fan) didn’t seem impressed by it either. My 16 year old niece might like it.
No chocolate today…. but now I have a good excuse to get some!
I’m with the others who prefer to eat chocolate than wear it. And I do love to eat it. : ) I’m wearing a dab of Shalini as we’re going out for a special dinner tonight.
If I had some, I’d eat some Taza (Chocolate Mexicano Disc) Vanilla or Coffee today. But, sadly, I am out. I did put some dark choc chips on my oatmeal this morning.
In Chocolate News, the winner of the best-chocolates-around international contest was Mint Chocolate’s Mermaid’s Choice. They are really close to work, so might need to make a trip there one afternoon break.
Thank you for chocolate news! Cannot find this product online.
That would be Mink (with a K) Chocolates in Vancouver:
http://www.minkchocolates.com/ (no affiliation).
The winning bar is Mermaid’s Choice — ganache filled with burnt caramel, fleur de sel and a hint of rosemary in 70% cacao. Sadly, sold out at the moment due to overwhelming demand.
And, no, I haven’t tried it. Wasn’t even aware of them — Vancouver has no shortage of good chocolate.
Thank you! That sounds fabulous.
Almost everything is out of stock…will have to check back in in a few weeks!
Once upon a time CSP’s Amour de Cacao was THE default chocolate scent, but nobody’s mentioned it yet! I wear it every time I need something that feels cozy and comfortable, and I know it will never offend anyone.
I remember that one, it was big on MUA.
…and i would consider it a cheap thrill (or basically free in perfumista dollars) at $29 for 30mLs at LuckyScent.
That is the one I was going to mention lower down 😉
I do find many chocolate fragrances a little suffocating – as someone else mentioned above – but this one has this slightly malty cocoa pops-in-milk feel and somehow I never feel choked in it. In fact, given that it only set me back about $45 for 50mls, it has worked out to very good value for me. I have considered Bois de Filao (by CSP) in the past but never made up my mind. The others don’t appeal to me much…
I really like Triple Vanilla and Cacao by Phoenix Botanicals (PB). It doesn’t last long, but it’s great and it combines nicely with PB’s Meadow and Fir at bedtime. Very comforting.
My baseball team is losing 17 to 0, so I am in need of some comfort 🙂 Now, where did I put those PB samples?
No one has mentioned this yet…VC&A Orchidee Vanille has a chocolate note. I also like Tokyo Milk Bittersweet and I own a set of the Nobile 1942 Le Petit Chocolatier.
Mmm, chocolate.
I have a question. Rihanna Rouge smell, imo, almost alike the old Sonia Rykiel scent (with the very bad name) For women, not for men, only sweeter. Does that mean that Bottega Veneta also is a sister scent to the Rykiel one?
We dont have Bottega in Sweden yet, so I can’t test it myself.
I had no idea today was Chocolate Day!
Perfumes I like with a chocolate/cocoa note are Angel PDC, Rossy de Palma, Vraie Blonde and Dior Homme.
My SOTD has been Gucci Rush. I traded in my car today. My lease was ending soon so I traded in for an upgrade. I got a good deal on a model I didn’t think i could afford. So it was a good day.
Big congrats on the car! I’m hoping to upgrade soon myself.
No SOTD yet. I had forgotten until Hajusuuri mentioned it that Orchidee Vanille has a dark chocolate note, so it would have to be my favorite, though it really isn’t the main focus of the scent. I do occasionally enjoy wearing Jo Malone Blue Agave and Cacao and the Bitter Orange and Chocolate. Both are packed up at the moment as we are still waiting to move into our new house, but I know where to find them. My favorite dark chocolate is Lindt black currant and almond.
Yes, I was thinking of that Jo Malone. One of my earlier fume purchases. Been a while since I’ve used it.. and last I heard it is on their discontinued list.
Pacifica’s Mexican Cocoa has been likened to Jo Malone’s Blue Agava and Cacao. I own both (I have the alcohol-based Pacifica, not the solid), but I’ve never compared them. The Pacifica is very spicy, which I like, but it has too much almond for me.
I plan to visit my daughter in Minneapolis next month and wondered if anyone could recommend places for good perfume shopping. Thanks!
Sunday SOTD is Gucci Rush, from a smallish sample. All I’m getting is cotton candy and a little musk – not what I would have expected based on the reviews I’ve read. Must be my skin today, or maybe my nose is just off.
One that no one has mentioned – Santal Majuscule. In particular I love the deep dark black cocoa smell on my clothes the day after!
I put on A*men yesterday and it just so happened that it was chocolate day. If I knew, I could probably have gone with Angel too. Today, I’m wearing a sample of Si. Can’t say that I’m in love with it. It’s just ok I guess.
I wore A*men yesterday and didn’t even know it was chocolate day. I could’ve also gone with Angel. Wearing a sample of Si today and can’t say I’m crazy about it. It’s ok though and it doesn’t bother me while wearing it.
Gosh I haven’t had chocolate in ages. A couple of years ago I would eat loads of it. But I have had chocolate cake, if that counts.
Oops, sorry for the same comment, my first one wasn’t showing at first.