French niche line L'Artisan Parfumeur will launch Séville à l'Aube, the fragrance designed by Denyse Beaulieu of Grain de Musc and developed by perfumer Bertrand Duchaufour. The scent's inspiration and development was detailed in Beaulieu's book The Perfume Lover.
...Séville à l’aube is an orange blossom oriental with zesty, green and balsamic effects, with notes of petitgrain, petitgrain citronnier, orange blossom absolute, beeswax absolute, incense resinoid, Luisieri lavender absolute and Siam benzoin resinoid.
L'Artisan Parfumeur Séville à l'Aube is a limited edition, will be available in 100 ml Eau de Parfum. It is expected to launch in July.
(quote via graindemusc, additional information via
Update: see a review of Séville à l'Aube.
I have tried it. It is truly great. Bendel’s won’t be getting it until late August/September, but I will be in Europe in the summer. There had better be some for sale in Berlin!
I’m not sure if the version I tried is the final version (actually, pretty sure it isn’t), but what I tried was wonderful. Not sure how we’ll review it since we all know Denyse, but hopefully we’ll find a way.
Oh goodie! Sounds wonderful!
Will test it asap and write my thoughts to the best of my abilities.
I don’t know Denyse … 😉
Just spoke to them. For Europe it will be the end of July bor both bottles and samples 🙁
Robin, did you get the little round black sample bottle? That’s the final version.
No, I don’t think I have that one.
I’ll ship you some as soon as I manage to get to the post office!
I am *dying* to try this. I’ve been reading Denyse’s blog for years and can’t wait to smell this AND read the book at the same time.
If anyone has magically procured a sample that I can buy from them, let me know! July sounds sooooo far away.
Good luck!
How exciting! My local LAP stockist is not brilliant but I have several trips to London planned for this summer so I’m hoping I’ll get to try this sooner rather than later.
HA — I don’t even have a local LAP stockist, so you’re still one up on me!
How exciting to get a perfume inspired by your book developed! It sounds wonderful too.
Ooh, I can’t wait to try this! And the book is at the top of my reading list. I’ll have to head into London and procure some samples!!
When I was in Paris last month the L’Artisan shop on Rue Sèvres had a tester bottle. While I only sprayed it on paper, it was very enchanting and I kept going back to sniff it, over and over and over again. Wishing I had tried it on my skin. I’m hoping I can find it here in CA once it’s released, because who knows when I’ll ever get back to Paris.
Oh, goodie! I’m going to Paris in a couple of weeks, so I shall definitely try it.
I don’t know when I’ve been more excited about a new release. Have read her blog for years, and knowing she posts here make it that much more exciting.
Anyone know what the lasting power and sillage of this one is like?
Merlin, I’ve been wearing the final formula since last September and I can vouch it is long-lasting and quite the sillage monster — that’s something Bertrand Duchaufour and I were especially keen on achieving.
Long lasting sillage monster? Now that is music to my ears. I must get some ASAP. I’ll be getting the book too.
That makes 2 of us!
Just adding this, for those of you who might not know it, I’m Denyse, and I’m thrilled beyond words that my “baby” is so eagerly expected, and getting so much love from the people who’ve tried it — there’s really been a lot of love put into it over the year and a half we worked on the development. How couldn’t there be? It was a dream come true!
Denyse, this literally gives new meaning to the expression “a dream come true.” I just ordered a copy of the book, and the fragrance sounds sublime – am wating with great anticipation for it to be come available. Contratulations.
Can. Not. Wait. For. This.
Eagerly (and impatiently) awaiting the release! Congratulations Denyse!
I tried it! So heady and delightful I wanted to dive in. Even without knowing the story, the sensuality and heat is palpable! Denyse, Bertrand, J’adore!!
Sounds wonderful. I may have to lemming this. Any idea of the cost?
this is a must have! wish it wasn’t limited edition!
OH NO! I didn´t understand until I read blugardenia´s comment that it is a limited edition!
Sounds absolutely divine; so that means one will have to stock up then…
I just KNOW it will be love at first sniff!
Long lasting AND sillage monster; those words are music to my ears! 🙂
Have the book already, but haven´t started reading it yet. What a lovely idea to read it WHILE wearing the fragrance!