Happy May Day!
The usual open thread drill: tell us anything you like — what your perfume is today, the last perfume you bought, the next perfume you're planning to buy, whatever. Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer. We're also happy to hear any complaints or suggestions you might have.
Two quick notes: I'm out of PXA tickets. If you still need a ticket, try Perfume Smellin' Things.
And some of you may remember that when we moved Now Smell This to a new domain in late March, we lost some of the old comments. I've now restored all of them that I can find, but I know some are still missing. If you should happen to come across an article that you're pretty sure used to have comments but they're not there, I'd much appreciate it if you'd leave a comment on that article to let me know.
Note: image is Lily of the valley by tanakawho at flickr; some rights reserved.
OK, here’s how crazy I am. I fell in love with Muscs Koublai Khan, but can’t buy a full bottle until it becomes an Lutens export next holiday season (well, unless I break down and fly to Paris), so I just bought Annick Goutal’s Musc Nomade to temporarily appease my now-awakened musk lust at parfum1 with their awesome discount. Redonkulous. But hey, I figure, it’s a good summer musk, and if I can’t douse myself in MKK until this winter, all the better for my co-workers and loved ones, right? :^)
Works for me, esp. if you got a great price!
I did the same thing, but also dumped my decant of MKK into the Goutal to make it dirtier…
Bond No. 9 kindly scent me a sample of the new Astor Place….
I’m about to scrub it off. For me it’s everything I don’t want in a fragrance, It’s loud and screeching and it’s probably got every flower known to mankind in it. It’s so perfumey, UUGH:-( There’s no way a man would dig this scent
I am looking for a new fragrance for my kids to get me for mother’s day and this will not be it! I’m dying to smell the new Rose Praline by Rosine, I don’t even like rose and that one sounds like it smells delish! I read somewhere it was for the “Gourmet Mother”… has anybody smelled it? Would love to know! Also I’m ordereing a sample of Peche Cardinal soon, too many good reviews lately. I love me some peach!
then you will LOVE Peche Cardinal—-it smells just like peach juice.
I’ve only given AP 1 quick try so far, but didn’t have any sort of strong reaction to it in either direction. Don’t think it’s going to be one of my favorites though.
And will be no help — have not smelled the Rosine or the MDCI.
Rose Praline is very gourmandy indeed. The opening is a very sweet and candied rose. That cavity-inducing beginning puts me off a bit but give it a good hour, and the sweetness dissipates to a gorgeous, vanilla-swirled rosy jam, possibly hints of marzipan.
Wearing EL Bronze Goddess because it washes off easily. Singing in a performance of Beethoven 9 tonight, and we’ve been instructed to not wear anything scented. So, here’s my question: if you were in my position, but could wear any perfume you wanted, what would you wear to sing the Ninth? (It’s such a masterwork that I hope it’s as well known as I’m thinking…) I’m at a bit of a loss…nothing that I own really matches the joyful, powerful tone of the music and text. Any ideas?
Oooh! The Ninth! In German?? Must be, oh, fourteen years since I’ve sung that. I quit singing with that group because I’d moved, and my current group could not manage it (small town). Which part do you sing, M? Are you suffering with the sopranos through those seventeen measures of high A?
If I could sing the Ninth, perfumed, I’d pick Amouage Lyric. Glorious! Freude, schoene Gotterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium…
I wish I could be there to listen! Bois des Ilse parfum comes to mind.
Joy parfum, surely!
whoops, meant it to go under the original comment: sorry
Actually, I’m lucky to live in a large city, and the university I attend is in a growing phase, so we’re just now starting to put on some really large productions; we did our first full chorus opera this year. And no, I’m an alto/tenorette, but I feel for you guys. We had enough notes at the top of our range to appreciate those 13 m. of As…
Hm, I always think of Beethoven as so sombre and dignified, even the most exuberant pieces; maybe L’heure bleue?
He is, frequently. But the Ninth is the Ode to Joy (Schiller’s poem set to music), and it’s very exuberant and grand. Very LOUD throughout a lot of the choral parts, too. And since Beethoven didn’t really write with sympathy for the human voice (unlike Mozart, Handel, or Mendolssohn), it’s all quite tiring to sing and requires a lot of energy, so I wouldn’t recommend anything that leans toward the quiet, gloomy, or sleep-inducing.
I agree. While most of Beethoven’s works lean towards having some degree of melancholy, the lyrics of the Schiller clearly take care of this problem, (the bari solo at the beginning of the 4th mvt.), and the rest of the movement is some of the most elated music imaginable. I love L’heure bleue, but doesn’t seem quite right. Joy, Lyric, and Arpege…I will have to try those!
Well if you’re singing “Freude, freude” (joyful joyful) I guess you should wear Joy! Or Happy.
Makes a lot of sense. Except that I really don’t like either one of them. (Gasp! a perfume fan who doesn’t like JOY??? I plead guilty.)
Lanvin Arpege!!
Is that Lyric really that good?
Lyric is completely awesome. I thought Gold and Dia were, um, sort of perfumey and huge and So Not Me, and I was totally over Amouage and their fancy packaging and their exclusive faaaaabulosity. (Sorry, I have my snark on today. Except for Ludwig and Lyric.) But I read some reviews – including Angela’s, which is a terrific piece of writing, go read it – that made me rethink trying it. Lyric is, in my opinion, one of those rare scents that have a personality, a wholeness that transcends description of notes. It is beautiful. I am eagerly, eagerly awaiting a split of it toward the end of the month.
mals: You know you’re not the only eager one 🙂 Can’t wait! And have you tried either of the Jubilations? You may want to consider those too (budget be damned).
kayliana: Try a sample sometime. Both the men’s and women’s are beautiful.
Regarding Amouage, I’m most curious to sniff Ubar (have never tried the Golds or Dias either, nor the women’s Jubilation yet).
Yes! I am sitting here with bated breath waiting for the split….
My rec’s would also be the Lyric, and then Guerlain’s Nahema, and Dior’s Dioressence — beautiful frags that are complicated, classic, and take a long time to get where they are going…to beautiful finishes!
Joe, have not tried the Jubilation. Based on the notes, it doesn’t really sound like my thing, and I’m attempting to limit the number of things I sample in order to limit the number of things I buy… TRYING here, people. Think of my poor, sad, bank account. Stop telling me about all the gorgeous stuff out there I haven’t tried yet!
Okay, okay, you can tell me… twist my arm… tempt me with descriptions of luscious smells…
Ann, I was so sad that my Nahema experience was less than the gorgeousness that everybody else seems to get. (In case you missed my whining, I got faint rose, then soap, then Nuthin’! Smelled just like Jaipur on me, which is leading me to believe that I am simply anosmic to something in there.) Curses!
Mals – I was out of town and totally away from internet for a few days, so I missed any Nahema discussion….That is so sad! But you know the story is that there is actually no rose in it at all, so it must be a mess of accords for you. I have tons of troubles with musks, so I feel you about frags that don’t work. We’ll have to find another rose for you to like! And aren’t you just “lucky” that Lyric is the one you like?
Joe, I think you are a bit of an enabler! Smiling at the “budget be damned” comment! And thanks for the tip re: Parfumerie Generale Tubereuse Couture. I will add it to my “to sample” list which never ever seems to get any shorter! 😉
Was wearing a sample of Versace (Signature) for women this morning but it faded very quickly. I did find it appealing and it did hold my interest while it lasted. I would like it for casual wear but it’s not a must have and the negative lasting power makes it not bottle worthy for me.
So now I just spritzed on some Stella for a little afternoon rosey pickmeup.
Lyric is the best of the lot that I’ve had the opportunity to sample. However, I am practically gnashing my teeth to get hold of some Amouage Ubar…. oops gonna be late to the school….darn I hate missing out on the Friday poll!
Hey Daisy, it worked. But I didn’t really want this picture of my eye with no mascara. I was just experimenting. I really need to get the extra cash for samples from Lucky scent. Lyric Women is out of my price range, even if I love it. Sigh, you pay for guality I guess.
I’m wearing Envy…because it’s sitting on my desk.
-the eye
LOL good going Eye,
hey, the picture is small so who knows whether you’ve got mascara on or not. At least we can tell it’s a face…there are a few that the picture is so shrunk it’s hard to tell what it is! In the end, that is a big reason why I picked one, small, distinct object. But it is pretty easy to go in and make a different choice. I love the gravatars, they really help me to identify and remember who I’m talking to.
K-To me, yes Lyric is amazing. So much substance and depth, I also wear Dia, and it’s lovely too, but bigger sillage to my nose. The trouble is, all the Amouage scents are very pricey.
SOTD: PdN Balkis. Which I really like, but I’m about to decide I don’t really need. Especially since I also loved Le Temps d’Une Fete and Just une Reve.
… wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
If I’m going to have an earworm, An die Freude is a darn good one.
Hope the performance goes well, M.
It went as well as can be expected from a volunteer orchestra…certainly not bad, but some intonation issues in the violins, and some fatigue issues in the 3rd. Otherwise, it went very well, and we had a nice crowd.
I would not have thought I needed Balkis either, but am surprised of how much of the Balkis Light I’ve used up (it was a gift).
I just got one of the Bond #9 solid perfume compacts in Nuits de Noho, and its yummy! Its going with me to Alaska along with L’Heure Bleue, several of my Demeters and two more decants of I haven’t decided yet! But, Bronze Goddess is up there on teh list to buy and just wrap up real good in socks and take with me, remind me of my sunny home here while I’m up in 4 feet of snow (there’s still snow on the ground up there! EEEEP).
You’re going to Alaska for a temporary work thing? Or do I misremember?
When do you leave?
SOTD: Timbuktu. I haven’t worn it much since replacing my 100ml bottle a few months back, but today is gloomy and it feels right. I love that it’s incense with just enough sweetness to brighten it.
I hate lemmings. And I hate all the NEW lemmings that keep distracting me. I’m trying to steel myself and just go ahead and buy the MDCI sample set before my monthly budget is blown (today is monthly payday, so I’d better spend it fast).
mals: I just passed up buying a partial bottle of Balkis because I realized even though I love it, I’d never actually wear it very often. I’m content with my sample, and if I really need some, I guess I’ll get a decant sometime. But cravings are soon replaced by others.
Happy May Day to all my fellow hard workers out there! (hmm, but I’m commenting from the office… woops)
Buy the sample set, now!
Robin et al., I paypalled the 55 euro over to MDCI yesterday. Done. So that means no more lemmings all month, right? HA!
I’m sure nothing else interesting will launch 😉
Joe, I think you will be happy with your MDCI sample set. I just received mine today and they look like about 10 ml each. A total bargain at $15 a piece. My next sample set order will be going out next week. I will get the 4 from the line that I didn’t include in my first sample set and my favorite scent from the first to complete the set of 5. That is unless they put out another scent in the meantime.
Thanks, Divinem. I’m sure I’ll be happy with them, from what I’ve heard. They now offer a 7-sample set for 77€, which I thought about… but I decided I didn’t need Rose Siwa at all and could live without Péché Cardinal, Ambre Topkapi, & Promesse de l’aube. I still really want to sample Péché, but figured I could swap for 1ml or 2ml of it at some point.
Yes, do it now….a wise man once said “budget be damned” ….can’t quite place the quote….
I pretty sure it was a perfumista!
yeah, probably some trouble causing enabler….
I’m wearing a not much loved fragrance – Missoni. Felt like the perfect pick-me-up scent to wear on this cloudy day. It’s working!
Happy that I just ordered the Annick Goutal Matin d’Orage rollerball at Saks – unsniffed. Oh well! I’m sure I’ll like it, though. I don’t currently own any Annick Goutals, and this seemed like a perfect buy. I had a 15% off coupon, plus free shipping, so it was just over $25. 🙂
I’ve had bottles of Eau d’Hadrien, Eau de Charlotte, and Le Jasmin in the past, all of which disappeared from my collection long ago. I need to get crackin’ on trying their other scents!
Hope you’ll love the AG — that was a great price!
I hope so, too! Just read LTs review, and ugh. He detects a woody amber note that’s “…as comfortable as having your dental plaque blasted away by ultrasound.” Hmmm…!
Didn’t strike me that way…guess you’ll have to keep your fingers crossed!
Hey, I’d rather have it blasted away by ultrasound than scraped, so maybe I’ll like the scent!
Karin –
I’ve been a big fan of Missoni from the beginning…..and it is curious that more people don’t like it, but I suppose that’s the beauty of fragrance – there is something for everyone. I’m thinking about getting a big bottle of Missoni now that it’s showing up at some of the online discounters…..I would be disheartened if it was discontinued. Do you get compliments on it? I find people always comment on it when I wear it.
Glad that somebody likes the Missoni. There’s so much going on in it that, to me, it felt like being forced to sit next to my husband on the couch while he zaps through all 600 of the dish network stations on our tv, without being able to seize the remote and make him stop. Dizzy-making.
It’s good that we all like different stuff. I just know that there’s somebody reading my comments and thinking, “You love Just Une Reve??? What are you, nuts?” 🙂
Hi mals. I went on a PdN bender last year – purchased four scents within the span of a few months or so – one of which was Juste un Reve. I put it to bed all winter, and am anxious to try it again. I broke out Cococabana last week, and just wore Temps d’une Fete yesterday. Latest purchase was Sacrebleu, which is my favorite – but it’s more of a cool weather scent, so I’m sad to say, it’s gone into hiding for awhile. I also have Eau Turquoise which is so unusual…
LOL —a PdN Bender !!! that’s a new classic.
Hi Marko! When I wear it, I imagine being in Italy. 🙂 I think it’s a fun, unique fragrance. Haven’t worn it enough yet to elicit any compliments, but I work from home, so not many of my fragrances see the light of day. Perhaps I need to get out more and waft some scent around. Ha!
Hi Marko,
Yes – I definitely always get more compliments wearing Missoni than anything else (even from complete strangers on the bus). Funny, because perfume savvy girlfriends don’t particularly rate it and it’s not even in my ‘top 10’ favorites… but I like to wear it for the compliments. I’ll miss these if it’s discontinued!
Un Jardin Sur le Nil, because I ran out of the house without putting any fragrance on and I have a small bottle of it in my desk … but at lunchtime I’m going to buy me a new bottle of Dzonghka, since I’ve blown through my first one, Another question for a Lazy Day Poll: what fragrances are best to wear on a day when you had to run out without taking a shower??
Any citrus-y cologne! Or maybe that’s why people buy Clean Shower Fresh?
That’s a hilarious poll question. I skipped a shower this morning and am wearing Timbuktu, as I said… but I actually do that on purpose once or twice a week. Sorry if this grosses out the hygiene freaks, but I actually start thinking about how it’s better for my skin, better for the environment, etc. to not shower every dang day. But it’s not as if I run 5 miles daily or work in a coal mine either. I hear my grandmother saying, “I’ve never washed my hair every day in all my life” (of course, my hair’s all buzzed off, but you get the point).
I think, you are no pariah here…perhaps we should consider that one of the reason’s for the existence of perfume in the first place is to accentuate or mask body odors, and I’m sure most of us don’t stink nearly as much as we think we do, thanks to deoderants, etc. I often notice that fragrance smells better and sticks around longer when I’m applying something in the afternoon on my skin that’s not been washed since the morning – something about the extra skin oils seems to make some fragrances perform better.
It is better for your skin, hair, environment, everything. My housemate showers about once a week and it’s really annoying because he never stinks even after all that time. I’m a slimeball and can’t go more than a day. I know I shouldn’t wash my hair every day, so sometimes I just condition it. This guy I see showers twice a day, and washes every inch of himself twice each time. I would be nothing but a big skin flake.
Today is a perfect balmy, drizzly spring day when all the bright green buds and pink flowers look perfect in the damp. In honor of the perfect cool spring day, I am wearing Annick Goutal’s Heure Exquise – one of my fav’s – just enough rose, just enough iris to promise more spring flowers, and just enough warmth with the gorgeous sandalwood to be just wonderful! (If it had been sunny are warmer I’d have worn No 19 though…)
Same weather here! Wanted to wear Diorissimo but seemed all wrong w/ the weather.
Today I am wearing Habanita from my new bottle of parfum that arrived yesterday!!! (have been wanting for ages and income tax refund and a deal on the bay made this ship finally sail!)
Robin, how’s the quest for Diorissimo, hmmmm?
Sort of gave up. Don’t want the reformulated version. Maybe one day I’ll run across a vintage bottle at a garage sale, that’s my dream.
SOTD: Lanvin’s Vetyver. It’s almost gone now, after 5 hours. Later, I will probably put on Azuree.
I want to buy an incense fragrance for a man who I know professionally, and who has been a real mentor to me this past year. Any recommendations? Not looking for sexy here, just something nice.
I’ll be biased here and throw out faves Timbuktu and (if you’re feeling flush) Jubilation XXV (see if you can still snag one of those 30ml “travel” bottles). Those are probably my favorites among several.
Gucci Pour Homme (original).
Oh, so many good ones! Depends how much you want to spend, but some to consider might include Avignon, Josef Statkus, Incense Extreme, and Bois d’Encens. Those all have predominant frankincense notes; L’Air du Desert Marocain is also fabulous, but the incense is joined by all sorts of other good things.
Hi! I’m also a great admirer of Timbuktu. I prefer the incense fragrances that have a more exotic vibe (versus the “I smell like a church” association. The other one I’m crazy about (and own) is Comme des Garcons Kyoto. It’s just wonderful!
Does anyone apply perfume without benefit of a sprayer, and if so, how? I have a very expensive bottle of Jicky parfum and I don’t want to waste any with mistakes! I have an idea, but I’m opening to suggestions!
Also, wearing Caron’s Pour un Homme and PdN’s Maharadja to see if I can justify owning both…I own the Caron, but do so enjoy Maharadja!
You can use the stopper & then wipe it with a cloth, that’s easiest.
Hi Jared,
I’ve been told that the idea behind pure perfumes with stoppers is that one applies the perfume on the skin directly from the stopper, so that one’s own skin particles, grease from the skin, etc. mixes (a little bit) with the perfume juice…
That way a little bit of one’s own body odour is added to the fragrance — and that’s why one should never share a perfume (if used with this stopper-to-skin technique).
On the other hand, my great-uncle was a perfumisto and alsways scolded people for employing this techinque, because he felt it polluted the scent. While I can see that there might be some truth behind this, I still feel the idea of mixing a wee bit of personal fragrance with perfume is super romantic…
It is sort of a romantic idea but if you expect that bottle to be in use for a very long time —I know that some of us have a lot of bottles so it could take years to use any one all up—you might not want to be introducing bacteria to the juice. If you are going to wear it everyday and probably finish the bottle off within six months to a year then you’re fine with applying the stopped directly to your skin.
I don’t know if this would work for you….but when I need just a drop of a fragrance oil (for body butter or whatever I’m concocting at the time) I grab one of those skinny coffee stirrer straw doo-hickeys and dip the end into the oil–finger over the other end to hold a drop in the straw— that would allow you to “extract” one drop at a time from your bottle…and a package of those tiny straws is pretty cheap. Just make sure you don’t dip too deep, or you’ll get more than one drop. Just an idea
Oh, great idea! Thank you all- this makes me much better 🙂
I’ve been wearing Allure by Chanel forever and love it but can anyone suggest something different to try that I might love?
Looks like we have our next victim, I mean candidate, for Monday Mail!
heheheheh –let us at her!
Hi Sharon! I actually wore Allure on my wedding day a few years ago. 🙂 Haven’t worn it much since, though. I’ve discovered too many other wonderful scents. Do you want to try something completely different, or are you looking for something similar to Allure? If different, give us some hints on the types of notes you like. If similar, since Allure is somewhat of an abstract floral/oriental, one of my favs is Juicy Couture. Others to try that you might like, Tom Ford’s Black Orchid Voile de Fleur, Guerlain’s L’Instant, or perhaps Dolce and Gabbana’s The One?
Best way to find a new scent is to get out there and start spraying. 🙂
Hi Sharon: I have some Allure that I used to wear a few years ago, so recently I’ve smelled some frags that I think are similar, but with a little more oomph: Boucheron “B” – richer and fruitier (and it’s now available at discounters so not so $$$), the 2008 release of St. John fragrance which has a really nice fruit/vanilla thing (also similar to B), and then my fav of this bunch, YSL Cinema which is very warm, sunny, floral vanilla; and if you really want to splurge, you can try Montale’s Velvet Flowers which is similar to all the above, except with a nice exotic saffron note on top. Good luck!
Today is cool and gloomy, so I’m wearing Alix, by Henry Jacques Perfumes. It’s a spicy/amber scent but wears very close to the skin.
I don’t know that brand.
It’s a niche line of essential oil perfumes, now carried in a small boutique in SF. Chandler Burr visited SF last year and reviewed a few, commenting that they were “unwearable”….
Saks used to carry the line a long time ago. There are a few old bottles that I have b/c I used to sell the line. I don’t know if they even make it anymore.
It feels like spring today- so am wearing Diorissimo, which was my most recent purchase (I can’t smell much even tho’ I sprayed a LOT – so i couldn’t resist spraying a little bit of Un Lys too on one of my wrists..:))..I think the perfume I want to buy next is Montale Black Oud- which I probably won’t as it might be a bit much for spring and summer..Ofcourse- the perfume which is always on my to buy list is Tuberose Criminelle. I will probably satisy my tuberose craving by buying a a bunch of tuberoses from the farmer’s market on Saturday…:)
Diorissimo is so beautiful. I am seriously considering picking up a bottle or large decant. It is lovely.
I got mine from fragrancenet for a reasonably good price(had a $10 off coupon and it was listed at 10 $ lower than retail), but I am feeling a slight tinge of regret..I feel like I’m in an olfactory version of Emperor’s new clothes..lol I cannot smell it on my skin!!..it seems to have a lasting power of like 10 mins on my skin and even then I get only hints of its beauty..:( I am wondering if that is because this is a reformulated version?
I know another woman who has major lasting problems with Diorissimo – only about 1 hour on her skin before it disappears. I’m lucky – it lasts for about 3 -4 on my skin, but even though I think it is very beautiful, I’m not always a lotv gal, so I can’t decide if it’s worth it for me to buy a full bottle (and I did see it on fragrancenet too). I doubt it’s a reformulation problem. You could always go to scent splits or another website and sell off decants, etc.. if you have some regret.
Has YSL’s Opium, Guerlain’s Nahema, Amouage’s Ubar or Dior Homme been reformulated?
Don’t know about the Dior Homme, but the others, yes.
Dear Robin, Thank you for the reply. I’m deeply saddened to know of the reformulations.
“Accidentally” layered Un jardin sur le nil over Origins ginger essence body lotion. I’m really loving this combination. Any other really “ginger” fragrances I should try?
I don’t know of any ginger fragrances… no, no, I’m not reading the suggestions! I don’t need any more lemmings!!!… but I always have BBW Orange Ginger Aromatherapy lotion on hand, for a pick-me-up when I’m sad or mentally blocked. Anyways, I layered Jardin sur le Nil over it one day, and it was terrific.
Roger & Gallet Gingembre gets lots of love, but I haven’t tried it. I love Demeter Gingerale.
There’s 5 o’clock au Gingembre by SL, although I don’t find it super-gingery (more like super-sticky-sweet).
I must have had a psychic moment because, in keeping with your photo, I’m wearing AG Le Muguet. I received a sample recently when I purchased a bottle of Chevrefeuille – which is quite cruel really, considering Le Muguet is discontinued 😉 Unlike other lily-of-the-valley scents this one is very true to the real deal.. It immediately transports me back to being a small, muddy child playing in the backyard looking at these beautiful, tiny flowers in complete wonderment.
I think that’s the only one of the soliflores collection I didn’t get to try!
I’m wearing Bel Respiro from a sample vial. More and more, I’m really liking the unsweetened, sharp green smells.
Any suggestions for a scent with a lot of verbena? Besides Eau de Guerlain, which lasts about 5 minutes on me, and L’Occitan’s Verbena?
Have u tried Calamus (Series 1: Leaves) by Comme des Garcons?
Carthusia Mediterraneo.
Most recent purchase was a split of Saffron James’s Le’a; it’s like floating around on a soft, fluffy, tropical cloud 🙂
I’ve been itching to explore the i Profumi di Firenze line but have hesitated due to my recent Histoire de Parfums sample set purchase and another large sample purchase from DSH. If anyone give me info on any of the following, it would be so appreciated!
Tulipo Negro
Also, does anyone know where I might get CSP Ecume de The?
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen tons of Écume de Thé on ebay if you’re willing to shop there.
I am willing but haven’t seen much and most are well over $100. Thanks for the suggestion, though 🙂
Wearing Eau de Pamplemousse Rose by Hermes (from a sample) for the 1st time today. This is just as good as Aqua Allegoria Pampelune but no cat urine and just a shadow of the original Eau DÓrange Verte peeking out from the depths. I had to douse myself in the sample to get it to stick, but it finally did and it’s definitely FBW.
Yay, finally a new Hermes I can love (hated Vanille Galante, Un Jardin Apres La Mousson)!
Any comparison to Rose Ikebana?
wher as rose ikebana is a whispering soft roseogf great delicacy, this one starts and for me ends with a burst on its namesake ‘double entedre’ pink grapefruit, My skin picks up alot of the cirus it just does… The one that i love most of the trio is eau de gentiane blanche, the gentian and iris one. JCE says it was the first time gentian was ever used in a fragrance , but i remember another that used it …WHAT IS IT?
i apologize for the crazy chimp at the keyboard. i just woke from a ten minute power nap , and it was too powerful. I am disoriented at the keyboard
Not as rose prominent at the Rose Ikebana. And no fizzy grapefruit, more of a grapefruit peel accord. Yummy
Can’t wait to try the Gentaine
Many thanks! The Gentiane is nice but maybe too pale for me…think I’m after the Pamplemousse instead.
Sorry for posting again, but I also check Google shopping site if I’m trying to locate something. I didn’t realize Ecume was mostly sold in a 150ml size. Humongous!
Thank you so much for this investigation. I checked the better priced options and as usual, no shipping to Canada 🙁 !!!!!
I’m sorry, maybe I’m having a ‘slow’ day—they just say “no shipping to Canada”?? What you need is someone here in the states to “personal shop” for you. Would that work? I don’t know what the shipping to Canada would be…I guess we could check.
anyhow, if you want to email me maybe we can figure out how to get things from here to you. I’m daisylu at MUA.
I haven’t gotten around to applying a thing today. Most recent purchases were 30ml of Dark Amber & Ginger Lily, and 120ml of Creed SMW off the bay…which I’ve had to return because I have NO idea what was in that bottle. Is that a common problem buying off the bay? The seller had 100% positive rating, but my goodness… it was so far off, it didn’t smell like it could either have gone bad or have been an intentional knockoff. Has me nervous, for certain. Next purchase is likely to be that bottle of Lyric for the split…need to send out the next email on that!
oh boy! exciting!
Don’t know…everyone complains about fake Creed everywhere. I wonder if maybe they just have short shelf lives.
It’s pretty darn sad if something as expensive as Creed has a short shelf life. Thank goodness I haven’t had to deal with knockoffs from ebay. Yet. I think.
Expensive is right, and I only went for it bc it auctioned for so little. I won’t die not owning any, I guess. Sure not going to buy it off the bay again, and even at discounters it’s $$$. Not worth it.
Thanks, that’s really helpful to know. The seller claimed short shelf life (and it WAS 2005 on the box), but the smell was such a far cry from the sample I had that I can’t imagine it ever turning into that. Where the sample was a nice light citrusy tea scent, the bottle not only had a very cloudy/powdery/semi-floral scent, but there was very little scent at all…and it was gone very very quickly. Truly disturbing. I started to worry if it was toxic. :O
Looking forward! 🙂
for my Monday Mail, someone said that I should explore post-modern vetivers.
What are post-modern vetivers?
It was in response to a recommendation for Encre Noire (which I just ordered a sample of yesterday)
Sorry, that was my… pretentious and annoying comment! I was thinking of TDC Sel de Vetiver, MPG Route du Vetiver, Lutens Vetiver Oriental, L’Artisan Vetiver, and Tauer Vetiver Dance… and I’m sure I’m missing one or two. I meant treatments of vetiver that, IMHO, are a bit conceptual and unisex rather than very traditionally masculine stuff.
ok thanks
I’ll look into those too
How about the Lubin Vetiver?
I haven’t tried that one, and I haven’t seen too many people raving about it either. If it’s as citrus-y as the reviews say, hmmm, I dunno. I personally don’t like citrus with my vetiver, but your mileage may vary.
Karin – thank you for replying about Allure! I keep trying all kinds of different scents but just haven’t found anything I like more so far. I appreciate your suggestions and will definitely try them! I think I do need to broaden my horizons.
Good luck, Sharon! Hope you find something else to love.
Hello from an occasional lurker… I have to say that I love this blog (and have purchased a few perfumes based on reviews here 🙂
I also love the photo of the lilies. They reminded me of my grandmother’s house in spring.
Speaking of vetiver, I am wearing Jayne Ormonde Woman today. I am not sure that it qualifies as a post-modern vetiver, but this note is prevalent for me in this composition, in a nice, green, warm way.
A few people mentioned Lyric Woman. (the only one from Amouage I know). I really wanted to love this, and I have attempted to wear it a few times. I like the concept of it: a rich, smoky, grown-up rose, but it has not become a favorite fragrance. There is a wine note I am detecting although I admit I don’t know if wine is part of the composition.
If you can’t quite make it with the Lyric, you should sample some of these, that are in the same style: Caron Parfum Sacre, Guerlain Nahema, Lancome Magie Noir, Sonoma Scent Studio Vintage Rose and Champagne de Bois.
ahhhh Champagne de Bois….one of my all-time favorites…lovely stuff.
I know – it is so beautiful. It reminds me a lot of Chanel No 22.
Ann S, thank you for the suggestion!! I must try Champagne de Bois.
It is so interesting you mentioned Caron Parfume Sacre. I recently got a sample of it, and my first thought was that it was similar to Lyric Woman in style. I have to say that I prefer the spiciness of Lyric Woman. In fact, I went and sprayed it on my wrist after I posted the message above. It just doesn’t suit my everyday style right now.
I had to try Parfum Sacre three times before I “got” it. And then I had to have a bottle. I do think of it as being more of a cool-weather scent, though, and haven’t worn it in a couple of months.
Hi Sneaky Pie, isn’t that a great shot? Kudos to the photographer.
I’m wearing Andy Tauer’s Incense Extreme layered with Montreal indie perfumer Claude-Andre Hebert’s Samuel de Champlain. I feel like a deep dark forest.
Sounds great!
I am wondering if anyone has come across a hyacinth note in anything they like. I have been working with potted hyacinths on my desk all spring, and have become absolutely addicted to them. I’m not usually a floral scent person, but I’m intoxicated by their fragrance. Thanks for your suggestions….
Hi Margot – the most beautiful and realistic hyacinth I’ve come across is the L’Artisan Jacinthe des Bois, which is really like you are standing near a hyacinth flower. After that, it’s all accords for hyacinth with other notes like narcissus, daffodils, lily of the valley, etc: Guerlain’s Chamade, Ralph Lauren Safari, Diorissimo, Gucci Envy, etc.
I love the L’Artisan Jacinthe too…probably the only hyacinth scent I’ve found worthy. Unfortunately, it’s discontinued so you’d have to haunt eBay for it.
You could also try Penhaligon’s Bluebell, which I find quite closely replicates that lovely hyacinth smell.
I have a funny SL Muscs KK story–I got a sample a couple of weeks ago and agree–it is pretty aggressive! I took it in to work ( I work outside as a field tech, so I can apply freely) to let a perfume-friendly coworker check it out. He dabbed some on, sniffed, and said “Hmmm–nice floral!” I checked to see that I had given him the right sample and then sniffed. It did smell nice and flowery. I put a good dose on myself and there was the aggressive Khan!! He still smelled flowery. Later on, he said it turned more musky. It was like two separate perfumes from the same tester.
Also, is it just me or is there a huge dose of civet in the middle of Il Profumo Chocolat Amere? No one has mentioned it in any of the reviews, but to me it’s the first thing I smell. I’m thinking I may have the skank amplifying skin chemistry.
Funny story!
Can’t help you with the il Profumo; hope someone else will chime in.
I am wearing Beltane by Black Phoenix. Appropriate for today.
Yes it is!
This week I caved and bought a bottle of L’Artisan Bois Farine. The Ellena article that was posted on here a while ago prompted me to sample it, and I was a goner. Now I really have to be “good” for a while, because it wasn’t cheap! Another new love I sampled recently is LesNez Let Me Play the Lion, but I will have to make do with my sample for now. 🙂
How does Bois Farine smell on you? I tried it on and got nothing but rancid nuts. I even got my sister to smell too, to confirm that it wasn’t just me. Indeed, somehow, on me, Bois Farine smells like rancid nuts (horrible). So I’m curious how it smells on someone else.
Very interesting! I do get a “peanut butter” note at first, but it’s gone almost immediately, and then I get a strong cedar note, which transitions into fennel, and finally I get the flour, which is vaguely powdery and like bread dough with a little sugar. How interesting that you get rancid nuts! Must be skin chemistry … but, it IS a very unusual scent and might be kind of love/hate.
Oh dear, I’d think that once you made a mind association to “rancid nuts”, you’ll never get rid of it. Oh well, plenty of other things to love.
That being said, Bois Farine is one of my faves and I guess I’d say it evokes either a delicious, sweet nut cookie dough with woody overtones, or that “wood pudding” descriptor that Robin may have coined. Interestingly, Jill, I don’t think I detect any fennel in there. Enjoy your bottle, it’s a great purchase!
Love the term “wood pudding” — that is pretty accurate for me! It really is a beautiful scent. I do get fennel somehow, though it comes and goes the longer I have it on — it’s strongest about twenty minutes in.
I agree with “wood pudding” – the image I have used to try to convey the scent of Bois Farine in the past is bread sauce (the lumpy, porridgy white sauce we Brits eat with our turkey at Christma) poured on to a bread board.
I explored incense most recently, and decided on Durbano Rock Crystal. I really admired the CdG series but the far drydowns were kinda rancid on me. Rock Crystal isn’t as clever but it got a “bright/warm” thing that I really love.
Has anybody bought Nanadebary Green from Scent Bar/LuckyScent? How much is it? I was told there were two sizes, but last time I was there I didn’t ask for prices.
They don’t have Nanadebary — so not sure they still have it. Aedes doesn’t seem to either.
Well, apparently they now only sell Nanadebary instore at Scent Bar and not online. (Is this line dead or dying? If Aedes doesn’t have it either…) I guess I’ll just call and ask. What was the price range before, do you know?
Aha. Don’t know what the deal is, and don’t know the previous pricing. Maybe they just lost their US distributor??
I’m travelling to India in a few weeks and am wondering if any of you know about the perfume industry over there — any perfume houses you can recommend?
if i were in india, i would ferret out all the ouds i could find. they are so expensive in the USA and i also have my doubts as to their authenticity and/or quality. most folks are EITHER oud-lovers or oud-haters; there doesn’t seem to be a happy medium. india may be a good and less expensive source if you are actually there on the ground looking………it seems like you can never find wonderful inexpensive ouds……sigh………
have a lovely trip!
Hey, I’m going to India too! Can’t wait for the monsoon madness. What perfume do y’all recommend I bring along to compliment the trip?
I’m wearing JPG Classique in parfum today- it’s boozerific
I sprayed myself with some Cacharel Amor Amor and Grès Cabotine the other day at the grocery store. The verdict: Amor Amor- ew weird. what is that?!(lol) and Cabotine- mmm you seem nice.
I LOVE Cabotine — I find it mildly addictive, I keep wanting to smell it again.
SOTD John Varvatos Artisan !!! Finally. It’s funny how you can have something on your ‘list’ and think about it , then think about it some more….but once you place that order~~~ it’s like “Scotty, beam it over!” because then I’m practically rabid by the time it shows up in my mailbox!! By the time the funds have cleared for payment, I swear, I’m watching for the mail truck. sigh, so impatient.
What a delicious orange blossom!!! I’m in orange blossom heaven even if it is gloomy, gray and about to rain (again) .
So glad you like it!
oooh, i’ve been waiting to sniff this one, orange blossom, yum yum
Have you sniffed Le Labo Fleur d’Oranger 27 ? it’s similar to that. JV Artisan is a little more herbaceous and has a little more wood in the drydown wher Le Labo Fd’O is a bit more ‘floral’ (at least on me) if you want to do a swap, I could send you samples of both.
oh, i’d love to, hope to have something interesting to offer since i’m quite new to the perfumistas gang. but let me know what you’de like and i’m ready to swap 😉
Ann S – Thank you so much for the suggestions -greatly appreciated! I will investigate and start sampling…
Good luck! It’s a good time of year to investigate cheery vanillas.
Ann and Robin,
Thank you so much for your suggestions re: hyacinth. I will be pursuing
L’Artisan Jacinthe des Bois, and am glad to hear about others that have
a hyacinth note. Happy May!
Margot, I have a bottle of Bluebell and could send you some if you want. Always happy to share the addiction. 🙂
Sigh, I have another burned-by-the-‘Bay story to report… I decided to finally buy myself a bottle of Bandit EDP, found a half-decent price on eBay, scrounged up my hard-earned pennies… and when the darn thing arrived, it smelled nothing like my beloved Bandit. It had all the proper markings, but it was missing that icepick-to-the-nostrils, sharp-taloned zing that makes Bandit smell like Bandit. The seller was super-nice and refunded all my money, but I’m so disappointed, and from what I’ve read online, it sounds like other people have come across de-fanged Bandits as well. Now I’m not sure where to buy it from to make sure I get the real stuff — any suggestions?
I don’t know from Bandit, but are you sure that you weren’t comparing an older formulation that you were familiar with to a reformulated version? It would be very sad if even brand-new off-the-shelf Bandit from a reputable seller were totally not what you were expecting. Sadly, it sounds like that will happen more and more.
I compared it with a sample I got from Barney’s in NYC a couple of months ago, so I assume it was new, and it’s going to break my tiny little perfumed heart if I can’t find it again…
I am having a wonderful day! I received a goodie in the mail – a special package of a certain fragrance that I won! 🙂 Thank you SO much Robin for the givaways that you do. Of course, I was already wearing a fragrance [big surprise] so I spritzed the ‘Writing Lyrical Poetry’ on the back of my hand – and, first impression is very favorable! I look forward to applying this tomorrow after showering to sample it more thoroughly and get a real ‘feel’ for it. Thank you again – it really made my day! 🙂
So glad it got there ok, enjoy!
It’s raining today, so I’m wearing Bois D’Iris. It always seems like raindrops dripping from twigs onto the chilled spring flowers (irises) to me…. I never feel like wearing it when it’s sunny. This time of year is when I put away my winter clothes as well as the frags I associate with cold (the warming, rich, butter stuff like Ambre Narguile and Bois Des Iles for example). Then I take out my cottons and the spring/summer scents like En Passant and Parfum de Therese.
I have been wearing Un Parfum de Therese today and yesterday.
Does anyone ever experience: A fragrance(S) , for some reason THAT YOU OWN calls to you, those you don’t usually wear BUT all of sudden you just reach for it all the time
LATELY Un parfum de Therese AND Anne Pliska AND Hiris AND Au reverie au Jardin such different sirens…have been singing to me .
BUT THE OBSESSION are the ones you don’t own. They sing the loudest and the sweetest! MDCI Vepres Siciliennes and PG L’Ouiseaux de Nuits are playing games with my mind
Hey there, R. Reporting back in on Antique Gardens’ candle in Tomato Leaf.
It is not much of a tomato leaf. But a pleasant enough greenish-citrus scent. More lemongrass, I’d bet. Still, not bad for $6. I didn’t light the lavendar one but it smelled quite real, not stinky-chemical like so many candles smell to me.
And having taken care of my Mom, I have my eye on a CDG Sequoia candle. $50 — which I can’t believe sounds reasonable to me, but after looking at so many that are $80 and up…
Also interested in the 06130 candles, which are an even more reasonable $40.
Signing off!
Ah, thanks for the report. Now I’m wishing for a candle that smells just like CBIHP Memory of Kindness.
I’ve always wanted to try the CdG candles but never have…
Just a little story from earlier this week…I have mentioned here before that my husband dislikes any of my fragrances that he can actually smell, so I dab very lightly when he is around.
He was out one afternoon, so I applied a good dose of Bal a Versailles. But he came home unexpectedly early and caught me out– the top notes had not had time to sneak out the back door. He took one sniff of the room and asked me, “Are you chewing bubblegum?”
Lol, well that’s a review!
EEK! How do I get rid of this new creepy gravatar??? I look like a sad psychopath. I tried, I selected a new one, but it’s not posting. Am I stuck forever as “The Eye?”
If you selected a new one, it will appear eventually…clearing your cache might help.
Here’s my question: which reformulations do you like BETTER than the original? (It’s a real question, too – I don’t have an answer!)
Sadly (in terms of how it reflects on me) — Balmain Vent Vert.
Im late commenting again-so i hope i have’nt missed the boat. But I have a question; I just received a sample size bottle of Prada- just straight Prada- and does it smell like YSL Elle or is it just my nose?
I thought I would like it from all the comments I have read but its so like Elle that now I’m not sure.
Elle isn’t as ambery to me as the Prada, but they’re probably not miles apart.
My SotD is Urban Lily by Strange Invisible Perfumes. I intend to wear Diorissimo extrait later this evening though.
Jealous of your extrait — I really need to find some 🙂
Sadly enough, I once again forgot that I no longer like My Insolence and dabbed it on today. Only to find, once again, that it [i]will not scrub off[/i] and I was stuck with its vaguely oily smell all day. Thank goodness the far drydown is less repulsive than the first hour of wear and I spend that first hour in the car on the way to work (with the windows rolled down). Of course, I get compliments every time I wear it, too – it’s too bad I don’t like it any more. I really need to send the mini of it to a home where it will be appreciated more.
The good news is that I received my Estee Lauder order today and my Tuberose Gardenia came in, along with the bonus purse sizes of TG and Amber Ylang Ylang, plus my samples of Bronze Goddess and Pure White Linen Breeze – so I’m looking forward to the next few days.
Congrats on your new package — sounds like you got some great things!
Kayliana-Arpege! So nice to see that name-one of my mother’s signature fragrances which I wore at one time long ago. When I see lily of the valley I think Diorissimo and Muget des Bois. It was my wish to carry them in my wedding bouquet but alas, we couldn’t get them in California. I live in the Boston area and would love to grow it.
Do plant some…they spread like mad after a few years!
I have them spread under my roses- they love a temperate winter and a warmish summer- so not to cold, not too hot. Goodluck-they smell great.
Today was dark and cloudy and muggy, and I would have worn Roget and Gallet’s “Shiso” but I had a headache after a night of no sleep (baby moving around so much.) I didn’t put on anything but EO’s Rose Camomile body oil after swimming at the health club this afternoon (I put in on in the steam bath and love the way it gets rid of the chlorine smell as well as moisturizing).
This week I bought a bottle of Ava Luxe’s “Biba” and am awaiting an MUA swap of a half-bottle of Barney’s “Route du The.”
Oh, that body oil sounds lovely! I’ll have to look for it.
You can get two bottles inexpensively with free shipping on Amazon.com. It really is a nice smell, good product.
I’ve been getting some mileage out of my Maoli sample – I sing in a Hawaiian chorus and we have had some performances.
Did just finally sample Fleur du Male (thanks, J) and like it when my nose is right on it but not the sillage, so far. Will try again.
Just this second put on some FM Noire Epices and it smells SO MUCH like something else that someone used to wear it’s going to drive me crazy. Something like Madame Rochas? Argh! It’s nice, though has a bit of a soapy tang in my nostrils.
I really want to try that Maoli… every time I go to the site and try to request a free sample, or even BUY a mini, the site tells me that my request cannot be processed. Tried work AND home computers, too. Maybe I’ll just send an email from my yahoo acct and see if that works. The scent sounds sooo nice.
Yeah, send an email – maybe there is a glitch. They are all home-made there, including tech, I think.
I need to try that Maoli, too. Tama, I’m so curious about your Hawaiian chorus, where it is and what you sing. I was going to e-mail you, but we don’t seem to have that function on this new blog. I will look for you on MUA (I am “kolea” there, though I don’t post or trade on MUA. Yet – LOL).
Got your message and replied!
Just a quiet tribute to Jo Malone’s Dark Amber and Ginger Lily. What a fragrance, a glorious oriental akin to a cross between Penhaligon’s Malabah and LP No. 9. It’s a limited edition so buy it quick.
Other than that, once I have sold a few fragrances I am out of love with I will be buying one I am very much in love with which is GEO F Trumpers Sandalwood cologne, one of my favourite sandalwoods.
I think it’s a great scent…really hope they’ll do more in the Kohdo Woods series.
That would be great! I love both the “day” and the “night”.
I finally bought myself Apres l’ondee yesterday!
Does anyone out there have any suggestions for a good tea-based scent? I love Osmanthe Yunnan but it only lasts 5 mins on my skin.
Where did you find it?
Hi Jared,
I popped into House of Frasers, Glasgow, while I was in the city for a meeting – they have a good range, but the new AA’s won’t be in ’til mid May.
Oh dear, I’ll have to find some excuse to go back soon!
What kind of tea are you looking for? I’ve done some research on tea scents and there seems to be all manner of green tea fragrances out there – while I was looking for a BLACK tea scent.
My test list:
Tommy Girl (yeah, yeah, I know, but I kind of liked it – it smelled like sun tea with sugar and lemon and mint, and flowers)
Soivohle Oolong Ti (maybe it’s meant to be green oolong, but I didn’t like this one at all – anybody want my mini? it’s very herbal)
EA Green Tea
Bvlgari Eau de The’ Vert
Osmanthe Yunnan (I agree, Kizzers, it’s short-lived. Beautiful, warm, tea-with-flowers, but so sheer and so expensive that I can’t justify a purchase)
elizabethW Sweet Tea (Tommy Girl without the flowers; lemonade/tea combo I found too sweet, even as a southern girl)
Ava Luxe The’ Noir (really black tea with spices; I’m probably going to buy this one as fall arrives. Spices make it a cold-weather scent. Great layering agent.)
Thanks Mals!
Tommy Girl takes me back (an old fave of mine too).
I think its Black Tea I like, its the creaminess of the O Y drydown I
loved. I’ll check out The’ Noir as that sounds lovely!
I almost cracked and bought the Hermessence Discovery set yesterday. If only I could have had my perfect combo rather than the original 4… Vanille Galante, Rose Ikebana, Osmanth Yunnan and Vetiver Tonka.
I consoled myself with the Apres L’Ondee instead 🙂
I am a first time visitor to this site and find it a very informative way to help in my selection of fragrances. I am a novice with regard to analyzing fragrances so I defer that art to the expert noses. The only thing which I am certain is that I really like fragrances that smell clean. fresh, and just showered. I wear a lot of men’s fragrances as women’s can sometimes be too sweet/powdery. Some of the fragrances I wear are the following:Gendarme,Castile, Quercus,Silver Mountain Water,Bobbi Brown’s Beach, Armani’s Jade, Floris’s Limes, Fragonard’s Beau gosse and Concerto, and Ineke’s Derring-Do. Can anyone suggest any fragrances, infused oils (Prada has some new ones), or after bath products that would be in line with the aboved listed fragrances? I would appreciate any and all suggestions so I can stop adding to an ever growing collection of aromas I thought I liked! Thanks!
Hi Adrienne, and welcome! You sound like a good candidate for the Monday Mail — you might get more recommendations that way:
hi, my last acquisition was marc jacobs – blush, swapped it for dior addict 2, which, sadly, was a gift i hated. blush was a nice surprise, very spring-like with a nasty jasmine-skanky undertone (however, the lasting power is poor). but the most recent things i wore were all leather concoctions, hermes – kelly caleche (after wearing it to the office one of my colleagues inquired who has got a new leather bag :D, so the leather is definitely there) and parfume d’empire – cuir ottoman (like!) and PG – cuir venenum (not my favourite). and i wish i would get my hands on an indult reve en cuir sample…
Blush is nice, I keep meaning to review it — not sure it gets skanky on me though!
Or me – I would say Blush is very demure and well behaved.
Like my new purchase of Osmanthus Interdite, for that matter. A ladies’ tea party of a scent, no less…
Am curious to know how many of the perfume lovers are also cat lovers…
You’ll get more response if you post this early after an open thread is posted…fewer people reading now.
Yeah, was hoping others were like me–trying to play weekend catch up…
(Was recently sucked into that black hole called Facebook and it’s very time consuming 🙁 ).
Just wondering…
I customarily buy friends perfume as gifts (I know not everyone shares my passion, but stiff, it makes me happy to share the love!) But I have an artist friend, who when I asked what sort of fragrances she likes, replied that she’s not really into perfume becauase she can’t imagine smelling like J.Lo…etc.. and said that if she ever released a perfume it would smell of a painting studio and peanut butter. I know that is an interesting and somewhat odd description…lol…..but is there anything like that around? I would really appreciate any advice on this one… Thanks!
Can’t think of one. Bois Farine (mentioned above) by L’Artisan is often described as peanut butter-y, but not paint studio.
One of the Miroir range by Thierry Mugler (the name of which escapes me) smells strongly of toffee flavoured popcorn, which is the closest to peanut butter I can think of. But not paint studio either…