Behind the scenes at the photo shoot for John Galliano by John Galliano. The ad was shot by Jean-Baptiste Mondino; the model is Guinevere Van Seenus. In case you missed the finished print ad, I've included it below the jump.
The music is Felix da Housecat's remix of Nina Simone's Sinnerman.
Great team, lovely model, beautiful bottle, arresting print ad. I just *really hate* those remixes of classic jazz vocals, lol! Ms. Holiday does not need such “updates”! 😉
(…or, in this case, Ms. Simone. But I dislike the Billie Holiday remixes EVEN MORE.) 😉
I am too out of it to even know these things existed…I take it you've heard more from this Verve Remixed series?
I love Guinevere Van Seenus. A lot of people don't like her.
I also love Galliano, and the bottle, the notes sound ok
I'd like to try this.
Ms. Van Seenus is very vampiric in this.
hmm it sounds like this is supposed to be another edgy violet fragrance…
I think it would be worth a try but probably not full bottle worthy for me. Which is too bad because not only do I like the bottle, but I also like the box.
I prefer edgy roses over edgy violets.
I'm sure he'll come up with another perfume, maybe it will be more of my taste
So what does “her soul smell like”?? I didnt read or hear any of the notes – I really want to know! My nose is anxiously awaiting to capture the essence of John Galliano's fragrance. I want to hold his gorgeous bottle in my hands. Truly I am most intriqued. Galliano is one of the greatest artists of our time – truly a master. His team – including the mysteriously beautiful Guinevere shot an exquisite promo for Galliano's new fragrance.
I also Love Nina Simone – I listen to her often on my IPod to get my creative juices flowing – but – somehow the choice of the jazzy “Sinnerman” just didnt quite mesh with the visual mood of the ad. Maybe something a little more ethereal yet provocative would work a little better.
rose, peony, iris, violet, patchouli, amber
and then this blog posted about it
Thank you for the great website info! I am very intrigued as well as feeling a little obsessive of getting this frag as soon as it comes to the US or Canada… also I have no idea why my first comment printed out twice…oops!
Kchouc, I agree, I though the song was kind of odd, esp. if you know the lyrics — not a good fit w/ what they're doing at all.
As usual, I've never heard of her. Most of what I've read about the scent itself was less than glowing…
Guinevere Van Seenus has an otherworldly beauty, she can easily photograph contemporary, retro or vintage.
She photographs differently in each shot, which is good.
The ad is shocking… not something I think people will want to look at. I would still smell the perfume regardless.
She does look otherworldly in this ad, for sure…
I smelled it the other day in Harrods. Found it unmemorable as a scent, but I love the ad and I've kept the cute card the scent was sprayed on. The back reads: Sparkling Aldehydes, Mythical Flowers, Powdery Ambery Feminity, Sophisticated Woods
'Mythical Flowers', eh? Come back, Serge, all is forgiven! LOL!
I was a bit confused when I followed the link to read “an olfactory voyage of [Galliano's] ideal girl” because I was pretty sure he was gay. (He is, I double checked) I'd be more interested to find out what the olfactory voyage of his ideal man would be. So coming back to the vampiric, Moulin Rouge dancer (Although she is gorgeous! Her skin is amazing) I'm even more confused. The bottle is lovely, everything else is his expected theatrics. Not likely to come to Scotland any time soon for me to find out.
Most male designers are gay (the ones that aren't are the exception), but they usually are only interested in designing for women. Nothing surprising about that: it has always been thus.
HA — I'm more taken with “powdery ambery femininity” — what a great phrase!
Really, it isn't in Scotland already? I'm surprised, although I don't think we get it in the US til next year, assuming we do at all.
Should think JG could have an “ideal girl” even if he's gay, but will be interesting to see if he does a men's scent later.
I've not seen any hype for it in the big shops in Edinburgh. Maybe Glasgow, but even the Harvey Nichols doesn't carry boutique items, just what you'd find in any mall. I'll try to peek in at Jenners at the weekend.
Actually, that music sounds to me pretty much like the original recording of Simone's Sinnerman… I didn't hear any remixing whatsoever. Hmmm.
Images all very Galliano.
No, haven't heard it's edgy at all — but I still haven't smelled it.
Yes, very Galliano. As is the bottle, which I'm sorry to say I don't much care for.