The article alleged that Kidman, who is the face and celebrity spokeswoman for Chanel No.5, had claimed that Jo Malone's White Jasmine and Mint was her favourite perfume.
It also alleged that the Moulin Rouge star had been "dabbing it on whenever she had a moment", when she was in London to promote her new film The Golden Compass.
— Nicole Kidman is suing the Daily Telegraph for saying she wears perfumes other than Chanel no. 5. Read more in The Guardian.
The dog fragrance is a manifestation of the luxe dog life in the last decade. “It’s the age of dog yoga, pet reiki, veterinary antidepressants, feline organ transplants, lumbar support pet beds, organic kibble, hand-stitched dog clothing boutiques and pet-toy manufacturing tycoons,” explained Michael Schaffer, a journalist who is writing a book about the nation’s obsession with dogs called “One Nation Under Dog,” to be published by Henry Holt.
— From Eau de Chien? Yes, Fragrances for Dogs in the New York Times, with thanks to Kevin for the link!
POOR DOGS !!! What is wrong with people !??!
Their dogs are not even allowed to be dogs, let alone smell like one. Better be unnoticed and unsmelled in an office…>'
Can't comment as I don't have a dog, much less a lap dog, and don't have an office job w/ a person down the hall w/ a smelly dog either 🙂
Have to get this one of my chest: Nicole Kidman should not be the face of Chanel No.5.
Coco Chanel was a woman with a strong outspoken personality and Nicole K. looks way too sweet for any fragrance of Chanel.
Kylie Minogue's scent Darling would suit her much better.
It feels good to have written this on NST..
Robin I'm so glad this blog exists!!
Oh my goodness I can't believe they sued Nicole, nor that such exclusivity contracts even exist! Does anyone actually believe endorsement celebrities wear the perfumes they endorse (only)?
Nobody is suing Nicole, Nicole is suing the newspaper. And no, I certainly don't believe it 🙂
I didn't think NK was a good choice either, but Chanel rarely asks my advice 🙂
If I were to work for Chanel or any other perfume house for that matter, I would definitely read the best blogs from time to time.
LOL — yes, but you might not agree with what they had to say 🙂
I thought Nicole was a good choice — she has always struck me as bright, spirited and no pushover. I'm not sure I'd want a woman who was terribly similar to Coco herself. (I'm thinking of that story about Cocteau raving that she was like a 'little black swan' and Colette replying that she was more like a 'little black bull'…)
In the face/fragrance dissonance department, I still can't put Hilary Swank together with Insolence…
LOL — never heard the “little black bull”, great story!
Agree on Hilary Swank, although mostly I just thought they made her look weird. On Nicole, I wasn't thinking so much of her personality, which I know nothing about, just don't think she has the right look. But she is very popular and would not be at all surprised if she did her job (boosted the sales of no. 5).
Yes, I see your point…I guess for my taste, Carole Bouquet was the ideal embodiment of Chanel. But then was then and now is now…