NST contributor Marlen talks about the monkey on his back over at basenotes, and columnist Maria Browning of Nashville Sceneadmits she is a "closeted serial perfume abuser" (links no longer working, sorry).
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Ouch! Poor Marlen. I know how he feels, when we were moving here from the UK, there was a whole lot of bottles I had to leave behind. I still have nightmares.
As for the second article…is the author one of “us”? I mean MUA? Sounds like it. 😀
I was wondering about that myself, but don't recognize the name offhand!
Uh oh! I just read this after posting on your last story….. sounds eerily familiar. I guess I am a true addict.
LOL — Marlen's post & mine meshed today, although it wasn't planned that way.