Thank you to Kathy for the news that the recently revamped Laura Tonatto line will be coming to Barneys this August. They will start with 8 scents from her collection, including Mamo, Amir, Dama and the very popular Plaisir, with more to follow.
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Oh, so that's the Italian line coming to Barneys. SA extraordinaire, Anthony, at Barneys in Beverly Hills told cristaline and me that they were adding an Italian line and a German line, but he did not want to get in trouble for telling us which ones. I guessed Mazzolari, but LT it is!
Anyone know the German line they will be carrying?
A German line. I am stumped. Later today will look over first-in-fragrance for clues.
Good idea, R!
Maybe Dorissima?
I have absolutely no idea. I mean Germany isn't exactly known for its fragrances. :):)
German perfumes? Joop and Davidoff.. perhaps. Laura Tonatto — -the only one i have tried is Ambrosia — which is a rose/amber base. All her perfumes are natural which is specifically good for chemically sensitive people like me.
Isn't Nanadebary (sorry sp) German?
Anyone tried any of the Laura Tonatto scents? A local boutique carries them and was wondering if anyone had an opinion on this line.
I could be wrong, but I'm guessing it will be a smaller, niche line like Dorissima. Davidoff for sure is too mainstream for Barneys.
I think Nanadebary is in Austria. Guessing Barneys will go for something more unusual and hard to find — but who knows??
I have only tried a few of the Laura Tonattos but they were very well done. I think she was also the nose behind the Carthusia reformulations.
Barneys already carries Nanadebary, which is Austrian.
As for the German line, I can only think of Dorissima, but AFAIK they only have 2 scents, Narcisse and Goldmund, which isn't much of a line to me. Hmm. Intriguing.