Horror of horrors
Thank you to Tania for pointing out this interesting article on anosmia in the New York Times. If there isn't already a word for "fear of losing one's sense of smell", there should be.
Posted by Robin on 5 Comments
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Great article! My daughter's friend said that her father lost his sense of smell working in a glass cleaning product plant. He often asks her what something smells like.
Can you imagine? I honestly don't know what I would do with myself, LOL!
I know! I do think I would lose a ton of weight, though.
Nice food and wine is such an important part of my life that getting anosmia would seriously shake my will to live. Thanks for making me freak out a little this afternoon.
LOL, sorry to spread the fear! Funny, but even though the article is about eating, I didn't even think about food, just perfume.