For generations, the scent of lavender has been used as a calming agent. Now it appears it even works on-the-spot ... to help patients scared of the dentist's drill.
Spraying the scent 'significantly' lowered patients' anxiety levels, says a study to be presented today at the British Psychological Society's health psychology conference at the University of Bath.
— Read the rest at How the scent of lavender can ease those fears about going to the dentist at the Mail Online.
Malodorous mayhem ensued on a school bus ride home last night when a perfume bottle spilled and sickened about a dozen students and the driver.
Some students vomited and others had shortness of breath after being overcome with the fragrance, District Fire Chief Michael Gamache said.
— From 11 checked out at hospital after perfume sickens students at the New Hampshire Union Leader.