The Old Spice Man visits the UK, looking for the Great British Gentleman.
Oh how we have missed you
The Old Spice Man! Talking to folks in New Zealand and Australia, where apparently Old Spice is now — finally! what have men been doing without Old Spice all these years? — available. Up first, New Zealand, below the jump is Australia.
Found at The Fragrant Man.
Old Spice Foxcrest & Wolfthorn ~ new fragrances
Old Spice has launched two new fragrances in cologne format, Foxcrest and Wolfthorn…
You smell like you look amazing
Not as funny as the Old Spice Man (Isaiah Mustafa, see here and here) but cute.
I will be giving gifts to all 7 billion of you
The Old Spice Man is back, again. As Old Spice Manta Claus. There's more at the Old Spice channel at YouTube.