When Grande partnered with Luxe Brands to release her first fragrance in 2015, she was jumping into a market well past its peak. Celebrity perfume lines from her predecessors like Rihanna and Katy Perry had drifted into unmemorable releases; Taylor Swift had already given up the game a year prior. Grande’s A-list counterparts have since taken to launching high-end skincare faster than you can shake a sheet mask at them. Perfume is a surprisingly old-school strategy for bolstering the image of a young pop star, but it works for Grande, not only because her fragrance storytelling is so sharply aligned with her musical stardom, but also because her fragrances, bolstered by Cloud’s runaway success, are hyped enough to command a fan base wholly unconnected to hard-core Arianators.
— Read more in Ariana Grande Is the Last Great Celebrity Perfumer at Harper's Bazaar.