Three new adverts for Cacharel Amor Amor, featuring young women chosen by social media campaigns in France, Spain and Latin America. First up, Prescilia for France, followed (below the jump) by Silvia for Spain and Barbara for Latin America.
It’s never as it seems
The new ad for Cacharel Anaïs Anaïs Premier Délice. Artistic direction by Olivia Bee. The song is Myth by Beach House.
Below the jump, an ad for Anaïs Anaïs from the mid-2000s, featuring Kate Moss. Below that, an earlier ad (probably around 2000) with model Lonneke Engel.
Proud to be romantic
A bit of pretty from Cacharel.
Tonight is our night
Models Hanna Wahmer and Francisco Lachowski for the new Cacharel Amor Amor In A Flash.
Run away
Model Diana Moldovan, and a deer, for the new Cacharel Catch Me fragrance.