It's Wednesday and for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the last day of winter. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm marking the end of winter with Guerlain Spiritueuse Double Vanille, included in 5 perfumes ~ vanilla fragrances for winter.
Reminder: 3/21 is International Fragrance Day. Wear a fragrance and tell us why you picked it.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2025, where I'll try (but usually fail) to have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is KOKORO [cropped] by M's photography at flickr; some rights reserved.
Nocturnes de Caron my signature in the 1980s.
If we ever did a reverse swap meet this would be the only one I want
I liked the reverse swap meet which I recall only happening once!
Wish we would do it again!!!!!!!!
You know if you go look, there wasn’t much action…that is, not many wishes got fulfilled. So seemed not worth it? Maybe I could have structured it better.
maybe it would be different this time? seems like there is some enthusiasm…
That is a dark floral beauty, chocolatemarzipan, and you smells amazing.
Please elaborate on the intriguing reverse swapmeet idea. Is this where we would list 15 items we are looking for instead of swapping?
How does a reverse swap work?
From the archives:
oh thank you for that, hajusuuri, so much fun to read through and see familiar names and see so many precious fragrances being reverse swapped!
I remember now, thanks hajusuuri.
You smell beautiful, after a long time I acquired a vintage 50ml last year but I known it since my teens.
*I’ve known
This one was so lovely. And the bottle, too!
Cold as the grave this morning and I don’t think it’s going to top 40F all day. Apparently, the wind I had yesterday continued racing eastward into Texas, picking up speed as it went along and wrecking havoc there.
I’m in Copal Azure today from a manufacturer spray. It’s quite nice but it’s not right for today. It’s cool and slick like a silk slip but this morning I should have chosen something warm and fuzzy. Like a wooly mammoth fuzzy long underwear kind of perfume. Oh well. Four days of freedom await! Lots to do…
Enjoy your time off!
Thank you!
You have got my neurons firing with that wooly mammoth underwear imagery, Deva. I am imagining cavemen collecting the fur of the mammoths and spinning it into luxuriously warm thread which they would then knit into longjohns on wooden spinning wheels in their caves to wear during the Ice Age winters, LOL. And they would all smell like Muscs Kublai Khan.
😄 Love it!
Ha! You read my mind. 😄
Bottling up some LA- sunshine for you and sending it off through the ether to warm you up! Enjoy your days off!
Thank you! Lots of sun here as well but just very cold after those winds whipped through.
I love the image of woolly mammoth underwear!
I hope you have a nice few days recuperating.
Thanks! Hope you’re having some better weather where you are.
I want some of that long underwear! We had a beautiful, sunny start to the day, but the clouds and the wind moved in, and now it’s c-c-cold. I’m definitely switching to something warm and fuzzy, too.
Just switched to a the warm and fuzzy choco dipped waffle cone by IA. More fitting for todays temps. Stay cozy!
That sounds very cozy. Enjoy! Come to think of it, I don’t have that many warm and cozy scents. I’ll have to make a thorough search. 🔍 👀 🙃
I’m wearing Fox in the Flowerbed, from a new decant. I don’t know why, but I have not really explored Imaginary Authors. This is quite nice. I may have to buy a few more to try.
I am a bit meh on the actual perfumes of IA, but Fox is a definite yes for me. I also own a travel-size version of Cape Heartache, for those foresty cravings.
Fox in the Flowerbed is the only one I really liked from IA, but many have gotten several other scents from there and loved them.
I am wearing Fille de Berlin, i layered the confit de parfum with edt, smells sooo good.
I feel that spring is coming, winter is behind us. I am excited about the smell talks that start tomorrow, I got the pass and there are so many interesting topics the whole weekend, masterclasses with perfumers etc… , they are all online, I wish I was in Paris for the perfume week, maybe next year!!
The smell talks sound so good! I wish we could have an NST conference in Paris for Perfume Week. Continuing education!
That is such a great idea, i would be interested!!
Love Fille de Berlin, you smell great, Hera. There is an almost confiture element to that fragrance which I had not considered before and your mention of confit brought it to mind.
La Fille de Berlin is a lovely, jammy rose!
Sotd is Libre Le Parfum. I got this blind after finishing my bottle of Libre Intense and I actually prefer Intense so it’s a sad pseudo-fail. Don’t get me wrong, it does smell nice, just not “as nice” 😂. But it laaaasts so that’s great. I am wearing a bomb-sized 12 sprays, the neighbouring town can smell me.
Sorry about the pseudo-fail happy888cat! Hope the neighboring town isn’t calling out the national guard for protection!
IIRC, I smelled the Libre Intense in an airport duty free shop last summer and rather liked it.
i like your style, happy888cat
Hi everyone.
I’m wearing Portrait of a Lady since it was well discussed yesterday. Considering that my day will be spent grocery shopping and cleaning, I smell very elegant.
I posted my tiny swap list this morning, nothing like being late to the party!
You do smell elegant!
Tons of work today…
Layered Piment Brulant with Guerlain Vetiver to create an energizing and warm mix. Not a bad combo.
You smell great and are so good at the layering mixes!
Second this, allo and glannys, you are the layering queen. You are like a mille feuille of perfumery.
I’m in FM Le Parfum De Thérèse today for my Malle week. The melony goodness smells especially good this morning☀️🍈
Smelling great, allo. Parfum De Therese reminds me a lot of vintage Diorella.
I have some Diorella around here and need to do a comparison of their shared DNA.
We are house twins! I’m wearing Carnal Flower myself.
And smelling fabulous!
In Pichola, prompted by a comment from Allo elsewhere😁 My plans today include scrubbing down our back deck and making a puzzle with my son who is home for a few days. No current clients or work, so its all the perfume I want when I want it.
You are perfect scented for both activities, hope it all went well 🙂
I’m in an oldie but goodie today, the sexy musky Aviance Night Musk from Prince Matchabelli. Remember that 1970s jingle from the commercial of the glamorous lady getting dolled up to go out in the evening, “She’s going to have an Aviance night.”
I think Barbara Herman wrote about this one in her great book, but it’s been awhile since I read it.
My small drugstore bottle, which still has the $4.95 price tag on it, has faded in color and lost some of its topnotes so starts out very soft, but the mid and basenotes come roaring in so very sexy and sultry that even in my sweats and slippers, I think I’m Cheryl Tiegs.
Sounds good. I don’t recall ever seeing Aviance here.
There was Aviance and then they released Aviance Night Musk. The first is a 70s chypre. A midlist chypre, I’d say. The second is a sexy musky vamp. I just watched the commercial and realize it was about the first Aviance, not the night musk version. There were several commercials over the years. Here is one:
I think my Aviance night would involve lying on the couch with a book, and my top button would stay done up. Definitely didn’t have that commercial here, though we did have Charlie and Tramp ads.
And I remember Charlie and Aviance, but not Tramp!
I wonder if Tramp was one of those ones that they changed the name for outside of the U.S. market
Ooh, you make it sound intoxicating, Denise. I remember that ad! (And Cheryl Tiegs was my favorite supermodel of the era.) No doubt you smell amazing.
Herman writes about (and loves) Aviance, which I gather is different than the Night Musk version. I’ve not smelled either, but both are now on my list.😊
Aviance sounds good, I remember the commercials too. And the famous Cheryl Tiegs poster where she’s in a bikini.
Loved your post! I remember both Aviances well! ❤️
That was a great commercial! The music and visuals were a perfect match. I can’t recall if I ever wore that one, but Jovan I did, and quite often.
I remember that Aviance ad!
I also remember the ad! I think I had Aviance; my sister definitely had the Night version that I’m sure that I “borrowed” from her.
Sotd Doe in the Snow for last day of winter.
Got a record low for sleep last night on my Oura ring- 30 on a 100 scale. I’m not sure if DITS is going to energize me enough. We’re hoping to move my aunt back into her home tonight. It’s in the next bldg so I’ll be able to keep an eye on her as she continues to heal.
Anyone recommend energizing scents? I’m guessing citrus forward? If I had any Lush Happy Hippie shower gel left, I would have used it this morning.
Hello, L.A. neighbor! So sorry about the sleep issues and bless you for being such a great niece to your elderly aunt.
Annick Goutal Eau du Sud always gooses my nose, it’s a lovely citrus cologne with loads of green herbs, people get basil but I also get the tartness of cilantro which I find invigorating.
Lush Karma might also do the trick.
Or anything green with galbanum is always a wake-up call for me.
*waves back happily but tiredly*
I haven’t tried any of those but I will check them out!
Echoing DeniseH – green with lots of galbanum is the best energizer for me. Balmain Vent Vert is a great example.
Galbanum is not a note I’m readily familiar with but I’ll be on the lookout. Balmain Vent Vert sounds intriguing !
I find my SOTD energizing – Acqua Allegoria Herba Fresca – have you tried it?
No I haven’t but you had me at energizing!
Liz Earle essence No 1 is a great citrus Chypre but I don’t know how easy it is to get in America now, 97% natural and not expensive.
I’ll add it to my check out list!
A yuzu or grapefruit scented showergel is high on my list of energizing scented things. Robin has recommended ShiKai Yuzu in the past. Also a fan of scented lotions for sleep deprived days when perfume may be too much.
MVP Lush Sleepy shower gel and lotion before bed.
Will have to try ShiKai Yuzu!
An interesting article about the ways in which ancient statutes were scented – mostly with olive oils and beeswax and rose. Wearing Fiele Myrrha today for the last of summer. This is the first summer for as long as I can remember that I do not have a white strip on my wrist from where my watch has blocked the sun. It’s been a pretty lacklustre season, sun-heat wise.
I can’t remember if you enjoy hot summers, I find them a bit of a mixed blessing myself.
Still, a cold summer does make it harder to cope with the dark days of winter.
I started the day in D’Annam White Rice. First time trying it and it was a huge disappointment. Too light and fleeting. After 15 minutes it was totally gone, despite pouring the whole sample on both my arms. This is a new to me brand and I still have 3 more samples to explore.
Now, I am in L’Artisan Venenum. A very comforting milky chai scent. Not too sweet and I just what I needed today.
Happy Wednesday! 🌷
I’ve seen quite a bit about D’Annam, so I was very interested to read your comment. I don’t mind if a perfume doesn’t last all day, but 15 minutes is a bit inadequate! Do let us know about the other samples.
I don’t like my perfumes to last too long either, but White Rice was basically nonexistent. Their scents sound very interesting, so I will report back on the samples I got.
This was my experience with CdG Red Carnation. I mentioned this to the SA at the dearly departed brick and mortar Twisted Lily and she looked at me like I have two heads.
I hear you! CdG Carnation did not last more than one hour on me. I am glad I didn’t order a full bottle of White Rice blindly.
Just gone? What a bummer. OTOH, at least it wasn’t a scrubber!
Just gone, so weird! It is a shame because it is a nice scent.
Oh no! I had that one on a list to try. How disappointing that it performed so badly. It seems similar to my luck with Heely Blanc Poudre. I got 2 samples because it seemed so promising but I ended up not being able to smell anything! I even dumped the whole sample on me; nothing!
Gail, the reviews in Fragrantica are very mixed, so you might have a better luck. I love Blanc Poudré, but it didn’t last more than an hour on me. Rice and wheat are both favorite notes, so tomorrow, I will sample D’Annam Strawberry Mochi. I just hope it performs better than White Rice.
Wearing some Lyric body butter. Slowly but surely I am using it up. Will layer it with Lyric extrait.
And will you replace it when it’s gone?
Happy Wednesday, all!
I’m wearing Rive Gauche Pour Homme (2003) from Yves Saint Laurent. It’s a beautiful, (slightly) hairy-chested aromatic fougere, and it doesn’t seem possible that it’s a creation of the 21st century; it really smells like it’s from the ’60s or ’70s.
I think it’s not sold in the U.S. anymore, (maybe in Europe?) except for ridiculous prices on eBay.
Daniel I can send you a bit of the Aviance Night Musk. Pls pm me yr addy. Also, I agree that Rive Gauche Pour Homme that dark fougere feels like a 20th century leftover more than a 21st century offering. I wonder if that’s because it was a recycled formula submission that some canny perfumer had rejected back in the day and tweaked and re-submitted at the turn of the century to YSL, thus accounting for its throwback composition.
So sweet of you, Denise. Many thanks.😊
Interesting thought about Rive Gauche Pour Homme, and it seems very plausible. It was credited to Jacques Cavallier – I would love to know what inspired him. It really feels old-school – nothing about it smacks of the early 2000s, nor is it terribly brawny like many ’80s era masculines. It evokes an especially elegant version of Brut, with more patchouli in the dry down.
Never smelled the Pour Homme version but the original Rive Gauche from way back when was an early favorite of mine. Haven’t smelled it in years.
When I first visited Paris in college, I was quite disappointed to discover that all the men on the Left Bank did not emanate Rive Gauche as they walked by! Ahh the disappointments of a 19 y/o.
Wander the banks of the LA River, and you might catch a whiff of it. Paris has nothing on Studio City.😉
😆😉 La Ville des Studios! Le dernier cri!
Sounds like you have a few Perfume Unicorns!
Deep Dark Vanilla from D&S.
I am not a big fan of this house, but I like the dryish vanilla of this one in a world of cotton candy sweet.
Heading out for a walk.
In favour of dryish vanillas too.
me 3
Wearing PN Poudre de Musc, which might be my next travel spray to work on finishing. It’s one of only two musk perfumes that I have, the other being a full bottle of Montale White Musk, which is unlikely to be finish any year soon.
That made me realize that at the moment I have NONE, unless I’m forgetting something.
I’m very glad for those in the northern hemisphere that your winter is officially over. Ours is unofficially arriving early – I wore a scarf and gloves when I walked to work yesterday!
I’m wearing Mon Nom est Rouge from Majda Bekkali. This has a lovely warm ginger note. I’ve tried a few others from the brand, but none of them have appealed to me like this.
Scarf and gloves already! That was quick.
I started out in Glossier You, but it went south on me so I went with Zara Romance d’Iris instead. I feel like I should have gone with a winter scent. It is back down in the 30’s with the wind whipping around.
We are house twins today!
I am ready for spring in AA Herba Fresca!
Yes, ready for summer even!
I have defrosted mango but may have my smoothie tomorrow instead.
SJP Dawn, a bright chypre I like quite a bit, I’ve never owned Lovely but Dawn is definitely my favorite celebrity fragrance along with Eau de Gaga. Tonight it’s Commodity Tonka, one of my two solinotes of this material, and my only Commodity, it smells very smooth.
You do enjoy your tonka scents!
Ah, you know me well, my other one is Réminiscence Tonka.
SOTD = Francesca Bianchi Sticky Lips
Sticky 👄 is so wonderful. I should wear this more often! I wore this because her perfumery is outside of the U.S. she could be Dutch but her bio seems to indicate she had been all over…
It looks like two of your kittehs in today’s Insta pic are giving each other a fist bump! 🤣🤣
I woke up to a pretty morning, with soft 🌞,calm winds, and temps warming up to 60. It was hard to believe the forecast for later was severe thunderstorms, possible tornadoes, falling temps, and snow during the night into tomorrow morning. But by the time we went to our afternoon yoga class, it was pouring and the temps had dropped to the low 40’s.
The ominous forecast somehow seems appropriate for tonight’s activity – our monthly classic film series featuring Hitchcock’s The Birds. 🍿 I remember being fascinated yet horrified the first time I saw it, wonder what my reaction will be this time?
I enjoyed the powdery purple of the violets in yesterday’s Meteorites so much I’m echoing it in my SOTD, only changing it from violets to earthy irises on a bed of patchouli and tonka bean for the change in the weather, YR Iris Noir from their d/c Secrets d’Essences line in the early 2000’s. The Iris Noir, Voile d’Ambre, and Rose Absolute in this line are all excellent and I think smell much more expensive than they were.
Happy Wednesday! 🦜🦅🕊️🦉🐦⬛
Wow, that’s some serious weather whiplash.
Do report back on The Birds! I think I only saw it the one time and it terrified me.
Happy Hump Day All! Wearing Mugler Angel, from a bottle from the mid-late 2010s. The top notes – that cotton candy – doesn’t pop as much as I would like, but i am obsessed with Angel lately. Maybe obsessed overstates it, but I have it at my desk and I reach for it more than my other desk staples (including 20 or so sample vials).
I don’t think I ever get cotton candy from Angel. It comes off as candied pineapple to me.
I wore Carnal Flower today, from a sample as I’m on holiday in southern France.
I did a nice hike today, in the hills bordering Moustiers Ste. Marie. Beatiful views and really nice weather.
Ever since I gave up skiing in 2008, hiking has slowly become my go to activity to empty my mind. It works nearly as well.
Autumn and winter were mostly grey and dreary this year, so it’s a boon to be surrounded by such intense light.
Carnal Flower is a wonderful choice for vacation/holiday!
Enjoy your holiday! Sounds lovely 🥾
Nasty weather today. Several highways are closed in Colorado due to blizzard conditions, including I-70 out to the Kansas border.
I didn’t really get any snow to speak of, but the wind has been wicked. The dusting I saw last night probably blew into the next county, since there was nothing by the time the sun came up. Glad that Teflon’s vet appointment wasn’t today.
SOTD = Zara Leather Jardin. A few folks here have mentioned it lately, and I remembered that I wanted to try it in colder weather. So perfect timing!
Hopefully you have good weather tomorrow for your appointment.
It’s going to be about 15 degrees warmer with no wind tomorrow. Much better!
It still won’t keep Teflon kitty from complaining about the trip to the vet, though.
Perfecto! H-ll to the no on the wind!
March is notorious for bad wind out here. The downslope wind off the mountains was a bane during my college days!
I like Leather Jardin much better in the cooler weather. It seemed a little too much during the summer months.
Leather Jardin is a LOT for me to handle in warm weather. No can do!
The weather in Colorado is so different. I recall when you got Leather Jardin last year. Yes, leather is more of a winter note for me too.
“Mutable” is a good descriptor for Colorado weather. I might be seeing temps near 80 by the end of next week!
It was a beautiful day today. I’m working tonight and now we are expecting storms. I’m hoping they will be pass me by time I have to drive home.
I wasn’t feeling great earlier but still wanted to wear perfume. I am wearing a half spray of Coco edp.
Hope you have a good day at work and feel better soon!
I considered wearing Coco today. We were almost perfume twins.
Livre Blanc was layered over a blackberry lotion. It’s still feeling like winter out there but hopefully it’s the last gasp. Next week is looking much better. Some of my seedlings are doing well; balsam and thyme have good progress. Others are a bit slower but there’s growth.
Yay for the seedlings! It has been a long time since I’ve grown anything from seed.
It’s my 2nd time trying. The first time was a fairly big fail, mostly. In the fall I got some jasmine nicotina seeds from my sister; those sprouted up really fast for me. She said they were beautiful white flowers and the scent was amazing.
I’ll be trying a small vegetable garden too. Lettuce, tomatoes and onions.
There is nothing like fresh lettuce and tomatoes! We did onions once but it did not go well for us 🙂
Trying out a sample of ELDO Clean Suede. Nice, not sure it makes the cut for full bottle.
I am doing an online course this week in preparation for an exam in April. Having been in my field for 20 years much is review. During the breaks I am scurrying around trying to get bits of housework done.
Good luck with the course and exam Zephyr2!
For some of this week I’m double dipping with the CP and finishing off some evaporating samples from Indigo. I love that they offer spray samples, but I wish they’d switch to the types of spray samples Ministry of Scent uses because the little decant bottles they use are prone to evaporation. So you’ve gotta remember to use up the samples fairly quickly or lose them. Today I finished off my sample of Hiram Green Philtre. This one’s a like but not a love. If he still made travel sprays, I might consider one, but I definitely don’t need a large bottle. And this works for the cp since HG is a Canadian perfumer who is based in the Netherlands.
Was Philtre the carnation one?
Yes, the carnation one. And dang if the dry down isn’t sooo good. But I find the early phase a bit sharp and slightly nose singe-y. This dry down does kinda make me try it again though…