It's our last lazy weekend open thread of the year...
Talk about anything you like — the fragrance you’re wearing today, any fragrance-related regrets you have about the past year, whatever.
Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer…
Note: top image is electric trees [cropped] by Christian Collins at flickr; some rights reserved.
Wearing the same top as yesterday so still slightly redolent of Ambra Aurea. Decided to complement the amber with a good couple of spritzes of Kalemat. Headed into town for the dreaded gas and grocery fill up before heading out to a boon-docking location until after the first as I head towards my next contract. It’s another lovely day here with sunshine for miles. Thankfully the wind died down because yesterday the wind was wicked. 💨🌬️
Apropos of nothing, last night I watched an interview with Rita Gigante, daughter of the famous New York crime boss “The Chin” Vincent Gigante. Wow, the amazing lives some people lead…😳
Happy Almost New Year! 🎉
Oh I didn’t know you had a new contract. I hope it’s a nice place.
Where is the next place you and T-Rex are going?
Wearing Eau Premiere today and had to schedule a doctor’s appointment while ordering dog food. And now it’s off to work.
I am late, but hope yesterday went well at work Dawn.
I’m back in my original Profumum Roma love, Alba. It’s sweet and comforting, very well blended, and … discontinued? It has fallen off
Lucky Scent’s roster at least. Very glad I sprang for the big bottle, even though it is one of those scents that I have to be in the right mood to wear. It verges on gourmand, with its notes of almond and hazelnut, but it never quite gets all the way to edible-adjacent — I guess the iris and sandalwood tamp that down.
SherryG— Almond, hazelnut, iris, sandalwood! Oh goodness, music to my nose! And thus another Profumum Roma lands on my must try list!
There’s also some amber, but as I said, all of the notes are very well blended. It’s not a heavy amber at all.
I don’t mind amber 🙂 and well-blended sounds perfect. I have noticed that about the Profumums I’ve tried – a lot of them are well-blended, with nothing dominating, just strategically thought out notes and combos.
Sounds nice, but not sure if I would like the almond.
Send me all you almond! Last year I gave my sister a bottle of Marzipan by Dawn Spenser Hurwitz and it smells just like marzipan! She said she’s been wearing it a lot because it’s a perfect holiday scent. I like it too, but I gave it to her cause she fell in love with it. Which reminds me I should make some marzipan with my food processor, the DH went to Costco and bought a very large bag of unsalted almonds.
I’m wearing the new ELDO Story of Your Life. It was an almost-instant purchase in the sense that I sprayed it on in a store and then left and came home but later on that night decided I had to have it, so I ordered it on Luckyscent (the benefit of that being that you get some samples with your purchase). It just came the other day. This won’t be for everyone but it was pretty instant love for me. Patchouli, chocolate, rum…. Yum. I have zero plans for the day but might end up going out to lunch somewhere…. not sure what I’m in the mood for. It’s a bit gray outside but it’s 77 and humid so I’m running the a/c.
Sounds great Calypso. Smelling wonderful.
It sounds lovely!
Mmm . . . Patchouli, chocolate, rum? Sounds like it’s something I definitely need to try.
Try before you buy! It’s got a baffling array of reviews on Fragrantica. I am a patchouli hag and I totally love this. Some people complain that it’s not a gourmand, as advertised. I think that is right. Done find the amber too synthetic. I don’t notice a lot of development but it’s just a comfortable and beautiful rich fragrance.
Some not “done.” Typos
Patch hag, ha!
LOL at “patchouli hag”!
The sun is out!!!
SOTD is Eau des Merveilles. I really love this one.
My question for the weekend is this: I have heard that the Guerlain Aqua Allegoria line is geared towards newcomers to perfume. I recently bought AA Rosa Rossa for the warmer months and really like it. It is certainly a simple fragrance and nothing ground breaking, but very inoffensive if worn in public. I am just wondering if any of you ever wear anything from this line. I don’t see much about it.
I own some AAs. My favourite is the very unfortunately discontinued Flora Nymphea. Herba Fresca and Flora Bloom Forte are very nice too.
I have AA Pamplelune, Mandarine Basilic, and Ginger Piccante. All are great, but like you, I find them more suitable in summer.
Then I guess I am not the only one that has an AA😉
You are in good company! I have just one, Pamplelune, and do pretty much wear it only in hot weather. Some days it is exactly right.
These sound very nice.
Some of the AA line are very nice, but there are so many that I’ve lost track. I bought Figue-Iris way back in 2008 when I was just embarking on my perfume hobby.
Yes, that one is not around anymore. I think I would have like it too.
Oh yeah, that AA Figue Iris is a real winner, too bad they discontinued it. I loved it.! It’s a lovely combination of notes.
You smell wonderful.
I have some older AA, Herba Fresca and Ginger Piccante, and I enjoy them both, but I’ve read somewhere that they reformulated/discontinued some fragrances from this line. Haven’t tried the new ones.
Yes, many have been discontinued.
I have AA Mentafloria and it is very refreshing in the summer. I keep wanting to add another one but there are so many.
The Sun is just starting to peak out here.
I think that Mentafloria would also be a good name for a scent, lillyjo
I don’t think that one is around anymore either.
EdM – I really love it, too, one of my top 5.
I have 2 AA’s, Winter Delice, which I absolutely adore during the holidays, and Ylang Ylang Vanille, which I think I bought on my one trip to Paris years ago. Not sure why, as I’m not much of a fan of white florals and the ylang ylang is quite strong. But it is a pretty scent.
Not a white florals fan myself, but I find Ylang Ylang Vanille a nice bedtime scent.
That sounds like a good choice!
I don’t think Guerlain carries either of these anymore, but maybe some of the discounters do. They both sound nice.
Bergamot Calabria is one I tried and liked for the summer
I see that is still being sold.
Oh yes, Kris, I have quite a few, mainly discontinued, Flora Nerolia (orange blossom) Rosa Magnifica (a masterpiece, a Nahema light), Lavande Velour, Figue-iris, Winter Délice, Angélique Lilas, Flora Rosa… Love them all. Also, Herba Fresca, still in production is great in summer.
Thanks Aurora! Glad I won’t be the only one wearing AA scents😊
Aurora, you are the only other person I’ve seen here who admits to loving Rosa Magnifica! I bought a bottle, plus a couple of BUBs ages ago when it was at the discounters. I only wear it occasionally now for fear of running out. Down to one BUB, lol!
I feel vindicated in my love. 💖
AnnE, we’re in good company, when I told Persolaise about its being an homage to Nahema he immediately purchased a bottle and reviewed it, enter love at first scent Rosa Magnifica in YouTube to access his review. I think it was overlooked at first but many watchers felt compelled to look for it.
Thanks, I will look that up!
He decidedly loved it!
I bought a set of 5 mini Aqua Allegorias in the early 2000s, back when you could buy sets of minis pretty easily. It included Herba Fresca, Pamplelune, Lilia Bella, Ylang & Vanille, and Gentiana. It was early days in my perfume obsession, and because I’m such a sparse applier, they’re all still over half full. My goal for next year is to do some thunking! Anyway, I also own a full bottle of Winter Délice which I wear around the holidays. Good stuff, though very light.
Yes, I got the feeling they are all quite light.
I own Anisia Bella and Mandarine Basilic, don’t know if either is still made. Used to own Herba Fresca, used it up. There was a very green one that I liked but I think they discontinued it pretty quickly.
I didn’t see Anisia Bella on Guerlain’s website, but Mandarine Basilic and Herba Fresca are still on the website.
I’ve only tried 2 Aqua Allergorias. Mandarine Basilic didn’t work for me. I loved Jasminora, but didn’t get a bottle before it disappeared.
The sun is out!!!
SOTD is Eau des Merveilles. I really love this one.
My question for the weekend is this: I have heard that the Guerlain Aqua Allegoria line is geared towards newcomers to perfume. I recently bought AA Rosa Rossa for the warmer months and really like it. It is certainly a simple fragrance and nothing ground breaking, but very inoffensive if worn in public. I am just wondering if any of you ever wear anything from this line. I don’t see much about it.
Oops. Didn’t mean to post twice. Can you remove this Robin?
Sorry, I am so late that there is already a reply so it has to stay or I will orphan Denise’s comment.
No problem😉
I have many loves among them, most of them discontinued. The most Guerlain-like one is definitely Vanilla Ylang.
Winter Delices Is popular here. Their orange blossom, Nerolia, and the grapefruit one, Pampelune, are wonderful in the summer. Anisa Bella is another fave. And I agree that they are great starter perfumes, more along the lines of the Body Shop, Caswell, Massey, and L’Occitane than classic complicated perfumes.
I noticed those mentioned above by some. I don’t think those are available anymore.
I am wearing Bombay Bling today. It’s gray and drizzly so I will stay inside and do laundry. Maybe I’ll make stew for dinner.
LOVE Bombay Bling. You smell great!
I’ve had one week of my break, and I’ve still got two weeks to go! I’m having a lovely time pottering around, although I’ve only crossed a couple of things off my to-do list so far.
We’re planning to watch James Bond movies in the evenings. We finally got a DVD player that will play them, the evil of DVD regions is an ongoing plague. We started with Dr No last night and I accompanied it with Jolie Madame. It came out in 1953, so it was appropriate for a 1962 movie.
For today, I’m thinking about incense, maybe CdG’s Kyoto.
Perfect summer break movies. Those DVD a regions are a curse, so many good movies that don’t work down here. At least perfumes don’t suffer from a similar Region 4 fate
I love those old Bond movies! And your SotD. So serene.
What a great project, I adore James Bond movies.
CdG Black in all its incense glory.
I love Black. The incense is heavenly!
Yes! I also got a lot of black licorice from that one
Sampling Moon Dance from Juliette Has a Gun. The opening was nice and reminded me of some Chanel fragrances. The heart less so, I get some flat soapy note that I don’t enjoy that much…
It got worse, now it reminds me of the smell of airport toilets. A scrubber 🧽
Oh no!
Oh, yuck!
Bletch!! 🤢
I am wearing Grimoire from Anatole Lebreton from a sample passed on by a friend after someone here praised it yesterday. They were right. It’s a lovely dry incense with spice and mint and anise, parts of it remind me of LV Piper Nigrum. Now I may also need a FB, yikes. & I need to try all his others.
At least it is not insanely expensive!
I like that one very much!
I love Grimoire! It’s one of my favorite discoveries from perfumes I’ve tried the last few years. I have other samples from the brand I should retry. I also enjoy his Bois Lumiere. It’s definitely worth a try.
SOTD = MDCI Chypre Palatin
…. from a really really really old decant, so old that the juice is more like sludge but my spraying finger managed to coax more from it. No IG post although I may post a few things later.
Dinner with the family was really good. We ended up changing our reservation from 8PM to 6:30PM because of an emergency rosary request for a rosarian (not sure of the actual term but this seems good) whose brother is hospitalized due to complications of ALS and also potentially pneumonia. One is not good already and to be hit with two, oy! If we couldn’t make reservations at the better time, not sure if we will go ahead with the dinner (with or without my sister) or cancel altogether.
Chypre Palatin is so beautiful! I hope the emergency was addressed successfully.
Glad to hear that your family dinner was a good one despite the emergency interruption.
Sampling Rose Barbare
This is beautiful. Maybe better than Rosa Amira 🤔
Chai ☕️ all day
Finished empire of the summer moon, now reading Cher’s memoir 📖
Jealous of that all day chai!!
I sampled a soon-to-come Jo Malone, Ta’if Rose, earlier today. It’s very nice but I can’t say it’s much different than my (many) other rose fragrances. The base has a slight tinge of macaron, so I guess it’s a slightly gourmand rose. Our second daughter and I watched the two Mamma Mia movies back to back last night, which was great fun! She went back to her apartment this afternoon but we’re meeting up with her and her sibs tomorrow morning for a birthday brunch (her birthday). It was so nice to have all three of them here for several days for Christmas, even though they live nearby! Gotta say, it feels a bit quiet here tonight …
We hosted a Boxing Day open house party here two days ago, which we do most years now. It was fun! Anyone have special NYE plans? We’re going to a party at the home of friends, which is a nice change — usually we just stay home and make a fancy dinner.
What a great evening and happy birthday to your daughter. My son’s birthday is New Years Day so we’re going to Nosferatu.
Happy birthday to your son! I will not be going to see Nosferatu, I had nightmares about vampires when I was young for years after seeing a TV episode about one. Then I made the mistake of reading Stephen King’s “Salem’s Lot” as a young adult with similar results, so now I take a pass on vampire entertainment, lol! I hope you enjoy it, though!
What fun you’ve been having over Christmas break! Hope you enjoy your New Year’s event, too.
Mr. E and I are not going out anywhere, although I may make a special dinner. We used to go into the city for First Night, but the weather is so unreliable that we don’t do it anymore. One year we had to wear our long underwear because the temps were in the single digits (F.) 🥶
Yes, we’ve been having a lovely break! And tomorrow, I’m going with the birthday girl to her favorite local bookstore, which is having a sale, so I’m confident she’ll be coming out with a few book gifts from me.
You’re wise to avoid any festivities that require long underwear. Single digit temps are no fun. I hope you and Mr. E have a lovely evening at home! I doubt we’ll make it to midnight, lol.
A bookstore outing, too! Now I truly am envious. 🤭
Thanks for your kind comment – we will most likely not make it to midnight, either.
Macaron + rose sounds good to my nose, old herbaceous! But being a Jo Malone , it might be too light and fleeting on me.
It’s actually one of their cologne intense fragrances, and it lasted on my skin for several hours. I was impressed, since you’re absolutely right that most JM scents don’t last that long.
Birthday bunch with your family, enjoy!
Thanks! We did enjoy it, and I think in the future we’ll try to do birthday brunches instead of dinners. It was just so much more relaxed.
Sounds like you’ve had a great time over “Christmas Break”!
Jo Malone does lovely roses.
Testing out Matiere Premiere Encens Suave, day 2, liking it very much. I have 3 incense scents already – Avignon, Kyoto and Cardinal but I really like the vanilla aspect of the Encens Suave. Maybe a 2025 purchase candidate.
We took a day drive to a local town with our adult children. It was a great day, weather was warm. I found a great bamboo box with partitions at an antique shop and used it to house my small perfume samples, which I have had in plastic bags divided alphabetically. Now it is so much easier to find the samples, not to mention prettier. I think this box was a tea caddy in its prior life.
Any denim heads out there? Years ago, I had a quest to relive the denim of my youth, when I would buy horribly stiff and dark Levi’s that would shrink down and soften and fade beautifully. I bought different “raw denim” jeans that are supposed to fade like the ones from decades past. Usually the denim is NOT cheap and I tend to buy men’s jeans, which fit me better because the rise is not so high- and also I find the fabric seems better in the men’s version. There are all kinds of instructions on what to do to break in the jeans, like wear them while doing grubby chores and not wash them for months. I am down with the grubby chores part but can’t bring myself to forgo washing that long. Most of the jeans are not really breaking in as well as I hoped. I have a pair of vintage men’s Levi’s from the 1990’s or earlier and the fabric is so much softer than the modern versions and one can see the grain of the fabric. The modern men’s shrink-to-fit Levi’s – my biggest bargain of the lot – is actually fading better than the premium brands but the Levi’s jeans have a lot of strange markings on the fabric that are not wear-related and persist through the fade.
But it gets me to thinking: when I was young, none of us did any of this stuff with not machine drying our jeans or not washing them and they faded just fine. So is the denim just different?
I don’t know but maybe the indigo dyes have been redeveloped to become more colour-fast, or better able to withstand multiple machine washes without fading. I had some Japanese denim that never faded, unlike all my other jeans.
That makes sense. Plus there used to be essentially one denim color and now there are a zillion.
I don’t know, but I am drooling over your tea caddy box repurposed perfume sample cabinet.
A few years ago, I bought a couple of vintage American-made denim jean jackets on eBay. The material is far heavier than what you see today.
What I learned is that there is no way I am wearing anything close-fitting that lacks Lycra. 😹
I’d say that denim now is different. I never used to do anything special when I had 501 Shrink to Fit jeans. Haven’t seen them in forever.
We’re in a little shack out on blm land that has Wi-Fi, otherwise totally disconnected!
For those who asked yesterday, my next contact starts the 6th in New Mexico. I have no expectations. 😉
We’re off on a hike, and I’m sporting Kenzo Jungle l’Elephant because it’s chilly but the sun is blasting.
Enjoy your walk, hope you get to see some good things and smell fresh air. I was thinking about your wonderful beaded bracelets and how it would be possible to colour-match the places you visit , so they’d record your journeys ( eg. Blues and greys for the NW a last, or desert oranges and yellows for New Mexico…that type of thing). There must be endless variety, I’m guessing.
Great idea!
New Mexico was part of the territory I had when I was a nurse consultant. I love it there, but not sure which area of the state you will be in. Some parts are better than others.
Currently in the Gila Mountain Wilderness, but will be heading just northwest of Albuquerque on Friday. I will be avoiding that town as much as possible. 🥹
Good choice Deva. The elephant always warms one up. I hope your next posting works out well and meanwhile enjoy the sun and the landscapes.
Thank you!
And I should clarify the “shack” was originally an old cabin that has been redone and is now a very small (one room small), very tiny museum about the Magdalena Trail, which is the only place for miles with any connectivity. I can walk from my camp spot to here in about 10 minutes and there’s very few people. Interesting history going back to before the coming of Europeans when this was an ancient bison highway, with a natural pass through the mountains. Originally Apache and Navajo land, then with the coming of the whites, and livestock (cattle and sheep) drives (late 1800’s) 10-12 wells were dug along the route to support the livestock and wranglers from eastern Arizona to Soccoro NM and the railroad system. Everything now is dry. The small towns and the one RV Park about 30 miles away won’t even sell you water. All the water here (blm land) has been capped because ranchers were coming by and filling 500-1000 gallon tanks for their livestock. The water pressure is very poor. This area is about to dry up and blow away. We had a great hike, will go further tomorrow because I haven’t been active for over a month…read old, out of shape, and blowing like a steam engine when climbing these hills! T-Rex of course is always ready for a 10K…
What an interesting history.
Hope your time in NM is good! I’ll wave to the south next time I am outside. 😉
I tried both Devotion and Devotion Intense in the shops yesterday and found them quite different from one another ( rather than one being simply more intense). The first was a lemon dessert ( lemon meringue pie, maybe) while the other was a nutty, Krispie biscuit scent . I probably prefer the original of the two but I think they would work nicely together, to make a high afternoon tea that would be great to sample but might leave you feeling a bit queasy by 4pm. Today I’m in a sample of Barenia which I think is a pleasant summer scent, almost with a body/ sun screen drydown.
I prefer the original Devotion also. I’ve sampled the Intense twice and ended up with a headache both times.
The Intense has a kind of hyped up, artificial flavouring vibe that I found a bit too much.
I might have to pick up a travel spray, I do have a $10 off thingie for Ulta.
ps went to read the very entertaining ulta reviews, and my absolute favorite is “Motel 6 smoking room”, and since they don’t even exist any more that must be someone at least my age 🙂
I will try it later this week.
Oh that is funny. I love it when someone applies a one- liner to a perfume, or most things for that matter.
I am not experimenting today, I am in Diptiqye Oyedo, my favorite citrus scent for winter ❄️
Yep, it’s the best!
Today I’m in L’Ombre des Merveilles. Maybe some day I’ll see a post by another person who likes this as well. 😅 Works for me! (Note to self: pay no attention to reviews on Fragrantica.)
This scent is also perfect for the weather today. We are under a heavy layer of haze/fog which shows no sign of lifting. I can only see two houses down.
Pay no attention!! Wear what you like!
☺️ Well, I am, and I will, gosh darn it!
I really like it too.
Yes! 👏🏻
I’ve never tried it, but I say wear what you want to wear!
Thanks, lillyjo. How was your day today?
It was so busy at work! Luckily I had the early shift.
Good for you!
I remember liking it when I tried it some years ago — do people dislike it? Now I’ll have to try it again! And I do love the bottle. Anyway, I agree with everyone else here — wear what makes you happy.
Well, it was dissed in many Fragrantica reviews (for what that’s worth,) and there are lots of it available at discounters.
Hmm, maybe I’ll get a BUB, lol!
I was thinking Jalapeno liked it too, but I could be mistaken.
Could be!
I actually haven’t tried L’Ombre des Merveilles.
Sotd is Akro Smoke which feels just right for an on/off rainy, cloudy day. I have another week of vacation so I’m also enjoying a Sunday that isn’t a Sunday!
Best kind of Sunday 🙂
I am sampling the new Tom Ford Black Lacquer. It really smells like it’s name. It has a vinyl or ink smell with woods and a lot of pepper. I am also getting something boozy, so I checked the notes and it’s rum. I just love it when my nose is correct! Lol.
Something kept reminding me of the 80’s so I did a quick scan of the dreaded Fragrantica reviews. When I saw someone mention dark pine it hit me… Polo for men! But it smells black not green. It’s pretty masculine so not for me. I think it would smell really nice on the right guy though.
Why are Fragrantica reviews “dreaded”? I”m just curious. Nice to know you identified the boozy ingredient correctly!
I dread them because when the reviews are negative they might make you question your own nose and what you smell especially if you really like a perfume. They can also make you skip trying something you might have loved.
Ah, yes, thank you. Usually when I look something up on there everyone disagrees, so it doesn’t sway me!
Polo was everywhere when I lived in NYC. It smelled great but I agree too masculine to steal from the guys.
Polo smelled wonderful back in the late 1980’s. I’m sure it’s been reformulated by now. And yeah, although I wear a few perfumes from the “masculine side” of the aisle, I could never wear Polo.
It belongs in my past anyway.
I’m wearing Jil Sander Woman III, the one described as a feminine perfume made with masculine ingredients. I was crazy about it when I first got it, then set it aside for a few years, and now I’m getting into it again.
That’s one of the best perfume-lover experiences, revisiting an old favorite and falling in love again. It also makes me feel better about having a collection😊
That’s a perfect description! I should try my decant again.
I was kind of shocked when I heard that Jimmy Carter passed away. But when I thought about it, he was 100 years old and had been sick for a long time.
After wearing the original Lolita Lempicka yesterday, I am in my last wearing of the year for Lyric.
I noticed all the flags were at half staff for Jimmy Carter here this afternoon.
Sampling Lady Code by Valmont and it’s faded into a generic smelling nothing
Cher’s memoir is so far so good
It’s 50 degrees and the sun is out! Winter returns tomorrow so I am enjoying today.
I am finally thunking Alien The taste of fragrance. I don’t even feel bad. I’ve been wearing it so much I got tired of it. I’m sure in 6 months I will be missing it though. Lol.
Congratulations on the THUNK!
Thanks! It’s about time!
All the Aliens fascinate me but I’ve never felt that otherworldly jasmine was me somehow. Do you own or like any TM masculines?
I think I’ve only tried the original and the orange one. Ultra Zest? I liked that one. I am partial to orange.
Hurray for both the sun being out, and your perfume thunk! Are you still looking for a vintage bottle of the OG Alien?
I’m looking occasionally. I still have about 15ml of the one I have. I use it sparingly.
Wearing Clinique Wrappings and went for for a walk to get some fresh air this morning. Last weekend I went through a bunch of papers (perfume purchase related). I will probably log it on a spreadsheet just to see if there’s any patterns (I’m sure there will be). I should probably also create a profile on Fragrantica because I’m sure I’ve forgotten some scents I had as a kid. I saw a mention of Faberge Babe on a website where I was looking at something else. I forgot had that one too.
On Christmas Day, I wore a combo of Lancome Iris Dragees with a few added sprays of Atelier Silver Iris on my wrists.
Yes to Wrappings! 🥰
It sure is a good one!
Frozen cherries and yogurt smoothie
AdP Vaniglia, pudding-like but not too sweet, so glad I picked that last year and tonight vintage Caron Nocturnes, note to self for next year, must wear my Caron perfumes more.
Wearing more Caron perfumes sounds like a good idea! Especially if you have some well-aged vintage.
It’s kind of a melancholy Monday, maybe it’s just that end of the year feeling. Not sad, just quiet. Wearing Les Nereides Patchouli Antique, I love this one so much. My bottle is old and what’s left is very dark and syrup-y, really good stuff.
The rain moved on at last and the sun came out today, it was wonderful to see! Those dark, wet, murky days take a toll after a while.
I’m feeling that end-of-year introspection myself.
We have a bizarre 80 degrees today and it’s weird but I actually have enjoyed the day. I went to get my new(ish) pair of glasses adjusted, which has been a big improvement, and then I found a fun new restaurant that is one of the odd Vietnamese/Cajun mixes we tend to get here in Houston, and on top of that they had Korean soju! That put me in a good mood. I am wearing Rosine Le Snob No. 1: Gothic Rose, which I discovered via a sample from a lovely Splitmeet host, and I am head over heels in love with it. I even bought a bottle for myself for Christmas (yes I bought myself quite a few little treats!). It is gorgeous, a lovely rose but with some aspects of juicy mandarin, tiny hits of cinnamon, rich plum, and something else lusciously buttery, which might be–what? myrtle? Caoutchouc? It’s got some other ingredients that are mysteries to me. Anyway I am feeling rich and decadent in this beautiful scent. Since I don’t like either crayfish or oysters, I skipped those at the oyster bar today but had a wonderful salad topped by some of the most fantastic fresh grilled shrimp I’ve ever eaten! ooooh, I’m definitely going back.
Have High Wind Warnings and Red Flag Warnings over the eastern half of Colorado today. It’s been unusually warm and dry this December. Still it was a decent day to get groceries at Costco. But the price! Ouch!
Yesterday I visited a cat cafe for this first time! I was there to drop off some donations for the kittehs. Teflon’s old cat carrier, some towels, and a blanket got rehomed. Teflon wasn’t sad to see that stuff go, particularly the old carrier. So many of the cats in residence there were under a year old; kittens, really.
SOTWeekend = mostly Tauer Heraud. But I switched it up today and wore some Prada Candy. It played *very* nicely with the far drydown of the Heraud.
Wind is so unsettling, has the café just opened? That would maybe explain the young resident cats? I feel your pain with the price of groceries, none too good in the UK but you have it much worse.
No, the cat cafe has been around for a while. They are associated with an animal shelter here in northern Colorado. There might just be a lot of young cats in the area.
I felt my car rocking back and forth when I was at a stop light this afternoon. Very glad I wasn’t driving a high profile vehicle! That would be a scary ride.
Your wind is heading my way!
God I hope not! Had 52mph gusts here today. It kinda sucked.