The first weekend of 2021! Saturday is World Introvert Day and National Science Fiction Day, plus it's the 9th night of Christmas (ladies dancing). Sunday is the 10th (lords a-leaping). PSA: Donatella will be dropping by on Tuesday! Meanwhile, we're marking all the occasions with the "visual media" version of our winter reading poll.
Tell us...
...any great tv shows you've discovered recently, and/or
...any great movies you've seen lately, and
...of course, tell us the matching perfume(s)!
Or, as always, just talk about something else.
Note: top image is Ballerina II [cropped] by Gerald Pereira at flickr; some rights reserved.
I didn’t know there was a World Introvert Day! I would say all of us introverts should celebrate it by staying home and not socializing, but pretty much everyone has been doing that for months now. My calendar says it is Swiss Cheese Day. I think I will celebrate my introvertedness by eating some Swiss cheese while reading a book.
Lockdown has definitely been far easier for me than my Extrovert husband.
I have been very grateful for my own introvertedness during this time! Psychologically not challenging for me.
(Also I have been blessed that everyone in my family has stayed healthy and not experienced financial hardship. I realize we are very lucky.)
Things aren’t as locked down here (Texas) as some other places. I got to work from home for about six weeks last spring, but have been back to going in to work M-F since the beginning of May. I loved WFH, and I would have been happy if they had let me continue to do it, even 2 or 3 days a week. What has been hard for me (really for both of us; hubby is not quite as introverted as me, but he leans more introvert than extrovert) is that so many of the things that have been shut down are the “social” events that we do enjoy as introverts, namely plays and concerts–the sort of things where even though you may be in a room full of people, you don’t have to interact directly with them. I know we are very fortunate to be in reasonably good health and not to have had financial hardships, but I do miss seeing live performances.
I do know what you mean about connecting through being in a crowd. I miss actually going to the movies for this reason.
The other miss is my season opera tickets. Those became a donation to the company. I hope they can keep it together and make it safely to the other side of this. (Same wish for all other performers, artists, restaurants…)
I may read as an extrovert, but I treasure my down time. I need it to recharge.
I love being a social butterfly for bursts of time but I LOVE my down time, my garden and Mr. Squirrel.
Then you are almost certainly an introvert. Being an introvert doesn’t mean that you hate people, or dislike all social events, or don’t enjoy interacting with others. It just means that social interaction consumes energy, and you recharge your batteries by spending time alone. Some introverts may not care for socializing at all, but many of them do, although they generally will prefer to partake of it for shorter increments of time. I find that I can enjoy a social gathering for about an hour or two, then I’m ready to go home. Some extrovert will protest that “the party’s just getting started.” Well, for me, it’s over. I also prefer to interact with people one or two at a time. More than that and I can get overwhelmed.
I am an introvert who loves Swiss cheese. This may be my new favorite day of the year!
It reminds me of that meme: Introverts Unite! In your own homes.
Love that! ?
Does being an introvert imply being a homebody as well? Because I’m definitely both. When I don’t have a dig to walk, sometimes I only make it as far as the porch to collect the mail, lol!
I don’t think the two things always go together, although they often do. Since introverts don’t need much social interaction, they often are homebodies, although I suppose an introvert who was forced to live in a crowded situation might end up needing to get out of the house to get some privacy. think, too, that there are probably adventuresome introverts–the type who would enjoy trekking through the wilderness alone. I am much the same way as you. Sometimes, I have spent entire weekends not even leaving the house.
Well said! DH and I are both introverts, but he’s the homebody and I like to wander around by myself! Of course, I’m always ready to talk perfumes…..
Right, good point. I do think that being in the outdoors away from society is a good way be alone, too. But I thought of this only afterwards, lol!
I haven’t really discovered any great TV shows or movies of late. Although my husband and I have been watching Emergency! from the ‘70s. That show must have been a hit, because the budget seems to be enormous. We’ve also watched the old Andy Griffith Show, which is perfect for anyone wanting to relieve anxiety or worry.
Still can’t help recommending Crash Landing on You…K-drama.
Angelique Noire from a sample. Will keep spraying all day. More football…. I certainly enjoyed the Sugar Bowl last night, although I grimaced for Fields every time he was on the field.
Haha – Emergency! One of my favorite shows when I was 12 – 15!
Ditto on the Sugar Bowl and grimacing for Fields.
I’m pretty sure it was you who was so moved by the movie A Hidden Life….? I’ve had that on my hold list from the library since September, one of these days it’ll be my turn!
Yes, it was me. Saw it twice. If you like Malik, his pacing and cinematography, you’ll probably like it.
I had such a crush on Randolph Mantooth. I just had to look him up now. He’s 75 now.
Oh my gosh, me too. He would have been the poster boy in my room, if it wasn’t for David Cassidy. ?
Speaking of teen crushes from the time, Bobby Sherman became a real paramedic after appearing in Emergency!
Happy first weekend in 2021 everyone! I can’t believe that two weeks of my winter holidays are almost over and that tomorrow night I have to go back to my place and resume work on monday… Oh well…
I’m spending my day in Splendiris today.
I’ve been watching His Dark Materials on HBO Go as of late, a nice fantasy series if you like those. We’ve also watched The Midnight Sky on Netflix (George Clooney starring and directing at once) but it wasn’t as good as I’d expected.
For His Dark Materials you can wear any perfume that you consider as magical. The series is not only birds & flowers so something a bit darker will do 😉
I’ve been off for two weeks as well and have to go back to work on Monday. Not really looking forward to it, especially since the first day back always seems to be chaos.
It’s always the same. After xmas break I think the return might be calm.
Time off always goes too fast….enjoy these last days off.
I will, thanks
Monday is also my return to reality after two weeks off.
Good luck to us.
I have just started season 2 of His Dark Materials, and last night read through the Pullman novella Serpentine (really more like a short story, but cute).
I haven’t read any of the Pullman novels. Might as well add them to my list.
I am enjoying the series but IMHO the books are much better.
That usually is the case 🙂
I have read only the first novel, but I was RIVETED. Couldn’t put the thing down.
I’ve been watching that as well. It’s an excellent adaptation! The word ‘riveting’ comes to mind.
Great to hear. I guess now I need to get acquainted with the books
I just watched that George Clooney movie last night and thought it was awful! A few nice visuals but such a trite and cliched plot! Grrr! Waste of time!
In my opinion it was lacking a more elaborate ending.
Yes, no real conclusion. I loved the opening part on the new planet and wished we could have seen more of that! And I confess I thought he looked pretty cool as an old guy. 😉
On the ninth day of Christmas, I’m offering for free
A 9 ml Bergamoss
This is a 9 ml spray vial of the limited edition liquid EdP version of Aftelier Bergamoss from 2015. I purchased this new from Aftelier. It is not quite full, as I have worn it a few times. I estimate that there is around 7.5 to 8 ml remaining in the bottle.
I know that this one has quite a few fans, and I have seen several NSTers mention that they would like to find a bottle of this or that they wish they would have bought one while it was available. With that in mind, I would respectfully request that you claim this item only if you truly know that you really want it.
I’d like this one, if you please.
Well, that went quick! I forgot to add:
Still unclaimed from Tuesday
5 ml of Spring
This is a 5 ml decant of Dasein Spring purchased from Olfactif. It is in a very nice opaque metallic twist-up spray vial. Because it is opaque (and I have no idea how to take it apart) I cannot see the actual level of the perfume inside, but it should contain most of the original 5 ml, as I have only used a few sprays. It came without any label on it to indicate the fragrance, so I have placed a label on it. I do not know how well it will stick.
For anyone unfamiliar with this scent–it is NOT a fresh, light, floral girly take on spring, i.e., not a typical “spring floral”. It is supposed to have rose and violet in it, but my nose does not pick them out. It is dominated by the vetiver. I found it interesting, but not something I particularly wanted to wear, so it is up for grabs.
Spring was discontinued several years ago, and in fact Dasein is closing down, so there will be no more of this perfume made. If you have been wanting this perfume but could not locate any to purchase, I would be happy to send this one to you.
Hi Roses; if no one else wants your Spring, I could take it off your hands for you. emailing now.
Your 12 Days of Christmas offerings have been so very generous!
There are four more to go! It actually feels good to rehome things that I am not using or appreciating.
Bergamoss and Spring are both claimed.
Slept and slept. How will I get up Monday for that early UK call?
Been watching Surgeons on Netflix and will watch Sound of Metal this evening, maybe. On amazon prime.
Not gonna lie, the Sex and the City marathon gets watched. I guess I don’t want to think too hard or watch much news.
I had gift cards to use! And a new bottle of le labo Rose 31 will come to my house, yay! I used all my samples of this before the big decision.
Reading mostly books on moving from waterfall to agile for change management- fun, right? And finishing up on online training for credentialing. Won’t have time for it when work starts again.
Congrats on the new bottle! You’ll enjoy it.
And free!
Sometimes waterfall is still the right approach. IMHO both have their uses. I’m leery of people seeing agile as a panacea. I hope your transition goes well. I should probably read those books! Let me know if any are particularly good.
yes, they end up being a monster mash of cool words that don’t fit the project.
That marathon was awesome. It’s always a blast ‘hanging out’ with the Girls!
I’m in Eau des Merveilles and trying to will the sun to come out.?
I went and got my first covid vaccine today. Ouch. Yeah, it hurt, but after the 15 minute monitoring I had no other side effects so was good to go.
Love these viewing polls!
Sometimes Always Never on prime with Bill Nighy, love that guy.
The Dressmaker, also on prime with Kate Winslet, I liked it and I think it would be categorized as wicked fun.
We’ve been introducing madtownteen to the genius of Wes Anderson. She’d seen Moonrise Kingdom (love!) and Isle of Dogs and now she’s seen Rushmore, The Royal Tennenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and The Grand Budapest Hotel.
TV shows:
We got free appletv for a year with an iPad purchase so we started watching Long Way Up with Ewan McGregor (is it just me, or is he getting better looking with age?) and Charley Boorman- a documentary of them traveling by motorcycle from the tip of South America to LA- beautiful scenery. That segued into us watching Charley Boorman and Sue Perkins from the GBBS on the BBC’s Dangerous Roads, also on prime.
I’m really looking forward to all the things coming to PBS this month! I need some good viewing for these cold months.
I got free Apple TV with a new iPad also and it was an appreciated unexpected gift.I just binge watched The Morning Show this week which was excellent.I will look at the shows you just mentioned also.Thank you!
The Morning Show does look good, but I don’t think it would appeal to my teen so maybe I’ll watch it on my own.
You smell amazing, and I’m so happy to hear you’ve gotten part 1 of your vaccine! Big Wes Anderson fan over here as well.
Thanks! Wes Anderson is right up there with John Hughes and the Coen brothers for me.
Wes Anderson is a genius and his film always scratch a very particular itch. Unlike a lot of films, certain scenes of his are indelible in my mind. Pure pleasure.
I agree, love them all!
You are reminding me I got it free with my phone in late spring. I keep forgetting.
I almost would have forgotten to but I got an email reminder. Now the tricky part will be remembering to cancel it before they start charging me!
Apple extended my free watching into I think March of 2021. I bought a new iPad and got the free year and marked my calendar but got an email extending. So might want to check and see.
Yay for vaccine part one!
I second the recommendation for The Dressmaker.
Thanks for the other recs. List updated!
You’re welcome!?
Bill Nighy and Kate Winslet are faves of mine also. Thanks for the recommendations, madtowngirl!
Sure! You’ll have to report back on if you watched/liked them!
I will!
Come on mtg use your sun superpower!?
I tried lillyjo, I really did! But no luck.☹️ Maybe today!?
My teenalmosttwenty-something loves Wes Anderson too! Other than some Studio Ghibli, we have very few family favorites, but Moonrise Kingdom and The Grand Budapest Hotel are among them.
If I was forced to pick I would probably say Moonrise Kingdom is my favorite, but this last rewatching of The Royal Tennenbaums reminded me how much I love that one too. I’ve always wanted to dress up as Margo Tennenbaum for Halloween, my hair is already basically like that, I just need some good eyeliner, lol.
Oooh. I wonder if I can convince my family to watch the Royal Tennenbaums this evening. That is such a fun film!
Congratulations on getting vaccinated!!! And I love Wes Anderson’s movies. I saw The Darjeeling Limited rather a long time after it came out, and actually felt angry that I’d accidentally deprived myself of the joy of having seen it for months. Tonight might be a good time to re-watch it, after the wee’un is in bed.
Thanks! Yes, that’s one we still need to (re)watch with her…
My ex-husband and I took the little Darjeeling toy train. When the movie came out I was too sad to watch it, but now its more of a bittersweet to sweet. it was about a million degrees getting on the train and freezing when we pulled into the station.
Congrats on vaccination part 1!
Thanks! ???
Hi mtg! Did you get the Pfizer vaccine? Is that the only one being rolled out at present in the US?
I did get the Pfizer. I’ve read that the Moderna is being given here also.
my sis got Moderna in Florida.
And my sister is supposed to get the Moderna in about 2 weeks, in PA.
If you are a big Wes Anderson fan, check out this IG that I follow. Highly entertaining.
I’m happy because I received a full bottle of Eau des Merveilles from my older daughter. My 15 ml. bottle is at its end, and EdM is an essential for me.
Re: ‘The Dressmaker.’ I am coveting Gertrude’s *entrance dress* at the dance. The antiquated gold beadwork and écru/pale pink/hint of mint tulle work beautifully.
Good morning! When I just old my introverted husband that it’s World Introvert Day he said “Oh, yay!”
Wearing Nishane Zenne today. It’s not a fragrance I would have necessarily sought out, especially given the price but I got it for next to nothing in perfume dollars at my favorite perfume store’s garage sale.
And it somehow fits with the show we’re loving these days: The Bureau, a French political thriller starring the dreamy Mathieu Kassovitz. It’s streaming on Sundance.
I think someone else recommended The Bureau to me too, I will look it up!
We’ve been mainly watching old movies… Guys and Dolls… An American In Paris… we’d have to scent these with perfumes of the times, but my brain has not ingested enough caffeine to accomplish that task.
We were awakened this morning by a small earthquake. Enough to cause the cat to jump out of bed! Usually he just sleeps thru quakes. None of the cats I’ve ever had have shown any particular skills at earthquake detection.
Will be sampling today. Did I get thru the pile of samples by the end of last year, as I’d said I would? Oh heck no.
Maybe you can finish them by the summer solstice?
I didn’t get through my samples either. I may follow 50_Roses lead and freebie them away.
I was just remembering my first earthquake in 2008, and my kitty jumping out of bed as the rumble began was the first event! But she did not try to warn ME!
Agent Provocateur for a cold grey day
I am watching Night Shift at the moment, I am always amused of medical series, because I am a doctor and this is not the reality.
Now having a bottle of bubbly with the boyfriend, just for fun.
“No occasion” is a great occasion for bubbly!
Everytime I’m in a hospital, I’m disappointed that I never see any passionate love affairs going on, like on t.v. LOL.
They’re there. But it is almost always the 60 year old surgeon (married), having an affair with the 30 something intensivist/whatever (also married). Not so nice in real life.
Several years ago I made a New Year’s resolution to drink more champagne in the coming year, and I had NO PROBLEM keeping that resolution. Significantly improved my quality of life, too!
LOL. This is a genius approach to New Year’s resolutions. I guess I should resolve to not exercise and gain weight. ?
Happy second day of January, 2021. I’m in Dzing!
Just made an early morning run to the grocery store (much less crowded when I go early), now home and excited to start my Adriene January 30 day yoga journey. Join me if you’re interested:
We’ve been enjoying The Crown, Borgen (apparently Netflix is going to bring back Borgen with a fourth series debuting in 2022- hope it’s done well) and the British Baking Show series, with some Miss Marple, Morse and Poirot mixed in. Nothing super challenging at the moment. And no particular perfumes to recommend, although I’m sure some of my gourmands would work well for the Baking.
I’m doing the Adriene too!! It was actually linked in a company wide email I got at work about ways to do self care during the pandemic. I thought, why not?!
I’ve done her January 30 Day journey for at least 4 or 5 years. They are wonderful and I feel a sort of connection to people all over the world who are also participating. Sometimes I don’t finish in January because things come up, but I always finish by the end of February. 😀
You smell great! I’m off to check out your yoga link now…
Thanks for the yoga suggestion!
I actually did Day 1; it might get a bit much for my old joints, but we will see!
She has a wonderful voice and rhythm.
Good news about Borgen! I really enjoyed that one.
I absolutely loved the 3 seasons when I saw it…but tried to rewatch it and found it was not a good fit with the current political situation here, I couldn’t make it past the third episode, just made me too tense. So I am hoping I feel differently when the next season debuts!
Pixel’s FREEBIEs! NST regulars only, US only. Ping me at emc dawt 7 1 1 7 in the land of geee-mail.
1. Estee Lauder Beautiful spray mini (4.7 ml) and lotion (30 ml), unused
2. Demeter Gingerbread hand sanitizer (100 ml) and splash cologne (15 ml), unused
3. Le Galion L’Ame Perdue — this is what remains of the split I ran a while ago. Approx 20ml in a 100ml bottle.
4. Guerlain Vetiver, 100ml, 99% full
I would like dibs on 3 please, if available? I can email on lunch.
I’ll have Le Galion please! Will email you.
Oops sorry, I misread lillyjo’s post seeing the 3 and not realizing it was Le Galion. Please ignore!
You go ahead Cazaubon!
No no, you take it!!
Seriously, I don’t even know what it smells like, I can tell you already love it. I’m officially withdrawing my dibs and transferring it to you ?
You guys are too cute
I am not sure how many dibs I am allowed on this thread, if so someone can let me know, but if no body else wants your Beautiful, may I claim it? Estee Lauder samples are difficult to come by and I have been jonesing to try either Beautiful or White Linen.
It’s yours! Send me an email with your info. emc . 7 1 1 7 at geee-mayle
Could I grab the Vetiver if no one has claimed it?
It’s yours!
Hello! Coming in late — but I wondered if someone had already claimed the Demeter Gingerbread splash cologne. As I commented a few days ago, I think it’s reasonably close to the smell of the real thing. 🙂 I find the scent comforting, and goodness knows that comforting fragrances have been important to me. But if someone else has spoken for it, I hope that person enjoys it. 🙂
I am wearing Guerlain L’Heure de Nuit today.
Self Made starring Octavia Spencer on Netflix was very good.
Also, Servant on Apple TV was very good. Strange, but good 🙂
You smell wonderful!
Thank you 🙂
Sampling Rouge Sarây, burning a Joya Studio Mistletoe candle and listening to Dolly Parton Hard Candy Christmas. ;)?Rouge Sarây is quite nice…sweet, woody plum.
I binge watched The Undoing over the past few days but, though I enjoyed it overall, found the ending quite meh. Will probably move on to The Queen’s Gambit next or perhaps Bridgerton.
Also finished S2 of The Mandalorian before Xmas and that was really fun and well done.
I continue to feel a little bit better each day and really appreciate all the kind comments the last couple days.
I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better each day!
Glad to hear you are doing better! A scented candle, music and series are exactly what I’d prescribe!
Glad to hear you’re doing better.
I also enjoyed The Mandalorian. Think I’ll be canceling my Disney+ subscription now though.
Go for The Queen’s Gambit! One of the best series of the year, IMO.
You smell yummy! Glad you are healing up.
As you continue to recover go for Bridgerton….can’t beat the locations, settings and costumes. So lovely it will take you away. Some very charming actors make up for any script shortcomings and who doesn’t want a mostly happy ending after the appropriate trials and tribulations.
I just finished watching Bridgerton. I really enjoyed it !
I’m glad you’re on the mend!
So sorry! Are you in Hawaii with a broken vertebra?
Thank you…in San Diego w/ a broken vertebra on left side.
I am glad you are feeling better, She-ra.
I’m wearing Kulfi Almond, and smelling very much like an exotic dessert, which suits me down to the ground.
Did someone say almond?? ?
Fum Ariose has a pronounced almond note. If you like almond, you should try it.
I second the Ariose recommendation. It’s a very good perfume with a rich almond note.
Kulfi Almond sounds delicious! I just read the description on their website and it had me at “marzipan.” I missed out on Lush’s ‘Snowcake’ this year.
It is delicious, indeed. I like all of the variations (they have 5 different ones), but the original is still my favorite.
I am wearing Qurelles.
I highly recommend Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. This piece is powerful and brilliant. It was based upon a play by August Wilson. Wilson was America’s most classical playwright. Most of his plays take place in a single place, in a short period of time, but have a massive scope.
The movie mostly honors that convention, and takes place largely in a late 1920’s small recording studio where an African American cult singer (Ma Raney, an actual recording pioneer advertised as the Mother of the Blues) and integrates into that small setting, car repairs, the importance of Coke Cola, why Divas behave like Diva’s, the Great Migration, band politics, artistic authenticity, faithless love, God and the Devil, as well as a really flashy pair of yellow shoes.
Ma Rainey would have shown her star power with the finest French perfume, but she was a traditionislist. She also disregarded gender restrictions; so I see her in Jicky. She liked to spoil her girlfriend with pretty things-perhaps L’Heurre Blue. Ma Rainey’s band, whose banter forms most of the movie, are generally guys from the rural south and careful with their budgets. I doubt they would spend money on scent, but the trumpeter, has ambitions to become a star and band leader in his own right and believes the right look and the right image signals his imminent success. There is a New Orleans perfume company called Hove Perfumes, which apparently dates back to the nineteenth century. The trumpeter would have worn something from there.
A dear friend just recommended this one to me, too. It’s on the list now. I love your perfume recommendations to accompany it!
God, this is perfect- I also see Ma Rainey in Jicky! I think the trumpeter would have worn something very Southern/Caribbean, like Bay Rum!
I loved Chadwick Boseman in that movie. Gone too soon, but pleasing to see he went out with a bang in his final performance.
I haven’t watched anything in months, so I am useless for this poll!
Today I am wearing the gorgeous Oliver Peoples from Byredo. I am so glad I bought a bottle when luckyscent sent an email saying it was about to be discontinued. Love, love , love this perfume.
I’m with you on this scent, I bought two bottles when they announced discontinuation. It’s an underrated gem.
oh, dear!
I went right online and bought a sample.
2nd day of the year and I’ve already spent money on perfume!!
Wore Aromatics Elixir this morning for a New Year’s yoga class (online) with a local teacher. It is a challenging scent. I am not yet sure what I think about it. I find it dry and papery most of the time. It worked for yoga, but when I’d sprayed it one morning last week, I semi-woke several times to the smell of urine, and AE seems to be the culprit, even though I had not detected that note before.
Watching: I may already have mentioned this, but we inhaled both seasons of Boy Meets Girl, which may only be available on BritBox. It simply made me happy, and there is some very good acting. And we watched The Hunt for the Wilderpeople (film) on Netflix, which is beautiful and emotional and just really well done. For the latter, I’d choose something green and woodsy, to go with the spectacular shots of the NZ mountains.
AE does have a cat-pee component to the drydown! I love it because it’s old school and has a rich, dry rose/herb/woody scent, but that urine facet can come up.
Could it be the cat pee scent comes from the indoles in AE?
I second the recommendation for “The Hunt for the Wilderpeople”. And if you like that one, I recommend “Jojo Rabbit” from the same writer/director.
Can you tell me who stars in Boy Meets Girl, because there seems to be more than one UK series with that name?
Oh my goodness, you’re not kidding. The series stars Rebecca Root and Harry Hepple. Here’s a link to the Season 1 Episode 1 trailer:
Thank you!
SOTM is Soivohle Cuir Beurre. It starts out as a fairly butch, peaty leather, but quiets quickly to a soft, pure, suede-like leather. Wears close to the body, and lasts well.
Mr. G and I have been working our way through the Sherlock series (the one with Benedict Cumberbatch). Coincidentally, we just watched one in which a particular perfume figures prominently (Clair de la Lune, apparently an invention of the writers). If I had to pair a scent with any of the main characters, I’d pick John Watson and put him in Eau Sauvage because he’s conventional but a bit adventurous and has good taste. Impossible to scent this Sherlock, and I’m a little afraid of what Mrs. Hudson might wear. ?
I love that Sherlock series, wish there was another season on the way.
Oh Gosh. Life is so hectic, yesterday I started the year in Chanel No 19 EdP. A Glorious way to begin.
Today I hope my CdG Rouge appears at the mailbox.
If not maybe SL Fils de Joie ( can’t read my decant label!) I thought this too grapey of a note but want to test ride in colder weather. Happy weekend
All, I look forward to catching up on this post.
If you get a chance, will you post your impressions of Rouge when it arrives? I’m very curious about it.
Yes do tell! Persolaise’s review got me curious
I am waiting on a sample of Rouge, will post my thoughts as well when I’ve tried it.
You smell wonderful!
Basil ? Neroli by Jo Malone
Headed to Central Park with the dream team aka my family.
Tv shows: I am watching Bridgerton because the lead actor ? gives me the best dreams at night ?
Formula 1 racing on Netflix
That guy is pretty darned sexy! But in the final analysis I thought that show was pretty cheesy and silly.
I thought so, too, but I still liked it and would watch another season.
It was! The show is not good at all, I was in it for the lead actor
Come on, not THAT cheesy–and what about those costumes!!
I stopped watching Bridgerton after fifteen minutes. It really did not agree with me. Terrible and trite dialogue. But I cannot watch any modern musicals either. When I was a kid I loved Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals and my mom and I would go and watch them live as well. For some reason Mamma Mia, Prom etc give me instant indigestion.
I couldn’t watch it, either, even though I love beautiful costumes and scenery.
I’m watching for that reason too. He reminds me of the “Ladies…” Old Spice guy in his voice and demeanor.
Yes! Good comparison!
RE: The Duke of Hastings… Yes!
I watch a lot more movies than TV, but my top 20 for last year and where to see them:
1. Minari (streaming next month)
2. Promising Young Woman (streaming this month, theaters right now if you’re brave)
3. Never Rarely Sometimes Always (HBO Max)
4. Sound of Metal (Amazon Prime)
5. Da 5 Bloods (Netflix)
6. Host (Shudder)
7. Swallow (VOD)
8. Black Bear (VOD)
9. Possessor (VOD)
10. Invisible Man (HBO Max)
11. Color Out of Space (Shudder)
12. Birds of Prey (HBO Max)
13. First Cow (VOD)
14. Gretel and Hansel (VOD)
15. The Queen of Black Magic (Shudder next month)
16. The Platform (Netflix)
17. Nomadland (streaming in Feb I think?)
18. The 40-Year-Old Version (Netflix)
19. Babyteeth (Hulu)
20. Shirley (Hulu)
As for TV, my big discovery this year is Black Sails. At first it comes off as a pirate themed Game of Thrones rip off, but eventually comes to frame piracy as a refuge for the marginalized, people who have no choice to fight back against a world that has no other place for them. Outstanding stuff that was marketed very poorly.
First Cow was the last movie I saw in a theater before the shutdown. Saw it by myself with only a few others. It was early days of pandemic, and I had my own alcohol spray for the armrests.
Mine was….The Hunt. ? I’d rather have yours!
oh yeah! and SOTD is from a Fortune Cookie Soap Box. Even The Trees, a cool woody-vanilla.
Black Sails was absolutely brilliant with smart insightful plotting and acting! I nearly missed out because MICHAEL BAY(tm) but gave it a try and LOVE IT. It was weirdly marketed, but Showtime believed in the show and gave it a full run!
Another Black Sails lover!! I’m glad it got to finish its run in a satisfying way. Too many shows don’t know how to wrap it up but the ending was perfect.
OH yes. And you can rewatch because the character development and plotting was so well done- you can see everything unfold beautifully.
Fun fact: one of the actors in Black Sails (I don’t watch the show so I don’t know his character) also portrayed Mr Rochester on Masterpiece ‘Jane Eyre’ a while back. His Edward R. was a broody, sexy thing with a rich sense of humor and had great chemistry with Ruth Wilson/Jane.
Toby Stephens! He plays the protagonist, Captain Flint. Plenty of brooding in Black Sails, too 🙂
Another fan of The Platform. I haven’t seen another horror as good this year…
Thanks for the list. We definitely have some overlapping favorite, but there are quite a few on your list I haven’t watched yet.
And now I’ll move Black Sails up on my to-watch shows list.
Working today wearing Tobacco Vanille. Lately I’ve been watching alot of Three’s Company. I love John Ritter so much, I cried like a baby when he passed. The last present my best friend gave me, before I lost her, was the Life Magazine Flapper Butterfly print that is hanging in the Three’s Company apartment.
Sorry for the huge run-on sentence.
Aww, sweet memories. I have a friend who reminds me of John Ritter. You smell great.
I have loved JR ever since he was on Little House on the Prairie! Handsome, funny is hard to come by, lol.
Those old Three’s Company episodes are the best! Perfect for forgetting one’s troubles for a while.
Did your friend gift you with the actual wall hanging from the show’s set, or a copy? And I am sorry for your loss.
It’s a copy. I had it framed, and treasure it dearly.
That sounds lovely. What a thoughtful gift.
Now I am curious as to what happened to the original. Probably in a warehouse somewhere, or maybe in Debbie Fisher’s famed collection? Wasn’t she the one who went around collecting all those pieces from film sets. Maybe not tv….
Oh, I don’t know. I imagine someone must have it.
You smell good, lillyjo! I, too, loved Three’s Company! It was the non-naughty naughty show … not sure how we got away with watching it.
The big question though… do you prefer The Ropers or Mr. Furley? Lol… it depends on the episode for me.
Same…one was slapstick and the other one was a lot of double entendres
I was working at Disney when John Ritter died across the street at the hospital in Burbank.
The next day as part of the HR team for ABC, we went with grief counselors to meet with the cast and crew on the soundstage.
I have seen and met a lot of “talent” during my Disney and Sony years and I can say the cast, crew, everyone loved him.
He was just a generous, sweet person and people grieved his death.
Sometimes the nice guys are really really nice.
I’m glad to know he was so loved by his colleague’s. There were times, when the media wasn’t very kind to him, and I was so happy during his last show, that they had changed their toon.
I’m sorry you lost your friend.
Thank you Amyitis. I miss her terribly.
How sweet of your friend and of you to remember her, a very special wall hanging.
We’ve been watching The Mandalorian, but we haven’t kept up with anything else. We look at lots of trailers for upcoming movies and series, but there are so many things that we feel overwhelmed, so never follow up and actually watch anything.
The last movie we watched was Spellbound, the Alfred Hitchcock classic from 1945 – not exactly recent. I’m sure I took the time to put on an appropriate perfume, but I can’t remember what I chose 🙂
It’s Sunday morning here, and I’m sitting on the couch trying to summon the energy to clean the bathroom. NST is the perfect distraction!
Sometimes it feels like I spend more time searching for something to watch than watching something. It’s amazing how much pickier I become as my choices expand! It was so much easier to choose back when I was a kid and there was no such thing as even cable. ?
I haven’t seen a good movie in a while..most are just so so. Not too much into tv series. Last movie I watched was Unhinged lol omg it was so violent lol. A little much lol.
I think my social skills are dipping some with this covid bs. Lol. I am Especially around men haha. I am totally awkward and my responses got me saying, “what did I just say?” Lol.
One guy wanted to talk response? “I would rather talk about you”. Who says that? Terrible line haha. I only have heard guys say a line like that drunk in bars. So his response? “Not much to talk about”, then leaves the convo to go to bed. Too funny! Or another guy gave me a complement and I say..”you should see me when my hair is combed out”. Haha. “What did I say?” Lol. A bit jumbled and clumzy in my interactions .thanks covid LOL.
Random sample of the day, Ambre Premiere Jovoy
? Admittedly, though, I’d be horrified if someone said they wanted to talk about politics….
You are not being verbally clumsy, you are just practicing your mad flirting skillz. And if a guy doesn’t laugh a little good-natured-ly at your smooth lines, then who needs ’em anyway?
Look at the bright side – one guy wanted to hear your thoughts on politics and you have great hair!
Don’t sound like bad responses to me – lots of people want to avoid talking about politics and the 2nd is just funny!
I’m in Dior Ambre Nuit, light and easy to wear. I wish it lasted longer, though. It’s kind of an Indian summer amber. It was from a freebie meet last year, I think.
I’m inspired to offer some freebies this weekend. Still working on some things in the background, so will offer them in a separate post. ?
You smell lovely. I don’t remember Ambre Nuit as being short-lived, I need to wear it again to refresh my memory.
I am midway through watching the short series based on A Suitable Boy, which I have read almost three times! Almost, because I’m getting close to finishing a “read aloud” version with DH.
We are both enjoying it tremendously! The production values, casting and direction (Mira Nair) are all top-notch. It’s on Acorn, and you’re a fan of the book, it’s a must-watch.
I have a secret hope that the success of this will spur Vikram Seth on to finishing “A Suitable Girl.” He is an amazingly talented writer.
p.s. wearing Santal from l’Orientaliste. Straight-ahead sandalwood, and I adore it.
I have an ‘almost Vikram Seth’ story. When I was traveling in India after college–with all my money taped around my waste, and all my possessions in a backpack–I looked up a friend of a friend in Delhi. The young man’s elegant, fashionable crowd really did not have time for my messy, tightly budgeted self–except for one man who was a little older who struck up a conversation with me at a party. He peppered me with questions about, of all things, the Impressionist Movement in art. Needless to say, I knew a few names and trotted out NPR-acquired banalities, but he was very polite and listened. Anyway, he decided that I should take a friend of his, a Buddhist monk, to the National Gallery of Modern Art, which had an impressionist exhibit on at the time. So I did. That monk, as it turned out, was Vikram Seth’s brother. I had read and loved The Golden Gate, and From Heaven Lake, so I was thrilled by the proximity 😉 This was a few years before the publication of A Suitable Boy.
Very cool story!
Yes; great story!
Sorry to be so late in replying, but I love your story, too! I enjoyed the Golden Gate, but haven’t read From Heaven Lake.
Do you think the character of Amit is a sort of alter ego for him?
Sort of. They share a lot! Seth is gay–so there’s that.
I read From Heaven Lake before I traveled around China and it inspired me to go to more remote areas and spend more time meeting families. But, I AM not a dark-haired man who can speak Chinese–so there’s that!
Wow! Cool story and well told! 🙂
Wow! I’m also amazed his brother became a monk… Not to mention a monk with an interest in Impressionism!
My retelling this story got me to google him and it looks like he is still a Zen-Buddhist teacher, and very much a citizen of the world. His mother, and Vikram’s , was a Chief Justice of India’s High Court–so an all around extremely impressive family. It is hard to tell how old he is now. At the time (1989) I thought he WAS SO OLD. But as we age, we grow closer in age (or so it seems) and he looks nearly my age in photos!
Reminds me of a comment on reddit…I am old, I am now 25 ?
I’ve also been enjoying A Suitable Boy, although it’s just hard to capture the texture of that big thick book even in a mini-series like this. Still, the actors are all wonderful.
SotD Felanilla, followed on recently with a spritz of Etienne Aigner Explosive. I had a bottle of the EA in quarantine in my laundry room and tried it on impulse. It’s rather nice in the EL Knowing wheelhouse. We just finished watching Lord of the Rings; I like also to mention one of my holiday favorites Bell, Book & Candle. It so perfectly captures a certain ideal, and the cast is over-the-top fantastic for fans of character actors. Fun tip: one of the the artworks in the opening credits of BB&C looks just like the statue containing the microfilm that’s in North by Northwest!
I can see my mom putting Bell, Book and Candle on to watch when we were young. Pyewacket is a most perfect name for a cat!
In The Favourite this morning, a pretty violet/iris/mimosa perfume. Elegant and not too sweet, its a sort of brut rosé champagne scent.
I have been watching lots of confections this holiday, and not just by binging on the Great British Bakeoff. Enjoying Bridgerton and The Flight Attendant–both play with their genres in fun ways. I thought that I’m Your Woman was beautifully filmed, and engaging in a sort of femme The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly way.
In books, I finally finished Killers of the Flower Moon, which is both devastating and predictable, and even more devastating in its predictability. I’m trying to stay away from books on the great American tragedies for a little while, but every book on my shelf seems to be about one or another or another. Going for tragicomedy next–for my book group I am girding myself for Such a Fun Age.
Tempting me is a pile of books I won in a silent auction a few years ago– travel narratives about folks like Lewis and Clark, Columbus, Marco Polo . . . most published in the 1930s – 1950s. I also have a 1920s publication of Greville’s diaries which should be a lot of fun, whenever I get to it!
For the time being, I’m loving watching the enormous tree in my back yard instead of anything on a screen. Does it count that a swarm of grackles similar to the scene in Hitchcock’s “The Birds” descended upon it yesterday? Oops. Perhaps I was a tad over-enthusiastic with the squirrel food.
Joining pixel in sampling today. Speaking of sampling, I have 44 samples in my Luckyscent cart oof! I use that instead of a wish list on their site as it’s a lot easier, but still. Funny thing is, I think I could probably delete the whole thing and not remember what was on it.
Welcome back, Holly.
Thank you!
Sometimes I will check with my fragrance net cart and think oohh, what did I want last week? Lol.
Yep! I have a few carts I visit on occasion just to say hello I guess.
I put things in my cart and leave them for weeks/months, until I don’t want them any more. 🙂
I’m very happy with this strategy!
SotD is Thebes by Sultan Pasha
So beautiful.
As for viewing
I am a big fan if The Expanse
Season 5 is now running on Amazon Prime.
Id be disappointed if Chrisjen Avasarala does not wear perfume. (i havent read the books yet…maybe it mentions something about it).
Her outfits are splendid and she is such a badass. Id expect her perfume to be badass as well. ?
And expensive (Amouage? roja Dove?).
I also enjoy Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Its not for everyone, i think. Its a bit like Buffy.
high school comedy/drama but with witches and warlocks, demons and old gods. And Miranda Otto (always dressed in splendid outfits) is a treat.
For this series anything that smells of candles, incense, resins, patchouli and fire will do. ?
Thanks for reminding me of two shows I’m part way through and forgot about! Must come back to both of those.
I love the outfits in Sabrina.
I bet the costume guys and girls are having so much fun
For an impression see this article:
I saw the first season of Sabrina. As a horror fan, I was amused at female characters explaining horror movies to boys for once instead of being condescended to. I should catch up with it.
I love the timbre of Shohreh Aghdashloo’s voice, her accent, and pacing.
her voice and Persian accent suit her most expressive eyes and face.
I binged Bridgerton over a few days, and I found it to be great fun and absolutely absurd at the same time! Otherwise, my husband and I are slowly watching The Crown, but we just started Season 3 and are having a hard time adjusting to the new actors, despite their excellence.
My SOTD is Bvlgari Eau the bleu.
I found the latest season of The Crown to be entirely too dark and grim and joyless, but somehow I still watched all of it, along with all of Bridgerton in spite of its absurdity — it was like a little tasty junk-food snack!
I was binge watching Bridgerton last night on my iPad. Even I, a big college football fan, had had enough and needed a break.
We had the same issue here in the season switch but eventually got over it. I think it’s hard because at the beginning of S3, they’re supposed to be in their late 30s and just look way older already – and some characters also changed personality, in my opinion (Philip). But now we’re on season 4 and have nearly forgotten Claire Foy and consorts. I just feel everyone’s gotten less “simpatico” in the latter seasons.
Yes, exactly! The ages and Phillip’s portrayal keep hitching in our brains, but I’m sure we will also get over it.
Been having some pain today (nothing serious, just a chronic situation that flares up occasionally enough to make me want to lay low for a day or two) which fortunately aligns with a day off. It’s raining. A perfect day for staying abed with a good book.
I sprayed some BF Au Dela Narcisse earlier and will play with some samples later.
If my energy improves I’ll vacuum and do some finances. That’s the extent of my ambition for the weekend.
In TV-land, we’re looking for the next series to watch. We = myself + 85 yo grandmother, who is tricky to please.
Recently finished:
– The Queen’s Gambit: barely tolerated by grandma due to “weird”. Amazing, must watch TV.
– The Crown: she like the young queen better, “this one doesn’t smile enough”; Gillian Anderson did a great job as Thatcher and successfully made grandma (who doesn’t remember actual Thatcher) absolutely hate her
– Sharp Objects: barely tolerated by grandma as“weird”; I recommend
– The Undoing: strangely not “weird”! All due to Nicole Kidman looking amazing.
– Escape to the Chateau: we both loved this one and were sad when we’d finished it. If you need a relaxing escape, and enjoy watching people do creative things, highly recommend.
In Progress:
– The Flight Attendant: I will finish on my own. “Weird, all she does is drink. She should get together with the girl from the chess thing.”
– Bridgerton: “Why do they look so unhappy, I don’t get it.” Will also finish on my own.
I forgot about Borgen, which someone mentioned here. I watched the first 1-2 episodes. Need to come back to that.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I read The Flight Attendant and liked the twists and turns.
I will have to try to find Escape to the Chateau.
-I fear that if I reach 85, I will be tricky to please, also!
I hope you feel better soon. I love your grandmother’s reviews! A couple of years ago my younger son talked his grandfather and his grandfather’s “lady friend” into going to see Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. They are STILL talking about how violent was the movie and how inappropriate it was for young people. 😉 😉 😉 !!!
OMG. Your story reminds me of taking my late grandfather to see Avatar in the theater. He would have been 84 at the time, a little over a year before his death.
So this was a dude born in 1925 watching a movie that was (in 2009) the greatest cinematic technical achievement.
He was riveted the whole time.
Afterwards, he asked, “Where did they get all these actors with such tiny waists?”
Ha! I love your grandmother’s comments. We love Escape to the Chateau whenever we can catch it on too.
If she thought ‘Sharp Objects’ the TV series was weird, I assume she would have no words for the book ? Great of you to persevere with looking for things you can both watch. Sounds like hard work.
It’s surprisingly hard work! And the responses at once predictable—and not.
You’d think a cozy mystery (insert any British mystery series set in a bucolic village, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, etc.) would be a go. Nope, won’t hold her interest. But, anything dark or morally or psychologically complicated is “weird”.
But, I think we just hit the lottery on a (new to us) series that will take us a long time to get through: The Americans! Which, is dark and morally and psychologically complicated, so…
OMG, The Americans is so brilliant! It keeps getting better and better as it goes along, and is truly one of the heights of television achievement, in my book! It has such wonderful actors including the various Russians! I loved it so much! Oooh! But how your grandmother will ever pass this as “not weird” is a mystery to me!
I am equally flummoxed that this one passed muster and never was the word “weird” uttered. And she must have really, really liked it, because she remembered the show’s name and recommended it to my Mom. (Given a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment, the remembering thing is never a given.) Glad we have many seasons’ worth of viewing.
There is a series called ‘The Americans’! Ha ha – that reminds me of the ‘average’ interviewee on Death to 2020 who thinks ‘America’ is a binge-worthy series due to the absurdist events on the news ?
Yes but it’s about two Russian undercover agents who are spies in a nice middle-class neighborhood outside of Washington D.C., who happen to have an FBI agent living across the street from them. It’s incredibly complex and good and won many awards including a well-deserved Emmy for the divine Matthew Rhys!
I will look it up!
I watched the first episode of The Flight Attendant and had a similar reaction. Her drinking was painful to watch.
That show is definitely a car-wreck-watching experience. How many bad decisions can she make?
I stopped watching ‘How to Get AwAy With Murder’ on season 3 or something because I couldn’t take any more of the stupid decisions ?
I love the comment re. flight attendant and chess thing!
Not a TV or movie person so nothing to contribute there. I’m wearing Vero Profumo Rozy edp. So happy that CampoMarzio has made another production run of the edps, but the shipping from Italy is prohibitive. Hopefully there will eventually be some worldwide distribution.
I mean seriously about the shipping! Not that I looked. The only one I have (and actually must wear again soon) of hers is Naja, thanks for mulling with your order!
FREEBIE ALERT! ❤️Regular NSTers only, US only please.❤️
Drop me a line at nlmcook aaat sbc global dawt net if you’re interested in one of the following:
1. FM En Passant, two 3.5ml sample sprays, mostly full
2. Delacourte musc sample set, plus two more musk samples
3. Big white flower samples, 1-2mls each, various houses, qty. 6
4. Chanel carded samples, some are Exclusifs, some not, qty 7
Dibs on 1!
Hi yasmina, can you email me with your address please? I emailed you last night, but it might not have gone through. ?
Hi Nancy – my email to your address just bounced back. I emailed you again to the gmail I had for you. If that doesn’t come through my own email is yasminazsquared in the land of the gmail
Dibs on 4!
Hello, may I have dibs on 3, if it is still available?
It is available! Drop me a line. ?
Emailed you just now.
Hope I got the address correct.
Dibs on #2, please.
In Rose de Jamal from Les Indomenables. It’s like a green spicy rose. Me likey.
I’m not much of a tv or film watcher but Netflix has a highlight reel of it’s comedy specials that’s good for a laugh.
Happy New Year!
It’s raining, raining, raining, rinsing away 2020.
Finished turning back the office into a bedroom. I hustled and shifted the desk, computer network, art work and chair back downstairs. Then I re arranged the closet and set up the bedding & nightstands. I need to go and get water pitcher & glass and reading lamp.
SOTD is LM Amber Vanille.
2) Discovered this past few months:
1) Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (mentioned above)
2) Tenet (I will go see this in the theaters once they re-open)- omg, it’s the Bond Sci Fi movie we always wanted!
3) Bridgerton- very silly fun, I have to say!
4) Somebody Feed Phil
5)Enola Holmes – more silly fun
6) Ugly House (Youtube) and The Home Show (Amazon)- George Clark is very interesting presenter, with a taste for luxury
7) The 100k House (Amazon) and Tricks of the Trade : On the opposite end, how to build or renovate homes on a tight budget, using unconventional materials. Piers Taylor is one of the presenter and an architect; he is also seen in the Netflix home series The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes. He looks like Basil Rathbone.
The only scents I could match are Tenet- very luxe and well groomed – so Grand Soir, 540, and Tobacco Vanille.
Love Caroline Quentin in The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes. She is SO funny. Google her outtakes on The Great British Bake-off -Celebrity Bake-Off.
We watched Tenet last night on DVD. It starts off interesting, but like Inception, the plot unravels, because if you go back to change the past, some of the characters at the start of the movie are ALREADY DEAD. Wish someone would tell him to stop making these lame time fluid movies. He is a talented director, and the Amalfi scenes are amazing. He should just look for a good script. Are you listening, Christopher???
Happy New Year everyone!
SOTD is Jovan Grass Oil.
An old favorite show of mine, Stargate SG-1, recently appeared on Netflix after having been off the air (not even repeats) for a whole decade. It’s a great little sci-fi show based on the movie with Kurt Russel and Jimmy Spader. I was such a fan of it when it was on that I based my screen name on it. Now I am a big fan of other shows, but it’s fun to rewatch all those great eps again.
Jovan Grass Oil! That is a blast from the past. Have you had it all along or did you go on a vintage treasure hunt?
It was sent to me by a lovely NST’r from a freebiemeet a while ago. Although the treasure hunt sounds fun. 😉
This is why I love my samples so much; I get to try so many different scents that I do not normally have access to. And I use every single one of them. It may take a while, but I soldier on.
I loved Stargate the movie! Kurt and James! Total swoon ?
I should watch Stargate-SG1. A very dear friend who passed away about 7 years ago was a huge fan of that series and its various iterations. Movie was great…underrated.
Not entirely recent, but Fleabag rocked my viewing world this past year! Agent Provocateur for the first season, Avignon and Joy (in rapidly alternating applications) for the second.
Oh yes, loved Fleabag! So funny!
Extrovert here so waiting for MY day!
SOTD = Kerosene Sweetly Known
I got a decant from Basenotes as I have decided I will not be buying from decant sites (and I’m pretty sure I managed to not order for perhaps 2+ years now). Anyway, what a nice musky, sweet, spicy, caramelly vanilla! Not one note jockeyed to be on top. During my walk today, I can smell it well and ?.
As to the poll, I’ve started to read stuff on my new Kindle Paperwhite. Not often enough yet but I have read shorts from Alexander McCall-Smith. I also read Angela’s Bait and Witch book – excellent!
Family Zoom today went well! Looking forward to whenever the next one will be … not scheduled yet.
Where do all the cute owls and kitties live when they are not posing for pictures? Do you keep them on display?
Most of the owls are on the TV stand and others are in a cabinet where some of my perfumes temporarily live. The kittehs – Billy Bob 2.0 is put away ( but will come out again soon) while Grey and Skye are sitting on my recliner.
Have you tried Unknown Pleasures? I like that one a lot too.
I may have a sample somewhere!
I need to sniff more from Kerosene. I have only sniffed Black Vines and adore it..though, unfortunately, it burns my skin. Lol.
They have a great sample set- they”re pretty much my favorite indie house.
Are you referring to the set of 3 samples?
Oh oh, skin burning ☠️
Why no buying from decant sites?
I also like Sweetly Known. The cardamom is prominent for me (which I like). I definitely won’t be needing 100ml, though.
I’m only referring to decant sites like Surrender to Chance and The Perfumed Court. STC is well-run while TPC can go suck on a lemon (even if you pay me to use them, I won’t). Anyway, when I did the math and saw the mark-up, I decided that I wouldn’t mind just getting more of something than pay the mark-up. I realize the decant sites have to make a profit, hence the mark-up. I know there are other sites like fragrancenet that sells the equivalent of decants but I haven’t actually done the math yet; however, the few that I had ordered were for me to get to a minimum amount for free shipping.
I started watching Godless, a Netflix western miniseries. It was filmed near where I live in New Mexico, so I started watching it because of that, but got sucked in. Great performances and writing, but it does get quite violent.
The last great movie I saw was Soul. Obvious fragrance choice: Replica Jazz Club!
Soul was fantastic. 😀 I’m planning to watch it a second time soon.
Much of the TV series Longmire was also filmed in New Mexico, even though it’s supposed to be taking place in Wyoming.
HAPPY NEW YEAR darlings!
Hope you all said your triple rabbits three times on Friday!
Wearing Black Lapsang on already the 3rd day of January,next thing you know it is Christmas again!Haha!
Hope everyone is well,had a good festive season,and is positive in attitude and grateful in your hearts for making it through “that year we do not speak about!”
Happy New Year!
Positive in attitude yes! Grateful in my heart yes! Let’s keep the momentum!
Yes,let’s keep the momentum,love that!
Ah yes, the year we don’t speak about. I saw an internet meme with brad pitt that said the first rule of 2021 is you don’t talk about 2020.?
I can live with that rule haha!
Happy New Year!
does black lapsang smell like the tea?
I have no idea what the tea smells like,but the perfume is gorgeous.
Happy New Year Johano!
Happy New Year Lillyjo!
Happy New Year, Johanob!
Happiness and Blessings to you,M!
Happy New Year, johano!
Happy New Year Gail!???
Happy new year, johano! I love your exuberance. ❤️
Happy NY, Johano! Hope you are doing very well. When are you moving?
Happy New Year, johanob. Everyday is Christmas as far as I’m concerned ?
On the tenth day of Christmas, I’m offering for free
10 ml of Bois des Iles
This is a 10 ml decant from my 200 ml vat that I bought some years ago and will never, ever, use up. It will actually be in the form of two 5 ml decants, since I cannot locate the 10 ml atomizers I thought I had.
To claim, please contact me at the email address associated with my gravatar.
Would like to claim this, email sent and thanks!!
Grumpy this morning
in Jersey
My husband scored two samples of that when buying my Gabrielle Essence. It doesn’t seem to get a lot of love.
yeah well, Jersey. hope it gets better.
I thought you meant you were in NEW JERSEY!!!!
What a dope I am.
A bunch of us live in NJ…
Playing lazy on this boring raining day and wearing Chanel Bois des Iles EdT.
Happy Sunday!
house twins! 😀 😀
We smell great, house twin! ??
December by Smell Bent for a cola note. Matching the lyrics in Bowie’s “I’m Afraid of Americans,” …” Johnny wants to suck on a coke”
Gosh, he is adorable is this performance lol:).
Nice pairing! I haven’t smelled December but it sounds like I should. I find SB’s Elf-Fulfilling Prophecy, especially the original formula, smells like cola. And I was also planning to do a perfume pairing with that song this week, though I hadn’t yet figured out which perfume will go with it.
Today, the final current episodes of Derry Girls, and a brief spray of Dirty Flower Factory. THnakfully after this thread, I have a few other things to try out 🙂
I was thinking of having Derry Girls be one of my next shows. Looks like a fun one.
I’ve been watching ‘Your Honor’ with Bryan Cranston. Can’t wait for the next episode.
Yesterday, I saw episode 1 of Bridgerton; looks very fun and not too intense. Just finished The Queens Gambit; I was a bit sad it was over so quickly; really enjoyed it.
I’m not usually a binge-watcher but finished TQ’sG in two days. Was very sad when it was over.
The BF and I have been watching Peaky Blinders all week. I’m enjoying it, but after seeing the Godfather, Sopranos, and any number of gangster movies, they are kind of all the same. The costumes are great, though.
I’ll have a lot to confess to Donatella this week!
Cillian is a hottie imo lol. I watched for the blue eyes haha.
Agree with your assessment of Cillian!
By the by, if you never saw “28 Days Later”, that was a great movie. Recommend even if you don’t normally go for zombie flicks.
I love Peaky Blinders but know what you mean about the gangster sameness. I didn’t love the last season of PB as much as the first 3 or 4 but that also could be because I was able to binge the first few all at once and then had to wait a long time to watch subsequent seasons.
Kilian Love. Need something sweet and cheerful as I contemplate the uncertainty of the year ahead which my brain is trying to run away from.
I’m ignoring my to do list today exactly for that reason. I’ve decided
it’s ok if I don’t get anything done today, it feels more important to give my psyche room to relax into 2021.
Perfect scent!
I’ve spent the last few days experimenting with Byredo’s 1996. I LOVE the top notes but as it dries down it becomes increasingly dense and claustrophobic. My best combo so far is to layer it with Histoire’s 1899 – but Infusion d’Iris edp also works well and Sel de Vetiver is fairly good. 1899 is probably the best but I only have 15mls of that. There were about 4 layering failures ?
My favourite film has definitely been Death to 2020. I’ve discovered that I also really enjoy horror series. So I Watched Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor as well as Marianne.
Infusion d’Iris is a good one for layering. I like it over the drydown of Hiris.
Watched Death to 2020 at my house last night. We were laughing out loud several times, some of the acting was hilarious! Also felt moments of deep sadness, it is worth watching for sure.
Yes, the IdI edt works really nicely with Lush’s Calacas but the LOTV is much too sharp for 1996. The edp is more rounded.
The acting was great as was the script and editing. And the tragedy and horror of some events was really well showcased despite the overall tone being hilarious.
If you have FM Iris Poudre, it may be a good layerer with the Byredo.
I think I have a drop of a sample left somewhere so should try it!
Wearing the remnants of last night’s Anubis. Yesterday the main event was me making cabbage rolls for the first time in at least 10 years. Definitely need to make them annually so I remember my “lessons learned.” I wanted my grandma’s recipe but didn’t have it so consulted with my mom, a few online recipes, and then winged it. Ended up with more meat and rice filling mixture than cabbage leaves to roll it in, so my boyfriend put the meat and rice mixture in a small loaf pan to see if it might end up meatloaf-like. Umm no. That little loaf went right into the compost bin. Anyway, other than needing a bigger head of cabbage or two small heads instead of one medium one and me cooking them either at higher heat than needed or for too long, they turned out well and were delicious. I cook them in tomatoes and sauerkraut. My boyfriend made mashed potatoes to go with them. We’ll have leftovers for at least two meals, can freeze some, and I’ll see if a friend wants some.
Haven’t been watching a lot of shows, mostly movies these days. We’re slowly rewatching the third season of Mr. Robot so we can finally watch the fourth and final season. Otherwise, lots of Great British Baking Show. Why does Netflix call it that when in Britain it is The Great British Bakeoff? Oh, and I just realized HBO Max has the third season of Search Party, so I’ll be sure to watch it soon. I really liked the first two seasons.
Totally share your annoyance at the Great British Baking Show vs the Great British Bakeoff. Bakeoff is a better name, the end.
I read somewhere that Pillsbury owns the US rights to the usage of “Bakeoff” so they had to change the name.
Oh, interesting. Thanks!
Last year I also made cabbage rolls, called “golumbki” (various spellings) in honor of my best friend who died five years ago. She specialized in them. I really love them. Yes you need a very big head of cabbage! Mine didn’t have sauerkraut–she had a Polish version. They were among the things I’ve cooked that had the most delicious and beautiful smell while baking! They turned out well, and her two adult daughters were both very impressed with me for my intrepid enterprise. They are quite labor-intensive!
I am wearing Narciso white cube this morning. Finally a partly sunny day after buckets of rain. Going for a walk soon. I made a Pillsbury cinnamon roll in the waffle maker for breakfast, it was so much easier than heating the oven for just one roll. The remaining dough will keep in the refrigerator for a few days.
Watching on TV–I have mentioned my love for Mozart in the Jungle recently, watched it again, with selected episodes seen a third time. Flack is coming to Amazon this month, Anna Pacquin is so good. I’m also watching Catastrophe on Netflix. Waiting for the new All Creatures Great and Small next week on PBS, also the new season of Antiques Roadshow.
A walk sounds delightful 🙂 I’ll do the same today.
I started watching Mozart in the Jungle but can’t remember if I watched all the episodes. Hmmmm, should check it out again. Catastrophe is SO GOOD.
I may copy you but first, need to buy the wafflemaker and second, the Pillsbury roll dough.
Happy New Year and may 2021 be on the mend : )
Re: Shows. All my 18thC peeps are nerding over the historical accuracy of ‘Bridgerton.’ Just oozing with visual splendour and the contemporary music sampling is very clever. Binged watched it of course and actually slow-watching it again to just admire the details in the interiors and costumes.
I also fit in some trash tv: ‘Best Leftovers Ever’ on Netflix. I transformed a Wagy beef Paella from New Year’s Eve into a galette au rig and beef w. lime zest crepe the next day. One of the judges from the show actually commented on my Instagram post! The highest accolade.
Re: Movies. The Child Act. Emma Thompson. A very complicated and nuanced love story. Not what you would expect. She plays a judge and so if I were to select a matching perfume, a chypre comes to mind; there’s something intellectual about it… you know what I mean?
Re: Now. Currently planning for the teaching week. Deciding if I should grade all the re-submitted work in light of the fact that I already did days of marking over the holidays. If I have a few extra hours today, I might make Dorie Greenspan’s ‘Coco-almond Thumbprints ‘ happen : )
Have a good day all!
Re: Galette au riZ
Netflix keeps throwing snippets of Bridgerton at me, I’m sure I’ll succumb at some point in the near future. 🙂
I wrote a review of that Ian McEwan novel, which I disliked quite a lot, and that discouraged me from seeing the movie, though I ought to (Child Act).
I was not aware it was a literary adaptation. Should I ever read the novel, I would love to follow up with your review.
Well, I’m wearing MFK Baccarat Rouge 540 (wonderfulwonderful) from a very sweet NSTer. A pot of cowboy stew is simmering on the stove, and Butterfield is on the turntable. It’s a very good Sunday.
I hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday! ?
My family loves my grandmother’s stew recipe, she called it chuckwagon stew. There’s something so wonderful about simple food that simmers all day. 🙂
I looked up chuckwagon stew. There are lots of versions, and they all look yummy!
I think you might have posted it before, but will you share the cowboy stew recipe?
Sure! This recipe is new to me, so I’m not sure what I posted before. I used macaroni since I was out of potatoes, and it was fine. I was out of bacon, too. Lots of good modification ideas in the comments section. I made a half recipe, and it still made a bunch. Enjoy!
I have most of the ingredients! I’m so making this on my day off Tuesday! Thanks ?
You’re most welcome! A tip…if you use macaroni, add a cup or so of water to it, so it won’t be too dry.
SotD = Le Lion
rawr! 🙂 Each time I sample this I think “dry amber.” It’s oddly enjoyable.
It’s been a busy weekend here, lots of cleaning up and tidying. Almost all of the holiday decor is put away in the loft in the garage.
I left one string of lights hanging along the edge of the awning on the back of the house. It feels good to look out the kitchen window and see the colors glowing against the evening darkness.
Leave them all year! I love lights ?
We are twins and we smell wonderful!
We have a string of “party lights” around our back patio. I wasn’t keen on them when we were putting them up, but now I’m glad we took the trouble. Like you said, they are so pretty in the evening.
Oh by the way, you smell great! ?
U smell great
Maybe a bottle this year? You have 362 days to decide ?
Good Girl Gone Bad was the SOTD; I decided to use up my last sample of it, and I’d forgotten how pretty it is. And long lasting. I kept sniffing my wrist on and off all day, whilst trying not to look like a weirdo doing so.
Hi all, I’ve chimed in with comments but have been too distracted to post. Yesterday I wore Amouage Honour Woman, which I adore. It’s the first Amouage I bought (not that I own that many). Today I wore Zoologist Musk Deer, which I’m wanting a FB of now. It’s kind of like MKK but without the aspects that make that one more problematic to wear. It is just a bit lighter but has great lasting power. Our weather has been so beautiful with sunshine and temps in the 60’s. Almost the best time of the year here! Tonight I plan to make a white bean soup including Swiss chard, a vegetable I have not explored at all but which friends rave about and it’s in season now and so pretty! I’ll let you know how it turns out. With my injured hand I have just not been cooking much at all for two weeks and it’s driving me crazy (too many frozen dinners). I think I can chop if I wear my hand and thumb brace.
Oh, about TV shows etc. I loved BorderTown, the Finnish noir police show with the eccentric brilliant detective. It’s so well done and I just love that Nordic scenery and angst. In the final season the villain became incredibly malevolent and I enjoy cat-and-mouse stories like that. Kind of dark and violent though, be warned. Another dark copy/thriller show is the Belgium Undercover. Only two seasons, but both very interesting. I just like to watch shows set in other countries and using actors that are not all bland pretty faces. It’s on Netflix. Here’s a link about it (it doesn’t give spoilers):
Finally, I’ve just started Sounds, a New Zealand based mystery/thriller, which a friend strongly recommended, and it seems good so far, very ominous with beautiful scenery.
All of those series sound so good, and like things too dark and violent for me to watch! Or is the Sounds a bit less violent maybe?
It’s hard to say yet since I’ve only watched the first show. But I’ll try to weigh in soon!
Maybe this will be the last post of this poll – in Cafe V, from my Olympic Orchids sample set – this one is really quite nice!
I have no new TV shows to add, it seems like we are way behind. Currently plowing through the crown, then we may give Killing Eve a try. I’m always on the lookout for a good comedy, but I’m not good natured about them – gave Schitt’s creek a really long time after everyone said to do so, and it still didn’t come together for me.
I’m going to check out the travel shows that were mentioned – let’s see if anything can top Anthony Bourdain’s parts unknown!
Someone may have said this above, but Mom and I watched the “Call the Midwife” Christmas special on Friday — just a week late. Trixie mentioned a couple of times that she was wearing Guerlain Chant d’Aromes. 🙂
Yesterday’s bedtime scent for me was Jicky. I sprayed on some Ginger Piccante this evening. The fragrance is lasting considerably longer than I thought it would. Fortunately, I like it. 🙂