Niche line Bond no. 9 will launch My New York, a new unisex fragrance, in November.
New York is and always has been an international phenomenon that means so much to so many people around the world. Think: Global. Diverse. Inclusive. Vibrant. United. Resilient. #StrongerTogether. Throughout its long and wild history, our "little town" has demonstrated time and time again that it's truly New York Tough. "I honestly never thought that New York would experience a more challenging situation than 9/11, says Bond No. 9 founder Laurice Rahmé. "We've created scents for many great neighborhoods. It feels like the right moment to celebrate the whole city!"
"This scent is abstract. It's sexy and spicy, just like New York," says Rahmé. The top explodes with an energizing burst of ginger and pink pepper, which simmers down into a rich rose heart. Finally, the base is lush with cashmeran, sandalwood, and patchouli, lending the composition a luxurious and grounding warmth.
Bond no. 9 My New York is available now for pre-order at Saks, in 50 or 100 ml Eau de Parfum. A matching candle is also available.
(quote via prnewswire, additional information via saksfifthavenue)
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