If yesterday's scented magnetic clips were too kitschy for you, these pretty scented paper bookmarks will class up the joint. There are 12 fragrances; shown are fig, lavender, jasmine and orange. (There's also sandalwood, but it's spelled sandlewood. Oops.) $3.99 each at Fine Arts Products.
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Great holiday gift item! A book with one of these bookmarks! Now, how will I manage to remember this in December?
My favorite app, Evernote!
Well… I uploaded the app and made a note and put the date Dec 1 on it… but now have no idea how to file it or what happens next… sigh. Intuitive apps are never for me.
I do not date things, but I keep a ton of files in topical folders. So I already keep an Xmas list, and when I have ideas I put them in that list. Then whenever you start your holiday shopping, you’ll look at that list.
Really it probably only works if you start using it as your note app for everything. I use it even for my grocery list…which I can then access via my phone while I’m at the store. I keep all my various perfume lists in Evernote, etc etc.
I meant to reply to this earlier. So, I’ve started a holiday gift list… we’ll see if I am app-improvable.