Happy Easter, everyone! It's time to fill your (fantasy) Easter basket:
1. You can pick one perfume, new or old: what is it?
2. And you can have one other scented product (a candle, a body lotion, anything): what is it?
3. Your favorite candy?
4. And any random present you'd like the Easter bunny to bring you.
Note: top image shows Easter treats from Chauo Chocolatier.
Rituals shower foam
Dark Chocolate
some new jeans
SOTD Cristalle..
Happy Easter!
1. A big bottle of vintage Vol de Nuit parfum in the propeller bottle, or possibly a big bottle of Puredistance Antonia – happy to let the Easter bunny choose
2. Fidji body lotion, if it could be dis-discontinued and like it used to be
3. Gianduja
4. A lilac tree for my garden would be lovely
Lilac trees!!! I don’t see those much in the US. (Are you in the US?) We had them all over in France, and now that I’m in the US again, I miss their gorgeous scent in the spring. They are some of my favorite flowers.
I’m in the UK, so we have plenty too. They are lovely, aren’t they? Lilac perfumes never quite match up.
They really don’t!!! I feel the same way about many flowers, sadly.
We have them in Arkansas and I know they’re big in upstate New York. Rochester, NY has a big lilac festival every spring.
Yes to the VdN propeller bottle! Such a gorgeous scent.
I was looking at buying a dwarf lilac a couple of hours ago at Scotney Castle, it smelt so wonderful, but I’m really bad at buying plants and letting them shrivel up, so I need to plan where it’s going to go before buying! I bought some Japonese Anemonies and Dicentra (Bleeding hearts). Hoping the weather will be good tomorrow morning so that I can plant them before they shrivel up this time!
Hey-ho, fragranced weekenders! I’ll do these as a free-association lightening round, ready . . . go!
1. a bottle of Hiris in the old blue glass
2. Chanel No. 5 body cream
3. See’s Bordeaux milk chocolates
4. a car that runs reliably, lol
Peace out, perfumed scouts!
You must be feeling better 🙂
Wanted to say to you and madtowngirl that I sprayed myself silly in Sephora yesterday with Eau de Mervielles (forgive the misspelling) on my neck, Clair de M on one arm and Ambre de M on the other arm….I did about 10 sprays of each on said body part so 30 sprays in all!! I doused myself in them….cause the SA said they were out of plastic testers and I really wanted to try it again, given that we have similar tastes in perfume and I could not understand why I never seem to “get” EdM……well, all three were much more pleasant than I remembered the last time I tested (which was one spray each) …however, by the time I got home an hour later I could not smell a thing! Are they equally as fleeting as the Hermessences are (they last a nano second on my skin) or is it just my nose/skin?
Yep and thanks, cm8, I’m feeling a bit better each day, hurray!
For me Eau des Merveilles fades down to a gentle hum within a few hours, but it hangs on and on, sometimes until the next day.
Eau Claire des Merveilles is a mystery. Sometimes I can’t smell it at all, other times it’s a lovely cosmetic powder + gentle florals scent. If I could smell it consistently I would buy a bottle. That could be a clue to your experience, perhaps there is a musk there that masks the scents once nose fatigue sets in.
L’Ambre des Merveilles is louder then EdM on me and lasts through the day. Ambers are usually strong to my nose. And Elixir des Merveilles makes me cringe, sorry to anyone who loves it.
I tried EdM Bleue yesterday. I liked the herbal edge. Some noses smell mint. I got fresh oregano leaves, a very distinctive effect. But the white musk overwhelms me. Will try it again next week when my smeller is in better shape. Perhaps on a warm day it will develop differently.
Don’t know what to say other than try EdM again someday (or not, lol). Whatever makes your nose happy is the right thing to do. 🙂
Haha, all this talk about EdM made me wear EdM this evening! 🙂
From a cute travel mini (small bummer, its not a spray bottle).
I am going to keep trying it ……:)
and thank you for your wonderful descriptions!
I prefer the Elixir to the Eau and it lasts a good long time on me. You might try it sometime. It’s a bit sharper with more of an orange tinge, more definition.
Re: Giethoorn (which you mentioned below)
I went there when I was a small kid, but I dont remember, so it does not count 🙂
I really need to go there again. Soon. Its in/near one of the largest wetland parks of northwestern Europe, the Weerribben. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Weerribben-Wieden_National_Park
Lots of water, windmills…very Dutch 😀
My answers:
1. Tauer Phi Rose, or maybe Parfums de Empire Corsica Furiosa?
2. a jar of Frederic Malle body cream, probably in Carnal Flower
3. a better orange peel chocolate bar than any I’ve had so far
4. we start paying college tuition soon, so cash would be just lovely
Ha! Corsica furiosa, great pick, also on my list 🙂
We have good taste!
Good luck with no 4 and be prepared for hidden fees in the bill!!!
I am unprepared for all of it. I might actually have to give up blogging and go get a real job, we’ll see!
Nooooo! We’ll start a Kick Starter Fund for you! 🙂
Ha, I might need it!
I know exactly how you feel. My oldest son is in his first year of college and my second is not far behind. After the first semester bills were posted I realized my blissful years of working 3 days a week were over and I’m now back to full time. Luckily my son is doing very well in college and seems to appreciate the opportunity so it all seems worthwhile.
Two at once, that is hard! If we were facing that I would have made my son choose a much cheaper school.
The expenses can be daunting….and yes, I think most are unprepared once the actual bill comes!
Re: Orange Peel Chocolate Bar
The best I’ve had was not in bar form but rather ~ 1-inch candied orange peels hand-dipped in dark chocolate. Godiva has (had? I haven’t checked lately) and a chocolate shoppe in NY on 5th somewhere between 43rd and 45th (unfortunately no longer there and I don’t remember the name). The orange peels in bar form tend to be really tiny candied bits that get stuck between teeth.
I had similar orange peels ‘enrobed in chocolate’ by Pierre Marcolini. So good. Very expensive though.
A very nice and cheap orange/chocolate combo is Lindt Orange Intense.
Yes, the Lindt is not bad.
I like those too! Chuao has them sometimes.
Chocolate covered orange peel ?? Kilwins in various cities that makes yummy homemade dark and milk covered fruits and peels. Very very dangerous. https://www.kilwins.com/stores/all
This is dangerous info, Wendysue. Now, I have no excuse not to go to Trader Joe’s in Westfield…Kilwins is less than a 5 minute walk from TJ’s!
I am two blocks from a Kilwins right this minute 🙂
Orange peels dipped in chocolate: Shockingly easy to make. The hardest part, for me, is getting the orange peel off in regular strips, but once you do that, it’s fairly easy to confit the strips, cut them up, melt your favorite chocolate, and then dip the strips. I first did this because the chocolateries near me charged absurd prices for their chocolate-dipped orange peels, but then I realized that I could customize them however I wanted (fleur de sel and chili went well with Michel Cluizel Noir 72 %, fyi), and could use whatever chocolate I liked best.
Koyel, now this information is very dangerous 😉 .
As long as you don’t eat too many as you try to perfect the product….
Ooh, that’s fantastic to know.
I should add that you can similarly make excellent chocolate-dipped lime peel! (And likely lemon, though I’ve never tried that.) These also make good presents for people who already have everything they want.
Robin have you tried Michel Cluizel dark orange chocolate? So far the best orange chocolate – has the pieces of candies orange peel. He also sells chocolate covered orangettes which are dangerous – last time I got my hands on a bag it was gone in 20 minutes.
Yes, believe it or not I complained about that bar here (great chocolate, not enough peel):
# 4 there’s always ROTC if he’s into that
He is not, but yes, great idea if it’s what you want.
Robin, have info for you to file away till fall, since I’m sure you don’t want to spring for overnight shipping on chocolate:
1) Anderson’s (andersonscandyshopdotcom) has a rather cheese-whiz looking site, but I assure you the handmade chocolates are excellent. They have great orange peel bars, among other temptations. The Snappers are much better than the Fannie May version.
2) Bernard Callebaut has very good hand-dipped pieces of orange peel. They also have “leaves” that are pure dark chocolate–no filling or pieces–but are tinged with orange flavor.
Thank you, I will file those away indeed!
1. If the EB could finally spring for that bottle of L’Heure Fougueuse then I could stop frittering my dollars away on expensive decants.
2. Another bottle of elizabeth W Redwoods shower gel for my spouse. Smelled great on him.
3. I don’t have a favorite candy. I’m an equal opportunity candy hog and even like the weird chalky ones that get thrown away.
4. A cure for my allergies and some extra energy would be super.
I’m finally testing Zoology Civet. Smells like the vapor from melted butter. I actually think it’s great, but I’m pretty sure my nose isn’t working right now and I’m missing something important. Butter? Really? Mr. Minion has the flu and can’t smell it at all so I can’t even get a second opinion.
I like the chalky candies. I’m hoarding a bag of Valentine conversation hearts. 🙂 Hope your nose feels better quickly (and your husband’s, too).
I loved Civet! Hope you and Mr. Minion feel better soon! I also adore licorice jelly beans and marshmallow peeps! The peeps are best served stale with a cup of hot, black coffee!
I love stale peeps, and I love sweets with coffee. Somehow I have not tried this particular combination though 🙂 Thanks for the idea!
My high school boyfriend’s mother used to “age” her peeps 1 year in the basement before anyone could eat them.
I rather enjoy frozen peeps with coffee
When no one is looking!
Oooh frozen peeps! That sounds much quicker than a proper aging 🙂
Stale peeps are truly a delicacy. Frozen peeps? Now I’m curious and will have to try…
Oh my goodness would you share a little of that allergy cure? 😉
Lol at equal opportunity candy hog!
#4- have you ever tried a netti pot? my partner who has wicked allergies swears by it.
I go through phases of dedication to my neti-pot. I do think it helps, but I’m too lazy to do it as often as I should.
+1 to what CM8 said…family members with allergies find it very effective
I can also recommend Ayr’s hypertonic saline spray. Note that hypertonic is different from the regular one. I can’t explain why hypertonic works better, but it makes a difference to me.
…and on my shopping list it goes.
I get a lot more than butter from Civet! Strangely, I get some of the banana that is featured in Bat, though not listed for Civet. Anyway I get something fruitlike and sweet. The next most intense ingredients are florals and spices. I think you need to try it when your nose is clearer. There’s a lot going on there!
1. Carnal Flower usually hits the spot when I’m unsure of what to wear
2. Caldrea’s Honey Ginger line, long discontinued; the sugar scrub and body wash were delicious
3. Can’t say I have a favorite candy – if pressed, I might have to go for a Heath bar – I’m a simple man of simple pleasures
4. A backup bottle of Carnal Flower – I’ve just about drained my 3.4 ounce bottle but it’s been with me for 6 years so, it was a good run
And besides Heath bars are darned good.
Years ago I loved to bake oatmeal cookies with chopped up Heath bars in place of the raisins. Mmmm. I need to do that again.
Tiffany, Heath bars in oatmeal cookies sound fantastic. I’ll have to give that a try once I finally get my oven working.
Have you tried the hair mist? Smells just like it and cheaper.
1. A bottle of vintage Shalimar EdT, in whatever vintage they just sent me from the Perfumed Court. This is so lovely.
2. A Byredo Bibliotheque candle…I’m in need of a backup.
3. Decidedly lowbrow candy…been spending way too much quality time with the Whoppers mini robin’s eggs.
4. Can the Easter bunny bring me a new set of vocal cords? I’d love to be able to sing like Roberta Flack:
You can’t go wrong with Whoppers! Love them. 🙂
Yes, ma’am. ❤
????And thanks for creating a limerick to cheer up Waterdragon. That was awesome! ????
Aww…. I’m glad you enjoyed it too!
1. Corsica Furiosa PdE
2. A scentless body lotion that keeps my legs smooth and hydrated
3. Lakrids, NO.4 Habanero Chili Liquorice
4. New shoes
Oh, I made a mistake, after reading a few other lists, thinking 2 needed to be a body product. But its supposed to be a scented product. Haha.
Okay, I’ll swap it for a box of Shoyeido Premium incense. 🙂
Jiji, I’m not sure where you’re located but if you’re in the US, go find CeraVe’s Moisturizing Lotion. It’s inexpensive, non-greasy and does what it says. I like it so much and was afraid to be without it here in France that I brought a case of 12 bottles here with me.
My favorite too, although I prefer the cream. Walmart is the only place I’ve found so far that has the tub of cream with a pump, which is perfect.
I’ll look for that. I tend to avoid creams because I dislike scooping them out with my fingers and later trying to screw the jar lid back on with now-slippery fingers.
Target has it too, but I’ve never seen it in a store:
Another rec: Eucerin Daily Hydration Lotion. I like it mixed with Sweet Almond Oil. Yup, extra step, but at least it’s not breaking the bank.
Thank you! I love these recommendations, you guys are the best.
And Eucerin is a brand they sell in pharmacies here.
Thank you!
I live in The Netherlands.
I dont think I ever saw it in stores here. But maybe there is an online retailer that ships to the low lands. I’ll put it on my ‘to investigate’ list. 😉
Hi Jiji, I thought of you there in the Netherlands when a friend sent me a link to a travel article about Giethoorn yesterday. So magical.
Hi Jiji- I went for a fragrance free lotion instead of unscented (read it here of course from one of our many experts!) – A baby lotion from Burts Bees –
You could probably easily find on line. Non Greasy. It would layer with scented products well….see what you think.
That’s really good lotion (and the cream is great). Definitely worth 5x it’s price!
Shhhh – they might hear you. 😉
I second the recommendations and will add Clinique Body Butter which I’ve seen at Schiphol Airport duty-free.
Thanks Hajusuuri. 🙂
Clinique has some good products. I have a lip crayon that I really like (lips do not get dry), and i use their City Block sheer as a daily SPF.
Ooh. That liquorice sounds fantastic!
It is. Their whole line of liquorices is amazing!
Of course its also amazingly expensive. 🙁
Sometimes I can find them discounted (when the expiration date is nearby) and then they are mine of course (like i ever managed to preserve them to that exp date hahaha).
I tend to go with Cetaphil in winter and Lubriderm in summer. Both brands have fragrance free variations. Cetaphil now has a lighter fragrance free variation, too, and I’ll see how far that takes me into summer. Note that we have extreme summer humidity here in the DC area. You might need the richer lotion all year, depending on your climate.
I remember Lucasai commenting here while he was studying chemistry that drugstore products can have moisturizers that are just as effective as those in more expensive department store products. (I hope Lucas will correct if I’m misremembering.)
Thanks for the recommendations!
‘fragrance free’ is probably the word I was looking for 🙂 and yes I need a rich lotion or maybe a cream, because in the netherlands its quite cold and windy for at least 6 months. So Heatings are on during this period and air in most office buildings and houses is dry and not nice for your skin.
I would love a bottle of the new Vero Profumo Naja, a vat of Iris Poudre body butter, some very dark chocolate and a big bucket of cash. 🙂
I like big buckets (of cash) and I cannot lie . . .
Oooh, how’s Naja on you? I know Vero Profumo perfumes are not large sample friendly 😉
It’s very difficult. Would you like very green, almost meaty leather?
Butch leather? Probably not!
Maybe! I’ll definitely try this one. ????
I have not tried it yet, all the comments I’ve read so far were favorable except for lucasai’s. I will sample before buying all the same.
1. I will forgo this one for no. 2
2. All the Atelier soaps at Ariel Shoshana’s Scented Luxuries for me and me alone (I already bought several for younger family members’ Easter baskets and they smell divine!!!)
3. chocolate covered marzipan because I have been forgoing the sugar lately and I am in need of a fix 🙂
4. peace and contentment to all
Happy Easter and Happy Passover and Happy Spring!
We must be palate cousins. When I was a kid nobody else at my house would eat the chocolate covered marzipan in the box of assorted chocolates. Yummy.
In my (German) family the chocolate covered marzipan always went first!
During the holidays I have my parents bring me all sorts of German/European goodies from Aldi’s in NYC…but I am trying very hard to be a good girl and not indulge in so much sugar 🙁
and we are somewhat scent twins too 🙂
Here’s hoping you get a REALLY good chocolate covered marzipan. Yum!
thank you, solanace 🙂
YAAAASSS to those Atelier soaps. They are my luxury thrill. The Grand Neroli has soooo much scent!
yess! I put Grand Neroli in a family member’s Easter basket!!! Hope she opens that one first!
I am squeezing in one more song of inspiration for this week ( I promise, last one!) LIFE IS WONDERFUL
I love dark chocolate covered marzipan. They have Zenz logs here, must find one asap.
I did not realize that there is a small dark chocolate covered fan club on NST 🙂
I mean “dark chocolate covered marzipan” fan club-LOL!
Yep. I’m a card-carrying member. Chocolate covered marzipan would be in the running for my favorite candy if I wasn’t so indecisive.
1. Le Labo Bergamote 22. Someday I WILL see my name in print!
2. As long as we’re fantisizing, I’ll take a bottle of the Bergamote 22 lotion too.????
3. Dark chocolate! I’m partial to Dove squares. Not necessarily because they’re the best but because I like to see what’s printed on the inside of the wrapper. They’re like the fortune cookie of chocolates, lol. I keep the wrapper that states “Be proud of your age” on my dresser mirror.
4. The dusky pink trenchcoat from Banana Republic- sold out!☹️
Random side note: yesterday’s thread spurred a visit to the used vinyl store. This morning I was spinning Roxy Music Avalon. I had almost forgotten how incredibly good this album is.
Happy Saturday all!
The used vinyl store, what fun!! (and LOL at someday i will see my name in print!)
Ha! I put my cats’ names on my LL candle.
And YES!!! to Avalon.
Must listen to right now!
I listened to Avalon sooo many times in 1982…
I love Avalon. What a amazing song.
Love the idea of a dusty pink raincoat. I found a beautiful Aqua trench with tiny white Japanese style flowers in a thrift shop recently and am working up the courage to wear it. If you see a woman wearing something that matches that description and smelling of Vanille d’Iris, you’ll know it’s me. (I’m a madtown girl, too. Ok…girl at heart.)
You live in Madison too!?!
Yup! Hard to find other perfume fans here, I think. Mostly a no-scent-zone kind of place. I wear with caution!
Omg! Even harder to find “good” perfume shopping. We need a Madison scent bar!
1. You can pick one perfume:
PG Bois Blond. Not terribly Easterish, but I’d like a bottle free from the Easter Bunny.
2. And you can have one other scented product:
Candle – June’s by Boy Smells
3. Your favorite candy?
Fran’s Salted Caramels
4. And any random present:
A pair (or two!) of cute jeans that fit me perfectly.
Hi Now Smell This family. Happy Easter weekend to all.
1. Guerlain Iris Ganache or new Jul et Mad Fugit Amor.
2. Maybe Gabriella Chieffo body care line in Acquasala.
3. Coconut bitter chocolate or any other from E.Wedel will do.
4. New shirt in deep, emerald green color.
My sotd is Histoires de Parfums 1725. It smells very suitable for Easter in my opinion.
Happy Easter weekend, Lucas!
1725 is a great Easter scent, I think. And emerald green is a beautiful color!
1) A bottle of Sarrasins, por favor.
2) a bottle of No 5 body oil. I’ve never smelled it, but I’ve heard raves and now that it’s not available, it’s especially desireable.
3) My favorite dark chocolate du jour: Taza stone ground Mexican dark chocolate with guajillo chili.
4) a few more hairless cats ????
#3 do you get your fix from Whole Foods Market?
The Whole Foods near me in Brooklyn actually has a lousy selection and is small and messy in general. I get it from this supermarket called City Acres Market that has a better chocolate (and coffee, most importantly) selection.
If you’re in the area, the Bryant Park Whole Foods Market has a large selection, right by the waiting chutes for the cash registers (I don’t like that queuing set-up).
I love those Taza ground chocolate bars — my favorites are the cinnamon and the coffee 🙂
I’ll have to try all of them! I love the texture-very satisfying.
Re: #2. Silly! Email me your coordinates and I can send you some! ann dotty eisenberg attagirl comcast dotty net
!!!! ????
Vintage L’Heure Bleue Extrait
Chanel 5 Body oil. (Best stuff EVER!)
See’s Dark choc. molasses chips
The deed to a house on Kaua’i ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your final two are very similar to mine! I would LOVE to be sitting somewhere on Kaua’i eating See’s, really…
1) Large bottle of vintage Shalimar
2) Almond body lotion by Saba de Sultan (which has been discontinued much to my hubby’s dismay)
3) Christian Constant chocolates from Paris
4) A “Golden” ticket for admission to the Guerlain Historical Perfume lectures and have them taught in English just for me LOL
Really like your No. 4, Kelly! Wouldn’t it be wonderful?
Please sign me up for those Guerlain lectures, too. Of course I would gladly sit or stand through the French version just to sniff the recreations of old Guerlains from the archives.
1. You can pick one perfume, new or old: what is it?
Onda VdE. aka My Magic Unicorn Perfume
2. And you can have one other scented product (a candle, a body lotion, anything): what is it?
I would like to give the FM Body Cream a whirl.
3. Your favorite candy?
Old school turtles. They used to be as big as a dinner plate and loaded with everything. Now they seem a bit microscopic and anemic.
4. And any random present you’d like the Easter bunny to bring you
The winning lottery numbers would be nice =)
SOTD is Narciso for Her from a roller ball I purchased yesterday. It’s nice.
See’s Pecan Buds are the closest thing I have found to the old Turtles. They could use more caramel, but they are handmade and sometimes have six or seven whole pecan halves in a piece. I don’t know if there is a store near you.
#3 everything is microscopic and anemic these days…boxes of cereal, crackers, ice cream containers, cans of coffee…..
1. Rose de Petra by SHL
2. FM body butters – I will take me all.
3. Box of LA Burdick macaroons. Or their marzipans. Or their truffles.
4. A pair of rag & bone jeans. Best fitting jeans ever.
I have heard that about Rag & Bone, but never tried on a pair.
Ahhhhh…. Burdick’s…. My cryptonite…
1. Guerlain Neroli Outrenoir
2. FM POAL Body butter
3. Candied chestnuts from France or Turkey
4. A big magnolia tree for my garden
I love candied chestnuts, I didn’t know they were a thing in Turkey.
Neroli Outrenoir is so good. It may be SOTD for church tomorrow. Then onto Cheesecake Factory for brunch with some scent-phobe family members. I can’t imagine this offending anyone.
I agree! Neroli Outrenoir is lovely. I need to award you a belated enabler’s pin, as I purchased a travel spray. Thank you kindly, ma’am!
YW, I ended up wearing it to church and brunch. I wanted a mimosa but eh, the server said they’re not allowed to serve alcohol before noon on Sundays. I knew about the restriction re: not being able to buy alcohol before noon (from my occasional Sunday morning Costco runs) but somehow did not associate it with not being able to order it from a restaurant! Oh well, I preserved several brain cells.
1. Right this sec, a lily/vanilla thing sounds like a good idea.
2. I would like to try the ElizabethW candles…preferably, a votive sample pack. (They don’t offer such a thing, though)
3. Probably dark chocolate…maybe Moonstruck Chocolate truffles (hey, there’s an orange/dark chocolate one…hmmmmmm.)
4. A new hand bag or three.
I just looked up Moonstruck…. oh dear, another lemming is born!
😉 They do some very cute seasonal truffles, too!
I’ve now bookmarked them and Zotter (see below).
1. A full bottle of vintage Apres l’Ondee parfume
2. The new FM iris hand cream
3. Any variation on the classic Icelandic chocolate/caramel/licorice theme would be great
4. One night and adjacent days by myself in a lovely hotel with a great, big bed with fluffy white comforters where I can just sleep and sleep and sleep, and then get up and have a long bath and a glass of wine, take a stroll through the garden and the adjacent woods, and sit down and write. And then more sleep.
Your number 4 made me sigh with longing. May it come your way somehow!
oooh!!! i want no 4 too!!!!
Yes to number 4!
Also hope we all can find #4 under the candy.
1. Caron Narcisse Blanc in the beautiful Baccarat bottle.
2. A lifetime supply of Lush Flying Fox shower gel. I mean, the Easter bunny does come once a year, right? I’d be happy with a big bottle each year.
3. Some Buckeyes, an Ohio chocolate peanut butter specialty. They don’t have these on the West Coast.
4. The perfect bra (does such a thing exist?)
They had FF recently on the UK Lush Kitchen. I wish the US would get a Lush Kitchen.
Regarding #4: I think the secret to the perfect bra is getting a proper fitting. If you live near a Nordstrom I recommend you make an appointment. They will measure you and have you try on bras from all different brands. You might want to request an experienced (i.e., older) SA. (Although trained, I’d hate to have a young pup do my measurement.) My guess is other large department stores offer a similar service.
Victoria’s Secret has that service, too.
Thanks, I know I really need to do that! I love think it will solve a lot.
Endorsing fittings and recommending the Wacoal brand. This is one thing I am very willing to pay more for, if necessary, and the per use cost is lower than for almost any other item of clothing, whatever you pay.
Also go to stores with wide selections and keep trying on until you find the right one. Another reason Nordstrom is good
Thanks for your ideas and support ladies!
1. A big bottle of Guerlain Vetiver
2. Aftelier Ylang Ylang face oil
3. Artisanal calissons de Provence
4. Solar energy for everybody and the closure of all nuclear power plants – let’s not get started on those other nuclear artifacts. Or just that Gunther Adams was taught on schools.
Gunther Anders. Sorry.
Oh, calissons! I find those strangely addictive.
#4 perfect (we can only dream 🙂 !!)
For #4, I just wish people would put together 2 things that *are* commonly taught: discounted cash flow and radioactivity half life durations.
10.000 years is time aplenty…
At this very moment?
1. Shiseido FdB, my bottle looks perilously low, and I’ll never be able to replace it
2. Rodin Olio Lusso, I’m all about the oils these days, and a lovely NST’er included a sample of this one–it’s delightful, but also out of my $$range
3. Not candy exactly, but when I was in the States I got the trader joe’s coffee cashews, delightful!
4. Not so much a tangible thing, but if a magical organizer bunny filed every bit of stray paper/destroyed all the unnecessary ones in this apartment, I’d be pretty thankful.
Coffee cashews.. I am intrigued!
Are these cashews glazed with a coffee flavoured coating? Is real coffee involved? Is it Sweet (sugar adder) or just bitter/salty?
It is yes to real coffee, a little sweet a little bitter and a little salty.
#3 Will have to look for those next time I am in a Trader Joe’s …thanks for the recommendation!
Re your #4, I spent a good 90 minutes today just shredding old papers. :^S
Your no.4 has been on my wishlist for my whole adult life.
1) journey woman or Une de Cassie
2) Iris poudre body butter
3) Violet & Rose creams
4) something special happened today, which felt like a gift; it’s a very difficult anniversary today, and my family and I were visiting the country churchyard to take flowers to the graveside. There are 3 sheep in the field backing onto the churchyard, and my little girl noticed a tiny black lamb, bleeting, quite far from the sheep, i went over to the lamb, which was obviously exhausted and hungry, while my husband tried to find the farmer. He called on the vicar and his wife, who we know, and we got a blanket. We then found another lamb, smaller than the first, at first we thought it was dead but she bleeted feebly when I picked her up in a blanket.
The vicar and his wife took them home, and we hear they’ve had a feed now, the little one through a tube, and the bigger one took a bottle. They are doing really well.
It turns out that the mother sheep is an orphan, so that explains her lack of interest/instinct.
I felt so down this morning, and now feel full of hope!
The reverend is going to take the stronger lamb into church for the Easter service tomorrow. My little girl has named the lamb’s Bobby & Binkie
You definitely brought tears to my eyes! What a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing.
second that 🙂
Thank you for sharing this lovely moment
What a lovely story, and good job to your girl for spotting a problem.
So sweet! Love their names!
I love this story! So perfect for Easter.
Ohhhhh…. how precious! Poignant and hopeful, so appropriate for Easter.
Mayfly, that is lovely, and it soothes my heart. Thank you. ❤
Sweet, sweet story. Thanks for sharing.
How sweet. Thank you for telling us about your experience.
Amazing story- it will be your daughter’s Easter memory.
So True. How lovely!!
I pray that experience helped soothe your heart during this difficult anniversary. Sure was a gift, you’re right.
Thank u, u are all so kind. ????
Here is an update to the story;
The Reverend did bring the stronger lamb into church this Easter morning, and all the children gathered around to pet him, it was very lovely.
He made the story into his sermon, about hope and rebirth/new life, and talked about my son’s anniversary, and our family visiting, and being very sad, but that sadness turning to joy and hope in finding the lambs.
My little girl was very proud to have found the lamb, and be praised for it during the service.
Sadly the Revs. wife told me after the service that the weak small lamb didn’t make it, I’m so sad about it, but I suppose that we intervened, and it didn’t die alone, which counts for a lot.
Really, I think that it’s all any of us can ask for. You received a gift, but you also were a gift.
Thank u Scentspirit, I think u are right.
what is the Iris Poudre body butter like?
It’s really lovely, and true to the perfume, long lasting too, as is the Carnal flower, these are the only two I’ve tried.
1. Giorgio’s Ocean Dream
2. Yankee Candle in Summer Vacation
3. candied orange rinds from Iran!
4. a white chocolate rubber ducky with an orange beak and an orange bow on the cellophane, and a trip to Budapest
I like how you snuck in the trip to Budapest 😉
Yes, and lulling the Easter Bunny into agreement with the idea of the adorable and doable white chocolate ducky. I would not want to sit on the opposite side of the bargaining table from Celestia. 😉
Ocean Dream was really good. I’ve never smelled anything quite like it.
1. Box of eels
2. Incense from the silver pavilion in Kyoto.
3. Kona coffee covered macadamia nuts
4. A face lift
SOTD leftover Christopher street from yesterday and box of eels.
love your #4.
Next year, lovestosmellgood,
Next year.
1. PdE Tabac Tabou!
2. You know, I was surprised at how much I liked the Paddywax Jane Austen candle. I don’t know why they went with white florals for Austen – seems more like Tennessee Williams to me – but the candle is very nice and I’d like another one, with a slightly better-designed wick than the one I finished had.
3. Not my favorite, but difficult to find in the US: Daim bars. Or the Zotter Cherry Brandy chocolate bars – I haven’t had one in like 7 years or something, so who knows if they even make them. But I loved them.
4. A job. Though I’d be delighted if I just had a summer funding. Just a few thousand dollars – that would be great.
No SOTD – I had a workshop at 9AM and was so sleepy on my way out that I forgot perfume AND sunscreen. Haven’t decided what to wear for the rest of the day – maybe Civet?
Wow, just looked up that Zotter bar — I want one too!
I’ll cross my fingers that one finds its way to you, too!
Me too, please. 🙂
Believe it or not I used to buy Daim bars at Ikea, but I don’t know if they still have them.
Yes, and the cafeteria sells that delicious Daim cake! But the closest IKEA to me is three hours away.
I think they deliver for an extra 50 or so bucks! 🙂
1. I tried Amouage Fate for the second time recently and it was so much more impressive than I remembered. I wouldn’t mind a bottle.
2. I just bought No. 5 body oil so I’m set for now.
3. See’s Pecan Buds. I buy a two pound box every month but if the Easter Bunny wanted to give me more I wouldn’t say no.
4. I’d like the backyard landscaped.
Number 4 appeals to me, too. I keep pretending i have an insect friendly garden…which is true…but a landscaped insect friendly garden would be even cooler
I understand your wish for landscaping – our backyard gas “lots of potential” (quote from the realtor) but currently is just causing me stress because it’s a very daunting set of projects.
When we bought our first house, the realtor, and most subsequent visitors in fact, would alternate between two comments: “It really has lots of potential” and ” “Well at least it is structurally sound”.
Made me laugh out loud! Hilarious but true that “potential” is red flag in real estate-ese.
1. PdE Equistrius
2. some Roger & Gallet Blue Carnation soap for my mother
3. truffles from Heavenly Confectionery http://heavenlyconfectionery.com/ (no affiliation)
4. peace on Earth
SOTD: SSS Citrus Vetiver
Happy weekend all!
Amen to no 4 and you smell great!!!! (I was one of Laurie’s testers for that one 🙂 !!)
So was I! Are you testing the new one? Now I feel like we’re SSS sisters! 🙂
sadly no…have been out of touch will Laurie for a while. And now I am curious about the new one…is it the gourmand that she said she would be working on?
Yes, that’s the one. There’s been quite a lag from when she first started working on it until now, but according to her last email, she’s back at it.
Hey EB! I’ve been good. I even finished mine AND my mom’s tax returns this weekend…just getting ready to snail mail some of the returns.
1. Vintage Carons
2. Le Labo Vanille 44 shower gel. The Le Labo SAs claim it does not exist, but you’re EB so you can come up with some, right? right, EB? Please?
3. Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups with no calories
4. Cheap airfare whenever and wherever I fly.
#3 “without calories”…too funny! I would like some “healthy” candy 🙂
Vintage Carons … yum.
Which vintage Carons are you looking for? I have Nocturnes. If that interests you I can send you a decant. Just let me know :). If not, no worries!
All of them except Bellodgia. I have the vintage Extrait in a baccarat crystal bottle.
sent you an email 🙂
You can get body products in the city exclusive scents directly from the le labo website during September (when they make them available everywhere), or at least you could in 2016. I know this because I spent at least an hour debating if I should buy the Musc 25 and Baie Rose 26 body products before being responsible and saying no.
I hate being responsible sometimes. But I really didn’t need any more body products.
I’ll note this down. Thanks, EB!
It’s funny to see how little fanfare there is around Easter in the US after spending three years in France! I had the pleasure of attending an Easter feast at a friend’s parents’ house (in Grasse!) two years ago, and what a feast that was!
SOTD: Iris Fauve from a recent split! It’s quite beautiful, but a LOT lighter than the other Atelier des Ors scents. And weirdly, even though it’s not in the note list, I get a fair bit of leather from it. Hmm.
1. Perfume: Box of Eels parfum! Yum yum yum. What’s $200 between friends (ie, me and the Easter Bunny), anyway?
2. Scented product: FM Portrait of a Lady body butter.
3. Favorite candy: Dark chocolate from Criollo in Toulouse. Mmmmm, there are some things I miss about France.
4. Random present from the Easter Bunny: A JOB.
I’m especially enjoying others’ answers for #4.
Have a lovely weekend, everyone 🙂
in NYC people make a big deal about Easter & Passover.
It varies by region, and the ethnic backgrounds of those who settled the area, especially if they’re strongly Catholic or Orthodox.
But Easter is very joyfully celebrated where I live, and we’re just your basic average Protestants. We fast from Good Friday on, have an all-night vigil this evening and break the fast with a huge meal after sunrise services. Then we have a nap and wake up and eat a huge supper!
Most people I know have a big meal and an Easter egg hunt for the wee ones, if nothing else.
Morning, everyone. Neat poll, Robin, thank you. So: to thinking.
1. I would love Fidgi as it once was, or Climat, ditto, and I fondly imagine I would like Vivre, but that last might be a rose-tinted and faulty memory. I remember it as glorious, but I was young then, and I haven’t smelt it since. Because I can’t have any of those, I will choose La Pausa, which I can have, and that quite soon.
2. Body products? Probably not, so I will have another perfume– De Profundis, which lovely Gaynor is going to get for me in Paris.
3. I don’t eat lollies (sigh), so I will choose something equally impossible: to turn back time and undo a done thing. Yesterday I accidentally knocked a tap on in my laundry, and I caused a flood in our building that’s gone through several floors and entered some. apartments. I’m mortified– what a trouble to bring to my neighbours! And the dear man is being completely reasonable and understanding through his gritted teeth, if you see what I mean. I really wish he would just tell me what he thinks. I feel especially bad because the laundry we own is on the floor below, so we aren’t among those with soggy carpets. Honestly,the last few weeks have been HORRIBLE. Surely nothing more can happen?
4. See (3) above. This will pass. Water can be mopped up. Carpets can be dried. I will stop feeling embarrassed eventually. The sun will rise tomorrow. But I wish my father were alive– he’d laugh his huge laugh, make up a naughty limerick, and help me make it all better.
Be well, all. Don’t eat too much chocolate, but love what you eat, and smell delicious while you do so.
may I cheer you up with a song , waterdragon?
Heard it this morning in yoga class….
from Love Is a Four Letter Word…be well 🙂
and with the lyrics….
(I hope Robin forgives me for my new “cut and paste” youtube addiction 🙂 !!!)
The song cheered me and my husband up too!
Thank you! It did cheer me up. That’s a sensible message, and I shall adopt it.
Oh, I am so sorry waterdragon!
Poor Waterdragon from Down-Under.
She tore her building asunder.
By leaving on a tap,
She caused quite a flap
With her unintentional blunder. 😀
Hat tip to your father (sorry it’s not naughty).
It’s great, and it made me laugh, which is A Good Thing today, because Dakkie has just thrown up all over the floor! On the tiles rather than the carpet, so I think my luck is moving in the right direction.
I’m braced for the clean up bill (the building manager doesn’t seem to think that insurance will cover it) which will be several thousand dollars. Well, it’s only money — not a life or a limb — but it’s also my little frivols. I kinda feel honour bound not to buy my new eye shadow or blusher, nor the pretty little frock I’ve been eyeing up, nor my perfumes from Luckyscent, which Foxbins was so kindly going to receive for me. Beastly botheration — the ramifications of carelessness go on and on. And on. Foxbins (BTW, did you know that autocorrect always gives “foxiness”?) I’ll write privately when I know exactly what I’m facing, but even if I’m not meeting you to pick up a glorious package, I hope that maybe we might catch up for coffee or something when we get to Portland.
I certainly hope we can meet–I have been saving all my samples for you (and Kanuka, and Gaynor, should you feel like muling them home), and was hoping I could give you the opportunity to sniff anything you want in my wardrobe.
I did not know that autocorrect changes foxbins to “foxiness” but since foxbins is a made-up word I’m not surprised.
Oh, super! Looking forward to that very much, and very happy to be a perfume mule, because so many people do it for me.
And one day, maybe, I’ll get to the Scentbar and sniff Arbole Arbole. Or something.
So glad it made you smile. 🙂
But surely someone’s insurance – either yours or the building company’s – will cover an accident?!? Sending positive thoughts and keeping my fingers crossed!
waterdragon, I would politely but persistently pursue the insurance question. We’ve had leaks in our building, and the insurance that our condominium association holds pays to put any damage back to original building condition (“builders’ grade materials, which is very low cost), and the individual condo owners can submit claims to their own insurers for any upgrades they have made above that. Obviously each case different, due to differing regulations and types of policies, but I’d at least want to see the exclusions in print before caving. OTOH, it sounds as if paying for the damage may relieve your sense of guilt, which might be worth it.
I was on the receiving end of similar damage that resulted from a small part, used in a repair three floors above me, that turned out to be defective. I guess I’m saying, don’t feel too bad because odds are sooner or later someone else would have done it, or something else equally problematic. Hopefully there’s some kind of replacement tap they can install that’s more secure.
Thank you for this advice. I do intend to take it up with the committee, but I know for sure that our personal insurance does not cover damage in the common areas, and that the Body Corporate insurance will probably not cover damage within apartments. At the very least, I’ll be responsible for the drying of carpets and the replacement of damaged wall cladding. Oh, and ruined electrical equipment. That latter is problematic. But we’ll see what we will see. Today I feel better. Still embarrassed, but I’ve moved into more of a matter-of-fact mode. A few people behaved to me yesterday as though I had planned the incident for weeks and trained to Olympic standard to ensure maximum inconvenience for everyone, and that made me so cross that I could barely be polite, let alone crawlingly apologetic.
And overnight, Dakkie drank half a glass of water, ate some minced chicken and some cat biscuits, and flung a knitted mouse onto the fifth shelf of the bookcase. I’m sure he’s finding his equilibrium again. Life has golden streaks again.
Do you have personal liability insurance? It’s part of my homeowners insurance. (I think I need to increase the coverage, now that I’m considering all this.)
Hahaha. Great limerick, Rappleyea!
We all should make limericks more often. And bonus points for naughty ones 🙂
I come from a family of five other siblings, all with wicked (and often naughty!) senses of humor. And for the life of me I couldn’t come up with a naughty slant for this. I tried!
You have had such s rough few weeks! Better things are coming, I just know it!
Hang in there. It will soon be your birthday month.
Yes! And despite everything, I will buy La Pausa, because after all, 65th birthday. Mid-decade birthdays are significant these days.
Hugs and happy thoughts headed your way!
Oh dear. I have no limericks to offer, but am sending good vibes your way. I hope your next few weeks are as wonderful as these last few were trying.
Oh my , Waterdragon! It’s very trying to have these things happen. Sending hugs your way for a Happy Easter and tranquility. Delight in showers of La Pausa.
Easter is the time for new beginning. You have had a rough time lately, so it is time for a 180 degree turn in your luck, I’m sure.
1. SL Sa Majeste La Rose
2. A really nice candle in some sort of herbal/green scent
3. Dark chocolate covered marzipan
4. A vacation to somewhere where it’s currently autumn, with peak fall colors on the trees and a crisp breeze
#3…oh yes!
Amen! I’m IN!!
1. Perfume: Lush Coffee and Cardamom. Bring it over here to the US, dammit (that last aimed at the company, not the Easter Bunny).
2. Scented product: A gardenia shrub to plant right next to the front door. And I’ve got to mention how heavenly my neighbor’s jasmine smells right now.
3. Favorite candy: I have no discrimination – if it’s dark chocolate, I’ll eat it. But if the Easter Bunny brought me See’s raspberry cream chocolates, I’d be thrilled (we can’t get See’s here).
4. Random present from the Easter Bunny: A realization on the part of every human that this one earth is the only one we’ve got, and the understanding that we need to take care of it accordingly.
Love your number 4
That would be incredible. (#4. Although the candy also sounds incredible.)
1. Tauer Lone Star Memories – probably my next FB, but not buying anything until invoices due to me are paid.
2. I will take the “Fig Tree” scented candle from Cloon Keen Atelier please.
3. Loving the marzipan mentions here. I have ton be careful will sweet stuff nowadays so the diabetic-friendly marzipan from Spain is a favourite. Best marzipan probably Niederegger from Lubeck in Germany. But even better is the ‘yema quemada’ from Alicante, which adds loads of egg yolk. Mmm!
4. I want to hit and maintain my target weight with no effort required!
Was gardening today and lost my wedding ring! Yikes! That was a long and tedious hour checking through weeds and gravel until I found it again. TOMK would’ve killed me.
*I have to be careful with sweet stuff*
And spelling, by the looks of it.
Always a good plan to remove rings when working in the yard or house, my dad had to have his wedding ring cut off because he banged his finger and it swelled up very badly, cutting off the circulation. Glad you found yours!
I’m so glad you found your ring!
I’ll take #4!!
Ha, yes to #4, especially.
1. Vintage Fendi. 2. Vintage Paris body scrub, the best body product I ever had. 3. I love dark chocolate and gummy bears(not all at once) 4. I’ve given this one a lot of thought, I would ask to know 100% that my children will be able to care for themselves when the time comes. If not, then I would ask for money to pay good, loving people to help them.
Oh-lala at this vintage Paris body scrub!
It was divine! But it didn’t keep well, so you had to use it up fast.
Oh wow, Lilyjo. Your #4 is perfect.
Thanks! I wish I could had said something more lighthearted though.
No, it was absolutely beautiful and speaks to what a wonderful mother and human being you are 🙂
I think I’ve seen dark chocolate covered gummy bears! I will have to pick up a pack when I see them next.
Really?! I will keep an eye out.
Yes yes yes to number 3 AND number 4!
Yes to No. 4 in the deepest and most profound way.
Easter Weekend! Woo hoo!
1. A bottle of Chanel 19 edp batch codes starting 2-5 preferably (2011-2013). I’d even BUY it from the easter bunny, so that he can spend the money on someone else’s wishlist.
2. A really nice bar soap. I love Atelier and Mistral but want to try something new. There’s nothing quite like the luxury of a good bar of soap in the morning shower, before the house wakes up and responsibilities call. It’s like a mini-vacation!
3. I love chocolate everything. For everydaychocolate, Dove Dark Chocolate is quite good. This time of year, I’m very happy with a small bag of those Cadburry Mini eggs, with their dusty, super-sweet chocolate interiors.
4. I’d like to live more in the moment, and worry less about the future (which will probably work out to be just lovely anyways).
Happy Easter, everyone! I hope the weather and family are as wonderful in your neck of the woods as they are here! It’s been such a wonderful weekend so far. I realize that this is the ONLY easter when my kids will be this age. I don’t want to miss a minute of it!
Lol, at giving the Easter Bunny money! Are your kids very young? This time really does go by so fast!
They are almost 3 and 4.5yo. It’s lively and messy and loud and unfiltered and fun and exhausting and wonderful– and brief. Very brief.
#2- I will recommend Jo Malone…they scent up my entire bathroom. And I second the Ateliers…they are divine and last for weeks!
#4- listen to the link I provided waterdragon…..
1. A vintage, well-kept half ounce of Bal a Versailles parfum. Received a tiny used bottle today, box dated 2009. My 1st-ever try of BaV. Dabbed 2 drops on my wrist & am in scent heaven. This .17 ounce bottle will not last long.
2. Coco Mademoiselle body powder. It hits the spot in warmer weather, when often a spray or lotion is just too much.
3. York Peppermint Patties
4. A raise to fund my habit
#4- LOL!!!!!
I have to share with you all my Goodwill find today. It’s a 15ml bottle of Organza Indecence for $9.99, the original one in the curvy bottle! I’m so thrilled to have a backup to my dwindling bottle of the same size.
I have never sniffed that one, but it’s so cool that you found a backup of exactly what you needed! ????
What a great find!
1. Vintage Tabac Blond. I don’t even care which formulation – it’s just so heavenly.
2. Frederic Malle body butter – does it come in Iris Poudre or L’Eau d’Hiver? Either one would make me happy.
3. I don’t really have a favorite candy, but mention was made above of York Peppermint Patties and Heath bars, and I do love both of those. Also Rolos – those will be the death of me.
4. A condo in Hawaii and a transporter device so I don’t have to book a flight to get there and back. (Is that two things? Okay, I’ll give up the body butter).
1. Baccarat Rouge 540- was going to be my next splurge but if the Bunny is bringing it, it will save me the $!
2. I don’t use scented products much so I’d like to pick Shalimar Eau de Cologne which I’m almost out of. I prefer it in summer to the edp. If I can’t have two perfumes, then the mini Diptyque candle set.
3. Gummy bears or Sour Patch Kids (I prefer fruity candy)
4. Plane ticket to Korea so I don’t have to shell out for them at the end of the month!
Happy Easter All!
Here are my choices:
1. You can pick one perfume, new or old: what is it?
It would be the discontinued fragrance “Peony and Moss” by Jo Malone. This was by far one of the best smelling perfumes I ever came across! I miss it so much!
2. And you can have one other scented product (a candle, a body lotion, anything): what is it?
The new Jo Malone hair mist spray that just came out. It is already sold out online, so to get it in my basket would definitely be a nice surprise.
3. Your favorite candy?
I am eating them right now as I am answering these questions….jelly beans!
4. And any random present you’d like the Easter bunny to bring you…
A new 2017 S-60 Series Volvo would be fantastic! 🙂
Haha, you aren’t holding back on #4! I hope you get one 🙂
#1- I second that! That was an LE, right? and why is Jo Malone d/c so many good ones? Blue Agave & Cacao, Anise & Vanilla, Fig & Cassis….sigh…..
#2-Oh wow! did not know this! which scents are they offering in the hair mist?
Hair Mist – so far I think it’s available in Star Magnolia.
You can pick one perfume, new or old: what is it?
Athalia by Parfums de Marly.
2. And you can have one other scented product (a candle, a body lotion, anything): what is it?
A Diptyque candle, dunno which scent.
3. Your favorite candy?
Cadbury Mini Eggs
4. And any random present you’d like the Easter bunny to bring you.
A new pair of Danskos for Spring/Summer.
1. Oliver Peoples or California Reverie
2. Tramp shower gel – why on Earth was this ever discontinued?
3. Favorite candy does not compute – I love them all. Lately I’ve been loving Trader Joe’s fruit slices.
4. A travel mug that doesn’t get lost or “borrowed”. Or a trip to the Napa Valley.
#3…something else to add to my Trader Joe’s list 🙂
Would you like a little decant of Oliver Peoples to hold you over, in case the Easter Bunny didn’t get your email?
#4 – If you get the chance, go to Sonoma instead! I live in the South Bay and thus have had the chance to go to both. I found Sonoma way more fun!
Happy Easter and Passover !
1) waiting impatiently for Arielle Shoshana fragrance release.
2) Angel candle
3) every chocolate mentioned above, especially Sees. But, local small batch dark chocolates will also be eaten.
4) agree with Aparatchick post above-realization by mankind on earth that we are all in this together.
#1- when you try it please let us know your thoughts
#4- 🙂
#3 seeing your Angel candle request made me think that I should have asked for the Mugler chocolate!
The Mugler website is giving fifteen percent off all purchases through today(no affiliation)
1. Since we’re heading into fall something with myrrh either Parfum Sacre or AG Myrhh Ardente
2. See above ????
3. Reeses peanut butter cups!
4. Business upgrades on all my longhaul flights between Europe from Chile this year
Happy Easter everyone!
I dropped by the U.S. Botanic Garden yesterday and saw vanilla orchids in bloom! Not up close, though, as the orchids have climbed 20 feet up a stone wall, and that’s where the flowers are. They also have a kiosk with information about vanilla orchids. The botanist on duty said they will climb up and hand pollinate the blossoms to get them to fruit. I’ll try to visit periodically to see how the pods grow.
There was also a pot of Iris pallida (Dalmatian iris). Unlike the ones shown in Wikipedia, they were nearly white with just veins of lavender on the lower petals. The flowers smell mostly like regular, old-fashioned bearded irises, with that slightly lemony scent, perhaps a bit creamier or muskier. I wonder if the botanists there have ever experimented with curing the roots.
Their computer indicates that there are some osmanthus trees in the outdoor garden, and other sites say that osmanthus blooms sometime in April. I wasn’t able to find them in the short time I had. I need to go back soon when I have more time and can seek assistance from one of the guides.
Do the vanilla orchids have a fragrance?
Good question! I’ll try to remember to ask the botanist if/when I go back.
What a lovely day! I need to get there to see all of the plants and flowers that are so important to us as ingredients and as natural gifts.
Happy Easter!
Thanks, happy Easter to you, too! One could spend hours there wandering around, sniffing, taking photos, or just relaxing in one of the quieter (and cooler) areas.
It sounds wonderful. I have never seen vanilla orchids and I’m guessing that they were in a greenhouse? I would love to take a journey to places where perfume ingredients are sourced. I think that would be fantastic and I would start with the Banda Islands.
I also think about how our cities looked prior to human habitation. The variety of trees and plants must have been incredible.
Happy Easter Nozknoz! We are surrounded by autumn colours, beacons of golden light in drab grey weather.
Yes, they were growing on back side of the stone entrance building, which the glass-enclosed greenhouse backs up onto. They seemed to be rooted in a flower at the base of that wall.
It’s always sad to think of lost landscapes. Did you know, there is a little city somewhere in South Africa that celebrates Christmas in July. I wonder if they also have an Easter in September/October?
That should have been “rooted in a flower BED.”
Thanks for sharing this story. It sounds like a lovely visit.
You’re welcome! It’s a thrill to see the source of our favorite perfume ingredients. 🙂
Thanks for your report, and I hope we can get an update when/if you go back.
Hmm… I just decided that a good answer for #4 (random present) would be a trip to the island(s) where Guerlain grows its vanilla, ylang ylang, etc.
Yes, and their Indonesian sandalwood plantation where Thierry Wasser was photographed in a leisure shirt among the sandalwood saplings. 🙂
A disappointingly cold, grey and rainy Easter Sunday here.
SOTD is Rundholz “03.Apr.1968” from a FB.
Top: Lichi;
Mid: heliotrope;
Base: olibanum.
Maybe a touch too melancholy for today?
Yesterday’s SOTD was Olympic Orchids “Kyphi”.
Notes: frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, labdanum, beeswax, spikenard, henna, lemongrass, orange, calamus, cassia, cyperus, saffron, juniper berry, and spices.
You know, I didn’t love it. It was somehow too sweet and too sour at the same time, which is hard to explain (but was easy to feel). I topped up with Anubis when going to bed and that hit the spot much better for me.
Hmmm, here are my responses:
1. A bottle of SL Baptême de Feu: I’ve been testing this recently and am on the verge of buying one.
2. A jar of Mitsouko body cream. I have one and it’s luscious but it’s running low.
3. Reese’s peanut butter eggs! This is probably an American thing, but they put them out at Easter time and they are somehow more creamy and thicker and better than the ever-popular cups!
4. A big check to all cat shelters to help them keep up their good work of spaying, neutering, and providing homes and helping with adoptions of so many lovely kittens and older cats.
Must seek #2 and #3.
A big “yes!” to your number 4. 🙂
Totally agree with your comparison of Reese’s eggs vs. cups 🙂 Now I want to get some eggs, too!
Love Number 1.
Is there a reason why peanut butter took off in the U.S? I would love to know.. Years ago when I flew to the Antarctic on a US military plane we were all handed paper lunch bags for the 8 hour flight and inside were two peanut butter sandwiches, a peanut butter snack bar, two small packs of reese’s biscuits ( cookie things) , a bag of peanuts and an apple. I’d never seen so much peanut butter in one place. I think Reeses are an acquired taste?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen that much peanut butter in one place, actually, but I have to point out that they omitted peanut butter on celery sticks. 🙂
Here’s a quick history:
I’m also going to note that it’s development seems to have coincided with the Great Depression, followed by WWII, and peanut butter would been a cheap and filling source of protein and energy.
Peanuts are also good for the soil; I wonder if there was a lot of land depleted by other crops at that point in time – this is pure speculation on my part.
You have to try peanut butter-filled M&Ms.
I love peanut butter on pancakes, waffles and oatmeal. Many places won’t serve them due to peanut allergy concerns so I’ve taken to bringing my own peanut or almond butter packets. Justin’s is the brand I usually use.
Those are so useful. I sometimes carry around the maple almond ones when I need food on the go and have to travel light.
Peanut butter M&Ms … soooo good, but they make my teeth feel fuzzy.
Yes to numbers 3 and 4! Prior to being stricken by the crud, Mr. Minion had already managed to go through an amazing number of those Reese’s eggs. He actually bought me one but ate it the next day because I was “saving it forever.”
2. I would like a lifetime supply of very expensive, fragrant, triple-milled soaps.
I love luxurious soaps, but find it impossible to pay for them for myself. I buy lovely soaps for other people as gifts though…
Enjoying everyone’s comments and stories today, music, and limericks!
Book recommendation for anyone obsessed spy lore from the first half of the 20th century. If you are compulsive about Kim Philby or Alger Hiss biographies, you will want to get your hands on Kati Marton’s True Believer about American Noel Field. Even if you are not obsessed, the book is a beautiful, chilling read.
Thanks for the recommendation! Did you read A Spy Among Friends that came out a few years ago?
Yes! Perhaps because I am so much more familiar with the Philby story, I am finding True Believer even more remarkable/crazy/tragic. But I thought ASAF was a terrific book.
#2 Oakland Fresca! I think we were sisters at some past life. Yes to triple-milled soap! And…just when I thought triple-milled soap were the ultimate luxury, I saw quad-milled soap a few years back in a boutique at Williamstown MA. Knowing me, I probably bought it just because and it is aging somewhere and I’ll unearth it sometime in the future. That said, I just bought Aerin Amber Musk soap which I am looking forward to using as soon as my not gingerbread smelling gingerbread soap skinnies down further.
Your Aerin Amber Musk soap will be amazing. I am enjoying a triple-milled China Rain soap from Body Time just now–I’m not a huge fan of the perfume, but the soap is velvety cheerfulness.
I try not to get lured into buying soaps that smell amazing but aren’t triple-milled (or quadruple-milled!) creamy as I am usually so disappointed when I use them. I have that issue with the Pacifica soaps, and Lush soaps….
This has been a long-running joke in my family–my yen for beautiful soap. My mom still teases me that when I was an exchange student in Tunisia when I was 16, I wrote lyrically about the politics in the region, a five-day long wedding I attended that included a full day of special bathing ceremonies for us virgins, the amazing archaeological sites, AND how much I missed my favorite blue gardenia scented soap.
1. Long discontinued, impossible to find, and therefore more desirable in my memory than it likely is in reality – Nuit au Desert, by Gobin Daude.
2. Definitely candle – for a person who is obsessed with scent, I have surprisingly little tolerance for scented lotions. Something about having fragrance on my palms makes me crazy.
3. Caramels. Not the gooey ones, or the fudgy ones. The chewy ones.
4. World Sanity. It has recently replaced my desire for World Peace.
Great point on #4! I wouldn’t have thought of it like that but now I’ll definitely have to ponder.
Gobin Daude perfumes are almost always the first that come to my mind for polls like this. I’ve only ever smelled two of the stranger ones, Sous le Buis and Biche dans l’Absinthe, and they really are all that, in terms of extraordinary skill and originality.
I adore Sous Le Buis, and the “other” Gobin Daude green, Seve Exquise. It is such a shame she did not launch 5 or 10 years after she did, when niche was really exploding.
Ditto your #2. I always think I’ll like scented lotions but they generally get on my nerves and are rarely worn.
I would like a perfume that replicates the smell of my new Oberon leather notebook cover. It is an old fashioned shoe leather, the smell that used to escape from the shoe box when getting fitted for school shoes. I haven’t noticed leather shoes having as much scent as they used to, in so much that shoe shops no longer smell leathery. I have been caught out several times this week with the notebook pressed to my nose …in the archives, the cafe, at home which I guess makes a change from sniffing the neck of my jumper.
I would like to have an outdoor bath heated by fire, close to the sea. The combination of wood, smoke, flax and seaweed and salt air with a view of the stars…and cold night air.
Happy easter everyone! Wearing Interlude today
I completely endorse your under-the-stars bath, and the perfume that could be made from the experience. It could the first offering from the house of Perfumes of Aotearoa. The second can be my dream of the bush at midday: something cool and earthy and dark green, that captures the moment of stepping out of the brilliant light into the ancient damp dimness of the dreaming trees. Then we need a third for the southern winter (you’ll have to brief the perfumer on that one) and a fourth for long summer days at the beach–NOT a coconut medley, just the smell of clean air and sunshine. And as Perfume 1.5, we should issue your Ancient Perfume.
Morning, all. I wanted to wear a perfume for happiness, and it took me a surprisingly long time to choose one. I have lots that speak of warmth and golden light: Bois des Iles (beautiful but a bit too formal for a soft day at home); Samsara (beautiful, but tries too hard for ditto); Traversee du Bosphore (just beautiful, but no); No 22 (exquisite, but slightly too floral-aldehydic for my mood). And so on. And on. I finally chose Amber Narguile. Oh, gorgeous! Along with the dear man and Black Cashmere, this was one of my instant, full-commitment-on-the-spot loves. I’ve done that a bit in my life. Never regretted it, either.
Correction: of course, that’s Ambre Narguile.
I think it has to be a bit colder for TdB. It was perfect last year for Thanksgiving with friends.
Very late to the party.
SOTD was Atelier Silver Iris, which was just right for Easter.
1. Guerlain Ne M’Oubliez Pas
2. Chanel No. 5 body oil, which you can’t find now without selling a kidney on Ebay.
3. Russell Stover cream-filled eggs–the dark chocolate ones with the raspberry filling. I will stock up when they go on clearance tomorrow!
4. Happy, well-adjusted kids who are able to be successful and satisfied in whatever life/work/love they choose someday.
1. Irish Ganache
2. Byredi Flowerhead shower gel
4. A trip to Paris with my family.
1. Frapin 1270. I’m kicking myself for not buying it when I was in Paris. But I tried it in Jovoy and had such a hard time trying to decide what to get – that I left empty handed.
2. A huge bottle of almond shower oil from L’Occitane
3. Danish marzipan, chocolate and fruit…like “Strawberries in champagne”-stuff from Anton Berg
4. A condo on Anna Maria island, FL would be fantastic.