Happy Holidays! We'll be back on Monday.
In the meantime, feel free to talk about whatever you like: what perfume you’re wearing today, what you're cooking (or eating) over the holidays, anything at all.
Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer…
Note: top image is christmas cookie [cropped] by Markus Spiske at flickr; some rights reserved.
Happy Holidays all NSTers!
Those cookies look delectable!
Wearing Dame Perfumery Black Flower Mexican Vanilla paired with Pacifica’s Tibetan Mountain Temple….will be in this one the whole weekend ….
I smell kinda like my cannoli pic!
Mmmmm, cannoli … 🙂
although I have eaten so much today I don’t even want to look at my avatar!
You could always change your avatar to a glass of Alka-Seltzer. 😉
I love your changing avatars! You obviously smell delicious!
Why thank you 🙂
I love ‘showing off’ my food pix!
Will join you in Black Mexican vanilla for an hour or two ( because some of us change our perfumes more often than our socks ) Xxx
You smell yummy!
Happy Holidays Chocolatemarzipan!X
You too 🙂
Your cannoli picture makes me hungry.
I think I’ll dig up my sample of BFMV today. Goes nicely with baking cookies.
It really is a great scent for baking 🙂
Mmmm, good…and please pass the cannoli!
with pleasure!
I’m beginning to think I need to spend some time near your kitchen . . . ! Merry Christmas!
You too! happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas, Chocolatemarzipan! You look and smell good enough to eat! 😉
Thanks Undina! merry Christmas to you too!
Merrry Christmas!! I have some samoles if that & others in their line as well! What do ya think?? You pucked the perfect one for today……
I have some ti give as gifts and eas drawn to the jasmine (not the soliflore) who’s name ezcapes me as I am Pre Christmas overload & total spillage of good tidings!!
Merry merry to all- Think I will wear Daesin winter.nights followed by IRIS NAZZARENA tomorrow!!
Sweer scents 2 Alll & Much love to NST!!!????????????
Ha!!!!! Mist sorry that is PICKED
MY SINCERE apologies- tired eyes
LOL! I like “pucked” better 🙂
Oh, yum! Cannolis are up there in the favorite pastry category. Hope ypu have a wonderful holiday????
Cannolis are the best 🙂
Wishing you a wonderful holiday , Elisa!
Those cannoli look delicious, merry Chrismas!
YOu too!
Happy holidays, NST! All of my family has abandoned me for California, so I’ll be lighting the candles with the cat tonight. If you don’t hear from me again, said cat probably knocked the menorah over and set the apartment on fire. No SOTD yet, but it’s probably going to be Smell Bent Gimel A Break’s time to shine!
Happy Hannukah to you and the cat!
Happy Hanukkah, Ari 🙂
Please do not celebrate Hanukkah by burning down your apartment, Ari!
Hope it is a lovely holiday even if your family has abandoned you.
Hi, Ari — waving to you from nearby — hope you and Zelda have a blessed (and disaster-free) Hannukah!
Happy Hannukah Ari. Stay safe! Sending you warm hugs!
Happy Hannukah, Ari!
Candles + Cats = Danger!!
But you did make me chuckle. Stay safe and have a blessed day.
Happy Hannukah, Ari. I was going to ask you to hug Zelda but stopped myself as I don’t want you to get shredded to pieces 🙂
Cats and holidays make for memorable disasters! Hope yours is manageable! 😉 Happy Hanukkah!
For us it’s a constant battle between me trying to protect menorah and Rusty trying to put off any candles in sight. Burnt paws didn’t teach him.
Happy (and safe) Hanukkah to you and Zelda!
Chag sameach! I put my menorah on a small high table inaccessible to the furry friends. Just for fun I am wearing Noël au Balcon and will put on a bit of my vintage Nuit de Noël later this evening. When else am I going to wear these lovely scents? 🙂
Awww. I’ll be lighting with you in spirit! I thought about bringing my menorah with me to visit my hubs family for Christmas but forgot in our rush to leave yesterday ????Happy Chanukah to you and the fur ball!
Cats and holiday stuff, i swear they do do it on purpose. We don’t have any now, but for years we had to secure the tree to prevent it from toppling it over (cat in the tree or rubbing against it etc) Ornaments and one notable year a gingerbread house copped it ????. Still I miss them.
Happy Catnuca dear Ari
Those cookies do look delicious! My favorite are Peanut Butter Blossoms- the kind with the Hershey Kiss in the middle. My girls and I will back some together and then leave a small plate for Santa. There is great debate in my house as to whether my 11 year old still believes or not. Last year Santa brought her an iPad mini, so it’s obviously to her benefit to play along.
SotWeekend is Vanille 44. This was my favorite new discovery this fall.
Safe travels to anyone who has to be on the roads this weekend, and Happy Holodays to all!
*Holidays* omg, need more coffee.
OOO I love those cookies too with the hersheys kiss in the middle!!!
Me too! https://instagram.com/p/BOaWxmzAch4/ They are delicious, if I do say so myself????
11 is stretching it, but if she’s smart enough to pretend she deserves her Santa presents 🙂
My middle brother got mildly roughed up at twelve at school, defending Santa’s honor, so belief can be a powerful thing. Having watched that debacle, my youngest brother got wise and even though he probably knew at six, he played along and never said anything, so we were putting the cookies and milk out until he was about 17. He got the equivalent of several iPad minis out of it, I would wager. I have always maintained he is the brightest of the three of us.
Love this! Thank you for sharing! Belief IS a powerful thing, and I have to give props to her older siblings, 16 and 20, who have done an excellent job of not ruining it for her. But, yes, I think this kid has outwitted us all????
Excellent story!
The peanut butter cookie sounds good. I bet it pairs nicely with Banille 44. Come to think of it, I may top off with that instead of Single Malt!
I hadn’t thought about that, but it does! They’re made with Mexican Vanilla which tastes and smells so delicious.
I teach 11 y.o.s, and they can be funny in their not-quite-skeptical-yet thinking at that age! I used to do a demo with my 6th graders where I brought in a brand new life form–Sewer Lice! These odd, brown beings would swim around in the murky waters of the sewers. . . if you looked carefully enough you can see their eyes and gills! I’d get the kids all worked up, and then the next day, burst their bubbles by informing them that it was raisins in ginger ale (or sometimes Mountain Dew). It was my introduction to “What is Life,” illustrating that movement does not equal alive, as the raisins “swim” by being carried around in the carbonation.
I still have kids who haven’t forgiven me for lying to them! 😉
🙂 It’s a good story. I almost believed you even though I’ve never heard about those species!
Have you ever had a kid in your class who would question you on the first day?
There’s always a few who say they don’t believe it, but the longer their peers buy into it, the more shaky their conviction. The first time I did it, I struggled to keep a straight face, and I don’t think I was as convincing. 🙂
Oh my gosh, that is too funny!! My daughter loves those kind of science experiments, which pleases my retired science teacher father to no end. I’m sure you had a lot of kids that went home and shared this newfound knowledge with their parents at the dinner table, and in turn had adults go to work the next day and share it with their co-workers, and so-on and so-on. I have no doubt you have created your own Urban Legend: Sewer Lice! Lol????
I hope so! Always a good thing to get kids talking at the dinner table about school, I figure!
Happy xmas NSTer’s! It’s very odd “celebrating” Christmas here in India. Tomorrow there will be a prix fixe dinner at a local restaurant and all my friends will be attending. The food will be an entirely vegan 5 course meal. There will be a lime/fruit lassi, a salad, a vegetarian moussaka with sweet potato fries, I believe a soup, some sort of raw coconut vegan cheesecake and a chai latte. Today they dressed up the local baba as Santa and he sat outside the restaurant in his full costume with fake beard and holding what looked to be a christmas version of a vishnu trident. Yep this is a wacky wonderful place.
As far as xmas perfume, I have few choices, but probably the most incens-ey will be Chillum. And tomorrow morning I will burn some frankincense incense in the bathroom.
that dinner sounds absolutely delicious…I love Indian food.
Sajini, merriest of Christmases to you as you celebrate in India!
Wish I were dining with you tomorrow – that’s going to be quite a feast. Enjoy the mis-mash of cultures/traditions! – it will be unforgettable.
Sounds like a nice celebration, Sajini! Enjoy it and you will smell great with Chillum!
Holidays abroad are their own beast, aren’t they?! Hope you enjoy the celebrations to the fullest and create tons of memories!
Sounds like fun! Enjoy it 🙂
Sounds delicious and exotic. Enjoy!
Thanks for that visual and that meal sounds pretty great. Enjoy!
Oh that sounds like an absolutely delicious dinner. I am so happy I have moved from traditional turkey dinners to more creative vegetarian choices. I am making a multi vegetable sheppards pie with a potato parmesan gratin and yorkshire pudding with cranberries and thyme.
What a great idea to burn Frankincense. I have some from Oman. I will do the same thing to bring in a positive spirit for the holidays. All the best to you.
Ooh that sounds delicious, have a great time!
Sounds like fun, and delicious. Enjoy!
My family is getting ready for a Christmas Eve dinner. I think we’ll be at the table in 1 hour. And then at midnight we’ll go to church for a Mass.
Scent of the celebration is Atelier Cologne Silver Iris.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Silver Iris sounds perfect for your celebration. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Lucas!
Some day I will need to talk myself into attending a midnight mass–sounds like a lovely tradition (even though as a morning person, I’m naturally opposed to not wearing pjs at that hour). My brother sings in a professional choir at the big cathedral downtown, so that seems like a natural one to attend, whenever I can work up to it! Have a lovely holiday, lucasai!
I have an idea for you: you can wear your pjs under the coat! 🙂
I’d better make it a long coat!
Thank you everyone! Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!
Merry Christmas, Lucas!
Merry Christmas Lucas. Enjoy! You smell great!
You smell great! I love Silver Iris. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Only made it to midnight mass once in my life. So I admire all who do. Instead its bed and books.
I am a Catholic widow who married a Japanese-Canadian Buddhist man 2 years ago. I have 4 grown children. The family of the oldest is born-again Baptist, the family of the second daughter is Hindu, the third daughter’s family is Jewish and my son says he is “Confused”. We celebrate EVERYTHING and turkey is one of the only things most of us eat (except my son’s vegetarian girlfriend) so I’m cooking a 30 pounder and preparing a gazillion dishes from all of our cultures whilst smelling like Demeter Cinnamon Bun. (Everybody likes cinnamon buns too.) Happy Holidays everyone!
What an amazing family story, and it sounds like you all have a dazzling feast ahead!
I’m in awe… Peace, love, and joy to all!!
What a lovely gathering! Have a great day.
So amazing. Love your story. Enjoy and have lot of fun!
Great story!! Your family proves peace and unity are possible!
That’s perfect. Especially the Cinnamon Bun. 🙂
Wow, just wow! Your family is a melting pot all by itself!
We’re Canadian therefore we’re a mosaic, not a melting pot.
Everybody DOES like cinnamon buns! I can nearly smell your feast from here! Enjoy the fabulous diversity!!!
It sounds like you have a wonderful and lucky family! I wish you all the best possible holidays.
What fun! And everyone can agree on cinnamon buns, yum. 🙂
Beautiful and colorful family!
I love the ‘confused’ I may borrow that for myself. It sounds wonderful! Happy holidays!
Thanks everyone, we are lucky, I know. I get to spend tomorrow with all these wonderful people, and the 5 most perfect grandchildren in the world (no, I’m not biased at all).
Happy Holidays Everyone! I wish you all the best. I am wearing Dasein Winter Nights ( thanks Elisa P.) and smelling like a perfect Christmas tree! So much fun and I am enjoying it! I will wear Caron Nuit de Noel tonight. A tradition for many years. I am still doing some baking and my family will bring some food also. It is raining here, hoping it clears up later on.
Perfect, and I like the idea of Winter Nights easing into Nuit de Noel. Hope it is a wonderful day!
Thank you Robin. The same to you! Hope you are feeling better.
Yup, and it’s a cold rain. I braved the mall for last minute shopping and it was surprisingly not very crowded!
My sister also went to the mall this morning and said it was almost empty. She was happy about it. The sun is out! What a relief! Merry Christmas Hajusuuri! Enjoy!
I just did the same here in Rochester, but it was surprisingly busy, though not NYC busy.
Oh My GOSH I AM TOO AND OHHHHHH IT IS AMAZING- The lavender- the smoke!!! It is SOLD OUT and I LOVE IT❤️❤️❤️! Crying????!
You smell Absofabumazing!!!$
Have a wonderful holiday!
Haven’t decided on scent yet, but it will be something warm and cozy, maybe spicy…
Have baked and decorated one batch of sugar cookies. They have a white glaze, and I paint (badly) holly branches and leaves with green food coloring, then put cinnamon dots on as the berries. Second batch on tap for this morning, as I have The Messiah wafting in the background.
Last night was Meet Me in St Louis on the big screen in a downtown theater. Is there a more perfect movie? It is so timeless, charming, funny and moving. And Judy is gorgeous.
Tonight is services then dinner at friends’ place. We are reminded that last year it was almost 70 degrees and we saw people eating outside! Not this year….
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and mountains of peace and joy to all!!
The cookie painting sounds like fun! And of course you have to eat the ones you mess up… Merry Christmas!
Oh, I love watching classic movies on the big screen–that’s how they were meant to be viewed! Enjoy your cookie baking!
I know! Next week we will go see Umbrellas of Cherbourg. If I had Chamade I’d wear it!
That would be perfect!
Oh, fun. I love watching oldies on the big screen. Though if it was Film Forum, then medium sized screen. And peace to you!
I’m working in the salt mines today wearing Grand Soir and wishing you all the very happiest of holidays!
Eat, drink, and hug the ones you ❤️
Deva, don’t slave away too long! We want you to eat, drink and hug, too! 😀
Just patted my dogs…the humans are still asleep. Hugs to you!
Have an awesome day Deva!!
Well, somebody has to work, right? But at least you smell good :). Hopefully you’ll get enough time to get into the celebration spirit.
Hope it’s an easy day for you!
all the best deva! and happy Holidays!
Happy holidays, everybody! Today I’m cleaning; tomorrow my spouse & I have the morning to ourselves before the MiL arrives. We’ll go out for Chinese food and then come home for the dessert I’m planning: sweet orange-flavored arancini (risotto balls) with a dark chocolate truffle melting in the center of each one. Wearing Soivohle Bittersweet today in anticipation. Peace to all youse. 🙂
That dessert sounds devastating… in the very best way!
That dessert sounds fabulous. I love rice desserts…
Yay for homemade candies! Eat an extra for me!
Happy Holidays, M.! I smiled at your perfume choice reasoning.
What time is dessert at?
I would like to know as well 🙂
It’s a good thing you’re so far away or I might have broken into your house and Grinch-stolen those arancini while you were at dinner. 🙂
Christmas Day greetings! Still nothing planned beyond breakfast toast and honey and a cup of coffee and l’eau duelle ( once I unwrap it ).Happiness to all you ratbags … Have a wonderful day. Who got new perfume today/tomorrow?
Merry Christmas Kanuka!
It’s good to know your Christmas gifts in advance! LOL!
Wait… I knew I slept in beyond my normal weekend ours but Christmas Day? The only comforting explanation I can think of is that you’re in Australia… But then why are you up that early? 🙂
No fragrant presents under my tree, but I’m still considering to buy one for myself (initially I wrote “presence” instead of “presents”, which kind of also makes sense – but I should probably get some coffee).
Merry Christmas, Kabila!
Definitely need coffee for both me and my phone: it was Kanuka before the auto-correct 🙂
Have a happy day tomorrow….!
New Zealand. One step ahead!
Happy Kiwi Christmas! No perfume gifts for me, but I treated myself plenty all year. Enjoy your day!
Merry, merry to you! No perfume gifts for me designated for Christmas this year.
there are fragrant gifts under my tree for younger family members…..and I have every intention of decanting!
Happy holidays and thanks for always giving me a good laugh!
Alas no perfume gifts for me, as I can’t really take it with me during my move. But I did get some samples for myself and once I’m settled in, may order more. Merry Christmas
Ha…i bought myself the wrong perfume. When I was in Christchurch I followed my usual testing regime…i.e. Spraying with abandon and relying on my memory to remember what was what and where…anyway whatever woody vanilla spicy scent I thought I was buying wasn’t the one I bought. Typical! Fortunately l’eau duelle is quite good. Got my dunce hat on.
That has happened to me before, with less positive results. Glad you at least like the Duelle!
Happy Holidays everyone!
I just had an awesome “lush” shower(Daddy-O for the hairs,Rose Jam for the rest!)followed with Ren Moroccan Rose body oil,and a Nuxe Rose Petals face mask.SOTD smellbent Cocoa Rose.I am positively rosy tonight!It is Christmas Eve.The Kruger family is outside with their usual street parade-they own several businesses in town,it’s kinda tradition for them to play “Christmas Father” and parade through town with the patriarch playing Santa on a red firetruck.I have awesome music playing and some candles lit.One for my Mom.I am alone this year,but I am content.X
May your mother’s candle burn brightly on your day and Have a jolly peaceful Christmas and don’t scrimp on the perfumes …. And thanks for the Smell Bent advice earlier this year .
Showered with Rose Jam myself. And Ta’if body lotion. Three cheers for roses.
Love Daddy-O and Rose Jam! You smell great. Merry Christmas to you.
You are having one rosy Christmas! be well …be happy XX
Love the images you’ve described! Merry Christmas
Wishing you much peace and comfort this holiday and year! Your spa treatment sounds fab. I just showered head to toe with It’s Raining Men ????
Merry Christmas Jonahob!
Thanks everyone!Hope your Christmas day/day of rest(?)/Sunday was awesome!I for one am glad to see the almost-backend of 2016.
New Beginnings.
Happy Holidays every one! I am wearing Happy today because I am at work and I wanted something I wasn’t really attached to. Tomorrow is vintage Bal.
I might join you in vintage Bal tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion!
Have a very happy holiday (and don’t work too hard).
I hope your day goes by quickly. Happy holidays to you!
Happiest of holidays, Al you NSTers! Best wishes for a good Kwanzaa, Chanukkah, Christmas, Solstice, and any other festivities I’ve forgotten. I love hearing how we are all celebrating. For those of you at work (and all the people who work over the next few days, providing vital services), thank you!
Today I have wrapped presents, cooked breakfast for the fam, and am considering what to wear to a party tonight. No scent yet. Just good ginger-peach tea.
One of my best friends is ethnically Jewish, raised Methodist (I think?), and now a practicing pagan. I like to wish her a happy Yulechristmakkuh each year. 😀
We tried Chrismakkvali for a while, but it wasn’t really right since Divali is earlier in the year.
I forgot to add earlier–for everyone for whom this time of year is hard, remember that your friends-inside-the-computer are here and wishing good things for you.
All the smiles for friends ITC!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Yes. I’m not a group hug kinda gal, generally speaking, but I’d be happy to extend an embrace to anyone needing one over the next couple of days!
Sweet and true. Not easy for many people. I’ll extend a virtual hug, too.
True.NST has been a comfort this year.
No perfume yet; wasting time looking for weird things on twitter:
Loved the “hat”. Looked very similar to the Maine Coon I had years ago, except the face. And he’d let me do silly stuff like this.
Have a wonderful holiday!
That’s a great reveal, isn’t it? Best wishes, Rapple!
A hat in a cat christmas Nozknoz!
And a tip of the Christmas cat hat to you, too, Kanuka!
Happy Holidays, nozknoz! (I’ve probably said it before, but your nickname makes me smile every time)
Thanks, Undina, and all the best to you, too!
My boys loved those links!
Wazamba (from a sample I *didn’t* want to use up for this week’s challenge 😉 ) – I smell like a Christmas tree.
Have a wonderful holiday all. A huge thank you to Robin and her crew for the best perfume blog on the internet!
Hear, hear! Let’s raise our glass (bottle of perfume) to Robin and NST!
I love the way you put it tiffanie. Yes, let us raise our bottles of perfume to thank Robin and her contributors for affording us hours of reading joy throughout the year.
Please get well soon, Robin. Glad you have one day off!
Hear hear!
Yes! *Virtually toasting*
Joining in the toast. And hope you’re feeling better, Robin.
Thank you all! I managed to stay reasonably well right through Christmas Eve, which is when we do our celebrating. It’s Christmas Day now and am feeling a bit worse but that’s ok, I can rest all day.
Hope everyone else is having a great Christmas / Hanukkah / Whichever!
I’m decorating the big tree today (been lazy what with starting a new job) as a surprise for my boyfriend. Also waiting on the final rise for the bread I’m bringing to the family dinner tonight.
I think I’m going to wear Natori tonight. My boyfriend commandeered my $10 bottle so the bathroom still smells like it. Smells like a celebration to me!
Yay for homemade bread! I’m hoping I can make some in between pies tomorrow. . . Hope the tree looks amazing!
It’s a super easy no-knead boule. Takes some advanced planning (12-24 hour initial rise) but no mess at all. You could start now and be the toast of Christmas!.
I made two and just pulled out the first one. I want to cut it open so bad but if i only bring one that won’t be enough!
Is that the kind that takes a special shaping process to give it the right rise and texture? I’ve seen those recipes, but I think I need an instructional video, as I can’t quite imagine how it’s done. . . My usual wheat sandwich bread is a traditional kneaded variety, but I’ve calculated that it’s only about 15 minutes of work for me from start to finish. (Of course, there’s a double rise spacing that work time out a bit, but it’s not active preparation, just waiting about.)
Resist the urge to dig in! It will be great when you get there!
A day late but for future reference! The bread was scrumptious and so airy.
Thank you!
Homemade bread and Natori. Good combination!
It’s heaven. I wish I had fresh bread every day.
Homemade bread-Yum!
Another great day for Ambre Narguile! Pure deliciousness without sugary regret.
Have a safe and happy weekend, and I hope everyone can take a few moments (or an hour!) to do something nice just for yourself. I’m planning a bike/hike/nap combo for this afternoon. But best laid plans and all, so we’ll see.
I hope you’ll manage to go through with, let’s be realistic, the most of your plans 😉
Ha! You are right. It is sunny but very windy and rather cold here, so my bike/hike may turn into a bundled-up walk around the block.
I very much enjoyed the recent posts on your blog, especially your neighborhood holiday lights slideshow and the adorable birthday boy Rusty by the fireplace.
Thank you, tiffanie. The birthday cat is sleeping now but I’ll figure out something nice for him as the day progresses.
I have to try this one, I do love JCE.
Enjoy your bike/hike/nap- sounds perfect!
I am one of JCE’s many fan girls. 🙂
I started the day off with a vigorous yoga class. It’s stormy here so no bike ride, but maybe tomorrow things will improve!
I’m guessing your storm may be the one that passed over here last night. It was wild! Stay warm. 🙂
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah an Season’s Greetings! May what you celebrate bring joy to you and yours.
SOTD = By Kilian Single Malt
It’s a London boutique exclusive but it makes its appearance in various By Kilian boutiques / counters in the U.S. It never hurts to ask because it may have been put away from a previous special event. I wore 1 big spritz around 10 this morning and will top up before I head out to Christmas Eve festivities. I am going with my sister, BIL and nephew to a friend’s place. The friend’s family is Hungarian and has a (real) candle-lit tree; it is only lit as such when the group gathers around after dinner. I have scented gifts for everyone. I was tempted to get a bacon ornament for the dog but resisted.
Pray for Carrie Fisher that she pulls through. Lucky for her there were several medically-trained people on board.
Oh, I’d love to see a real lit tree! My family is Danish in heritage, and I believe that is one of the earlier family traditions that have not carried on over the generations.
And isn’t it horrible to think of having a medical emergency while on a plane? Such a nightmare. Sending positive vibes her way, for sure!
Many people have switched to electric for safety reasons but my family still has real candles and I prefer it.
And enjoy the tree I meant to say. Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you, hajusuuri! You smell great but maybe you should switch to Vanille 44, as you were thinking? It would be probably even easier to conceal as a non-perfume-related scent without raising extra questions about your possible drinking problem (which might come from my previous suggestion to say that you just got a shot of scotch before the car ride 😉 ).
I ended up with Vanille 44 and it is playing nicely with the remnants of Single Malt. I should not have worried at all because the car smells like baked empanada, my sister’s contribution to the feast. My contribution is desserts and we’re on our way to the baker; I’ll be thinking of chocolatemarzipan and her food pix!
Still amazed at your snowglobe cocktail….
All the best!
You smell great!
OOO! Hope you got cannolis!!!
and have a blast XXOO
Merry Christmas! It sounds like you will have a great, memorable evening!
Candles on trees are beautiful but are not for the faint of heart. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful, memorable evening. Like Marjorie Rose I have Danish roots. I cherish a special memory of lighting candles on the tree on Christmas Eve, but it was long long ago.
Candles on a tree would give me a major anxiety attack! But I bet it is beautiful! Merry Christmas!
All the Best to you Hajusuuri
Happy holidays everyone! Christmas Day here already, and I’ll shortly be unwrapping a bottle of Thaneen’s The Hope, which is my present from my mother. It arrived in the nick of time, I need to order earlier next time!
Happy Christmas Gaynor! Hope the weather is warmer there than it is here
Happy holidays everyone! Those cookies look so delicious! Woke up late this morning and running late for a few appointments. Took a quickie shower and grabbed the forst bottle of perfume i could get my hands on. SOTD is BlackBerry &Bay by Jo Malone. Usually I would say this scent is for summer/ spring. But, it feels like 80 degrees today, so it will do. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Christmas!
Blackberry & bay sounds perfect for a warm Christmas. Enjoy!
I opened a new blackberry and bay soap this morning and used it in the shower for the first time..it is a divine scent! even for the cold weather!
ALERT: If you’ve been considering LAVS Unum, Rosa Nigra, or Opus Fracigemum 1140 extraits or candles, you might want to do a quick search on ebay.
(No affiliation, but can attest to genuine product safely delivered.)
Thanks for tip… I just did a search and came up with zip. Searched for each separately, then just “lavs,” then “laus,” in All Categories. Nuthin’. What am I missing? Is this Europe only? #soconfused
Okay, found seller but had to specifically select international.
Sorry for the confusion, glad you finally found them!
Mr. Spicebomb and I arrived back from LA the night before last, and yesterday was my “chores” day before three days of holiday celebrations. Tonight is Christmas Eve with the extended Spicebomb family. Tomorrow is Christmas with the close Spicebomb family. Monday is Christmas with mine. It would be nice to have a big enough house for everyone some day. . .
I bought Lys 41 in LA as my souvenir fragrance, but tuberose doesn’t seem very Christmassy. . . maybe I’ll reach for Musc Ravageur (which I can sadly confirm does *not* smell the same as the new formulation I spritzed while in Barney’s a few days ago!).
Happy, fragrant holidays to all!
Oh, and since we’re all talking baking–today is easy, just making salad, but tomorrow I’m baking pies. I think I’ve settled on a mince pie and chocolate fudge pie. Should be good, although I’ve never made either recipe before!
Mincemeat is perfect for Christmas! Happy baking!
Yes, I thought so, too. I wanted to use some of my dad’s apples I’ve got stored in the freezer, but I wanted something more festive than plain apple pie. I don’t have any standard brandy in the house, but I have pear brandy, so that should be good! *fingers crossed!*
Oh, pear brandy sounds wonderful!
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays! Wishing you all a lovely day, however you’re spending it!
SOTD is Lyric. Quite a perfect choice, really. And now I’m off to eat, drink, and be merry…
Lyric is always a perfect choice in my book. Enjoy the merry making!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and all other holidays you might be celebrating tonight!
Have to get out of bed, drink some coffee and start wrapping presents that we’re bringing to our friends’ house for tonight.
I plan to test Stash while I’m at home (trying to figure out if I should buy it) and then for the celebration dinner I’ll wear my all-time favorite Climat by Lancôme.
I hope your celebrations will have a good climat 😉
Enjoy yourself and take a break, we deserve it!
Stash didn’t make it to Poland yet…
Will light candles with my nieces later, but for now it’s errands and hopefully relief for a weird eye thing that has developed. And safran troublant. Which is reminding me a little of Poivre 23, which is always a good thing.
Sorry about the wierd eye thing! Hope it magically clears up soon!
Mercifully, there was a good ol Canadian walk-in clinic open today, in case the magic takes a bit to work!
Sometimes magic needs a little boost with the right sacrifices (money, time, fatted calfs) to the gods. (And still jealous of your health care up there!)
That’s what I wore this morning (ST). Didn’t want anything too weird around the fam. Hope your eye is better!
Thanks, we smell(ed) delightful and not too weird.
Happy Holidays. I am spending Christmas Eve with immediate family at my house, my mom is doing most of the cooking, I am making Turkey and some Armenian specialty rice with raisins, cinnamon and spices, I am planning to wear Nuit de Noel for tonight , I am lighting all kind of candles in the house, AG Noel candle and Papier d’Armenie.
The rice sounds yummy! I will be joining you later in Nuit de Noel. Merry Christmas!
Agree, I want that rice! I got a Papier d’Armenie candle for Christmas, and so far it smells amazing just unwrapped & unlit.
That candle sounds great, where did you get it?
Big dose of Noël au Balcon now, will add some vintage Nuit de Noël extrait later. Very stormy here, I plan to spend the evening curled up by the fire.
Have a wonderful evening !
We are having bacala for Christmas Eve (an Italian/Sicilian tradition).
I am wearing Ex Nihilo Musc Infini, but I probably smell more “fishy” than “musky”.
I’ve always been curious about bacala. My mom used to mention it often, though she never actually made it. What is it seasoned with (if anything)?
Happy Holidays to all scent lovers. I am enjoying reading what everyone will be eating, how they are celebrating and scents of the day. I felt like being extra warm this morning so applied Estee Lauder’s Youth Dew body lotion and topped it off with several very generous spritzes of Cinnabar. A warm and spicy combination if ever there was one.
Have been very lazy today drinking cups of Earl Grey tea and am going to make a fresh pot of peppermint chocolate. Tonight will sip cherry brandy and enjoy holiday cookies made by a great baker friend. It is the season to enjoy the senses, smells, tastes and taking it easy.
Oh, I have some old Youth Dew lotion, and I’ve never used it! I was afraid it would be too overpowering. (YD is the only fragrance I apply by first spritzing on a cotton ball and then *gently* dabbing on skin! The stuff is ENORMOUS!) In any case, you smell fantastic!
This will make you laugh (or cringe as the case may be) Youth Dew was very popular when I was in jr. high! Can you imagine?!?
Well, it would certainly compete with the scent of post-phys-ed teenager!
Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah or happy holidays everybody! A quiet night tonight, big family dinner tomorrow. In Eau Sacree, but kind of wishing I had Parfum Sacre with me instead. just finished the annual viewing of the Family Stone. Not sure why and when this became my christmas movie, but it just is ????
I have heard you’re not the only one re Family Stone. For years mine was Metropolitan.
Love Parfum Sacre.
SOTD has been L’Ambre des Merveilles. It blended well with my morning coffee, and even reasonably well with my midday bagel … but it is fighting hard with the pale ale I’m having now while rearranging furniture. Clearly I need either to change my sipper of choice or my ‘fume of choice.
But meanwhile you smelled amazing!
Wearing Beige on a leisurely day of light housework and mild strolls. Will probably wear Oriental Brulant tomorrow for its gingerbread tastiness -and- will probably finish off the generous Guerlain boutique sample.
That all sounds perfect!
What fragrance have you bought before that you ended up not liking or forgot about, and someone decided to give it to you again for Christmas, thinking that’s the fragrance you love?
This is a very specific question. I’m guessing there’s a story behind it? 😉
I work in the fragrance industry and last year my brother asked me to pick up Angel for him to give to his girlfriend, now fiancée, since that’s what she wore. I picked up the full collection; the new 75ml galactic star, body scrub, body cream, hand cream, shower gel and hair mist. On Christmas Eve, we were hanging out and I complimented on what she was wearing. It was one of those moments that you absent mindedly forget, yet know what it is, but just couldn’t put your finger on it. It smelled so good on her. She told me it was Angel, but then told me that she’d grown very tired of it and wants something new. I was kinda horrified, because under the tree, my brother was going to give her the whole set. I didn’t say anything, because it was too late to do anything. In the end, my brother got a ton of brownie points for paying attention to what she wore and giving her the extended line. It was a disaster averted. This year I gave her a few different ones that she can play with and get a better sense of her taste.
Years ago (YEARS), someone gave me a bottle of Liz Claiborne something or other. At the time I think I was monogamously wearing Byzance, and the Liz Whatever was a pretty far cry from my taste at the time. These days nobody gifts me fragrance – I think they’re afraid to!
Hahaha that’s too bad. People know that I work in the industry, so they tend to shy away from getting me fragrance. I’m swimming in it already. Therefore I’ll buy what I want and when I want instead. Can never go wrong with body products though.
SOTMorning was Safran Trublant. We had a rough ride up here last night, partly traffic getting out of the city, but then our tailpipe disconnected about 80 miles from our destination at 10pm so by the time we got roadside assistance etc it was 1am when we got here. Got up early to bring the car into a shop and then off to the mall for very last minute gifts. I wore Aroma M Geisha Noire tonight which my SIL complimented???? We had great food tonight and nice to see family(my husband’s side) I haven’t seen in a while.
Happy holidays to all who are celebrating any, and happy days to those who are not!
Nice to see another Geisha fan. I’ve been wearing Noire and Rouge all week, although I’m in Messe de Minuit tonight.
I love the Noire. I didn’t give Royge much sniff time but my initial impression was that it was clove-heavy? I’ve given her line quick sniffs in the past but didn’t love them. I think they really need skin time because they develop really nicely.
Happy Holidays Elisa! I hope that your car troubles resolve quickly and your ride home is uneventful.
Thank you, Petunia! Yes, fortunately the ride home was fine.
Glad you made it okay…what an odd thing to happen. Have a great time with family.
Thanks! The car is 18 years old and apparently whatever holds the tailpipe in was all corroded.
Happy holidays to all! I am at the beach where my mom has a (rented) condo in Galveston. Spent a lot of this morning going to a Comcast store to pick up a modem to set up Internet service for her and then doing last-minute Christmas grocery shopping. Went to a party tonight in the building with multiple old friends and some delicious Lebanese food made by one family here. Tomorrow my mom is cooking a turkey breast and I’m going to make Grandma’s lemon cookies (actually a powdered sugar butter cookie with pecans and a very tart lemon icing). And we have 60 delicious fresh large Gulf shrimp that we boiled and cleaned today to eat for lunch and/or snacks tomorrow (cold with cocktail sauce). It got up to 79 today and I’ve been wearing Ray of Light from my gift to myself of April Aromatics samples. It’s tuberose and grapefruit and is much nicer than that combination sounds. (Also good for warm weather!).
Oh, you smell fantastic! Hope the cookies & turkey came out perfectly.
Happy holidays everyone! It’s been a hectic holiday season filled with cooking, cleaning, and baking. I spent several hours making stuffed artichokes for DH yesterday. I went to my brother’s house on Christmas Eve for a family gathering and brought sliced blood oranges soaked with Disaronno and a sprinkle of Turbinado sugar for the adults and homemade fudge for the kids. It was lovely to spend time with my sister-in-law’s side of our family. Unscented at the moment but I ‘m thinking of wearing Vanille 44 today.
Love stuffed artichokes! And those orange slices sound lovely.
Sounds delicious! Those oranges… Merry Christmas to you 🙂
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
I’d like to wear Mon Parfum Cheri par Camille, but I suspect Stash is under the tree (how do I know this?) and if sampled couldn’t compete. Maybe later tonight.
Had shrimp and antipasti last night, with lobster and prime rib on the Christmas menu. Cheated and bought a German chocolate cake, been working on home projects over the past week. Have a joyous holiday weekend, everyone.
Yum — we had prime rib but no lobster, now I feel deprived! Were you right about the Stash?
Hope you got your stash 🙂
and your food sounds delicious…especially the german chocolate cake!
In my iPhone notifications:
“The Telegraph: Queen absent from Christmas church service at Sandringham this morning as she recovers from heavy cold.”
So Robin and the rest of us with untimely colds are in good company!
Enjoy your celebrations or rest, everyone!
Oh, it’s so reassuring that I have royal company in my congestion. 😀
Yes, my son told me that this morning! And they went off to see the holiday decorations just now at a local garden, and I am staying home and feeling queenly 😉
Queen Robin… I think it sounds quite regal 🙂
Feel better soon!
I hope the queen also got to lie on the sofa and doze with a cup of tea standing by and a book fallen over on the floor, and maybe a piece of two of almond toffee when she woke up 😉
The last thing I expected was feeling solidarity with the Queen. 😉
Here’s the finishing touch:
Happy boxing day to our Kiwi and Ozzie friends! It is calm with blue skies here in San Diego, the storm has passed. Off to the kitchen to make butter tarts for my husband’s birthday tomorrow. Wearing Cuir de Russie extrait.
Merry Christmas, cazaubon. Glad the storm had past and happy baking!
I love Cuir de Russie extrait, you smell good, the tarts sound delicious.
Merry Christmas to you! We had the perfect day. Mountain biking with the dogs then sat in the sun reading and had a BBQ and salad and champagne. No drama and no dishes. Have a fabulous day over there
Sounds perfect! I had a peaceful day with the dogs and the butter tarts came out perfect too. 🙂 The dogs love my pastry and sit at my feet begging for bits while I am rolling out.
Happy Holidays to all! Coffee, bacon and waffles this morning. I like to mix the maple syrup with apple cider syrup…yum. And finished more cookies with the Yule log in the TV and Frank Sinatra crooning tunes. Except the husband has now switched to A Christmas Story. He doesn’t consider Christmas complete without watching it at least twice through….
Mitsouko today!
This sounds so Christmassy 🙂 Merry Christmas, my friend!
Stole many spritzes from a bottle of Berdoues Grand Cru Arz el Rab that I gifted to a family member…and was smelling it on my sweater all day…ooh it is so good!
Oh dearie me, deliver me from too much food…. Yesterday I prepared a paella with mussels, clams, salmon, sturgeon, prawns, chicken, chorizo, fresh chickpeas, string beans, tomatoes, rice, and of course saffron saffron saffron…. my husband made a celeriac soup as an accompaniment. This morning we had a totally un-Kosher Chanukah/Xmas breakfast of smoked fish, fresh breads, and bacon… am starting dinner tonight–Christmas dinner of roast beef and mashed potatoes, and egg nog… and tomorrow for Boxing Day we are having another family around for turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, butternut squash soup, broccoli, and the goddess only knows what else.
I feel like the girl who gets turned into a grape in Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory…
Work’s been unending for the last few months and I have not had as much time to indulge my NST hobby as I would have liked. But I’ve been thinking of all of you. Wishing you a very merry holiday, with good food, and good cheer.
And if this time of year is rough for you, I’ve had those holidays too. Particularly at this time of bounty for me and my family, I am wishing and hoping for better times for so many people—from all the mothers who lost their children to gun violence, to the survivors of Aleppo. Please hang in there everyone.
Oh my gosh! What a feast! Sounds fabulous.
I was just thinking of you this morning, hoping all was well as you had not posted in a while. Sounds like you’ve been spending all your time in the kitchen! 🙂
wishing you happy days Oakland
What a year!Rest in peace George Michael….Careless whisper will always be a favorite song.
I just read that he has died. A sudden end to a difficult life. What a great voice!
I saw that last night. So sad and so young. Brings back many teenage memories of the 80s…