Study participants who were shown images of heavy and thin individuals while sniffing odorless substances rated the “scent samples” as smelling worse when they were paired with images of heavy people. [...] And that effect was most pronounced among study participants who were themselves heavy.
— Read more at Study measures the foul smell of fat bias at UK Reuters.
They better not let Designer houses see this or else those unhealthy size -2 models will grace the posters. Not healthy! (Imaging gourmands, lush roses, big florals paired with skinny girls…*shudders*)
But then again, this study is probably conducted BY these companies…
Hey, I think they already do grace the posters!
I know its happening too but this will just probably push it even further.. 🙁 (no wonder we don’t get much power house perfumes now! If the perfume overpowers the model, the ad wouldn’t work too. Ugh, vicious cycle…)
I don’t know, I think the models were pretty darned skinny back in the days of powerhouse perfumes too…
The article claims that its purpose is to make people aware of the extent of their biases, but surely it also adds to that prejudice? I shared on Facebook – and then deleted. Confused…
Not sure why it would add to the bias?
Well, maybe not the bias, but the negative way many ‘overweight’ people see themselves? I mean, if I knew that many people viewed me as even smelling worse, just because I was heavy, I would feel even worse about my weight. (And that’s even if the said people were unaware of their subconscious judgments.) But then I am judging by the way I thought at the time of my life that I was overweight. This may not be representative of all heavy people.