[Note: regular readers of Now Smell This, at least, those that don’t skip all the celebrity perfume reviews, have already read this story so many times that a summary should suffice: Fame is exactly what any long-time watcher of the celebrity fragrance market would have expected it to be: a sweetish fruity floral of no particular distinction. Still, it’s wearable enough, and even after spraying it on paper, I was willing to try it on skin, which is more than I can say for Selena Gomez Eau de Parfum.]
As I’ve said here before, I am missing some portion of the gene for true fandom.1 There are famous people whose work I enjoy and whose careers I follow with some interest, but I’m not interested in meeting any of them, I don’t much care about their private lives, and I certainly would not buy a perfume just because some famous person’s name was on it. Maybe because of that, or maybe because I’m rarely more than vaguely familiar with the celebrities who land perfume contracts, I look on the celebrity fragrance market with an attitude somewhere between bemusement and detachment…