New at dillards: Beyonce Pulse.
New at macys: MAC Turquatic.
New at neimanmarcus: Jo Malone Cologne Intense collection, Michael Kors Gold.
Deal at spacenk: (rather hefty) markdowns on selected fragrances, including Tocca Brigitte, selected Honore des Pres, SpaceNK Tuberoli, Champaca & Santalrosa, Annick Goutal Mandragore, Les Nuits d'Hadrien, Eau du Sud & Neroli.
New at ulta: Jennifer Aniston, Estee Lauder Sensuous Nude, DKNY Pure Verbena, Vera Wang Lovestruck, Coach Poppy Flower, Armani Code Sport.
Thanks so much for the tip about SpaceNK… I picked up the I Love Les Carrottes!
I did too, and we both owe our thanks to Karin who sent me the tip!
Me three! 😀
You had me at “rather hefty”, Robin”.
I was really surprised…those are TJ Maxx prices, nearly.
And not for Jessica Simpson, either!
Glad I could help. 🙂
We’ll have Daisy send you THREE shiny stones for your Enabler’s Pin. 😉
Um, make that four.
Ha ha. Yeah, she taught me well. 😉
$24.50 for HdP Carrottes??? Oh yeah, I bought one of those…and the NK Champaca, too. Yum!!
Another I <3 Les Carottes sold!
Just so people purchasing online are aware – Space NK had a brick and mortar ‘secret’ sale in London a few weeks back with similar discounts. The testers for HDP Carrottes, Champaca and Diptique Virgilio appeared to have turned and Chaman’s Party almost burnt on skin so I was too scared to purchase anything, even at 10 pounds for a full bottle. Do test as soon as you receive your buys!
Very good to know, thanks!
Oof. Hope that was limited to the testers. It’s a no-returns sort of deal.
Oh no! That sounds terrible! Wonder how they stored the testers? I always wonder about this at Sephora. Not sure whether their displays are still like this or not, but they used to have these super hot lights on the shelves that seemed like they baked the fragrances. Talk about poor design.
oof is right! Fingers crossed that it won’t affect the ones they’re shipping. I have been lemming this for a WHILE.