Deal at aedes: get free shipping on orders of $100 or more with coupon code Valentine, good through 2/11.
Deal at attarbazaar: get 15% off with coupon code VD211, good through 2/11.
Deal at b-glowing: get a free gift with any purchase of $35 or more using coupon code beloved, good through 2/14.
Who has the cheapest samples and decants?
If by cheapest you mean the smallest amount of money to get a sample of any size, it might be Lucky Scent. They offer samples of nearly everything they sell. Most of them are $3 or $4 for a standard 0.7 to 1 ml sample vial. Most are “dabber” vials but some are sprays. Some samples are more expensive (Xerjoff, for example). They only have one sample size of each perfume, though. If you want a larger sample, you have to get multiple vials.
The Perfumed Court offers samples and decants of various sizes from 0.25 ml (for extrait) or 1 ml (for EdT or Edp) up to 30 ml. They tend to be somewhat pricey on a per-ml basis, but they have probably the largest selection of perfumes–mainstream, niche, indie, vintage–including some things that are almost impossible to find elsewhere.
The Posh Peasant also has varying sizes of samples and decants, and I have found them to be often cheaper than TPC. On a dollars-per-ml basis, for samples larger than 1 ml, they may be the cheapest of the sites that offer multiple lines. Their selection, however, does not seem to be quite as extensive as TPC.
Elsewhere it seems to be rather hit-or-miss. Some vendors offer free samples with a purchase, but it is whatever they decide to throw in. Others may have samples of some perfumes they sell but not others. Many of the indie perfumers sell samples at good prices, but only of their own perfumes, of course.
Great, thanks!
Similarily, is there a cohesive list of scent split listings & decants for sale anywhere? Im aware of MUA and ScentSplits on wiki dot, and the Perfumed Court type sites from established companies, but are there any other DIY style decant / split sites besides MUA and ScentSplits?
You could check out basenotes Forum tab, then Basenotes Market Place. They have forums for sale and swap.
Well, they don’t sell and swap forums. Ha. My grammar is lacking. 😉
Woo just joined basenotes finally! Thanks!!! And I wouldn’t turn down an offer to buy / swap a forum, either btw… ;-P
For the lines they carry, it’s hard to beat Aedes. Last I knew, at least, their samples were 7 for $14, including shipping.
Close – 7 for $15. A bargain for what you can get.
Luscious Cargo gives you 7 samples for $22, and sometimes includes one or two extras if they think of something that’s similar to the “theme” of your selections. They also pack very nicely – if you care about that sort of thing.