How is it that I've never seen this? Thanks to Joe (who says he found it at Basenotes) for the link. And thanks, Bud Light.
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Hmmmm….what do you think he’s wearing?
LOL!!! you beat me to it! 😀
I can’t believe I didn’t think of it!!!! LOL!
maybe you were distracted by his extreme manliness **snort**
Hold me back, Daisy!
I’m TRYING!!! but he’s just so HOT! hey! stop biting!!
That has to be it. Splish splash!
Do you notice that in every shot where he’s putting on cologne, it’s from a different bottle? I suspect that he’s “Mr Way Too Many Colognes at Once Wearer”.
that just adds to his “Manly Mystique” ….. **running away**
Well, that is one way of never smelling like “all the rest”! Individuality!
omg. this is the best.
i love that he’s wearing that jacket in the last scene at the fragrance counter. totally.
Someone had fun making this.
And we are having fun blogging this!
Seems vaguely familiar to me, I think I know him. He smells like someone who works in my office!
Egad!!! this reminds of me of way back in school when I was working as a receptionist at the School of Nursing a rep came in (a man) and brought with him a choking cloud of fragrance…..shook my hand….after he left it was like the cloud was lingering and lingering…and then I realized it was on my hand !!! ARG! scrub scrub scrub! It was awful.
Scrubbing is good, except sometimes you can’t scrub up your nose. I truly believe some scents crawl up there and get stuck. At least it seems so – but just sometimes.
Thank goodness you were not put off from perfume after such a upsetting experience.
Hilarious video, but sadly true.
He smells like someone who worked right outside my office. A FEMA auditor who was definitely in the splish-splash category. Thankfully, he was only there for two weeks – two weeks in which I kept my desk fan pointed at the door. Ghastly!
I think everyone who works in an office has a colleague like this. I especially like “Haven’t got time to shower? Not to worry! You’ve got four gallons of cologne, and a plan!” OMG! Really glad I wasn’t drinking coffee while watching, I would have snorted it all over the screen.
Unexpected laughs for a Sunday morning!!
Thanks so much!!
I might even watch it again for anything that I missed….
My former boss, who used to soak himself in Old Spice. When he spoke to you–even across a desk!–gusts of his cologne would wash over you with every movement of his jaw!
he sprays it on his FACE !
never put perfume on your face, even if it’s a splash bottle (unless aftershave is specifically for the face?), always the neck or wrists. I spray my neck. it will dry out your face and maybe cause breakouts 🙁 also I read that skin sprayed with perfume that is exposed to sun can over time go discoloured and age quicker. so your face is the last area you want to age quicker.
If you spray it on your face, it could easily get in your eyes as well, which is definitely not a good thing.
It is a trend..spraying on your face with your eyes open… like the Avril Lavigne Black Star commercial! 😉
don’t forget—-his goal was to cover every square inch of his amazing manhood……
Which is exactly two inches….. What you be thinkin’?
Ha! overcompensation thru cologne use??
HAHAHA. I bet he only applied it to his manhood once.
I myself have applied to much cologne if I fear my hygiene is questionable-like the french used to do. I don’t think this guy is french somehow.
The appeal is everyone knows this guy.Leave it to me to analyse it to death.
It’s just freaking hilarious.
…and the gold chain-of course he has a gold chain.
Alotofscents- I wonder if it hurt. Funny, how those of us without certain things are curious of those with.
I’m sorry-can’t stop laughing!
Anything with citrus oils can be photosensitizing, so if your fragrance has any you could end up with a surprisingly nasty sunburn as well!
I loved the look on his co-worker’s face. 🙂
Exactly… and the way she was discreetly holding her nose.
I confess, though… I’ve covered my nose with a hanky on the bus due to some passengers’ non-perfumed smells.
I think I’ve read that that was one of the reasons women used to perfume their handkerchiefs back in the day. If she encountered someone a little too aromatic, she could discreetly hold her hanky to her nose.
I am really digging the singer with the 1970’s David Cassidy hairdo.
That singer is David Bickler, the former lead singer of 80’s band Survivor!
You know it’s bad when even the taxi driver can’t stand it.
What I have been encountering the last few years are the younger men marinating themselves. Choke!
i think i am going to die laughing…….
Ahahaha, absolutely classic. I actually know a guy almost exactly like this…I feel guilty by association.
Benj- Unfortunately I have passed many men like this. Don’t feel guilty. Maybe you can help your friend.
I’m guessing you would need a gas mask to be around this man and to get drunk on the beer to wipe out the memory!
Oh my God, I think this might be me…..I have notice one of my co-workers lighting an incense stick moments after I enter the office suite…in the hall…outside my door.
That seems like it would compound the problem, not alleviate it. Good lawd!
Oh my god, DAD???
(though to be fair, he’s kind of always pulled it off!)
It is very funny but I don’t understand why Budweiser thought it would make their beer more appealing to anyone; I don’t get who the target audience is. Also I think it is hard to know how much scent is enough since we are at the epicentre of it, and can’t step away to check. I like how the guy embraces scent, though! He just needs a kind word in order to moderate his usage.
i have just recently had a guy like this staying in my apartment. i could smell his cologne from 20 metres down the hall .. and even though he’s been gone for nearly a week our spare room is still deeply ingrained with it. and guess what cologne? cool water. lucky, lucky me.
(hello, by the way! this is my first time commenting even though i’ve been reading your blog for years .. how shaming that this is the first time i’ve joined in the chat, argh ..)
Welcome vixgirl! 🙂
We’re glad you’re here….just sorry it was fragrance-trauma that brought you! You’ll probably need to shampoo the rugs.
If he was spraying cologne the over spray might be the cause of the lingering odor.
Well I read your blog for a long time now, but that actually made me register. 😀 I am lol-ing so hard right now. My Dad is also the same – complete lack of sense 😀
Too funny! Classic. Bud Lite does a series of commercials like this and they’re all amusing, but of course this is my favorite one yet! 😉
Ha! yes…but they don’t make me want to drink beer….of course, there’s NOTHING that makes me want to drink beer….
I absolutely hate light beer, but there are some beers and ales that I do enjoy [especially Chimay, a Belgian ale made by monks that’s wonderful stuff]. My alcoholic beverage of choice is a nice wine though – preferably a good full bodied red. Hey – rich and full bodied – just how I like my perfume! 😉
This actually made me go hmmm…do I offend with my perfume? I worry about this sometimes. We can all point to “that guy” or “that woman” whom we encountered in an elevator or wherever that reeked of perfume. Is “that guy” or “that woman” us??? Just a reminder to be discreet with scent! Which brings up the question, how much is too much???
Oh oh, now you’ve done it!
Well, I prefer some sillage, but I do try to be careful when applying perfume as I realize that I’m probably appreciating it much more than most people I’m encountering. HA! But generally, I’ll apply to both wrists, behing my ears and decolletage area on my scent devouring skin. So that’s an average of 5 spritzes. I realize that would be too much for many folks. Uh-oh – I’m the female version of “Mr. Way Too Much Colgne Wearer” guy. 😉 [When I’m wearing a massive fragrance such as Champagne de Bois or Like This – 3 spritzes usually suffice – wrists and decolletage.]
And I think this is the perfect place to relate an experience I had last week in the supermarket. A woman stopped me and said “Forgive me, I hope I’m not being rude, but I have to ask what perfume are you wearing?” I assured her she wasn’t being rude at all, said I was wearing 31RC and told her a little bit about it. She then said “It smells so beautiful – and I could smell it as I was approaching you!” Which then worried me a little and I said that I was probably wearing too much in that case!! She assured that wasn’t so, and that she had a good sense of smell, but I wondered if she was just being gracious.
Wow! I really love 31 RC. Is it really sillage”y”? I don’t know – my nose is not trustworthy on that level and no one I know wears it. Perspective is absent. I use 1 or 2 spritzes. Spray once on wrist, mix with other wrist, and swipe behind ears. If it dries out before I get all the way around, I’ll use the 2nd spritz. Please tell me I’m not killing everyone around me.
LOL! I love these ads. This is first I’ve seen this one though. I love how the guy nods his head as he is dousing himself at the fragrance counter.
He’s not a bad looking man if he keeps his clothes on! Perhaps he’s eastern European (I’m Hungarian). He does look very 80’s though which makes it funnier. The whole video is great but the part that hit home was the fragrance counter because that’s where I’ve worked for 15 years. Inevitably there’ll be a person like this who douses him/herself from head to toe with even more than one fragrance. The places that they spray range from beard to pits, waistline, inside of coat is huge, and innersoles of shoes. They’re testers, not a public shower!
I love this! But I have only ever heard these ads on the radio, no idea there were TV spots too! This one’s a classic! 😀