Today's poll is about transitional fragrances: what are your favorite fragrances as summer turns to fall? What scent makes you happy as the nights get chilly and the days take on that crisp edge? And tell us what perfume you wish you owned for chilly weather.
Your host today is Daisy. If you don't know Daisy, please let me introduce you:
Note: top image is Maple Leaf Structure by jurvetson at flickr; some rights reserved.
Since I havnt made any recent purchases, my transitional will have to be “Lovely”-SJP…..then as nights get cooler, it will be “Euphoria”-CK…….any new suggestions are welcome. Have a nice weekend, everyone! 🙂
Hi Shelley! You’ll end up with a list of ideas a mile long today! I always keep a notepad handy during these Lazy polls….there’s always at least a few things that make me say “oooooo, must try that….” Forget “April showers bring May flowers” , for me it’s more like “Saturday reading brings Monday shopping!”
lol,..I have a question for any/everyone: I loved Coco-Chanel but it doesnt seem to smell quite the same as it did many years ago. or is it just my nose becoming ‘wonky”? Have a peaceful day, everyone! 🙂
Don’t have any real knowledge of Coco but I’ve heard many people say it’s been reformulated. So it’s probably not your nose. I hope you are able to find something new to love.
Euphoria always smells so good on others, but it changes horribly on my skin-darn! 🙁
Sorry to hear that. I had that problem with the original Eternity-CK.
Dee just gave me a sample of that one. It’s so … lovely!
I’m wearing SL Bois de Violette A LOT at the moment,. I’m so happy that I bought it since it turned out to be pretty much the perfect transitional scent for me.
I also like OJ Woman, Lubin Idole, and Jubilation for this time of the year. Jubilation is the one that I wish owned a whole bottle of since my sample is about to run out. Oh and Cuir de Russie but that’s gorgeous pretty much year round, right? Oh and Jicky! I find that lavender and vanilla combination very comforting.
SOTD is Aqua di Parma Profumo which is another one that works fantastically well in this weather. It’s very plush without being too much. A must try for anyone who likes good old fashioned fruity chypres like Mitsouko and Jubilation.
Oh and Daisy, I’m looking forward to reading your list for some ideas since you often seem to like the same things as I do!
Hi! yeah, we do like much of the same, don’t we? You’ve already mentioned 3 great ones! Jubilation 25, OJ Woman (wore that yesterday!) and Idole …..this is the season when I haven’t turned my roving perfume eye fully to the heavy gourmands of winter (just a spritz here and there to prime the pump as it were) . Fall has me turning to the chypres… I’d add to the list with 31 Rue Cambon , Solange Cosmic, Mitsouko and Une Rose Chypree…..hmmm, both wrists are taken…but I still have ankles…. 😉
Speaking of chypres, I wore Azuree to work the other day, much to the chagrin of my coworkers I’m sure. No compliments were received.
I need to find that one of these days…I keep thinking I’d like it, but never see it anywhere.
Azurée is really great. In UK it’s only available from EL website and Selfridges where they keep it hidden under the counter so you’ll never know it’s there unless you ask a SA.
I would have complimented you and then you coulld have told me how fab my L’Huere Bleu was and then we could have huddled in our gorgeous, fragrant cloud, shields up to keep out all the dirty looks. Why do people hate what they don’t understand?
Surely you smelled fabulous! I love L’Heure Bleu too! It’s so relaxing.
I certainly would have commplimented you Dixie! I’m a fan of Azuree from way back.
I wore URC yesterday for the first time in months and it just made me so darn happy. It’s the little things in life, to be sure.
31 Rue Cambon is a total winner. Love it dearly, anytime!
I wear 31RC year round, I find that it works in almost any weather 😀
Thanks for reminding me about URC I have a sample which I tried this summer and put it away “until colder weather”. Time to dig that one out.
I had to ask for Azuree. They keep behind the counter.
Seconding the URC reminder! And for the same reason, Abyss – I tried it, the dry down did something a little strange, and I meant to give it another go but I got sidetracked!
So glad you mentioned Cosmic. I happen to have a 1ml of this and tired it the other day. I think I fell in love, but I can’t help the feeling that it smells familiar somehow. Since I am loathe to drop that much money, can you recommend something similar to Cosmic? Thanks so much for your help!
OY! I only wish I could think of a more reasonably priced substitute! I have a small decant…and I’m just trying to hold on until Beautyhabit has another juicy sale or discount code because my decant is almost gone and I’m lemming a bottle of Cosmic like mad! It’s like I should know better than to try these spendy ones!
If anyone has any recommendations –please share the info!
I adore Bois de Violette! It’s probably in my top 10 favorites!
It really is good stuff! Refined, beautiful and a little more restrained than a typical SL which makes it very wearable too.
Abyss, I love AdP Profumo. It has risen to the top of my wish list. My birthday is coming up, and I think I’m poised to splurge… 🙂
ahhhhh….”splurge” is one of my most favoritest words ….go for it! 😉
Upcoming birthday, cooler weather…certainly sounds like a perfect excuse for a splurge to me too 😀 Just think how much wear you’ll get out it in the next few months!
Thanks, ladies. I think. 🙂
heh! just doing our part for the flagging economy… 😉
I just did it – ordered a 50 ml. AdP Profumo and a small L’Artisan candle for myself for my birthday! Luscious Cargo had 15% off AdP. 🙂
Yay! happy birthday Haunani! Enabling has been in the air all weekend…I always wonder how many purchases are made as a result of the open polls! There’s just so much good stuff being bandied about. I might go have a gander at that AdP Profumo too…
Thanks, Daisy. Go for it! (Just working toward my first enabling star, LOL.)
Hi Abyss, I dabbed on some Bois de Violette this morning, too!
Bois de Violette is getting a lot of love here today…looks like I need to try it despite my trepidation when it comes to Uncle Serge.
I know – that isn’t one I’ve tried but it’s getting an awful lot of love today. I am a little fearful because I loved SSS Bois Violette (or whatever it’s called) and I seriously OD’d on it one day and lost the love. I am sort of poised to pull the trigger on Chene, though.
At least get a sample of BdV and try it. It is one of my favorite perfumes, and quite possibly the one I would choose if I were forced to wear just one perfume for, say, the next year. (I can’t even bear to think of limiting myself to one perfume for life, so I made it a year instead). The violet keeps the cedar from being too dry and the cedar keeps the violet from becoming too sugary. The original Shiseido Feminite du Bois was an HG of mine, and I was frantic when it was discontinued. Now I think I like BdV even better than the original, which could become too cedary sometimes.
Daisy and Tama, definitely give BdV a try especially if you like violet scents. You instantly notice the Fem de Bois resemblance but BdV is more refined, whereas FdB is a more stereotypically Lutensian concoction with plenty of those stewed, syrupy fruits that uncle Serge seems to like so much. I’m no Lutens whore, this is the only one that I loved enough to want a bottle.
I’m so glad that it’s getting some love. It’s a great frag but it does’t usually get many mentions.
One of these days, I’ll try Chene. I haven’t had much luck with SLs, but that one *sounds* so promising…
Tama – You’re right about the SSS Wood Violet. You just had it in French! I’m sure Laurie would be flattered.
I’m just going to poke my nose in here with a cheer for Chene. Such a wonderful autumn scent. Austere yet glorious. I have a bottle, and while I don’t wear it regularly, when I do, I swoon. It’s perfect. And it’s even better on a guy, at least to my nose: I love it when I can convince my honey to wear it so I can spend the day sniffing it on him. (I don’t think he much likes the scent (or any scent on himself), but he does like the attention he gets from me when he wears it!) Go, Chene! 🙂
Good Morning everyone! Thanks Robin, for letting me loose on the blog….er, I mean ….for letting me host. 😉
It sure is “transitional” here today! Cold, rainy, gray…yeah, plenty of chilly but more soggy than crisp. Today called for comfort….and maybe a little cheering up: stood in front of the perfume cabinet F.O.R.E.V.E.R. (well, 3 or 4 minutes at least) trying to make a decision. The winner? well….I really needed cozy…so a good hefty spritz of Habanita parfum on one wrist…..then I was struck with indecision and sprayed some Champagne de Bois on the other wrist because I really hate gray days and CdB has that uplifting sparkle that always improves my mood. Hey, they smell pretty darn good together too! 🙂
Hey Daisy – it’s very cool that you’re hosting today! I hope I get to chime in a little more over the busy weekend we have going on!! Cooler weather scents are my favorites and it’s the one consolation of Summer ending.
I hear you. I kind of miss summer already, but I love fall (favorite season) and almost all of my fragrance-faves are cold weather scents! I practically RUN to the perfume cabinet first thing in the morning. Please do stop back in when you can. 🙂
I don’t miss summer. THIS is my favorite time of year.
I only miss summer because I know what’s coming! brrrr cold and nasty snow. eek! I’d have spring and fall in a repeating pattern all year if I could. 🙂
Our temps fell from the mid-90’s to the mid-40’s last weekend and I was never so glad to get rid of a blistering hot summer in my life! Good riddance!! Although it’s very likely that the hot weather will make a comeback before we’re finally done with it.
But I’m with you – my favorite scents are the cold weather ones. I think that’s why I actually have *more* warm weather ones – I kept buying them hoping to find things that I love as much as my cold weather scents.
sometimes I think my summer scents are just fragrances to keep me going until I can get back to spraying my favorites with abandon! Luckily I live where there’s more cool weather than warm!
I hear you! We finally got a cool front through here last week, and now our highs are *only* about 80 degrees instead of mid-90’s. At least I can wear long sleeves without sweating to death. I was never so glad to see summer end unless it was last year, which was about as brutally hot.
I prefer “cool” weather scents also, so I am glad to be able to pull then out again. I don’t strictly categorize my perfumes, but there are some I just cannot wear in July or August. The warm weather stuff, though can be worn all year here, as “winter” is often 60 degrees. Today I wore Attrape-Coeur, which is probably still a little heavy for 80 degrees, but it is not smothering me. Yesterday was Ormonde Woman, which I actually wore all summer, and the day before was Parure. Avignon is one the way, and I think it will be perfect for fall/winter.
90s to 40s? Wow, talk about one extreme to the other!
Indeed Robin is a brave woman to let you loose ! 🙂 😉 😉
I miss having transitional weather here in south florida. It’s a balmy 89 degrees and sunny today. The climate is HOT, Hot, hot, warm, and if we’re lucky cool. However, most places have the AC blasting that you have to have a sweater for indoors, so I just wear whatever I want.
Are you wearing modern Habinita? Every time someone sends me a sample of it, it must be an old version, because it smells rancid, so I’ve never really smelled it.
LOL —yeah, I promised Robin I wouldn’t break anything or ruin the carpets etc. It’s still early yet…. 😉
I’d share my midwest autumn with you, except all I’ve got today is rain, gray skies and wind.
As for your Habanita question–I have some of the 1849 collection that Molinard put out a few years ago. It is the parfum concentration and smells astoundingly similar (like TWINS) to Roja Dove Enslaved Parfum(or maybe it’s the other way around since Habanita has been around since 1924 (?) and Enslaved is a baby in comparison); powdery, smoky, floral with a little sweet and a little oily note…it’s sort of habit forming. Rancidity isn’t a word I’d use at all so I wonder if the samples you got were so ‘vintage’ that they had gone off. Also–I’ve never sniffed the Edt (modern or vintage), and frankly, I’ve heard disappointing things about it.
Joining you, Dixie, in missing 4 seasons. Our weather here in Central Florida has been cooler (mid-80s) but I still miss that crisp fall weather so many others enjoy.
80’s is better that 90’s right? At least that tropical storm cooled things off a bit!
I’m with you,ladies, here on Gulf Coast! Nice to be able to go outside again.
cool entree Daisy 🙂 thanks for hosting
Being a Guerlie-girl, my transitional scents seem to be almost exclusively Guerlain – Vol de Nuit, Mitsouko, L’Heure Bleue and Samsara. Most of these I’ll continue to wear throughout the winter. The exceptions to the Guerlains are the always beautiful Cuir de Russie and the gorgeous incense, SSS Incense Pure.
I’m not really lemming anything right now, although I AM looking forward to receiving my decant of the new Shalimar.
Have a great weekend everyone, and a big thanks to Daisy, aka The Empress of Enabling for hosting.
I can wear L’HB in warmer weather too. It’s a year-round enjoyment for me.
I just tried L’HB for the first time. While it may not be right for me (jury still out), I see what all the fuss is about. It’s very lovely!
It’s a very rare non-masculine exception to my “Guerlains don’t work for me” rule, to be sure! I just rotated my fragrances last weekend to bring out the cool weather scents. LHB will get some wear time, for sure!
Overlap! Another interesting discovery!
LHB (and Jicky) are just about the only Guerlains that DON’T work for me….lavender strikes again! Boo, I think we’re nearly evil scent twins…which makes sense since Rapple and I generally agree on scents.
Rapple, that one and SDV are the only non-masculine Guerlains I’ve tried that even remotely worked on me. Daisy – nah. We have a good bit of overlap…I just need to study them to figure out the theme. 😀
It took me several tries to fall in love. I think because it was so different (and still is) from anything else out there!
The great thing I’ve found about LHB, is in comparing the newest versions with vintage ones, it has withstood reformulation way better than many of Guerlain’s fragrances.
I agree, Dove – the opening feels a bit “cool” to me, while the drydown is warmer and more snuggly. Depending on my mood, I can wear it almost anytime.
L’HB has been a regular in my cooler weather rotation too; on myself and the hubby 🙂
Oh! Thud! I’ve never thought about it on a man. I’ll bet it’s wonderful!!
It is. In fact, I hadn’t made up my mind about it until I smelled it on the hubby; it was so wonderful on him that I’ve since become hooked!
Oh yeah, I love it and find it one of the least “feminine” Guerlain feminines.
Thanks Rapple! Happy weekend!
How could I forget Cuir de Russie? Especially since I’ve been decanting it for a day and a half! Excellent cool weather fragrance—leather; perfect for fall. And Laurie’s new Incense Pure — perfectly luscious incense! The woman’s a genius, you know.
I agree! I can’t wait to smell her latest creations, or at least the preliminary testers.
Are we allowed to discuss the pending SSS fall creation? I know Laurie’s dropped a few “hints” here and there…
I don’t think it’s a state secret as she’s posted about them on her blog. All I know is about a “classic” scent, done in old style perfumery and that she’s tweaking Lieu de Reves. I’m such a fan of hers!
Yes – a “classic” chypre, a la SSS, of course!
My latest fave of 2010 Autumn is Christian Dior Fahrenheit Absolute. It has all my favorite aromas in the ingredients: Violet, Myrrh, Oud and Incense; it is woodsy, smoky, a little floral but deep, dark, rich and elegant!
Another I like for this year is Marc Jacobs’ new one, Bang! It is nicely spicy and woodsy but not overtly so…it’s nice for cooler weather.
One other is Tulmulte by Christian Lacroix. This one is very smoky and warming, very good for cooler weather and great for the cold months.
Gosh, that Fahrenheit Absolute sounds great!
woodsy? smoky? deep, dark, rich, and elegant? You are SO speaking my language! Sounds like a “must try” to me. 🙂
I’m in for 10mls if you decide to host a split;)
LOL –I do love to host a split—you know me so well! I think I’m taking on 31 Rue Cambon next month…but in the meantime I’ll try to get a sample of Fahrenheit Absolute it just sounds right up my fragrance alley!
tumulte is an awesome inscence frag
yes! a classic!
Morning Daisy, and all!
Today should be interesting. It is much cooler today, suede jacket, sweater and cords will accompany me on my errands today. As will the gray skies threatening rain. My choice would normally be Bois des Iles. UNTIL. I remembered I purchased the Shalimar Ode a al Vanille just the other day (I only momentarily forgot, honest!). I will take it out for a public run today and see what happens.
I tried it inside when I first purchased it and found it very gentle and cozy. As my scent vocabulary is very limited, I decided to do a comparison with Shalimar at the same time, so I could have a reference. It doesn’t have the heft of the current Shalimar, it seems much lighter, at approximately 75% intensity, which is not a bad thing for me. The vanilla did not seem syrupy and cloying as some can. Distinct but restrained. Pleasurable.
Your note above mentones Chanpagne de Bois. I have been intrgued by the frequent mentions I’ve run across lately. I think I’d like to try it one day. Would anyone have word on ordering from SSS?
Champagne de Bois is a gorgeous perfume and it never fails to elicit complements from strangers! SSS has a good sampling program, so I think you should visit their site and check it out! 😉
Oooh, sounds like a plan! Thanks so much.
Yes! get some samples—Champagne de Bois is perfect for this time of year. And don’t miss Incense Pure and Tabac Aurea –perfect cool weather, blustery day, leaves crunching under your boots type fragrances!
Great, 3 samples – here we go!
Yes, it’s very easy sampling from there.
But (alas, or, um, not) keep your credit card handy, because you might find several that you’d “have to have.”
How wonderful that you have the new Shalimar! I can’t wait to try it. Do report back on what you think of it later in the day 🙂
Glad to!
I think it is a good scent, but for those used to Shalimar, they may be disappointed an find it too light.
I smelled leather at one point – but that could be my nose, unreliable lttle “so and so” that it is. None the less, leather is good, so it was something I really liked, leather or not. It generally seemed to fade away while out I was outside and in the rain. The usual wafting from hair just was not there. You know, the comfort thing. But when I got home, it was still there, very soft and delicate with a trace of powder, although I did/do have to hoover for it. Unfortunately for those that may want or expect sillage, I don’t think this is one of those. But for me, I am happy with a little less sillage and so this is good.
I still think for a day like today, running around outside, Bois des Iles may have been the better choice, but that may be due to me waiting and waiting for a good excuse for the Bois. I think I need to gratify the craving and then there will be more room for the others.
F: Shalimar parfum is almost an HG for me, but, honestly, I pretty much wear it as a sleep scent or around the house as a comfort fragrance. I have a very casual style which contrasts with its sensuality, so a toned down version is welcome!
Thank you for reporting back! I’m looking forward to hearing more about it… until my split arrives (all hail Queen Daisy)!
Yes, she is a sweetie!
I do hope you enjoy it. I am
Suede jacket, sweater and cords? Bois des Iles would have been a perfect choice…..but with the new Shalimar OalaV already in hand (jealous drooling, btw) I think you did the right thing! I can hardly wait for it to reach my neck of the woods!
Psst! Do you want me to make you a sample and send it to you? shhhhhh….be vewwy, vewwy, quiet!……
hahaha because no one would ever see us whispering over here in the corner…..I’m so tempted! But I do have some on order so I’d hate to for you to waste any –hopefully they’ll get it in sometime in the next two weeks….are you in the UK or have I completely lost my mind?
Exactly! If we tell them it is a secret, they would all respect that and not read!..kidding!
No, I am in the, not so yet “great white north”. You know, that l’il ol country called Canada. brrrrr!
ahhh, the Great White North! so I’m not completely crazy (only half…and that’s normal for me!) I’m still drooling a little about you having it before it crosses our borders but I’m splitting two bottles as soon as it’s here and I would feel horribly guilty about accepting some of yours when mine is on it’s way. You’re a doll to offer ! 🙂
Don’t worry about guilt at all. Really! If you want, just ask, I’ll do it for you.
I will be wearing DK Black Cashmere, Arpege, Shalimar and my Possets perfume oils.
I love my Black Widow perfume from Henri Bendels for fall (smoky, sweet incense) but I think it’s been discontinued, so I am hoarding my 2oz bottle.
I really, really, really want a bottle of Tauer’s Une Rose Chypre!
Black Widow??? intriguing! but discontinued? gah! that has to be my most hated word! Have you tried phoning them to inquire if maybe they have a bottle languishing back in a store room somewhere? (I’m such an optimist!)
Une Rose Chypree –oh this is a must have! I was just giving my bottle a sideways glance here and it’s getting a little low for comfort. There are things you never want to run out of; URC is one.
Here is the link for the review from Perfum Smellin’ Things
Apparently you can still purchase the original 2 oz bottle for $25- they are coming out with a new version – at
Cool! Thanks! 🙂
I’ve mentioned it before – for me, right now, the perfect transitional fragrance is Missoni by Missoni. But here in Hamburg we’ve already transitioned into cold, dank November! I wish I owned Cologne Pour le Soir de la Maison Francis Kurkdjian. I love it! There’s some strawberry and leather. It is just beauitful and so comforting for cold weather!
bbrrrrrr cold dank November type weather? you poor thing! You are clearly in desperate need of some warm cozy scents! MFK Cologne pour le Soir….strawberry? hmmm….I got mostly a smoky floral leather from that one…kind of like a lightweight version of Guerlain Bois d’Armenie .
I seem to recall you mentioning Missoni before–I must look into sampling that…I’m all about cozy scents!
I’d give it the same “feel” as Theorema, in terms of sheerness and warmth. Both are nice; I don’t need either.
Sadly, I don’t know Theorema. Missoni isn’t really cozy, more bright. It’s a perfect fruity floral with warmth from some amber and chocolate. I only wear it on sunny, crisp days. Yes, every once in a while I get a whiff of strawberry with Cologne Pour le Soir! I love it!
I’ll pretend I live in an area that has fall today, because it is my favorite time of the year! The changing of the leaves, the coolness in the air with the new smells-there such a romanticism about it!
I think L’Air du Desert Maurocain is a great transition fragrance. Ambers make me think of fall and always make me smile-Ambra del Nepal comes to mind or the fantastic Ambre Narguil.
But I wish I owned a full bottle of Bois de Violette!
ahhhh, Ambre Narguile….perfect! It’s so warm and comforting with just the right amount of sillage. I asked my teenager this morning what her favorite chilly weather fragrance was and she didn’t even pause (of course she was headed for the coffee pot) and said “Ambre Narguile” . I should have known—she keeps that bottle in the very front of the cabinet pretty much year round! (right next to her bottle of Natori edp)
AH! I forgot about Ambre Narguille! I got a 10ml bottle over the summer and tested it a few times and I just adore it. Of course, if it’s amber I’m in, but that one just screams fall.
Hi Julia! long time no chat! Nice to see you here — you know we have many PTERODACTYLS flying around in the perfume cabinet….some people think they’re cranes… I really need to send you a picture. That was the loveliest gift, you’re such a sweetheart!!!
SOTD-AM Lalique Encre Noir.
Time for SSS AN, CdB, WWoods, Esteban Sensuelle Russie, Ginestet Botrytis, Montale SOD and Vanille Absolu, among others!
Wool sweaters! Hats! Long coats!
LOL—took me several minutes of serious brain wracking to figure out SOD = Sweet Oriental Dream! (I’m so proud of myself) all good yummy transitional fragrances! Just thinking about Ginestet Botrytis makes me long for a weekend in autumn in wine country! sigh….gimmee a minute while this fantasy plays out in my head….ok, I’m back….ever try Frapin 1270 ? Both soooo good! Frapin has a little more soft wood…Botrytis has a little more tang….both send me on the wine country fantasy…again with the sighing…..
I’ve been relying on the Kenzo Amour family for this transitional period- on warmer days I wear regular Amour, and when it’s cooler I wear the spicier Parfum version. Can’t wait for the cold to finally come so I can get my Prada Ambre on.
I just bought that parfum unsniffed! It’s very nice and will be cozy as it cools down, for sure.
Prada L’Eau Ambre ? mmmm delicious! Beautiful on it’s own but also great layered with so many other scents! That’s a good one….I wish they sold GREAT BIG refills or something!
I love fall, though we don’t get a real one in So. California.
When it finally cools down, I’ll reach for DK Black Cashmere, Sonoma Scent Studio Tabac Aurea, OJ Ta’if, and Tauer Une Rose Chypre.
And I wish I had a bottle (or at least that I could find my lost decant) of Spiriteuse Double Vanille.
Nice choices! Lost decant of SDV? oh no! Check all your jacket pockets—just the other day I pulled out a wind breaker and there was something hard in the pocket : a 5ml of Bel Respiro! I was all “helllloo, I was wondering where you got to…” spritz, spritz….probably been there since last may!
My choise is Comme des Garcons 8 88. Or Costume National Scent Intens . Or Prada Prada Tendre. And if I were a man… Good old Fahrenheit for certain.
Good ones! I’m not familiar (yet) with Fahrenheit but from what I’m hearing today: it’s a lovely scent so maybe you should wear it if you want to regardless of gender! …..or slather some on a handsome man, then sniff him! 😉
Thanks for hosting, Daisy!
I become giddy when fall arrives — it’s my favorite season. I tend to get into my ambers and vanillas in the fall … yesterday it was Ambre Russe. I also love L’Artisan L’Eau du Navigateur in fall, and Bois Farine. I imagine I am going to renew my relationship with CdG Daphne this fall, as well as that lovely Champagne de Bois which I haven’t yet worn in cool weather!
Oh, and as for what I wish I owned — Daphne. I just about used up my sample last year.
That Daphne sure is nice! I’d take a FB of that too!
Third on the Daphne. Need to find my sample and do some sniffing of that again soon.
Daphne fan here too!! In fact, it’s my SOTD on this beautiful Fall day. Fall would be my favorite season if only it wasn’t follwed by winter!!
Hear, hear! I love everything about fall except the threat of winter, and the rapidly shortening days.
I keep fluctuating on Daphne – I’ll wear it once and think it is the most gorgeous thing ever, then next time I’ll wonder what I was thinking. Leave it to CdG to keep me guessing.
I have the same reaction to Daphne….but, on the bright side: as long as I’m undecided those $$ stay in my wallet.
Oh, Bois Farine! I need to get a bottle of that. I have a tiny little sample vial, and it’s such a perfect transitional scent… that oaty/bready element is irresistible!
It’s the only L’Artisan I actually do own a bottle of — of course I’d have many more if finances allowed!
Thanks Jill, I can’t believe I was nervous about being Guest Host! It’s fun and really just like any other day there’s a lazy poll—reading everyone’s comments, writing down all the things I want to try, chatting a little here and there. And hosting is my current and very valid excuse for not vacuuming! So it’s all good! 🙂
Well, you are doing a great job! I was a little nervous when I hosted a while back too, but it was so much fun!
hahaha yeah, we’re “experienced” now!
We’ve had a long stretch of chilly mornings followed by gorgeous, sunny, warm (70*) afternoons lately, so I’ve been hoping for this topic! I have warm weather frags, and cold weather frags, but ones that bridge the 2 are hard to find. All I can offer so far is Mauboussin, which I’m liking much more this year than previously. Others, though some are a bit much in the warm afternoon, IMO: Bois d’Ombrie, Sienne l’Hiver, Dzongkha, Bandit, Lyric, and my eagerly anticipated Cuir de Russie (yay for the nice sample from Nordstrom to tide me over).
Mauboussin! Thanks for the reminder. A perfect choice for this time of year, IMO.
I like Mauboussin too.
I third Mauboussin—it’s a feel good scent without veering into heavy gourmand territory.
i second the Sienne l’Hiver and Cuir de Russie! And I’ll add a dash of Dzing!, L’Eau d’Hiver, and L’air du desert marocain along with it!
Transitional fragrances are almost as dear to my heart as deep-winter ones! Today I’m wearing L’Artisan, Tea for Two, the first fragrance I ever fell desperately in love with. As much as I love it, I can’t bear it in summer, but today it’s 63 degrees and sunny, and it is making my heart sing. I also love — and let us pause for a moment of heartbroken silence over its demise — Ava Luxe’s Palisander (which I actually do wear in warmer weather, but which works really well as a transitional scent).
How could I forget Tea for Two on my list — definitely one of my fall favorites too!
TfT is another good one; actually, any black/smoky tea scent works well for in-between days.
Oh, that’s a wonderful idea for a transitional scent – I’ll haul out my sample tomorrow! Personally I don’t really have an in-between phase – I miss my cold-weather favorites so much in summer that the second it’s even remotely cool enough to wear them, I jump straight in to Black Cashmere and Bois des Iles territory. But once the novelty wears off….
Today I’m wearing Ambre Passion Velvet, the new Laura Mercier.
More resinous than sweet, with plenty of sillage. Shalimar, Ambre Sultan, Antaeus, Egoiste, Tabac Blonde extrait, Vol de Nuit and Guet-Apens are cold weather/autumn favourites.
Mmmmm! I can’t wait to smell that one! And I love Egoiste!
Isn’t Ambre Passion Velvet glorious for this time of year? I get tobacco leaf or burning leaves maybe, in it too….which I don’t recall seeing in the notes at all! Laura Mercier does a nice job with comfort scents.
Labdanum dominates on my skin, but I briefly perceive geranium, tobacco, saffron and apricot. Perfect for cool weather.
my skin picks up the tobacco the most….I just went to the cabinet to get a spritz…I think I’m picking up that apricot you mentioned but it’s hard to be sure —I’m afraid that today, with everyone making reference to so many great scents, I’ve got little dabs of stuff everywhere and this AmbrePV might be sitting on top of 3 other things….I smell like a perfume store….. not that that’s a “bad” thing….
I really want to try that new LM one! I love her Minuit Enchante.
YES! I, too, pulled out Egoïste for cool (finally!) evenings this week – yum!
Chanel N°19: I love its notes of moss, iris and white flowers. I feel like I’m walking in a forest with patches of flowers when I wear it, it’s perfect for fall!
It does feel cool and green, doesn’t it?
No 19 is a beauty.
ooooo I love your description of Chanel no19 –walking in a cool forest with patches of flowers….I find it very calming and centering somehow. Maybe this is weird, but when I sniff (hoover is more accurate) the back of my no19 scented hand…I always close my eyes! Not that anyone cares, but I noticed this just recently and I don’t quite know why I do that, but I always do.
My new favorite end-of-summer perfume is Bois Blond (thanks to Joe for the heads-up about the partial bottle on ebay!), which I’ve been dousing myself in when I’m not wearing L’Heure Bleue or Balsamo della Mecca.
The BdM has taken a while to grow on me… has it been almost a year? Now that I’m at the end of my decant, I’m falling in love with it, and it’s been great for days too chilly for BB.
Isn’t Bois Blond a marvel? I’ve been wearing a lot, too. It’s late summer in a bottle!
It’s the first thing in my collection (not including Shalimar) which I’ve been tempted to buy back-up bottles of! I wish it came in a candle or room spray, because I’d love for my house to smell of it 🙂
OK, OK, I’ve got to try Bois Blond. It’s been on the list forever and now I’m sold.
It’s wonderful, I hope you’ll love it!
If you like Balsamo della Mecca you really must try SSS Incense Pure…there’s a kinship between the two but IP is more refined and smooth yet intense.
More refined and smooth yet intense? Oh my. Well, maybe it will be more affordable than the BdM… off to google search!
I love the small sizes! Here I go down the rabbit hole…
ahhhhh, my work here is done….. 😉
I’ll have to pretend I live back in the Pacific NW, but here are my choices:
1. Tokyo Milk Poe’s Tobacco. Supposedly tobacco and tea, more floral and tea on me, but a nice transitional perfume.
2. Parfum d’Empire’s Wazamba. Aldehydes, incense, apple (though I don’t smell apple as much as “fruit”), fir.
3. Sonoma Scent Studio’s Champagne de Bois. Aldehydes, clove, woods, amber. Yum.
4. Tauer’s L’air du Desert Marocain. Dry and austere and classic.
Re: Wazamba – my chemistry magnifies the fir note. It smells like Christmas to me.
Oh, lucky you! I amp the fruit, and as a result, passed it on.
Wazamba is my scent of the day, and I agree – Christmas tree!! YEA!!!
Having grown up in the NW, I associate fir with the outdoors rather than with Christmas. Spice/Vanilla/Gingerbread, on the other hand – that smells like Christmas! Winter Delice is Christmas in a bottle to me.
Why does everyone get “fir” from Wazamba but me?? I wanted fir, I wanted the christmas smell! I’m afraid that Wazamba hated me and turned to intense BO. I passed my sample on to someone else -feeling guilty that I was sending them BO in a vial—what did they get? yup! they got glorious fir and incense! arg!
Daisy, I really think you need to give it another try. I’m wearing it now, and I can’t for the life of me see where you could get BO. It’s even more beautiful than I remember it from last winter! Isn’t somebody in the Google group doing a split of this? I might need some more!
Yeah, very weird reaction by Daisy’s sniffer (and Boojum’s too! 🙂 )! I wore Wazamba a lot during the Xmas season last year and it was perfect. And yes, there seems to be a split going on right now.
it’s possible I’m confusing it with another fragrance (time and many sample vials have passed) but I do remember spraying it (excitedly because it was so gosh darned new!) on my bicep ….and I remember wanting to, and eventually, scrubbing it off. But a lot of time has passed and maybe my nose has changed –this is why I seldom pass on samples!
See? Not ESTs at all. First Uncle Serge, now this. I got a little fir, but mostly some nasty stewed fruit. 🙁
I think I get that BO note, too, Daisy. I believe I’m just hyperosmic to whatever that is :-(((((( Just curious: do you like Timbuktu, or do you also get a strong BO/cumin from it, as I do?
HA! yes! VINDICATION! Timbuktu was not viewed favorably by the Empress of Enabling….oh, sorry…all my enabler bling was going to my head…..I don’t remember if it was BO exactly with Timbuktu, I think that was it though…it was a while ago that I sampled it. But I can tell you that I didn’t care for it and neither did my daughter…we both gave it a “nose wrinkle” and thumbs down.
I actually kind of like it, but I’d adore it with a much smaller percentage of that note. And, consequently, I’m afraid to wear it anywhere. Clearly, not everyone smells that note the same way we do – many find Timbuktu really fresh – but I’m still afraid to take it on the Metro.
an “at home only” fragrance then? I have a difficult time with more than a smidgen of cumin….and it also depends on what other notes are there as well. If there’s nothing my skin wants more than the cumin, then it seems to grab the cumin and amplifying begins. …..until it’s a BO-a-rama 🙁
Hi, Daisy! The transition to fall is, perhaps, my favorite time of year. We have had some warm days lately, so I’ve been clinging to my late summer favorite, Bois Blond. Today is overcast and a bit cooler. Hooray – I’m ready! Here are some fragrances that I’ll be wearing for the next few weeks:
Niki de Saint Phalle (rich and slightly whacky chypre)
Mauboussin (shimmering dried fruit oriental)
AdP Profumo, if I get a bottle (refined and gorgeous chypre)
TDC Bois d’Iris (seasonless, yes, but most perfect for now IMO)
L’Artisan Dzongkha (see note for Bois d’Iris)
PG Iris Taizo (rich and unusual iris blend, perfect for fall)
L’Artisan Havana Vanille (yes, I’m a fan, and it’s perfect for now)
Etro Shaal Nur (always in my line-up, but I’ll wear it more now)
Micallef Gaiac (warm, happy wood)
Fendi Theorema (orange-y, happy wood)
Mecheri Genie des Bois (spicy violet wood – yum!)
Micallef Note Ambree (cushy, almost gourmand floral-amber blend)
Looking forward to everyone’s posts!
How could I have forgotten about Theorema? Thanks for the reminder!
we were probably thinking about iris taizo at the same second 🙂
Iris Taizo is great!
Oh yes! Iris Taizo – I discovered it recently. Sort of a gentler, modern version of L’Heure Bleu. More office-friendly, too!
That’s an interesting comparison! I just tried LHB for the first time. Now I need to compare.
I may be stretching a bit on the comparison, but when I first tried on Iris Taizo, L’HB was the first scent that came to mind.
Good stuff.
Great list!
Theorema – why on earth did they ever discontinue it?
…because they are evil incarnate. 🙁
Hi Haunani! I love your list!!!
Niki turns soapy on me and Dzongkha just never flipped my lemming switch—but all the others are fabulous favorites! Theorema in particular! How could I have neglected to mention it? Bois d’Iris, Iris Taizo, Havana Vanille (I’m a fan too), Mauboussin, MM Gaiac… your list…and Note Ambree : I’m anxiously awaiting a bottle! Excuse me…I have to go hug my perfume cabinet for a moment…..
Is this a blind buy or have you already tried this one?
buhhh-liiind….but blind with ENTHUSIASM! I keep looking at it, reading about it, lemming after it….I finally just ordered a bottle to put me out of my misery. If I hate it, I’ll just split it up! I’ve never seen anyone split a bottle so I don’t think it’d be hard to get rid of if need be. (what an attitude, eh?)
Note Ambree is beautiful, but perhaps not for everyone. It’s a pillowy-soft, VERY feminine floral amber. I love it!
*drool* and that is soooo me…I have some unisex/shared fragrances but mostly I like feminines. Powdery and pillow soft–sign me up! 🙂
I first read this as “you’ve never seen anyone split a bottle” and I thought perhaps hosting duties had caused you some sort of memory loss or your enabler pin was pinching some sort of nerve! Then I re-read it and realized you meant you’d never seen anyone split of bottle of Note Ambree. WHEW!
If you do happen to split that, you know where to find me….
It’s funny, Daisy. Note Ambree is a bit of a departure for me, because I tend to go more for the middle of the M-F spectrum. But I love it because it occupies a special niche in my collection. I’m eager to hear what you think!
Love many of these – adding others to my to-try list!
Niki IS really wacky – I’m always surprised that I like it. I don’t wear it often, but every now and then I find myself craving it, and then only Niki will do.
Niki has many fans….but to me it’s just bitter soap! But I’ve only tried the edt….maybe other concentrations would effect my nasal passages differently.
Thank you for spelling wacky correctly. My early “whacky” was a wacky spelling if ever there was one! 🙂 I feel the same about Niki, by the way. I love the marigold note!
I didn’t even notice, truly, but it sounds like Daisy would choose whacky, LOL!
Ha! 🙂
don’t always choose it…but always willing to try it 🙂
normally I would be taking out autumn staples like Dzing! 31 R. Cambon, Iris taizo (or whatever it’s supposed to be called nowadays) but today I decided to try Amaranthine one last time, and tadaa it finally smells fabulous, maybe one of the next full bottles, after a long hesitation period
Amaranthine would be perfect for fall. This one is also near the top of my FB wish list, as my little decant is long gone.
to me Amaranthine is ideally suited to cold weather–to me it smells of steamed jasmine rice and soft milky florals: total comfort scent! If I wear it in warm weather it ramps up the muskiness a little too much.
Nice description. I get the steamed jasmine rice!
And the milky florals, of course.
so ladies, you’ve managed to topple me over to the “I need to buy this” side, thanks 🙂
You are welcome, Bee. It’s a beaut – a unique beaut!
Hi Daisy! How much fun it is to have you as our host!
I’ve been so busy today with chores and errands that I’d practically forgotten to put a scent on. Then I saw the topic of the poll and…. I’ve been wearing SSS’s Sienna Musk a lot lately, mostly at night before bed, so why not take it out for a spin in the daytime?
So – SOTD – SSS Sienna Musk. The temperature in NJ did a ressurection of summer earlier in the week, then took a rapid nosedive. Sienna Musk is such a lovely fall comfort scent with that nice mix of spices, mandarin, sandalwood, and cedar on a bed of musk. It’s not a shy musk but not overwhelming either. Definitely a great sweater scent. Sisly’s Eau du Soir is also on the queue, along with SSS Jour Ensoleille and CdB, and Guerlain’s Cologne du 68 is also nice with that cozy vanilla at the base.
Have a great day!
Sienna Musk is nice.
Hi Opera! thanks very much–guest hosting is fun! A little hard to keep up though –my teenager needed to use the computer to take an online test for her history class. So I had to turn it over but I felt like saying “uh, hosting here!”
Sienna Musk is a great sweater scent! Warm, sensual musk and spicy without entering “gourmand territory”. Perfect! I go on so much about Champagne de Bois that I sometimes forget to mention Laurie’s other fabulous creations. 😀
Oh you’re allowed to go on about CdB. That’s why there’s the rest of us to sing praises to her other scents!
After a couple of days’ worth of chilly weather, we’re back into the upper 70s… seriously transitional.
Today I’m wearing a new sniffy from Smell Bent – One, their anniversary scent based on “old paperbacks, cardamom, vanilla and woods.” Yum. It really does smell like old books, plus gingerbread. Reminds me a lot of Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille.
I haven’t really been wearing my favorite fall things, except Bois des Iles and Champagne de Bois. Oddly, I’ve been wanting violets (of all things) lately too, so violet samples are prominent. Other faves: Shalimar Light, That Slut Tocade, Tabac Aurea, and Arpege. Havana Vanille will probably get some skin time, and so will Jolie Madame and Lyric. I’ve been eyeing my La Myrrhe a great deal recently, although I usually save that for Really Special Days.
It just occurred to me the other day that… dum dum DUM… the 3rd quarter damage poll is coming up…
I was up last night doing my tally – I was not as “good” as I thought I was….
And strangely enough, I felt really “bad” because I spent big bucks on one bottle, but this turned out to be my most restrained quarter ever.
OH! And forgot to mention my BFF, Le Temps d’une Fete! A fall staple. I noticed the other day that fully half – HALF, I tell you – of my 1oz bottle is gone already. Even with alllllll the other stuff I have to wear…
Oh, Mals, I’m so glad you mentioned Le Temps d’une Fete! I bought it just before the summer turned hot and I haven’t been able to wear it for months. (Not good in the heat.) I’m going to put it into my fall rotation.
I actually wear it in the summer, Suzy. (Blush.) Lightly, though.
Mals, you NOT mentioning Le Temps d’une Fete would be like me NOT mentioning Champagne de Bois! People would suspect we were imposters…..alien pod-perfumistas.
“Who are you and what have you done with the Empress?!”
Ha! I’m sure you guys could find me by searching for the glow from the diamond encrusted diamonds on my ginormous enablers pin! …or just follow that cloud of sillage…. 😉
I knew balancing the checkbook and paying bills weren’t the only reasons I’d popped open Excel today! So absent-minded. I did really, really well this quarter…until September, when I made up for it.
So strange, as I too have been hankering after violet the last couple of days. Wore Balenciaga’s Paris, but too light to satisfy me. Also ordered, but haven’t yet received, Guerlain’s Apres l’Ondee – unsniffed. Hope I’ve done the right thing.
If you feel you didn’t do the right thing…………Here!, Look here…. Good home availble to orphan Apres L’Ondee….. But give it a good try – it is a wonderful scent. It’ll grow on you.
You’ve done the right thing. If it turns out you hate it (unlikely, I think), you can always sell it to one of us.
careful Jillie….the sharks are beginning to circle…… oh did I mention that I like it too ? 😉
old books and gingerbread sounds immensely appealing to me! Cardamom is one of those things that I occasionally grab out of the cupboard, pop open the top and just snuffle for a while. So I’m always tempted when I see it in a list of notes. So are you thinking this is bottle worthy stuff?
Then I was happily reading your list of yummy transitional fragrances and then you mentioned 3rd quarter damages….yikes! way to burst my happy little bubble! I think I’ll just pretend I didn’t read that part…yeah, didn’t see a thing…..
One is a very nice scent, and I could see myself wearing it a lot. It’s comforting without being too gourmand – and CHEAP. I think $55 for a 50ml. I think it’s LE, though, so I’d have to order before Nov. 1. Might do it…
welllllll….you were very good during third quarter….and fourth quarter is wide open…
I want to get some food for thought:
Next Saturday, I’m going for a theatre double-header in NYC – a heavy Wagner opera (Das Rheingold) in the afternoon, and A Little Night Music on Broadway in the evening (not exactly light and fluffy either).
So tell me – what would you wear for such an oddball pair?
Speaking personally, I think I would wear my decant of 31 Rue Cambon. It’s elegant yet friendly, and weighty enough to handle opera while not heavy enough to asphyxiate people near you. Very good for fall weather.
Hmmm…. may need to stop at a Chanel counter in the morning. I’ve never tried 31 Rue Cambon (hangs head in shame….).
And while you’re at the Chanel counter, try Cuir de Russie if you haven’t already. I think that would be very elegant for the opera without being too overbearing to wear at a theater.
Not only 31 RC – here comes the confession – I really am not familiar with any of the LE line. I have a sample of 22 edp somewhere from the ’90s but never even opened it.
Now off to hide in the closet….
tut tut tut……well Opera, it’s a darn good thing I’ve included a sample of LE Cuir de Russie with your 31RC…. what ARE we going to do with you?
LOL, Opera Fan! That would make a really fun Lazy Poll – true confessions – What Famous Perfumes Have You NEVER Smelled?
I’ve got a list of them myself, as I’m sure most perfumistas do.
OMG Rapple!!! What a fabulous idea! True Confessions….I have a list of things that E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. has sniffed….and I have NOT! It’s shameful, really it is!
Sticking my head out of the closet to say “Thanks, Daisy!”
And I’m glad my “confession” has spawned a potential topic for discussion.
Now going back in to hide again…
I agree 100% with Mals; I was thinking the exact same thing.
31 Rue Cambon.
You haven’t tried it? Egad woman! I’m emailing you immediately!
Seconding the Rue Cambon. It should be something sparkling (the gold! Mozart!) so some Chanel aldehydes will be perfect. Have fun! (I love Wagner and it isn’t nearly as heavy as everone thinks)
I agree – well – depending on which Wagner, of course! My favorites are Meistersinger (his fluffiest!) and Gotterdammerung – the death of Sigfried and the subsequent funural music is so compelling.
I agree, Siegfried’s death is maybe the most compelling moment in his work. And of course, the final scene of Goetterdaemmerung. After my first complete “Ring” I went home and cried for almost half an hour, it was so intense!
OJ Woman – Light yet sophisticated.
Light?? Wow, that one’s a heavy hitter on me…has to be saved for cold weather. Love it, though!
LoL!!! I understand why it may feel “light,” in spite of the amber base. If it were only the Sondheim, the choice would have been much simpler. Wagner is extremely quirky, very “modern” for a 19th century opera, and the production is very high-tech, but the subject is truly epic and the music bold….
Opera: that is INTENSE! What a combo!
I think I’d go with a comfort scent so as not to overtax my brain…oddly, Dzing! popped up or maybe a little Bois des Iles.
You’ll have to let us know what you decide and how your double-header was.
Thanks, Suzanne. I will!
Hi everyone! My transitional scent will be Chanel’s Sycomore. A friend of mine is going to NY and is bringing me the new small bottle. It seems really strange to me though that apparently I can’t get this one here in Europe. Anyway, I can’t wait, love this scent!
Good one!
That’s a good friend….willing to go perfume shopping for you! I haven’t seen any of the new small Les Exclusifs yet, you’re lucky to be getting your hands on some!
Oh, Daisy, there is new SMALL bottles of LE line? That is just the best news ever!
Hi Lina, Chanel has made some of the LEs available in a 2.5 oz flacon…that’s 75ml for $110 (then add shipping 11.95)
the scents available are:
Eau de Cologne
Hey Daisy have fun,
I love dark/ gothic roses as transitional scents. Luten Rose de Nuit, L’Arte di Gucci, Secrets de Rose, and MMiccalef Rose Aoud.
I have still got to try Miller Harris Rose en Noir, and Caron Or et Noir and light incense roses Shiloh, Shanti Shanti, and Etro Shaal Nur.
Deep and interesting roses – great idea! I love that Micallef Rose Aoud.
Yeh roses are always refreshing to me even when covered in leather, oakmoss, or incense. So dark roses are perfect for early Fall when amber, evergreens, gourmands and heavy incense frags would kill you by the afternoon heat.
I want to give a shout out to my favorite dark rose–Malle’s Une Rose…if you have not sampled, you should. It is wonderful this time of year (or for me, anytime!)
Une Rose is my favorite rose of all. Funny, I don’t describe it as dark. It is certainly rich and deep, though.
I think of Une Rose as a big, vigorous sort of rose and a glass of red wine on the side…. hmm, now give me a good book and a couple pillar candles and I’m heading for a bubble bath!
meant to add that Montale Highness Rose is my all time favorite rose…so big and luxurious and lush…..mmmmmm
have you tried C&S Dark Rose, JHaG Citizen Queen, or Midnight Oud? Not that I’m trying to enable you in any way. 😉
Nope, but duh forgot to mention you’re the one who sent me Secrets de Rose and Rose Aoud. Thanks again.
LOL -that’s okay, you’re welcome…. I’m just happy to share my love of rose fragrances! 🙂
Late to the poll here, but was also thinking of Dark Rose and Midnight Oud for the theme. Also Annayake Tsukimi is a nice fall scent I haven’t heard mentioned yet.
Ohhh, L’arte I love, and I’ll probably be getting it back out now that the heat has left us.
Mals –did you know that after buying L’Arte….selling it to you …then trying it again later, that I ended up buying another bottle? I know, I know my darned fickle nose…..but I haven’t worn it in quite a while–thanks for reminding me to take it out for a spin!
Ha! Now why doesn’t that surprise me?
because you know that I’m spontaneous and unpredictable? 😉 lol
Hey Daisy! Whew! I’m glad some people turned up for this poll. 😉
The idea of “transitional” is a bit weird for folks like those of us in parts of coastal California where the temps barely got above 70 degrees all summer, but we did have a record-breaking unusual heatwave a week ago (107F here on Monday). Things are now back to the usual routine: cool mornings and evenings, but highs of about 75 during the day. Quite perfect… but not the fall everyone else has.
I find I like scents with ambery, incense, or vanillic undertones for cool nights. Recent faves are PdN Maharanih, AG Myrrhe Ardente, and Micallef Note Vanille. Last year I found Laura Mercier Minuit Enchantee to be so sweet and cozy, and I’m looking forward to a decant arriving soon of the new Ambre Passion Velvet to fill that amber niche.
Good reminders to use my samples of Note Vanille and Maharanih! I’ve been hearing a lot lately about Myrrh Ardente – sounds interesting.
Oh, but see…you should be the expert, then! That’s exactly the type of weather that’s hard to scent, IMO. If it’s cold all day, I’m set. If it’s warm all day, I’m set. If it’s cold in the morning, quite warm in the afternoon, then chilly again at night, I’m at a loss.
But you have Scent Glue Skin, right? One spritz lingers for hourrrrrrs?
I can see how that would be a problem.
“Scent Glue Skin” – LOL! I love it!! That’s one problem my EST and I have in common. And yes, it’s very difficult to figure out a scent for 40 degrees in the AM but 80 in the PM.
Yep, it’s very rare for me to find a scent that wears off before bedtime. I can wear perfume, or I can test perfume, but I can’t do both on the same day. Thus the massive backlog…
It’s too bad Chamade doesn’t work for you—-I do wear it on days with wild end-of-the-world temperature fluxuations….the cold brings out the green aspects and the heat brings out the floral. But of course, it’s that ewww, icky icky Guerlain….
say, what about Hermessence Osmanthe Yunnan that’s light…and you know what—I’m going to make a note to send you a smidge (cuz I only have a little myself) of Solange Cosmic (ever try that?) –the timing here is perfect since I have a package going out to you Monday!
Boo’s liable to love OY as I can’t wear it – some note in it grows and grows and grows and ……
…the note that ate Lexington….
Chamade *almost* works…but there’s some odd cinnamony thing in it that doesn’t. work. OY is nice, but I think of that one as a summery thing, just a bit too sheer for the cool part of the day. Would love to smell the Solange, though! Had a hard time resisting that split.
I’ve been inching my bottle of Minuit Enchantee closer to the front of my perfume closet, too. I took it out and sniffed it a couple of weeks ago, but it just isn’t time yet. We will continue to be in the mid-90’s down here for a few more weeks but I have been enjoying the orange/cinnamon goodness of Anne Pliska lately.
LOL —I have this image of you moving that bottle one row up, every time you sniff it…have you ever tried Nuits Enchantées? I believe it’s Minuit Enchantée’s predecessor…it’s a little more intense, less fruit and has a dry cocoa note in there….I know, I usually hate chocolate in fragrance; makes me nauseated after a while. Nuits Enchantées is just about the only choc. note that stays dry/non-syrupy through hours of wear.
I kept looking for a decant of ME last year and never found one – I KNOW I don’t need a whole bottle, it’s so potent.
Hey Joe! yeah, I’m glad everyone showed up today!
I like your “we-don’t-really-have-transitions” selections. PdN Maharanih (you know I like spice!) and Note Vanillee (I am the original vanilla ho after all) and imagine my surprise when I found a sample of AG Myrrhe Ardente in my vial pile! I have no idea where it came from but I can hardly wait to try it!
I thought I’d love that one, but I mostly get…rootbeer.
Nothing wrong with root beer… 😉
not if you’ve got vanilla ice cream anyways…
Oh good!! It’s been in my sample pile forever and I just haven’t gotten to it. Now I can’t wait to pull it out as I’m pretty sure I’ll like it. Thanks, Boo!! 😀
LOL…don’t be so sure. I think it’s mostly the ones we feel strongly about where we’re ESTs. I didn’t dislike this one, I just don’t love it.
Hi Daisy. Good topic.
Today I started out with a few dabs of SL Bois de Violette but later I switched to SSS Jolie Femme. Cedar, amber, sandalwood and vanilla made me feel queasy in the summer heat. Now I feel like I’m visiting old friends as I pull out samples of things that were stashed away. Cedar is really doing it for me right now.
Almost every day I got up and sprayed on Nuit de Tubereuse during the summer. Now, like you, I go to my ‘fume stash and stare at it wondering what to wear. I’m making a list–so many good suggestions here today. Thanks.
Hi Suzy, thanks…the topic was first suggested to me by Boo and it seemed to be something on a lot of our minds as then several people suggested almost identical themes…I took it as a “sign”.
ooh, Nuit de Tubereuse—that is some odd but addictive stuff! I found my hand straying to that bottle frequently last summer. But now that it’s 50 degrees and generally nasty outside I just want to coat myself in cozy scents like extra layers of armor! I make lists during polls like this….next thing I’m trying for sure: Bois de Violette!
Oh I love love love Femme Jolie. Yesterday at the mall i spritzed a bit of Feminite du Bois, the scent that FJ has been compared to. I could not do a wrist to wrist comparison, but it I like FJ better. FsB seemed more sticky and jammy, and lasted WAAAY less time than FJ does on my. FJ is a stunner.
Annemarie, I did a side by side comparison this afternoon! What a coincidence. FdB on one arm and FJ on the other. And I got the same results: FJ won! I just put on some more. To the victor go the spoils.
Yes indeed!
You know, oddly enough, I didn’t like Femme Jolie. I do like FdB, but it does this disappear-reappear thing in the middle, and that bothers me. I’m not sure why FJ didn’t work. I do love the similar-style Dolce Vita (sweeter fruit) and Poussiere de Rose (cedar-spice-rose).
i wore nuits de tubeurose a LOT during summer…as daisy says odd but addictive…for me it feels “right” for everyday. now that temps in hk is about 28C i could give t another round
Hi Daisy!!
I’m with Joe on the weather here – I had about a week to pull out the colognes and summer stuff – overdosing on La Tulipe, 26 Juin, and various citrus things.
Today was super-foggy in the morning so I took a break from my Tauer testing and wore Apres l’Ondee. I am so happy every minute I wear it that I finally got a bottle.
My new Reverie au Jardin will get a good workout in this weather, as will Rose Muskissime, Rose 31, CdG Carnation, l’Air du DM, l’Olfactive 29. As it gets cooler, the Kenzo Amour parfum will come out, and Theorema, l’Heure Bleue, Balkis, Rose Chypree, Maroc pour Elle. But of course, because our weather is so temperate, I can certainly drag out the Amaranthine, and La Tulipe actually smells quite different in cooler temperatures.
My fall purchases will be Cormandel in the new bottle, possibly the new l’Artisan vetiver, and possibly the Santa Maria Novella Iris. I am planning on doing some spending at the SF Sniff in a couple weeks! I also have my eye on Tom Ford Champaca Absolute. Gack. Ka-Ching! My wallet is still reeling from last quarter.
mmmmm You smell divine!! So many great choices! I haven’t had my decant of La Tulipe out since it was really HOT out…I’ll have to give it a go tomorrow as I think it’s going to be cold and nasty again. I would never have thought of trying it in cold weather!
AnnS was telling me about that l’Olfactive 129 , says it’s gorgeous, makes me very curious! I’ve got a list for the next time there’s a juicy coupon code at my favorite online purveyors of niche fragrance…dare I say: muwahahahahaha!
Have a marvelous time at the sniffa….can’t wait to see what you come home with! (other than an empty wallet) 😉
Check your sample purgatory – I sent you a sample of the 129 a long time ago, pretty sure. I send it to everyone!
really??? ohmigosh…. I must go ‘adigging tonight! (sing that comment for the full effect)
And if you don’t find it I can send you some again.
So many good suggestions. There are so many things I need to try, especially the vintage Guerlains. My samples for Jicky and Mitsouko should arrive any day now.
I’m celebrating my first autumn as a newbie perfumista and we are having a very nice autumn here in southeastern Europe.
Right now I enjoy the most:
Serge Lutens – Iris Silver Mist
Juliet Has a Gun – Midnight Oud
Prada – L’Eau Ambree
L’Artisan Parfumeur – Dzing!
CdG – Monocle Scent Two – Laurel
Aomuage – Jubilation 25
Have a very nice autumn!
Hi Rosa! you may be new, but you certainly have great taste! (people who like the same fragrances as I do, obviously have fabulous taste!)
Vintage Guerlains can be heartbreaking—because so many are either gone completely or reformulated. But while you’re testing; do try some vintage Vol de Nuit , Chamade and Nahema ….vintage formulations can still be found without paying with a major internal organ and they are beautiful fragrances.
Of course Jubilation 25 is perfect for autumn! It is a powerful fragrance…well, at least it makes me feel powerful!
And I’d add to that list of vintage Guerlains – vintage Samsara, the one in the clear, not red, bottle. It’s gorgeous! Enjoy!! Welcome to the rabbit hole. 😀
@Rappleyea: I like the rabbit hole, life is so much more beautiful down here :), thank you very much!
My mother used to have a Samsara bottle from the early 90’s. Sadly, it’s gone now 🙂
Thank you!
I wish to try all the vintage Guerlains. It’s, unfortunately, not so easy for me to get them here, but I’m working on it 🙂
(Also giggling at the intro: If you don’t know Daisy… really, is there anyone here who doesn’t? I know it’s standard w/the guest hosts, just made me giggle.)
well, maybe y’all don’t know the REAL me….the real me is a fragrance-obsessed, greedy perfume ho with absolutely no willpower…..oh wait, y’all DO know the real me……now back to your regular programming…. 😉
Until I read “Oh wait…” I was ready to say – But that’s the YOU we all know. (Winking right back atcha!)
Not only the Empress of Enabling, but Our Endearing Enabler. 😀
aww, thanks! 🙂
For the last few cooler days, I have been wearing “Sensuous” by EL and IDI by Prada. I normally like light fresh scents, so the EL one is what I consider ” a little heavier” than my norm.
I love the EL – on me, it smells like honeyed amber. I am planning on purchasing Flowerbomb- next.
I love Prada Infusion d’Iris! It is just so pretty and easy to wear! Iris is one of my very favorite perfume notes and there are so many wonderful ones out there. Have you explored any others? If you get a chance , try Hermes Hiris, Odori Iris, PG Iris Taizo, TDC Bois d’Iris, OJ Orris Noir, VC&A Bois d’Iris…..and I’m forgetting some…hmmm…well, there are some to tempt your nostrils!
And congratulations on your upcoming Flowerbomb purchase! There’s little better in the world than a new bottle of perfume!
I’ve been getting into my bottle of Sensuous lately, too!
Daisy – so thrilled to see you hosting and (please forgive me) the first phrase that sprung to mind was something awful like “lunatics in charge of the asylum” (do you have that in the States?). I really don’t mean that in a horrid way, just that if the Queen Enabler is hosting, what chance do I have of not succumbing to yet more perfume purchases!!?? SOTD here on a really miserable, grey, wet day is an old Yves Rocher Vanille Bourbon.
Jillie: “lunatics running the asylum”? We don’t have that, we LIVE it here!
Hey, Daisy! Your diamond enabler pin should be arriving any day now! (see previous comment)
Fall always makes me a little wistful, since I’m a Yankee transplant in Florida. But it — finally! — started cooling off here! For our fall, I’m loving Dzing! and 31 RC too. Also think my new decant of Havana Vanille will be loads of fun this “fall” too.
Now have to try SL Bois Violette. What am I missing? 😉
ooooooo—a diamond encrusted enabler pin! It’ll go famously with my sparkly enabler halo and glitzy Queen Jellyfish tiara….you’d think that all that bling wouldn’t go with these purple sweatpants and cushy white ankle sox….but somehow, I just “make it work!” 😉
oh…Queen Jellyfish? well, I’m spineless when it comes to resisting lemmings….
Lunatics running the asylum — pretty much! While Daisy promised not to break anything or ruin the carpets, I didn’t see her commit to no enabling so perhaps we play here at our own risk?!
who, me?? I would never! **wink wink**
I only enable in order to bring happiness to the lives of others! (quickly checking sparkly halo for proper placement and jaunty angle) …
Lunatics? Asylum? welllll…..close….but maybe more the perfume obsessed leading the perfume obsessed. You know, the other day someone said I was like the Perfume Pied Piper ….I took it as a compliment. 😀
Hi, Daisy and thanks for hosting!
SOTD is SSS Femme Jolie. Loving it what with today’s gloom, drizzle and chill.
I hope to be wearing Sotto Voce, Note Vanille, 31 Rue Cambon, Prada’s L’eau Ambree next week and must squeeze in some Alahine. However, I ordered the fall Luckyscent sample pack so if that arrives, I’ll be testing driving those.
Chaos is something I wish I had-again. I finished several decants and had planned to buy a bottle, but so many other scents pushed their way into the budget.
testing driving? what the heck is that….make that TEST driving…jeez.
Yeah, don’t test and drive, Tiara!
What’s the Femme Jolie like? I really enjoy Champagne de Bois, what a revelation!
Mmmm. A nice, warm hug! Spicy without being sharp, warm without being hot, and quite smooth. Lasts a long time on me and I get mostly cinnamon, sandalwood and vanilla out of it but it doesn’t feel foody.
I think Laurie has discontinued it or will be soon so you might want to check that out before falling in love!
I thought she was “tweeking” the formula? I really should visit her blog more often…but if you like the original formula—stocking up may be the way to go. Laurie’s fragrances are always so much more concentrated than other Edp’s (they wear more like parfum concentration) that just one extra bottle will keep you a long time.
Daisy – She’s tweaking the Opal (due to a key ingredient becoming discontinued) and Lieu de Reve to increase the leather and rose, decrease the violet, and add a dusting of cocoa. Femme Jolie is not being tweaked as far as I know.
thank goodness your read her blog more than I do! So is she discontinuing the Femme Jolie? yikes! I only have a small one…I better go check the level. small perfume panic here…..
II know she’s contemplating discontinuation but there’s no specific timeline. I’ve suggested she keep it around for a while longer due to the popularity.
She doesn’t think it’s very “original” as it’s her take on Feminite du Bois. She may try to rework it to something more “her own” – like she’s doing with Opal. But that’s just my personal speculation.
Right now I’m reaching for Diptyque’s Eau Duelle quite a bit, it’s a supreme comfort scent. I use it a lot when I’m just at home hanging out. When I go out, it’s usually TF Black Orchid, as I just scored a couple of mini bottles as free extras from Sephora. I LOVE not paying for nice perfume. 🙂 Also, I’m exploring Oudh bit by bit, and my favorite is still Oudh Gourmet from Micallef, but there are many others I like quite a bit. Finally, EL Sensuous was a summer favorite for me, and I feel like it transitions quite easily into fall. I usually tend to enjoy heavier scents in the summer, and lighter, gourmand scents in cooler weather, but this year, I’m mixing it up quite a bit. I’m finding that a good woody scent is like winter white; you just can’t go wrong any time of the year.
Oh, and Hi Daisy! It’s nice to see you hosting today!
Hi Pink! Guest Hosting has been a blast! Yesterday the weather really cooperated with my hosting duties: it rained all day! So I huddled in front of the computer with a constant supply of hot tea….and made a loooong list of things to try! By bedtime I had dabbed or spritzed so many different things that this whole room had it’s own cloud of sillage! I was even spritzing little scraps of paper (you know, to remind me of the fragrances people were talking about) so now my desk is littered with scented papers!
Daisy – you sent your weather of yesterday down here! Rainy, cloudy and very chilly (50’s). UGH – but I’m going to dig out a warm, comfort scent after my shower.
I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to victimize you with our icky weather! I know you could use some decent stuff for a change….I have some sunshine today (still cold) maybe I can send some of it to you for tomorrow.
Sweetonpink: I would have loved Eau Duelle if the concentration were stronger. My skin just neutralizes it and it’s absolutely gone within 30 minutes unless I really closely sniff my skin. I’m also a fan of Black Orchid, though as a man I wear it pretty sparingly… just a few drops.
Hi Joe, I totally agree about Eau Duelle not lasting very long, it’s the same on me. I really don’t like having to reapply fragrance more than a couple of times a day, so it bugs me when I have to. That said, I actually don’t mind reapplying with Eau Duelle because the opening is SO breathtaking, I think. I liken it to wanting to ride the same rollercoaster again and again as a kid (that was me).
I haven’t tested Eau Duelle yet ….so far the only Diptyque that’s pressed my buy it button is Philosykos….but I have Micallef Aoud Gourmet ; you’ve found a good one early in your exploration! Micallef has done a nice job on that one blending the fruitiness with just enough aoud for depth and bite but without the harsh medicinal blast that I get from a lot of ouds….I bet you’d like Micallef Rose Aoud as well.
We have finally had a break in the heat down here and I felt the need for something dark and red so I pulled out my Lyric Woman. I have been gazing longingly at all my dark, spicy roses lately and couldn’t resist. It hit the spot – until it got up to 95 degrees and I was in a hot car. That is the only time I have ever had to roll down all the windows because of my own perfume. I haven’t been feeling well and have been very sensitive to smells lately so that was probably the reason. Black Cashmere had the same effect. I tried out Musc Rav a couple of days ago and that went much better. I’m also looking forward to pulling out Botrytis and Daphne – two fragrances I haven’t worn since last winter.
LURVE Lyric Woman.
sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well. Lyric in 95 degrees, in a car could get a little overwhelming especially on top of feeling bad —yeah, put the window down! I hope the experience hasn’t turned you off of Lyric! Although you know where to send the bottle if you decide you hate it (heheheheh) ok, just kidding NO ONE should ever give up on Lyric!
Hi Daisy! Happy Hosting buddy. 🙂
Thanks Carlos! It’s been fun! for once I have a legit excuse for hanging around my computer all saturday! 🙂
It really doesn’t feel like autumn in New England yet, and today I’m wearing Love in Black. I’ve been trying to get into the spirit of the season lately though by wearing 31 Rue Cambon, Oriental Brulant, Tonka Imperiale, Wazamba, Bois des Iles, TS Like This and Paestum Rose (which I wear year round anyway). Frapin 1270 and Daphne will make an appearance around Thanksgiving. I think I need to check out Sonoma Scent Studios after all the interesting posts here today. Cheers!
Mmm – Frapin 1270. It was one of my b’day presents this year. Great for cooler weather.
I always associate Frapin 1270 with my beloved Botrytis (maybe because they always pop up together on LuckyScent!). I may have to spring for a bottle this year.
I suspect that you will love Frapin 1270 . The two are certainly cousins with the influence of dried fruits and wine and oak…I have both, love them…but of the two : Frapin in my fave.
It is about time I pulled out the Like This again – maybe in a few more weeks. My jury is out on that one for sure, but since I went for a decant I can try it in all kinds of weather!
Like This was my fall treat and I am finding it PERFECT for transitional weather. A little autumnal on the cool days, still bright and sweet but not too sweet for the warmer days – I am in SO MUCH LOVE with this one!
yes do check out SSS….and based on the scents you’ve mentioned already, take a good look at Pure Incense, Tabac Aurea, Sienna Musk and Winter Woods. I know I always practically scream CHAMPAGNE DE BOIS at everyone, but I don’t know how you’d feel about the sparkly aldehydes in it .
So many great suggestions. I must add ELdO Like This to the list – it’s perfect for *Right Now*. [Though, since I bought Daisy’s decant, she will disagree.] It seems to be a polarizing scent. 😉
yespolarizing indeed, I soo wanted to like it,I’m a SWINTON fan, the pumkin idea is great, I like some ELDOs, but no, it didn’t work, I’ll try it again, mayby it’s an acquired taste?
It was love at first sniff for me! 🙂
I’m so glad it found a good home with you —I was making faces at it here.
Me too… I just adored that scent at first sniff…… so far I’ve been resisting the fb temptation.
I think Like This is great too, and works whenever weather isn’t too hot. I really get a LOT of fresh ginger through much of the development and I love that zingy aroma.
Ginger! huh! I was hoping for ginger….must be my skin because the immortelle took over! It was like being drenched in maple syrup. It grew so big I couldn’t smell anything else…bummer. 🙁
Mine are PG Bois Blond, Micallef Gaiac and SSS Winter Woods. I’m sensing a definite theme here…
Hooray for Bois Blond! Glad to *meet* another lover 😉
ummmm….let me guess…..wood? ok, I’m being silly…I love woods too. All it takes is “soft woods” in the description to get my lemmings all shuffling around anxiously. Have you ever tried Satellite Padparadscha? PG Coze? or Delrae Bois de Paradis? yum yum yum or even Montale Boisé Vanillé for some dry, powdery wood with vanilla?
For me it’s 31 Rue Cambon, without a doubt! I like to save it for fall/winter, something to look forward to when the seasons change.
Sampled Prada’s L’Eau Ambree, undecided. There’s a note I can’t quite tolerate (maybe the iris? it’s kind of powdery?) but also have a suspicion that I’m overthinking it. 🙂
I’d like to try more tea scents. Tokyo Milk Poe’s Tobacco that someone mentioned earlier sounded nice. I’ve also never tried Tea for Two. I did like the tea in Philosophy’s The Fragrance, tea and lemon (reminds me a bit of Mediterraneo) but it’s discontinued now.
Love 31RC. I’m hoping it will be one of the smaller bottle Exlusifs.
Right now there are only four Chanel Esclusifs in the smaller bottles: Beige, Sycamore, Coromandel and the Eau de Cologne. Hopefully, there will be more to come.
I don’t understand why they chose some, not ALL to make in the smaller sizes….from my experiences in splitting the LE’s it seems to me (and I’m guessing here, so I could be way way off) that the most popular ones are being left in 200ml —so maybe they hope to pick up the sales of the less popular LE’s by making them available in smaller doses.
oh, not to say that all the LE’s aren’t scrumptious….there’s not a single one I wouldn’t love to have a bottle of (any size thank you).
You’re probably right!
I live in New England and it’s been on the warm side and very muggy all week so I stuck with Guerlain’s Aqua Allegoria Mandarine Basilic for most of the week. But today was cooler and dry so out came Prada’s L’eau Ambree, If I were going out tonite, I would be wearing Chanel 31 Rue Cambon but I am content with the Prada for now. I am looking forward to sampling Gucci Guilty and Dior’s J’Adore l’Or. I also have a sample of DelRae Mythique that I am afraid to try yet because I fear I may love and love it! and my pocketbook cannot keep pace with my loves these days.
Fuddy –Mythique is lovely….falling in lurve with it is a valid concern! But look at it this way: if Beautyhabit sees fit to grace us with another nice coupon code (everyone cross your fingers!) you want to be ready! My pocketbook understands your pocketbook’s concern! A big lottery win right about now would be just the thing! But since I’ve never bought a lottery ticket in my entire life: winning is highly unlikely 😉
Fuddy Duddy, DO fear!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmMythique is leathery elegance, my next FB for sure
Beautiful warm spring morning here and i havent decided whether to wear Burberry Brit Gold or A Scent Issey Miyake-maybe a spray of both (found, by accident, as a nice mix) I wore a lot of Mauboussin, Coco Channel and Kelly Caleche during this last winter-perfect for chilly weather.
Seconding that Kelly Caleche at the end of winter.
Kelly Caleche is a great transitional leather! It has an uplifting element that most leathers don’t possess. Very appropriate for those days where it’s still cold, maybe a little snow in spots, but a few brave crocus popping up here and there but the sun is finally out….yup, it’s a good one!
I’m the same as Debbie – the transition is winter to spring here. So it’s Chamade weather – hurrah! I am having a Chamade fest because a the bottle of vintage EDC that I bought on eBay has just arrived, to add to my collection of vintage EDT and new EDP. I found the EDC and EDT very close, maybe so close that it is not worth having both? Not sure. Still, the EDC is in SUCH a gorgeous bottle – one of the round ones, with the pointy stopper – that it is worth it for that too. (The ‘montre’ (watch) bottle.) And it is well over half full of a 3 oz bottle, so plenty to splash around.
No what I need is the parfum …
nice ebay score! Vintage Chamade is my main go-to spring scent….well summer too really….and I wore some just last week so fall too I guess. I just love Chamade! It’s never a bad thing to have some of all the concentrations! But in the end…vintage EDT is my favorite, and if I could only have one; that’d be what I’d choose. btw –you smell FABULOUS!
Thanks Daisy!
Hello Daisy Thee Goddess Divine!
I bet your having fun. I love autumn so much in Washinton, it’s hauntingly beautiful, knowing what’s to come. I am trying to soak up the last of warmth and color of the days.
I think I ‘m just wearing everything yummy these days, mostly craving ambers, chypres and vanillas. Today I’m wearing my favorite URC, I adore it for how it makes me feel womanly, soft and sensual.
I have fell in love with Epic and Tolu recently. *wink*
I just want to be surrounded in comfort and feel loved by my perfume.
I won’t be online as much anymore guys, I will miss it VERY much but I gotta take care of some stuff . I’m at the library right now. To anybody I talk to, I’ll try to check my emails as often as I can.
Take care everyone<3<3<3<3
Hi Tamara – I hope it’s for something good.
YOU – take care!
Hello Tamara! I hate it when “stuff” interferes with fun! But I guess we all get that now and then. Take care and keep in contact when you can.
You have my address so drop a note sometime. Hugs to the girlies.
Tamara – you’ll be missed! Drop in and say hi when you can. I’ll be thinking about you.
You take care, too, Tamara. Hope you can come by once in a while. BTW, I like Tolu, too. Thanks for the reminder!
Tamara, I’ve enjoyed your comments so much. Wishing you lots of energy and look forward to your return.
I’ve been hitting my Theorema parfum and Botrytis pretty heavily these last few weeks. They’re perfect in the cooler Seattle weather.
Theorema parfum? ooooo lucky you! Haven’t seen that around in quite a while. Those are both great scents for fall….I might go have a smidge of Theorema right now (you’ve inspired me!)
Hello Daisy and co.!
Autumn is my favourite season as well but here in Scotland we don’t really feel the difference( always colddddd…).But anyway Theorema,CdBois,Passage d’Enfer,Timbuktu and Ormonde Woman are great for this season and Parfum Sacre and La Myrrhe are working their way to my heart .
Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!.
Always cold? on the bright side that means you have ample opportunities to wear the most glorious orientals and delicious gourmands…and heady vanillas….and…well, you basically get to wear ALL my favorites ALL the time! I’m having a Theorema day myself…mmmmmm, we smell really really good! 😉 Have you tried some Amouages? I wonder if Lyric and Epic would be good ones for you….and I’ll just stop there or I’ll be leaving you a list of 30 things to try!
Don’t stop recommending scents Lady Enabler, lol !
I think we have very similar taste so I always make a note of perfumes you recommend ,in the particular case of Amouage,of the little I’ve tried Lyric Men and Dia Ladies are the winners.Lo.
I love Amouage Dia woman (the men’s is nice as well). It was cold…and windy….and cloudy again today (heavy sigh) so I am really really in the mood for spicy orientals! I love gourmands and I tend toward heavy fragrances…especially when I’m cold! I’d love for you to try more of the Amouages , they’re (mostly) big, glorious, complex fragrances. There’s also some Guerlains that are great for colder weather: Tonka Imperiale, SDV, Gourmand Coquin, Angelique Noire, Bois d’Armenie. Then of course I can’t fail to mention two of my most recent loves: Mazzolari Alessandro (the best almond frag. ever!) and Molinard 1849 Iles d’Or (yummy, cozy, spicy delicious…it’s Theorema on steroids!!!) hmmmm….if you like, feel free to email me at Daisyloo82 at gmail dot com and we can talk in more detail about “warmth in a bottle” fragrances to get us through the cold months, maybe get some samples arranged.
Of course I’ll drop a note,it’s very nice talking to you,of the ones that you mentioned I’ve only tried the Angelique Noire and I really like it,I find some similarities with the Ormonde Woman not in the notes itself but rather in the way it sticks in my skin.
Well thanks a lot for this recommendations and for hosting.L.
I can’t believe I forgot to list my perfect Indian summer scent… CBIHP A Room With a View. We’re mostly past that weather now, though, but it just epitomizes that late summer/early fall/back to school smell to me.
I just nabbed a sample of that but haven’t tested it yet. That violet craving really got to me.
I really meant to buy some this summer, but was hoping to find out how the absolute and water perfume compare, and never heard back. Next year, certainly…
I have the same question about the water perfumes. Doesn’t it seem like they’d be very short lived? I mean, that wouldn’t be so bad for you on your scent-glue skin (you might even be able to wear 2 fragrances in a day!) ….but I can burn thru the average fragrance in about 4 hours! I have to wear perfume that uses Uranium 237 in the base for it to last all day!
I haven’t noticed them to be any more short-lived than a lot of other scents, really. I actually prefer the water perfume in terms of formulation, but I want to know if there is any noticeable difference in the scent, aside from the concentration.
I see…well again, I’m no help at all….the only experience I have with that aspect is Violet Empire and Wild Pansy….I have samples of the water perfumes and the absolutes….they seem the same to me, only different concentrations… I completely forgot I had these until about 5 minutes ago…thanks for reminding me I had treasures in the sample box. 🙂 I’m playing with them as we speak….
Such great scents listed already.
My fave transitionals are Bois del Iles, Estee Lauder white moss, Une Rose and Leau D’Hiver.
I’ve recently falled in love with 5o’clock Gingembre… it’s even starting to replace BdI as my go-to scent !!
I think the EL PC Jasmine White Moss is one of EL’s best fragrances ever. I love the original Private Collection but I fear for its life with all the mandated changes. And this one is an update on PC for me- definitely different too – but it would soften the blow of losing PC if it stops production. (And yes, I have 2 full bottles of PC just in case). 🙂
**GASP!** does Bois des Iles know you’re having these kinds of thoughts??? well, it is gingerbready….so you really can’t be blamed….this time of year it’s really so hard to choose just one thing to wear! Have you ever tried Guerlain Gourmand Coquin? or for a cheap thrill: Burberry Brit Red? Delicious!
Um wow. So it took you about .003 seconds to figure me out Daisy!
I have and adore Brit Red – but it’s so… chewy and dense, it really makes for a middle of winter scent for me.
Something about 5o’clock strikes me a a more modern, angular interpretation of BdI… not to replace, but dare I say it, almost as a flanker of sorts (ducks for cover in shame!!)
Dense and chewy…hmm, yeah I can see that….and Bois des Iles does have kind of a “classic fragrance” air to it so I can see how a more modern take on it would be a good thing –although , now I’ll hang my head in shame as well….I’ve never sniffed 5 o’clock gingembre…Serge scares me! For the most part SL fragrances turn in to a hot mess on me…this however is one I think I’ll have to pursue! (it is gingerbready after all!)
I have the same problem with Serge, but 5:00 is one of the few exceptions. Definitely try it!
For me, right now, it’s Costume National 21 and Le Labo Rose 31. I love 21 so much–if that’s what synthetic smells like, then I want more synthetic in my life!! At least until the weather gets hot again… Rose 31 works really well for me when the weather is still a little warm. I get a bit too much of the cumin in colder weather.
wooh, I love Costume National 21- yummy honeyed incense + everything but the kitchen sink oriental. But it still too warm in my neck of the woods for it yeat.
uh yet.
As the angle of the sun shifts to a more autumnal cast, I find myself reaching for immortelle scents such as Eau Noire and Sables, as well as dried-fruit-and-wine compositions such as 1740 Marquis de Sade and Botrytis de Ginestet. I’m desperate to try ELdO’s Like This before the autumn is out – something tells me it may provide winter comfort.
this is the perfect time for dried-fruit and wine fragrances! And if you like immortelle then Like This is likely a fragrance you’re going to LOVE. I hope you can get some to try soon. 🙂
Dried fruit and wine is perfect for the summer-to-fall transition. I pulled out Botrytis, but alas, I only get about 2 minutes of that, and then it’s pure honey. Not that I mind honey, but it’s not what I wanted from this one. 🙁
Hey Daisy!!!
Oh caught in that season-shift between hemispheres again!
My cravings in Autumn Downunder were Mitsouko, including the new EDP, which I find a great daytime scent, even tho’ it isn’t ‘real’, Saffran Troublant, and roses, which for some reason I only like in Autumn – I used a surprising amount of Rossy de Palma for instance, although I’ve got vintage Paris out for Spring….
Wow, its hard to remember when the season shifts – and my massive amber and incense thing just KO’d me for Winter later.
But I think Autumn is the chypre and ‘old-fashioned’ season, with soft woodsy things like Organza Indecence also very nice.
Hi Winn, yeah, the Southern Hemi. thing sort of got overlooked…BUT you did exactly right—winter to spring! I think it’s really about that big shift in mood you get when the season is making a big change. I love cold weather fragrances…but give me a month or two and I’ll be all moaning about how I want to wear Sisley #3 and Chamade and Cristalle eau Verte ( I know : whine whine whine, never content etc)
So it is your responsibility as a Southern Hemisphere Perfumista to check in with a SOTD frequently …to say : SOTD [something citrus and summery] and make us all sigh with longing while we’re busy spritzing our heavier gourmands and orientals…..
Howdy Daisy. Great to see you host. You are so well nosed! 😉
I’m wearing Eau Des Jardins by Clarins, it’s citrus with a little hint of a floral, and when I Smell it, especially if the weather is a little chilly and overcast, I am in a pleasant mood. It is an aromatherapy and moisturizing scent. It really alters my mood and enhances my well being.
I would like to find something that smells like a tragic poetic romantic scent,…but I usually like florals. I don’t care to much for Chamade or L’Ondee, but maybe something lighter with the same feel? I am a romantic- so a beautiful and poetic scent that isn’t “overly” just pretty would be the world to me.
Any body else got an idea???
*Jumps up and down, waving hand madly in the air*
I was testing, and subsequently fell in love with, Sonoma Scent Studio’s Cameo while watching Pride and Prejudice precisely for that reason – it felt like such an old fashioned, romantic scent, and it went so perfectly with the romance, music, costumes and sets of the period piece.
Fragrance Notes: Rose, violet, ambergris, labdanum absolute, sandalwood, cedar, orris, oakmoss, musk.
It’s a very beautiful fragrance.
And I’ve been debating which five scents to get in my 5-piece sample set! Pride & Prejudice is my go-to feel good movie, so now I have to try Cameo 🙂
Glad to hear it because I just ordered a sample of it!
Great! Now I can’t wait to hear what you all think of it.
Ahem… I think the Empress of Enabling owes me another stone for my enabler’s pin. 😉
I hear and obey….
Oh thank you Rappleyea. I will definitely try Cameo.
I think of Chamade and L’Ondee as tragic-romantic scents. It should almost be a subgroup. It’s to bad those two seem so wiffy to me in the top notes, or else I would really enjoy them.
and I meant to say : Hi Loto!! nice to see you here today, everyone has been so welcoming and supportive! —and Rapple’s made a great suggestion. I’m really glad she did too because I really drew a great big blank at “tragic poetic” ……I’m so much more at the warm, cuddly, cozy end of the spectrum.
Like Joe said, California plays lots of tricks this time of year — I’m in the Bay Area, so experienced some horrible heat recently and can’t wait for fall to actually arrive. I’m going back to CdG Hinoki for the transition and would love to finally splurge on Bulgari Black for the winter. But I do have some new samples coming from Luckyscent, so maybe I’ll find something totally new. 🙂
Make sure you check the discounters for that Black! I bought a tester (no cap, plain cardboard box) for $22.
hey! me too! who doesn’t love a deal , and there’s fantastic deals on Black out there.
… and I think that I acquired mine for $16…
Hey, are you on my list for the Sniff on the 16th? I don’t know everyone’s real vs. NST names. Email me if you aren’t and want to know.
Huge huzzahs for Daisy!!
It’s off topic, but I cannot resist mentioning that I attended the two Smithsonian/Embassy of France sponsored perfume seminars this weekend featuring LT, TS and Patricia de Nicolaï – it was perfume heaven! For example, PdN brought samples of reconstructed antique perfumes from the Osmoteque, and we all got scent strips of treasures such as Iris Gris and the original Coty Chypre. I took mine home and spent the rest of the day sniffing and hopefully committing them to memory.
Back on topic, we’ve had months of brutally hot weather, so my initial reaction to the first cool days has been to finally wear my favorite summer scents. I’ve also had a sudden intense craving for deep jasmine and finished my samples of J’Adore L’Absolu already.
Over the summer, I was a busy bee hunting down (relatively 😉 ) affordable travel sizes and partial bottles of Kilian Back to Black, Rose Oud and Pure Oud to wear when it’s just a bit cooler. Also bought SSS Tabac Aurea unsniffed based on all the raves here – and I’m joining the fan club! So I’m feeling well-prepared for fall – although I’d still like to add Chergui and Balsamo della Mecca to my cold weather collection.
Chypre AND Iris Gris??? THUD!!! I am very envious of your perfume seminar! It sounds fantastic. I so miss living in N. Va. and being able to take advantage of such rich cultural events. Lucky you. And please come back and describe those long lost beauties for us.
Good morning Rapple dear! 🙂
Good afternoon! IF you get back and see this, NBC is televising the World Equestrian Games from here. I don’t think they’re live though as the sky is yesterday’s beautiful blue. My heart has been in my throat watching the Cross Country event. GAH!!!
OOOh The Games are ON!! It had slipped my mind – over to a horse blog to see how the Aussies are doing!!!
Wini – is streaming everything live too. I’ve gotten nothing done today except to watch the games and play on here!
wow! The Smithsonian seminars must have been really something. I wonder if you took those scent strips and put each one in a small glass jar with tight lids—if the scents would linger a while?
You have been a busy bee preparing your scent wardrobe for winter! I can practically see you rubbing your hands together in glee, waiting for the first chilly day…. 🙂
The amazing PdN herself handed out little glassine envelopes for the scent strips! I’ve got them in double ziplocks in my freezer now – wonder what special occasion will prompt me to pull them out in the future 🙂
Oh, what luxury! Lucky lucky you. The whole thing must have been such a treat.
I can’t begin to do them justice. LT called Iris Gris the best perfume ever – softness and poetry in a bottle. I’ve sampled that recreated Iris Gris on the internet, which I love, actually, but this was woodier and drier.
Chypre reminded me of something, and I finally figured out last night that it reminds me of SL La Myrrhe. LM is more baroque and has a high note, whereas Chypre is all smooth and soft, totally different from the green chypres that I also love. Most surprising was Rosine Fruite Defendu, like smelling a fresh coconut, only better.
But the good news for all of us on this side of the pond is that there was talk of opening a branch of the Osmotheque in New York!!!!!!!!!!
March was there on Friday night, Style Spy flew in from Texas for both days. I met another lovely blogger whose name I’ve lost, and there must have been others there, so I’m hoping there will be some good blog posts on these events in a few days. Also, if you google Rosine Fruite you can find an interesting Perfume Shrine post on “fragrant ghosts” about a set of Osmotheque scent strips that someone sent to the author. Although I must say I didn’t get the ripe fruit in the Rosine, just the fresh coconut.
By the way, one of the modern scent strips (PdN presented pairs of modern and antique scents representing each perfume family) was PdN’s own new Violette in Love, which I really liked. It combines violet and raspberry but avoids the fruity floral pitfalls entirely, IMO. She said young people especially liked it, but I’m far from young and this is already on my spring buy list. Muaahaahah!
Great re-cap Nozknoz! Thank you! I didn’t even realize that there was a recreated version of Iris Gris. Where do you find it, and what is it called. And you’re going to spark a run on La Myrrhe with comparisons to the famous Chypre.
March posted on the recreated Iris Gris on Perfume Posse in May – samples had appeared on ebay briefly. I ordered my samples through their website, Legendary Fragrances, Inc. – at $15 each (ouch!). Now they seem to be offering bottles, too! ***rubbing chin thoughtfully***
If you Google “iris gris legendary fragrances” it should be one of the links. In this, the combination of iris and peach create a vivid, almost Asian pear-like scent in the top notes. I find it luscious but not the same as the Osmotheque’s Iris Gris, which should be as close as possible to the original. That one is lighter, drier and woodier (or perhaps, more properly, rootier). I’d feel like I had to put on a perfectly tailored couture suit to wear it though, to be honest.
Forgot to emphasize “reminds me of” – I’m not sure others would sniff the comparison, and I didn’t think of it in time to ask anyone at the event. But you cannot go wrong sampling La Myrrhe and Bois de Violette (the latter IMO is almost La Myrrhe dressed in violet).
I will say, though – and now I’m reflecting on Nava’s post on SL in Perfume Posse this week – that I’m now wondering if part of what makes Uncle Serge so wonderful might be that he is reaching back to the foundations of perfumery at the same time as he creates new ideas.
Thanks so much for the info. And excellent points about SL. La Myrrhe is one I haven’t tried so adding it to the list. Not sure about the BdV – most violets don’t work on me, but the ones that do are lovely.
Hrm, Rapple… I’d be curious to see what you think of the CBIHP. I wonder if we’re on opposite ends of the violet spectrum. (They usually don’t work for me, either.)
LA MYRRHE! So gorgeous.
Funny, though, Bois de Violette did nuthin’ for me.
What a wonderful adventure! Glad you got to do that!
wow! (again) I will now be googling Rosine Fruite Defendu and Legendary fragrances !! Thanks for all the great info Noz!!
Coconut…I need to smell some coconut….
I heard via March’s post on today’s Perfume Posse that you had written up your comments on Friday and Saturday’s events here on NST, so I’m finally searching them out and reading them. Sounds like you had a great time on Saturday. I’m envious, but happy for you. It was fun to meet you. And now that I know you like green chypres, based on your post right above, I wish I could have talked to you more and chatted about favorites. I love green scents, green florals, green chypres, etc. Iris is one of my two all-time favorite notes — the other being galbanum — so I with I could have sniffed the Iris Gris re-creation. 🙂
Hi Daisy! And here you are hosting. So I already commented above about Like This, which I am in love with (LOVE), but I’ll also say that I just tried on my sample of Amouage Opus I today and it was PERFECT for a cool fall day with lots of cooking to be done: spices and gourmand but with the Amouage trademark “ade” in the background – LORDY. There are few Amouages that don’t make me crazy with desire to own, unfortunately, and now I need to figure out how to get my hands on a serious split of Opus I. Tragedy! (yum.)
Hey Lemon!
hahahaha –you’ve been bitten by the Amouage bug, eh? That’s verra, verra bad, and the only cure? —coating yourself with a good layer of Amouage! (not helping?) I have been avoiding the Opus set…since with Amouage sniffing generally leads to buying….but it sounds as if you are ripe for hosting a split! (lol -you knew that was coming) 😉
a-ha, and now I know what can go in w/your split…
…I knew you were trouble….
Too funny, I just tried that Amouage yesterday. It didn’t quite work for me, but I agree it’s a perfect fall fragrance if your chemistry cooperates with it.
hi daisy. hosting suits u as much as enabling…tgthr an awesome duo!
mmm, i have been using l’heure bleue and fumerie turque (love the flowers, sweet and smokey> We have just finished our festival of succot and this is the time that i usually take out daim blonde, it always seems to bloom in the outdoor sukkah where we eat with a lot of friends and community….this time however,i used a lot of the new chloe, love chloe, but kept seeming to smell daim blonde on all my friends…i think i will have to remeber to use it nest year. i have enjoyed love chloe and that lead me to take out and use the chloe intense which i enjoyed as well. in ur add to the diamond pin award, i will purchase champagne de bois…finally
Somehow I keep missing out on testing Daim Blonde. That must be remedied…
And hope you enjoy your Champagne de Bois – I think it’s wonderful stuff.
Ohhhh Mals86, do try it if you get the chance, it is such a wonderful suede scent, it lasts forever, especially on clothes. I recently pulled out some winter jackets and scarves and could still smell it. I only wear it in winter-there’s something about dry cold weather that just brings out the best in it.
LOL –thanks HongKong! I know; enabling and hosting—it’s a double whammy for sure! But you know, these lazy polls are all an enabling-fest anyhow: everyone talking about what’s so good to smell/wear, everyone reading/drooling/taking notes….shopping!
Champagne de Bois is one of my HG fragrances, I hope you love it too!
What’s also fun is finding folks with very similar tastes or ones that can be an evil scent twin for you – which is a very helpful thing! Unfortunately, I find that invariably, I love Daisy’s recommendations and you know what an unending source that has turned out to be! 😉
LOL — you don’t appear to be resisting *too* hard… 😉
You know our motto on NST: Resistance is futile!
😉 you know me so well. 😉
u guys r the best…will let u know about the champagne..although i kind of know i will love it….funny i find the humidity and heat bring out the daim blonde…and i once smelled it on a friend..and it was an extremely feminine/flowery suede…
I’ve been looking for a perfume for Autumn/Winter, something powdery and musky ??
I thought about Dolce & Gabbana light blue pour homme, which is nice and light. so I might get that.
I’ve also got Alien, which people say is nice for cold weather, which I’m wearing today 🙂
I stick to mainstream scents, I’ve never had a niche perfume, partly because they’re hardly available to me and also I can’t even prnounce many of the names. has anybody got any suggestions? thankyou 🙂
I actually enjoy Alien. I mean, I think it’s sort of sweet and loud – but I like sleeping in it. I’ve gone through two spray samples already.
Did you try the Prada L’eau Ambree?
:O yes. I went off Alien for the past month. but for the past few days I’ve been wearing it for bed to try and get to like it again, and it’s worked. the first time I ever wore perfume to bed 😮 I had on today aswell for college and it feels more “radiant” in cold weather than in the summer. (I’ve only had it since June or something so I wouldn’t know).
oddly it gets me to sleep faster, it clears out all thought. it feels good to smell nice for bed, but it also feels unnatural to me. since I usually smell of something anyway when I go to bed ie bodywash and body moisturiser=Jergens cocoa butter or fake tan in the summer. but that’s subtle and Alien is LOUD lol.
but your right Alien does feel nice to go to bed in 🙂
and yes I have tried Prada L’eau Ambree and it is one of the three Prada fragrances I like 🙂 there is a note in L’eau Ambree that get’s on my nerves a bit at the beginning, but then goes after 5minutes. I might actually get L’eau Ambree thankyou MALS86 🙂
First of all —we need to work on your reticence to delve into niche. Online shopping is a gift from the Perfume Gods….no need for accurate pronunciation! I would wager that the majority of us are mangling a large number of the predominantly French fragrance names—for goodness sake, I took 5 years of french in school and many of the perfume names still drop from my tongue like big ugly stones! And don’t let SA’s fool you–I found that many of them are just as bad as rest of us!
Now let’s move on to musky/powdery for fall—this is a tough question since I tend to go for the feminine end of that genre. Hopefully someone will chime in with great ideas for you but here’s few to think about : Habanita parfum, Micallef Royal Muska, Bal a Versailles parfum, PG Felanilla, L’Artisan Mure et Musk….maybe Montale Boisé Vanillé (it’s dry powdery woods with vanilla…not musky though) .
thankyou Daisy 🙂
and sorry, I meant powdery OR musky. and since D&G light blue is my idea of powdery maybe that helps a bit lol
and I’m not bothered if they’re feminine. there are many mens fragrances I don’t like or won’t try either because: they smell the same, or they smell basic and un-adventurous or risky or too deep and dark. I don’t often get “masculine fragrances” aynway 🙂
and you could probably guess I’ve never heard of Habanita parfum, Micallef Royal Muska, Bal a Versailles parfum, PG Felanilla, L’Artisan Mure et Musk aha 🙂
ah! well…powdery is a whole different ballgame! Tell me, are you in the US? I can send a few samples that may open your nostrils to the wonders of niche…. (say hello to the rabbit hole) 🙂
no Daisy, I’m in the UK :/ thankyou though
oh, it’s not a problem at all to send samples to the UK –it just takes longer and it’s a tiny bit more postage–no big deal. I was just thinking that it might be easier to get samples near where you are (by easier I mean lots faster). But I have no idea what your options are around there….also there are a few participants of the scentsplits at wikidot. com page that are in the UK so getting decants of niche would be very convenient from them. I just feel like you are missing so much great stuff by avoiding niche. If you go to the wiki page, pay attention to a seller named Suze —she’s in the UK and has a huge variety of things. Also you are welcome to email me at Daisyloo82 at gmail dot com 🙂
Owen-how about Sonoma Scent Studio’s Ambre Noir? It’s got myrrh, labdanum, agarwood, sandalwood, incense, vetiver and amber. Her scents are very well designed, and won’t break the bank either.
yes! good one, Smokeytoes!
I haven’t heard of that but I’ve had a look at it on Google and it sounds nice, I will look for Ambre Noir thankyou Smokeytoes 🙂
Hi Daisy! When the temp dips, I find myself reaching for the incense. and spice (both in the kitchen and on my wrists). This week it was Bond Silver Factory, Parfum Sacre, Safran Troublant, Lyric for Women and Theorema (my go to scent when I’m cold and need some comfort).
LOVE LOVE LOVE Parfum Sacre and Lyric!
Reaching for the spice and incense is exactly the right thing to do! I especially need both those today! Last night I was so cold—first I tried to steal the CEO’s share of the blankets…then I had to get up at 3 a.m. to find big, thick, fuzzy socks , cuz who can sleep with icicle feet? ….the CEO was all “it’s 71 degrees in here….” to which I sort of screeched “I’m sleeping in the freaking arctic circle!! I NEED socks…gimmee your blankets! ” gah! I’m still cold today. It’s going to be a long long winter!
oh yeah…perfume…it’s definitely a Theorema day! 4, maybe 5 spritzes!
Safran Troublant is *so* comforting; it’s great for the doldrums 🙂
Logging on a little late but what a great poll! For this time of year, I love Ta’if ;-), Daim Blond, 31 rue Cambon, Tabac Blond, Iris Poudree, Chanel 5, Mariella Burani, AL No23, and others that I can’t think of at the moment….major amber lemmings, though.
After reading all these posts, it looks like I’ll have to retest that SSS Champagne!
So nice to see a mention of Mariella Burani – I love that stuff year round. Love No.5 parfum and 31RC too, and just received a swap sample of Iris Poudre that I’m looking forward to testing.
Champagne de Bois really shines in cool weather – I know several people who wear it in the summer, but I could not POSSIBLY do it.
Iris Poudree – now that is another yummy. So powdery and comforting.
FM Iris Poudre is my favorite “dress up” during the day scent. When I really have to be dressed for an event, it always provides the perfect finishing touch. It always makes me feel very classy and utterly feminine. It’s simply a gorgeous scent.
You’re so right! Iris Poudre is a “dressy” fragrance. I just managed to wrangle a decant of IP and just a tiny spritz on the back of my hand created a sillage cloud! (just like I like!) Good stuff indeed.
loove iris poudre…and the LOVE,chloe is along a similar vein..soft and pwdery
Actually, Mals, it was our lovely host, Daisy that introduced Mariella to me, and I think you to her? So you should really get a commission 🙂
yes ma’am….it’s a “six degrees of enabling” sort of thing. It was indeed Mals that first brought Mariella Burani to my attention.
And I have to credit Abigail at I Smell Therefore I Am. (I have to credit her with Alahine as well – so thanks, Abigail!)
caution Mals! Iris Poudre is powerful….lots of sillage (at least for me) and I know you’re a light applier who doesn’t exist in a perfume cloud like I do. IP has a bit of a vintage vibe to it so I’ll be interested to know if you like it or not.
‘Kay, it’s Monday, and I have Iris Poudre on one wrist (Hi, Elisa!) and Iris Nobile edt (Hi, Tamara!) on the other… IP is tres wafty, and smells *delicious* two inches away from my wrist, while close up I don’t like it much. Weird. It’s beginning to remind me just a wee bit of L’Ame Soeur… which I like but do not love.
IN edt I was totally digging for the first fifteen minutes, which surprised me a lot. It feels summery, which is not what I generally want in 60F weather, but it’s effortlessly beautiful. But it’s starting to go rather soapy now, which is what orange blossom tends to do on me, so maybe I can scratch this one off the list after all.
you know, the Iris Nobile in Edp is quite different….maybe you’d do better with that?
Iris Poudre—hoovering doesn’t do it with this one…I agree: it’s better to enjoy the sillage than a good hefty wrist sniff. Close up there’s just something a little unsettling….
I completely agree – up close it smells really weird, but such lovely wafting.
IP smells a little like L’ame Soeur? No wonder I like it so much. I’ll have to smell it again to see if I can find the other “attitudes” people mention they get in it. Aren’t samples just wonderful?
ALSO thanks to lovely Tamara, I have a sample of IN edp, so I’ll get to that soon.
IP reminds me of my dear sweetie Mariella Burani in the drydown – tonka bean, vanilla, sandalwood, and maybe a teeny whiff of musk – and I think it is FABULOUS. Alas, very spendy. A big girly-pretty powder puff of lotsabucks…
I could just go buy another big bottle of MB for $30 instead.
Now that is an idea Mals!
Hi Daisy, late to the party. Welcome as host.
I sometimes need a chocolate scent, so now it is time for my vial of Chocolate Greedy Montale (my 2 ml sample lasts for 1,5 year now). I tried Amour de Cacao CSP, but I got a very artificial smell on my skin. If anyone has a suggestion (without patchouli), please let me know. Thanks. I have read something about Serendipitous, does someone know the scent? Have a nice weekend.
I’ve not tried chocolate in perfume (yet) but Denyse at just did a review of Mathilde Laurent’s newest fragrance for the Cartier collection – L’Heure Defendue, which is a chocolate scent. Mathilde Laurent is a very talented perfumer and the previous L’Heure perfumes were all very well done. Might be worth checking out.
I wonder if that name is meant to be punny? Or if it’s just to my ear… Defendue…fendue..fondue. Chocolate. 😀
LOL! You could be right!
Ha! I like it —Fondue…. funny
the biggest chocolate bar fragrance I’ve ever come across is Lea St. Barth Lea Extreme. For slightly less in-your-face chocolate Lea St. Barth Lea….it’s vanilla…but somehow also chocolate. No patch in either one. Another option might be Laura Mercier Nuit Enchantees which has a mug of hot chocolate hidden at the bottom of the bottle…or at least it smells like it does!
Don’t know that, but may I make a suggestion? I tried Parfumerie Generale’s Brulure de Rose and got lots of cocoa (made me want to drink a mug of hot cocoa!). Maybe you might like it, as it is different and I don’t think it has any patch.
The cocoa is very apparent in this to me, after the first 15 minutes or so, and no patch to speak of! And, it’s so beautiful 🙂
If I’m not too late, just thought of another with chocolate – Sarah Jessica Parker’s Covet. It also has a sort of geranium/lavendery note, but the chocolate makes it smooth and a little sweet. It’s an extremely comforting scent and not like any other of the SJPs. And of course it is discontinued, but still available (and at the moment relatively cheap) online and at discounters.
PLH, I like the Missoni that came out a few years ago in orange packaging. It uses chocolate as a bitter note against a soft melon note.
Speaking of chocolate…apparenty 100% Love is one. I am not sure what to make of it though. Has anyone tried it? Any impressions? I think I smell some chocolate in it, but I get salty notes as well…. but then again, that is probably just my nose trying to make sense of all these treats I keep subjecting it to.
I tried that early on, before I knew that “chocolate” as a note would turn out to be an automatic NO for me. It’s… wacky. It made me laugh. It’s like your overanxious-Valentine boyfriend tripped and smushed the roses into the box of chocolate-covered strawberries. I found it interesting but totally unwearable – but I think some people really, really like it.
OK then, I thought it was just me. Good to know you er… “smell”… the same!
Thanks. I am now on my way to order samples.
Also, anything from the Payard collection. That’s how I get my choc fix 🙂
serendipitous is a lovely fluffy, creamy chocolate scent on me….never fails to get comments. I’d be happy to send you a sample if you’re interested 🙂
That is very kind of you, but I live in Germany.
Fall has definitely arrived in Holland, but today is very pleasant and the sun is actually shining. I’ve been wearing only Aqaba for the past several weeks, except for my comfort scent Lalique Amethyst when I go to sleep. But because the weather is changing, I decided to wear some of my other fragrances. My SOTD is C&S Dark Rose. When it turns colder, I’ll be wearing my Amouage Epic Woman again, although I did wear it sometimes this past summer. I have a sample of Agent Provocateur which I am planning to occasionally wear this coming week. I like it very much, but it’s not “quite” me. I’d like to try the other two, Strip and I can’t think of the other name. I can’t find these anywhere, so will have to try and see if I can order samples anywhere.
I started off the day trying some of my sample of Nikki de Saint Phalle (sp?) on my wrist, but this third attempt to like it didn’t work.
Alas! I have always been a fan of her art, and I am very much in love with the bottles (which are still available). It’s nice, and also a bit quirky, but it just isn’t me at all. 🙁
So far, the constantly growing array of samples I’ve ordered have failed to please me enough to make a real purchase. Scents that sound like they’d appeal to me are not generally available here, unless I travel to a specialty shop. Due to current health issues, that isn”t easy. Drat! I’ll have to do some more online ordering.
So many perfumes; so little time!
Jonette, I enjoy Niki every now and then, but I don’t think I would have liked it at all 20 years ago. Haunani described it above as “wacky.” 🙂
Hope your health issues resolve before too long. Which Aqaba have you been wearing? I ordered samples of some Aqabas that were recommended in the last poll and am looking forward to testing them.
sorry to hear you aren’t doing to well right now Jonette…hope you’re better soon. Epic is really nice to look forward to with the colder weather and Dark Rose is pretty intense too….what other notes do you like? Oh, and Niki de Saint Phalle doesn’t work at all for me either–all bitter and soapy, but the bottles are very pretty.
I am playing with layering today. I drenched myself in LaVanilla’s Lavendar Vanilla body butter first thing this morning after the shower. Then afer brunch, I added 1 spray of Prada Intense on one wrist and topped it with a spray of EL PC Amber YY. I held the bottle of the EL at a longer distance so it would diffuse a bit more than the Prada. Now on the other wrist I did the reverse – started with the EL and followed with the Prada. Now I know both of these scents are heavy hitters in the sillage department, but they actually both quiet down very quickly and become skin scents on me. So far the Prada 1st followed by the EL PC Amber YY is winning me over. It’s divine on this 50 degree overcast day! The EL really softens the patchouli of the Prada without becoming too sweet on me. Sometimes the Prada Intense can feel a little too masculine on me and sometimes the EL PC A YY can feel to sweet – although I really like them both a lot – but so far I am really liking the combo even more! The lavendar is combining wonderfully as well with both scents – it’s just a soft whisper that comes and goes in the background. Hmmmmm! This is fun!
Mad scientist, Dr. F. Duddy, hard at work…..
isn’t it weird how the order in which you apply the layers makes a difference? Have fun experimenting! 😀
Hi all,
My favorite transitional Fall weather scent is Sonoma Scent Studio’s Jour Ensoleille. It’s a light chypre/floral that is perfect for a seasonal transition. It has great body but isn’t too heavy in case the day gets warmer than expected. It is very subtle-wears all day on me but without huge sillage.
My wish would be Guerlain’s Parure-of course it’s discontinued but I search online discounters in the hopes of finding some…..
I just looked on the bay – there’s a few bottles.
Thanks Tama! I’ll have to take a look right now. (madly tapping away at keyboard……)
I think Jour Ensoleille is the only SSS I haven’t tried! I wish my day would get a little warmer—so cold and gray…colder than it was this morning–holy cow that sounds like the beginning of winter, doesn’t it? arg!
ahh, Parure! So sad to see that becoming more and more rare. Tama’s right, there are a few 30ml bottles on ebay…but sooo pricey! I’m always hoping for one of those black recharge cans to pop up from an estate auction ….and since I’m fantasizing here…it’s really really cheap because the bottle isn’t very attractive and no one realizes what it is….oh, and the can is completely full (if I’m going to fantasize I’m might as well dream big, right?) 🙂
Hey Daisy! Glad to see you hosting!
Isn’t Laurie great? If you love powdery/soft florals, have you tried SSS’s Lieu de Reves? That scent was my trip down the rabbit hole. Instant swoon, had to have it now kind of love.
I have loved all of her scents so far (velvet rose, opal, Lieu de Reves, Wood Violet, Ambre Noir).
Another day, another scent opportunity! It’s a chilly gray day. Time to cozy up and get comfy with fuzzy warm things on feet, pottering about doing indulgent “weekend” things that make me happy. Not an errand in sight and nothing that “needs” doing! I have been a good, hard working girl all week. I had to do it today, it is Bois des Iles all the way. Maybe I’ll eat Belgian chocolate too!
mmmmm! now that’s a Sunday plan I can really get behind! When you’re done with your chocolate and you get bored…feel free to come on over here—I’ve got plenty of ironing to do and I’m happy to share…
I’ll help with the ironing. But one request(?) Can I play with your samples please? I’ll bring Jasmine Dragon pearl tea too!
Cool! If you help with the ironing : not only can you play in the perfume cabinets but I’ll let you play in the bead room too. I should warn you I have quite a pile of white cotton dress shirts that are impossibly wrinkly.
What a great poll, Daisy. I was so glad to pull out the Bvlgari Black yesterday and am wearing SL Daim Blond today. I think the frags I’d like to own the most for approaching cold weather and winter would have to be Musc Ravageur and Coromandel. A couple winter staples for me would be Sweet Oriental Dream, followed by Spiritueuse Double Vanille, and I’m so glad I have both when the snow is flying and we settle in with some cocoa by the fire.
ah yes, SDV in the depth of winter cold! yep, that’s a standard for me too! Problem is—I’m looking at those middle of winter fragrances today! First weekend of October! This is going to be a long winter for me…at least I’m fully stocked on cold weather perfume!
Hello Daisy–thanks for hosting! I am all about the smoke and incense when the weather cools. Also have this orange and patch body lotion (the label is long gone) that seems to ripen right on my skin and drives men wild. When I run out of this, I fear my sex life will be over!!
Try Lush Karma for your orange and patch – they make a divine body cream. I love it.
Can’t take chances with the sex life. Get a move on girl! Find a replacement (Tama’s helpful) for that, pronto. Then you can rest assured of continued….um…happiness!
Oh! That reminds me of another fall pleasure of mine, Pacifica’s Tibetan Mountain Temple body butter. It smells like incense-infused gingerbread!
Everybody else has good suggestions, but I also thought of another open poll when LaMaroc was asking for BPAL suggestions, and I told her about Ravenous- an orange/ patchouli combo that turns rather animalic with the orange verging on orange creamsicle.
that sounds like a great one to try!
If you decide to try this and want help choosing 5 more samps for a BPAL sampler pack, please contact me. I love to help!
Hi Jepster! It looks as though your comrades in perfume have taken the imminent threat to your sex life quite seriously and have given some recommendations. (I’m considering them myself!) 😀
Smoke and incense….oh, girl! you are speaking in Daisy-ese….sometimes nothing will do but a huge dose of incense and even better if there’s some smoke in there too….so I’m curious what your favorite go-to smoke / incense fragrances are. Ambre Narguile, Habanita, Bois d’Armenie, SDV, Zagorsk? Do tell !
Actually… since its been really crisp and chilly the past couple of nights.. I’ve been layering my 2 Armani Prive Favorites… Bois D’Encens and Ambre Soie… Deelish… and I’ve always wanted a bottle of Chanel Coromandel for the winter months… But i could never envision myself going through all 200ml…. But, i just recieved an e-mail from Chanel saying that they’ve released Petite Flacons of some of the Les Exclusifs… And Coromandel is one of them!!!! My bank account is quaking in fear now… i may need a small bottle of Beige as well =)…
Be brave. Take your credit card firmly in hand, stand up proudly, look that bottle right in the eye and demand it come home with you now!. You will feel much more quaking in fear. Besides it’ll bring many, many days of pleasure. How can you deny yourself?
You must smell FABULOUS! But that’s no excuse: as our local Pacifica station salsa program host just said about the pledge drive, it’s time to “put on your man trousers” – and dial Chanel! LOL
oh Stephen…..dear, you didn’t think you were going get help resisting, did you??? I believe Rapple previously stated our group motto: Resistance is futile! 200ml is rather a lot….unless you plan to wear only that for quite some time…..and you clearly NEED to have some so the choices are clear: split or Petite Flacon. Has anyone checked the prices on the small versions? I should go look….I hope they aren’t punishing us by making them too spendy!
Yesterday I received my beautifully packaged sample set of the new Liz Zorn Acousticjus collection and promptly dabbed a bit of the I.C.U. – Black Leather, Cigarettes, Moss and Woods. And Pine Tar soap, apparently. But after the initial shock (which kind of happens to me with leather perfumes for some reason) I was giggling like mad. Pretty great drydown, like if someone put a bunch of ciggies out in the dregs of a bottle of Chene and spilled it on their bomber jacket. I will need verrry cold weather for that one.
Gosh, between my new Tauer set, this set, and the massive lot of Carons recently sent to me, I am a busy sampling girl. What to wear? What to wear?
You must be in perfumista heaven! Enjoy the variety. Wear everything, just not all at once. 😉
Right now I have Carons on: Parfum Sacre on one wrist and Poivre parfum on the other. Quite a nice combo, actually.
Hmmmm. I have to remember to try these interesting creations. I am pretty boring, I think. I have, earlier in the day, BdL and I just got brave enough to try Daim Blond on top. I think I like it, not quite sure yet. Have to try more times.
Ooooh. Poivre+Parfum Sacre.
“like if someone put a bunch of ciggies out in the dregs of a bottle of Chene and spilled it on their bomber jacket” – I love your description, LOL!
What fun! It was a good day at your mailbox! I bet you squealed and danced all the back to the house (but very carefully! watch your step!) Sniffy Heaven that’s what it is!
I’m so proud of your extreme willpower—only two scents at a time…hahaha you know I’d have dabs everywhere , forget what was what…have to start labeling body parts with perfume names with an ink pen…and not be able to differentiate anything in the ensuing cloud!
I actually rarely do two! lol
The weather here in S. Africa is getting hotter and hotterer! But, vanillas are my first love, even if mostly unwearable during the day now. My last purchase has been Dior’s addict (original). The guide to perfume’s found it atrocious and it seems most renowned for giving people migraines but I couldn’t unglue my nose from my arm after trying it! I also recently tried YSL cinema – which is also probably a fall fragrance – but alas – I think I will have to have this too!!!!!
J dore absolu is (absolutely) lovely – but quite a price. At the moment there is a 20% off but doesn’t come less than a 50ml – boo hoo! Would this be good for summer – fresh, if not quite a tonic? and does anyone know how good its staying power is?
It’s more of a golden, deep jasmine than one that I’d call fresh. To me it’s an evening scent, and I find the staying power excellent. It was a limited edition, so try to sample first, if you can, but don’t wait too long!
Thanks for the tip! I had heard it was a limited but the SA seemed not to think so. I got to hoping it had been made non-limited! I have tested it in the shop once or twice. The first time loved it – the second time it kind of faded next to the others I had sampled elsewhere on my skin – so I ended up not sure / :
Furthering my confusion – I have heard that cinema is discontinued. Is this true; does anyone around here use it?
By the way – I think Jean Paul Gaultier’s power 2 would be great for Autumn…
I had heard it was limited as well. I suppose if you wore it with moderation it’d be fine in hot weather; especially if you spend time in air conditioned buildings. Sometimes air conditioned places are so cold it might as well be winter! Then I’d wear whatever I wanted and enjoy my favorites to the fullest!
Daisy, I know exactly what you mean! I do wear warmer scents if I know I’m going to be somewhere air-conditioned. At least, I dont feel the need then for summer-tonic types!
Hi, Merlin – I quite like J’Adore L’Absolu and I would definitely wear it in the summer, although not in heavy sweaty heat. Summer evenings, yes. If you’re used to Addict, though, I think you’d be fine in L’Absolu.
And yes, it IS limited edition. Sadly.
Hello everyone! My transitional fragrance as summer turns into fall will be what’s left of my sample of Herme’s Brin de Reglisse. Unfortunately, my perfume collection is very small so I don’t really have anything that smells like Autumn. Most of my perfumes are spring and summer fragrances. Would anyone happen to have any suggestions for a warm apple fragrance though? Maybe something with a little bit of spice in it…
Hey Holly,
apple is a note that is infamous for being hard to capture, thus often smelling synthetic or like hard candy. But these are a few I’ve heard are supposed to be good at really capturing the apple and have wood, spice, or earthiness that are warming.
CBIHP Gathering Apples- Thousands of Ripe Red Mackintosh Apples and a bit of old weathered wood from the bushel baskets.
Brandy- apple, peach, spices and herbaceous heart notes.
DL & CO Thorn apple- apple wood, vetiver, oakmoss, patchouli.
I agree with Valkyrie, and was going to say to try Brandy.
You can also visit theperfumedcourt dot com and search for perfumes by note…fruity notes…then apple –it’ll come up with a number of things for you to try. Apple happens to be one of my least favorite notes (mostly because apple in perfume goes weirdly sour on me) but I happen to lurve spice notes. I happen to have several extremely delicious spicey/gourmand type perfumes if you’d like to try some things of that genre….drop me a note at Daisyloo82 @ gmail dot com and I can set you up with a few samples….we can’t have you going into fall without a good cozy spice fragrance to wear! (egad! are we barbarians??!!) 😉
Hi Holly, Brandy has been a fave of mine during our southern hemisphere autumn/winter. Conjures up images of those beautiful crisp days when you rug up for a long walk. I have a bottle & I’m happy to share. Let me know if you want some 🙂
Thank you all for the suggestions. They all sound wonderful, especially Brandy. 🙂
Crissyinoz, that’s very nice of you! I’d love to get a little sample. How may I contact you? You can email me at spchykpb @ aol . com.
Holly I tried to email you but it bounded back 🙁 did u miss something out in yr addy? anyways you can contact me at 🙂
oops that would be bounced
Okay I sent you an email, hopefully you received it. 🙂
It’s been a blast being your Guest Host this weekend. My sincere thanks to everyone who showed up to comment, ask questions, answer questions, offer advice, offer snark, read voraciously, and generally share fun and camaraderie this weekend. I bid you all Goodnight….now go forth and smell fabulous!
~Dangerous Daisy, Empress of Enabling, Queen Jellyfish, Perfume Dragon (that’s a whole ‘nuther story) , humble Guest Host 😉
Just want to say you did a great job on this, Daisy! I hope you’ll do it again, soon.
Thank you Suddenly! I hope everyone enjoyed the poll this weekend and I feel kind of bad for leaving all the west coasters in what is essentially the middle of the evening but I’m tuckered out! I’m sure they’ll continue to chat while those of us in the EST are snoozing away!
i am totally confused, and seem to miss out chatting while u all sleep!!! oh well…i’lle be in dreamland while u r all up
but I think it’s really nice that you stay up late to chat with us sometimes, thanks for stopping by last night 🙂
This time of year I’m usually wearing TOM FORD “Black Orchid”, but Ive just discovered Nicole Miller For Men, and I have to say for 9.99 at Marshalls (in NYC), I’m very impressed. This was a blind buy, but I did (as I usually do) Google the notes. It’s a nice apple-burbon-leather-sandalwood fusion. I can see myself liking this one a lot.
Hey! Nice score at Marshall’s! for 10 bucks it’s hard to go wrong and it turned out that you love it—so that officially makes it “treasure” . Bourbon, leather & sandalwood sounds ideal for fall…bet you smell great! 🙂
Bit late for the weekend, but……….Patchouli27 and Sienne L’Hiver are great summer-to-autumn scents for me. There’s still something bright and fresh about them, but they reflect the shift of scent-mood. And now autumn is moving into winter pretty quick here in the UK (!) I’m onto Musc Ravageur………not too heavy, very warm and sensual, a fabulous way to make winter a little more welcome! I’ll be moving onto my heavy Tauer and leathers soon! Cuir Mauresque is being released into export soon! YAY!
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever smelled Musc Ravageur (hanging head in shame) but people talk about it all the time! And then you’re looking to leather for winter warmth…I agree! I’ve been eyeballing my Cuir de Russie and latest discovery PG Cuir d’Iris….mmmmm.
well now, i can enable…let me know how to send it to u, and i will mail u some!!!with pleasure….
Daisy, guess you may be asleep now??? Just wanted to say thanks for the cool topic (ha ha – no pun intended (sic!)) Wishing everyone a wonderful week!
Hahahha oh come on….pun sooo intended! Thanks for joining in the fun this weekend and a wonderful week to you too! 🙂
Ordered a sample of SSS Femme Jolie today, SO excited! FYI: The shopping carts are closed to regular size purchases right now while she’s on a break, it says, but samples are still available, also 2.5 mL size spray samples which I think is a lovely size for a sample, LOL! (You can always order more than one, right?) Thanks again to Daisy for hosting, awesome turnout!
Thank you, Daisy!!
just ordered champagne!!!finally… note the note above on musc ravager
I finally got through all of the comments and I absolutely couldn’t go another day without knowing for myself what you all were talking about… I ordered about a dozen samples of some the perfumes mentioned that sounded good to me. I blame and thank you all! 🙂
Some of the samples currently on their way to my grubby little hands: Amouge Opus I, M. Micallef Gaiac, Parfumerie Generale Bois Blond, Parfum d’Empire Wazamba, and Sonoma Scent Studio Champagne de Bois and Tabac Aurea…..along with a few others. I can’t wait to try them all! Hooray for enabling! 😉