Today's poll is simple: choose one (really! only one!) fragrance that you don't think gets enough attention, and tell us why you think it's so special.
Your host today is Dixie. If you haven't met, please say hello to Dixie:
Note: top image is untitled by Minette Layne at flickr; some rights reserved.
Azurée by Estée Lauder, A great citrus leather that would work on a man or a woman…
Hi Datura5750! I agree ! In fact the en entire Estee Lauder line is under rated, but ..oops! We are limited to one, right?
I wanted to say the same thing!
Me three! It’s very odd to me that the popular EL’s, i.e. Beautiful and Pleasures are ones that I think are “meh”. There are a lot of more interesting scents in the EL line than those two.
See below. I really need to beg a bit of that from you… and Aliage if you own it. 😉
I totally agree – I find it so sad that you need to ask for it at the counter, too… while the 47 flankers of Beautiful and Pleasures take prime spot.
There is a woman I work with who wears Azuree as her signature scent. She used to always wander by in this big wake of it, and I’d always tell her how great she smelled! She loves it, but I think she must get some guff about it (not from me!) b/c she wears only a little bit now. I have to stand very close to her to smell it. I told her once how Azuree is considered a classic leather fragrance and it made her happy.
Yes, if she wears it every day maybe she ended up over-applying ( you know how you lose the ability to smell something if you smell it all the time?) I wear just the tiniest dab of Azuree from a mini. I won it on eBay, and as I opened the package I was greeted with the most extraordinarily beautiful and strange scent. The perfume hadn’t leaked noticeably but, well, you know what the Lauders are like – they sure announce themselves!
Oh yes – Azuree has a lot of projection!! I can imagine how good your package smelled. It also smells a lot better than musty hallway in the library where I work. I certainly get immune from some of my fragrances, but it doesn’t happen so much since I don’t wear the same thing all the time anymore.
This was the first one that popped into my head too. I thought it was great the moment I sniffed it!
I keep meaning to try this one…never get around to finding it.
I was going to say EL Sensuous, I’m not sure how much attention it’s getting honestly, but I have to say it’s a modern classic. I’m looking forward to getting a bottle of Sensuous Noir, I was able to test a scent strip from a magazine and while it’s very close to the original, it has a very divine “something” that I love.
I agree! Azuree is wonderful!!
Based on all these comments, I tried this today. Smokeytoes will attest that it smelled like I spilled a cola slurpee on my leather jacket. Only now, about 4 hours in, is it calming down into something nice. Funny how things work, or don’t, as the case may be.
Yep, it got super coke-syrup sweet on Tama, the leather was barely there until at least an hour after spraying.
Haha: Hilary Duff With Love.
It could never possibly get any respect/attention with Hilary Duff’s name attached to it but this fragrance is interesting , warm, and comforting to me. I love it. I’m always afraid it’ll be discontinued. I need to stockpile tons of it so I never run out.
Now I’ll have to go sniff it. I wonder how many truly interesting perfumes are overlooked because they have a celebs name on them?
By the way, I love your name and gravitar.
Aww, thank you! 🙂 Definitely try With Love. It is quite different from most celeb perfumes. It may not be exactly to everyone’s taste but you can’t say it is similar to a Paris Hilton perfume. 🙂
my friend’s mum has Hillary Duff with love or at least had it.
she once brought into Art at school to draw.
Second that on the Hillary Duff With Love – I always get compliments when I wear it.
I will chime in here and agree with that too. The flanker, Wrapped With Love, isn’t too bad either.
Hey, even Chandler Burr stood up for With Love, and I agree! Gorgeous Bottle too!! 🙂
Probably No 5 Eau Premiere. It’s still so gorgeous but I never pick it for the scent of the day. Which is a shame because I FB’d that mother and I still have at least 100ml left.
Oh look, I misread the prompt. x_x
I’m going to have to go with Paprika Brasil. I could own bottles of this; cool iris and dry, hot red pepper. Smells like heated copperware ofter awhile, which is a neat trick. Definitely my favorite Hermessence.
Paprika Brasil sounds nice! I’ll have to try it. 🙂
I agree! Sounds like one I’d like, too.
I adore Eau Premiere! It’s one of my full bottles, too!
I really do love it but I never reach for it.
me three! I love Eau Premiere …have an FB but seldom reach for it…but to be brutally honest: I have too many things for any one fragrance to get very much wear…..oh, and if anyone tells my CEO that I said that….I’ll categorically deny it. 🙂
I love it AND reach for it frequently – guess I’m an anomaly.
Tama, I wear it a lot too. It is one of my go-to frags.
I’ve been meaning to try this forever and can’t believe I haven’t. But once it was no longer the newest thing, my attention went to other things and then I forgot about it. Also, I’ve really scaled back on my sampling as i don’t need anything else!
Oh, which one? Due to my silly misreading, I named two. 😛
The Chanel.
gotcha. 🙂
Hello Dixie!
Boy, this is a tough one.
I think that does not get enough attention is…
L’Eau Bleue D’Issey pour Homme (2004) by Issey Miyake.
This is the fragrance that I know I should buy and never get to.
It comes in such a HUGE presentation, I think it is only available in 100ml. I cannot afford to buy this and have it last 4 years until I drain it.
If I could get a 30ml of this…. I mean do any of you know if there is a smaller size available? Thanks!
Ok I wasn’t gonna, but hey..
The runners up were both Lutens:
Fleurs d’Oranger and Fleurs d’Citronnier. The most vivid transcription of citrus flowers into perfume. Mesmerizing.
Thanks for bringing in a “men’s scent”! I haven’t smelled this one, so I’ll have to search this one out, too.
Dixie, this is what I like about this polls, it is the equivalent of talking among friends who like music and seeing which album are they listening to lately…. a whole universe of possibilities opens before us! Oh my wallet, beat still…. hehehehe
that’s why I love these polls as well….that and top 10 lists…stuff like that I keep a note pad handy as I invariably hear about lots of things I NEED to try. 🙂
P: Those Serges are really on my mind lately, especially because of a bn discussion I read yesterday. I like Le Labo Oranger more, but I must must must get a sample of that Citronnier very soon I think or I will go crazy!
And now I want to try the Labó… hehehehehe
funny, my ceo mentioned a couple of times, that I haven”t worn the serges for a while and so for the last few days, have been wearing fumerie, daim blnde and today cherugui….i love all three
Hi, P! Agree that L’Eau Bleue needs more love if anything for being so unusual, and it’s a shame it didn’t go down well. Anyways, it can be had in a 40ml LE (I own a bottle), although I’d imagine you’d have to look harder for it.
Thank you! I will look for it!
Oh, yes. I tried this during a marathon sniff-fest at a perfume store and it’s one of the few that really stood out. A spicy aquatic woody gourmand? I don’t know how to describe it, besides “distinctive” and “wonderful”. I should get a decant.
That is an accurate way to describe it… sounds all over the place, but feels better “in person” 🙂
Laurence Dumont Tendre Madeleine. I hardly ever see any mention of this anywhere, but this is a wonderful comfort scent. It reminds me a lot of L de Lempicka, but it’s more straight-up cozy and fluffy vanilla, almond and cinnamon. And yet, somehow it doesn’t just scream “cookies!!!”, it’s more sophisticated and well done than that. Looking forward to wearing it in the cold weather!
And thanks for hosting, Dixie!
Hi Jill!
I’m thrilled Robin is letting me host! I LOVE the saturday polls and get introduced to so many new scents-like the one you mentioned. I’ve never heard of that line. The name alone sounds expensive!
Dixie, actually the line is not expensive at all — I think it was $59 for 100 ml!
Oh, this sounds delightful and one I don’t think I’ve seen before. Definitely need to try this — so glad you mentioned it!
I’ve debated trying this one for a long time! I should get a sample already as this sounds perfect.
Oh, Jill! This sounds exquisite! Almond is a note that I mean to explore this Autumn. Definitely going on my list! Thank you!!
Rappleyea, another almond scent I love for fall, if you’re into solid perfumes, is Crazylibellule’s Vanille Macarons. Sounds like it would be overly foody, but it’s not!
Thanks! I always welcome enabling. 😉
oh yum! I’m always up for trying something with almond….adding to list……
Oh, I really like this! But my little sample gets overlooked far too often…
Yes I agree its lovely and not too literal cookie, In my review notes I called it a perfumey almond cookie with a golden aura from soft kisses of citrus and warm soft musk. Its actually a little too perfumey for my taste, I keep wanting to try Carol’s Daughters Almond Cookie which is supposed to be more literal cookie, and its a very affordable line too.
L’ame Soeur by Divine. After a long hard day, it is great to come home take a shower and reconnect with being female. It is great to relax with. no pretentions, no need for armour, and a beautifully made perfume. Who could ask for anything more?
With all the experiments and interesting scents that abound, sometimes just the gentle delicate beauty of this scent is just what is needed and not many seem to know about it.
Wow! Sounds lovely!
I love L’Aime Soeur! I’m sure Daisy will chime in here at some point, and I think Absolute Scentutialist is another fan of it. It’s at the top of my favorite aldehydics, and that’s saying a lot.
OMG, spelling errors everywhere…. I need to learn not to post when I’m still half-asleep. I just get so excited about perfume and can’t stop myself.
Don’t worry about spelling, it happens to all of us. I am a huge offender. I never find them until AFTER I hit the post button.
I am glad to know someone else loves this scent though. It is comforting somehow. Do you love Divine as well? I do, but we were only allowed one for this weekend, so one it is. Oops, I mean was. 😉
I do love Divine, and I think it smells a lot like the original (Lagerfeld) Chloe. It’s very lush and rich-smelling. It’s one my favorites to wear to the opera because it makes me feel like a real grown-up. 🙂
oooo, I like Divine too….both L’ame soeur and Divine are “grown up lady scents” not that that will influence my ordinarily juvenile behaviour. And this reminds me to get out my sample of L’etre aime (is that right?) —need to see if I still like it as much as I did on first test.
Oh, I should dig out my Divine samples. I have a couple of different ones but I’ve only ever tried Divine which is beautiful but totally wears me. Thanks for reminding me, I know what I will be testing this week.
Btw, I got in touch with people at Divine and they were delightful so big thumbs up to the company in general. Definitely the sort of brand that deserves as much support and love as possible 🙂
I agree Abyss, the company seems to have a certain sincerity. I too wish they had more success, and when they do, I hope they keep their “specialness”. They are wonderful to deal with.
I am a great admirer of this line. My favourites are Divine and L’Homme de Coeur. I visited their shop in Dinard last year. It was a very nice experience. I left with 3 bottles and loads, and loads of samples. They sell other perfume besides their own line.
Why should they get bigger? They’ve survived since the late eighties, and generally seem to be doing well.
MMMMM….I lurve L’Ame Soeur!! It’s just glorious and I have never understood why there seems to be no love for it on the blogs. If I wasn’t doused in Cuir de Russie, I’d go have some right now! 🙂
Empress – YOU turned me on to CdR and I do thank you from the bottom of my perfumed heart!
lol –happy to return the enabling favor! 🙂
I love my little sample of the original Divine. Really need to test others in the line!
I would have to say an under rated fragrance is EL Aliage Sport fragrance. It’s sharp, green and has my beloved oakmoss!
Aliage is my favorite (and ONLY) scent to wear on the hottest summer days in my dry-summer climate. When the daytime high is predicted to exceed human body temperature, it’s an Aliage day for me. (Plus– I was lucky enough to find Aliage bath powder on *bay– the perfect cool-down for a hot day).
Hi Dixie! Have fun doing the poll!
I love Aliage, but I’m not sure I’ve heard of the Sport version. I really have to get some Aliage. That and Azuree are both nice and worth having some of. Everyone should know about them!
“Sport” doesn’t mean flanker in this case; it’s just the term EL used for Aliage’s concentration, somewhere between edp and edt. Or maybe it IS edp, but “sport” sounded sportier. The standard bottle has nothing girly about it, so “sport” could be marketed to either sex.
Thank you for hosting, Dixie!
Encre Noir by Lalique; perfect timeless structure from top to bottom, with a vetiver note that crescendos beautifully. Don’t know why it’s been left to collect dust in the gray market. A Lalique gem without a distributor…
hmmm… I seem to remember seeing a sample of that in my Vile Vial Pile….now I’ll have to go a-digging……
I LOVE Encre Noir! I’ve been wanting a FB and kicking myself for not getting one that time I came across it in Neiman Marcus – seems like none of the discounters have it either….
Micallef Mon Parfum! Notes are said to include mandarin, orange blossom, vetiver, vanilla, passion fruit, patchouli, musk and caramel. I’m terrible about being able to pick out individual notes so can’t tell you exactly what I’m smelling but I love how it evolves and it lasts quite a while. Just wish the Micallef line was easier to obtain and not so pricey.
I ordered a luckyscent sample when it first came out and love it! Only the price is holding me back from buying it!
This sounds so good! I’ve tried a couple of the other Micallefs and like them a lot. Too bad it’s such a pricey line!
They ARE too expensive! I broke down and got a bottle of Note Ambree, and covet one of Black Sea.
I always think Mon Parfum is peachy smelling…maybe that’s the passion fruit? …since I don’t really know what passion fruit smells like…maybe it smells like peaches! 🙂
Mon Parfum is amazing, good choice!
I would have to say L’artisan Havana Vanille….it’s intoxicating,the tobacco boozy spiciness is so addictive.
I don’t understand why such low reviews.
I think a lot of people seem to like it, at least around here. But it does seem to be very love-or-hate.
Unfortunately, I wanted to love it so much, but there is something that becomes a bit sour on my skin, and that rarely happens to me. I have to content myself with Spiriteuse Double Vanille & TF Tobacco Vanille for similar swooning experiences. Fortunately, there are many great vanillas!
I just don’t get the love for SdV. It is too rich for my taste – testing it made me feel drunk! I like HV much much more.
I think the problem with HV was that there was so much excitement surrounding the release, such high expectations from so many, that in a way it had to disappoint. I’m not a vanilla lover in general, so I didn’t really have any expectations.
However, I looooove HV, and it’s the item in my collection that I get the most requests for decant swaps on MUA (not that I get a ton of requests overall, mind you 😉 )
I really wanted to like it, but I can hardly smell it! I seem to be anosmic to it or something. It smells like just a tiny bit of rum to me, and then fades into nothing!
I’m solidly in your camp Parfumesse—I lurve me some Havana Vanille! Love the boozy opening and dry down reminds me of some sort of delicious rum-cake…and it lasts and lasts. Anything that invokes rum-soaked-cake is fine by me!
Yes, but it’s light enough to actually wear, unlike SDV.
I should try HV again! So far, the only vanilla scent I really love is the Tocade, in which (to my nose) the vanilla is drier and almost an incense-wood rather than gourmand.
Speaking of underappreciated greatness, I know we all love (That Slut) Tocade, but do we give her the respect such artistry deserves?
Well, I could certainly go on a long list of my own fragrances that languish at the back of the drawer…. But if I must keep it to just one fragrance that I think is often overlooked, I’m gonna pick Fendi Asja. I know it is sadly disc along with all the other Fendi classics. But Asja is a beautiful, soft carnation oriental that is really quite lovely. You just never really hear anybody mention this one, and I guess I’m at fault too.
You beat me to it, AnnS! I wholeheartedly agree and would like to the entire discontinued (or at least “disappeared” in the U.S. Midwest) vintage Fendi line.
Yeah – right after I posted I went and put some on. It is so soft and pretty. The only Fendi found around where I am in PA is the original Fendi…. it’s at the local drug stores. But whoever disc’d all those classic Fendi’s should be hung out to dry. If Fendi, or Asja, or Theorema came out today under the FM or SL line, they’d be hits.
Excellent point!
which reminds me that I have a sample and need to find it …..
Daisy – you like carnations so I think you will like the Asja. It would be in the same ballpark as the CDG Carnation, but with more of those Fendi spices.
…scrambling to the sample bin……
Somehow I have this vision of your sample bin being one of those 40 gallon rubbermaid tubs….. Up to your elbows? Need a NASA sattelite to find a little vial? 😉
Ann, for me it’s practically come to that. Too many vials.
ahhh…Ann, frighteningly close, frighteningly close…. GPS is a good idea….at least the search and recovery party would find me sooner….
Carnation? (ears perking up)
But isn’t it one of those Opium-esque things too?
Mals – carnation, yes. Opium, no. I completely respect the beauty of Opium, but I can’t wear it – I have troubles with that heavy lily and “pepsi” accord in it. Asja smells like a spicier version of the Red Moscow you sent me. I almost picked up a Red Moscow, but then they are so close (as they kind of get in the oribit of Old Spice as well, but less creamy), but didn’t. I was actually thinking of you yesterday when I put it on b/c at one very brief moment in development it gets a bit of a soapy aldehyde (IMHO), and I was wondering if it would head into that shaving cream territory for you.
Uh, oh. Did you say carnation?
Yes, I did! 😉 There are a few carnations popping up on this list today – Asja and below the Laura Mercier L’Heure Magique.
Rose Ikebana! Rose Ikebana!! My new HG!! It is being dismissed because it’s being called not too serious, not enough oomph, flat, boring… I find it the exact opposite! I thought Ambre Narguille was going to be the winner of the series, until I tried Rose Ikebana. Beautiful dewy rose BUT with a very interesting twist of rhubarb, and a grorgeous finish of vanilla honey. It’s possibly the least desired Hermessence fragrances… and good! More for me 🙂
This is one of the few Hermessences I haven’t tried … and you make it sound soooo good! Definitely putting it on my list!
You know, I do love Rose Ikebana when I’m around people who do not like perfume; it’s light enough that it’s not knocking people over the head. I love the way it smells like dawn, shot through with dewy light. I just don’t think it’s worth the cost.
That sounds so good! I’ve been thinking about this one for a while (I love rose and the nose) and probably should acquire a sample.
Dee—you and I should chat….
Do I sense a split coming on?!
Rose Ikebana is totally beautiful
I need to revisit my Rose “Ickie” sample. Not to imply I think it is icky, but it sounds fun that way. I only recall a very transparent “wet” rose… That’s why these polls are so great – reminds me of all the great frags I need to revisit.
I love RI! Should have got some of it instead of the Pamplemousse Rose, but the PR was so much more affordable.
I love Rose Ikebana! And I’m not a fan of rose perfumes for the most part. I only have a sample because that is all I can afford. Maybe it’s time to go back to the store for another very generous sample!
I’m going to nominate Guerlain’s Mahora. This gorgeous scent is currently being sold under the name of Mayotte in the Guerlain boutiques for over $200, but can still be obtained quite easily from the discounters under its former name for waaay less money.
It’s a beautiful, soft white floral, that’s perfect for anyone (me!) who isn’t exactly a white floral lover as it’s very understated. It closes with a soft sandalwood/vetiver base, not a smidge of Guerlainade in sight!
Rappleyea, you made me curious and then you reeled me in with that last sentence!
I think the lack of Guerlainade is why the Guerlain lovers didn’t flock to it. It doesn’t smell anything like a Guerlain!
Which of course is a huge plus in my book! Have to try that one some day…
I have your address Boo…. 😉
I’m curoius as well now. Oh dear, I see more $$$$ flying out the window. Quick, someone catch them!
you still have $$$’s ??? all of mine flew away so long ago I don’t even remember what they looked like…..but I just don’t think about that while I gaze upon my collection….sigh….
Oh, I can SO relate to the gazing. Isn’t it just wonderful to look at them from across the room……they make all the troubles go away. At least temporarily. They also give me a warm and fuzzy feeling to the bottom of my toes as I imagine occasions, both past and future, in which they accompany me. OK! Back to reality!
yuppers—I open the doors to my cabinets, gaze upon my bottles….and then sit here and giggle like a loon….
FO&W – you won’t see too many $$ flying out the window – the Buy Now price on the auction site is only in the $30’s! That’s practically free!
Woah! Wait for me – getting on that bus ASAP!
Great! Let me know what you think.
It’s really lovely. I didn’t realize that had DCd Mahora and repackaged as Mayotte (I thought it was the other way round) … so much old stock out there on the internet, lucky for bargain seekers!
Oh good one! Mahora/Mayotte gets such bad press from Lucatania, I had overlooked it.
A-HA! Maybe the vetiver was why I hated the drydown… I thought it was really, really nice for about six hours, and then it went all sour and unpleasant and I wound up actually scrubbing it off.
My mini bottle of Mahora found a good home, though.
I’ll second Mahora, Rapple. I love all stages of it, and the tuberose is just gorgeous!
Hi Dixie. If you mean choose one perfume that I feel is neglected in blog musings I pick Calandre by Paco Rabanne. I was glad to see Elena review it on the Perfume Shrine last spring:
I’ve worn it for decades. It’s in my spring rotation.
By the way, I’ve since read that it is NOT being discontinued, as stated in the review.
I haven’t tried any Paco Rabanne, so another perfume and line to check out! Thanks!
Oh! Good choice, Suzy Q! Calandre is a lovely green fragrance.
Well, since AnnS got to Fendi Asja before me, my pick is for the fragrance that is trying valiantly to carry that dying torch of bold, sexy, sophisticated fragrances: the new Natori.
I absolutely adore it. Truly admirable staying power. I sprayed a card and put it in my pocketbook over a week ago and when I opened it up last night the glorious resinous scent rolled up to my nose and nearly made me run out with my credit card to buy it! It’ll take me a few more weeks…maybe even a month or so, but I will have her before the first frost hits! She is the perfect winter scent and may even replace my cold-weather fave Donna Karan Black Cashmere. We shall see. 🙂
Is Black Cashmere still available? I keep being told it is discontinued. For some reason, I thought it was re-released in another formulation. Either way, still can’t find it. Care to share the scoop?
It was discontinued and then reformulated. I have a small stock of the old formula in the black pebble shaped bottles. I have not smelled the new reformulation in those tall, elegant but rather staid brushed metal bottles.
I will still keep looking for the new one at least. Thanks for the info!
I think Bergdorf’s had the exclusive at first but I think the distribution should be wider now.
I recall when the new Natori edp was released…there was a bit of ohhing and ahhing and then it just sort of slid off the map …personally I adore it too. Got a bottle…my daughter fell in love with it…decided to get a backup bottle while the getting was good. And the bottle is just so cool! –all that heavy purple glass…and the top is like a rock! I hate it when a house does a nice job with a bottle but the top is a joke. It’s like they turned their brains off before they finished the design.
Yes, to me this fragrance lived up more to the hype than say Havana Vanille (which I still love but don’t feel the insane itch to grab my credit card and purchase it). It is especially maligned in my local dept. store because many call it an “old lady” perfume. *That* attitude is what bothers me more about the fruity-floral takeover than anything. And this has both fruit and floral but it’s got those balsam and woods that give it that old school sophistication I crave in a fragrance.
Natori was called “old lady” ??? talk about losing all credibility at the speed of light!!! what a disappointing SA….you’d think people who work every day around perfume would at least gain a bit of an open mind. tsk tsk…I hope you weren’t forced to bludgeon them repeatedly with an extremely heavy handbag …ok, I admit it—I hope you DID bludgeon them repeatedly with a HUGE handbag!
Actually I said “I’m not THAT much older than you!” to the 20-something SA, to which she began instantly backpedaling and stammering. Lol! The handbag dept is right next to the women’s fragrance counter, too. I could have grabbed a nice weighty Kooba and smacked her into next week! 😛
We must be on the same wavelength today – I was just looking at my Natori sample this morning, and thinking I must resample it tomorrow. I didn’t give it enough attention the first time I sampled it. It was sitting there with my Agent Provocateur sample that I tried instead – another good rich rose & woods fragrance you don’t hear much about.
And then I see your comment below about L’Heure Magique and I just laughed. That was my last FB purchase! 😛
Oh cool! It’s a pretty one. Did you try the body cream? Some day I’ll figure out what it reminds me of from when I was a little girl.
No, I didn’t…in fact I think the only thing they have out of L’HM is the fragrance. The counter manager is a good friend of mine, though, so I’ll have to ask her for a sample the next time I’m in.
I think I sniffed Natori when I was trying a bunch of Bonds and By Killians, and it didn’t make an impression. I shoull probably give it a fairer shake, since I would love to have that bottle in my collection.
I know, that bottle is just gorgeous. The pics online don’t even do it justice.
My favorite that I think is written off as a fruity cocktail is YSL Yvresse. Too many think it is just a syrupy peach scent when really it is an effervescent, intoxicating nectarine that is ready to go dancing.
Yes it has been reformulated, at least twice – I have a bottle of the original Champagne, the renamed Yvresse in the 1.6 oz bottle and the new reformulation when they went to the cheaper bottles (no metal twisting from the base up, just a glass facsimile) and changed the sizes to 2.0 oz and 4.2 oz. They are different but still lovely.
The original Champagne is much deeper and definitly a chypre, the first Yvresse is somewhat lighter but still retains the depth and the lovely drydown. The Yvresse they are selling now in the larger bottles doesn’t smell like a chypre to me and is much lighter but still has that sparkling edge, though it is sweeter and doesn’t last as long.
That’s one of my favorites! I’m always amazed when people turn their noses up at it. I bought a bottle for my partner’s mom, and it’s the only thing she’s ever given back. Fine, more for me!
Miss Kitty, I love that we really seem to share similar tastes in perfume as well as an appreciation for femme fatales.
Oh, definitely! I have an older Yvresse bottle and love it. A chypre through and through, no doubt. It’s a very happy scnet, like sunshine!
Wonderful round up – thanks. I’ve been curious about this one but confused about its history. I see huge bottles of it everywhere going cheap.
Try those larger, cheap bottles and enjoy the champagne cocktail unless you are determined fan of chypres, then seek out the other editions.
Laura Mercier L’Heure Magique. Lovely floral opening (pikake, I think) with sandalwood, amber and musk at the base. Can be a powerhouse but I try to wear it with discretion and it never fails to be commented on.
Sounds wonderful! And I love the name.
L’Heure Magique is a very pretty spicy carnation. There is something in there that I just love – it smells like something from my childhood and I can’t figure it out. The cream is pretty too.
Gosh, this one sounds nice! I’m always up for a carnation-inclusive fragrance.
I think all the Laura Mercier fragrances are underrated. I’ve been flirting with the weird but compelling Marrons Glacé for a while now – I’ve sampled it so many times at Von Maur I bet I’ve used up a FB already.
Comment in which I evangelize about something that I consider an overlooked masterpiece….
Lancôme Sikkim.
To me, this is the most amazingly complex green/leather/floral chypre out there. It never fails to transport me. A bit old-fashioned perhaps, but for some of us, that’s not a bad thing at all. I just had to put on a tiny dab and I’m swooning. I think I need to wear this today. I wish I could convert everyone to the Temple of Sikkim.
I love this too, Joe! Have you ever smelled the vintage formulation? I’m dying to.
I know you love it, Dixie. We know what’s good!
I’ve only tried the version from those “La Collection” sets.
Sikkim has been lurking in the dark for so long for me. Thanks Joe, on my to try list as of immediately. 😀
Ami: Feel free to contact me (click name above) and I’ll send you a sample.
love you Joe, thanks a million, but I live in Hungary. I will get some from TPC. but thanks anyway : )
Well, seriously, shipping a sample to Europe is not so expensive at all ($3?). Feel free to take me up on it at any time. Really.
Joe, I was wondering if you’d bring this one up!!! 😉
You knew I would! Of course, I can see why Climat should get more love too.
Ah, you know, I was just decanting some Climat the other day for a swap, and I was just humming all over my fingers that smelled so good!!! I was thinking there are not enough hours in the day or days in the years to wear all the fragrances I’d love to wear. That Climat is really good too.
Did you ever test that Smell Bent Bollywood or Bust? It kind of reminds me of Sikkim… maybe the grand neice of Sikkim…. just sayin.
Interesting… no, haven’t tried that Smell Bent.
Ann, I tried that Bollywood or Bust yesterday and liked it.
Good! The Smell Bents are so neat – really different. I have some of them lined up for Xmas gift suggestions…. Did you try Never Never Land???
I’ve just started testing my eight samples, which are in the office for mid-afternoon pick-me-ups – I’m not sure whether I got that one. Taking note!
I was going to say EL Azurée, I tried it recently and thought it was fantastic! And it’s something like £29 for 60ml!!! Good AND affordable, what’s not to like?
But since that’s been mentioned already I’m going to say YSL Rive Gauche. That’s another one that hardly ever gets mentioned and I’m not sure if it’s because people don’t like it or if it simply gets over-looked and/or forgotten about. Smells good, easy to find, and, once again, sensibly-priced.
Thanks for the mention. I’m often tempted by RG and you are right, it does get overlooked. The problem is that I must have known someone in the 1980s who wore it a lot but I can’t remember who it was. When I smell it, the memory nags and nags and I sort of feel that I wore it myself it would drive me mad. But it is beautiful.
I love Rive Gauche! I know, Daisy, I can only vote once…but I can agree as often as I want, right? (Pleeeeze?) lol!
hmmm well ONLY because we agree so much…..I used to love Rive Gauche….wore it in the 80’s….it always made me feel somehow more artistic! Can’t explain why….but it did!
I am picking Givenchy Organza. One of my favorite Florientals that doesn’t get much love. I don’t wear it so much anymore but it has held a place in my collection for years.
Info from Fragrantica…. Organza is a magical mix of classical sensuality, delicacy and warmth, a hymn to eternal beauty possessed by every woman. An attractive bottle designed by Serge Manseau is the embodiment of virtues of this fragrance, which is oriental-floral, warm and sweet. It is composed of intoxicating notes of opulent white flowers: gardenia, tuberose and jasmine. The combination is incredibly exciting; soft vanilla in the base tames the voluptuous luxuriance of the floral heart.
I have Organza in pretty much every form, including the rather bland Organza First Light. I only have samples of the Harvest ones, because I could never quite justify a bottle when I have a gallon of the regular stuff. An NST swap pal recently gave me a mini of the parfum, which is lovely. I wear Organza when I want to feel really female, no doubt about it.
Of all the Organza’s, I love Organza Indecence the best. I feel very sexy wearing it.
That’s a great one – I only ever got a mini, but I don’t wear it that often. I get a lot of compliments on it.
I think OI is very sexy, too.
I’m going with Mugler’s B*Men, which I find far more interesting than A*Men.
Thanks for bringing in another “men’s” scent. I didn’t know there was a B*Men.
I’m not sure if Mugler is still producing it–it’s not on their website any more, but it’s still available online and in some shops.
I’ll say… Roma by Laura Biagiotti. I’ve been wearing it again all week, after its absence from my life for two or so years. It’s such a warm little marvel and I rarely hear or read about it. The most delightfully perfect scent for fall on either gender, in my opinion.
“Top notes are black currant, sicilian bergamot, pink grapefruit, mint and hiacynth; middle notes are carnation, jasmine, lily-of-the-valley and rose; base notes are amber, sandalwood, singapore patchouli, amber, musk, civet, vanilla, oakmoss and myrrh.” (via Fragrantica)
The EDT goes for a song on many discount perfume sites nowadays!
OH! Hi Dixie! Thanks for hosting this fun poll!
Hello! I love great scents that are inexpensive! I’ll have to search this one out!
That sounds delish!
I used to wear Venezia which I think is no longer available. The Laura Biagotti scents are very nice. I need to try Roma….
Have to agree with you about Laura Biagiotti fragrances. I’ve tried several and liked them all but my favorite is Sotto Voce.
I’ve not tried SV – I should round up some Biagiotti testers….
I almost listed this one instead of the Laura Mercier. Love the mint in the opening. I think it’s a kissing cousin to Dior’s Dune.
I’m really glad to see someone else has noticed the resemblance between Dune and Roma. Dune is probably more sophisticated. I wear both occasionally. Not together mind you.
I went through a bottle of Venezia long ago. I liked it but not as much as Roma.
I’ve come so close to buying this one more than once. It sounds so nice, and as you say, the price is right.
I have GOT to try this one! Thanks for posting. I hear about it from time to time, and then forget…
This sounds so lovely, I just ordered a mini for $9.
I think some of my faves that get no love get no love because they are freakin’ obscure. But I will put forth my very early fave from when I first started reading this blog: Crazy Libellule and the Poppies l’Olfactive 129, a vanillic fruity floral with notes of bergamot, tangerine, orange, ylang ylang, honey, pepper, elemi, vanilla, amber and patchouli. It never fails to put a smile on my face, I smell warm and sweet all day long, it works in any weather, and it is very reasonably priced. I think it may be too sweet for some, but I do well in sweeter scents.
Tama! I was just “doing my homework” this morning getting ready for swaps, etc. And I saw the Crazy L 129 sample you sent me months ago. I remember I liked it, but I really wanted to test it again. It does start off sweet (but “pretty” sweet like Drole de Rose is “pretty” sweet), but then very quicky, it veers off into some sort of glorious gourmand heaven, the likes of which I rarely smell, esp. since I normally don’t care for gourmands. And I only put on a little bit on my arm – all day I’m like WOW I smell TERRIFIC!!! It *is* a real treasure!!
So glad you like it!!
my new baby is Annick Goutal Heure Exquise. rose, iris, sandalwood and some miracle
AMI – Heure Exquise is some sort of miracle. I think it is a Goutal masterpiece. It is one of my HGs. It really is special.
You are the one who convinced me to buy it unsniffed. I saw it on ebay for a very good price, googled the name on NST, and saw you mention it repeatedly. It was love at first and all subsequent sniffs.
I have the EDP. Have never smelled this in EDT.
Yes oh yes. I have samples of the EDT and the EDP but can never decide which I like the best. (And its thanks to Ann’s wonderful descriptions of it that I tried HE at all.) It’s a relatively quiet fragrance (I find) so I wear it to work, especially if I have meetings. Some of the meetings I have to go to are attended by way cool dudes with iPads and iPhones and whatevers. I sit there with my tatty old green Filofax, and my Heure Exquise, and I reckon that even if they can beat me on technology, I’m ahead on fragrance.
Glad I could help! It is a very refined fragrance, but it is not stuffy either. I’d be right there with you – I have a big old planner that is stuffed to the gills with notes and business cards, and all kinds of fun whatnots, including my list of fragrances if I ever need reference…. all kinds of crazy stuff. If I did have an ipod/digital planner, etc, it would be covered with post it notes!
🙂 really, what good is an organizer without post-its!
You know there is post-it note software, right?
Now I do!
I’ve two words to add to this discussion: Levenger Circa – notebooks, planners, address books, etc. but you have to see the versatility to believe it. Go to and check it out. No affiliation just a happy customer!
Rapp – In my fantasy office that is well organized and well appointed, (like the rest of my fantasy house, lol) I have a full suite of Levenger accessories! I use their ruled journals which are wonderful – the paper is so thick handles my fountain pen well. Although these days I don’t have much time for journaling – and it would be all the same: toddler-zilla this and that. My pen cartridges keep evaporating before I can use them up!
Great choice – HE is such a beautiful, elegantly sexy scent!
The original 1988 Boucheron. It has a lot of favourable reviews relative to negative on Basenotes and Fragrantica but I haven’t heard it mentioned much.
I have a vintage mini in EDT, I think. It’s extraordinarily potent – a small drop is more than sufficient. I have applied more than that, when forgetting its strength, and still enjoyed it but I don’t like other people to be able to smell my approach – it certainly has wicked sillage.
And Oh My Gosh, does it last! And then lasts some more.
The notes (according to Basenotes):
Top notes: lemon, orange blossom, basil, bergamot.
Heart: tuberose, geranium, iris, sandalwood.
Base: benzoin, oakmoss, civet, tonka bean.
Boucheron is a sillage monster! But at least you smell really really good. I had this when it first came out – I really liked it b/c it smelled so different from all the other stuff at the department store. It always makes me feel very confident when I wear it. I still keep a bottle of it, but don’t wear it as much as I should. It is super classy. Sometimes I wonder about buying a little bottle of the parfum just to see what it’s like. It must be seriously potent.
Yes, yes, yes, and yes! Boucheron isn’t even my “type”, but I love her!
Honestly.. I’ve always been surprised on the lack of love Bel Respiro got when Chanel released the Les Exclusifs line…… I really think this one was the sleeper of the collection… and I love it… Not to say that the love for 31 Rue Cambon and 28 La Pausa aren’t justified (I love them too!!!)… But wearing Bel Respiro on a Spring day is one of the most wonderful sensations for me… and I’m surprised by the lack of love for it……
BR is one of my favorites from the line too…and actually, La Pausa and 31RC leave me rather cold.
I’ve been dithering on ordering a La Pausa sample, now I know I should! Thanks Boo!!
Just don’t blame me if you don’t like it either… after all, there is Cuir de Russie to keep in mind. 😉
Heehehehehehee….. so we might be Chanel scent twins then?
holy cow….did the earth suddenly stop spinning?
Nah… just wobbled for a bit. 😀
I don’t remember if I have sniffed that one – I might be there tomorrow – I’ll give it a shot.
Love BR too. Effortless chic.
I’ve fallen for several of the Exclusifs, but surprised myself by draining my Bel Respiro sample quicker than the others. If they do end up offering these in a smaller bottle, Bel Respiro will be my first buy of the collection.
no worries Stephen, Bel Respiro is loved by many of us here 😀
one scent that i love and wear all the time (and have since it came out) and gets me constant compliments and got a FIVE-STAR rating from lucca/turin is: AROMATICS ELIXIR by Clinique. it is a classic chypre-floral and is lovely and (i have been told) citrus-y on ME……..but can smell vastly different on others, so be sure to test it first.
it almost gets no respect!
its notes are Rose, Jasmine, Oakmoss, Ylang Ylang, Vetiver, Patchouli, Musk, Amber, Sandalwood, fresh and woodsy.
it universally gets good to excellent reviews but sometimes it seems like no one has ever heard of it. It is the oldest scent from clinique and it came out in the early 70’s. love it!
YES! I agree jo! On a blog I won’t mention this got listed as one of the top 10 worst perfumes! I couldn’t believe it! It’s definitely a classic in my book.
No, actually the blog you won’t mention reported this being *considered* as reported in the media (I repeat) as one of the top 10 worst fragrances. The blog author has written a glowing review herself about 4 years ago 🙂
A little more attention…
Adding that the top13 worst list had appeared in I don’t know if others had reported about it and critiqued the results as well (they very well might have).
To toot your horn, E, I just have to say that I looked up your analysis of that worst list and it’s very entertaining. If I may, I think others would enjoy it too:
Thank you! Thank you for the clarification!!!!!! I’m glad to be wrong about that!
You’re absolutely welcome and very gracious too, Dixie! 🙂
To clarify further, I believe most people are literally stopped in their tracks by Aromatics Elixir just because it’s so very strong in its original form. (And alas: many people equate “strong” with “bad” and many people can’t regulate their application resulting in giving it a bad name with no reason).
BTW, I once mistook it for Cabochard on someone. Funny eh? Aramis is even closer to it. (same “nose” on all three)
And @Joe,
thanks for the nice words there. Glad you enjoyed! 😀
Aromatics Elixir is beautiful. I’ve told this story on here before, but when I bought a bottle of it at Goodwill the fashion-victim clerk took a sniff of it and wrinkled his nose. I wanted to say, “@#$% you! If you go around wearing camouflage pants with a pink Superman belt buckle you don’t get to judge!”
You find such great stuff – Ysatis, Aromatics Elixer…. super cool.
Mmmm Ysatis very fall like for me..yummy! Good choice – very overooked. It’s too bad Givenchy seems to have forgotten they sell perfume these days…a lot of department stores in my area have stopped selling it….or they have relegated them to shared space with other brand name bottles…
Although as you might imagine, AE frightens me. I mean the shrieking violins from the shower scene in Psycho sort of scary… eek.
It was still not nice for Camouflage Pants Clerk to give you ‘tude about it.
Several years ago when I couldn’t find a job to save me, I worked at the Clinique counter during Christmas. It gives a whole new meaning to the word FRIGHT to be sprayed down daily!!!
Totally agree Jo – Aromatics Elixir is some gorgeous smellin stuff.
Chandler Burr loves it too, and tells a story about following a woman in a patk in NY, just to ask her the scent she is wearing.
The first 20 minutes of AE are so rough and bitter that I think newbies get turned off immediately (I know I did). Once it sits on the skin and warms up, though…wow. Warm, sensual, and grounding, with a fabulous patchouli note and a leathery, oakmossy drydown. Great stuff. I must admit I neglect this myself based purely on its opening – sometimes I spray it on and immediately think, “Ugh, wrong choice”, but later on as I bask in its marvelous sillage I’m in love all over again.
My AE story is that when I was introduced to it last December (while looking for Wrappings), the SA actually said, “This one is stinky, but guys seem to like it.”
Naturally, I liked it.
But that’s just because you *are* so fabulously stinky!
Love that story. 🙂
Heh! Heh! You’re such a chypre man!
I just ordered this from – a mini bottle so I could try it. I think it may have turned because it’s so NOT good. It’s the first time I’ve sniffed it so I don’t know if it’s supposed to smell like that. Sad…
I adore Aromatics Elixir. I even like the first 20 minutes. It’s such a beautiful and unusual scent. It’s one of the purchases I made because of the favourable review in the Guide. Didn’t buy unsniffed though.
It gets called Aromatics of Doom on some of the other blogs.
I keep falling back to Banana Republic Cordovan, for a nice spring green fig scent. I think its their best offering.
Rictor, I actually have a fondness for the original Banana Republic “Classic.” I know I tried dabs of the Cordovan and a couple others (something like Slate and Black Walnut?) a while back, but none knocked my socks off. I may need to sniff that Cordovan again.
Divine L’ame Soeur. It is right up there with No. 5 in my book, but seems as if it is a bit of a hidden gem.
You’ve got my vote on that one!
my sisters!! L’Ame Soeur was one of my first FBs after I discovered niche houses….still love it!
Daisy, I’m right behind you and am hoping to score some L’ame Soeur maybe later this year or early next. I forget just how much of a stunner it is until I savor the drops of my almost empty 5ml decant. It is absolutely beautiful!
perfumistas should never be forced to ration….I know someone who has a FB……;-)
Oh, you temptress. If that someone would be interested in selling a decant, I might know of a very eager customer. *wink*
Ferre – GFF Donna (a copper and gold bottle with huge GFF letters on it), gorgeous chypre with lavender, bergamot, jasmine, hawthorn, honey, cedar, sandalwood…underrated, forgotten and can be had for cheaps.
It was an unsniffedpurchase for me, but have never regret it 😉
And just to keep the ‘one frag per comment’ idea, the original Strenesse by Gabrielle Strehle. It is such powdery almond/milky/hint of peach goodness and I will surely be stockpiling since it was sadly (and so, so wrongly) discontinued. 🙁
Have you tried the new Strenesse yet? I was hoping to but can’t seem to find it anywhere yet. How much do you think it has changed? Or is it another scent completely now?
I tried the new Strenesse in Frankfurt the other day but unfortunately I have nothing to compare it with. It was a watery woody floral to my nose – not especially memorable, though I made a detour to seek it out, indeed the SA had to get a fresh tester out for me as the one on the stand had run dry!
OK, now you’ve got me curious! That sounds delicious. There’s a seller on ebay with ten bottles for sale at $15 shipped each. Dare I pull the trigger? 😛
Oh Joe! Really? Could you please send me a link? I’m on MUA as Absolute Scentualist as well!
I haven’t tried the new Strenesse, and while it sounds vaguely similar, I don’t think any other perfume will ever replace the subtle almost skin-scent beauty of the original.
Bit off topic, guys, but any news on the Chanel Exclusifs in smaller bottles yet?
No news yet…I’ve been looking for this also.
I’ve heard by the end of the month if not next week. Possibly 5 of the collection in that size? I harbor a suspicion that the gremlins in the Chanel website the past few days might have something to do with them getting ready to unleash them on the world…. muwahahahahaha. 😀
Be still my beating heart! Joe, I hope that’s true. If so, it would be the best news to come down my perfume pike in a while.
Wow! That’s a much nicer thought than that Mercury is retrograde! 😉
Tama and I were talking about this the other day, can’t wait for these to pop up….. they are going on the Christmas list for sure….. 🙂
Moschino Cheap and Chic (the original). It’s a perky, fizzy scent, and it comes in one of the silliest bottles ever!
do you mean the bottle that’s like a silhouette of Olive Oil from Popeye?
I just remembered something – I’ve got 30ml bottle of hippy fizz under my bed 😮 and summers just gone :/ oh well I don’t really like Moschino perfumes – well I do they just last for about 10minutes :/
and – I don’t know what perfume to get for Autumn? I was thinking powdery musk scents, mainstream. any suggestions ?
Owen, my favorite mainstream powdery, musky floral is Kenzo Winter Flowers. I love it.
I love the Kenzo Flowers line – winter flowers was super weird but great too. I got a bit of that stinky socks accord in it.
😉 You really know how to hype up a fragrance, Ann!
Just doin’ my part to keep things interesting!
David Yurman. I’m not even going to defend it. I’ll just wait for all the negative reviews to start rolling in, and then I’ll counter-attack.
There are some days I enjoy DY in miniscule application – I try hard to convince myself to NOT buy the cute little 1 oz bottle just b/c it is so pretty (different from the original one). I’m gonna wait until I get into winter to decide how FBW it is…. it might behave differently in cold weather.
It’s very much a cold weather scent. It’s fruity chypre, but the fruity part is more lush and plummy. You know I can always send you some, too. 🙂
When I drain my sample, I’ll let you know! 🙂
Fruity chypre with plum? Sold!
Fruity-chypre with plum sounds niiiice! Anything chypre gets my interest.
I like David Yurman. I file it with a few other perfumes under “tangy.” I think it’s overpriced but if they were selling it at Estee Lauder prices I’d buy it up.
I would concede that it is, indeed, overpriced. But you can get it at the online discounters for a very reasonable price.
Ooh, really? I might have to look for it again. But I suppose I should use up my sample first.
Hummmm. A tangy, plummy chypre doesn’t sound half bad. I never even considered trying to sniff that DY.
It’s one of those “modern chypres” that of course have no oakmoss, but it somehow comes closer to approximating a chypre than most of the stuff that gets slapped with the label these days.
The name might have thrown some people off but J. del Pozo’s Halloween. I consider it one of my cheap thrills but I always get compliments on it.
It is very popular (in sales) here in Argentina.. I have a friend that gets the flankers EVERY year
For me it’s a long, lost Patou: Vacances. I have a mini and a small decant but am soooooooo afraid to wear it and use it all cuz it’s so hard and rare to find! But at this rate, it might just turn 🙁
a wondrful scent, it’s a shame it’s discontinued and so expensive now. I have a generous sample from a very lovely MUAer and I am so thankful for that 🙂
in the same vein is their Colony. I’d love to have all of that collection, but like you said, $$$$$.
And Colony doesn’t seem to get much adoration either – what’s up with that?
Maybe too dry? That’s why I love it though – a lot of scents get too sweet on me and this one is such a great chypre. Also, of course, it’s discontinued and hard to find.
Oh, wear it before it turns! You will never forgive yourself it you wait too long and can’t enjoy it at all!
Oh, yes – seize the day! Or at least the Vacances.
I have a small vial, and I have promised myself to use it all up next spring, when I know I’ll enjoy it most.
Hi Dixie! How nice of you to be hosting today. Happy weekend NSTers. I’m going with the original Jean Louis Scherrer. Now, I haven’t worn it in years, but I remember it to be a glorious green chypre. It’s not a demure fragrance and has sillage for miles, but I think it’s heavenly. I never see anything about it – good, bad or indifferent. I would love for Angela to review it. Now, it’s probably been reformulated and lord knows how that has affected it, but in it’s orginal form it was a force to be reckoned with. I must search it out again. 😉
I love this and it’s not expensive! Great choice!
I think ever since word got out that Scherrer had lots of oakmoss, bottles have been flying off the shelves. They’re much harder to find these days, and less of a bargain, too, especially the edps and pure perfumes. Sad.
Its Aramis 900 for me. It is a wonderful Oriental/Chypre powerhouse with great lasting power for an EDC. It also has a fabulous retro feeling to it that I just love. Many say that it is similar to Aromatics Elixir and I agree, but it is different enough that one would not replace the other.
A perfume that I enjoy very much and have never seen mentioned here is Alexandra (by Alexandra de Markoff). I have seen it categorized as an oriental, but to my nose it is more of a soft chypre. It is one of the few perfumes on which I have actually received a compliment. One of my male coworkers wanted to know what perfume I was wearing so he could buy it for his wife. Usually I receive no comments on my scent, positive or negative. I find that it has a very clean, soft, comforting scent that seems to blend in with my skin very nicely. am not even sure if it is in production or not. There used to be an A de M counter in Dillard’s with the full range of perfumes and cosmetics, but now the only place I can find it is at the online discounters. At any rate, it can be had for less than $40 for a 50 ml bottle.
The only perfume a man complemented me that he wanted to buy for his wife is Bulgari Omnia (rust colored bottle)-another underappreciated perfume!
O.T. but your mention of the disappearance of the AdM counter made me think about some of the other missing brands that used to be excellent products back in the day – Orlane, Germaine Monteil, etc. Borghese I think is still around, but I think Revlon bought them up and they’re very different from what they were before. Sigh….. I’m old……
Jil Sander Sun! It’s probably the best summertime beach fragrance I have ever worn. No one ever talks about it, but I wanted to mention it. It goes on like a light oil, and stays close to the skin. None of that coconut smell, but it is reminiscent of a nicely done, suntan oil.
Also Guerlain Precious Heart. Is floral and spicy and yummy all at once. Simply gorgeous.
Welcome, Dixie!
Hi violetnoir!
I’ve always wondered about that Precious Heart by Guerlain since I’ve heard a peep about it until your comment! Thanks!
I second Jil Sander Sun! It lasts a long while on me and just quietly whispers “summer” all day long. I was in Florida for a few weeks this summer and had I remembered to pack Sun, I’d have worn it every day. Was too hot for anything else. I think it’s discontinued now, isn’t it?
I never even heard of Guerlain Precious Heart until now. Interesting.
Is this the same as Attrape Coeur? If so it certainly is beautiful, just got a sample after stumbling accross it in a department store, and (un)fortunately not having the cash to but it on the spot.
No, it is a different scent. Precious Heart is a floral from 2003 or 2004. Incidentally, it is available online for very reasonable prices (less than $50 for 50 ml) I have never sniffed it, but I may need to after this. In fact, I am assembling a large list of sample candidates. Just what I needed, more perfume lemmings LOL!
Attrape-Couer was launched in 2005 (and discontinued in 2009), and was a reformulation of Guet-Apens, which was a limited edition from 1999. If you really love A-C, go see if that bottle is still there, as you may never again see it in a department store. It has a very loyal following, and the remaining stock is disappearing fast. Incidentally, I just checked, and eBay has a bottle for a Buy It Now price of $299.99, which is only moderately higher than the original retail of $225, so if anyone has been lemming after a bottle and unable to find it in your area, this might be a good chance. I suspect that the prices will go much higher in the future.
Jil Sander Sun is a good pick. Saw it remaindered at the airport in Berlin the other day for just 19.95 euros, and I thought how sad that it is not appreciated more…
Kenzo’s Ca Sent Beau. Online reviewers struggle to describe it, not surprisingly, because although tangerine, tuberose, vetiver and other notes swim in and out, the composition is very abstract and, true to the Kenzo aesthetic, artificial (in a good way). I like it because it is airy – there is a lot of echo-y space in there. But although not dense, it lasts for ages, all day on me quite often, and it’s an EDT. And best of all, it is not expensive. I got mine over the counter for $40 (Australian) but there are probably better deals online. It’s one of those fragrances that have had a name change – used to known just as ‘Kenzo’ I think. Sometimes I’ve seen that old stock still available online.
I’ve always wanted to try CSB – now you’ve got me more interested!
I’m torn between a few but I think I’m going to say L de Lolita Lempicka. I think it’s a Roucel masterpiece, an unusual gourmand that achieves that crucial balance between delicious and inedible by smelling a lot like suntan lotion (which means it works equally well in summer and winter).
Ack, I just passed some of that by for $17. I’ll have to go back and see if they still have some – TJ Maxx.
I love Roucel. Didn’t know it was by him. I was sifting through samples a week or so ago, saw my L and decided to take a spritz… it really is a nice, yummy gourmand. I can see why people would like it a lot.
It has some notes in common with both Missoni (which has a top note that reminds me precisely of Tootsie Rolls — ack!) and Musc Ravageur (which has a woody amber note that totally overpowers everything else for me). To me it’s the perfected version of the idea he was working with in all three, and it’s also the easiest to find and most affordable! What luck.
Ah, that may make sense now, as Musc Rav is one of my top favorites.
My older sister wears L and it smells great on her. I am kind of curious about the new one- delicious??
L was going to be my pick as well. It has such a wonderful incensey vanilla scent,its sultry and comforting.
I just wore mine today,for some reason prefer to wear it when its really hot outside.
I’d have to say Bvlgari Jasmin Noir. It’s bottle is as brilliant and beautiful as the juice it holds….and not to sound odd, but I swear sometimes when I smell it for the first time after a long time, it gives me goosebumps and/or shivers down my spine….it’s just THAT good. 🙂
Mmmmm! I need to dig out my decant!
Yes, I love Jasmin Noir! It’s just so yummy and decadent!
I would like to nominate Joseph Parfum de Jour: spring in a bottle. It is *the* most delicious, cheerful floral ever. Really gorgeous. It’s a Penhaligon’s creation, but it is more complex than any of their own. I love it.
thanks Bela, i’m a sucker for anything called spring in the bottle. nice heroic quest it will be for next spring to find some : D
I used to wear this but haven’t seen it for years. I thought it was discontinued.
While it’s no masterpiece of modern perfumery, I love Ed Hardy Love & Luck. It makes me smile when I spritz it and it’s a nice fun, happy scent. It’s funny – I just re-read Robin’s review and she also said it was no masterpiece, but made her smile. Great minds….
Hey, whatever makes you happy!
Musc Nomade, while it is not innovative or new, is a scent that doesn’t get much attention. But, that’s what I think…
Burberry Sport. I smelled it in a magazine fold out and had to have it! I bought it over spring break and it was a staple thru the summer. I get so many compliments on it! It is a pleasure to wear.
PS. I Loved Rive Gauche in the 80’s but can’t seem to find it in the stores.
Parfumerie Generale Bois Blond
The notes are almost irrelevant; when I’m wearing this I’m transported to Blackstone, Massachusetts in the 90’s, where I boarded my favorite horse for years (Duchess, blood-bay standardbred, 15.3 hands). Fall was, and is, the best time to ride (IMO) and I’d take her through these enormous sandpits skirting an seemingly endless forest beyond… probably my happiest moments, and Bois Blond transports me right there. Golden dried grasses, warm sun, and a sense of quiet bliss… just might be my HG— and just when I thought the concept was impossible!
On Basenotes someone described it as smelling of dried fish 🙂
Oh Dee, going to have to go FB of that (although like many of the brilliant PG line, probably well looked at!!). I often ponder horse perfume, and I think the carrot in Iris Silver Mist does it for me….
I’m almost desperate to try ISM, I think I’m going to have to take to begging 😉
I’m glad someone mentioned Bois Blond. It’s one of my favorite fragrances, and I’m afraid of horses. 🙂 Bois Blond, for me, is like someone put late summer into a bottle.
Ah, late summer. So filled with hope and anticipation, even all these years after my last first day of school; maybe that’s what gets me in BB 🙂
Hello Dixie. My nominee would be Christian Dior’s J’Adore. It’s a very well done fragrance, it’s not ground breaking in any way. It’s just one of those really pleasing perfumes. I find it to be casual and classy ~ suitable for the office, going out for a cocktail or even jeans and a baseball shirt. I admit it can be a bit soapy at times – depends on the day and the weather perhaps…but at least it’s a very nice soap. It’s in the back row of my rotation but I am very glad it’s there.
Sigh, I keep trying to like this one but not quite making it. Do you have a recommendation on concentrations? And there is a flanker – an Eau of some sort?
Their is a lighter flanker w/ magnolia but I’ve never tried it.
The one I own is the Edp of the regular ‘J’Adore’ . On me it can be strong so I apply sparingly and it lasts for about 4 hours which is very good for me because my skin likes to eat perfume. They have a shower gel and body milk for this also.
The current flanker is ‘J’Adore L’Eau’ Eau de Parfum Spray. The description is: Sheer. Light. Soft. Yet it lingers for hours. At the heart of the fragrance, the magnificent white magnolia flower surrounded by top notes of Calabrian bergamot and citrus, rose mid-notes and gardenia base notes. I have not tried this yet because most Eau’s don’t work on me too well. The lasting power is usually way too minimal to justify the use and cost. But I do have some exceptions to that…
Other flankers have been J’Adore Le Jasmin & J’Adore L’Absolu. I have not found or tried these either.
I imagine that J’Adore is a very good candidate to layer with something else mmmm….I will have to explore that!
Terrific, thanks!
I heard from a friend that the original was quite beautiful but the reformulation in recent years, not so much? For whatever it’s worth. I don’t think I’ve ever smelled it knowingly.
I don’t enjoy the current version of J’Adore, but the Absolu is really lovely. If you’re going to do a floral, I say, put some real floral essences IN there…
Loved the 1999 original – the scent of pure happiness! Must try the Absolu to see if recreates that…
Hey Fuddy Duddy!
I think J’Adore must be a commercial hit, just not as much so in our little communities. I’ve never tried the original, but the L’Absolu IS very smooth and gorgeous.
My nominee rarely gets mentioned, but is worthy of the 3 bottles I have stashed away: Ralph Lauren’s Safari. A lovely green chypre by Dominique Ropion. Very elegant, very easy to wear. And the bottle is beautiful.
I love Safari too! I also have 3 bottles stashed away, lol. It is really a perfect fragrance along the lines of No 19, etc. I am always impressed that hours after it’s been on, that it still smells fantastic.
Hmmm, over to the FB cabinet….I could mention Boudoir and Daphne, but I had better not…
AAh, what else..
Comptoir Sud Vanille Banane!! I just love it, it reminds me of a dessert I often make, based on one of Elizabeth Davids, “Bundy Bananas”. Bundaberg rum is an Australian icon, although the co’s. been sold offshore now, OMG the small of caramelised sugar in the air up north around the mills is beyond amazing. These bananas baked with black rum, butter, vanilla, and brown sugar, just scream full-on tropical decadence, and the CSP brings it all home!
I think I’m going to go look for the recipe…
We had pineapple slices baked with a bit of brown sugar, cinnamon and butter for dinner this evening. Mmm.
I adore Vanille Banane!! great pick!! i completelly forgot about Vanille Banane!! CSP really makes mouth-watering fragrances… and it’s the only “true” banana-dessert like fragrance in the whole world… yum!
I love Daphne!
As I read through the comments, a pattern began to take shape. So many fragrances that people love, I cannot stand. Surely that’s not why they’re not given much press. My tastes run toward the light fragrances, not the following: HD With Love (a true scrubber), Mahora (frangipani yuck), Organza (HUGE white flowers), Indecence (overspiced). Just because I don’t like them doesn’t mean they aren’t well-done. I think Mahora and Organza are. As for Azuree, it only needs a drop but I wear it once in a while. I love Aliage, especially in the fall. I would like to try Jil Sander Sun. Could be up my alley. SOTD: Michael Kors Island. Mm-mm…warm driftwood.
The fragrance that I never read about here is Jessica McLintock. It is truly my all-time favourite since I first smelled it in 1994. It’s a light, green lily-of-the-valley and very girly floral. Yummm!!
Celestia, I’ll second Jessica McClintock. I did once see a comment that it would make a nice wedding day scent, and it would – it’s very feminine, pretty, and romantic.
Damselfly: Well, I wore it to mine!
AnnS: thank you for your comment reinforcing my theory about the thread. I don’t mean to put down anyone’s choice of fragrance just because I don’t like it. We’ve always said on this blog, “Different strokes…”
Celestia – I think you have a good point. I’m noticing with this thread that I am finally able to make comments about some of my fav fragrances that I normally don’t bring up b/c they are unusual or generally disliked. And I’m noticing that a lot of the other fragrances mentioned are ones I don’t like and have avoided. I think a lot of the ones picked today are indeed uncommon exactly b/c a lot of people don’t care for them.
I used to wear JM back in the day.
Hi everyone, very long time lurker here…glad to finally come out of my shell and play!
I have always loved Gieffeffe by Ferre. It is a beautiful springtime floral fragrance. I first smelled it when I went with my mom to a Fragrance Foundation- sponsored event in a tent in Lincoln Center in NY. There was a Ferre booth that had cool paper lights hanging above which were scented with the most heavenly fragrance! My 15 yr old self just had to ask what it was and sure enough…Gieffeffe! It is discontinued but available online.
Hi Bella – thanks for joining in!! The classic Ferre fragrances are all very well done. Now you’ve reminded me that I have a sample of Gieffeffe that I need to revisit. I have 4 different Ferre fragrance samples, but since they all have similar “Ferre” names, I have trouble keeping them apart in my mind. I like the one Ferre that comes in the ball shaped bottle too.
Thanks for the warm welcome Ann!
I also love Ferre by Ferre in the rectangular bottle. Some say it has similarities to Iris Poudre, which I own and also love, but I cant say I really see anything much alike. They do both have a sort of plush elegant feel, and I guess the aldehydes in both contribute to that.
I have that Ferre too – I always get compliments when I wear it.
Welcome Bella!
Thanks Dixie, so happy to have finally hopped aboard!
I’m really surprised that Diptyque is mentioned so rarely. Philosokos and Tam Dao do come up from time to time, I admit, but Diptyque is, after all, the original niche firm. Hard to pick just one, but I am very fond of L’Ombre dans L’Eau – like lying in dewey grass on a perfect cool mid-summer evening.
i’m really curious to try their new one, duelle.
If I had to nominate a Diptyque, as much as I love Philosykos, I’d pick L’Eau de Tarocco. After it was launched, people seemed to lose interest quickly and I don’t hear any buzz about it. I love it… the combination of orange, saffron, and a hint of rose is just unbelievable, and really like nothing else I’ve ever tried. Truly a hidden gem, as far as I’m concerned.
OOOoooh – that Diptyque sounds really super lovely! I need to try that one!
Well I need to remedy that for you, then!
Ah, there were so many interesting launches last year that I forgot to try this one – thanks for this reminder!
whew! I finally have read all the comments…what a great poll!
let’s see.. FOandW already mentioned L’Ame Soeur, which I adore…so I’ve got to mention Fifi Chachnil. Nobody EVER mentions Fifi Chachnil and I just don’t get it. here’s what fragrantica has to say: Fifi Chachnil perfume is the essence of femininity, pin-up girls’ kind of femininity, which includes all the contradictions of the term. It begins with a sharp citrus notes and coriander, intertwined with sweetness of rose that gives a powdery aroma to the scent. Amber gives oriental note, enhanced by tobacco. This is some amazing stuff — ambery tobacco with some yummy coriander….I love it, have the edt and edp but the distribution in the US is truly dismal….and the Fifi Chachnil website is pretty bad.
Daisy- I agree with you Fifi is amazing and sorely unappreciated.
Why? It lasts , comes in a chintzy over the top froufrou pink bottle(gotta love that!) and is sweet,ambery, with powdered roses and tobacco, I get whiffs of it all day long when I wear just a couple spritzes.
Oh Fifi!!! Yes, of couse. I love that Fifi!!! Did you ever see the original Tom Jones movie? You know when he is drunkenly carving the name of Sophie in the tree and then he changes it to Mary?? Yes, that is me right now (but not drunk): Fifi Fifi Fifi!!!
Great topic, Dixie and Robin! Several that I thought of have been mentioned, so I’m going to pick Yves Rocher’s Voile d’Ambre. It is a lovely, sheer, well-balanced amber that does well in warm weather. There is a fresh, leavening effect that I think might be from the green mandarin, one of the listed notes. I only own a mini (for now!), but the bottle prices look quite reasonable.
… when they’re having one of their sales (which they’re having now: 45% off!!!) you can snag a full bottle for around $30!
Thanks, Dee! 🙂
I would agree with Yves Rocher’s Voile d’Ambre. they have another one called Breathe that is complex – I still can’t get all the notes they say are in it, but it is very nice. And I will always vote for Princess Elizabeth E in any “overlooked” poll. Hard to find but worth the search.
I have a travel size of this – very good stuff!
Only ONE? Ya’ll are killing me.
Okay, fine… Climat. Lovely galbanum-white flowers thing with a very slightly dirty note underneath. Starts prim, but ends up, um, *not.* Works for me fall through spring, always makes me happy.
I’m going to go digging for that Natori… where’d I put it? Where oh where??
I definitely think Climat is really nice, Mals. Nothing like my Sikkim 😉 … but that La Collection really has some good scents!
I know – how do you pick only one? I just mentioned above that I was decanting some Climat the other day. It is so super chic – all put together, and then all funky at the same time. It really is lovely. I wished I’d got more of those minis when I had the chance.
Natori is on my short list today and now I think I want some of that too! This list is just reminding me of all the fragrances I want now, lol.
Never heard of Climat. Who makes it?
It’s Lancome — was part of the “La Collection” series of re-releases earlier in the decade.
i wonder if Paestum Rose is a popular as it should be? i totally love it. and it has a nearly perfect score on basenotes 21-1-0 🙂
I agree. I think Paestum Rose should reach iconic status. It’s just that fabulous!
I’m working on a sample of Paestum Rose – the first time I tried it, I didn’t care for it at all. But I’m glad I tried it a second time, and a third…now I’m hankering after a full bottle. It may be one that takes a while to warm up to.
I got Be Delicious Spring Blossom as a present last Christmas, and it’s totally awesome. It makes me think of some pristine apple orchard in Avalon or something. Or you’re hanging up clean laundry on a line to dry in the sun while munching on a tart granny smith apple and then you start running through a field of wildflowers just totally carefree. Yes there is a hairspray accord that takes about 15/ 20 minutes to go away. And yes sometimes the flowers can smell too synthetic. But for a reasonable price a lovely clean scent that can evoke such fantasies for me. Totally Awesome.
Oh I’m silly its Fresh Blossom
what about SL’s Chypre Rouge? I LOVE it! not many people seem to like it. did it get discontinued? sure hope not.
It hasn’t been discontinued, but you’re right it has few fans. I find it too sweet.
It smells like celery on me.
Theo Fennell “scent” classic, modern, sergey amougey textured masterpiece!
The one I vote for is Guerlain Vetiver.
I really adored wearing this scent all summer, on me it is light green , spices and not citrusy at all. It lasts for days on me and I would wear it while running my trails and running errands.
It wasn’t a skin scent, nor a dress-up scent or a bedtime scent but my daily routine scent.
Now I’ll always associate it with this years fleeting, weak summer that we had in Washington.
Gosh, yes! Two of my (female) friends have been wearing it for over 40 years. If they didn’t wear it, I would. LOL!
LOL! I did a split of that last Spring thinking the same thing – how great it would be for summer. But we had all the heat that you didn’t and the tonka in the base just made it too sweet and heavy for the weather! I’m going to bring it out now that the temperatures have *finally* (and I mean like three days ago!) fallen below 90 degrees!
Ah, this is the one I wear when I want to smell clear and crisp. Also love the AG vetiver, which is a bit more floral and soulful.
I got to test the AG Vetiver this past spring – it is very understated in that Goutal way, but the vetiver is just wonderful.
Late to the game as usual. Missoni by Missoni. Of course, it got 5 stars in The Guide, so that’s good attention, and that is what led me to try it at Colonial Drug in Harvard Sq. And buy it. I’m loving it lately, with the sunny, crisp fall weather here in Hamburg. It is just beautiful! Wish they had named it, though. Missoni by Missoni is so boring for such a great scent.
Great choice!
Love love Missoni. I believe theres a hazelnut or praline note in there on top of all the fruits that makes it truly mouthwatering..get lots of compliments on it all the time!
My vote goes to Jasper Conran Woman, a brisk uplifting citrussy scent which LT gave four stars, yet which sells for just £9.99 (including body lotion!) in supermarkets over here. If you are in the UK, and you like the sound of a gingery take on Cristalle EDT, I urge you to buy this unsniffed. : – 0
Wow – I’ve never even heard of this! It sounds really interesting. Thanks for the tip.
I lay my vote on Anna Sui Sui Love.
It’s a peachy, warm fruity floral with a candied musky/vanilla base note, not at all in the same vein as her cutsey lemony candy scents (= all the ones with fairy caps, doll heads & peacock stoppers). I think it’s highly missunderstood. While youthful, it’s a mature fruity floral with a mellowness that’s soothing. The notes say the fruit is mostly passionfruit, but to my nose this is a peach scent. I’ve never smelled Love on anybody else, and it was pulled from the shelves here in sweden pretty fast after launching.
Peach is one of my favourite notes, and I love and wear all kinds of scents with that prominent note; Tresor, Kenzo Kashaya, Fresh memoires of a geisha, Nina Ricci Love in Paris and so on, and this one fits right in with my other loves.
Ok… it’s another day, right? So I get to nominate another perfume today? I know it’s suppost to be one but it’s just so hard!
Today I’d like to nominate… Poivre Samarcande! This one is underrated too. Being a fam of L’Artisan’s Poivre Piquant for many years, I was very curious about Poivre Samarcande. I think they are totally differet takes on white pepper. Poivre Piquant is sweeter and honeyed, and Poivre Samarcande is… a more “grown up” Poivre Piquant. Beautyiful pepper in the top notes, kind of dry and raw, with gorgeous oak, cedar and mossy base. It is so sheer, yet it has so much depth. It’s very minimalist and so very complex in it’s own way. When I put some on my wrist, and I keep moving throughout they day, I can smell this beautiful fragrance surrounding me… it’s like Angel’s whisper… and I’m like what smells so good? Oh, it’s my wrist! Wait… it’s… Poivre Samarcande! Beautiful fragrance… neglected because of the rest of the series…
Lavandula – Ha! I was thinking I’d do the same (and now you’ve convinced me to try the Poivre Samarcande too).
Day 2: I also nominate Badlgey Miscka Fleurs de Nuit which is just a super pretty jasmine floral. It smells like “the south” to me – just imagine a (screened in) porch, crickets, lots of stars, some lovely drink, and cozy soft warm jasmine night breezes. It is very quietly elegant. I thnk the marketing is misunderstood: it is not nuit for dark/noir, but rather for soft night. It is one of the few white flowers fragrances I actually really like.
Now I am convinced I have to try Fleurs de Minuit! I love night-blooming jasmine and the whole “a la nuit” atmosphere. I hopwe it would work on my skin the way You described it…
I think it most likely would – it’s pretty stable for a mass market fragrance with the glorious jasmine and a nice softly sweet musk drydown. There are no surprises so if you normally get along with jasmine and sweet musks, this most likely will work for you. Good luck!!
Lavandula – you’ve got the makings of a reviewer with that description! Makes me want to try PS as well!!
Thanks so much for saying that:) I am still learning how to find the right words to describe some of my favorite fragrances… it’s not easy at all!!! :))
My choice is Paloma Picasso Mon Parfum,it is womanly,sophisticated,gorgeous and it always makes me feel better!
Have a lovely Sunday!Lo.
L, so glad you picked this one! I really enjoy wearing Mon Parfum: something about this chypre is just delicious – is that labdanum, or a combination of notes? Whatever it is, I love it!
Noa. It goes for a song here but it’s gentle and fresh with a slight coffee note. I recently tried Maison Martin Margiela’s (untitled) and it reminded a bit of Noa. I’d describe it as coffee+shampoo. Noa, on the other hand, smells like a perfume, not a shampoo.
I love and adore Noa by Cacharel!! It’s one of the very fist perfumes I fell in love with… and hundreds of perfumes later I always keep a bottle of Noa! It is very unique and unusual smelling. Coffee with beautiful, white florals, gorgeous woods in the base and this creaminess that you can’t beat… and all that is lighter than a swan’s feather! Wow! I am going home after work to spritz some Noa on my wrists…
Hi Dixie! Great post.
I must try Noa, it sounds right up my alley. Being that I’m a floral woody musk kinda gal.
Hi, Dixie!
I’d have to say Scherrer 2 by Jean Louis Scherrer.
In the family of “Youth Dew,” but much more wearable.
It is an out-of-syle blend now (or maybe classic?)–but it never got much attention even when it was the “it” blend.
[I almost nominated Jean Louis Scherrerr –the first one, a green chypre–but that one at least gets a fair amount o attention on blogs and has been discovered as a hidden treasure, while Scherrer 2 gets less attention]
Scherrer 2 – yes! Very elegant. Love it.
I was happy to pick up Scherrer 2 at an antique store going out of business. I need to get it out since it’s gotten pushed to the side.
Love the Scherrer, makes me think of cooler weather, so looking forward to the youth dew, the dragon and (forgive me if ya hate it!!) the bal a versaille… this site!
I love Bal a Versailles! I’ve only smelled the vintage form, though.
Plus 1 for BAV!
My choice would be the original Nina by Nina Ricci. Launched in the late eighties, it’s not very typical of the period. It’s a gentle aldehydic floral. It’s been discontinued for a long time, but can be found online. I love it, and have it both in edt and extrait. I find it very ladylike.
Love, Love, LOVE the 1987 Nina! It was one of my first purchases in my early adulthood, and as you pointed out – very ladylike. One of the loveliest aldehydic florals ever composed – and has oakmoss… So sad they discontinued it.
I am very glad that it has another fan. Have you ever tried the extrait? It’s a bit smoother than the edt. But otherwise exaxtly the same.
Agree about the extrait – and that beautiful Lalique bottle! I think even the edt is worth having if you can’t get the perfume.
I’d like to mention Evelyn Rose by Crabtree & Evelyn. I wear the edp often in the summer. This is a very lovely, clean rose — not too sweet. It has peach and peony in it (not that I can tell). To me, it smells like my garden when the roses are just opening and I smell them from a small distance on the breeze.
Ok guys… I’m posting it here because I don’t know where else to post this. Since I’ve been talking about the Hermessences, I would have mention Brin de Reglisse. Ronin wrote a shining review on it. And I love it too… When I first put it on. What am I doing wrong as it is gone within 5 mins from my skin? At first You get an intense and direct hit of raw lavender and bitter-sweet licorice… And then what? There’s nothing left! Even Paprika Brasil manages to open nicely with its heart notes, or Rose Ikebana (one of my favorite perfumes ever) which seems to be a lighter one of the series. Even Poivre Samarcande lasts and lasts… But Brin de Reglisse?! Gone within 5 mins and I mean there is not even a trace of it left. I normally apply a small dot of each fragrance on my wrist. I made a HUGE dot of BdR with no luck. Yea, it stayed on my skin for an additional 10 mins but that’s it. And its so frustrating because I adore the notes, and it seems like it would last a lot longer with more sillage. Don’t you hate that when you love the scent itself so much, but it just doesn’t want to stay on your skin at all? I would even be ok if I could at least say; “its not long lasting” but its just not lasting at all! I know there’s nothing wrong with my nose because I can smell everything else so well… I have an idea for a new poll! It could be called what perfume frustrates you the most! The one that smells so good you would love to wear it, but its impossible to wear it because it has zero staying power.
You are probably not doing anything wrong. It seems as if everyone has at least one or two perfumes that do this to them. For me, one of them was Chant d’Aromes. Normally, Guerlains have good staying power one me, even with my scent-eating skin. C d’A, however, was gone within 10 or 15 minutes. I thought it might just be my nose, but even the SA couldn’t detect it on my wrist.
I have a theory–it may be totally wrong, and I have nothing to back it up, but–I wonder if it happens with fragrances that are close to your own natural scent. They tell us that we are all anosmic to our own personal scent. Because it is there all the time, we do not smell it; a sort of long-term olfactory fatigue. If a scent is close to your own scent, it will “disappear ” quickly, as it blends in with what is already there. That might also explain why you initially love the scent so much–even though you cannot consciously smell your own scent, perhaps enough subconscious awareness remains that when you encounter something similar, you take to it because it is “you”.
Well, as I said, my theory may be all nonsense, but what do you think?
I have longevity problems with many fragrances, and sometimes I worry that I’m having scent fatigue while asphyxiating those around me. It’s a dilemma. However, I think some of us have skin chemistry that just sort of neutralizes certain scents more than others… and there are many scents that are famously short-lived or wear very close to the skin.
I think we all have our own selective anosmias as well; a particular perfume may be overwhelmingly strong to one person, and very soft and mild to another. Luca Turin said in The Guide that musks are large molecules, near the limit of the size the human nose can smell, and that most people are anosmic to one or more of them. I wonder if the people who love musk are the ones who are more anosmic (not totally anosmic, of course), while those who are better able to smell musks find them too strong. I personally love it, and do not find it strong or offensive, but many people profess to hate musk (I have heard the term “horse sweat” used in reference to musk). In fact, I found Muscs Kublai Khan to be warm, gentle, and sweet–a far cry from the olfactory scent bomb I was expecting from the reviews I had read. This makes me think I must have a low olfactory sensitivity to musk.
50 Roses, I definitely experience both selective anosmia and hyperosmia. For example, MKK does not smell like camel driver’s armpit to me but actually rather cozy. In Timbuktu, on the other hand, I perceive a celery/cumin note so loud that it mostly drowns out the scent that LT describes in The Guide (and what many other NST commenters perceive, as well).
I’m intrigued about your idea that it has to do with out own smell and will reflect on this possibility. HOWEVER, I hope this does NOT mean that I smell like MKK – I haven’t noticed people edging toward the opposite corner of the elevator so far, so I guess not. Perhaps it means that if I stopped bathing, that’s what I’d smell like, as opposed to the celery/cumin note in Timbuktu….not planning to test this idea any time soon 😉
Your theory could make a lot of sense. I was thinking about it too with some other fragrances that I tried. But could it be possible that my natural scent smells similar to a combo of lavender and licorice? Wow, I must smell so good that I don’t even need perfume anymore 🙂 No, really there are some fragrances that last forever on me, while others are short lived. I’ve never experienced what I had with Blin de Reglisse, completely gone within ten mins 🙁
I don’t know what other notes BdR has, but lavender is a top note and is gone very quickly, so that may be part of the problem.
Oh, I agree absolutely! But the thing is even Ecens et Lavande lasts for a few hours, even Lavandula by Penhaligon’s… and it’s just pure lavender and green. But BdR? I get a hit of this licorice on a bed of spicess, bitterness, mucho dry lavender… It’s rather overwhleming. You would expect it would last at least an hour, right? Nope, completely gom withim 5-10 mins. If I didnt remind myself I put some BdR on my wrist 10 mins earlier, I wouldnt even be able to tell I even wore any perfume that day!!! Just weird 🙁
Some fragrances are just short-lived. Not sure if that’s what’s going on here or something else. I am frustrated by MPG Bahiana – a lovely dry pineapply thing that is completely gone after about 15 minutes.
Now, if only someone can figure out why the fragrances that are short-lived are inevitably ones you like, and why the ones that are totally repulsive are practically indelible. You never hear anyone say “It was totally vile on my skin, but fortunately, it disappeared in 10 minutes.”
I will say Rochas Tocade – that godawful bottle, the ubiquity of it on the discount sites and the huge size make people think it’s dreck but damn that is a great perfume! I would kill for the Parfum but it’s discontinued, and very expensive when you can locate it. Never mind, the EDT is plenty for anyone, it has impressive sillage and lasting power. It is flat-out beautiful, no edginess or “difficult” notes to get over, just pure enjoyment.
Lots of us here like Tocade, especially since you can get it for a song.
This is going to be a boo one..Pure Poison by Dior. Notes: mandarin, bergamot, jasmine, solar gardenia, musk, amber- simple right? I love the orange opening, once you get past the slight candied orange effect, which I never noticed, until someone pointed it out. Then uncloying white flowers hold onto only a slight white flower sweetness. You can still tell they are undiluted white, but aren’t whiffy white.. gorgeous! Then the most amazing dry-down.. warm amber musk, that holds on to the jasmine, all day long!
I love smelling the jasmine all day and part of the next.
People have made fun of the name because it sounds innocent and a misnomer. But I think it’s perfect-pure, sweet and pretty, and poison, you fall under it’s Lolita pretence.
How many perfumes hold on to their flowers in the dry-down? Not very many in my HO.
If you could name some more I would love it. I haven’t found a floral that holds on to a floral in it’s base all day.
I’m looking for something that’s kind of like PP, but more distinctive for my Signature. I almost put Cruel Gardenia, I think it gets an unfair bad rep too.
Casmir by Chopard.
Bvlgari pour Femme also is a favorite and gets me tons of compliments from random strangers.
Aren’t they both by Sophia Grojsman? Don’t know the Chopard, but love Bvlgari pour Femme.
Casmir is by Michel Almairac. I had a bottle for years and never used it,then one day I tried it and discovered it excited me though I didn’t actually “like” it.. It smelled like my husband.I did a little research and found it was made by the same guy who did Joop pour Homme.
And THAT is how I became an obsessive perfumista and began researching the perfumers who made the scents I like, many of my favorites are by the same few people.
I love, love, love Kenzo Jungle L’Elephant. It isn’t like anything else that I know of, and it smells good all year round. It’s unusual, but not bizarre, and is chock full of character.
Jungle Elephant is one of my most favorite gourmands and one of the few I own – it is really interesting. It is my favorite “dessert” perfume in the fall and winter – Good choice! I love the little elephant on the bottle too.
Joop Le Bain is my alltime favourite.
I’m a big fan of Perfumerie Generale’s Eau Rare Matale. It’s a beautiful fall fragrance, with a bit of smoke and black tea, very comforting when the sun disappears, as it probably will for the next six months…
Oh, Tocade is just beautiful! One of my very first “grown up” perfumes from when I was like 14-15 yrs old! Gorgeous vanilla/spice ummmm…
Today’s pick will be… Montale’s Ginger Musk. I just love it! fizzy ginger, juicy berries, and gorgeous, clear, pure, beautiful musk… I love the ginger-fruity opening, an I adore the “all grown up”, elegant musk base… gorgeous on my skin! And I know not too many people like it… ahhh sigh 🙁
I can’t decide between Sikkim (thanks Joe!) or Jill Sander No 4. I’d have to go with Sikkim though. Really drop dead gorgeous scent.
I mentioned JS No 4 because I found an old bottle from years ago. Lovely oakmoss, patchouli and spices with honey and vanilla in the drydown. Ok I broke the rules, I mentioned 2!!