By Kilian will launch Love and Tears (Surrender), the 9th fragrance in the Black Masterpiece / L’Oeuvre Noire series, in September.
Love and Tears, surrender is the last chapter of my « Love » theme and my most personal scent.
4 chapters, 4 olfactive declarations:
Prelude to love, invitation - the innocent invitation of an Iris freshened by citruses
Love, don’t be shy - the devouring passion of an Orange blossom powdered with glazed sugar
Beyond love, prohibited - the forbidden pleasure of a narcotic Tuberose
And now Love and Tears, surrender - the unconditional surrender to love of a Mediterranean Jasmine.Only the Jasmine flower, with its endless spectrum of facets – citrus, green, floral and animalistic – was able to express the profusion of emotions that I wanted to communicate with this scent: the beginning of love marked with excitement, the fear of the unknown and, ultimately, the surrender to love!
To express this complexity of emotions, I did not want a Jasmine that would smell too composed or too adorned, but rather exaggerated within its two most dramatic facets: erotic and sacred.
Love and Tears is a unisex jasmine soliflore; the notes include bergamot, petit grain, cypress, jasmine, orange blossom, ylang ylang and ciste.
By Kilian Love And Tears (Surrender) will be available in 50 ml, 165€. (via bykilian,
Update: see a review of By Kilian Love and Tears.
oh boy…..I like his line, unfortunately LOL
LOL…well you have until Fall to save up!
i love jasmine…and have liked some of his stuff (unfortunately)…
I adore jasmine. Will look forward to trying it, but will hope I don’t really love it 😉
Fortunately, I admire his artistry without really getting into any of his fragrances…so far… but I do like jasmine and this sounds intriguing!
Fortunately I’m in about the same boat. There are a couple I’d wear if somebody gave them to me, so I guess I like them more than you…but so far, not one I’d pay the price for.
Juast like you, I admire his artistry without getting really into his perfumes. I was lucky to have a chance to meet him in person and to chat with him for a good while on the subject of perfumes, his and in general.
beg of Jully I was presented with a vial of Love and tears and … fellin love. Finally a Kilina frag I can and will wear. I’m a jasmine freak anyhow, but not liking just any jasmine. This one is done well and managed to convey the exact feelings as in the ad:
rather exaggerated within its two most dramatic facets: erotic and sacred.
High recommendations!
Ok, that’s a really horrible name. Some of the others are bad in a cheesy fun way, but Love and Tears is just… wrong. However, I really love jasmine, and I love three of the BK line. I think I’m just going to pretend I didn’t see this. I just could not like with myself if I bought something called Love and Tears.
I think if I like it (and I’m betting I do but hoping I don’t), I will just tell people it is called Surrender
Or we could just go the route of acting dramatically distraught and say, “It’s called…. (big heartbroken sigh)… Love… and… Tears!”
So far, don’t like any of the names.
apparently “complexity of emotions” is a very costly effect to produce….
But Daisy, I thought that it was the cost of the fragrance that produces the complexity of emotions? (Unwarranted desire, excitement, guilt and remorse…..)
I think you may be on to something….
Ha, ha – I guess “love and tears” could be several of the BKs! 😉
His ad copy just cracks me up – so far, I’ve only liked Back to Black and Rose Oud, but I love jasmine in general, so I’ll try this. And buy the travel set refill if I decide that I have to have it – the expensive packaging still annoys me.
Agreed. The travel packaging is a great option. I want to try this and like at least half of the collection to which it belongs… Thankfully for my bank account I’ve only splurged on the discovery set. But I think some Back to Black is definitely in my future, distant future though it may be. 😉
I’m fairly immune to BK and I like it that way (though I have a new sample of Rose Oud at home that I still need to try). This doesn’t raise my pulse one bit. 😀
careful…..I was smug in my resistance to BK until Rose Oud smacked me up side the bank account…..suddenly $350 was virtually floating out of my pocket….
Glad this line does not completely appeal to me. Taste of Heaven has been so far my favorite, followed by Rose Oud. And at the usual price tag even though the presentation is beautiful, this one does not call out to me.
I really liked Back to Black and have a feeling I would like a fair number of frags in the line, so I kind of avoid them. I do like jasmine, though, darn it!
Love jasmine… tears at the thought of what this would do to my bank account. Perhaps the best perfume name yet.
I’m going to try the Andy Tauer roses before I commit to a BK rose.
Surrender…surrender…but don’t give yourself away… aaayyyy! 😉