It had belonged to my nana, who is long dead. She brought it to a family function, and we all put it on and smelt our nana. It was a fragrance they don’t make any more.
— Michael Stipe, talking about a powder compact his sister found, in How Michael Stipe and R.E.M. rediscovered their best songs at the Times Online. Admittedly of limited interest to perfume fans, but hey, it's probably the only chance I'll ever get to quote Michael Stipe on this blog.
Glad you grabbed the chance, Robin. 🙂 It was a good article nonetheless.
I thought it was an interesting article too. Hey, we all need to read about something other than perfume every so often 🙂
Ah, memories of R.E.M. days…
The biggest shocker in the article: MS is about to turn 50. Time flies!
Hey, Springsteen just turned 60 and I think Tina Turner is on the verge of 70. Yikes.
who are they? must be way before my time….. hahahaha
oh, I forgot…..I’m not a juvenile…..I just act like one…..
Mi dispiace, Robin. Do you remember the fragrance that your Nana wore?
Jean Nate!
I know! My own also loved that. And Muguet!
Sadly my Nana wore Jungle Gardenia. In quantity. Shudder. One of the reasons I didn’t start becoming interested in perfume until I was in my late 30s…