Avery Gilbert, author of What The Nose Knows, will be holding a talk called "The Seduction of Scent” on Saturday, April 18 at 7 pm at the University of Minnesota Bell Museum of Natural History in Minneapolis.
Avery will speak on the critical role smell plays in our lives, how the sense of smell is able to tempt and repel us and how it makes us part of the chemical conversation between plants and pollinators, herbivores and predators. Avery will be introduced by University of Minnesota entomologist and nationally recognized bee expert, professor Marla Spivak, who will explain the vital role pollinators play in our love affair with luscious scents. Following the presentation, participants are invited to delight in the luxuries of scent in a reception featuring locally produced wines and desserts.
Tickets are $30 in advance, $35 at the door; get the details here. (via umn.edu)
It’ll only let me mess with your head on posts I haven’t already commented on, apparently.
Couldn’t figure out what you were going on about on the other post, LOL… huge THANKS for making me laugh today!
Still haven’t finished Avery Gilbert’s book, but more importantly, still haven’t got the right gravatar to appear. Testing, testing…
Oh, I like it! Is it not the one you expected?
Well, it’s not the one attached to the email address I’m using, so I’m a bit puzzled! The one I see as my log-in icon is the ‘right’ one. I have no idea why I’m seeing two.
This is fun! Like moving into a new house and working out how the shower turns on.
Gracious. So you’re seeing one on the right sidebar, and another in the comments?
Although Moon_grrl is correct above…sometimes it’s a matter of clearing out your browser cache.
Moon_grrl was right! I cleared the cache and there I am! Woohoo!
Testing for my Gravatar as well.
aaaand it’s not working. 🙁
Did you make sure you used the same email address that you used for your user account here?
Yup. Not sure what I’m doing wrong?
So, you log in at gravatar.com, and you see it there no problem, right? And you’re using the same email address here?
One other possibility: did you give your gravatar a rating? I think we’re set up not to display X rated gravatars.
I set mine at PG, jik, but no I don’t have any X-rated ones.
Tried one of my G-rated ones and that’s not working either. I’m sure this is a “user error” but I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’m a knucklehead when it comes to this stuff. I shouldn’t even try. lol
LOL – there it is. I have no idea what I did, but it’s there. 😛
Good! I can’t see it yet but when my cache clears I assume I will 🙂
Did you clear out your cache? As soon as I did that, it popped right up.
Ah! Maybe that’s it. Will try…
Nope. *sigh* 🙁
Why don’t they ever have these sorts of things in Houston?
LOL…they don’t have them where I live either!
Ah, my alma mater. I’m so proud 🙂 Of course I live on the other side of the Atlantic now but it would’ve been great to attend
Hey, love those shoes!
Thanks! I am a shoe junkie. I have no problems admitting it.