A LaPlace woman remained in the St. John the Baptist Parish jail Monday, after authorities say she doused a man with perfume and then set him on fire with a cigarette lighter at a weekend party.
— From the New Orleans Time Picayune.
In other (happier) perfume news:
A slender delicately-perfumed white orchid unique to Madagascar is the pick of the French cosmetics industry to symbolise its new commitment to biodiversity and sustainable development.
Angraecum eburneum longicalcar all but disappeared from its natural habitat when much of its forest home was destroyed, but for this project will be grown commercially in partnership with Madagascar farmers, and then exported to France.
— Read the rest at cooltech.iafrica.
Thanks for a good laugh! The Picayune article tickled my funny bone. I wonder which scent it was? Fire Island – LoL?
Good one, and the only other possibility I can come up with is Revlon Fire & Ice 🙂