Desperate to get in the papers? Want Gucci to foot the bill? A Swiss man...
...conned one of the country's biggest media companies into publishing a two-page ad he created of himself posing semi-naked beside a bottle of Gucci perfume.
The man, who claimed to represent the Italian fashion giant, called up the Swiss weekly SonntagsZeitung last week to book the expensive color spread in Sunday's edition, a spokesman for the paper said.
Christoph Zimmer told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the man asked for the 60,000-Swiss-franc (about $50,000) bill to be sent to Gucci.
Would love to see that picture! Read the rest at
Update: two links to the picture, here and here, with thanks to Pyramus & Neeta!
That's awesome. If anyone finds the picture, please post the link.
Doubly awesome if sales of the perfume go up, LOL!
That's hilarious. Am extremely curious as to what the picture looks like.
The picture is right here:
See the link below, am going to add it to the post in a sec!
Hilarious! Some people will do just about anything to get attention!
It is true! Wonder if he'll do jail time now, or get offers to model?
Thanks! Am hoping he did this w/ the appropriate sense of humor…and enough money to pay lawyers to keep him out of jail. I can't honestly see how Gucci could be too annoyed. It's so brilliantly funny and will generate far more publicity than a straight ad ever could.
I would think this is a much bigger embarrassment for the publication than for Gucci — they now look like idiots, and they're out $50,000.
For Gucci, who knows. I hope they have a sense of humor!
If he lived in the good ole USA, it would be the latter! LOL!
Or both — he'd be modelling from jail, LOL! Hugs to you 🙂