It’s rare that I even think about buying a new perfume these days — I have enough to last me and then some — but shower gels are another matter entirely. For one thing, even if I don’t end up loving them, and even if I have too many in my shower already, they will get used up before they spoil. Lush is a favorite, and they launch new products at a steady pace, so it’s not unusual for me to want, say, 4 or 5 or 6 of them at once. My trips to the mall are few and far between, though, and Lush products come and go relatively quickly, which explains why in a fit of panic I recently ordered 5 products unsniffed, lest they sell out before I get my hands on them.
Posh Chocolate Shower Gel was an obvious lemming, since I adore everything about the Posh Chocolate Body Wash except the packaging…