With a few exceptions, this site does not collect any data from visitors. The exceptions are as follows:
If you register for a user account, we will collect your email address, and when you register or comment, the site administrator and contributors are able to see your IP (internet protocol) address and email address. We use this information solely to maintain the comment section; we don't rent, sell or share this information with any other entities, nor do we share this information with other users. On rare occasions the site administrator may contact users using their email addresses for the sole purpose of discussing issues arising from the use of the comments section of the site.
If you press "remember me" when you log in, we will use a cookie* on your computer to remember your login credentials for two weeks.
If you choose to have a Gravatar ("globally recognized avatar") associated with your user account, we will share your email address with Gravatar when you comment. You can find the Gravatar privacy policy here.
Like many websites, we use Google Analytics to help us understand how you engage with our site. Google Analytics collects your location via an anonymized version of your IP address (the last octet of the IP address is removed) and holds this information for a limited time; the data is deleted by Google Analytics after 14 months. The sole purpose of the collected data is to track our performance. The data collected is not being used for user profiling, advertising or any other commercial purpose. You may install a Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Button here. The Google Analytics Privacy Policy can be read here.
We also use Google Adsense to display advertising, and depending on your location, Google Adsense may also collect information or place cookies* on your computer. You can learn more about Google's privacy policy and how they use cookies, or choose to opt out, here. You can also choose to block cookies or other tracking using your web browser or other software.
We display social media widgets (for Facebook, Twitter, etc) that may likewise allow those entities to collect information, if you opt to use them. If you use those widgets, you should familiarize yourself with the privacy provisions of those entities.
You can see (and edit) the personal data we have stored in connection with your user name by logging in, and clicking on the "Welcome" link at the top left hand corner of the screen. If you would like us to delete your account, send a request to the site administrator: robin at nstperfume dot com. You may be asked to verify that you own the user account in question.
A good starting point for learning more about internet privacy: Wikipedia's Internet Privacy page.
* A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns.