Our seventeenth annual holiday gift poll. Here are the three questions:
What is the fragrance-related gift you’d most like to receive this year?
Let’s say you were going to ask for just one unsniffed fragrance this year, what would it be?
Are you giving any fragrance items for gifts this year, and if so, what?
Or, as always, just talk about something else. I am running terribly behind this morning, so I'll add my answers in the comments later.
Note: image is Santa_blue_1 by ~Brenda-Starr~ at flickr; some rights reserved. [We ran this image with a different poll way back in 2011.]
Sleepy this morning as I stayed up late to finish Horse: this novel ‘Horse’ is the story of an enslaved man grooming a winning thoroughbred Lexington was a winning thoroughbred in the mid-1800’s. The author is Geraldine Brooks. It’s been a long time since I was emotionally invested into a novel and was crying the last few chapter ( in a good way)
SOTD is Rojo Dove
Decorating the tree 🌲
I have to give you an enabler pin as I decided I had to buy the Revlon Rum Raisin lippy. Love it♥️
I am wearing it today. What do you think of the color?
I really like it!
That book sounds good. I have been doing nonfiction lately but hankering for the escapism of fiction. Unfortunately, I haven’t found a lot of good fiction in the last few years and have been wary of trying anything without recommendations. So I will add ‘Horse’ to my list.
My other half is reading the infernal machine , nonfiction, and it’s the best book
Some things to put under your tree!
These were great! Thanks for sharing.
I loved People of the Book and need to tackle March next.
Have fun decorating the tree!!
I’m so glad you stuck with it and enjoyed it!
I was ready to throw in the towel. I am so happy I didn’t! I am adding a horse race or a visit to Kentucky on my bucket list
Everyone needs to see a horse race at least once in their lives.
I love horse racing. When I lived in a suburb of Phoenix, I used to go all the time. I found it very enjoyable.
Where is this? I can look into it for next year
Here is the website
Back from Thanksgiving travel and glad the traveling and visiting both went extremely well. Happy to be settled back in my home and the unpacking done. I did a huge amount of food prep and cooking with my mother and it’s a relief to be scaled back. Even though I should have had time to read posts here, I ended up doing very little aside from prepping, cooking and visiting.
Wearing Day Three Escándalo, one of my acquisitions for 2024, which I find has a citrus note that actually persists. Reminds me of lemon peel.
1. I am not asking for fragrance related gifts this Christmas, since I buy enough for myself and there isn’t much point to request others to buy for me. I still have the Chanel No 5 soap I am waiting to use from last year’s holiday, just because I am using a supply of nice soaps up first. I guess if we are talking fantasy items it would be Perris Monte Carlo Nosy Be Ylang Ylang, which is on my planned purchase list for 2025.
2. No unsniffed wishlist for now. For fantasy list, I would like some vintage original Chanel No. 5 with banned nitro musks.
3. No one in my family likes perfume except my daughter and she has rare requests. I love buying her perfumes but she sticks to a few favorites. Currently it is Glossier You.
Oh for sure we are talking fantasy items!
So glad you had a nice holiday.
Welcome back!
1. I have one fragrant gift on my way (a birthday present from my sister) – FM ‘Heaven can wait’ in travel size, and I can’t wait 🤗
2. Some old L’Artisan, maybe The Pour Un Ete.
3. I recently bought a Diptyque candle (Pomander) for my sister, and I may buy some L’Occitane stuff as a gift for friends and family, I like their holiday sets.
This morning I ran 16km, wearing Diptyque Eau Rose (in two weeks I am supposed to run my first half marathon 😬). Post shower I think I’m gonna go with L’Eau d’Hiver and snuggle under a blanket…
Happy Saturday!
Oh good for you, hope your half marathon goes great!
Good morning all! I can’t believe it’s already the last day of November. Wearing Memoirs of a Trespasser while sipping a latte and doing laundry.
For the poll, I went back to a couple of places where I had created fragrance-related wish lists because, when I tried to think of a gift I most want, my mind went blank. Having refreshed my memory, I’m still hard-pressed to come up with an answer to the first question. For unsniffed, I’d like Regime des Fleurs Falling Trees, which sounds really lovely. And for scent-related gifts, I’m giving scented candles to a few people. Oh, and I’m giving Mr. G his own bottle of Memoirs, since he’s been draining my bottle alarmingly lately. 🙂
The gift that gives to everyone
I can’t believe November is over either! I am so not ready for holidays, or winter, or anything.
Still surfing the Sample Sea and today it’s AG Nuit Etoille…meh. Not a fan, at least not for the first 10 minutes. We’ll see how it develops.
Sunny with a high of 77F here today. Horrible weather! 😉
A friend gave me a bottle of this and I used it as a summer spritzer, as in keeping it in the fridge. See how it is cold…?
Oh I would give you anything if you would trade weather with me!
I liked the EdT version of Nuit Etoilee much more than the EdP.
1) if money was no object for Santa I’d like Guerlain Cur Beluga in a custom bottle please. Lol. I don’t think I’ve been “nice” enough.
2) I don’t do unsniffed period.
3) My SIL is getting 2 nice candles. She loves candles but will never buy them for herself. So a big3 wick Frasier Fir and a Diptyque Fig is coming her way.
That’s a lovely gift, hope she loves them!
As time goes by I miss the discontinued OJ Tiare more. There’s something to be said for Pretty and Nice, so in the neighbourhood is would Eau de Magnolia, let’s say a 30 ml bottle.
Any wishes for unsniffed perfumes for me would have to include the rider “and then I loved it”. Still am curious to try Auphorie’s line.
As for giving scented gifts, it’s the more low-key category of soap, skin cream and the like. One relative will never buy herself No. 5 soap despite loving it, so I do.
I think the “and then I loved it” is on everyone’s wish list 🙂
Rabbits! It’s summer today, at last ( in theory anyway). It’s going to be 19C but this week I’m finally off to my “ residency” which is in the inland, hot part of the country where it’s often mid-30s and daylight until 10pm. I have been given an additional two months if I want, to compensate for the delayed start but we’ll see. So, a summer scent today Orchidee Vanille. The cemetery where I walk is in full flower with all the heritage roses blooming and the sight of all the colours-mixes and scent has been incredible. From the top of the hill it looks like an impressionist block of colour, a fabulous rose garden. So, that’s what I would like: a rose garden perfume.
I love rose scents
I’m glad to hear your residency is finally starting. I hope you get lots of Central Otago summer weather.
Happy Summer Kanuka!
Happy summer, Kanuka, and hope the house is in tip top shape when you get there.
I love roses. Unfortunately, some of the most fragrant ones don’t grow well here. Rose perfumes – even the ones I have liked for what they are – don’t seem to capture the fresh rose scent.
In terms of growing roses myself, I am leaning toward getting the toughest landscape ones, with simple flowers but those varieties bloom all year and the plants are hardy to frost and heat.
Wishing you a good residency, despite the bumpy start!
I love roses. Merchant of Venice Rose Mocegana reminds me of a rose garden.
Robin, so sorry for all the duplicate comments 🙁
I try to be so careful posting.
I would love a bottle of the original Aedes de Venustas as mine will finally be gone this year, but we know we won’t see it again.
I would also love a bottle of Shalimar Vanilla Planifolia – somehow I missed that train when it was going on. Duh.
Post shower some Philosphy Warm Cashmere lotion and spray. Cozy.
Shalimar is always a good idea
Yes, yes it is.
No worries at all, I am sure it is some glitch you can’t control and it is no problem to fix on my end. I am sorry some days it takes me so long! My sister is in town and we were running around doing things all day.
It’s officially the first day of summer and the sun is shining – we’re off to a good start!
My next planned purchase is L’Âme Perdue from Le Galion, but it’s been out of stock for a few months at the only place I’ve found it that will post to New Zealand. That would be an ideal Christmas present if it appears soon. I’d sniffed it before and wasn’t sure about it, but I got a sample and it became a love.
I used to have an absolute rule to never buy anything unsniffed, but I relaxed it for a few discontinued things at lower prices. There is nothing I’m tempted by at the moment.
For smelly gifts, I’m thinking of some soaps for my mother. I’ve mentioned before that she has no sense of smell (and never has), but she loves the texture of a nice soap.
PS – I meant to add that I loved reading about the Thanksgiving meals so many of you described over the last few days 🙂 .
Happy Summer Gaynor!
Enjoy your summer!
I am sitting down now…the morning was spent cleaning the oven. My Yorkshire puddings were wonderful, but I only had enough batter for five in my popover pan. I had put lamb drippings in all six cups, and when I baked them, the empty cup spewed hot fat all over the oven and baked itself on while the popovers cooked. I used Bon Ami and a lot of elbow grease and it looks loads better.
Now for today’s questions: I would still like some TF Cherry Smoke, but no one knows that so I am not expecting any. I keep waiting for a travel spray to be released but no luck so far. Unsniffed…probably Arquiste Almond Suede, hoping it’s heavier on the suede than the almond. I’m not giving any fragrant gifts this year, I don’t know any true fragheads and the other people to whom I give fragrances don’t go through them very fast.
Today’s SOTD is TF Lost Cherry, which, funnily enough, smells quite festive and seasonal today.
Well I’m happy they came out wonderful but sorry about the mess! Bon Ami is such useful stuff.
Oh, dear, that really sounds like an awful mess. Good for you getting it cleaned up. I must try some TF Lost Cherry soon to see what it’s like! I may have a visit to Neiman Marcus in my plans for what to do once I’m allowed to drive again–I think they carry Arquiste, too! If I try Almond Suede I’ll let you know what I think. It’s a line I often enjoy.
My 1-4 inches of predicted snow has turned into 10 inches. I stayed home sick again today but I have to go in tomorrow.
Poll questions-
1. I would really like Gabrielle L’Eau or Coco Mademoiselle Intense.
2. Unsniffed- Mugler Angel Fantasm.
3. I’m bringing a grab bag of bbw lotions, soaps and candles to my lady supervisors at work.
Sotd is TBS White Musk Smokey Rose. I’m trying to use it up before the end of the year.
The “have to go in tomorrow” worries me but you know your body best. No sign of the white stuff here … yet …
I have a few vacation days left that I was hoping to use after Christmas. I don’t want to use them as sick time but will if necessary.
Best not to go back too soon, I think, see how you feel in the morning + you need to be 100% for a commute through snow.
I’m on the mend now, but will wait and decide in the morning.
I haven’t tried Gabrielle L’eau yet, but I liked the Gabrielle and the Gabrielle Essence so my guess is I would like this one too. I need to seek it out.
I had a feeling you were getting hammered with snow. We just had flurries, but I am sure we will get our share at some point.
Don’t go to work if you are not feeling well tomorrow. It could set you back if you go too soon.
Kris the snow just won’t stop! It’s going to pick back up tomorrow and for most of next week. Stupid lake effect!
Out of the 3 I think L’Eau is the prettiest. It would be perfect in the spring.
I need to try it.
Your city made our local news for the snow and car pile ups!
I hope you’re feeling better. Did you see The Body Shop closed all their US stores and their website doesn’t ship to the US either? I’m sad because their camomile eye make up remover is my OG, don’t know what I’m going to do now.☹️ I guess I’ll just be done wearing makeup.🤣
The car pile crashes were crazy! People forget how to drive in the snow.
I did see TBS is pretty much done. Sad.
What??????? TBS is done??? Why?? I grew up on those fragrances!! The oil bar…. Pure nostalgia
No, not done, just not available in the states anymore. Looks like they still have stores in the UK. Still a website, but no shipping to the US. I am hoping that will change.
Oh that’s awful. I’m sad now
TBS pulled up stakes here in the US several months ago, IIRC.
If you ever make it to Canada, TBS is still operating there. (I thought I heard a few years ago that they were going to close, but their stores and website are still open.) They’re still open in Germany, as well (I know that helps no one!), though their local store in my city closed recently.
I would gladly take all the snow you have! Please send it my way!
I saw you got a lot of snow. We have some coming tonight but got nothing over the weekend. Hope you are feeling better soon lillyjo but don’t rush it.
I found a decant of Gabrielle last week that I forgot about, it’s very pretty. Haven’t smelled the L’Eau.
SOTD = Lush Sticky Dates
Oh so wonderful!
I went for a walkabout today because I have not been in a while due to the gray damp(ish) rainy weather. I was hoping to see some Christmas decor and I was rewarded. I’m pretty sure there will be more in the next few weeks. Meanwhile I will be posting them almost pretty much within a day or two of seeing them. This is, of course, easier said than done!
Remember the giant skeleton in these here parts? Nothing was done to it for Thanksgiving but I wanted to see it dressed up for Christmas. Just like Thanksgiving decor was a bust, this was even worse 😡! The skull was just hanging on by a thread (wire?) AND it was still nekkid! Let’s see what they do with Christmas when the time comes.
Speaking of gifts and in trying to answer the questions, I just bought 5 packs of Christmas-themed shortbread cookies but will probably buy more. I’m not sure what my plans are yet so I want to be ready once I know more. I am not hankering for any perfumes (🤣) and I am not giving any perfumes.
Now I’m really interested in the fate of the skeleton😀
I use Lush Sticky Dates body wash and love it. I wouldn’t mind having the body spray too.
I saw a bunch of municipal Xmas lights earlier in the week, and they looked great.
Apple and yogurt smoothie
In an ideal world Doblis
Memo Sintra
Oh yes, I have bought a 100ml of Habit Rouge EDT for my brother.
Forgot to post sotd TM Innocent with its beautiful and long-lasting citrus and tonight Diptyque Eau Lente.
That’s a nice gift for your brother. Will he be visiting this Christmas?
Yes, he just emailed me, he arrives Dec 23rd, he has purchased his ticket.
Hope that your brother has a safe and uneventful trip, and you both enjoy his Xmas visit!
Thank you Jalapeno, I’m really looking for the holidays, from your comments I know that you are close to your brother too.
Verily! In more ways than one now. 😉
SOTD Anatole Lebreton Perfumista, a sweetish big white floral that I like more every time I put it on from the sample set which is what I brought with me on our trip.
Here in Florida, we are just north of Fort Myers, and it is lovely, mild weather, nice little RV campground, adorable hubby’s old auntie is also adorable and we watched Michigan beat Ohio State this afternoon, after a swim in the pool and a soak in the hot tub. I got a pair of toe up socks cast on, so all is right with the world here. adorable hubby if finally starting to relax after many days of no disasters worse than a spilled cup of water- poor guy has been running on anxiety for so long, he kinds doesn’t know what to do, except take naps. I am always good with that.
Oh that all sounds just lovely…hope you have many many more days of no disasters 🙂
At this point, my goal for life is no preventable disasters, no drama!
We had that game on here too and it’s about the only time we root for Michigan (being badgers and all), what an upset!
This game was classic college ball, 20 year old players getting agitated and making dumb mistakes- don’t pull someone’s helmet off after the ball has already hit the ground, right in front of a ref! It’s fun when it comes down to a cliff hanger with two minutes left. The OS coach made a big mistake not calling time out. I guess he got fired already. The brawl at the end was totally unnecessary- Michigan won and they should have just left the field. More fun to see on TV than sitting in those stands in 22 degree weather.
Sock knitting twin waving hello! Mine are top-down though, almost done with the first sock.
Yay, I am doing toe up two at a time on a 40 inch flexible needle. Getting them both going was confusing. I ended up reorienting more than once, but now it should be pretty smooth sailing. How long did it take you to do one sock?
Wow, that’s very impressive!
It’s going to take me a little over a week to finish one sock. I’ve been a bit frustrated with the pattern I chose, spotted a few errors/typos. It’s minor but I wasn’t confident enough to know that the pattern was wrong, so it took some internet sleuthing. And I also had to take notes so that I don’t forget for the 2nd sock!
My socks are very vanilla, just burgundy and oatmeal stripes, so no real pattern to speak of. It is more aggravating than I expected to keep pulling the needle slack around but I am committed now.
:-). !
I agree with you — when I first put on Perfumista I didn’t like it but it grew on me. When I first sprayed, I was getting some sort of weird synthetic plastic/rubber note, which I think was just how the rose and pear were interacting. Once my nose teased them apart it was better. It did not say “chypre” to me, though that’s how it’s advertised, but in the end it grew on me as a nice rose, neither light nor dark.
I have discovered that a pear note will make anything more appealing to me over time, for some reason.
Wearing Love les Carottes today. Last night we went to a downtown light-up ceremony for all the downtown main street Christmas lights. It was quite fun; it seems like all 10,000 residents were out.
1. I don’t need anything fragrance related like shower gels, soaps or lotions. Thankfully, my closet is full of many things to get through; mostly Lush.
2. If I was asking for something, I’d request a bottle of Navitus Vanilla Eclat. It’s a collaboration with Chris from The Perfume Nest. It sounds lovely with notes of rice, Vanilla and sandalwood.
3. I don’t normally give any fragrance gifts.
You smelled great today Gail!
Thank you, Robin. I oversprayed myself, it was wonderful! I kept getting whiffs through the day.
1. I would love the new-ish Trudon Versailles candle.
2. While I’m at it, I’d take the Trudon Absolue unsniffed. Or, serious dream land, the absolute best Lush shower gel that I never go to try, whatever that might be.
3. Not this year!
I’ve been so curious about the newer Trudon fragrances…. I have the travel spray coffret of their first 5 scents and love it. Sadly they cost so much more now than when they were first released.
They are not bargains! But I really like what they’re doing, so far.
I’d most like to receive a candle set or hand care set from Diptyque.
Heraud from Tauer. I have a strong feeling I’d love it.
I am gifting Hermes Eau d’orange verte soaps.
Did you get in on hajusuuri’s split last month? I’m eagerly waiting to try it. 😀
I missed it! Do report back and I hope you will enjoy it!
Your post reminded me that I have a sample of Heraud I ought to try.
Rabbit rabbit rabbit. I didn’t realize it was December 1 until I picked up my phone this morning and saw the one on the calendar app. Thanksgiving really was late this year.
Merit Retrospect is my sotweekend, I even got a mmm, you smell scrumptious from my older daughter yesterday. I’d take a bottle of this if it fell in my lap (or stocking), I don’t really do unsniffed, and no plans for any fragrant gifts this year.
My girls head back to their respective unis today but I can’t even be sad about it because madtownteen’s last final is dec 13 and I’ll head over to bring her back home. Then she’ll be home for 6 whole weeks over her winter break! I can’t wait.😊
I really enjoyed Retrospect when I tried it. Sephora does the 20%off a full bottle usually a week or so before Christmas.
That perfume sounds good. I will have to seek it out at Sephora.
Wow, 6 weeks off for madtownteen, that sounds wonderful!
Happy Sunday!
I had the worst nightmare last night, it took me a couple of house to get over it when I woke up this morning. Then I decided to take myself out to a lunch, I put some Eau des Merveilles and went out. On the way to a restaurant I passed by my favorite perfume shop, sniffed some La Chasse aux Papillon and Soleil de Provence, both gorgeous. Too bad there are not available in travel size…
I hate nightmares like that! Ugh, sets the tone for your day unless you can turn it around, which it sounds like you did! 👏
I did, the afternoon was pleasant enough 🙂
I hope you sleep better tonight!
Thank you!
Ugh, hope you don’t have any more nightmares like that for a while!
Wearing vintage Obsession, just a smidgen, on this cold snowy day.
Hopefully everyone is doing well and enjoying the long weekend in the US.
Love obsession !
Vintage Obsession is incredible stuff.
Remembered my 🐰🐰🐰 before I became vertical this morning! I’m going to call that progress.
SOTD from the Sample Stash (missing all my usual suspects at this point 😢). I’m wearing MCG Noir Tropical from a dabber. It’s vanilla, so there’s nothing NOT to like for me, but it’s kind of just there. Nothing spectacular, low sillage, a bit boring.
Just reading about the new IRS 1099K that goes into affect this year and thought I’d bring it up here as it may affect some of the regular split folks. Here’s the gist of it: if you sell more than $600 of goods over a single financial year, the cash app you used to collect those funds will now be notifying the IRS and you will need to pay taxes on it (or face the wrath of the IRS). I think it’s amazing that the US Government is cracking down on this and yet letting big corporations use all kind of loopholes to AVOID paying MILLIONS…I guess it’s the American way. Anyway, if you split a few bottles a year, this may apply to you if you use a cash app to collect money.
If anyone purchased the BF Lilac Brûlée, I’d love to know what you think of it.
I remember them making this rule last year but they postponed it. Rather a shame. :/
😢 Yep.
Yeah, don’t get me started on US taxes. They LOVE to load up the expats with paperwork…unless, of course, the expat is a corporation.
I can’t even imagine what you have to go through…😢
I just doublechecked, but I think this is the case: the threshold in 2024 is $5000. The $600 threshold is supposed to go into affect in 2025. The issue is the amount of paperwork it requires from individual people. If you can deduct the amount sold by the amount you paid for the items—the threshold should be on profit. F&F transmits should not count. I’ve been watching this for years, and that’s what I’ve gleaned. Save receipts for everything you ever buy, even used items.
Well, I’ll have to consult the Split Queen to see if she would be willing to go through all this rigamarole just to split a few bottles of perfume. Somehow, I doubt any sane person would want to get involved in this. I was referring to 2025 since this year is already over. According to what I read, it applies to any form of payment (other than cash, obviously) including Amazon gift cards, but what do I know? I’m sure you’re right!
What rule? 🤔🤣
I remembered my rabbits!
I made it to work and am feeling stronger today.
It’s going to be a small Christmas here present wise. I can’t believe how much time I have spent looking for the best prices this weekend. In the cart… out of the cart.. it’s exhausting.
My sotd is Shalimar MJ. I am in agreement now with Kris that it’s a stand out in cold weather.
Glad you are feeling well enough to work.
I was surprised about Shalimar MJ working in the cold weather, but it does!
Glad you’re feeling better today. I think the cold weather us helping with some of my fragrances too! I find that it diffuses them a bit, making them airier (if that’s a word?)
I saw that the Shalimar MJ is still available. Hmm.. not that I need anything. I bet you smell amazing!
If you are a jasmine lover, you would like it! I say, go ahead and buy it Gail!
Glad to hear you are feeling better!
Shalimar is always great in any weather
So glad yo are feeling better. Safe travels on the road.
We’ll have a low-key Xmas too. I just asked for two soaps, although they’re pricey soaps😀
Happy to hear that you are feeling better today!
I am a jasmine lover, but I’ve spent enough $$$$$$$ for goodies this week already.
Christmas presents this year will be my usual tradition for family and friends of a very large donation to Animal Care Sanctuary Giving Tuesday drive. This year it’s for better cages for the kitties. This is a stand alone no kill shelter in Pennsylvania which took care of one of my feline grand babies until my daughter adopted her when she was almost seven. I try to support as much as possible and donate often to honor others, in memory of several and as swapmeet options.
I did, however, make a few purchases for birthday presents. My daughter’s upcoming next week Caron Pour Un Homme, her favorite lavender. And for my birthday four months from now I took advantage of Sarah Horowitz Thanksgiving sale and purchased a BUB of the custom blend she made for me almost thirty years ago when her company was known as Creative Scentualizations
All your gifts sound awesome!
I’m sure the shelter is very grateful.
Yes they really are. I know there are many of us here who are animal lovers and would understand my desire ti help out
So cool to hear about your shelter donation. All of my cats have been from shelters.
That’s such a wonderful, thoughtful Christmas gift!
My SOTD is my Myrrhe 55 from Le Labo, a relatively recent purchase that I still am fascinated by (sometimes it wears off). I am browsing the Black Friday/weekend sales to find bargains on other myrrh scents because it’s a note I want to explore more. I’m almost ready to pull the trigger on a good price for Tom Ford’s Myrrhe Mystere, a fragrance I tried in Saks on a sniffing expedition awhile back with Nancyleandros, and loved. But as far as getting a fragrance gift, I’d also like to get a bottle of the TF Ébène Fumé which I also loved.
Unsniffed: There was something on here just recently that several of us commented on as sounding very good. You were one of them, Robin. I’ll see if I can backtrack to find it.
Fragrance gifts: I give nice soaps to several friends, including some Penhaligon ones to guy friends; one of them particularly loves Blenheim Bouquet.
Found it! It was on Nov. 20th and the new scent was Aftelier Sacre Bleu, with blue lotus and Mysore sandalwood, among other notes. Let’s all try that one unsniffed and compare notes, eh?
Yes! I want that one a lot.
It’s only $300!
Which is why I want it and don’t actually have it! LOL. I hope she has some left once my bank account recovers from this trip and the Holidays…,
It sounded gorgeous to me as well.
I could never get behind Le Labo. I think because every time I went to a Le Labo counter in NYC the SAs completely ignored me. As if I was invisible. I thought that was awfully pretentious. Meanwhile has they treated me with respect I might have bought something 😂😂
Sigh, Le Labo’s pretension quotient is sky-high. The SAs in Nordie’s and Liberty’s were pleasant, if buying into their own hype.
Yes, I’ve seen them be rather obnoxious, true. Luckily there is a kind of small standalone one in my neighborhood where it’s often empty so the SA’s like having someone to talk to! I’ve kind of made friends with one of them and she’s quite nice. Their manager is a jerk though, but he’s not always there. The first time I ever saw the line was at Liberty’s in London and the young fellow there could not have been sweeter!
Well I’m happy to hear you’ve had good experiences 🧡
You should bring that gift bag I sent you a while back!
News flash, I pulled the trigger on Myrrhe Mystere and got it for a discount, so that is my Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Whatever gift to myself!
Minor miracle that I remembered to rabbit this morning! I think I’m fighting a cold (my son has a cold) or just worn out from too much Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving festivities over the past 3 days. So, just spending most of the day shuffling between the laundry room, the couch, and the kitchen for leftovers.
Not asking for any fragrance gifts this year. I was already more than generous to myself last month when I managed to purchase the reissue of Rauque. I missed it the first time because I wasn’t going to buy it unsniffed, and ended up sampling it after it had already sold out. I haven’t opened it yet and will probably save it for Christmas morning.
Unsniffed, I would probably want Shalimar Millesime Jasmine. Trying my utmost to avoid any blind buys though.
No scented gifts planned for anyone. I am quite surprised that I’m pretty much done with holiday shopping, although it’s just for my son & husband and we’re not a family that goes all out, especially now that my son is older.
Rauque is wonderful and such a nice gift to yourself🥰
Hope you feel better soon!
Get well soon.
Thanks, Aurora!
I hope you feel better soon!
Thank you, lillyjo. Glad to hear you’re feeling better now!
Rest up. Hopefully you will be feeling like yourself again soon.
I second that Mil. Jasmine. Feel better soon!
Still wafting Lampblack from last night.
1. My fantasy gift would be a “Bell Jar Bonanza” with mini bell jars of the entire collection!
2. Any unsniffed Serge
3. I might give some scented soaps, hand cream and candles.
Just wish your No 1 was available somehow, it’s an excellent idea.
Me too!!!
OMG I need a complete set of mini-bell jars!
It’s definitely a case of NEED vs. want.
Mini-Bell-Jars, ooh la la! I can see them in a string across the Christmas tree, sparkling and reflecting all the lights around them! Want!
They’ll be so bright, you have to avert your glance!
Mini bell jar bonanza sounds like the ultimate SL fangirl’s dream, sign me up!
I’ll put you on the list!
Wow! How big would those mini bell jars be? Bigger than a Hershey’s kiss, I hope. 😉
Definitely bigger. Quite big, in fact 🔔🔔🔔
Ooooh Allo, this is the best gift idea eveh!! To give as a gift or hang on the tree or over the entryway or deck the halls with or…
Sign me up too!
I recently saw in the NYT that the Bonne Maman jam brand has a jam Advent calendar of mini jars. I am probably too late to get it this year (though I still might if available) but next year for sure. Another excellent idea.
As to scented gifts, I always give perfume to family and they love it. My sister’s birthday is this week and I swapped for a big honking 200 ml bottle of Prada Iris (not completely full but she doesn’t care, she knows how this world works). That is one of her loves so won’t she be surprised! Not sure what my MIL is getting, perhaps a mini of vintage Joy parfum. One SIL loves vanilla so she’s getting a vanilla scent (not sure what) and one loves L’Artisan and the other loves Shalimar so there are plenty of possibilities.
And for my niece, who is getting a master’s in Celtic Studies in Glasgow, I have found a tiny vintage dimpled bottle of a Scottish Highlands Heather fragrance. It comes in a cute plaid box and is by the same folks who bring us Devon Violets. Still smells great. I know she might be able to find it in Scotland herself but she is sooo busy, I don’t think she gets out to shop much and she’s not an antique shop person. It’s just an add on for her, but I love thinking through who gets what. I have loads of other relatives but I won’t bore you.
As to my unsniffed Xmas prezzie, I won’t be greedy, I’d go for a small decant of L’Occitane’s Immortelle del Corse.
For some reason I’m super curious about how L’Occitane handles immortelle, which can be a difficult note if overdone, at least to my nose. I suspect they just hold an immortelle flower over the bottle for a minute, their stuff tends to be light, but then there is the original Neroli EdP which I love and it’s quite strong. Anyway, it’s D/C, so good luck to me. Are there antique shops at the North Pole, Santa?
I’m really enjoying reading about everybody else’s selections.
As to what I’m wearing, I finally got my mitts on some vintage Lyra by Alain Delon. It was created by Maurice Roucel in the 90s. Smells a lot like Shalimar, or one of those lemon chiffon flankers. I just have a few ml and have satisfied my curiosity and don’t need to hunt down a bottle now so that is always satisfying to cross a longtime lemming off the list.
Next weekend I’m attending a Xmas cookie party, where everybody brings a dozen homemade cookies and we all sample the wares. I absolutely love Xmas cookies, especially the iced ones in snowman and tree shapes. Really sparks my inner child. So I can’t wait and not sure what I’m gonna make but that will be another fun thing to plan.
Happy Holidays to all!
Hey Denise! Please click on my username and email me. I can satisfy your craving for a decant of Immortelle de Corse. No one here really talks about it so I may be one of a few who has it 😇 … I do love it and it is honey-sweet. Also please include your mailing address.
This is really so very kind of you, hajusuuri. I will PM you and thank you!
Uncle Serge, are you listening?
Happy December y’all! 🙂
My wife and I have been doing different advents for the past three years and this year mine is perfumes. I told her a bunch of different ones I want to sample and she’ll be giving me a random one each day, I’m so excited!
Today I’m wearing Arpege EDP.
I’ve asked my folks for the travel set of the Hermes Jardin series this year, it includes Un Jardin Sur le Nil which I already adore along with Un Jardin a Cythere which I can’t wait to try, I’m searching for my perfect pistachio perfume! It also includes Le Jardin de Monsieur Li and Un Jardin Sur la Lagune. I’m so excited for these!
If I were to ask for one unsniffed fragrance it would be Liam by Lataffa which is supposed to be a dupe for bdk Gris Charnel. I love a good tea scent and this one also sounds a little weird from how I’ve heard others describe it, which I love.
Gifting for others, hm… I have a friend who really wants to try TF Lost Cherry so I’d love to get a travel size of it for her 🙂
Arpege is so beautiful!
It truly is! I’ve been wanting to try it for quite some time, I’m glad I finally managed to.
Happy December to you as well, and welcome to the group!
Un Jardin Sur le Nil and Le Jardin de Monsieur Li are my favorites…hope you will love the Cythere as well.
Thank you Robin! I’ve been reading for a while but finally coming out from the woodwork to join in 😅
Greetings, Lottie-Latte!
Hi Jalapeno! 😄
Love your username! I’ll 2nd SarHN’s comment about Arpege;it’s truly beautiful.
Thank you AnnE! Is your username referencing Anne of Green Gables when she says she’s ’Anne with an E’? ☺️
No, although I’ve had people ask that before. It’s because my first name has no e, but my last name starts with an E.
Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit! December already. I spent part of the afternoon digging out Xmas lights from the tiny storage closet I have.
Poll questions!
1. Fragrance-related gift? I found one of my favorite scented lotions online earlier this week, so that’s been taken care of. Bought 3 of them.
2. Unsniffed perfume? Vintage Samsara parfum. Never can across it while it was around. Having it not cost an arm and a leg would be a bonus.
3. AFAIK, I am not giving any scented gifts this year.
SOTD = Fzotic Feu Secret.
Stupid typo. “Came across”, not “can”.
Love your Sotd!
Thanks allo! It’s a beauty.
Love samsara!
Me too! I do wish that Guerlain had kept the red bottles. They suited the perfume perfectly.
By chance it happened that I had a few samples sitting beside me in a bag on my side table; I noticed Feu Secret was in there. I put some on last night, and it lasted through to this morning. What a magical scent! It’s just hauntingly beautiful.
Feu Secret is one of the travel sprays I picked up during Fzotic’s Black Friday sale. Waiting for that to get shipped now!
That’s fantastic! Enjoy!
Fragrance gift would be for my Dad’s heart surgery today to go well so that there’s many more years of the smells of Thanksgiving cooking.
Unsniffed wish would be the new Fzotic–Lilac Brulee since it’s hard to find good lilac scents
Not giving any fragrant gifts this year
Best wishes for your father’s speedy recovery.
Hoping the surgery goes smoothly.
I hope your dad’s surgery goes very well and you will be able to enjoy many Thanksgivings ahead together!
Best wishes to your dad for the surgery, may you have many Thanksgiving together yet.
Fingers crossed and positive vibes sent for your Father’s surgery! Also hoping his recovery goes well. 🍀🍀🍀
I do hope that your father’s surgery was successful and the recovery not too painful.
Hoping your father’s surgery goes smoothly and well.
Have you tried A Drop by Issey Miyake? It’s a super realistic lilac with almond milk, I love it and it’s also a cheapie!
Sending more wishes for successful surgery and a very speedy recovery💕
SOTD is Ambre Fetiche. I’ve decided to quit coloring my hair as my gray is finally not just a mousy color, and today I’m seeing my stylist for a buzz cut as I haven’t the patience for a long grow-out process with highlights and lowlights etc. My stylist stamps her pretty little foot (figuratively speaking) and says it won’t be a buzz cut, it will be a Very Short Pixie. A distinction without a difference in my view. I’ve been ready for some kind of dramatic change for a while and since I already have quite short hair this is the logical step. Off to dig some dramatic lippies out of the makeup drawer!
A dramatic hair change is always exciting!
I did this during covid and it’s so worth it! Enjoy!
Ambre Fetiche is GORGEOUS!
How’d the lipstick hunt turn out?
Found a couple of deep plummy ones. Think I may give myself permission to buy one a little brighter and/or redder.
Volunteering later today…
my boss told me she is making a guest experience at some point, so I am looking extra put together. Put some TF eye shadow on and wearing a “new to me” pair of burgundy pants I scored off of poshmark.
SOTD Le Galion L’Ame Perdue
I have been on a hiatus from volunteering for a couple months while the high school seniors bank their required volunteer hours. Starting back in a couple weeks and really looking forward to it.
The only perfumes gift I am giving is Dolce and Gabbana Imperanince travel spray to my mom. I would love to receive Rose de Nuit as a Christmas gift but that’s not happening.
Wearing Rose de Nuit as I run a couple errands today.
I will not get my Xmas gift either Dawn!
Borneo 1834 from a spray decant. I’ve had this one for a long time, so long it’s become viscous and I have a hard time actually spraying it. It’s quite potent and seems more like a concentrate at this point. One or two more sprays and it’ll be time to say goodbye.
As far as the poll, I’m on a No Buy starting in January so I won’t be buying anything for myself or anyone else. Well, maybe a new bone for the doggo. If a bottle or sample of Epona or Lilac Brûlée fell into my lap, I wouldn’t be mad. 😃
No, that’s wrong! My No Buy starts TODAY! Really, it WILL start today! 😂
Ha. My no-buy for clothes starts TOMORROW.
What is Borneo like? Besides thicc!
It’s not my favorite. It’s a blast of menthol and then some strongman 💪 patchouli. I don’t get any chocolate or other notes. It might be because that initial blast of menthol burned out the receptors in my brain! 😂 I prefer a gentler, kinder patch, like Gypsy by SmellBent, but I know Borneo is ride or die for some folks.
Popping by to say that I’m wearing L’Astre from Le Galion, a recent purchase from earlier this year.
Hope it was a good day Gaynor!
1. Epona!
2. Epona! Good thing too, because I just ordered it from Indigo’s BF sale
3. Not this year. Last year, in a frenzy of generosity, I gave my friend my 2/3 full No. 19 parfum, and I kind of regret it. I’m now on the hunt for a vintage edt that doesn’t cost a fortune.
A no-buy January sounds good LOL!
I do hope that your friend cherished that No. 19 parfum!
Yay for Epona!
sotd = JD Vanille Farfelue from a sample
It’s aldehydes and some ylang-ylang. I like it a lot, though it’s so soapy I can almost taste it, if that makes sense.
Love this poll and reading everyone’s scented wishes. I’m wishing for a bottle of beloved CdG Avignon and maybe an un-sniffed gift of Astier de Villatte Ambre Liquide. I won’t likely give any scented gifts, unless gingerbread cookies count. 😁
I’ve been unscented for the past few weeks as I had RSV that turned into walking pneumonia. Perfume made my coughing worse. Blech.
But I’m happy the new month brings me a cough-less couple of days so far. STAY WELL scented friends and consider getting vaccinated for RSV if you’re in a high risk group. 🙏🤗
Oh no! Very sorry to hear you ended up with pneumonia, but glad to hear that you are starting to feel better.
I also thought about cookies counting as scented gifts! Glad you’re feeling better.
Oh no, so sorry about the pneumonia tiffanie!
I was in SL Vitriol d’Oeillet today. I haven’t worn it for awhile so I didn’t want to overspray. Thankfully it was very well-behaved.
I think I still have a mini of the Prada Infusion de Oeillet so I may have to wear them side x side.
Guessing the SL will kick the Prada to the side, but who knows!